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Requests Production of Correspondence on Matters Now Under Investigation by Us District Courts from Sources Other than Ying Kung Shih
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon, 05000000
Issue date: 04/13/1984
From: Calsoyas C
To: Palladino N, Ruckelshaus W, Seaborg G
Shared Package
ML20108D252 List:
FOIA-84-371 NUDOCS 8412130085
Download: ML20108D270 (2)




> 21 Uhite Cottage Road North 7 Angwin, Oslifornia 94508 April 13, 1984

  • Chairman Nunzio Palladino, NRC Dr. G. Seaborg, Adm. W. Ruckelshaus, Dr. Harold Brovin, Mr. S.D. Bechtel.

Dr. T. Pigford, Mr. Archibald Cox, Mr. C. Alexander, Jr ., Dr. B. Bolt-Dr. J. Oswald, Mr. E. Richardson, Mr. E. Hidalgo, Dr. R. H. Jahns Dr. J. Kemeny, Mr. Frank Carlucci, Dr. Hans Mark, Dr. StanleyiScott Mr. E. Brown, Jr., Mr. M. Peevey, Mr. E. Brown, Sr., Mr. J. Bryson

,Dr. Harold Denton, Mr. P. Cacheris, Mr. W.P. Tavoulareas, Admiral D. EngeG Inspector Isa Yin, Mr. B. Mezines, Mr. P.C.Warnke, Admiral J. Stockdale Mr.. Mitchell Rogovin, Independent Counsel J.A. Stein, . Admiral T. Moorer Mr. Peter Bradford, Mr. L. K. Crossman, Dr. D. Bennet, Regent E. Catter Dean Eula Bingham, Dr. Juanita Kreps, Dr. R. Tatarian, Trustee B. Civ11ett, Mr. Douglas Costle, Mr. Robert MacNeil, Dr. A. Vavoulis, Trustee E.H. Leva Commissioner.MMPertschuk . :,(In the Matter of the Conspiracy to Federal Trade Commission (License the Diablo Canyon Plant, t o Washington, D.C. (Violate the First Amendment, to

( Vitiate the Principle of Affirmative

( Action, etc.

Dear Dr. Palladino,

Mr. Portschuk et al. :

7 i You are nokw inSalt active Lake collusion with the U.S.

City, al. District and with Courts in President San Francisco, Ronald Reagan and Governor G. Deu3o-efica and their Cabihets in the matters now under investigation.( A) You are now informed that on 7 April 13, 1984, Chief Administretive Judge Paul The Cotter denied that New York Times, lie had been interviewed by Thr Washington Post, Christian Science Mo n itor, The Pacifica Foundation et al. on the matters now under investigation. Indeed Judge Cotter stated that he had never seen corre:,pondence originating with YING KUNG SHIH.

In particular no such correspondence was at any time transmitted to him by Regional Director John B. Martin, Mr. Gene A. Blanc, Mr. O.J.

Schubel, Mr. W.K. Coblentz, Dr. Elie Abel, Dean Peter Clark,' Dean E. R. Bayley, Mr. Richard Scaife, Board of Regents 'of the University of California, Bocrd of Trustees of Stanford University, American Nuclear Insurers, Bechtel Corporation, Board for International Broad-casting et al.(B) I now request you to produce correspondence on the matters now under investigation from any source other than YING KUNG SHIH.(C) Very truly ycurs,

[ [,

g g Enclosures 200 C.D. Calsoyas, .

VIA: Vice Premier Wan Li Assistant U.S. Attorney General for the Criminal Div on:-/ --

M Justice Dallin Oaks, U.S. DistrictDistrict Judge Bruce Jen Judge R. ece >m f7

$m us. Valena Minor Willicas, ".S.

@$g og Vice President Judith Woodard, U.S. District Judge T. enderscn nm Secretary Caspar Yleinbergce, Chicf Jutbice Warren Burger

$$dc Secretary D. Hodel, Attorney General W. French Smith mm Mr. Andrew Lewie, Salicitor Osneral R.E. Lee C. Siess Dr. R.A. Jo nos, Dr. J. Corba11y, Dr. C,P. Slichter, DP.

Cooy to: Professor J. Penzien Dr. H. Longuet-Higgins, FRS EERC, UC Ber keley British Broadcasting Corcorrition

p .

In Memoriam: YINC T'EI LIiG ,

'Af*As YING KUNG SHIH 7 21 '.ihite Cottage Road North Angv;in, California 94508 V'.ce president G. Bush eI May 10, 1984

'M.r. 'Jalter Mondale, Dr. Harold Brown, Mr. M. Rogovin, Mr.D. Costle Admiral J.Stockdale, Mr. E. Hidalgo, Mr. G. T. Fram-ton, Ms. H. Conley Admiral T. Moorer, Dr. 39ns Mr?k, Mr. Peter Bradford, De na E. Bingham Admiral D. Engen, Mr. C. *1exander , Jr., Asst. Sec. R.T. Kennedy, Dr.D.Bok Mr. James A. Baker III, Mr. Jacob A. Stein! Dr. R. Bernero, Dr. G.W. Thorn The White House In the i!atter of the Cons-iracy to License Washington, D. C. the Diablo Canyon Plant, to Violate the First Amendnent, etc.

Dear Mr. Bush,

Mr. Mondale et als -

You have been in corrupt intcractich 9nd gross ao11usion with the Nuclear Regulatory Commissi,n, 30 erd for International Br.ondcasting, Common Cause, et al. and v

  • tr President Raanid Rengen and his Cabinet in the matters now under 1. vctigation.(A) You are now informed that on May 3, 1994, the Depertmo of Energy confirned that the Office of -

Naval Reactors was unable tc identify any calculations performed in analyzing flaws in the design of easks used in shipping naval nuclear reactora.(B) You are now inforced that the Society for Risk Analysis 3

has been . unable to produce a single letter on the matters now Iunder enclose

- investigation frorc eny source other than YING KUNG SHIH.(C)

' copies of my letters to the following nersons for your transmittal to U.S. Attorney General '.i. French Smith:

l'. Inspector General J. Welsch, Dept. nf of Transportation (Nov.15, Energy (November 16,1983) 1983)

2. Inspector General J. Richards, Dept.
3. Dr. Glenn Seaborg, Yr. Edward Brooke, Rep. Shirley Chisholm v (Nov.15,83) 15, 1983)
4. Dr. Robert Hughes, Dr. P. FacAvoy, Mr. George M. Low (No .
5. President D.J. Benr.ot, NPR, Deca E. Bayley, Dr. Elie Abel (Nov.15,83)
6. Chairman Yori Wada, Counsel P. Bernard, Counsel R. Gong (Nov.15, 83)
7. Secretary C. Leinberger, Chairnan S. Rockefeller, CPB (November 14,83)
8. Director R. Bernero, Division of Risk Analysis, NRC (November 10, 1983)
9. Ambassador Zhang Wanji", Paople's Republic of China (September 23, 1998 I now request you to produce or to identify tl's documents that John A.

Blume & Associates revie'~d for tSc At6mic 2ne)gy Comnission (NRC) in performing their REVIEW OF THE SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA FOR- THE TROJAN esigned NUOLEAR PLANT (Docket Wo. 50-344), Jur.e 23,1970, pp.103-109, I refer to my letter b:r Mr. Roland18,L. Sheroe and Mr. Garrison Kost.(D)to U.S. Di etrict Jud6c R 1983,~

of No vember J.A.Blume et al., a copy of which has been in the hands of Coorer, Dw.

the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers since January 1, 1984.

yo E1 closures 200 Very truly'g.urs, VIA: Vice Premier Wan Li: Mr.R. Nixon C./k yn Vice Pr7mier Li Perg: Mr. G.R. Ford )

Chairman Kong Xun: Mr. James Carter , C.D. Calsorgit Ph.DJ Ambassador Zhang Wenjin: Dr. A. Hammer Mr. S. D. Bechtcl, Mr. Gerald Stern IA!II Mr. Walter Scott, Jr, .Mr. Gordon Reese Copy to:11'.J.Penzien, EERC : Dr. H. Longuet-Higc, ins, FRS, BEC Messrs. Roc' efellar, Mr dsrs. Brown, Meners. Rukeyser