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2RE02 Inservice Insp Summary Rept for Sys Pressure Tests at South Texas Project Electric Generating Station Unit 2
Person / Time
Site: South Texas STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 03/13/1992
From: Raul Hernandez, Pathak A, Timmaraju S
Shared Package
ML20090L767 List:
NUDOCS 9203230193
Download: ML20090L770 (10)


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1 l J




IUil'OllT  :


' P. O, llox 289  :

Wadswor th, Texas - 77483 USNRC DOCKET NO.: 50 499  ;

OPERATING LICllNS!! NO.: NPF 80 COMMERCIAL OPERATION DNI'll: June 19,1989 i li tepared by: ,__g;fN 6 U ],, / 2 - O. - _.

A. P.1Eilisk Consulting lingineer Codes & Standaids ,

W Reviewed by: _ ,/*.4% ,- w' 3 - /? # 2-S. Timmaraju -STr Consulting lingineer Codes & Standards Approved by: ^48' k /@/?Z R. R. Hernandez ' Manager 1%ign Engineering Department d


i TM ilSTAN4 A ,

9203p30393 920316 hDR ADOCK 05000499 PDR

- . - . . - . - . - . - . - , , , _ . . . , > . - . . , _ . . . - - - . . - - . _ , , , _ . . . . . - . - . . . - , . - . , - - . , . ~ . , - , .

m___.._.m______. ._ __- _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _


! SiCOPli 21111E.S YSIlihil'RiiSS11BEliIILE Tin. examinations summarized in this report were performed in accordance with the 1983  ;

Edition through Sununer 1983 Addenda of the AShit! Code,Section XI which is applicable ,

to the South Texas hoject Electric Generating Station Unit 2. This report covers selected ,

4 AShiE Code Clas; I and 2. Systems / Components, lixaininations and tests required by the l' Code are scheduled in accordance with " Inspection hogram Ir' as defined in lWB 2412 nnd IWC.2412 for AShiB Code Chiss 1 and 2 Systems / Components respectively. All AShiE  :

Code Class 1 Sys' ems / Components were examined ns piescribed by Tab!c IWib25001, '

Examination Category IbP whl:h established the examination frequency at each refueling outage. The ash 1E Code Class 2 Systems / Components were selected on a random basis.

This random selection process "cill continue until all ash 1B Code Class 2  ;

- Systems / Components are examine in accordance with Table IWC.25mbl, Examination Category C H. This examination cacgory for ash 1E Code Class 2 Fystems/ Components .

established the examination frequency at each inspection period. The remaining first period  ;

4 examinations are anticipated to_ be completed by the end of the fitst inspection period  :

(6-19-92) and will be reported after the Unit.2 third refueling outage (21tE03).

[ The System Leakage Test [lWA 5211 (a)) conducted on Class 1 Systems / Components in .

I accordance with Examination Cmegory lbP also satisfied the system pressure test required by IWA 5214 (c) subsequent to the disaasembly and reassembly of mechaniert jointo in -

ASN1B Code Class 1 components.

l b

1 l

r 1

i I.

l l


'l'A!1351Mt A

- , . _ _ . . , _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . . , . _ . . - . - . . . . . , . . _.u _ _ . . . . _ . - . . _ . _ _ _ _ . , __

, PAGE 1 of )  ;


FORH HIS-1 DVtJER'S HEPolt? Polt ilJSERVICE INf.PECTIotJD As :equited by the Psovinions of tho ASHH Code Itulen  !


,_ _ . . ___e,- .

1. Ostmr Jmtm 1.frJjting & twr Cityany _Eloet rielw,rg .P_O. Ikw 1700, linnt m, W 77001 f (ll. m ard Mdresa of Cuer)
2. Plant Suth Tepas Project Elect ric G3nerating Station P. O. IbQh W1.with 7X g 77483 (11mo ard Mdress of Plant) -

J. Plant Unit 2_ , 4. CWr Certificain of Autlnrlzation (if required) 11/A i e

5. Cmemrcial Service Dato 06/10/89 6. flational 1:oani !)ttJer for lhlt _ ti/A _ _ _ _ _
7. Catononu a w. ed /222: QU: O#.3_1_ PIPDC /JiD 0120!!JII5 tignfactutut
C4 Trmat or !Lunif act urer or Installer State or tutional l Qqtf,naw
e n _ or Inntaller furial _ flo. Prminee Ib. huniIb.

RE/CIm VIISIL 032 RUT 10I imilan110/

1 Rip?fM201A _Mugt n t1G1H),_ 12173 _ _ tl/A 21391 _

!!111. OrllEl%'Iut 1R122!TI201A_ MNrlinftTfE,jji)__. 2151 ._ ._ 14/A . 29 p!Jni. Q107a7tTt __ _

l Jtl,22.tD120l b

!!111. G M 7Wiut WrJ17tGDEE 01) _ _.

2152 II/A _D 1R122tE:201C MCTDnt1EE (H) 2153 t1/A 31

!TDi. 3DOW1Ut '

1R1221rG20lp MrrirGt1CE (M) 2154 ti/A 32 s PRII421ZlR '

1R122!JPZ201A MSI11GnCE (H) 2161 ft/A 19 _



1R13211PP201A MUTUntISE (t1) __ _

l-11 G E02 tt/A 46 i IC IMT 1R1321JPP201b WSTIld 0CE (M) 2-11SEMLG2 ft/A 47 5C Ptif 1R132hn?201C V.ETUMf1EE (Mt 3-ll5E58Cm2 ti/A 48 .

IC lit?

IR132tiPP201D MSIDGMCE (M) 4-ll!4?ADT2 , ti/A 49 CLASS 1


DMG) (1) II/A 11/A tJ/A CTMES 1 VALWS VARIOS t1/A ff/A 11/ 6 1

V tUTE: SJpp' mental sheets in form of list s, rhtclm a, or drivirt,a imy to usod, provided (ll-sizo !s 61/2 in, X 11 in.,- (2) Infonmtion in ituto 1 thrunf,h 6 on this regutt is incluled on ,

each sleet, and (3) each alcot is imLered ard tic ruter of stoeta is recorM at tie top of  !

this for.n.

4 m i 5  ;




1 l

NISA.CLI.2RE02 1 i


PAGE 2 of 3 j

.i P0hti 1415-1 (Bach) {


8. Fx.vninatico futen ,12/1?/00 _ to _l2/it1/01, 9. Irmp>ct he intoival f run 06/19/80 to 06/19/9'>  !

I 10.' Alatract of IMninattms. Incitda a list of esaninatims ard a statm mt concern!rg status of wik +

tovired for currimt interval. IWfer to Dgplesmnta! 51 cot Page 3 of 3. ,


11. Atotract of Cctditica lbted  !

tb relevant corditims af feetire preneurs rntainits tuudarles wre roted.

12. Atstt xt of Corrective thauures Pecamended ard Tabn Refer to Dipplmental Stret Page 3 of 3. (

Vo certify that tio n,tattrrents tade in thjs re; ort are corsect ard tim cuninatics ud correct ivt tirasures tidTn cctilotta to tie tvles of tha /afd Caio Srction XI.

Certificate of AudorirAtim ib. (if ajplicable; _ IJ/A __

ikph ation tuto , )!1/A Date- j - 3 19 9 2, Sigre.1_ lhnton IJgigrg & hwr Ox b/

Wrcr bfD. //Itazer A.9 l 7

Manager, P' wt Ergineerirg i I

ClXrir!CXIE W llO2 NICK 111"il1L'rl(11 l I, the urdersigned, icidire a valid eminitalon iraal by On IJatimal Ibard of Icilor aid Pressure Veucel j Ingectors ard de StAto or Province of h xan- afd molcyod by Astvrir,nt thtual innuranc,e Co. of {

_L ibr1,Q tMS . love irep'ct ed tJn engrwenta descrital in thin Omer'n Iw; ort 3aring Om period 'l-jff?// to' /d ~/f

  • I// , a.v1 atato I that to tin test of rrr/ knwledge ard tulief, tic Omer las gerforwxt nx.rninatkm ard taket. corrective reures dimcritrA in this Omer's Pt; ort In acconiance vitt tie ingcction plan ard to requirni tiy tJe laE Cafe, rection XI.

l By sir,nlig this certificate rattler tic Ithp ctor nor his meloyer rukn any warranty, expressed ,

or Airplied, cmcerning tie exaninations n'wi correctivo rmourrm deactitui An uns, Cwtwr's De[ntt. lurtl'erwre, ,

noitter tin Ingector ror his mployer shall le 11able in any runner for any }cruonal injury or prqorty  ;

d.nge or a loss of any kind arlstre f run or cormected vidi this irspection. 1 F/CitRt !UlttAL SYLT!N



4Le(ddc _

Cara?desicem 1X 826 _ _ _ _ _ _

B. H. Rusnell, Instector's Signature IJational Ibard, State Prwince, ard lidorurents -

Pete 3 -/} - _19 9 2-Y l:

l l- e r L

r l

i-r11 S 1.t* Li . 2 RE02 s

,-.; ._.2,__._;_,..,. _ . . , . - - . . _ _ _ . . - - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , _ - . _ . , , . . _ _ _ . _ . , ,.u..-.,

_ m _.-..____.-___~m - - - . _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ . . - _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _

t PAGE 2 of 3  ;

F0hM 1115-1 (Back)

. 8. -JXtranAt im Dates 12/12/VJ to _)2/)6/91

9. Irejectim Interval f awn 06/.19. /.69. to 0. 6._/_10/_t) .


10. Atatract of thaninstima, incluie a list of euussinatima ard a r.tatment ettremire stattn of wrk teqaired for current interval. Ikf er to !Aqp!temntal t'. et Page 3 of 3. [
11. Abstract of Cotditions ibted ,

16 relevant corditites Affectlic pressure retainire lovdaries wie noted.  !

12. Atctract taf Corrective ibasures Ikemnerded ard Taken Iwfer te,, 34plmental Sleet Paca 3 of 3. l We certify that 11e statments nait in this relott are correct atd tic cut.inations aid currective reasures taken ecnfortn to tie tulee of tie NJE C4de Section XI. j Certificate of Autfraritatico Ib. (if a;plicable) b'/A .,,, bcpiratico bate .

4 11/A f

Date _ ) " ) _

10M Signed _lheton U f j11,rtpJwr On. by A  !

(uner D. A Inn r tbnger, Plant Tr(ineerlig f i

CatrIFICA'!T. Of IICl) NICE IfrJ'it' Elai

)i tJe utdersignad, icidirc a valid emrrassion issud trf tin IJatlonal Foard of Iciler ard Presme Vecsel Ins;ectors ard tie State or Prwince of Te m ed en loyoi by MVericht Hitual _1nsurarre Co;. of {

lbt w A d itSS. - turve ite;ccted Lin cattzonents ducrited in this O nor' d h b. duris [ tie lyricd_fhf 4 -)G/f to M - /[ * (// , nrd state l that to tie test of try knwledge ard Selini, tic Curmr las lerforwed enrSnatione ed taken corrective. 4 tre.arurea descrited in this 0,ener's iW[ ort fra accordance with the itwloction plan ed s aviaired by tre /JM2 thfe, icction XI. ~

By signite this certificate neitter tie Ins [cetor nor his aT oyer l rdes any warranty, expressed cr irrplied, conceming tJe exaninations ard actrective neasures descritad in thin Cuner'n Pelort. Furtiernor e, reitter tin Irgector ror his egloyer dall le lisble in any runaar for any terw;nal irdun or pruerty datvce or a locs of any Pird arising f rtra or corrected with this inclection.

T/CItkY ffJIllAL SE*lill  !


.t M L W Z4 < __ Owdnaims %82,A _ _ _

B. R. Passell. -Ins;ector'a Signature flational Icard, State, Prwirre, ard Ddorsments ,

,,,, 3 -ff - 19 9 P- ,


c ,

1 111St.CLl.2RE02 ,

- ,n-- -

, ,- ,me m.-w,ww,---- ,-.m, --,-- , tee, r, .m+~.. ,, -mm,, ,.--m,m ..r-, m, v. . ,-e,r w ,.-rnr.-



1. Owner lhistcc Ligigtlyg 5 lber Orparav _ Elect ric_ T(wr, P. O, hm 17(X), I b m t ' _ , 'IX 77001 (ftem ard Mirena of (Vnor) l 2. Pla'it South Texas Profeet Elect ric G ner at irdat,1c,tn,__ P. O. IVm 289, Watt.hrt hn TX _7743}_

(!kim a d Mdiens of Plant)

3. Plant Unit 7 4. CWr Certificate of Auttorizatiem (if tmtored) ,N/A l S. Grxercial Service D;.te _06/10/89_,, 6. Naticoal Soard tutior for f. hit N/A _

>- 10. ABSTRACT _OF EXgillATIONS A System Lnakage Test as prescribed by .IVA-5211(a) for all ASME Code Clasa 1 Pressure Rotalning Components was conducted in accordance with Table IVB-2 500-1, Exaniinat ion Cat egor y B-P, Item Non. B15.10, B15.20, B15.30, B15.40, B15.50, B15.60 and B15.70.

Thn Pressure Test and VT-2 visual examinations were conducted in accordance *

'#1th $urveillance Prosaure Ten'. Procedure. OPSP15-RC-0001, Reactor Coolant System Lonkage Pressure Tent (Rev. 0) at the conclusion of the necond refueling outage. ASME Code Class 1 piping and valVet are specifically identifled in the above referenced procedure.

In addition, the above System f.eakage Test also satisfied the requirement for a System Prewaure Test subsequent to the disassembly and rnannembly of .

mechanical jointa in ASME Code Class 1 componenta as prescribed by IWA-5214(e).

Also, Syatem Pressure Tests subsequent to the disassembly and reausembly of mechanical jointo in ASME Code Class 1 coinponents au prescribed by IVA-5214(c) were conducted in accordance with OPGP03-ZE-0027, ASHE Section XI Post-Maintenance Pressure Tests (Rev. 3) for irsdividual work itema performed out. side the scope of the second i efuellr g outage.


12. ABSTRACT _OF COHRECTIVE MEASURES RECOMMENDED AND TAKEN The Visual Examinations (VT-2) performed during these Pressure Testa found only minor leakage at mechanical jointa such as valve stems and flanged connections. These leaks were evaluated and determined acceptable for continued syntem operation. Appropriate corrective action wan initiated to correct: these leaks.

. J EA.P b'/ . . J,, ' Ibte 3- 3 9 2-Factory Rtual by j <

v2 f.Z - Ibte h/2 - O D. A. I F.' @.or B. R. Russell, ANII.

Manager, Plant Ergineerita q' h


-._ _ .__ _ _ ~._,-



.- As required by the Provintona of the ASHH Codo Hulou

, b._ __ . - . . _- __.


l 1, 2w r jlpton Iqtyng & Jgfgspny Elect ric 'liwr, P. O. Paw 17NJ rIbaton, "lX 77001 <

(N.r:e and Mdress of 0.'ncr) ,

2. 1-lant Scut h Texan l'copet Elect rle Gwra*.ltg Statiert . P. O. Tkw 2A9, hinworth,1N 77483 i ( ar.J Mdress of Plant) i
3. Plant Unit 2 4. CWer Certificate of A2tforfration (if re<pirW) N/A _,,,_ l
5. Osmnrcial Tetylce Date 06/19/B9 6. National Ibird 14stler for Unit 11/A
1. Qqonents I qwtni K!E aN CKG ,,,2_ P11'im WiD QMilWIS l ttunufacturer Osqv.nent or ttuutacturer or Installer State or Hattonal  ;

/gurtenance or Installer Gerial Ib. Provinco tb. Iba:Tl Ib.

TGB hsrp 2A -

2R162ft'A201A Pacific hrg _

$1734 N/A 353 14R harp 211 -

2K163JPA2,01B Paef fle_ harp $1735 N/,A, 364 1MR Brty 2C 2R162N"A201C Pacific _hrp 51736 IJ/A 365 , i IUIR lh 2A 2H16214tC01A Jogh Cat Clry. ,

2312-4D ' N/A 993 ,

14R ik 2B  ;

Jceeph Oat Ccorp. N/A 9%

2D162!atC01B ,, _ 2312-4E 10Hik 2C 2R1621&IX201C Joseph Oat Corp. 2312-4F f1/A 995 -

IOC Coil 21A 2V142 VIE 001 h erican Air Filter 90679frCl fl/A 865 IO C Coil 21A 2V142MfX001 _ Merican Air Filter ,,,,

40679642 N/A 866 lO C Coll 21A L 2V142ViC @ l Merican Air Filter W6706-C3 N/A 867 TOC Coil 21A 2V142M N001 Merican Air Filter 906796<4 N/A 868 IG C Coll-21A. ~ , .

2V142MD'.001 kerlenn Air Filter 006796-C5 t*// 869-ICE Coll 21A 2Vl42Mt@l kerican Air Filter 906796-D1 N/A 895 IO C Coil 21A 2V142Mt @ l kerlean 'Alr FiIter 06706-D2 N/A 896 IO C Coll 21A 2V142Vit001 _kcrican Airyter 906796-D3 N/A _

897 l 10C Coil 21A l

2V142M tC0 l _. _ _ kerican Alr. Filter -

90679&f4 N/A 899  ;

i. IO C Coll 21A- ..


L 2V142\],CQ korican AILFilter 905796-D5 N/A _ 899

- tTJIEt ~ f.ulplesrent al sleets in form of -lists, detcrna, or drawings tray to twx!, Provided (1) -

nim is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) Informatica in Ittmi I thrwe,h 6 on this report is inelated on each rdvmt, arv:1 (3) occh recet is utmlertd and tJe nit:ter of rJeets is reconiexi at tre tcp of

' thin form. ,




l r NI S I . CL2. 2 ftE02 '


- .-- - . . _ . . - _ . - _ . _ . - . - - . - - . _ - . _ . - . . . ~ . ~ . - . . -

PAGE 2 of 7 '

e FOR!i!!!S-1 (Back) a t Exaninatico Dates 12/12/90 to _12/1B/01_ 9. Inspction Interval isua 06/19/09_ t,o 06/19/99 t


10. Atutract of Duminations. Inchde a list of ex.rninaticos z.rd a statamnt caretnire states of wik t req 21 red for current Refer to Surp1 mental S!ect Page 7 of 7.
11. Abstract of aniltims ibtod '

lb relevrat arditions affectire pressure rotatiby turdarles w'o noted.

12. Alstract of Corrective rbasures Focumended ard Taken refer to Durplemmtal Slect. Page 7 of 7. ,

We certify that de statmcats rudo in this relort ate correct ard On omoninations arvi certretive rmtwures taken ccnfonn to tim rules of tJn /M Ctdo, Sectico XI.

Certificate of Autinriration Ib. (if applicable) _ Mg, Dcpiration Luto @ , _ _ _


3 "3 1981 Signed ,_lJmton 1.ightirg & Imr Co Dy ) [ - ci

.Date Owner D h/,/g1 carery,,_

Plant Fagineerirc rimager [


! 1,- tJm undersigred, tolding a valid ccranission' inmied by tlwr llational 11 card of !biler ard Prt: smite Wsnel ,

Innpoctors ard tJe State or Province of _ Texas ard arployed

  • rf _,


  • hvo inspected tJe ccigonents descrited in this ,

Owrer's Report durits the pericdjd "/ O </ o _ _,,

to 49 -/d. 9t _ , , ,, a.d state tMt to tic tes; of ctr imcwledge ard telief, tie an?r hau performd exaninations and taken correctivo ceasures descrited in tids Omer's Iklert in accordance with the inclection plan ard as req 11 rod ty tic N2E i Code,Section XI.

By signite this certif Pate noitkr Llo inspetor rcr his mployer rmkca any warranty, expressed or inplied, concerning the exantnations ard corrective smaaures descrited in this ther's Iktort.' IWtheimre, '

reitler tro Irsrector ror hir mployer t.hs11 to liable in any tranner for any percenil injury or property l danags or a loss of any kird arising frran or connected with this ins.poction.


.t.w_2 /. o _ Ccntnisslora 1X-82G

___e .

' Bc R. itr.soll,- Iru:pector's Signature flational Boa.rd, State, Pnwince, ar.' Ddorr.ments &

Date d -/ 9 - 193/- _.

i i

e I

1_'_  ;

_111S1.CL2.2RE02 l=


. PAGE 3 of 7 SUPPL.Dil'.tn A1, 1 Olt ASME CODE C1. ASS 1. PIPING A!!D COMi'O!J1:NTS

. =====r=r- -- n==r rr- - r--" ~=ncrrrrrr=rrrrr- .c==== -- :-

1. Owner ljygtro !_i t h' 1,tplitr Origny F.het ric Ter, P. O. lux 1700, ihmt on1 J1_ 7,7_001 (fixe awi Atizens of Cwer)
2. Plant Smth Texas Proiect Elect s te G'norv.iryJt at ico P. O. Ibx 2891 y13tl,g, 1 ~13 77483 _

(line a!d /df ress of Plant)

3. Plant Unit 2 4. (Ver Certificate of lon (if ropiitod) N/A c
5. Carrretal Service Ibte 06/19/67 6. Nat ional Ibant 11oder f or Unit 11/A _

ttutuiactut or Orpnent, or tianaf actut er or Irntaller State or I;at hoal M mtenaro_ or _ Ire.t al ls;r ferial ib. Prwinen Ib. Iban! t}L_,

!OC Coil 22A 2V142 tit 002 Merican Air i11ter 906796-C6  !!/A 070 ICIC Coil 22A 2V142t1ND02 keriera Air Filter 90/>796-C7 N/A 871 IO C 0311 22A 2V142 VIN 002 kerican Air Filter W796{3 N/A 872 10 C Coll 22A 2V142MN002 Merican Air Filter 900'!96-C9 , N/_A_ 0]_1_

IO C Coil 22A 2V142\it@2 Arerican Air Filt er 9X796-C10 N/A 874 IG C Coll 22A 2V142VIK002 Merican Air F..ter 936796. % N/A 909 TO C Coil 22A 2V142M MD02 /cerican Air Fi1ter 906796 D7 N/A 901 IO C Coll 22A 2V142\iN002 Amrican Air Filter 906796-10 N/A 902 ICC Coll 22A 2V142VD E 2 turican Air Filter 906796-In IJ/A 903 ICIC Coll 22A (V142Vi t@2__ _ kerican Air F:.Itgr 906796 D10_ , N/A 9%

IO C Coll 21B

, 7V142 vim 003 k erican Air Filter t'06? ?6 <'11 N/A B75 FC'C Coil 21b 2V142VLN003 kerican Air Filter 00A796-Cl2 N/A 876 IC" CoC 21B 2V142VIC N 3 _ fretican Al_r r'ilter 006196-C13 11/A 877 _

IO C Coll 2iB 2V142VM.@ ? kerican Air Filter 406?96-C14  !!/A B78 IG C Coll 21B 2V1420 tOO3 kerican Air Filter 00670s Cl5 N/A 879 ICIC Coil 2115 2V142MC@3 Merican Air Filter 90679f. Dl! N/A 905 10 C Coll 21B 2V142\1N003 Arcricx. Air Filt er 906706-D12 N/A 9%

  • IOC 'bi t 21P 2V142M COD 3 kerictn Air Filter n06795-D13  !UA 907

') ,/ )

, / /.) / /

ICAP by , (. ' g$g% Nto 3 - 3 " 7 7 Factar'/ liitual ty _/)d n o,g s b . R . It eme l l , A'il l Iute 36 N D, A. Imr/:r o litnager, Plant fuirstorire NIsl.C:.2.2RE02

, PAGE 4 of 7 l SUPP1.EMENTA1. l



. t

_ _ . _ . _ _ _ . . =  ;

1. CVner limston Lighting & Per Captny Electric Tg P. O. h IX10, lhoton,1X 7KOL i (thm and Mdress of Owner)
2. Plant Set:th Texan Projret "lectric Cenerat_frg Station l'. O. h 289 %dswrt h,l *IX 77483_

(Nrn ard Mdress of Plant)

3. Plant tlnit _ 2_ 4. Cuner Certificato of Autlorizatic.) (ifrequired) N/A s
5. Ccrmercial Servict Date 06/19/89 6. National Board Ittter ihr linit N/A


liunfactuter Cciquent or fianufacturer or Irataller State or llaticual

/gntrtenance or installer _ Serial ib. ,

Prw ince Ib. 5 std Ib. ,_

i IO C Coll 21B 2V14,M1C@3 kerican Air Filter 90$_796_-D14 N/A 008 lO U Coll 21B >

2V142 tit @3 /ccrican Air Filter 906796-D15 N/A 909 JO t Coil 22B 2V142\104XM &crican Air Filter 90679 K 16 N/A 800-Int Coil 22B

[V142\1MX4 _kcrican Air Filter 906796-C17 N/A 881 fG C Coll 22B 2V142\1MX% kerican Air Filter 906796-CIB N/A 882 G C Coll 223 2V142tHX004 korlean Air Filter 906796-C19 N/A 883  !

IC T Coll 223 2V142tm 004 /corican Air Filter ~

9067 4 C20 N/A ~

884 TO C Coll 22h  ?

2V142\1?XD'4 hmrican Air Iilter - 906796+D16- N/A 910 IO C Coll 22B '

2V142\1t @ 4- kcrican Air Filter 906796-D17 N/A 911 TOC Coll 22B -

2V142\1MX4 kerican Air Filter - 9067 4 D18 N/A 912 TO C Coil 223 i 2V142\1tX004 kerican Air Filter  ; 9067 4 Dl9 N/A ,

913- l IO U Coll 22B . _

2V142\1MXE Meridan Air Filter 9067 4 D20 N/A 914 .

FC C Coil 21C _ <-

2Vl42\m 005 Merican Air Filter 90679K21 N/A 885 FC C Coil 21C '

i: 2V142\1,N00$ Merican Air Filter ,_

906796-C22 _

N/A _

886  ;

, IO C Coll 21C I

2V142\HXD05 Merican Air Filter 9007 4 C23 N/A _B87 IQ U Cni! 21C 2V142\1My5 knrican Air Filter 906796-0 4' N/A 888 IO C Coll 21C L 2V142\1M005 korican Air Filter 906796-C25 N/A 889 fG C Coll 21C l'

2V142\1t@5 Morican Air Filter - 4')6796-D21 N/A _ 915 l -

. ,l ' ./ -

IRAP tc/ h. Qw Date 3'-3 ~'7 2- Factory Httual by ,. 4<unD Date

/2 ',4 l D.A.Igazer B. II. Russell, NHI l - Mwicer, Plant Figireerire NIS1.C1.2.2RE02 l


._. __ _ _ - - - _ , _ . _ _ . . . _ , _ _ . . . . . _ . _ . _ . . _ , . - . _ . ~ . _ _ _ _ . - - _

1. Daner Ikuston Lighti's & Pewr Cctrpany . Elo trJe Tcer, P. O. Ikw 1703,_ Hutm, W _UM 04mn atxi Mdress of Damr)
2. Plant ,_Scuth Texas Project Electric Cenerat irg Stat ion _

P. O. Itx 289, Vxinwrth, TX 77483 (Nxo arel Atiress of Plant)

3. Plant Unit ,,,_, 2 4 Oanor Certificate of Autlortration (if required) 14/A
5. 6. National Ibard lader for Unit _ _ N/A Cctrercial Service Date _06/19/89 thtufacturer Ccqxnent or fianufacturer or installer State or Naticnal Serial Ib. taard Ib.

Appurtenance _or installer _Prvvince Ib. _

TO C Coll 21C 906796-D22 N/A 916 _

2V142VfD:005_ _ /c Jean Air Filter _ ,

TO C Coll 21C

_2V142Vrt4)05 kerican Air Filter E 796-D23 N/A 017 TOC Coil 21C 2V142VID:005 - kerican Air Filter 906706-D24 N/A 918 TO C Coll 21C 2V142\10(305 kerican Air Filter 906796 D25 ft/A 919 IOC Coil 22C 2V142VIC(006 kerican Air Filter 906796-C26 ll/A 890 ,

tot Coil 22C 2V147WD*006 kerican Air Filter 906796-C27  !!/A 891 FO C Coll 22C 2V142VID(006 &crican Air Filter 906796-C29  !!/A 892 IO C Coil 22C 2V142VICC)D6 knrican Air Filter 906706-C29 N/A 893 IO C Coil 22C N/A 894 2V142VfD(006 kerican Air Filte n 9_06796-C30 _

IO C Coil 22C 2V142V}D(D06 - kerican Air Filter 906796-D26 N/A 920 ICFC Coil 22C 2V142VfD:006 Amrican Air Filter _

906796-D27 N/A 921 IOC Col.1 '12C 2V142VfD'006 kerican Air Filter 906796-D28' N/A 922 IO C Coll 22C 2V142Vit<D06 kerlenn Air Filter ,906796-D29 N/A 923 ,_

!OC Coil 22C 2V142V}D:006 ,

kerican Air Filter 906796-D30 N/A _ 924 Regen, ik 2A

. 2R172!ED'201A Joseph Oat Corp. 236G41B N/A 2052 Ecess L,D. Ik r 2A 5R1721 3 203A Jcceph Oat Corp. 2312-3B N/A 909 l_

_ ,LD. Ik 2A

'5R1722 W 202A- Joseph Oat Corp. 2312-1B N/A 987 Seal Vtr. lk 2A 4R1721W20'.A Joseph Oat Corp. 832 WA [__ s 255 - ,

LWv IEAP b[ A h . Dat@ $ Factory mtml by Date J @ Z?

B. R. Itussell, Rill D A.f/ eazer thnap,er, Plant Engineerire NIS1,CL2.2RE02-a -; , - -- , - -_....c., -

,,n.,m,..w, n.,.....~ n,.-r - ,, e .r,---n,r,.v,,,---,mn,

  • TOR



. -z --

,__ - _- n Elect rin *Rwr, P. O. Ikw 1700Jumton iTX 17001


1. Owner ihmton h ting fi Iber Orpny Otro and Mdrer.s of Ownar)
2. Plant ikuth Texas Pro [eje I"ectric G,nerat tre Statim P. O. Ikw 20'1, Witwxth, TK 17483 (Nmn ard Mdrecu of Plant)
3. Pinnt Unit _ ,2 , 4. Owner Cert tilcate of AutJorir.atim (if rmpitcd) _ ti/A
5. CLuruttlal Scavjeo Date ,,_06/19/80 6. National Ikunt Itruler for Unit il/A '!

l Kvutactw er Ca panent or Knufactmer or Installer Stato or National ginrtenance or Intieller ferial Ib. P wince Ib. Ihard 1b.

CCP 2A 011 Clr 2R172NPA201A hmrieran Stmjard 9 20001-01-30 N/A__ 32449

, 07 2B 011 Clr 2R172NPA201B hmtlean Stardani _ 9-20001-01-29 N/A. 3244_S _ _

Class 2 Piping haco(IL ,

M/A N/A , N/A _, j Class 2 N/A N/A Valves J rious ,

_ f t/A .

1 i

t 5

-. . __. 1 q


=, .

P i

l d

.FtAP 1.y 3)h D 3 M Fmmy Miutal W Mgd B. R. Ihtasell, /NII MQ_dl3 j i D. A.jicazer

! Mutager, Plant.Encinoerirg j

- NISI.CL2.2RE02'

=___.-,_,_._-._...,-,........_._..a~__._--,.c._- - _ _ _.._.. _ ._... _ -_-._...--_ :.----.. .

mm._.._.-_.__m.__.__m__-- _ _ . _ _

l'AGF 7 of 7 l l

l' SilPPLMtD4TAL l

._, roit )

ASHE CODF. CLA3h 2 PIPillt AllD C6HrollDC$  !


1. Der _litytm Li jtf gg ti ihr Orpart_ Elect rie twr, P. O. Twt 1700 that t mu '1% 77001, -

(! Lim aid Mdress of 0mer)

2. Plant &n:th Tuxaa Pmjeej Elect riejbrerat tre Stat ton P. O. Ibx 2893 VMert h TX t 77483 l (lien atd Mirena of I'lar t)-
3. Plant (Init 2_ _ 4. O,. er Certificate of Autlorization (if scrplit4)  !#A , i

$. cwenretal Porvico Date ,_06/10/M _ 6. Jatamal tenard thder for thit ,, _ f_dA _

f in. ArsIT/cr OF IMinlATICIS l Systew Irmotvice Tests ard Systern Fureticeal Tests vi prescriled ty IVA-5211(c) ard (t)) wre cotdatn1 p

on selected NIE Code Class 2 Prentrace retalnitt C:rgewnts in accortlance with Table %'1500-1, ,

Iknirv im Category C-II, Itm 169. C7.10, C1.30 C7.50 ord C7.70, t "le Pressura Tests ard VI-2 vicu.a1 cxtrainatices wre corducted tu necordance with t)e folltvity Plant Nrveillance Pressure Test ProcoVures  !

, 2 PSP 1$400^)1 - Cerent Cmlits Vater syntm Isme vice Prennare Tent (lwv.1)

OPSP19.M-0001 - Contairvent it/dttyen tioltortig Systm ibnctitral Pressure Test (rn. 2) 2 PSP 15-CV-0001 - Ontucal ard Voltre Cont rol Innesvice Prermre Test (lev 0)

(imida tie K2 caly) ,

2 PSP 15-N-0001 - Teodwter Sjets araervice (Pnv.1) (relected ccrecrients exstared on M2-91) l OPS *f15-IC-0001 - Poactor Coolant Systczn leak.y;e Pressure Test (Per. 0)  !

2 PSP 15-PJt-OOCl - Iwsidual ILat ibunal Synen in:.otvice Presmre rest (rev.1)  ;

M!iE Ccde Class 2 piphs and valvos are specifically identified in the alxwo referenced procndures.

Trece test procedures wro conducted durire tre tiro let!<d of Incmler 12, 1990 to rnr.uder 10, 1991, l


'no Visual Fxrnimtions (VT-2) perforrmd during tiere Frennure Tests .tdentif fm! only tr.irv>r laakge of '

tractunical joints _ such as valve stenn and flanco connectims. Thnso leaks wre evaluated ard  ;

detenninM acceptable for centintw4 systm egeration. A;propriate correctivo action was initiated to >

correct tiose le: des. .

1 l'


ICAP by // D,ite M#'/N , Factory tif tal 11 fM) Late h M _2- - ,

E N' I";S0ll' ###II W. H. !!w ble Jf. -

mnager; - Plant Progratm .

NISI.CL2.2RE02 l'- , _