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Forwards Annual Progress Rept for Implementation of Control Room Enhancements,Per NUREG-0737,including Revised Human Engineering Discrepancy (Hed) Assessment Forms Hed D5-09 & Hed SD5-01
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1992
From: Beck G
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737 NUDOCS 9203060263
Download: ML20094H032 (22)


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WAYNE, PA 19087 5691 (215) 640-6000 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING & St.kVICES DEPARTMENT February 28, 1992 1

Docket Nos. 50-277 l

. 50-278 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l Attn: Document Control Desk

. Washington, DC 20555 Sulk 7ECT: Annual Progress Report for Implementation of Control Room Enhancements Pursuant to NUREG-0737 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 F


1) Letter, S. L. Daltroff, PECo, to D. R. Muller, NRC, dated 2/26/86
2) Letter, E. P. Fogarty, PECo to NRC dated 6/30/89
3) Letter, G. A. Hunger, Jr., PECo, to NRC dated 2/15/90
4) Letter, G. A. Hunger, Jr., PECo, to NRC dated 1 7/12/90
5) Letter, G. J. Beck, PECo, to NRC dated 2/28/91

Dear Sir:

In accordance with the requirements of NUREG-0737, Supplement 1, Section 5, reference 1 letter submitted a copy of the Peach Bottom Control Room Design Review (CRDR) Final Report. The report identified numerous human factors enhancements planned for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS) Units 2 and 3. Areas requiring enhancement were identified on Human Engineering Discrepancy -(4tED)

Assessments which were included in the report. As committed in reference 1 letter, PECo has kept the NRC informed of the implementation status of control room enhancements through the ,

submittal of annual progress reports, the last report having been submitted February 28, 1991 (reference 5).

9203060263 920229 1 gDR ADOCK 05000277 i PDR

. February 28, 1992

.. Page 2 As indicated in our last report, the PBAPS Units 2 and 3 HED database provides specific information relating to each HED. This database provides a complete listing of all HEDs identified

, including their description, revision date (if applicable),

priority, implementation status for both Units 2 and 3, and any forecasted schedules for implementation of proposed resolutions.

A copy of this database is provided as Attachment 1 to this letter.

The database is sorted by priority number. The COMMENTS column provides any additional specific information relating to the status, schedule and/or proposed resolution of a given HED. Dates provided in the REV column indicate the HED Assessment has been revised subsequent to the original prepared during the CRDR.

In the CRDR Report, 262 HEDs were identified. Each HED was assigned a_ priority with respect to safety significance using a scale of 1 to 6, with 1 being the most significant. Three HEDs were assigned dual priorities. Although the HED Assessments provided in the final report were written for Unit 2, it was determined during tr.e_CRDR that the discrepancies-were applicable

to Unit 3 as well. ,

Table 1 below summarizes the total number of HEDs identified, the number resolved as of the last report submittal, and the number resolved as of this submittal for PBAPS Units 2 and 3.



Number of HEDs Number of HEDs Resolved As Of Resolved As Of Priority Identified Last Submittal This Submittal 1 10 (10) 10 (10) 10 (10) 2 44 (44) 39 (40) 41 (41) 3 26 (26) 17 (16) 19 (18) 4 94 (94) 76 (78)* 81 (82) 1- 5 52 (52) 52 (52) 52 (52) 6 39 (39) 39 (39) 39 (39)

Priority 1 High Safety significance ,

Priority 2 Low Safety Significance  :

Priority 3 Operat$onal Reliability Priority 4 No Significant Improvement


Priority 5 Previously_ Corrected-Priority 6 Not-a Discrepancy

  • A more recent review indicates that'a Priority 4 HED, HED No.

! SI2-05, was . erroneously reported as closed in previous:

reports.- The status- of this HED is being changed to "open" in

, this report and-the number'cf priority 4_HEDs resolved as of last submittal in Table 1 above has been revised from 79 to

! 78.



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February 28, 1992 Page 3 Since our last annual progress report (reference 5), two Priority 2 HEDs, two Priority 3 HEDs, and three Priority 4 HEDs have been resolved for PBAPS Unit 2. For Unit 3, one Priority 2 HED, two Priority 3 HEDs, and four Priority 4 HEDs have been resolved.

Due to plant changes which have occurred subsequent to the initial report, including modifications, equipment replacements, procedural changos, etc, several HED revisions have been initiated. Copies of HED revisions initiated since the last progress report are included in Attachment 2.

The resolutions for several HEDs are either in the modification process, or are the subject of modification packages which are complete from an engineering standpoint and are awaiting installation. Specific modification numbers are provided in the COMMENTS column of Attachment 1 for these HEDs.

Modifications are continuing to be initiated to address the remaining open HEDs which can be resolved via equipment modifications including the addition of enhancements, equipment relocation, labelling changes, etc. The comment " modification required" is provided in the COMMENTS column of Attachment 1 for each HED of this type. Modifications are processed in accordance with an Integrated Management Process (IMP) . The IMP is a l continuing process of selection, integrating, and prioritizing plant modifications on the basis of public and personnel safety, personnel productivity, economic performance, and external impact in order to optimize the allocation of resources. Since these modifications are either in the initial stages of development, or implementation schedules are not finalized at this time, schedules are not provided. Open HEDs which require resolution via means other than equipment mod:.fications are being addressed as indicated in Attachment 1.

In addition to the IMP, modifications associated with the enhancements and any procedure changes are subjected to additional review processes. Either the IMP or the review process may determine it necessary to revise the proposed resolution for-a l previously identified HED. We will continue to keep the NRC informed of any HED revisions and of our progress via the submittal of an annual progress report. The next progress report for PBAPS Units 2 and 3 will be submitted to the NRC by the end of February 1993.

February 28, 1993 Page 4 Should you have any questions regarding this progress report, l please contact us.

Sincerely, jj-G. 3. Beck, Manager Licensing Section Nuclear Engineering & Services Attachments cc: J.J.Lyash, USNRC Senior Resident Inspector T. Martin, Administrator, Region I, USNRC I

I l

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ATTACl! MENT 1 Database Human Engineering Discrepancies (llED)

Peach Bottsm Atomic PoWor Station Units 2 and 3 j :-


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A1 09 0 ANNUNCIA104 $1LENCE CONTROL 1 closed closed 02 05 0 MIMIC TLW DIRECil0N 1 closed closed 03 03 0 COMPONENT $1 RING AND MATRIK 1 closed closed ARRANGEMENT E1 02 0 P.A. $Y$1EM ACCESS 1 closed closed 13 01 0 RECORDER VALUES 1 closed closed 13 05 0 MutilPolNT RECORDER SPEED 1 closed closed C02 01 0 CoutAINMENT 1$0LAflDN MIMIC 1 closed closed ARRANGEMENT SD3 23 0 CONTROL / DISPLAY RELAfl0NSHIPS 1 cicsed closed 1A1 04 0 ISOLATION $UMMARY DISPLAY 1 closed closed 1A1 07 6/e9 REACTOR LEVEL *172 INCHES 1 closed closed Ai 12 6/89 "AL ARM CLE AR" lNDICATION 2 closed closed 05 01 0 OPERAfl0N LIMl1$ AkD WARING $ 2 closed closed D5 0t 0 HIERARCHAL LABELING 2 closed closed D5 06 0 REDUNDANT LABEL INFORMAfl0N 2 closed closed 01 09 2/92 INCOMPLETE LABEL $ 2 open open Modiflestion required. Changes to the controller labels required.

12 01 0 INDICATOR ZONE KARKINGS 2 closed closed 13 03 0 RECORDER ALARM PolN15 2 closed closed 13 07 2/91 PECORDER PEN COLOR $ 2 closed closed 13 11 0 RECORDER ZONE MARKINGS 2 closed closed 15 05 0 INADVERTENT CONTROL AcilVAfl0N 2 closed closed LEQ 06 0 DIESEL G8NERA10R RESTART PROCEDURAL 2 closed closed REQUIRLMENTS LER 08 0 VALVE ALINGMENT PROLEDURAL 2 closed closed REQUIRFENTS LER 14 0 SEACf DR VESSEL HEAT UP RATE 2 closed closed LER 18 0 IMPROPER SWITCH P0=li!ON 2 closed closed LER 19 0 1MPROPER VALVE OPERATION 2 closed closed ARC 2 11 0 TORUS LEVEL ZONE MARKING 2 closed closed NRC2 12 0 REACTOR LEVEL ACCURACY 2 closed closed P4 01 0 FEEDBACK 10 OPERATOR 2 closed closed

$D3-14 0 HPCI INDICAtlCNS 2 closed closed SD3 18 0 CON'ROL GROUPING 2 closed closed

$03 19 0 CONTROL GROUPING 2 closed closed SD3 21 0 RHR INDICATOR ARRANGEMENTS 2 closed closed 503 28 0 REACTOR MODE SWITCH LOCATION 2 closed closed SP1 02 0 PROCEDURE TERMINOLOGY UPDATE 2 closed closed T A1 01 - 0 REACTOR 000LDOWN RATE 2 closed closed Closed for Units 2 $ 3 since last submittet.

TA1 02 0 REAC10R LEVEL 48 INCHES 2 closed closed TA1 05 6/89 HPCI INITI ATION SIGNAL 2 closed closed TA1-06 0 LPCI FLOW RESOLUilON 2 closed closed Closed for thit 2 since last submittal.

1A1 07 6/89 REAC10R LEVEL-172 INCHES 2 closed closed TA1 03 0 HPCI AND RCIC KANUAL INITIAi!ON 2 closed closed TA1 09 0 CS MANUAL INtilAfl0N 2 closed closed TA1-10 0 LPCI MANUAL INITIATION 2 closed closed TA1 11 0 ADR TIMER RESET 2 closed closed i


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TA1 16 6/89 $RV lNSTRUMENT N2 ALARM 2 see coment open open Mod 5177 initiated; Eng'g conplete; Unit 2 has been rebinned from 2R09 to 2R10 Refuel f>utagej Unit 3 is scheduled for 3R09 Refuet Outage.

TA1 17 0 TORUS LEVEL RANGE 2 closed closed TA1 20 0 TORU$ LEVEL 18.5 FEET 2 closed closed TAtal' 6/69 TORUS AIR $ PACE TEMPERATURE 2 closed closed 1A1 22 0 TORUS PRE $$URE RANCE 2 Closed Closed W 01 0 ADS NUMBER $ 2 closed closed W 04 0 ORIFICE BYPAtt VALVE TAG 2 closed closed VW O6 0 TORU$ PRE $$URE IN11RUMENT NUMBER 2 closed clesed W 11 0 ECCS INSTRUMENT COLOR PADS 2 open open Modification required. Color pads for forus Press. Indication conplete. Color pad required on Drywell lenp PR/TR 4(5)805.

W 12 0 1 200 SERitt NOMENCLATURE 2 closed closed i W 15 0 1 221 VALVES NOT FOUND 2 closed closed

, A1 10 0 ANNUNCIATOR CONTROL ARRANGEMENT 3 Closed closed 02 02 0 DEMARCA110N AND MIMIC LINES 3 closed closed 02 04 0 MIMIC FLOWPA1H1 3 closed closed 03 04 0 COLOR CODING CONSISTENCY 3 closed closed E2 01 0 ILLUMINAi!ON LEVEL $ 3 closed closed Closed for Units 2 & 3 since test ,

sutal t tal. i l 12 02 0 DitPLAY GLARE 3 open open Glare on pnl C196 has been resolved; modification required to resolve other discreponcles.

12 06A 0 DISPLAY GROUPING 3 clnsed closed 12 07 0 SCALE SUBDIVISIONS 3 closed Closed 13 05 _0 HULilPOINT RECORDER SPEED 3 9th Refuel open open This HED was also tssigned a Priority 1 code. The Priority 1 discrepancy has l been resolved. . Modification No. $276 is in progress and will resolve the i,

Priority 3 discrepancy.

13 10 0 RECORDER GLARE 3 open open Modification required. Olare problems on recorders to be resolved.

15 02 0 POS111CH l>DICAtl0N , tu -. 3 closed closed 15 03 0 POSITION MARKINGS 3 closed closed hWC2 04 0 DIFFERENT ENGINEERING UNIT $ ON 3 open open Modification regulred. Engineering RECORDER units to be a'Ajed to scales.

NRC2 05 0 SCALE INCREMENTS 100 LARGE 3 closed closed

$D2 02 0 CONTAINMENT PURGE MIMIC ARRANGEMENT 3 closed closed 503 01 0 CONTROL / DISPLAY GROUPING 3 closed closed SD3-02 0 FEEDWATER CONTROLS 3 open open Modification required. Valve controls to be reversed.

503 05 0 AIR EJECTOR CONTROLS /INDICAfl0NS- 3 ' closed closed SD3 16 0 D!$ PLAY ARRANGEMENT 3 closed- closed S01 17 0 DISPLAY ARRANGEMENT 3 closed open . Modification required. Meter to be


$D3 25 0 .!NSICATOR ARRANGEMENT 3 closed closed SDS 01 2/92 FEEDWATER PUMP BYPASS CONTROLLER 3 closed closed closed for Units 2 & 3 since last submittal.

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HfD STATUS NUMBER REV fifLE PRI SCHEDULE UNIT 2 UNIT 3 COMMEN1s 5D5 02 2/91 CON 1ROL POSITION ESCUTCHEON $ 3 closed closed l 512 02 0 #EEDWATER STARTUP BfPA$$ CONTROLLER 3 open open Modification required. Push tutton i arrangement and noter changes on the controller may be required.


- 5T1 01 0 1RAINikG UPDATE ON ENHANCEMENI$ 3 closed Closed TA1 23 0 CHILL WATER FL W RANGE 3 open open Modification required. Scale range requires to be changed.

A1 01 0 ANNUMCIATOR COLOR /LOCAfl0N CODING 4 clDsed closed A1 02 0 ANNUNCIA10R LEGEND CONS!$1ENCY 4 closed closed Closed for Unit 6 2 & 3 since last sutnl t t al.

A1 03 0 ANNUNCIATOR TYPE $17tt 4 closed closed A1 04 0 INCORRECT ANNUNCI A10R LEGEND 4 closed closed Closed for Units 2 & 3 since last sutalt t al.

A1 06 0 MULit CHolCE ALARMS 4 closed closed A1 07 0 ANNUN0lAf0R PRIORifY CODING 4 olosed closed A1 08 J ANNUNCIATOR IDENilFICAil0N 4 closed closed r 01 02 0 CONSOLE CONTROL REACH DISTANCES 4 closed closed 01 04 0 MIRROR *1MAGING OF PANEL 4 closed closed 01 05 0 UNCOVERED PANEL HOLES i closed closed D2 01 0 CONTROL D!$flNCil0N 4 closed closed D2 03 0 DEMARCAll0N LINE CONTRA $f 4 closed closed D2 06 0 MIMIC CONSISTENCY 4 closed closed D3 01 0 CONTROL / DISPLAY GROUPING 4 closed closed D3 02 2/91 COMPONENT ARRANGEMENT 4 Closed closed r D3 05 0 CONTROL / DISPLAY HEIGHT 4 closed closed D4 01 0 COLOR STANDARDS 4 closed closed 05 03 0 PANEL IDENilFICAil0N 4 closed etcsed D5 04 0 INCONSISTENT NOMENL ATURE AND 4 open open Modification required. Revise

ABBREVlAfl0NS engineering units on secte.

05 05 0 LABEL TYPE AND STYLE 4 closed closed

! 05 07 0 LOW LABEL HEIGHT 4 closed closed D5 10 0 VERTICAL LABEL ORIENTAll0N 4 open open Modification required Vertical tabelf_

have been remove::. Eschutcheon Plates %

pnl COSA r ? ired.

07 01 0 CONTROL PANEL ACCESS 4 ' closed closed 07 03 0 MOVEABLE OBSTRUCTIONS 4 closed closed 07 04 0 LOW CONTROL / DISPLAY Vl$1BILITY 4 closed closed 07 06 0 ANNUNCIATOR LOCATION  % closed closed E3 02 0 PROTECTIVE ClofHING 4 closed closed E3 03 0 atATHING APPARATU$ LOCAfl0N 4 open open Contlot room operstora need to be informed and trained on tha location of the emregency b sathing apparatus.

E3 05 0 CONTROL OPERAfl0N 4 open open _ the need for aciditional training in the use of 3reathing aparatus must be.


E4-02 0 TELEPHONE CORDS 4 closed claed 11 01 0 CONTROLLER HEIGHT LOW 4 closed closed 12 03 0 SCALE UNITS 4 Closed clcsed .

l 12 04 0 POINTERS OBSCURE MARKlWGS 4 closed closed l 12 06 2/91. SCALE COMPATABILIII 4 clof Mi cl^ sed l 12 08 0 EXCESSIVE $CALE GRADUATIONS 4 closed closed

- . - - -_ - - - . . - - - . - . - . . - - - . . , . - , ..--,-_=w, -

l HUE N ENGIN((RINC DISCRIPANCit$ (HEDs) l PAGil 4 l PIACH B0110M ATOMIC 00WIR $1A110N UW!is 2 & 3 l DAfti 02/27/9?

- a HID STATUS WMBE R RtV il1LE PRI SCHEDULE UNIT 2 UN11 3 COMMENil 12 09 0 bCAlt $UBDIVl510N MULilPLt$ 4 open open ModiflCatton required. RWCU Dump Flow ,

and RWCU filter Flow on pnt C04A reautre v ale changes.

13 02 0 INCORRCCf CHART PAPER $CAlt$ 4 open open Chart paper to be changed.

13 08 0 RfCORDtt MARtlNG PROCEDURE 4 closed closed 18 01 0 CONTROL $ tot.'tNCE 4 closed closed 5 5 t.*t. O CM1R01 Nf!CW1 4 closed closed 15 4 U LABEL AND INDICA 10R Vl$181Llif 4 closed closed l'r l' O CONTROL $HAPE CODING 4 closed closed 15 05 0 LA8tL AND PolN1[R vil!BILITT 4 closed closed l$ 09 0 (MIRGENCT CONTROL 10tNilflCAfl0N 4 closed closed LER 02 2/91 INAPPROPR! ATE OPERA 110N OF FttDWAftR 4 closed closed INLET VALV!

Ltt 16 2/91 IMPR?PER VALVE AllGNMENT 4 slosed closed rRC2 01 3 Dutt CRID CHART RECORDER 4 clesed closed NRC2 02 0 EXTRA SCAlt ON CHART 4 closed closed NRC2 03 0 LABEL TERMIN0LOGr 4 closed clered ei 04 0 AkNUNCIATOR RESPONSF CARD 4 closed closed IDENilF!CA110N P3 05 0 PAD & DURAL Rtsutil OtsCRIPfl0Ns 4 closed closed P3 07 0 OPERAi!NG limit $PECIFICAT10N$ 4 closed closed closed for Unita 2 & 3 since last ,


SDI 01

  • OPPCstNG SLRFACES CLOL8 4 closed closed W3 03 0 A!R (JECTOR INDICATIONS 4 closad closed 103 04 0 AIR EJECTOR CONTROLS 4 closed closed

, $D3 06 0 CONDENSAft PANtl CONTROL GROUPING 4 closed closed 503 07 2/91 CONDIN$ Aft RECIRC INDICATION 4 closed closed

, 503 08 0 TURBINE DRAlk CONTRolf 4 closed closed s03 09 0 DRAIN TANK DUMP IND! Callow -4 closed closed

$D3 10 0 DRAIN TANK INAlk$ 4 ' closed closed

!&3 11 0 RCCIRC INDICMION$ NOT LWOUPCD 4 closed closed SD3 12 0 CRD INDICAil0NS 4 closed clused 503 13 0 HPCI CONTROL 3 4 closed closed 503 15 0 CONTROL ARRANGtMENT 4 closed cloced SD3 20 0 Cr*TAINMENT VENilLAtl0N CONTROL 4 closed closed ARRANGEMENT

$D3 22 0 DRfWELL PRESS'JRt INDICAf 04 4 closed closed ARRANGEMENT

$D3-26 0 CONTROL GROUF.NG 4 closed closed

$D3 27 0 CONTROL COLOR C00 LNG 4 closed closed 5D4 01 0 LABEL LOCAil0N 4 closed closed

$11 01 0 HIGN N00VLt LOCATION / READABILITY 4 closed closed

$11 02 0 HULTI SCAlt INDICATOR $ 4 open- open Moolfication required. Scales to be changed.

! $12 01 0 RECORDER LOCATION LOW 4 closed closed '

$12 03 0 REAC10R PRtsSURE INDICAil0N 4 open closed Modification regulf ed. Unit 2 scale change required. Closed for Unit 3 since last sutwittet.

$12 04 0 RECORDER SCAlt MARKINGS 4 open open Modification required. Scale changes required and engiteering units on the scales to be revised.-

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1 l PF ACM DCITOM AichfC POWER STA110N UNI 18 2 & 3 l DATE: 02/21/9Z L_ '

i d


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$12 05 0 SELECTOR LICHT COLOR 4 open open incorrectly reported closed on prey;ous submittel- telectet light color reqvtred.

$13 01 0 Rtc0RDER PEN COLOR $ 4 closed closed

$P1 01 0 RtM015 $HufDOWN PANEL PROCEDURES 4 closed closed TA1 15 0 RtAC10P FRES$URE 1090 P$10 4 open ope * $cate tone werking required 7A1 24 0 HPSW TO RHd DRAIN 4 closed closed TA1 25 0 REACTOR PREt$Utt 130 PSIG 4 closed closed TA1 27 0 REAC10R PREt30AE .5C ?$10 4 closed closed TA1 26 0 REACfDR/ TORUS P 4 closed closed TA1 29 0 REACTOR PRES $URE 210, 270, 630 4 open q)tn Acate merking required.

TA1 30 0 PROCEDURAL REFERENCE 4 closed cl card '

1A1 31 0 PROCEDURAL REFERENCE 4 closei closed 1AT 3? O CENERA'OR LOAD 5% 4 cit 4ed closed TA1-33 0 Coke MAP CREEN LlGHT 4 closed closed vw 03 0 TURBINE $ PEED LABEL 4 closed- closed -

VW 07 0 TORUS INSTRUMENT COLCt PAD $ 4 closed closed VW 08 0 HPSW TO LPCI MIMIC 4 closed closed i VW-09 0 HPCI TURBINE PB COLOR 4 closed closed VV 10 0 t0CA110N OF RX IN51RUMRNis 4 closed closed VW 13 T 200 SERIES INFORMAtloN 4 open- open - Procedures require revision to include panel names.

VW 14 0 T 220 $1EP NOT CLEAR 4 closed closed A1 05 0 ANNUNCIATOR MARK!Mr$ 5 closed closed A1 11 Q ANNUNCIATOR FIRST*0UT FEATURE $ closed closed D6 01 0 TEMPORARY LABELS 5 closed closed 06 02 0 1EMPORARY LABEL APPLICAil0N 5 closed closed 06 03 0 TEMPORARY LABEL STANDARD $ 5 closed etcsed

- D6 04 0 TEMPORART LABEL LOCAil0N $ closed closed D6 05 0 TEMPORARY LABEL ADMINI$1RA11VE 5 closed closed.

PROCEDURE i 07 02 0 ECC$ PANEL ACCES$ 5 closed closed E1 01 0 PANEL ACCE$$ AND COMML'NICAil0N 5 closed closed E1 05 0 P. A. Sv$ FEM AUOlBILITY 5 closeo ctesed E3-01 0 CONTROL ROOM 1RAFFIC 5 closed closed E3 04 0 PORTABLE RADIAfl0N MONITORING 5 closed closed EQUIPMENT

. 13 07 0 EMERCENCY LIGHilNC 5 Closed closed E4-01 0 AMBIENT NolSE LEVELS 5- closed closed 11 02A 0 INAPPROPRIATE CONTROL POSli10N$ 5 closed closed 12 05 O RECORDER SCALE COMPAllBillTY $- closed closed 13 04 0 - RECORDER INK 5 closed closed 13-09 0 CHART RE.6 Nil 0N PROCEDURE 5 closed closed ttR 01 0 MAIN $1EAM RAD. MON 110R DRIFT 5 closed . . closed LER 05 0 INSTRUNENT OPERABILITY REQUIREMENT $ 5 closed closed LER 07 0 TECHNICAL $PECIFICAfl0N 5 . closed closed MODIFICAfl0NS AVAILABILITT LER 13 0 SELECTOR SWITCH LABELING $ closed closed LER 15 0 INSUFFICIENT 1RM INPUT- 5 closed closed

!' LtR 20 0 - RECikCULAliON PUMP $fARTUP 5 closed closed M1 01 0 PRINT M001FItATONS 5 closed closed l

. - - - - -- . _ - - - - - - . _ - - . . - - -- - - - - _ - . - - ~.

6 HUMAN ENGlkEERING PISCREPANCIES (hEDs) PAGE: 6 l PEACH B0f f 0M ATOMIC POWER STATION UNils 2 & 3 l DAit: 02/27/92 NtD STATUS NUMBER KEV 111LE PRI SCHtDULE UNI 7 2 UNIT 3 COMMENTS M1 02 0 PAC;(Dumt MJD?F:*1110NS 5 closed closed M1 93 0 MAINTENANCE TA00VIS 5 Closed Closed

%3C2 06 0 DRYVELL PRESSURE CHART PAPER I closed closed NRC2 07 0 MISSING ENGINEER!NG UNif 5 closed closed P1 01 0 PROCEDURE AVAILABIL11Y 5 closed closed l P1 02 0 PROCEDURE USE 5 closed closed P1 05 0 PROCEDURtS INDEX 5 closed closed P1 06 0 CODING OF EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 5 closed closed P1 07 0 PROCEDURE INDEx!NG 5 closed closed P2 01 0 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE SPEClf!ClfY 5 closed closed P3 01 0 PROCEDURAL WORDING 5 closed closed

-P3 02 0 PROCEDURE WOTES CONSISTENCY 5 closed cl^ sed P3 03 0 PROCEDURE DISCRIMINABill1T 5 Clos ed Closed P3 04 0 PROCEDURE CLARITY 5 closed closed P3 06 0 ANNUNCIA10R ALARM StiPolNTS 5 closed closed P3 08 0 PROCEDURAL CONTINGENCY AC110NS -5 closed closed P3 09 0 PROCEDURE REFERENCES 5 closed closed P3 10 0 MANUAL OVER RIDE 5 closed closed P4 02 0 OPERATOR CHANCES 5 cleoed closed P5-01 0 RECORDikG LOG ENTRY 11ME 5 closed closed P5 02 0 CHART MANKikG 5 closed closed P5 03 0 LOG RETENTION TIME 5 closed closed IE2 01 0 ILLUMINA110N LEVELS 5 Closed Closed SE2 02 0 JLLUMlNA110N AND SHADOVlNG $ closed Closed SE2 03 0 OlSPLAY GLARE 5 closed closed 11 01 0 COMPUTER TRAINILG 5 closed closed 11 02 0 ADMINISTRAflVE GUIDELINES 5 closed closed C1 01 0 PRINTER USE 6 closed closed C1 02 0 AUTO RESTART CAPABILl?Y 6 closed closed C1 03 0 PROCESSOR REDUNDANCY 6 closed closed D1 01 0 ANNUNCIATOR HEIGHTS 6 closed closed D1 03 0 CONSOLE HFIGHT 6 closed closed D2 01 0 CONTROL D!SilNC110N 6 closed closed 05 08 0 INCORRECT LABEL 6 closed closed 07 0! O PANEL VISIBILifY 6 closed closed l E1 03 0 AUDlIGRY ALARM PRIORITIZATION 6 closed ~ closed E1 04 0 PHONE / RADIO AUDIBIL1TY- 6 closed closed E3 06 0 FOUNTAIN LOCAll0NS 6 closed closed 11 02 0 CONTROLLER MARKINGS 6 closed closed 13 06 0 RECORDER unAR1 PAPER 6 closed closed 14 01 0 LAMP TESilNG 6- closed . closed 15 10 -0 KEY LOCK SWITCHES 6 closed closed (ER 03 0 C00RDINAt!0N OF OPERATIONS AND 6 ' closed- closed MAINTENANCE ACfivillES LER 04 0 TECHN!LAL SPECIFICATION VI(,1 lb4 6 closed closed


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MED STATUS NUMBER REV flTLE PRt SCHEDU.E UNIT 2 UNIT 3 COMMENTS LER 12 0 TEST E041PMENT ISOLA 110N PROCEDURAL 6 closed closed Rfou!REMEN18 LER 17 0 IMPROPER SYSTEM OPERATION 6 closed Glosed NRC1 01 0 TORUS RECORDERS SCALES 6 closed closed hRC2 OS 0 TERMINOLOGY 6 closed closed htC2 09 0 CONTAlkMENT ISCLAil0N PANEL LABELS 6 Closed cloStd WRC2 10 0 COLORS ARE REVERSED 6 closed closed 01 03 0 ANNUNCIATOR RESPONSE PROCEDURE 6 closed closed LOCAll0N SD2 01 0 SUPERVISOR'S STAi!ON 6 closed closed SDI 24 0 CONTROL' CONSISTENCY 6- closed closed SIC 01 0 KET SWITCHES .6 closed - closed 1A1 03 0 REACTOR POWER 3% 6 closed closed 1 1A1 12 fl REACTOR PRESSURE RESOLUTION 6 closed closed tai 13 0 REACTOR PREESuR; 930 PSIG 6 Otosed . closed 1A1 14 0 RHR DISCHARGE PRESSURE 6 closed closed TA1 18 0 TORUS LEVEL 12.5 TEET 6 closed closed TA1 19 0 TORUS LEVEL RANGE 6 closed closed TA1 26 0 ADS SOLENOID kNERGIZED 6 closed closed vW 02 0 13 KV MANUAL TRANSFER 6 closed closed VU 05 0 ADD WATER 10 VESSEL 6 closed closed l


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3 ATTACHMENT 2 Revised Human Engineering Discrepancy (HED)

Assessment Forms HED No. D5-09 HED No. SD5-02 L

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9 1

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r. ., -+ < .-, , ,


. HED No. D5-09 EP = 6/FRl 2 Code A TITLE:

Incomplete Labels -


Controller Labels incomplete item: Ref: A5.10 Source: CRS IDENTIFICATION: Panel: All Component: Controllers ID or Number: See Attached DESCRIPTION:

Controf ar labels do not clearly specify what a change in output will do to the process being altered.

Controller labels are not consistent. See attached.

RESOLUTION: (Sched: later)

Controllers will be labeled consistently to clearly specify whet a change in output will do to the process

.l be%g altered.






Since the original HED, controllers have been changed out to different types and new types have been installed. Labeling has been enhanced although inconsistencies remain and indication /controllabels are not complete. This revised HED indicates the controller types currently in use and summarizes existing problems.

Team Approval Signature:

I / wA/

V 9 Engineering \

0 0 ations}o -

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/4ffif( M/8/yng jg .

(7) Add'l page(s) attached Factors ,/

IIED D5-09 Attachment Page 1 There are 88 controllers on Units 2 and 3. They have 12 different variations. Some variations look similar to others but are different. The 12 variations are described below and have been given arbitrary numbers 1 through 12.

  1. 1 Top scale 0-100, no units, no function identified.

Knob marked Blas.

O Lower scale 0-100 labeled " CLOSE" on left "OPEN" on right.

I I Large knob with 3 positions marked " AUTO, BAL, MAN"

  • ,* appears to be dual function knob. Second function not identified.


  1. 2 Top scale 0-100, no units with 2-line description label: 1st line marked " VALVE POSITION"; 2nd line marked "CLOSE" l 1 on the lef t and "OPEN" on the right (others have "OPEN" on the lef t and "CLOSE" on the right).

Lower scale 0-100, no units, labeled " CONTROLLER OUTPUT" Knob marked " RAISE", some controllers indicate the

] l parameter being raised (temp, level, flow); others do not.

/T b [ Some controllers have a 0-12 x 10 top scale, scfm units, labeled " N, FLOW". The lower scale have a 2-line description label: 1st line _ marked. " CONTROLLER OUTPUT"; 2nd line marked "OPEN" on the left and "CLOSE" on the right. ]

I Scale 0-100, no units, labeled " CONTROLLER OUT PUT" for l

Unit 3 dump flow controller; and, labeled "CLOSE" on lef t and "OPEN" on right for Unit 2 dump flow controller.

l Knob unmarked.



A*.tachment Page 2 HED DS-09

  1. 4 This is a digital programmable controller.

l  ; Other than the hierarchical device label and the manufacturers' standard centrol/ indication identification

labels do not exist.

b i

{ ,  ! ED

, a i i

  1. 5 Vertical scale 0-100, no units, some controllers labeled "O, VLV POSITION, C", some not.

Horizontal scale 0-100, no units, some controllers labeled "C" on lef t and "O" on right, some not.

Right knob marked " RAISE".

l Some controllers have the left knob marked " M. A", some I'

-y are unmarked.

OO .

  1. 6 Top horizontal (black line center) scale, no numbers,- no units, no function identified.


\ 7 reference lines connecting top horizontal and circular O

Circular ' scale with knob to control- pointer. Scale I I numbered, sometimes engineering units are provided, A . ej - other times they are not, no function identified.

O @3 Lower horizontal scale 0-100, no units, no function identified.

Lef t knob labeled "A a M".

Rignt knob labeled " RAISE" or "lNC". - Some controller indicate the parameter being raised orincreased; others do not.

l :-

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'+ .

Attachment Page 3 HFD D5-09

  1. 7 Left vertical scale marked " BLEED FLOW" on Unit 3 controllers but unmarked on Unit 2 controllers.

Bottom horizontal scale 0-100, only Unit 3 controllers have 2-line description label: 1st line marked " CLOSED" on lef t i

and "OPEN" on right: 2nd line marked " CONTROLLER OUTPUT".

  1. 8 Scale above controller 0-1.0, no units, function not identified.

Controller tcp horizontal scale with center marked 0, no l units, function not identified.

I I Controller small circula r scale with knob to control pointer. l Scale numbered, specifies units, and is labeled " SET g ,


Controller lower horizontal scale 0-100, no units, function O ,.

labeled " OUTPUT" with "CLOSE" on right, "OPEN" on lef t.

Small knob, no function indicated.

Slide switch marked " AUTO, BAL, MAN".

Unit 2 Feed Pump Bypass controller utilizes this type of controller while Unit 3 uses a Type 4.

  1. 9 Top scale with 10,5,0,5,10 or 0-100, scale labeled "DEVI ATION" on Unit 3 controllers; Unit 2 controllers are unmarked.

Bottom scale 0-100, some controllers are labeled a)'

" CONTROLLER OUTPUT"; or b) "CLOSE" on left and "OPEN" on right; or c) combination of a and b.

e o Large knob with three positions labeled " AUTO, BAL, l Appears to be a dual function knob; second i MAN".

function not identified.

Attochment Page 4 HED D5-09

  1. 10 E Left section of scale for pointer movement.

I Center scale is rotating drum with number , no units, no q~ w, tunction identified.

Right vertical thumbwheal controls drum scale, no l l Indication of direction of movement. Drum rotates opposite

,,, hection f rom thumbwheel.


0 Horizontal scale 0-100, no units, labelled "CLOSE" on left cnd "OPEN" on iIght.

Knob has five positions: 0-100, AUTO, B AL, MAN,0+100.

Appears to be dual function kneb; second function not identified.

  1. 11 Scale above cont rolle r 0-100, labeled "O PEN" and " CLOS E" .

-;- Scale not marked on .all controllers.

5 .

Lef t section of vertical scale for pointer movement.

E  ?

Right section of vertical scale 0-60 with units indicated, no O (  :

function indicated.

Knob to lef t of vertical scales labeled "SP".

Horizontal scale 0-100, no units, no function identified.

n n n Three pushbuttons labeled from left to right either +,

Manual / Auto Transfer Symbol, -; or OPEN, Manual / Auto Transfer Symbol, CLOSE; or RE), Manual / Auto Transfer Symbol, MU.

  1. 12 Vertical scale 0-2.0, no units, f unction identified, g,o Thumb wheel labeled SP.



O Knob unlabeled.

- # Horizontal scale 0-100 no units, f unction identified "OPEN"'

B on lef t.

E Slide switch labeled "M, PRESS TO BALANCE, A", left to hl .* 0l -

f right.

n i

Attachment HED DS-09 CONTROLLER TABUL - FlON Pago 5 i- ltem Component Panel Controller

& ID Desc ription No. Tvoe 1 LC-2804A A Bay Level-Emer Cig Twr 00C123 6 2 LC-2804 B B Bay Level-Emer Cig Twr 00C123 8 3 LC-3804A A Bay Level-Emer Cig Twr 00C123 6 4 LC-3804B B Bay Level-Emer Clg Twr 00C123 6 5 FIC-6111 Recombiner Bldg Exh Flow 00C196 12 6 PC-5018 Steam Pressure 00C196 6 7 FC 13-091 X RCIC Pump Flow ~ 2AC043 10 8 CV-2677D D RHR Pump Disch 20C003-02 5 9 FC-2515 N, Purge. 20C003-03 6 10 CV-2677A A RHR Pump Disch 20C003-04 5 11 CV-2-10-043 Head Spray Flow 20C004A 10 12 CV-2-12-055 Dump Flow 20C004A 3 13 ncs-2-02-184-016A A Recire PP Speed 20C004A 9 14 ucs-2-02-184-0160 B Recirc PP Speed 20C004A 9~ ,

'S F I C-2-23-108 HPCI Pump Flow 20C004B 10 16 F C-2-13-091 RCIC Pum'p Flow 20C004C 10 17 CV-2558 Feed Pump-Bypass 20C005A ,8 18 H CS-2-06-084 A A Reae, FD PP Control- 20C005A 1 19 HCS-2-06-084B B Reac. FD PP Control 20C005A 20 HC S-2-06-084C C Reac, FD PP Control 20C005A. 1 21 S P C-2-06-083 Master Level 20C005A 10 22- SPc-2-02-184-014 Master Recirc Flow 20C005A 0 23 FC-2-03-301 CRD Flow Control 20C005A .10 24 LIC-8091 ~ C FD PP Disch Bypass ' 20C005A 11 25 FIC-8629 Hydrogen Flow Control 20C006A 4 26 FIC-8636 Oxygen Flow Control. 20C006A 4 27 HCS-2532 A RFPT Lo Cig Wtr A 20C006B 2 28 HCS-2532B RFPT Lo Cig Wtr B 20C006B 2 29 HCS-2532C RFPT Lo Cig Wtr C 20C006B 2 30 PIC-2239A Air Ejector A Stm Press 20C007A 11 31 PI C-2239B - . Air Ejector B Stm Press 20C007c 11

'32 CV-2468A :Cond Deaerating Stra A Pos 20C007A 2-33 - CV-2468B - Cond Deaerating Stm B Pos- 20C007A 2 34 CV-2468C Cond Deaerating Stm C Pos- 20C007A 2-35 LIC-2C87. Hotwell Level Coarse 20C007A 11 36 LIC-2089 Hotwell Level Fine 20C007A- 11

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Attachment ilED DS-09 CONTRCLLER TABULATION Page6 Item Componen t Panel Controller Nm. ID Das_c.tiation No. Tvoe 37 FC-2110 Recirc Flow 20C007A 6 38 HCS-2483 Turb Lub Oil Cig Wtr 20C008B 2 39 HCS-2435 Gen H, Cooling 20C009 2 40 HCS-2487 Gen Stator Cooling 20C009 2 41 FIC-0760A Control Room Flow 20C010 12

-42 FIC-0760B Control Room Flow 20C010 12 43 FIC-2979 A Vent Stack Flow 20C010 12 44 FIC-2979B Vent Stack Flow 20C010 12 45 HCE -4947 A A N, Supply Flow. 200184 A 2 46 HCS/FI-4954 Torus Blced Flow 20C484A 7 47 HCS-4947B B N, Supply Flow 20C4848 2 48 HCS/F1-4957 Drywell Bleed Flow 20C484B 7 49 F C 13-091 X RCIC Pump Flow 3AC043 10 o

50 CV-36770 D RHR Pump Disch 30C003-02 5 51 FC-3515 N, Purge 30C003-03 6 52 CV-3677A A RHR Pump Disch 30C003-04 5 53 itCS-3-00-184-016A A Recirc PP Speed - 30C004 A 9 54 ncs-3-02-184-o16n B Recirc PP Speed 30C004A 9' 55 CV-3-12-055 Dump Flow 30C004A 3 SS FIC-3-23-108 HPCI Pump Flow 30C004B 10 57 FC-3-13-091 RCIC Pump Flow 30C004C 10 58 CV-3558 Feed Pump Bypass -30C005A 4 59 H CS-3-06-084 A A Reactor FD PP Control 30C005A 4 60 H CS-3-06-034 B B Reactor FD PP Control 30C005A 4 61 H CS-3-06-084C C Reactor FD PP Control 30C005A 4 62 S PC-3-06-083 Master Level 30C005A 4 63 sec-3-02-ian-oi: Master Recirc Flow 30C005A 9 64 FC .3-03-301 CRD Flow Control 30C005A 10

65. LIC-9091 C FD PP Disch Bypass 30C005A 4 GG- FIC-0629 Hydrogen Flow Control 30C006A 4 67 FIC-963G_ Oxygen Flow Control 30C006A 4 G8 HCS-3532 A RFPT Lo Clg Wtr A 30C006B- 2

Atiachment HED D5-09 CONTROLLER TABULATION Page 7 ltem Component Panel Controller No, ID Dncription No. Tyne 69 HCS-3532B RFPT Lo Clg Wtr B 30C006B 2 70 H CS-3532C RFPT Lo Cig Wtr C 30C006B 2-l 71 PIC-3239A Air Ejector A Stm Press 30C007A 11

' 72 PIC-3239C Air Ejector B Stm Press 30C007A 11 73 CV-3468A Cond Deaerating Stm A Pos 30C007A 2 74 CV-3468B Cend Deaerating Stm B Pos 30C007A 2-75 CV-3468C Cond Deaerating Stm C Pos 30C007A 2 76 LIC-3087 Hotwell Level - Coarse 30C007A 11 77 LIC-3086 Hotwell Level - Fine 30C007A 11-78 FC-3110 Recirc Flow 30C007A 6 79 HCS-3483 Turb Lube Oil Clg Wtr 30C008B 2 80 HCS-3485 Gen H, Cooling - 30C009 2 81 HCS-3487 Gen Stator Cooling 30C009 2 82 FIC-3979A Vent Stack Flow 30C010 12 83 FIC-3979B Vent Stack Exhaus_t 30C010 12 l 84 FIC-0761 Radwaste Bldg Exh Flow 30C010 12 85 HCS-5947A A N, Supply Flow 30C484A 2 86 HCS/F1 5954 Torus Bleed Flow 30C484A 7 87 HCS-5947B B N, Supply Flow - 30C484B 2 88 HCS/FI-5957 Drywell Bleed Flow 30C4848 7 l

l l

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. HED No. SDS-01 EP = N/A/PRI 3 Code A TIT E: '

Feedwater Pump Bypass Contrclier .


Controller not clearly. labeled, item: N/A Ref: TDA A5.1 Source: SCRS IDENTIFICATION: Panel: 20C 05A-Component: Feed Pump Bypass ID or Number: CV 2558, CV-3558 l DESCRIPTION:

These controllers have three indicators and two controls. The funct:o.n of each is not clearly indicated.



(Sched: Closed) c Labeling of controllers is a generic problem which is being addressed via HED No. D5-09. The Feed Pump Bypass Contrcilers are specifically identified in HED No. D5-09 and therefore this HED No. SD5-01 is being treated as " closed" for status tracking purposes.


l Resolution revised to indicate discrepancy will be addressed by HED No. D5 09, and revised ID number l to include Unit 2 and 3 controller ids.




5 ,



-Team Approval Signature:


l xmll WNEY'Ad 4 b V Q V

Operations 1 Engineering u M.uf bY HMan FactoIs / ( ) Additior;al page(s) attached ee8- e- g-, e.-~- e y g- p -w n ,e qy -e----y- 1*%g -zr-- -_-_ y p- es *~ g

  • y,g9--- g 4