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Forwards Complete & Unexpurgated Copies of Three Diary Entries Previously withheld,841119 Ltr Advising Aslab of Action & Motion for Stay Pending Appeal
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 11/19/1984
From: Gallo J
To: Bloch P, Grossman H, Jordan W
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML20099K356 List:
CON-#484-336 OL-2, NUDOCS 8411290398
Download: ML20099K354 (6)


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CHICAGO OFFICE ROBERT I ONCOLN. 1872 1889 ep ,e n THREE FIRST NATIONAL PLAZA WILLIAU G. BEALE. 1885 1923 v4 f. m ,ds e 7 ; !b 9 yis CHICAGO. lLUNOIS 60002 TELEPHONE 312 558 7500 TELEX 2-5268 j

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November 19, 1984 Peter B. Bloch, Chairman Herbert Grossman, Atomic Safety and Licensing Alternate Chairman Board Atomic Safety and Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Board Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Washington, D.C. 20555 ., Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Walter H. Jordan, Member Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Wasliington, D.C. 20555 Re: In the Matter of Texas Utilities Electric Company, at al. (Comanche Peak Steam Electric Sta Eon, Units 1 and 2), Docket Nos. 50-445-2 and 50-446-2, Application for Operating Licenses Gentlemen:

On November 17, 1984, I prepared and served on the parties a motion addressed to the Appeal Board requesting a stay pending appeal of this Licensing Board's Order of November 16 requiring production of the materials as to which Mr. Lipinsky had asserted attorney-client privilege, namely Mr. Lipinsky's diary notes of November 30, December 1 and December 8, 1933, and Mr. Lipinsky's memorandum of January 9, 1984. In preparing that motion, I re-examiaed those materials with regard to the scope of the privilege asserted. ~

I determined that my assertion of privilege on behalf of Mr.

Lipinsky as to the entire diary entries of November 30 and December 1 had been overbroad in that only portions of those entries concerned conversations between Mr. Lipinsky and Mr.

Reynolds. With respect to the memorandum, it was directed to O.B. Cannon's quality assurance files with copies to Messrs.

8411290398 841119 PDR 0 ADOCK 05000445 PDR SSO3

L Letter to Licensing Board Novcmber 19, 1984 Page 2

-Roth, Trallo and Norris. Because I had determined that the representation by Messrs. Reynolds and WatKins did not extend to.O. B. Cannon, an assumption:I had made on October 18, 1984, I concluded that-the attorney-client privilege, although the first instance, was waived when the memorandum was distributed within the company. I provided the Appeal Board and the parties with the January 9 memorandum-and-with revised expurgated copies of the diary entries as an attachment to'my motion.

On November 18, 1984, I met with M'r. Lipinsky and we discussed the Licensing Board's Order denying -

attorney-client privilege as to the remaining materials.

Although we still believe that the privilege validly

. attaches to these materials, Mr. Lipinsky has decided to l waive its further assertion. Accordingly, in compliance

with his decision with the Order of November 16, I am .

attaching, with one exception, complete and unexpurgated

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l copies of the three diary entries previously withheld, as well as the January 9 memorandum. A letter to the Appeal Board advising them of this action is attached as well as the Motion For A Stay Pending Appeal.

The exception stated above refers to a four-line note recording a health condition of Mr. Lipinsky. Mr.

Lipinsky views disclosure of this matter as an invasion of privacy and does not wish its disclosure. In counsel's view, the item is beyond the purview of the Board's subpoenas and therefore not subject to production. Mr.

Lipinsky has agreed to show the passage in camera to the


Board if it is deemed necessary.

Sincerely, M

Joseph Gallo cy: Service List 4

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