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MONTHYEARML20029E2071994-05-0909 May 1994 LER 94-004-00:on 940416,discovered That Surveillance Frequency for Sp 34SV-SUV-008-1S Not Correct for Seven Primary Containment Vent & Purge Valves Due to Personnel Error.Surveillance Brought Up to date.W/940509 Ltr ML20045B0371993-06-10010 June 1993 LER 93-009-00:on 930514,scram Occurred When Mode Switch Moved to Run Position Due to Blown Fuses in Rps.Procedures 52PM-B21-005-1S,52PM-B21-005-2S & 52GM-MEL-007-0S Revised. W/930610 Ltr ML20045B7111993-06-10010 June 1993 LER 93-005-00:on 930521,unplanned Insertion of Manual Scram Initiated Due to Personnel Error.Personnel Involved Temporarily Removed from License Duties & Being Subjected to Formal discipline.W/930610 Ltr ML20028H8431991-01-27027 January 1991 LER 90-024-00:on 901228,pretreatment Monitoring Station Offgas Samples Not Collected & Analyzed within 4 H of Increased Fission Gas Release.Caused by Misinterpretation of Tech Specs.Personnel instructed.W/910125 Ltr ML19277C5931983-06-28028 June 1983 LER 83-033/03L-0:on 830606,surveillance Coordinator Discovered Procedure HNP-2-3195, Weekly Breaker Alignment Checks, Not Performed by 830605.Caused by Personnel Error. Procedure Performed on 830606.W/830628 Ltr ML20028A4901982-11-0909 November 1982 LER 82-078/03L-0:on 821014,discovered Safety Evaluations for Revisions to Procedures Not Reviewed by Safety Review Board Per Tech Specs.Caused by Misinterpretation of Tech Specs.All safety-related Evaluations Will Be Reviewed ML20027C1741982-09-28028 September 1982 Updated LER 82-008/03X-2:on 820126,during steady-state operation,115 Control Rod Drive Accumulator Low Pressure Alarm Switches Found in Need of Calibr.Caused by Instrument Drift.Setpoints Reset.Fill Valves Being Overhauled ML20027B2661982-09-0202 September 1982 LER 82-086/03L-0:on 820814,following Control Rod Pattern Adjustment,Core Max Fraction of Limiting Power Density Found Greater than Tech Spec Limit.Caused by Reduction in Xenon Concentration Due to Increased Burnup ML20052A4211982-03-0202 March 1982 LER 82-013/03L-0:on 820213,during Startup,Average Power Range Monitor Not Adjusted within 2-h Time Limit & Corrective Action Ineffective.Caused by Spatial Redistribution of Xenon & Faulty Rod Pattern Adjustment ML20040C7201982-01-19019 January 1982 LER 82-001/03L-0:on 820101,low Pressure Alarm Received on Control Rod Drive Line Hydraulic Control Unit 26-47 Due to Switch Being Out of Tolerance.Caused by Setpoint Drift. Switch Recalibr & Returned to Svc ML20039F3711981-12-22022 December 1981 LER 81-135/03L-0:on 811215,level of Both Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Dropped Below Tech Spec Requirement. Caused by Ruptured Fire Main in Low Voltage Switchyard. Rupture Isolated & Tanks Restored to Required Level ML20038B7371981-12-0101 December 1981 LER 81-110/03L-0:on 811107,RHR Loop a Removed from Shutdown Cooling Mode to Standby Configuration.While Swapping from Shutdown Cooling to Torus Suction,Torus Suction Valve 2E11- FOO4C Failed.Caused by Valve Limit Switch Failure ML20011A5111981-09-29029 September 1981 LER 81-094/03L-0:on 810904,during Testing of Standby Gas Treatment Sys Filter Train T46-D001A,filter Train Would Not Remove Required Amount of Halogenated Hydrocarbon Gas.Caused by Defective Charcoal.Charcoal Replaced ML20010J5401981-09-25025 September 1981 LER 81-087/03L-0:on 810902,during Removal of Radioactive Matl from Fuel Pool,Containment Atmosphere Dilution Sys Analyzers Failed & Drywell to Torus Delta P Dropped Below Spec.Caused by High Radiation Levels ML18023A0011981-08-0404 August 1981 LER 81-068/03L-0:on 810706,following Reactor Scram,Hpci Sys Auto Initiated,Tripped on High Reactor Water Level,Then Failed to Restart,Due to Failure of Turbine Stop Valve to Open.Caused by Overspeed Trip Sys Malfunction ML20004B6671981-05-21021 May 1981 LER 81-041/03L-0:on 810426,diesel Generator 1B Declared Inoperable.Caused by Spurious Trip from High Crankcase Pressure Switch W/Generator in Manual Start Mode.Generator Proven Operable & Returned to Svc ML19347E6941981-05-0707 May 1981 LER 81-039/01T-0:on 810428,supports B21-f30-H007 & B21-f30-H004 Found to Fail Support Functionality Criteria Per IE Bulletin 79-14.Caused by Design Requirements Being Exceeded ML20008F9541981-05-0505 May 1981 LER 81-030/03L-0:on 810413,during Refueling outage,1C71- K751B & D,Rps M-G Set Overvoltage Relays & 1C71-K752C,RPS M-G Set Undervoltage Relay Did Not Actuate.Caused by Setpoint Drift.Relays Recalibr & Returned to Svc ML19350B8071981-03-17017 March 1981 Updated LER 80-149/03X-1:on 801031,RHR Pump Suction Isolation Valve 2E11-F4B Was Found Leaking.Caused by Scratches on Valve Seat,Probably Due to Valve Closing on Debris.Valve Seat Polished ML20003A4081981-01-27027 January 1981 LER 80-128/03L-0:on 801230,while Performing High Drywell Pressure Function Test,Relay ANP-1-3002 Failed.Caused by Broken Insulation Preventing Contacts from de-energizing. Replay Replaced & Returned to Svc ML20002E1921981-01-15015 January 1981 LER 80-123/03L-0:on 801219 & 801226,turbine Trip & Throttle Valve on Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Sys Failed.Failures Caused by Gall on Valve Poppet & Body & Improper Limit Switch Setting.Gall Removed & Switch Reset ML19345E2831980-12-11011 December 1980 LER 80-156/03L-0:on 801113,determined RHR Return Inboard & Outboard Thermal Expansion Bellows Leaking in Excess of Spec.Caused by Cracks in Test Connection Tubing.Retest to Be Performed ML19345B3141980-11-18018 November 1980 LER 80-116/03L-0:on 801105,reactor Recirculation Pump a Motor Generator Tripped.Cause Unknown.Generator Set Restarted & No Problems Found ML19344E6631980-08-29029 August 1980 LER 80-123/03L-0:on 800812,during Normal Operation,While Performing Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Steam Line Pressure Instrument Functional Test,Outboard Isolation Valve Failed to Fully Close.Caused by Defective Torque Switch ML19344E0881980-08-21021 August 1980 LER 80-120/03L-0:on 800811,during Normal Steady State Power Operation,Recirculation Pump 2B Rx Tripped on Low Oil Pressure to Mg Set When Dc Control Power Was Lost to Mg Set Oil Pumps.Caused by Failure to Restore Normal Dc Power ML19344E0351980-08-15015 August 1980 LER 80-088/03L-0:on 800725,w/reactor in start-up Mode & Reactor Pressure at 150 1b & 0% Power,During HPCI Overspeed Trip Test,Turbine Failed to Trip at or Below 5,000 Revolutions Per Minute.Caused by Setpoint Drift ML19330A5691980-07-22022 July 1980 LER 80-081/03L-0:on 800705,w/mode Switch in Run,Drywell Pressure Recorder 1T48-R608 Found Inoperative.Redundant Recorder 1T48-R609 Was Operable.Caused by Component Failure. Transmitter Repaired,Recalibr & Returned to Svc ML19320A8131980-06-27027 June 1980 LER 80-056/03L-0:on 800205,standby Gas Treatment Sys Ventilation & Valve Operability Procedure,Changed on 800122, Had Not Been PRB Reviewed or Approved within 14 Days as Required by Tech Spec.Caused by Personnel Error ML19318C4801980-06-24024 June 1980 Revised LER 80-068/03X-1:on 800422,while Performing Primary Containment Recombiner Sys Functional Test,Recombiner Sheath Temp Failed to Remain within Tech Spec.Caused by Setpoint Being Set Too High ML19318C4661980-06-24024 June 1980 LER 80-089/03L-0:on 800530,while Performing HNP-2-3315,torus Suction Valves 2E41-F041 & 2E41-F042 Failed When Given Open Signal.Torus Valves Shorted Out Due to Condensation in HPCI Room.Cause of Condensation Was Steam Leakage Around Seal ML19318B0051980-06-19019 June 1980 LER 80-087/03L-0:on 800528,during Surveillance Procedure HNP-2-3154,reactor Pressure Vessel Level Instrument (LPCI) Ft&C on 2B21-NO31B,Switch 4,had Double Actuation.Caused by Slipped Magnets on Pointer Shaft Due to Corrosion ML19318A9741980-06-17017 June 1980 LER 80-084/03L-0:on 800521,unit Scrammed While Operating at Steady State.Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Tripped on High Water Level.Sys Maunally Restarted,But Tripped on Mechanical Overspeed Trip ML19312E6081980-05-23023 May 1980 LER 80-043/03L-0:on 800503,while at Steady State Power, Torus Air & Water Temp Recorder Was Discovered to Be Stamping Erratic & Upscale.Caused by Faulty Balancing Motor in Recorder.Balancing Motor Replaced ML19312E2031980-05-22022 May 1980 LER 80-044/03L-0:on 800506,during Normal Full Power Operation,Primary Containment Oxygen Concentration Exceeded Allowable Limit.Caused by Operator Failure to Initiate Dinitrogen Makeup to Drywell Prior to Reaching Limit ML19318A3981980-05-19019 May 1980 Updated LER 80-053/03X-2:on 800505,during Normal Operation, Notification Received from Comsip,Inc of Design Defect on Primary Containment hydrogen-oxygen Analyzers.Caused by Absence of Design to Prevent Deadheading ML19309H5981980-05-0606 May 1980 LER 80-063/03L-0:on 800421,w/reactor in Startup/Hot Standby Mode,D/W Torus Temp Recorder Found Inoperable.Caused by Loose Wire on Common Terminal Block on Recorder.Connection Tightened ML19309H6211980-05-0505 May 1980 LER 80-050/03L-0:on 800407,during ISI Pump Operability Testing,While Shut Down for Surveillance/Vent Header Installation Outage,Determined That Standby Liquid Control Pump B Did Not Meet Acceptance Criteria ML19309H2241980-05-0101 May 1980 LER 80-037/03L-0:on 800408,during Normal Operations & While Reviewing Surveillance schedule,post-LOCA Monitor Calibr Had Not Been Performed within Interval Required by Tech Specs. Caused by Personnel Oversight.Personnel Change Was Made ML19309H5911980-05-0101 May 1980 LER 80-052/03L-0:on 800408,during Maint of Standby Gas Treatment Sys,Power Cables to Heaters & Fans Found Undersized.Caused by Design Error.Cables Will Be Replaced by 800601 ML19309H1701980-04-30030 April 1980 LER 80-033/03L-0:on 800402,while Inspecting CST Access Stairway,Cold Joint Between Original Base Slab & Added Slab for Retaining Walls Lacked Watertight Seal.Caused by Const Oversight.Maint Request Issued ML19309H2011980-04-30030 April 1980 LER 80-051/03L-0:on 800409,while Shutdown for Surveillance/ Vent Header Deflector Installation Outage,Dirty Radwaste Discharge Isolation Valve 2G11-F004 Found Leaking in Excess of Spec.Caused by Improper Sealing of Valve Gate ML19309H2381980-04-30030 April 1980 LER 80-036/03L-0:on 800409,during Steady Power Operation, Fire Water Storage Tank Levels Dropped Below Tech Spec Limits.Caused by Separation of Fire Main Pipe Fitting Due to Settling of Concrete Drainage Ditch ML19309H2521980-04-29029 April 1980 LER 80-047/03L-0:on 800405,while Performing Remote Shutdown Panel Instrument Checks,Torus Water Level Instrument 2T48-R070 Found Downscale.Caused by Technician Failing to Verify Markings of Transmitter 2T48-N070 W/Proper Tubing ML19309H1931980-04-28028 April 1980 LER 80-046/03L-0:on 800404,during 18-month Surveillance Procedure HNP2-3832,loss of Sys Pressure Was Simulated on Diesel Generator 2C & Bus 2G.Generator Started But Did Not Tie to Bus.Caused by Personnel Error ML19309H1851980-04-28028 April 1980 LER 80-039/01X-1:on 800411,during Normal Operation,Psw & RHR-SW Pump Motor Cooling Water Supply Did Not Meet Single Failure Criterion.Caused by Design Not Specifying Divisional Cooling Water Supply to Pumps ML19309F1901980-04-22022 April 1980 LER 80-034/03L-0:on 800403,during Steady State Power Operation on Unit 1 & Cold Shutdown on Unit 2,fire Water Level on Both Water Tanks Was Discovered Below Tech Specs. Caused by Valve Trip at North End of 1B Cooling Tower ML19309G0921980-04-22022 April 1980 LER 80-042/03L-0:on 800328,while Performing Hydraulic Visual Insp,Snubber 2T46-R65B Found Low on Fluid.During Subsequent Testing,Snubber Failed to Meet Acceptance Criteria on Lockup Velocity.Caused by Seal Failure ML19309E6441980-04-15015 April 1980 LER 80-045/01T-0:on 800404,while in Cold Shutdown,Leak Rate Test Was Performed on Auto Depressurization Sys Valves Air Supply Accumulator Check Valves.Leaks Were Beyond Acceptable Rate.Cause Unknown.Valves Will Be Repaired Prior to Startup ML19305D8271980-04-0808 April 1980 LER 80-032/01T-0:on 800327,during Maint Outage & Surveillance Test,Noted That 2D Psw Pump Sequenced to Bus in 2 to 5-s.Cause Unknown ML19305C9581980-04-0303 April 1980 LER 80-029/01T-0:on 800325,during 18-month Surveillance Test on Emergency Station Battery Chargers 2G & 2J,both Failed to Maintain Respective Loads.Caused by Voltage Control Module & Current Limit Module Requiring Fine Tuning 1994-05-09
[Table view] Category:RO)
MONTHYEARML20029E2071994-05-0909 May 1994 LER 94-004-00:on 940416,discovered That Surveillance Frequency for Sp 34SV-SUV-008-1S Not Correct for Seven Primary Containment Vent & Purge Valves Due to Personnel Error.Surveillance Brought Up to date.W/940509 Ltr ML20045B0371993-06-10010 June 1993 LER 93-009-00:on 930514,scram Occurred When Mode Switch Moved to Run Position Due to Blown Fuses in Rps.Procedures 52PM-B21-005-1S,52PM-B21-005-2S & 52GM-MEL-007-0S Revised. W/930610 Ltr ML20045B7111993-06-10010 June 1993 LER 93-005-00:on 930521,unplanned Insertion of Manual Scram Initiated Due to Personnel Error.Personnel Involved Temporarily Removed from License Duties & Being Subjected to Formal discipline.W/930610 Ltr ML20028H8431991-01-27027 January 1991 LER 90-024-00:on 901228,pretreatment Monitoring Station Offgas Samples Not Collected & Analyzed within 4 H of Increased Fission Gas Release.Caused by Misinterpretation of Tech Specs.Personnel instructed.W/910125 Ltr ML19277C5931983-06-28028 June 1983 LER 83-033/03L-0:on 830606,surveillance Coordinator Discovered Procedure HNP-2-3195, Weekly Breaker Alignment Checks, Not Performed by 830605.Caused by Personnel Error. Procedure Performed on 830606.W/830628 Ltr ML20028A4901982-11-0909 November 1982 LER 82-078/03L-0:on 821014,discovered Safety Evaluations for Revisions to Procedures Not Reviewed by Safety Review Board Per Tech Specs.Caused by Misinterpretation of Tech Specs.All safety-related Evaluations Will Be Reviewed ML20027C1741982-09-28028 September 1982 Updated LER 82-008/03X-2:on 820126,during steady-state operation,115 Control Rod Drive Accumulator Low Pressure Alarm Switches Found in Need of Calibr.Caused by Instrument Drift.Setpoints Reset.Fill Valves Being Overhauled ML20027B2661982-09-0202 September 1982 LER 82-086/03L-0:on 820814,following Control Rod Pattern Adjustment,Core Max Fraction of Limiting Power Density Found Greater than Tech Spec Limit.Caused by Reduction in Xenon Concentration Due to Increased Burnup ML20052A4211982-03-0202 March 1982 LER 82-013/03L-0:on 820213,during Startup,Average Power Range Monitor Not Adjusted within 2-h Time Limit & Corrective Action Ineffective.Caused by Spatial Redistribution of Xenon & Faulty Rod Pattern Adjustment ML20040C7201982-01-19019 January 1982 LER 82-001/03L-0:on 820101,low Pressure Alarm Received on Control Rod Drive Line Hydraulic Control Unit 26-47 Due to Switch Being Out of Tolerance.Caused by Setpoint Drift. Switch Recalibr & Returned to Svc ML20039F3711981-12-22022 December 1981 LER 81-135/03L-0:on 811215,level of Both Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Dropped Below Tech Spec Requirement. Caused by Ruptured Fire Main in Low Voltage Switchyard. Rupture Isolated & Tanks Restored to Required Level ML20038B7371981-12-0101 December 1981 LER 81-110/03L-0:on 811107,RHR Loop a Removed from Shutdown Cooling Mode to Standby Configuration.While Swapping from Shutdown Cooling to Torus Suction,Torus Suction Valve 2E11- FOO4C Failed.Caused by Valve Limit Switch Failure ML20011A5111981-09-29029 September 1981 LER 81-094/03L-0:on 810904,during Testing of Standby Gas Treatment Sys Filter Train T46-D001A,filter Train Would Not Remove Required Amount of Halogenated Hydrocarbon Gas.Caused by Defective Charcoal.Charcoal Replaced ML20010J5401981-09-25025 September 1981 LER 81-087/03L-0:on 810902,during Removal of Radioactive Matl from Fuel Pool,Containment Atmosphere Dilution Sys Analyzers Failed & Drywell to Torus Delta P Dropped Below Spec.Caused by High Radiation Levels ML18023A0011981-08-0404 August 1981 LER 81-068/03L-0:on 810706,following Reactor Scram,Hpci Sys Auto Initiated,Tripped on High Reactor Water Level,Then Failed to Restart,Due to Failure of Turbine Stop Valve to Open.Caused by Overspeed Trip Sys Malfunction ML20004B6671981-05-21021 May 1981 LER 81-041/03L-0:on 810426,diesel Generator 1B Declared Inoperable.Caused by Spurious Trip from High Crankcase Pressure Switch W/Generator in Manual Start Mode.Generator Proven Operable & Returned to Svc ML19347E6941981-05-0707 May 1981 LER 81-039/01T-0:on 810428,supports B21-f30-H007 & B21-f30-H004 Found to Fail Support Functionality Criteria Per IE Bulletin 79-14.Caused by Design Requirements Being Exceeded ML20008F9541981-05-0505 May 1981 LER 81-030/03L-0:on 810413,during Refueling outage,1C71- K751B & D,Rps M-G Set Overvoltage Relays & 1C71-K752C,RPS M-G Set Undervoltage Relay Did Not Actuate.Caused by Setpoint Drift.Relays Recalibr & Returned to Svc ML19350B8071981-03-17017 March 1981 Updated LER 80-149/03X-1:on 801031,RHR Pump Suction Isolation Valve 2E11-F4B Was Found Leaking.Caused by Scratches on Valve Seat,Probably Due to Valve Closing on Debris.Valve Seat Polished ML20003A4081981-01-27027 January 1981 LER 80-128/03L-0:on 801230,while Performing High Drywell Pressure Function Test,Relay ANP-1-3002 Failed.Caused by Broken Insulation Preventing Contacts from de-energizing. Replay Replaced & Returned to Svc ML20002E1921981-01-15015 January 1981 LER 80-123/03L-0:on 801219 & 801226,turbine Trip & Throttle Valve on Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Sys Failed.Failures Caused by Gall on Valve Poppet & Body & Improper Limit Switch Setting.Gall Removed & Switch Reset ML19345E2831980-12-11011 December 1980 LER 80-156/03L-0:on 801113,determined RHR Return Inboard & Outboard Thermal Expansion Bellows Leaking in Excess of Spec.Caused by Cracks in Test Connection Tubing.Retest to Be Performed ML19345B3141980-11-18018 November 1980 LER 80-116/03L-0:on 801105,reactor Recirculation Pump a Motor Generator Tripped.Cause Unknown.Generator Set Restarted & No Problems Found ML19344E6631980-08-29029 August 1980 LER 80-123/03L-0:on 800812,during Normal Operation,While Performing Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Steam Line Pressure Instrument Functional Test,Outboard Isolation Valve Failed to Fully Close.Caused by Defective Torque Switch ML19344E0881980-08-21021 August 1980 LER 80-120/03L-0:on 800811,during Normal Steady State Power Operation,Recirculation Pump 2B Rx Tripped on Low Oil Pressure to Mg Set When Dc Control Power Was Lost to Mg Set Oil Pumps.Caused by Failure to Restore Normal Dc Power ML19344E0351980-08-15015 August 1980 LER 80-088/03L-0:on 800725,w/reactor in start-up Mode & Reactor Pressure at 150 1b & 0% Power,During HPCI Overspeed Trip Test,Turbine Failed to Trip at or Below 5,000 Revolutions Per Minute.Caused by Setpoint Drift ML19330A5691980-07-22022 July 1980 LER 80-081/03L-0:on 800705,w/mode Switch in Run,Drywell Pressure Recorder 1T48-R608 Found Inoperative.Redundant Recorder 1T48-R609 Was Operable.Caused by Component Failure. Transmitter Repaired,Recalibr & Returned to Svc ML19320A8131980-06-27027 June 1980 LER 80-056/03L-0:on 800205,standby Gas Treatment Sys Ventilation & Valve Operability Procedure,Changed on 800122, Had Not Been PRB Reviewed or Approved within 14 Days as Required by Tech Spec.Caused by Personnel Error ML19318C4801980-06-24024 June 1980 Revised LER 80-068/03X-1:on 800422,while Performing Primary Containment Recombiner Sys Functional Test,Recombiner Sheath Temp Failed to Remain within Tech Spec.Caused by Setpoint Being Set Too High ML19318C4661980-06-24024 June 1980 LER 80-089/03L-0:on 800530,while Performing HNP-2-3315,torus Suction Valves 2E41-F041 & 2E41-F042 Failed When Given Open Signal.Torus Valves Shorted Out Due to Condensation in HPCI Room.Cause of Condensation Was Steam Leakage Around Seal ML19318B0051980-06-19019 June 1980 LER 80-087/03L-0:on 800528,during Surveillance Procedure HNP-2-3154,reactor Pressure Vessel Level Instrument (LPCI) Ft&C on 2B21-NO31B,Switch 4,had Double Actuation.Caused by Slipped Magnets on Pointer Shaft Due to Corrosion ML19318A9741980-06-17017 June 1980 LER 80-084/03L-0:on 800521,unit Scrammed While Operating at Steady State.Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Tripped on High Water Level.Sys Maunally Restarted,But Tripped on Mechanical Overspeed Trip ML19312E6081980-05-23023 May 1980 LER 80-043/03L-0:on 800503,while at Steady State Power, Torus Air & Water Temp Recorder Was Discovered to Be Stamping Erratic & Upscale.Caused by Faulty Balancing Motor in Recorder.Balancing Motor Replaced ML19312E2031980-05-22022 May 1980 LER 80-044/03L-0:on 800506,during Normal Full Power Operation,Primary Containment Oxygen Concentration Exceeded Allowable Limit.Caused by Operator Failure to Initiate Dinitrogen Makeup to Drywell Prior to Reaching Limit ML19318A3981980-05-19019 May 1980 Updated LER 80-053/03X-2:on 800505,during Normal Operation, Notification Received from Comsip,Inc of Design Defect on Primary Containment hydrogen-oxygen Analyzers.Caused by Absence of Design to Prevent Deadheading ML19309H5981980-05-0606 May 1980 LER 80-063/03L-0:on 800421,w/reactor in Startup/Hot Standby Mode,D/W Torus Temp Recorder Found Inoperable.Caused by Loose Wire on Common Terminal Block on Recorder.Connection Tightened ML19309H6211980-05-0505 May 1980 LER 80-050/03L-0:on 800407,during ISI Pump Operability Testing,While Shut Down for Surveillance/Vent Header Installation Outage,Determined That Standby Liquid Control Pump B Did Not Meet Acceptance Criteria ML19309H2241980-05-0101 May 1980 LER 80-037/03L-0:on 800408,during Normal Operations & While Reviewing Surveillance schedule,post-LOCA Monitor Calibr Had Not Been Performed within Interval Required by Tech Specs. Caused by Personnel Oversight.Personnel Change Was Made ML19309H5911980-05-0101 May 1980 LER 80-052/03L-0:on 800408,during Maint of Standby Gas Treatment Sys,Power Cables to Heaters & Fans Found Undersized.Caused by Design Error.Cables Will Be Replaced by 800601 ML19309H1701980-04-30030 April 1980 LER 80-033/03L-0:on 800402,while Inspecting CST Access Stairway,Cold Joint Between Original Base Slab & Added Slab for Retaining Walls Lacked Watertight Seal.Caused by Const Oversight.Maint Request Issued ML19309H2011980-04-30030 April 1980 LER 80-051/03L-0:on 800409,while Shutdown for Surveillance/ Vent Header Deflector Installation Outage,Dirty Radwaste Discharge Isolation Valve 2G11-F004 Found Leaking in Excess of Spec.Caused by Improper Sealing of Valve Gate ML19309H2381980-04-30030 April 1980 LER 80-036/03L-0:on 800409,during Steady Power Operation, Fire Water Storage Tank Levels Dropped Below Tech Spec Limits.Caused by Separation of Fire Main Pipe Fitting Due to Settling of Concrete Drainage Ditch ML19309H2521980-04-29029 April 1980 LER 80-047/03L-0:on 800405,while Performing Remote Shutdown Panel Instrument Checks,Torus Water Level Instrument 2T48-R070 Found Downscale.Caused by Technician Failing to Verify Markings of Transmitter 2T48-N070 W/Proper Tubing ML19309H1931980-04-28028 April 1980 LER 80-046/03L-0:on 800404,during 18-month Surveillance Procedure HNP2-3832,loss of Sys Pressure Was Simulated on Diesel Generator 2C & Bus 2G.Generator Started But Did Not Tie to Bus.Caused by Personnel Error ML19309H1851980-04-28028 April 1980 LER 80-039/01X-1:on 800411,during Normal Operation,Psw & RHR-SW Pump Motor Cooling Water Supply Did Not Meet Single Failure Criterion.Caused by Design Not Specifying Divisional Cooling Water Supply to Pumps ML19309F1901980-04-22022 April 1980 LER 80-034/03L-0:on 800403,during Steady State Power Operation on Unit 1 & Cold Shutdown on Unit 2,fire Water Level on Both Water Tanks Was Discovered Below Tech Specs. Caused by Valve Trip at North End of 1B Cooling Tower ML19309G0921980-04-22022 April 1980 LER 80-042/03L-0:on 800328,while Performing Hydraulic Visual Insp,Snubber 2T46-R65B Found Low on Fluid.During Subsequent Testing,Snubber Failed to Meet Acceptance Criteria on Lockup Velocity.Caused by Seal Failure ML19309E6441980-04-15015 April 1980 LER 80-045/01T-0:on 800404,while in Cold Shutdown,Leak Rate Test Was Performed on Auto Depressurization Sys Valves Air Supply Accumulator Check Valves.Leaks Were Beyond Acceptable Rate.Cause Unknown.Valves Will Be Repaired Prior to Startup ML19305D8271980-04-0808 April 1980 LER 80-032/01T-0:on 800327,during Maint Outage & Surveillance Test,Noted That 2D Psw Pump Sequenced to Bus in 2 to 5-s.Cause Unknown ML19305C9581980-04-0303 April 1980 LER 80-029/01T-0:on 800325,during 18-month Surveillance Test on Emergency Station Battery Chargers 2G & 2J,both Failed to Maintain Respective Loads.Caused by Voltage Control Module & Current Limit Module Requiring Fine Tuning 1994-05-09
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML20217D3061999-10-13013 October 1999 SER Accepting Licensee Proposed Changes to Edwin I Hatch Nuclear Plant Emergency Classification Scheme to Add Emergency Action Levels Related to Operation of Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation HL-5845, Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant.With1999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant.With ML20212G3101999-09-24024 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 217 & 158 to Licenses DPR-57 & NPF-5,respectively ML20217A1691999-09-22022 September 1999 Part 21 Rept Re Engine Sys,Inc Controllers,Manufactured Between Dec 1997 & May 1999,that May Have Questionable Soldering Workmanship.Caused by Inadequate Personnel Training.Sent Rept to All Nuclear Customers ML20212A6641999-09-13013 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Authorizing Relief Request RR-V-16 for Third 10 Yr Interval Inservice Testing Program HL-5836, Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1999 for Edwin I Hatch Nuclear Plant.With1999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1999 for Edwin I Hatch Nuclear Plant.With ML20210J9631999-08-0202 August 1999 SER Finding That Licensee Established Acceptable Program to Verify Periodically design-basis Capability of safety-related MOVs at Edwin I Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 ML20210J9271999-08-0202 August 1999 SER Finds That Licensee Performed Appropriate Evaluations of Operational Configurations of safety-related power-operated Gate Valves to Identify Valves at Plant,Susceptible to Pressure Locking or Thermal Binding HL-5818, Monthly Operating Repts for July 1999 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With1999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for July 1999 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With 05000366/LER-1999-006, :on 990615,loss of Condenser Vacuum Leads to Manual Reactor Scram & ESF Actuation.Caused by Loss of Vacuum in Main Condenser.Operating Order Issued.With1999-07-14014 July 1999
- on 990615,loss of Condenser Vacuum Leads to Manual Reactor Scram & ESF Actuation.Caused by Loss of Vacuum in Main Condenser.Operating Order Issued.With
HL-5805, Monthly Operating Repts for June 1999 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With1999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for June 1999 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20207G5591999-06-0909 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 215 & 157 to Licenses DPR-57 & NPF-5,respectively ML20207E7631999-06-0303 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Concluding That Licensee Proposed Alternative to Use Code Case N-509 Contained in RR-4 Provides Acceptable Level of Quality & Safety.Considers Rev 2 to RR-4 & RR-6 Acceptable 05000321/LER-1999-003-01, :on 990507,incorrect Performance of Equipment Clearance Led to Scram on High Reactor Pressure.Caused by Personnel Error.Personnel Disciplined & Improved Procedure.With1999-06-0101 June 1999
- on 990507,incorrect Performance of Equipment Clearance Led to Scram on High Reactor Pressure.Caused by Personnel Error.Personnel Disciplined & Improved Procedure.With
HL-5795, Monthly Operating Repts for May 1999 for Ehnp Units 1 & 2. with1999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for May 1999 for Ehnp Units 1 & 2. with 05000366/LER-1999-005, :on 990505,generator Ground Fault Caused Turbine Trip & Reactor Scram.Caused by Turning Vanes Which Broke Loose.Pieces of Broken Vanes & Rails Were Retrieved from Isophase Bus Duct.With1999-05-27027 May 1999
- on 990505,generator Ground Fault Caused Turbine Trip & Reactor Scram.Caused by Turning Vanes Which Broke Loose.Pieces of Broken Vanes & Rails Were Retrieved from Isophase Bus Duct.With
05000321/LER-1999-002-01, :on 990429,HPCI Sys Inoperability Occurred. Caused by Vacuum in HPCI Sys Vacuum Tank.Personnel Lowered Tank Vacuum & Successfully Completed HPCI Sys Testing.With1999-05-24024 May 1999
- on 990429,HPCI Sys Inoperability Occurred. Caused by Vacuum in HPCI Sys Vacuum Tank.Personnel Lowered Tank Vacuum & Successfully Completed HPCI Sys Testing.With
05000321/LER-1999-001-04, :on 990412,loss of Scram Valve Air Header Air Pressure & RPS Actuation Were Noted.Caused by Drawing Error. Revised Drawings to Show That Valve 1P52-F501 Provides Air to Scram Valve Air Header.With1999-05-10010 May 1999
- on 990412,loss of Scram Valve Air Header Air Pressure & RPS Actuation Were Noted.Caused by Drawing Error. Revised Drawings to Show That Valve 1P52-F501 Provides Air to Scram Valve Air Header.With
ML20206G1691999-05-0404 May 1999 SER Approving Requirements of Istb 4.6.2(b) Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(ii) HL-5784, Monthly Operating Repts for Apr 1999 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With1999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Apr 1999 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20205H1881999-04-0606 April 1999 Non-proprietary, Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 for SFP Storage Expansion ML20205G5041999-04-0101 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 215 & 156 to Licenses DPR-57 & NPF-5,respectively HL-5766, Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1999 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With1999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1999 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20207M1891999-03-11011 March 1999 SER Accepting Relief Request for Authorization of Alternative Reactor Pressure Vessel Exam for Circumferential Weld HL-5755, Monthly Operating Repts for Feb 1999 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With1999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Feb 1999 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20206P6981999-01-0707 January 1999 Ehnp Intake Structure Licensing Rept 05000366/LER-1998-004-01, :on 981005,noted That full-in Position Indicating Light Did Not Extinguish as Expected When CR 38-15 Was Withdrawn.Caused by Personnel Error.Jumper Was Removed from RPIS Circuit Card for Rod 38-151999-01-0404 January 1999
- on 981005,noted That full-in Position Indicating Light Did Not Extinguish as Expected When CR 38-15 Was Withdrawn.Caused by Personnel Error.Jumper Was Removed from RPIS Circuit Card for Rod 38-15
HL-5726, Monthly Operating Repts for Dec 1998 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With1998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Dec 1998 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With 05000366/LER-1998-005-04, :on 981117,missed TS Surveillance Was Noted. Caused by Administrative Error.Changed Manner in Which Surveillance Database Updates Are Initiated,Tracked & Implemented.With1998-12-15015 December 1998
- on 981117,missed TS Surveillance Was Noted. Caused by Administrative Error.Changed Manner in Which Surveillance Database Updates Are Initiated,Tracked & Implemented.With
ML20196J4931998-12-0707 December 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Proposed Alternatives in Relief Requests RR-V-12,RR-V-15,RR-P-15,RR-V-7,RR-V-12,RR-V-14 & RR-V-15 HL-5714, Monthly Operating Repts for Nov 1998 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With1998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Nov 1998 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With HL-5706, Monthly Operating Repts for Oct 1998 for Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2.With1998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Oct 1998 for Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2.With 05000366/LER-1998-004-04, :on 981005,condition Prohibited by TS Was Noted.Caused by Personnel Error.Coached Involved Personnel & Briefed Other Technicians on Event.With1998-10-29029 October 1998
- on 981005,condition Prohibited by TS Was Noted.Caused by Personnel Error.Coached Involved Personnel & Briefed Other Technicians on Event.With
ML20155B6121998-10-28028 October 1998 Safety Evaluation of TR SNCH-9501, BWR Steady State & Transient Analysis Methods Benchmarking Topical Rept. Rept Acceptable ML20155C6601998-10-22022 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 214 & 155 to Licenses DPR-57 & NPF-5,respectively 05000366/LER-1998-003-05, :on 980923,RPS Actuation Occurred Due to Valve Position Error.Cause indeterminate.Re-pressurized Scram Air Header & Checked Valves in Pneumatic Lineup1998-10-14014 October 1998
- on 980923,RPS Actuation Occurred Due to Valve Position Error.Cause indeterminate.Re-pressurized Scram Air Header & Checked Valves in Pneumatic Lineup
HL-5691, Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1998 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With1998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1998 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20153G2481998-09-24024 September 1998 SE Concluding That Licensee Implementation Program to Resolve USI A-46 at Plant Adequately Addressed Purpose of 10CFR50.54(f) Request ML20239A2531998-09-0303 September 1998 SER Accepting Licensee Request for Relief Numbers RR-17 & RR-18 for Edwin I Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.Technical Ltr Rept on Third 10-year Interval ISI Request for Reliefs for Plant,Units 1 & 2 Encl HL-5675, Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1998 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 21998-08-31031 August 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1998 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 ML20238F7131998-08-31031 August 1998 9,change 2 to QAP 1.0, Organization ML20237D6371998-08-20020 August 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 213 & 154 to Licenses DPR-57 & NPF-5,respectively ML20237C4531998-08-18018 August 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 212 & 153 to Licenses DPR-57 & NPF-5,respectively HL-5667, Monthly Operating Repts for July 1998 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 21998-07-31031 July 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for July 1998 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 ML20236W3441998-07-30030 July 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Relief Requests for Second 10-yr ISI for Plant,Units 1 & 2 HL-5657, Ro:On 980626,noted That Pami Channels Had Been Inoperable for More than Thirty Days.Cause Indeterminate.Licensee Will Replace Automatic Function W/Five Other Qualified Pamis of Like Kind in Drywell & Revised Procedures1998-07-30030 July 1998 Ro:On 980626,noted That Pami Channels Had Been Inoperable for More than Thirty Days.Cause Indeterminate.Licensee Will Replace Automatic Function W/Five Other Qualified Pamis of Like Kind in Drywell & Revised Procedures ML20236V5191998-07-28028 July 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Proposed License Amend Power Uprate Review ML20236N6751998-07-0909 July 1998 Part 21 & Deficiency Rept Re Notification of Potential Safety Hazard from Breakage of Cast Iron Suction Heads in Apkd Type Pumps.Caused by Migration of Suction Head Journal Sleeve Along Lower End of Pump Shaft.Will Inspect Pumps ML20236L1821998-07-0707 July 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting 980428 Proposed Alternative to ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section Xi,Repair & Replacement Requirements Under 10CFR50.55a(a)(3) HL-5653, Monthly Operating Repts for June 1998 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 21998-06-30030 June 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for June 1998 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 1999-09-30
[Table view] |
.. , Georgis Power Company 40 invemess Center Parkway
- Post Offk:e Box 1295 Birmingham, Alabama 35201 Tektphone 205 877-7279 L
J. T. Beckham, Jr. Georoia Vice President - Nuclear D Power Hatch Project the souffen cWutac system June 10, 1993 Docket No. 50-366 HL-3339 005610 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant - Unit 2 Licensee Event Report Personnel Error Results in Unolanned Insertion of Manual Scram Gentlemen:
In accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.73 (a)(2)(iv), Georgia Power Company is submitting the enclosed Licensee Event Report (LER) concerning a personnel error which resulted in an unplanned insertion of a manual scram.
This event occurred at Plant Hatch - Unit 2.
/J. T. Beckham, Jr JKB/cr
LER 50-366/1993-005 cc: Georaia Power Company Mr. H. L. Sumner, General Manager - Nuclear Plant NORMS U.S. Nuclear Reaulatory Commission. Washinaton. D.C.
Mr. K. Jabbour, Licensing Project Manager - Hatch U.S. Nuclear Reaulatory Commission. Reaion II Mr. S. D. Ebneter, Regional Administrator Mr. L. D. Wert, Senior Resident Inspector - Hatch
.L S 002. 0
f \\
9306180329 930610 \
{DR ADOCK 05000366 PDR jy
U.5. ha.LLAR kLeJLAW WmihiUN A % UOLD UMo NO. 3 W -0104 wto)m t o-M a EXPIRES: 4/30/92 LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER)
+ALILu r NAML (1) outui huMotk (z) m fu PLANT EDWIN I. IMTCH, UNIT 2 05000366 1 orl5 TITLE (4)
MONTH DAY YEAR YEAR SEQ hum REV M0hTH DAY YEAR FACILITY hAME5 DOCAET huMBER(5) 05000 05 21 93 93 005 00 06 10 93 05000 OPERATING THIS 6RT 15 M E MW M THE RWM5 W H UR (H) 00DE (9) 1 20.402(b) 20.405(c) ^ 50.73(a)(2)(iv) 73.71(b)
POUER 20.405(a)(1)(1) 50.36(c)(1) 50.73(a)(2)(v) 73.71(c)
LEVEL 065 20.405(a)(1)(ii) [ 50.36(c)(2) [ 50.73(a)(2)(vii) [OTHER(Specifyin 20.405(a)(1)(iii) 50.73(a)(2)(1) _
50.73(a)(2)(viii)(A) Abstract below) 20.405(a)(1)(iv) 50.73(a)(2)(ii) -
50.73(a)(2)(viii)(B) 20.405(a)(1)(v) ["" 50.73(a)(2)(iii) 50.73(a)(2)(x)
AB5 TRACT (16) on 5/21/93 at 1939 CDT, Unit 2 was in the Run mode at a power level of 1581 CMWT (approximately 65 percent of rated thermal power). At that time, licensed Operations personnel were performing surveillance procedure 34SV-C71-005-2S, '
" TURBINE CONTROL VALVE FAST CLOSURE INSTRUMENT FUNCTIONAL TEST." This procedure tests the "RPT" logic which causes a trip of the Reactor Recirculation Pumps in the event of a Main Turbine trip above 30 percent power. The procedure requires opening a test switch to disable the RPT trip while each Main Turbine Control Valve (TCV) is cycled. Per the procedure, the licensed operator should have disabled the "A" logic using the "A" test switch. Instead, he mistakenly moved the "B" test switch, disabling the "B" logic which was not being tested and leaving the "A" logic active. Subsequently, when the TGV in the "A" logic channel was closed per the procedure, the RPT logic was satisfied, and both Reactor Recirculation pumps tripped per design. Licensed operators immediately inserted a manual scram as required. Reactor water level decreased following the scram as expected, producing a second scram signal and closure of the Group 2 Primary Containment Isolation System valves. Water level was restored from a low point of 161 inches above the top of active fuel by the Reactor Feedwater Pumps. No Emergency Core Cooling Systems injected, nor were any required to do so. The cause of this event is a personnel error on the part of a licensed operator. Specifically, he manipulated the wrong test switch while performing a surveillance. Subsequent movement of the TGV being tested completed the logic required to produce a trip of the Recirculation Pumps.
i Corrective actions for this event included temporarily removing the involved operator from licensed duties and subjecting him to formal discipline under the Company's Positive Discipline Program, i
, . -- . ~__ -. - . . -_. . _
Jte - U.5. NucuAR KwULMUKI.w61UN _ MrM 3 U104 y LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LE3t)
- PIANT EDWIN I. IIAIQl, UNIT 2 050003'66 93 005 00 2 0F 5 i
General Electric -'. Boiling Water Reactor- 'i Energy Industry Identification System codes.are identified in the text as (EIIS Code XX). -l DESCRIPTION OF EVENT .
On 5/21/93 at 1939 CDT, Unit 2 was in the Run mode at a power level of 1581 CMWT I (approximately 65 percent of rated thermal power). At that time, licensed Operations personnel were performing surveillance procedure 34SV-C71-005-2S,s
" TURBINE CONTROL VALVE FAST CII)SURE INSTRUMENT FUNCTIONAL TEST." The purpose of 3 this surveillance is to test the control logic which produces a Reactor l Recirculation Pump (EIIS Code AD) trip should the Main Turbine (EIIS Code TA) l Control. Valves (TCVs) close when reactor power-isJgreater than 30 percent. This I circuitry is referred to as Recirculation Pump Trip or "RPT" logic. Both TCVs in the.same logic channel must close'to actuate the RPT logic and trip the l Reactor Recirculation Pump breakers. During testing, a test switch'in the logic j is opened per procedure 34SV-C71-005-2S to prevent an RPT trip signal from ,
actuating the Reactor Recirculation Pump breakers. The first TGV closure signal is then simulated by installing a jumper in the RPT logic. The second TGV closure signal is generated by closing the other TCV in the same logic channel until contacts in the RPT logic close and produce annunciation in the Main ~ .
Control Room. Once proper circuit response is demonstrated, the TCV is allowed to reopen, the circuit is restored to its normal configuration and the test ,
proceeds to the next TCV.
In this event, the first TGV was successfully tested. When the licensed operator performing the procedure began testing the second TCV, he. mistakenly moved the "B" logic test switch rather than the "A" switch as he should have. i 1
This action disabled the RPT logic in a channel which was not being tested and l 1 eft active the logic which was'about to be tested. Next, the jumper was 'l installed properly, simulating the signal produced by closure of one TGV in the -!
"A" logic channel. When~the other TCV in the "A" logic was closed at 1939 CDT, the combination of the jumper and the closed TCV completed the required logic, ' j tripping the Reactor Recirculation Pumps. ;
a When licensed personnel observed that both Reactor Recirculation Pumps had tripped, they immediately initiated a manual scram as required by Unit 2 '
' Technical Specifications section Action statement a. Following the-scram, reactor water. level decreased from is normal setpoint of 38. inches above '
instrument zero due to void collapse from power reduction, and reached the- q setpoint for.the low reactor water level scram and the Group 2 Primary
- Containment Isolation System (PCIS, EIIS Code JM) isolation. As expected..-
another scram signal occurred on low water level and all Group 2 valves closed }
as required. Reactor water level was recovered by the Reactor Feedwater Pumps '
(EIIS Code SJ). No Emergency Core Cooling Systems injected to the vessel, nor were any required to do so. The lowest water level observed during the event was three inches above instrument zero, or approximately 161 inches above the
- , . . - . , - _ _ _ - , - - _ .I
YEAR SEQ huh REV PLANT EDWIN I. HATG, UNIT 2 05000366 93 005 00 3 0F 5 TEXT ,
top of active fuel. Reactor pressure was controlled using the Main Turbine Bypass Valves (EIIS Code S0). No Safety Relief Valves lifted, nor were any required to lift.
P CAUSE OF EVENT The root cause of this event was a personnel error on the part of a licensed plant operator. When performing the surveillance, _the operator should have moved the "A" logic test switch to prevent a trip of the breakers for the Reactor Recirculation Pumps. However, he mistakenly moved the "B" switch. This disabled the RPT logic in a circuit which was not being tested and left active the RPT logic which was being tested. Therefore, when the jumper was installed simulating one TGV closure and the other TGV in the same logic channel was actually closed, the logic conditions for an RPT actuation were satisfied in the active circuit and the Recirculation Pumps tripped per design. Since reactor operation without forced recirculation is not permitted, licensed personnel immediately inserted a manual scram signal as required by the plant's Technical Specifications.
This event is reportable per 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv) because a condition occurred which resulted in an unplanned manual actuation of the Reactor Protection System. Specifically, when licensed personnel observed that both Reactor 4 Recirculation Pumps had tripped, they initiated a manual scram. The manual I scram was followed by a second scram signal and a Group 2 PCIS valve actuation on low reactor water level.
The Turbine Control Valves are designed to control steam flow to the Main Turbine, thereby controlling reactor pressure during normal power operation. In the event of a trip of the Main Turbine, the TCVs automatically close. Pressure ;
sensors in the Electrohydraulic Control System (EIIS Code JJ) for the Main- )
Turbine sense TCV position and send signals into the trip logic for the Reactor Recirculation Pumps, commonly called RPT logic. The purpose of the RPT function is to assist the scram function in rapidly reducing reactor power to protect against the pressure and power transients that result from a trip of the Main Turbine. This provides additional margin to core thermal limits in addition to that provided by the scram function alone, particularly when'the core is nearing the end of a fuel cycle. The RPT logic fed by the TCVs is two-out of-two logic, requiring.both valves in a trip system to be closed in order to produce an actuation. In accordance with Unit 2 Technical Specifications table, the TGV pressure switches are functionally tested monthly to ensure I this trip function is operable. To facilitate testing, a switch in the logic provides the capability to prevent trip signals from actually tripping the Reactor Recirculation Pump breakers. !
i 3f/A U.b. laLLtJM ntutLAlWf Whih510N /WF 3 0104 LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER)
YEAR SEQ hum REV PLANI' EDWIN I. Halt:H, UNIT 2 05000366 93 005 00 4 0F 3 ;
TEXT j The Reactor Protection System is designed to produce a reactor scram signal when I process conditions indicate that such is necessary. Among the many process conditions which can produce a scram signal is a low reactor water level of 12.3 inches above instrument zero.
The Primary Containment Isolation System is designed to isolate the Primary Containment by closing valves in pipes which penetrate the Containment to prevent radioactive materials from escaping. The PCIS valves are divided by design into several groups, Group 2 PCIS valves are typically those valves in lines which penetrate the Primary Containment and communicate with the free air space inside it without directly communicating with the nuclear steam supply system. One of the signals designed to produce an isolation _of Croup 2 PCIS valves is a low reactor water level of 12.3 inches above instrument zero, or the same setpoint as the RPS actuation on low reactor water level.
In this event, a licensed plant operator moved a test switch, disabling an RPT logic channel which was not being tested. This left active the other RPT logic channel which was about to be tented. Thus the RPT logic being tested was still able to produce an actual trip of the Recirculation Pump breakers. Therefore, when the jumper was installed simulating one TCV closure and the other TCV in the same logic channel was closed per the procedure, the logic for a trip of the Recirculation Pump breakers was satisfied, and the breakers tripped as designed.
This logic functioned as designed given the signal which was introduced when the jumper was installed and the TCV was closed. Other than the trip itself, no off-normal conditions were observed. Reactor water level decreased as expected due to void collapse resulting from rapid power reduction following the scram and reached the trip setpoint of RPS and the Group 2 PCIS, Consequently, a second scram signal was produced and the Croup 2 PCIS valves closed as required.
Had a design basis accident (DBA) occurred during this event, the affected systems would already have assumed the configurations assumed in the plant's accident analyses. No further automatic respenses involving these systems would have been required to mitigate the consequences of a postulated DBA.
Based on this analysis, it is concluded that this event had no adverse impact on nuclear safety. This analysis is applicable to all power levels.
CORRECTIVE ACTIONS Corrective actions for this event included temporarily removing the involved licensed plant operator from duties requiring a reactor operator's license and subjecting him to formal discipline under the Company's Positive Discipline l Program.
_ . __ __ _ ~ . _ . . .
a gp aties u.s. nuaus awutAum wmialun wg ag'-olos
YEAR 5EQ hbM REV l 1,
PIANT DMIN 1. IRTQi, LNIT 2 0 5 0'O O 3 6 6 93 005 00 's or 5 ,
- 1. Other Affected Systems: No systems other than those mentioned in this .;
report were affected by this event.
- 2. Previous Similar Events: Events reported in the past two years in which licensed personnel committed errors resulting in a scram are described in -l the following LERs:
50-321/1992-009, dated 04/23/92 50-366/1992-009, dated 07/24/92 50-366/1992-026, d-ted 12/21/92 Corrective actions for these-events included counseling involved personnel, revising procedures, expanding the utilization of equipment danger _ tags, reviewing the alarm function on Main Turbine vibration, and repairing equipment. These corrective actions could not have prevented this event due to the nature of the personnel error which led to this event. That is, no factors involving equipment labeling, equipment function, or procedural controls were identified as having contributed to this event.
- 3. Failed Components Information: No failed components contributed to or resulted from this event.