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Responds to NRC 810115 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-458/80-14.Corrective Actions:Waste Concrete Spoil Area Resloped & Rebermed by 810109 to Prevent Untreated Water from Overflowing Into Adjacent Creek
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/09/1981
From: Draper E
To: Seidle W
Shared Package
ML19343C848 List:
RBG-9647, NUDOCS 8103250427
Download: ML19343C850 (4)



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Feb ruary 9,1981 R3G - 9647

,le Code .os. G9.3, ut .4.1 Mr. W. C. Seidle, Chief Resctor Construction & Engineering Suppor: 3 ranch U.S. Nuclear Regula:ory Cc mission Regica IV 611 Ryan Fla:a Drive Suite 1000 Arlington, TX 76011

Dear Mr. Seidle:

River 3end Statien - Uni: 1 Refer to: RIV Docke: No. 50-458/Ro:. 30-14 This let:er responds to the Notice of Violatica contained in your I&E Report No. 50-45S/S0-14 as required by 10 CFR 2.201. This inspection at the River Bend construction si:e was conducted by Mr. D. 3. . Spit: berg and Mr. L. Wilborn of your staff during the period December 15-17, 1950, of activities authori:ed by NRC Construction Fer:1: No. C??R-143 for River 3end Statica - Uni: 1.

The two items .in the Notice of Violation vere given a severity level V. Fre the cbservations made to date, it has been determined that potential envirencen:a1 impacts resui:ing f rc: :hese two 1: ems are conside' red as minor. Th e re fo re , it is reques:ed :ha:

vo iters be reassigned a severi:y level VI classification.

I: is also requested that the time allcwed for responding to any fu:ure Notices of viola:icn be related to :he late tha: Gulf States U:ilities receives :he Notice and not related :: :he da:e of the No: ice. In :his manner, Gelf S:ates Utili:ies vill be allowed full benefit of the response time allowed . and any inefficiencies 1

in the mail systes will not be :aken fro = :he response time.

8108250 %

Mr. W. C. Seidle, Chief February 9,1981 Page 2 We trus: tha: the enclosed response satisfactorily answers :he concerns raised in your report. We shall be glad to discuss any further points that you nay have.


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E. Linn Oraper, ar.

Vice ?residen Nuclear Technology

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1 ANAC*-O!ENT 1 RES?CNSE TO NOTICE OF VIOLATION I A. Failure to Contain Untreated '4ater Runoff From Sooil Decosi: Area I:em 3.E. (1) of NRC Construe: ion Fersic No. 145 references I:es 4.5.l(3) of :he Final Environmental Statement which requires, in part, : hat spoil deposit areas will be selected to ,indmize adverse environ =en=al effect.

Contrary :o :his requirement, a spoil deposi: area had been selec:ed for National Mobile Concrete Corp. such that vash water with a pH of approxi-nacely 12 was overflowing in:o ~4es: Creek.

This is a Severi:7 Level V violation (Supplement II.E.)

CSU Rescense to Violation A

1. Correc:ive Steps Which Have Saen Taken, and the Results Achieved:

The vaste concrete spoil area has been resloped and re-ber:ed to contain any untreated water and to prevent i frc= cverfleving into the adj acent creek. This was ce=pleted by January 9, 19S1.

2. Corrective Steps Which Will be Taken to Avoid Further Nonce pliance:

The corrective steps :aken above should prevent future occurrences of :his :ype. Accumula:ed water in :his area is removed by trans-ferring it to the vash water creat=ent pits for. suspended solids re= oval and neutralization.

3. Date When Full Compliance Will be Achieved:

January 9, 1981.


Visual observaticas made follov1ng the incident revealed no aquatic floral or faunaldamage. Therefore, the environ = ental effec: is considered tenperary and =inor.

3. Failure to ?revent the Release of Used Petroleum ?roducts to the Environment Ita= 3.E. (1) of NRC Construe: ion Permit No. 145-references I em 4.5.l(15) of :he Final Environmental Statement vnich requires, in part, : hat pre-cautions vill be :aken to assure :ha: construe:1on chemicals vill not be released to :he environment.

Contrary to this requirement .used petroleum produe:s were observed en December 15, 1980, :o have been spilled.or :o be' leaking frem a container

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Attach =tne 1 Page 2 at the rear of the vehicle maintenance shop and were being transported by water to a drainage ditch which leads to the offsite environ =en:.

This . is a Severity Level-V violacien (Supplement II.E.)

GSU Resoonse to Violation 3

1. Corree:ive Steps Which Have 3een Taken, and the Resul:s Achieved:

Waste lubricants vill no longer be placed in containers behind :he shop, but ' La an underground storage tank. Furthernore, concre:e slabs and ber=s are being constructed at oil dispensing areas. This was completed by February 9,1981.

2. Correc:1ve Steps Which Will 3e Taken to Avoid Further Nonccmpliance:

Increased enphasis will be placed en the proper storage, use, and disposal of potentially hazardous chemicals. The procedure for dealing vi:h spills of this type is to be instituted by March 15, 1981.

3. -Date When Full Compliance Will be Achieved:

March 15, 1981.

4 Co=ments:

Visual observaticca made folleving .the incident revealed no aquatic floral' or f aunaldamage. Therefore, the environmen:al effec: is considered te=porary and =inor.


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