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                -. ,pa tt ig**
: o.                      UNITED STATES
          , ['$          , * ,i -            NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
            ;                . i.                  W ASHIN GTON , D.C. 20558 0            %, n          /                      November 1, 1988 h              , *.....
OFPLCE OR THE SELC4ET M Y M.r. Janus L.      Dean, Director Committee Management Secretariat (CTM)
Gomeral Services Administration Walshington, D.C. 20405
==Dear Mr. Dean:==
The Charter for the Advisory Panel for the Decontamination of Three Mile Island, Unit 2, requires a decision on renewal by November 28, 1988.      This is to inform you of the Nuclear
<                        Regulatory Commission's determirition regarding renewal of this Advisory Committee for an additi;nal two-year period.
The Commission has determined that renewal of this Advisory Panel for an additional two-year period is necessary and in the public interest in order to continue to receive public input and enhance public understanding of the major activities required to decontaminate and safely c.1.eanup the damage of Three Mile Island Unit 2 Nuclear Power Station (TMI-2). The NRC is keenly interested in pu'>lic participation of its regulatory process in general and in pw t ic understanding of the cleanup operations at TMI-2 in particular. The Panel has regularly scesdu.'.ad meetings approximately every three months in the evening at a location near the TMI-2 site to facilitate local public input. The Panel has also been meeting regularly in public with the NRC Commissioners.                              --
Althouch cleanup efforts have been underway for over nine years, there are still a number of major activities to be conducted.
The cleanup process is a slow and deliberate one, involving many critical steps. the next two years, the Commission will decide on two major issues:          acceptability of the licensee's proposal for the disposition of approximately two million gallons 5                        of water contaminated during the accident, and the licensee's plans for the facility after the current cleanup is completed.
The Commission believes that it would not be ir the public interest to allow this Advisory Panel to be terminated prior to the resolution of these issues since the residents of Pennsylvania have come to rely on the Panel as the primary channel through which their input and views will be considered.
At the time the Advisory Panel was established in November 1980, Congress was considering legislation (NRC's FY 1981 Authorization Bill, H.R. 7981) which would have given it statutory status.
Although the Agency did not receive a final Authorization Bill n
8812080022 891128                -
POR    ADOCK 05000320 P                            PDC
l that year, the establishment of the Advisory Panel was not a disputed issue between the House and the Senate.
The current nembership is made up of two members representing                                                                                                  '
state or local government, five members who are local residents and four members from the scientific community. The NRC's plan is to maintain this balanced membership on the Advisory Panel, as
.,                                                                                                      replacements are needsd.
The functions of the Panel are not duplicated in any other I
committee nor could other methods of obtaining thL Panel's advice                                                                                              !
and recommendations result in improved quality of input desired                                                                                                l by the commission.                          The members of the Panel serve without                                                                              r compensation.
With your concurrence, we will initiate necessary action to publish notice of renewal in the rederal Reaister, file the charter with the appropriate committees, and furnish a copy of                                                                                                  !
the charter to the Library of Congress.
i Sincerely,
('                                L%.
j/ John C. oyle                                                                                              ,
;                                                                                                                                                              Advisory Committee                                                                                      ,
Management Officer i                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    f i
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                                                                                          .                                                                                                    I CHARTER FOR ADVISORY PANEL FOR THE DECONTAMINATION OF THREE MILE ISLAND, UNIT 2
: 1.        Official Desionation Advisory Panel for the Decontamination of Three Milm Island Unit 2.
: 2.        Obiectives and Scene of Activities and Duties The Panel consults with and provides advice to the commission on major activities requirnd to decontaminate and safely cleanup the TMI-2 facility.                                                          The Panel alto consults with arid provides advice to the commission on the
!                                                                          public's reactions to plans and the results of studies and review deriving from Federal, State and TMI Public Health l
Fund efforts regarding the TMI-2 accident.                                                          (This activity is to be carried out under the attached criteria.)
{                                                                3.        Time Period The Committee will be utilized during the period public views
!                                                                          on cleanup issues at Three Mile Island are required.
: 4.        Auenev_ po Whom the Panel ReDorts United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
: 5.        Aaency Peseensible for Providina Necessary Suecorg Unites States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
: 6.        Dutiet
;                                                                          As set forth in Item 2 above.
;                                                                7.      Cost 1
: a.                $30,000 (allowed expenses, including travel and per i                                                                                            diem).
: b.                Less than one man-year.
;                                                                8.      Estimated Number of Meetinas Per Year Four meetings per year.
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2-i 4
: 9. Isra,ination Date Tuo years from date of filing unless renewed in accordance with Section 14 of the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
  ;                              10. Date of Filinct i
John C. Hoyle j                                                                        Advisory committee j                                                                          Management officer Attachment Criteria I
'f i
4 I
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    -.  , -  -g _e,w w -_,~v--r.-    = = - - - ~ ~ - - - - - ,
: 1. The Panel meetings are intended to provide a means for facilitating the communication of plans and results of studies / reviews deriving from Faderal, State, and TMI Public Penith Fund efforts regarding the TMI-2 accident.                    To the extent that government funded generic studies cuch as those sponsored by the NIH on effects on low-level radiation may be helpful to the public in reviewing the TMI experience, such presentations would not be excluded.
: 2. The Panel wi'1 not serve either as a referee or as an independent technical reviewer of such studies or in general                          :
I health effects issues such as standards for radiation health and safety protection.          --
: 3. Panel priority will continue to be the TMI-2 cleanup program.      The health effects issue will not dominate the agenda of topics to be addressed.
Attachment to Paragraph 2 of Charter}}

Latest revision as of 07:33, 13 November 2020

Informs of NRC Determination Re Renewal of Advisory Panel for TMI-2 for Addl 2 Yr Period
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/01/1988
From: Hoyle J
To: Jeremy Dean
Shared Package
ML20196C436 List:
NACTMI, NUDOCS 8812080022
Download: ML20196C483 (5)




-. ,pa tt ig**



. i. W ASHIN GTON , D.C. 20558 0  %, n / November 1, 1988 h , *.....

OFPLCE OR THE SELC4ET M Y M.r. Janus L. Dean, Director Committee Management Secretariat (CTM)

Gomeral Services Administration Walshington, D.C. 20405

Dear Mr. Dean:

The Charter for the Advisory Panel for the Decontamination of Three Mile Island, Unit 2, requires a decision on renewal by November 28, 1988. This is to inform you of the Nuclear

< Regulatory Commission's determirition regarding renewal of this Advisory Committee for an additi;nal two-year period.

The Commission has determined that renewal of this Advisory Panel for an additional two-year period is necessary and in the public interest in order to continue to receive public input and enhance public understanding of the major activities required to decontaminate and safely c.1.eanup the damage of Three Mile Island Unit 2 Nuclear Power Station (TMI-2). The NRC is keenly interested in pu'>lic participation of its regulatory process in general and in pw t ic understanding of the cleanup operations at TMI-2 in particular. The Panel has regularly scesdu.'.ad meetings approximately every three months in the evening at a location near the TMI-2 site to facilitate local public input. The Panel has also been meeting regularly in public with the NRC Commissioners. --

Althouch cleanup efforts have been underway for over nine years, there are still a number of major activities to be conducted.

The cleanup process is a slow and deliberate one, involving many critical steps. the next two years, the Commission will decide on two major issues: acceptability of the licensee's proposal for the disposition of approximately two million gallons 5 of water contaminated during the accident, and the licensee's plans for the facility after the current cleanup is completed.

The Commission believes that it would not be ir the public interest to allow this Advisory Panel to be terminated prior to the resolution of these issues since the residents of Pennsylvania have come to rely on the Panel as the primary channel through which their input and views will be considered.

At the time the Advisory Panel was established in November 1980, Congress was considering legislation (NRC's FY 1981 Authorization Bill, H.R. 7981) which would have given it statutory status.

Although the Agency did not receive a final Authorization Bill n

8812080022 891128 -

POR ADOCK 05000320 P PDC

l that year, the establishment of the Advisory Panel was not a disputed issue between the House and the Senate.

The current nembership is made up of two members representing '

state or local government, five members who are local residents and four members from the scientific community. The NRC's plan is to maintain this balanced membership on the Advisory Panel, as

., replacements are needsd.

The functions of the Panel are not duplicated in any other I

committee nor could other methods of obtaining thL Panel's advice  !

and recommendations result in improved quality of input desired l by the commission. The members of the Panel serve without r compensation.

With your concurrence, we will initiate necessary action to publish notice of renewal in the rederal Reaister, file the charter with the appropriate committees, and furnish a copy of  !

the charter to the Library of Congress.

i Sincerely,

(' L%.

j/ John C. oyle ,

Advisory Committee ,

Management Officer i f i

i t

4 l l-

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1. Official Desionation Advisory Panel for the Decontamination of Three Milm Island Unit 2.
2. Obiectives and Scene of Activities and Duties The Panel consults with and provides advice to the commission on major activities requirnd to decontaminate and safely cleanup the TMI-2 facility. The Panel alto consults with arid provides advice to the commission on the

! public's reactions to plans and the results of studies and review deriving from Federal, State and TMI Public Health l

Fund efforts regarding the TMI-2 accident. (This activity is to be carried out under the attached criteria.)

{ 3. Time Period The Committee will be utilized during the period public views

! on cleanup issues at Three Mile Island are required.

4. Auenev_ po Whom the Panel ReDorts United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
5. Aaency Peseensible for Providina Necessary Suecorg Unites States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
6. Dutiet
As set forth in Item 2 above.
7. Cost 1
a. $30,000 (allowed expenses, including travel and per i diem).
b. Less than one man-year.
8. Estimated Number of Meetinas Per Year Four meetings per year.

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2-i 4


9. Isra,ination Date Tuo years from date of filing unless renewed in accordance with Section 14 of the Federal Advisory Committee Act.


10. Date of Filinct i

John C. Hoyle j Advisory committee j Management officer Attachment Criteria I

'f i

4 I

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-. , - -g _e,w w -_,~v--r.- = = - - - ~ ~ - - - - - ,

1. The Panel meetings are intended to provide a means for facilitating the communication of plans and results of studies / reviews deriving from Faderal, State, and TMI Public Penith Fund efforts regarding the TMI-2 accident. To the extent that government funded generic studies cuch as those sponsored by the NIH on effects on low-level radiation may be helpful to the public in reviewing the TMI experience, such presentations would not be excluded.
2. The Panel wi'1 not serve either as a referee or as an independent technical reviewer of such studies or in general  :

I health effects issues such as standards for radiation health and safety protection. --

3. Panel priority will continue to be the TMI-2 cleanup program. The health effects issue will not dominate the agenda of topics to be addressed.

Attachment to Paragraph 2 of Charter