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{{#Wiki_filter:-                    . . - _ -              .                              . . - .      . _ -
                                                                                  U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                                                                                REGION III
                            Report No. 50-373/86010(DRS)
;                            Docket No. 50-373                                                                                                License No. NPF-11
                            Licensee: Comonwealth Edison Company
,                                                  P.O. Box 767
l'                                                  Chicago, IL 60690
:                            Facility Narre: LaSalle County Station, Unit 1
                              Inspection At: LaSalle Site, Marseilles, IL
                                                                    USNRC Region III, Glen Ellyn, IL (RIII)
                                                                    Sargent and Lundy Engineers (S&L)
                              Inspection Conducted: March 6-7 and 11-12, 1986, at the site
;                                                                                  March 17,1986, at RIII                                                                                  *
i                                                                                  March 26-27, 1986, at S&L
                              Inspector:                I. T. Yin                                                                                              /
                                                                                                                                              Date' /
                                                                                            b                                                      //
                              Approved By:                    D. H. Danielson, Chief                                                            M/7//2
                                                              Materials and Processes Section                                                Date'
1                                                                                                                ,
                              Inspection Sumary
                              Inspection on March _6 _27,1986_jR_ep~ ort No. 5_0_-373/pB6,010jDRP))                                      R
                              Areas Inspected: Special announced inspection of inservice inspection and
.                              functional testing of safety-related snubbers and licensee actions in response
                              to previous inspection findings and a 50.55(e) deficiency report.
                              Results: No violations or daviations were identified.
                            8604140082 860407
;                          PDR      ADOCK 05000373
                            G                                            PDR
  . - . _ , _ . .  ..m,-...,..      . - , - , . . - _ - - - - . - . . . , . . -                  - - - - . _ _  . _ . _ _ _ - , _ . . - .      , , - . . - . . , . - . . . . _          - - , - -
              1. Persons Contacted
                  T. A. Hammerich, Technical Staff, Compliance
                  G. J. Diederich, Station Manager
                *D. R. Szumski, Technical Staff, Snubber Test Coordinator
                  D. S. Berkman, Assistant Superintendent, Technical Services
                *R. D. Bishop, Services Superintendent
                  R. L. Scott, SNED Engineer
                  B. M. K. Wong, SNED Engineer
                *R. M. Jeisy, QA Supervisor
                *J. Merwin, Staff Assistant, Maintenance
                *J. G. Marshall, Director of QA, Operations
                'C. M. Allen, Nuclear License Administrator
                *L. F. Gerner, Regulatory Assurance Superintendent
                *H. L. Massin, SNED Engineer
                *H.  S. Turbak, Licensing Director, Operating Plants
                *K.  L. Graesser, Division Vice President
                *D.  L. Farrar, Nuclear Licensing Director
                +J.  T. Fox, R chanical Engineer
                Sargent and Lundy Engineers (SEL)
                +*R. h. Pollock, Project Manager
                  *G. T. Kitz, Head, Engineering Mechanics Division
                  +R.  B. Johnson, QA Coordinator
                    S. M. Kazmi, Supervising Design Engineer
                  +R.  J. Janowiak, Structural Project Engineer
i                  +S.  A. Gibraiel, EMD Engineer
                  +W. U. Choudhury, Mechanical Project Engineer
                  +A. Morcos, Assistant Head, QA Division
                  +H. G. S. McCullyh, Project QA Coordinator
                US NRC
                  *C,  J. Paperiello, Director, Division of Reactor Safety, RIII
                  *J. J. Harrison, Chief, Engineering Branch, RIII
                  *D. H. Danielson, Chief, Materials and Processes Section, RIII
                  *R. W. DeFayette, Project Manager, RIII
                  *J. A. Gavula, Mechanical Engineer, RIII
                  *I T. Yin, Senior Mechanical Engineer, RIII
                  *R. J. Kiessel, IE-EGCB Staff
                  *H. K. Shaw, N"R-BWREB Staff
                  M. J. Jordan, Senior Resident Inspector, RIII
                  * Denotes those attending the management meeting at RIII on March 17,
                  + Denotes those attending the exit meeting at S8L on March 27, 1986.
  . _ _ _      _    _      - - - - - _ -_ . - _ . .  - _ _ ..    --  . -  - --._.
      2.    Licensee Action on Previous Idt.ntified Items
            a.  (Closed) Unresolved Item (373/82-11-08): The S&L system analysis
                  criteria for separating header and branch connections was based on a
                  moment of inertia ratio of seven or more. Questions were raised
                  relative to branch connections that were close to equipment nozzles,
                  and possible restraint design load increases of more than 10%. The
                  NRC inspector reviewed the S&L Report EMD-035739, " Evaluation of the
                  Effects of Branch Lines on the Header Restraint System for LaSalle
                  County Unit 1," Revision 0, dated April 30, 1982, and considered the
                  matter resolved.
            b.  (Closed) Open Item (373/82-11-09): Potential weaknesses in pipe            ;
                  snubber design control were identified. S&L upgraded its program
                  to include:
                        Snubber selection criteria are included in S&L EMD-TP-1 "EMD
                        Lesson Plan For Training Personnel in Piping Analysis," Volume 1,
                        Revision 6, dated April 27, 1985.                                    ,
                        The frequency of S&L engineering site visits and meetings to        l
                        provide as-built reviews and evaluations has been increased.        l
                        A comprehensive piping analysis hardware optimization evaluation
                        and snubber reduction program has been implemented.
                  The NRC inspector reviewed the pertinent records and considered
                  the issue resolved.
            c.  (Closed) Unresolved Item (373/82-15-01): A number of snubbers were
                  installed close to rigid restiaints. This could affect the operability
                  of these snubbers because of restricted lockup motion. To date, more
                  than 1000 snubbers were either deleted or replaced by rigid restraints.
                  The NRC inspector reviewed some of the ECNs and "Addendums to Piping
                  Stress Reports" generated for the snubber optimization effort and had
                  no adverse comments. Revised snubber selection criteria are documented
!                  in S&L report EMD-035454, " Snubber Lock-Up Evaluation Report for
                  LaSalle Units 1 and 2," Revision 0, dated April 1, 1982. The NRC
                  inspector also reviewed these criteria and considered them acceptable.
            d.    (Closed) Unresolved Item (373/82-31-01): Extra conservative system
                  temperatures were used in some of the piping stress analyses. The
                  number of snubbers could possibly be reduced if the actual design
                  temperatures were applied. The NRC inspector reviewed an S&L letter
                  to CECO " Thermal Mode Review - Snubber Reduction," dated July 25,
                  1983, and considered the matter resolved.
            e.    (Closed) Unresolved Item (373/82-31-02): The NRC inspector requested
                  CECO provide a copy of the energy absorbing material (EAM) design
                  specification and qualification test data for his review. A followup
                  review was conducted at Byron Station during construction. See RIII
                  Inspection Report No. 50-454/84-51; 50-455/84-35 for details.
        ___                _ _ . _ -.      _ _ _ . -            ._-    -  _  _.      , _
      f.    (Closed) Violation (373/82-47-01): The QA pro
            the installation of pipe whip restraints (WRs)were    gram      notmeasures
                                                                                      adequate. for
            The NRC inspector reviewed the enclosure to the CECO response letter
            to RIII, dated May 4, 1983, " Response to Inspection Report 50-373/82-47,
            Item of Noncompliance, No.1," and considered it acceptable. The NRC
            inspector also reviewed the following procedures and found them
                  Morrison Construction Company Standard Operating Procedure, PC-16,
                    " Erection of Supports - Restraints and Final Installation Verifica-
                  tion," Revision 10, dated October 1982.
                  CECO LSQP 3-2, "As-Built Data Gathering Interface Control,"
                  Revision 0, dated December 31, 1982.
      g.      (Closed) Violation (373/82-47-02): The FCR system was used to
            document and resolve WR installation nonconformances. The NRC
            inspector reviewed the enclosure to the CECO response letter to RIII,
            dated May 4, 1983, " Response to Inspection Report 50-373/82-47, Item
            of Noncompliance, No. 2," and considered it acceptable. The NRC
            inspector also reviewed the site procedure developed as a part of the
            corrective action (LSQP 3-2, "As-Built Data Gathering Interface
            Control," Revision 0, dated December 31,1982) and had no adverse
      h.      (Closed) Unresolved Itcm (373/82-47-03): Followup on the disposition
            of QA audit findings in the area of WR installation. The NRC inspector
              reviewed CECO Audit Report No.1-82-54, " Whip Restraint Installation,"
            Revision 1, dated September 13, 1982 including "LaSalle QA Followup
            Surveillance" reports. Audit findings were closed from February to
            November 1983.    CECO QA actions to resolve WR installation deficiencies
            were considered adequate,
      i.    (Closed) Unresolved Item (373-82-47-04): Questionable S&L design of
            WRs utilizing EAM. A generic design review for Byron, Braidwood, and                                  i
            LaSalle EAM installations was conducted by the RIII and NRC-NRR                                        )
              staff. All issues were resolved. See RIII Inspection Report No.
              50-454/84-51; 50-455/84-35 for details.
      j.      (Closed) Violation (373/82-47-05): CECO failed to implement some of
              the requirements contained in the " Hot Line Walk Inspection Procedure."                            -
              The NRC inspector reviewed the enclosure to the Ceco response letter
              to RIII, dated May 4, 1983, " Response to Inspection Report No.
>            50-373/82-47, " Item of Noncompliance, No. 3," and considered it
              acceptable. The NRC inspector also reviewed the following licensee                                    i
              corrective actinn documents.                                                                          !
                    CECO letter to RIII, "LaSalle County Unit 1 Pipe Whip Restraints,"
                    dated January 18, 1983.
                    S&L report EMD-039304, " Verification of Pipe Whip Restraint Hot
                    Gaps," Revision 1, dated March 23, 1983.
    -    _-          -.    .  - _ . - -      . -  . ,__      . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _              _- . _ _ _ _
            "    S&L letter to CECO, " Unit 1 Pipe Whip Restraints," dated April 6,
                  S&L letter to CECO, " Unit 1 Pipe Whip Restraints," dated April 12,
      k.    (Closed)UnresolvedItem(373/82-47-06): Due to design configura-
            tion, several WRs could not be radiographed or ultrasonicly examined
            in accordance with the S&L specification requirements. From a total
            of 145 WRs, 33 (51 reported previously) did not satisfy the specifica-
            tion requirements. A review of the records identified that of a
            total of 919 full penetration welds, 804 welds passed either RT or
            UT, and the remaining 115 welds passed a visual examination. This
            matter is considered resolved.
    3. Licensee Action on 50.55_(_ellt_ epi _s_
      (Closed) 50.55(e) Item (373/82-03-EE):    On February 9, 1982 the licensee
      reported to RIII that due to a deficiency in design, approximately 113
      snubbers in LaSalle Unit 1 might not lockup due to close proximity to
      rigid restraints. Corre-tive actions were documented and a report was
      sent from CECO to RIII in a letter, "LaSalle County Station Units 1 and 2
      Mechanical Snubbers in Close Proximity to Rigid Restraints 10 CFR 50.55(e)
      Final Report No. 82-03," dated March 10, 1982. RIII review of this item
      is documented in paragraphs 2.b. 2.c and 2.d above. This item is considered
    4. Snubber Visual Inspec_tjon and Functional Testing
      The NRC inspector performed followup inspections on' safety-related large
      bore (L/B) and small bore (S/B) snubber visual inspections and functional
      testing performed by the licensee in accordance with the plant Technical
      Specification (TS). L/B snubbers are Pacific Scientific Pacific Shock
      Absorber (PSA) sizes 1 to 100. S/B snubbers are PSA sizes 1/4 to 1/2.
      a.    Review of Procedures
              The NRC inspector reviewed the following procedures and supporting
              dccuments, and had no adverse comments:
                  LMP-H0-01, '' Removal and Installation of Pacific Scientific
                  Mechanical Snubbers," Revision 1, dated August 28, 1985.
                    LTS-500.14, " Mechanical Snubber Functional Testing Contractor
                    Assisted," Revision 1, dated October 16, 1985.
                    SNED Manager letter to LSCS Plant Manager, " Acceptance Criteria
                  .for Snubber Functional Test AIR-373-251-85-00053," dated
                    Ncvember 26, 1985.
                    S&L EMD Report No. 055187, "LaSalle Snubber Testing Criteria,"
                    Revision 00, dated November 25, 1985.
      b. Snubber Failures and Probable Cause
          There are 850 L/B snubbers and 401 S/B snubbers included in the
          LaSalle Unit 1 TS. As of March 11, 1986, of the 260 L/B snubbers
          that have been functionally tested, 10 did not meet the test accep-
          tance criteria and of 374 S/B snubbers that have been functionally
          tested, 51 did not meet the test acceptance criteria. The nature
          and the probable cause of the failures are as follows:
                                      TABLE 1
                                  L/B Snubbers
          Snubber No.      System        Failure                Probable Cause*
          HP02-1507S        HPCS          Weld slag caused                1
          (PSA-3)                          internal binding
          RI24-1120S        RCIC          Defect in thrust bearing        2
          RH53-15125        RHR-(C)        Bent screw shaft              2, 4
          HP08-1024S        HPCS          Scored inner tube caused        2
          (PSA-10)                        by high vibration    ,
          RH13-11545        RHR-(B)        Sediment and weld splatter      3
          (PSA-35)                        fcund in internals
          LP02-1059S        LPCS          Cracked thrust bearing        1, 2
          RH03-10475      RHR-(A)        Slightly bent screw shaft;      2
          (PSA-3)                        thrust bearing pulled apart
          LP02-10545      LPCS          Thrust bearing cracked; bent    2
          (PSA-1)                        screw shaft with ball                  !
                                            in'pressions                          l
          RH40-1572S      RHR-(A)        Internals destroyed            2
          RH40-1042S      RHR-(A)        Bent screw shaft; dislocated    2
            (PSA-10)                        thrust bearing
    .            -
                                TABLE 2-
                            S/B Snubbers
      Snubber No.      System            _ Failure              Cause*
      MSC6-10165    MSIV instrument      Tape residue on inner    1
      (PSA-1/4)                          tube
      NB15-1002S    "9ssel head vent    Twisted internal        1
      MS14-1048S    MS drain            Bent inner tube          1
      HP20-1402S    HPCS pump relief    Overloaded in            2
      (PSA-1/4)                          compression
      NB13-1002S    Vessel head vent    Bent torque carrier      1
      FW11-1003S    Reactor water        Dirt and debris        1, 3
      (PSA-1/2)      clean up to FW
      MS14-1050S    MS drain            Tape residue on inner    1
      (PSA-1/4)                          tube
      LP20-10285    LPCS water relief Overloaded in              2
      (PSA-1/2)                          compressian
      LP20-10305    LPCS water relief Overloaded in              2
      (PSA-1/2)                          compression
      RHB4-10085    RHR shutdown        Overloaded in            2
      (PSA-1/4)      cooling valve        compression
      RHB4-10115      RHR shutdown        Overload in            2, 3
      (PSA-1/4)      cooling valve      compression;
                      bypass              lubricant dried up
      HSC6-1005S      MSIV instrument      Bent inner tube;          3
      (PSA-1/4)                          external damage
      NB11-1003S      Vessel instrument Tape residue on inner        1
      (PSA-1/4)                          tube
      FRH-1207-H095  RHR instrument      Bent inner tube          1
  .    - .    _ _ . . _ .      _          .    _              . _ _ _ _ _
            M1302-24-103    Recirc. pump seal  Lubricant dried up                3
            (PSA-1/4)      injection
!          LC01-1005S      MSIV leakage        Internal spring                  1
i          (PSA-1/2)      control            dislocated
            FRH-1213-H025  RHR instrument      Slight bow in screw              1, 2
i          (PSA-1/4)                          shaft
            RR17-1004S      Recirc. drain      Overloaded in                    2
i          (PSA-1/4)                          compression
            M-1302-23-140  MSIV instrument    Overloaded in                  1, 2
            (PSA-1/4)                          compression
i          M-1302-24-149  Recirc. pump        Lubricant dried up                3
;          (PSA-1/4)      seal injection-
            M-1302-24-151  Recirc. pump        External damage                1, 2 -
;          (PSA-1/4)      seal injection      caused internal rubbing
            RR17-1003S      Recirc. drain      Dirt and debris                    1
!          (PSA-1/4)
,          RR17-10075      Recirc. drain      Tape residue on inner            1, 3
)          (PSA-1/4)                          tube; corrosion
i          M-1302-24-148  Recirc. pump seal Overloaded in                      '3
l          (PSA-1/4)      injection          compression; corrosion
i          FRH-1209-H03S  RHR instrument      Tape residue on inner              1
)            (PSA-1/4)                          tube
            LC09-10315      MSIV leakage        Dirt                            1, 3
i          (PSA-1/4)      control
            M-1302-36-154  RCIC instrument    Corrosion'                        3
1          RR17-1005S      Recirc. drain      Corrosion; weld slag            1, 3
            (PSA-1/2)                          on inner tube
            RHB4-10075      RHR shutdown      Overloaded in compression; 3
            (PSA-1/4)      cooling valve      lubricant dried up
                            bypass                                                    . i
4          RR17-10085      Recirc. drain      Dirt                            1, 3
l            (PSA-1/4)
;            RH52-H09S      RHR instrument    Overloaded in                      2
l          (PSA-1/4)                          compression
1                                          8
        LC01-1058S    MSIV leakage    Loosened. capstan spring  4
    .  (PSA-1/4)    control
        MS10-10135-  MSIV instrument  Corrosion                3-
        LC01-10515    MSIV leakage    Twisted internals        1
        (PSA-1/4)    control          -
        RR69-H095    Recirc. drain    Corrosion                3
        RIO9-1008S    RCIC steam drain Twisted internals        1
        RIO9-1026S    RCIC steam drain Overloaded in            1
        (PSA-1/4)                      compression; internal
                                      spring dislocation
        RIO9-1005S    RCIC steam drain Twisted internals        1
        RH23-H075    RHR instrument  Dirt and debris          1, 3
        MS50-H025    MSIV instrument  Slight bend in head      2
        (PSA-1/4)                      screw shaft
        RT33-H105    Reactor water    Dirt and corrosion        3
        (PSA-1/4)    cleanup
        RH25-H04S    RHR valve        Corrosion; wear due to  2, 3
        (PSA-1/4)    leakoff          vibration
        RH25-H03S    RHR valve        Overloaded in            2, 3
        (PSA-1/4)    leakoff          compression; corrosion
        RH25-H06S    RHR valve        Overload in              2
        (PSA-1/4)    leakoff          compression
        M-1302-28-84  RHR instrument  Twisted internal          1
        M-1302-22-110 RHR instrument  Corrosion                3
        M-1302-28-76  RHR instrunent  Dirt                      3
        M-1302-22-102 HPCS instrument  Corrosion                  3
                  .                  .    _      _.
I    *
            M-1302-28-74      RHR instrument        Ofrt and corrosion        3
;          (PSA-1/4)
            M-1302-30-52      RHR instrument        Corrosion                3
;          (PSA-1/4)
            M-1302-21-40      RHR instrument        Internals rub due to      3
  :        (PSA-1/4)                                external damage
            *    Tables 1 and 2 - Probable Cause of F_ai_ lure
                  1.    Improper handling or installation during construction.
  .              2.    Damage that could result from:      (a)systemdynamic
                        transient loads, (b) a high magnitude of line . vibration,
                        and (c) steady state line vibration.
                  3.    Inadvertent damage such as water / chemicals spraying on
  i                      the snubber; or placement of the snubber in an adverse    1
                        environment such as exposure to high temperature.          !
                  4.    Menufacturing defect or mishandling during manufacturing,
  li                                                                                i
  ;      c. Meetin.g_with CECO at the Region III Office                            j
            RIII management ret with CECO representatives at RIII on March 17,      {
            1986 to discuss the snubber functional testing failures and CECO
            alternatives and courses of action. Matters discussed included: (1)
  j        number of snubber test failures, (2) causes of test failures, (3)
            status of system operebility evaluations, (4) future preventative
            At the conclusion of the reeeting, the RIII staff indicated that:
  !          (1) Consideration should be given to functional testing of all L/B
  i                and S/B safety-related scubbers in LaSalle Unit 1.
            (2) Priority should be given to functional testing of the RHR Loop A
l                  and Loop B snubbers.
  ;          (3) A formal inspection should be performed for the RHR Loop A and-
)                Loop B piping systems.
  !          (4) Operability evaluations and aralyses performed for the RHR
  1                systems should be completed on an expeditious basis.
            (5) Removal of the Unit 2 RHR system snubbers for furctional testing
                    is acceptable provided no more than two snubbers are removed
;                  at any one time.
                        _    .        . . _ . .                . _ . . - . . -.    .. - -    . _ -                            - _ . -- . . .-
;                                    (6) Region III would conduct further reviews into the Ceco statement
j                                                that some snubbers could have been damaged during maintenance
t                                                work in the vicinity of the snubber after the IEB 81-01 required
!                                                inspections. This is an Unresolved Item (373/86010-01).
                                    The CECO representative stated that RHR snubber testing and
i                                  evaluations should be completed before the'end of April 1986.
                          5.  Unresolved Items
I                              An unresolved item is a matter about which more information is required
                                in order to ascertain whether it is an acceptable item, an open item, a
                                deviation, or a violation. One unresolved item disclosed during this
                                inspection is discussed in Paragraph 4.c.(6).
i                        6.  Exit Interview
                                The NRC inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted in Paragraph 1)
                                at the conclusion of the inspection. The inspector summarized the scope and
                                findings of the inspection. The inspector also discussed the likely
  :                            informational content of the inspection report with regard to documents                                          I
  !                            reviewed by the inspector during he inspection. The licensee representatives                                      I
                                did not identify any such documents as proprietary.                                                              !
i                                                                                                                                                l
!                                                                                                                                                l
j                                                                                                                                                I
i                                                                                11
    . - _ _ _ _ . _                                _ _ _ ._. _ ._._ _ _                    __    - - - . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ , . _

Latest revision as of 21:53, 1 January 2021

Insp Rept 50-373/86-10 on 860306-27.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Inservice Insp & Functional Testing of safety-related Snubbers & Licensee Actions in Response to 10CFR50.55(e) Deficiency Rept
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/07/1986
From: Danielson D, Yin I
Shared Package
ML20202E954 List:
50-373-86-10, NUDOCS 8604140082
Download: ML20202E973 (11)

See also: IR 05000373/1986010


- . . - _ - . . . - . . _ -








Report No. 50-373/86010(DRS)

Docket No. 50-373 License No. NPF-11

Licensee: Comonwealth Edison Company

, P.O. Box 767

l' Chicago, IL 60690

Facility Narre: LaSalle County Station, Unit 1


Inspection At: LaSalle Site, Marseilles, IL

USNRC Region III, Glen Ellyn, IL (RIII)

Sargent and Lundy Engineers (S&L)


Inspection Conducted: March 6-7 and 11-12, 1986, at the site

March 17,1986, at RIII *

i March 26-27, 1986, at S&L


Inspector: I. T. Yin /

Date' /

b //

Approved By: D. H. Danielson, Chief M/7//2


Materials and Processes Section Date'

1 ,

Inspection Sumary

Inspection on March _6 _27,1986_jR_ep~ ort No. 5_0_-373/pB6,010jDRP)) R

Areas Inspected: Special announced inspection of inservice inspection and

. functional testing of safety-related snubbers and licensee actions in response


to previous inspection findings and a 50.55(e) deficiency report.

Results: No violations or daviations were identified.






8604140082 860407



PDR ADOCK 05000373




. - . _ , _ . . ..m,-...,.. . - , - , . . - _ - - - - . - . . . , . . - - - - - . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ - , _ . . - . , , - . . - . . , . - . . . . _ - - , - -




1. Persons Contacted


T. A. Hammerich, Technical Staff, Compliance

G. J. Diederich, Station Manager

  • D. R. Szumski, Technical Staff, Snubber Test Coordinator

D. S. Berkman, Assistant Superintendent, Technical Services

  • R. D. Bishop, Services Superintendent

R. L. Scott, SNED Engineer

B. M. K. Wong, SNED Engineer

  • R. M. Jeisy, QA Supervisor
  • J. Merwin, Staff Assistant, Maintenance
  • J. G. Marshall, Director of QA, Operations

'C. M. Allen, Nuclear License Administrator

  • L. F. Gerner, Regulatory Assurance Superintendent
  • H. L. Massin, SNED Engineer
  • H. S. Turbak, Licensing Director, Operating Plants
  • K. L. Graesser, Division Vice President
  • D. L. Farrar, Nuclear Licensing Director

+J. T. Fox, R chanical Engineer

Sargent and Lundy Engineers (SEL)

+*R. h. Pollock, Project Manager

  • G. T. Kitz, Head, Engineering Mechanics Division

+R. B. Johnson, QA Coordinator

S. M. Kazmi, Supervising Design Engineer

+R. J. Janowiak, Structural Project Engineer

i +S. A. Gibraiel, EMD Engineer

+W. U. Choudhury, Mechanical Project Engineer

+A. Morcos, Assistant Head, QA Division

+H. G. S. McCullyh, Project QA Coordinator


  • C, J. Paperiello, Director, Division of Reactor Safety, RIII
  • J. J. Harrison, Chief, Engineering Branch, RIII
  • D. H. Danielson, Chief, Materials and Processes Section, RIII
  • R. W. DeFayette, Project Manager, RIII
  • J. A. Gavula, Mechanical Engineer, RIII
  • I T. Yin, Senior Mechanical Engineer, RIII
  • R. J. Kiessel, IE-EGCB Staff
  • H. K. Shaw, N"R-BWREB Staff

M. J. Jordan, Senior Resident Inspector, RIII

  • Denotes those attending the management meeting at RIII on March 17,


+ Denotes those attending the exit meeting at S8L on March 27, 1986.


. _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ -_ . - _ . . - _ _ .. -- . - - --._.



2. Licensee Action on Previous Idt.ntified Items

a. (Closed) Unresolved Item (373/82-11-08): The S&L system analysis

criteria for separating header and branch connections was based on a

moment of inertia ratio of seven or more. Questions were raised

relative to branch connections that were close to equipment nozzles,

and possible restraint design load increases of more than 10%. The

NRC inspector reviewed the S&L Report EMD-035739, " Evaluation of the

Effects of Branch Lines on the Header Restraint System for LaSalle

County Unit 1," Revision 0, dated April 30, 1982, and considered the

matter resolved.

b. (Closed) Open Item (373/82-11-09): Potential weaknesses in pipe  ;

snubber design control were identified. S&L upgraded its program

to include:

Snubber selection criteria are included in S&L EMD-TP-1 "EMD

Lesson Plan For Training Personnel in Piping Analysis," Volume 1,

Revision 6, dated April 27, 1985. ,


The frequency of S&L engineering site visits and meetings to l

provide as-built reviews and evaluations has been increased. l

A comprehensive piping analysis hardware optimization evaluation

and snubber reduction program has been implemented.

The NRC inspector reviewed the pertinent records and considered

the issue resolved.

c. (Closed) Unresolved Item (373/82-15-01): A number of snubbers were

installed close to rigid restiaints. This could affect the operability

of these snubbers because of restricted lockup motion. To date, more

than 1000 snubbers were either deleted or replaced by rigid restraints.

The NRC inspector reviewed some of the ECNs and "Addendums to Piping

Stress Reports" generated for the snubber optimization effort and had

no adverse comments. Revised snubber selection criteria are documented

! in S&L report EMD-035454, " Snubber Lock-Up Evaluation Report for

LaSalle Units 1 and 2," Revision 0, dated April 1, 1982. The NRC

inspector also reviewed these criteria and considered them acceptable.

d. (Closed) Unresolved Item (373/82-31-01): Extra conservative system

temperatures were used in some of the piping stress analyses. The

number of snubbers could possibly be reduced if the actual design

temperatures were applied. The NRC inspector reviewed an S&L letter

to CECO " Thermal Mode Review - Snubber Reduction," dated July 25,

1983, and considered the matter resolved.

e. (Closed) Unresolved Item (373/82-31-02): The NRC inspector requested

CECO provide a copy of the energy absorbing material (EAM) design


specification and qualification test data for his review. A followup

review was conducted at Byron Station during construction. See RIII

Inspection Report No. 50-454/84-51; 50-455/84-35 for details.


___ _ _ . _ -. _ _ _ . - ._- - _ _. , _


f. (Closed) Violation (373/82-47-01): The QA pro

the installation of pipe whip restraints (WRs)were gram notmeasures

adequate. for

The NRC inspector reviewed the enclosure to the CECO response letter

to RIII, dated May 4, 1983, " Response to Inspection Report 50-373/82-47,

Item of Noncompliance, No.1," and considered it acceptable. The NRC

inspector also reviewed the following procedures and found them


Morrison Construction Company Standard Operating Procedure, PC-16,

" Erection of Supports - Restraints and Final Installation Verifica-

tion," Revision 10, dated October 1982.

CECO LSQP 3-2, "As-Built Data Gathering Interface Control,"

Revision 0, dated December 31, 1982.


g. (Closed) Violation (373/82-47-02): The FCR system was used to

document and resolve WR installation nonconformances. The NRC

inspector reviewed the enclosure to the CECO response letter to RIII,

dated May 4, 1983, " Response to Inspection Report 50-373/82-47, Item

of Noncompliance, No. 2," and considered it acceptable. The NRC

inspector also reviewed the site procedure developed as a part of the

corrective action (LSQP 3-2, "As-Built Data Gathering Interface

Control," Revision 0, dated December 31,1982) and had no adverse


h. (Closed) Unresolved Itcm (373/82-47-03): Followup on the disposition

of QA audit findings in the area of WR installation. The NRC inspector

reviewed CECO Audit Report No.1-82-54, " Whip Restraint Installation,"

Revision 1, dated September 13, 1982 including "LaSalle QA Followup

Surveillance" reports. Audit findings were closed from February to

November 1983. CECO QA actions to resolve WR installation deficiencies

were considered adequate,

i. (Closed) Unresolved Item (373-82-47-04): Questionable S&L design of

WRs utilizing EAM. A generic design review for Byron, Braidwood, and i

LaSalle EAM installations was conducted by the RIII and NRC-NRR )

staff. All issues were resolved. See RIII Inspection Report No.

50-454/84-51; 50-455/84-35 for details.

j. (Closed) Violation (373/82-47-05): CECO failed to implement some of

the requirements contained in the " Hot Line Walk Inspection Procedure." -

The NRC inspector reviewed the enclosure to the Ceco response letter


to RIII, dated May 4, 1983, " Response to Inspection Report No.

> 50-373/82-47, " Item of Noncompliance, No. 3," and considered it

acceptable. The NRC inspector also reviewed the following licensee i

corrective actinn documents.  !

CECO letter to RIII, "LaSalle County Unit 1 Pipe Whip Restraints,"

dated January 18, 1983.


S&L report EMD-039304, " Verification of Pipe Whip Restraint Hot

Gaps," Revision 1, dated March 23, 1983.



- _- -. . - _ . - - . - . ,__ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _- . _ _ _ _




" S&L letter to CECO, " Unit 1 Pipe Whip Restraints," dated April 6,


S&L letter to CECO, " Unit 1 Pipe Whip Restraints," dated April 12,


k. (Closed)UnresolvedItem(373/82-47-06): Due to design configura-

tion, several WRs could not be radiographed or ultrasonicly examined

in accordance with the S&L specification requirements. From a total

of 145 WRs, 33 (51 reported previously) did not satisfy the specifica-

tion requirements. A review of the records identified that of a

total of 919 full penetration welds, 804 welds passed either RT or

UT, and the remaining 115 welds passed a visual examination. This

matter is considered resolved.

3. Licensee Action on 50.55_(_ellt_ epi _s_

(Closed) 50.55(e) Item (373/82-03-EE): On February 9, 1982 the licensee

reported to RIII that due to a deficiency in design, approximately 113

snubbers in LaSalle Unit 1 might not lockup due to close proximity to

rigid restraints. Corre-tive actions were documented and a report was

sent from CECO to RIII in a letter, "LaSalle County Station Units 1 and 2

Mechanical Snubbers in Close Proximity to Rigid Restraints 10 CFR 50.55(e)

Final Report No. 82-03," dated March 10, 1982. RIII review of this item

is documented in paragraphs 2.b. 2.c and 2.d above. This item is considered


4. Snubber Visual Inspec_tjon and Functional Testing


The NRC inspector performed followup inspections on' safety-related large

bore (L/B) and small bore (S/B) snubber visual inspections and functional

testing performed by the licensee in accordance with the plant Technical

Specification (TS). L/B snubbers are Pacific Scientific Pacific Shock

Absorber (PSA) sizes 1 to 100. S/B snubbers are PSA sizes 1/4 to 1/2.

a. Review of Procedures

The NRC inspector reviewed the following procedures and supporting

dccuments, and had no adverse comments:

LMP-H0-01, Removal and Installation of Pacific Scientific

Mechanical Snubbers," Revision 1, dated August 28, 1985.

LTS-500.14, " Mechanical Snubber Functional Testing Contractor


Assisted," Revision 1, dated October 16, 1985.


SNED Manager letter to LSCS Plant Manager, " Acceptance Criteria

.for Snubber Functional Test AIR-373-251-85-00053," dated

Ncvember 26, 1985.

S&L EMD Report No. 055187, "LaSalle Snubber Testing Criteria,"

Revision 00, dated November 25, 1985.




b. Snubber Failures and Probable Cause

There are 850 L/B snubbers and 401 S/B snubbers included in the

LaSalle Unit 1 TS. As of March 11, 1986, of the 260 L/B snubbers

that have been functionally tested, 10 did not meet the test accep-

tance criteria and of 374 S/B snubbers that have been functionally

tested, 51 did not meet the test acceptance criteria. The nature

and the probable cause of the failures are as follows:


L/B Snubbers

Snubber No. System Failure Probable Cause*

HP02-1507S HPCS Weld slag caused 1

(PSA-3) internal binding

RI24-1120S RCIC Defect in thrust bearing 2


RH53-15125 RHR-(C) Bent screw shaft 2, 4


HP08-1024S HPCS Scored inner tube caused 2

(PSA-10) by high vibration ,

RH13-11545 RHR-(B) Sediment and weld splatter 3


(PSA-35) fcund in internals

LP02-1059S LPCS Cracked thrust bearing 1, 2


RH03-10475 RHR-(A) Slightly bent screw shaft; 2

(PSA-3) thrust bearing pulled apart

LP02-10545 LPCS Thrust bearing cracked; bent 2

(PSA-1) screw shaft with ball  !

in'pressions l

RH40-1572S RHR-(A) Internals destroyed 2


RH40-1042S RHR-(A) Bent screw shaft; dislocated 2

(PSA-10) thrust bearing





. -



S/B Snubbers


Snubber No. System _ Failure Cause*

MSC6-10165 MSIV instrument Tape residue on inner 1

(PSA-1/4) tube

NB15-1002S "9ssel head vent Twisted internal 1


MS14-1048S MS drain Bent inner tube 1



HP20-1402S HPCS pump relief Overloaded in 2

(PSA-1/4) compression

NB13-1002S Vessel head vent Bent torque carrier 1


FW11-1003S Reactor water Dirt and debris 1, 3

(PSA-1/2) clean up to FW

MS14-1050S MS drain Tape residue on inner 1

(PSA-1/4) tube

LP20-10285 LPCS water relief Overloaded in 2

(PSA-1/2) compressian

LP20-10305 LPCS water relief Overloaded in 2

(PSA-1/2) compression

RHB4-10085 RHR shutdown Overloaded in 2

(PSA-1/4) cooling valve compression


RHB4-10115 RHR shutdown Overload in 2, 3

(PSA-1/4) cooling valve compression;

bypass lubricant dried up

HSC6-1005S MSIV instrument Bent inner tube; 3

(PSA-1/4) external damage

NB11-1003S Vessel instrument Tape residue on inner 1

(PSA-1/4) tube

FRH-1207-H095 RHR instrument Bent inner tube 1





. - . _ _ . . _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _



M1302-24-103 Recirc. pump seal Lubricant dried up 3

(PSA-1/4) injection

! LC01-1005S MSIV leakage Internal spring 1

i (PSA-1/2) control dislocated

FRH-1213-H025 RHR instrument Slight bow in screw 1, 2

i (PSA-1/4) shaft

RR17-1004S Recirc. drain Overloaded in 2

i (PSA-1/4) compression


M-1302-23-140 MSIV instrument Overloaded in 1, 2

(PSA-1/4) compression

i M-1302-24-149 Recirc. pump Lubricant dried up 3

(PSA-1/4) seal injection-


M-1302-24-151 Recirc. pump External damage 1, 2 -


(PSA-1/4) seal injection caused internal rubbing


RR17-1003S Recirc. drain Dirt and debris 1

! (PSA-1/4)

, RR17-10075 Recirc. drain Tape residue on inner 1, 3

) (PSA-1/4) tube; corrosion


i M-1302-24-148 Recirc. pump seal Overloaded in '3

l (PSA-1/4) injection compression; corrosion

i FRH-1209-H03S RHR instrument Tape residue on inner 1

) (PSA-1/4) tube

LC09-10315 MSIV leakage Dirt 1, 3

i (PSA-1/4) control

M-1302-36-154 RCIC instrument Corrosion' 3



1 RR17-1005S Recirc. drain Corrosion; weld slag 1, 3

(PSA-1/2) on inner tube

RHB4-10075 RHR shutdown Overloaded in compression; 3

(PSA-1/4) cooling valve lubricant dried up

bypass . i



4 RR17-10085 Recirc. drain Dirt 1, 3

l (PSA-1/4)

RH52-H09S RHR instrument Overloaded in 2

l (PSA-1/4) compression



1 8




LC01-1058S MSIV leakage Loosened. capstan spring 4

. (PSA-1/4) control

MS10-10135- MSIV instrument Corrosion 3-


LC01-10515 MSIV leakage Twisted internals 1

(PSA-1/4) control -

RR69-H095 Recirc. drain Corrosion 3


RIO9-1008S RCIC steam drain Twisted internals 1


RIO9-1026S RCIC steam drain Overloaded in 1

(PSA-1/4) compression; internal

spring dislocation

RIO9-1005S RCIC steam drain Twisted internals 1


RH23-H075 RHR instrument Dirt and debris 1, 3


MS50-H025 MSIV instrument Slight bend in head 2

(PSA-1/4) screw shaft

RT33-H105 Reactor water Dirt and corrosion 3

(PSA-1/4) cleanup

RH25-H04S RHR valve Corrosion; wear due to 2, 3

(PSA-1/4) leakoff vibration

RH25-H03S RHR valve Overloaded in 2, 3

(PSA-1/4) leakoff compression; corrosion

RH25-H06S RHR valve Overload in 2

(PSA-1/4) leakoff compression

M-1302-28-84 RHR instrument Twisted internal 1



M-1302-22-110 RHR instrument Corrosion 3


M-1302-28-76 RHR instrunent Dirt 3


M-1302-22-102 HPCS instrument Corrosion 3



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M-1302-28-74 RHR instrument Ofrt and corrosion 3


M-1302-30-52 RHR instrument Corrosion 3


M-1302-21-40 RHR instrument Internals rub due to 3

(PSA-1/4) external damage


  • Tables 1 and 2 - Probable Cause of F_ai_ lure

1. Improper handling or installation during construction.

. 2. Damage that could result from: (a)systemdynamic


transient loads, (b) a high magnitude of line . vibration,

and (c) steady state line vibration.

3. Inadvertent damage such as water / chemicals spraying on

i the snubber; or placement of the snubber in an adverse 1

environment such as exposure to high temperature.  !



4. Menufacturing defect or mishandling during manufacturing,

li i

c. Meetin.g_with CECO at the Region III Office j


RIII management ret with CECO representatives at RIII on March 17, {

1986 to discuss the snubber functional testing failures and CECO

alternatives and courses of action. Matters discussed included: (1)

j number of snubber test failures, (2) causes of test failures, (3)

status of system operebility evaluations, (4) future preventative



At the conclusion of the reeeting, the RIII staff indicated that:

! (1) Consideration should be given to functional testing of all L/B

i and S/B safety-related scubbers in LaSalle Unit 1.


(2) Priority should be given to functional testing of the RHR Loop A

l and Loop B snubbers.


(3) A formal inspection should be performed for the RHR Loop A and-

) Loop B piping systems.

! (4) Operability evaluations and aralyses performed for the RHR

1 systems should be completed on an expeditious basis.

(5) Removal of the Unit 2 RHR system snubbers for furctional testing


is acceptable provided no more than two snubbers are removed

at any one time.





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(6) Region III would conduct further reviews into the Ceco statement

j that some snubbers could have been damaged during maintenance

t work in the vicinity of the snubber after the IEB 81-01 required

! inspections. This is an Unresolved Item (373/86010-01).


The CECO representative stated that RHR snubber testing and

i evaluations should be completed before the'end of April 1986.



5. Unresolved Items

I An unresolved item is a matter about which more information is required


in order to ascertain whether it is an acceptable item, an open item, a


deviation, or a violation. One unresolved item disclosed during this


inspection is discussed in Paragraph 4.c.(6).

i 6. Exit Interview


The NRC inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted in Paragraph 1)


at the conclusion of the inspection. The inspector summarized the scope and


findings of the inspection. The inspector also discussed the likely

informational content of the inspection report with regard to documents I

! reviewed by the inspector during he inspection. The licensee representatives I


did not identify any such documents as proprietary.  !





















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