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| issue date = 01/10/1990
| issue date = 01/10/1990
| title = Forwards Rev 21 to Emergency Plan,Revised Emergency Action Procedures,Including Rev 7 to S-EAP-1,Rev 11 to S-EAP-2,Rev 8 to S-EAP-3 & Epips,Including Rev 13 to S-EPP-4 & Rev 13 to S-EPP-20
| title = Forwards Rev 21 to Emergency Plan,Revised Emergency Action Procedures,Including Rev 7 to S-EAP-1,Rev 11 to S-EAP-2,Rev 8 to S-EAP-3 & Epips,Including Rev 13 to S-EPP-4 & Rev 13 to S-EPP-20
| author name = TERRY C D
| author name = Terry C
| author affiliation = NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORP.
| author affiliation = NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORP.
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
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| page count = 107
| page count = 107
ACCESSION NBR: 9001180170            DOC. DATE: 90/01/10    NOTARIZED: NO          DOCKET g FACIL:50-220 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Uni.t 1, Niagara Powe                05000220 50-410 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 2, Niagara Moha                05000410 AUTH. NAME          AUTHOR AFFILIATION TERRY,C.D.
RECIP.NAME Niagara Mohawk Power Corp .
RECIPIENT AFFILIATION                ~o    / pg/Py Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk)
SUBJECT  Forwards Rev 21 to emergency plan & revised EAPs,including Rev 7  to S-EAP-1,Rev 11 to S-EAP-2 & Rev 8 to S-EAP-3.
TITLE:  OR Submittal: Emergency Preparedness            Plans, Imp ement'g Proce    ures,  C NOTES:
RECIPIENT              COPIES            RECIPIENT          COPIES ID CODE/NAME            LTTR ENCL      ID  CODE/NAME        LTTR ENCL PD1-1 PD                    1    1    MARTIN,R.              1    1 BENEDICT,R                  1    1
-INTERNAL: AEOD/DOA/IRB                  1    1              PEPB9D        1    1 NUDOCS-ABSTRACT              1    1    REG  FIL      01      1    1 EXTERNAL: LPDR                          1    1    NRC PDR                1    1 NSIC                        1    1 g
I' 0    4 Il r d' P ~ =
I ~
10 CFR 50, Ap          ix  E,  Section  V T NIAGARA                          10 CFR 50.54q H 4 MOHAWK NIAGARAMOHAWKPOWER CORPORATION/301 PLAINFIELDROAD, SYRACUSE, N.Y. 13212/TELEPHONE (315) 474-1511 January 10', 1990 NMP1L 0471 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn:    Document Control Desk Hashington, D.C. 20555 Re:  Nine Mile Point Unit  1        Nine Mile Point Unit          2 Docket No. 50-220                Docket No. 50-410 DPR-63                              NPF-69 Gentlemen:
Enclosed are uncontrolled copies of the following emergency plan and procedures for the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station:
SEP,        Revision 21,  Site Emergency Plan S-EAP-1,    Revision 7,    Activation and Direction of the Emergency Plans S-EAP-2,    Revision ll,  Classification of Emergency Conditions S-EAP-3,    Revision 8,    Emergency Personnel      Action Procedures S-EPP-4,    Revision 13,  Personnel  Injury or Illness S-EPP-20,  Revision 13,  Emergency  Notifications The emergency plan and procedures are submitted as required in Section 54q (plan)  and Section V to Appendix E of 10 CFR Part 50 (procedures)              ~  Two copies of each have been provided to the NRC Region I office, and one copy of each has been provided to the NRC Resident Inspector under separate cover.
Sincerely, NIAGARA MOHAHK PO      R  CORPORATION Vice President Nuclear Engineering and Licensing GH8/sek 1705b Enclosure xc: (w/o attachment)
Regional Administrator, Region I Mrs R. A. Capra, Director Mr. R. E. Martin, Project Manager                  0)I<
Mr. H. A. Cook, Sr. Resident Inspector Records Management 900        70 900110 PDR    ADOCK 0 '+000220 F
-:      ~~pe~cs-                        g~> <~:A=a:-@-:
                        +/  V Station Superintendent NMPNS Unit  I T. W. Roman Station Superintendent NMPNS  Unit II R. B. Abbott e
Geeeral Seperifg    %t    e Nuclear Generate  n J. L. Willis Summar  of Pa es R  vision  12  Effective  5 31  88
                                ~Pa e                  Date i,  1-37              May 1988 Pro  ietary Information      Removed From Page 29,3      and 37.
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==2.0    REFERENCES==
3.0    LIMITATIONS AND ACTIONS DEFINITIONS 5.0    RESPONSIBILITIES 6.0    NOTIFICATION OF MEDICAL EMERGENCY 7 '    MINOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY-NON-CONTAMINATED          5 r 8.0    MINOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY-CONTAMINATED 9.0    MAJOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY-NON-CONTAMINATED        12 10.0    MAJOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY-CONTAMINATED            17 FIGURES CSO  Checklist, Medical  Emergency              26 Security Shift Supervisor Medical Emergency Checklist                                        30 3      Skin Decontamination Record (Example)            31 Prehospital Care Report (Example)                33 NMPNS Employee Medical Report (Example)          35 Instructions for Decontamination of  Open Mound" 36 EPP-4 -i  May 1988
EPP-4 PERSONNEL INJURY OR ILLNESS 1.0  PURPOSE The  purpose of this procedure is to assure that prompt medical attention is provided to all injured or          ill  personnel, and to prevent the unnecessary spread of radioactive contamination to the responding ambulance or receiving hospital.
2.1  10CFR50.72, Immediate      Notification    Requirements    For Operating Nuclear Power Reactors.
2.2  10CFR50,    Appendix    E;  Emergency      Planning    And  Preparedness  For Production  And  Utilization Facilities.
2.3  NUREG-0654,    Rev. 1 Criteria For Preparation            And  Evaluation Of Radiological Emergency Response Plans And Preparedness              In Support Of Power Plants, dated November 1980.                                      'uclear 2.4  Oswego    Hospital Plan for the Decontamination              and  Treatment  of Radioactively Contaminated Patients.
2.5  State  University of New York (SUNY) Health Sciences                  Center  at Syracuse,  University Hospital Radiological Emergency Plan.
2.6  SEP,  NMPC-NMPNS  Site  Emergency Plan 2.7  EAP-1,  Activation  and  Direction of the    Emergency. Plan 2.8  EAP-2,  Classification of    Emergency Conditions 2.9  EPP-20,  Emergency  Notifications 2.10- S-RP-S,  Radiation and Radioactive Contamination Control 2 '1  S-RP-6, The Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material 2.12  Curie-Osity;    Volume    4,  No. 2,  August  1987,  Radiation  Management Consultants, Philadelphia,    PA.
3.0  LIMITATIONS AND ACTIONS 3.1  In the event of      a contaminated      injury at the station the Station Shift Supervisor should consult procedure EAP-2, Classification of Emergency Conditions.
EPP-4    -1    May 1988
3.2  It  is not  uncommon for accident victims to underestimate the extent of their injuries      immediately after an accident has occurred.
Therefore, all injuries at the station should be considered as serious injuries until accurately known to be otherwise.
3.3  Any individual thought to have received a radiation dose exceeding 100 Rem whole body shall be treated as a major medical injured victim even though he may have minor or no physical injuries at all.
3.4  This procedure EPP-4 allows          for the appropriate        considerations described in this Section 3.0.
3.5  The Nuclear    Fire Chief may direct that a staging area be used in conjunction with the medical emergency response.                  This medical emergency staging area is an area designated by the Nuclear Fire Chief where additional personnel and equipment can be brought in preparation for their use at the actual emergency scene.
3.6  The forms shown as examples      in the figures of this    EPP-4 are  for  use as illustrations/information      only. These example    figures are not to be duplicated for use.
4.0  DEFINXTIONS 4.1  Major Medical Emergenc        is an injury or illness which requires immed$ ate medical attention by emergency medical personnel,            and/or requires an ambulance for transportation of a patient to          a hospital.
4.2  Minor Medical Emer enc is an injury or illness which requires basic first aid. This may include items such as cuts, bruises, scrapes, etc.
5.0  RESPONSIBILITIES Responsibilities    for  key    staff involved in      .personnel  injury or illness activities are    as  follows:
5.1  Station Shift Supervisor Maintains knowledge, through the Chief Shift Operator, the Nuclear Fire Chief or a designated Licensed Nuclear Operator, of the current status of personnel injuries/illness as              it  pertains to plant operations and potential/actual system operational changes.
5.1.2 Assumes  the role of Site Emergency      Director,  if appropriate,    until properly relieved.
EPP-4    -2  May 1988
5.1.3  Performs actions required per EAP-1 and EPP-20. Also makes emergency classifications,        if    necessary,    in accordance with EAP-2 (e.g.
transportation of a contaminated injured individual from the site to an off-site hospital requires that an Unusual Event emergency classification      be  declared).
5.1.4  Makes  required and appropriate assignments of emergency functions (e.g , assigning an individual to meet ambulance at the correct building door and assuring protective clothing and equipment to ambulance personnel is issued as appropriate).
If  required,      arranges      for the transportation      of the    injured/ill individual to      an  offsite hospital.
5.2    Chief Shift    0  erator 5.2.1  Provides    the Station          Shift Supervisor with initial        and    periodic status      reports          of    personnel      injuries/illness        including potential/actual impacts on station operations.
5.2.2  After receiving information of personnel                injury/illness initiates appropriate      xesponses.        These  may  include    activating    a  medical response team via station alarm and announcement,                    and  performing xequired personnel notifications.
5.3    .Licensed Nuclear 0 erator 5.3.1  Provides technical advise to the Nuclear Fire, Chief regarding current plant operating 'status.
5.3. 2  Provides current personnel injury or illness status reports                    to the Chief Shift Operator and/or the Station Shift Supervisor.
5.4    Supervisor Fire Protection 5.4.1  In conjunction with the Safety Director, investigates all personnel
:injury/illness incidents and initiates restorative and/or preventive actions  (if required)    ~
5.4.2  Initiates    review of procedures, methods, plant layout, etc.,                    to determine and correct any existing= or potential safety hazard..
5.4.3  Ensures    that any required training/certification of site Fire Protection Department personnel to provide appropriate medical response is kept current and up-to-date.
5.5    Nuclear Fire Chief Periodically      reviews capabilities and          limitations    of    personnel injury/illness      medical response equipment        and  initiates corrective actions,  if required.
5.5.2  Responds    to and directs        all medical emergency operations.
EPP-4    -3  May 1988
5 '    Nuclear Fire Fi hters 5.6.1  Responds      to    ALL      personnel    injury/illness      announcements      or notifications      and perform actions      under the direct guidance of the Nuclear Fire Chief          and/or    in accordance with standard first aid techniques.
5.6.2  Participate    in personnel      injury/illness drills      and  attend periodic training.
5.7    Nuclear Securit      De  artment
: 5. 7.1 Provides    Security Guard(s)          to    injury location      to    assist    in communications and/or crowd control.
5.7.2  Provides responding off-site medical personnel (ambulance attendents, etc.) with dosimetry from the Ambulance and Fire Kit.
5.7.3  Expedites and accompanies          ambulance    on-site  and  maintains    required personnel accountability.
5.7,4  Performs required off-hours personnel          notification.
5.7.5  Retrieves dosimetry from responding off-site medical personnel                    upon their leaving,      if patient was determined to not be contaminated.
5.7.6  Notifies the    Emergency Planning Group by the next working day              if  the Ambulance      and    Fire Kit has 'been used so that appropriate replenishment of equipment can be made.
5 '    Chemistr    and  Radiation    Mana ement De    artment Performs    contamination        surveys  of all      injuries occurring. in        a radiologically controlled area or              if injured/ill    person    must  bo transported to a hospital.
5.8.2  Determines the need        for medical advice regarding decontamination of contaminated wounds.
5.8.3  Determines    the need    to have the hospital advised to not set up the Radiation Emergency Area (REA) in the event the minor injured/ill contaminated person requires hospital care.
5.8.4  Proceeds    to the      hospital    (for contaminated      wounds)    and  provides hospital personnel            with all      pertinent    information      regarding contamination control measures.
5.8.5  Provides  radiation protection assistance            to the  NMP  Fire Department and  hospital personnel.
5  '.6 Provides    for follow-up bioassays,            as  necessary,    per  established station procedures.
EPP-4  -4  May 1988
5.9    Director Nuclear Information Services Radiation accidents are a rare and newsworthy event. Consequently, they will draw considerable public attention.                    Therefore, to avoid unnecessary        alarm, misinterpretation          and misunderslanding        it  is imperative that correct and concise information of any radiation accident be given. To achieve this desired goal the Director Nuclear Information Services or alternate has the following responsibilities:
5.9.1  Upon  being notified of a NMPNS contaminated patient being treated at a  hospital, proceed to that hospital to assisL hospital personnel in public/media information            activities.
NOTE  'his              notification will normally be received via System Power Control upon notification of an Unusual Event.                  This Unusual Event will          have  been  declared  since  a  contaminated person was transported off-site for treatment.
5.9.2  Coordinate      public information activities, press releases                etc. with hospital,    state    and county officials, as appropriate.
5.9.3  In conjunction with hospital, state and/or county officials, conduct news conferences          as  appropriate.
5.10  Emer enc      Plannin        Coordinator 5 '0.1 Retrieves      the medical equipment from the hospital that was brought there as    a  result of the transport of a patient from the site.
6.0    NOTIFICATION      OF MEDICAL EMERGENCY 6.1    ALL NOTIFICATIONS. OF              AN INJURED OR      ILL PERSON NEEDING MEDICAL ASSISTANCE SHALL BE HADE TO TllE CONTROL ROOH FIRST  Immediately upon becoming aware that an injured or                    ill  person needs assistance',
witnessing the injury, contact the Control Room of the Unit where the injury or illness has occurred, and report the occurrence.
4 7.0    HINOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY-NON-CONTAHINATED This Section 7.0 assumes that the minor medical emergency patient is known not to be contaminated.              If there is any doubt as to whether or not the minor medical emergency              patient  is contaminated,    it  should be assumed he      is  and    action  taken  in accordance  with  Section  8.0  of this procedure,      EPP-4.
7.1    General 7.1.1  All    personnel shall notify the Control                Room  of  all injuries    or illnesses requiring medical attention.
EPP-4  -5  May 1988
7.1.2 Any minor injured/ill patient who may also have received a radiation dose exceeding 100 Rem whole body shall be treated as a major medical patient to assure appropriate action for this radiation dose is taken. See appropriate sections of this procedure,                    EPP-4, Section 9.0 Major Medical Emergency  Non-Contaminated, or Section 10.0 Major Medical Emergency  Contaminated.
7.1.3 Any minor    injuries/illnesses requiring hospital care (e.g., suture of cuts, etc.) will be initially assessed and treated by the Fire Department and then shall be referred to the Oswego Hospital Emergency Room.
7.1.4 Any  patient injured or taken surveyed ill within the protected area shall be for contamination by Radiation Protection prior to transporting the patient to Oswego Hospital.
7.2  Station Shift      Su  ervisor 7.2.1 Provide    assistance      as  requested    in response          to the minor medical emergency  non-contaminated.
7.3  Chief Shift    0  erator 7.3.1 As  appropriate,        give    instructions    for the minor injured/ill to proceed to    a  First Aid    Room:
                                -Unit 1,    Admin. Bldg.
2, Safety  Trailer261'Unit 7.3.2 Notify the Nuclear Fire Chief              and  request        that  he  dispatch  Fire Department personnel        to meet the    injured/ill        person and provide  first aid.
7.3.3 Notify the    SSS  of the minor medical emergency event.
7.3.4 Notify the Unit Safety Director of the            min<>r      emergency.
7.3.5 Perform    those      items,    if  appropriate,    as        noted  on  CSO  Checklist, EPP-4, Figure 1.
7.4  Nuclear Fire Chief/Fi hter 7.4.1 Upon being notified of a minor medical emergency by the CSO, dispatch a First Aid Team to meet the patient at the designated First Aid Room or an area determined by the CSO.
7.4.2 If it    is learned from the patient that there is an indication the injury or illness occurred in a restricted or possibly contaminated area, then notify Radiation Protection. Request Radiation Protection be  dispatched to perform a survey of the patient to determine                        if patient is contaminated. (If contaminated refer to Section 8.0)                    ~
EPP-4  -6  May 1988
7.4.3  Assure appropriate      First  Aid is administered to the      injured/ill.
7.4.4  Record all First Aid treatments            on an  Employee    Medical Report (see EPP-4, Figure 5).
7.4.5  If hospital treatment of the patient is required, notify Radiation Protection.      Radiation Protection shall be requested to perform a precautionary contamination survey of the patient prior to transport of the patient to Oswego Hospital.
7.4.6  If    hospital    treatment      is required, notify the CSO            and  make arrangements    to have him transported to the hospital using            a company vehicle.
7.5    Radiation Protection 7.5.1  Respond to Fire Department's            request to meet the patient at the designated First Aid Room to determine                if  the minor 'injury is contaminated (if contaminated refer t'o Section 8.0).
7.6    Nuclear Securit      De  artment 7.6.1  Provide assistance        as  requested    by the    particular circumstances    of
      .the event.
8.0    MINOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY-CONTAMINATED This Section 8.0 assumes that the minor medi'cal emergency patienl is known to be contaminated.            If  it  is known that the minor medical emergency. patient is not contaminated, then action should be taken in accordance with Section 7.0 of this procedure-EPP-4.
8.1    General 8.1.1  All  personnel shall notify the Control.            Room    of  all injuries  or illnesses requiring medical attention.
8.1.2  Any minor  injured/ill patient        who may  also have received a radiation dose exceeding    100 Rem whole body      "hall  be treated as a major medical patient to assure appropriate action for, this radiation dose is taken. See appropriate sections of thi" procedure EPP-4, Section 9.0 Major Medical Emergency  Non-contaminated or Section 10.0 Major Medical Fmergency  Contaminated.
8.1.3  Any minor  injuries/illnesses requiring hospital care (e.g., suture of cuts,  etc.) will be initially asses ed and treated by the Fire Department      and    then shall be referred to the Oswego Nospital Emergency Room.
EPP-4  -7  May 1988
8.1.4 Any  patient, injured or taken surveyed ill  within the protected area shall be for contamination by Radiation Protection prior to transporting the patient to Oswego Hospital.
8.2  Station Shift    Su  ervisor 8.2.1 Provide    assistance    as  requested    in response      to the minor medical emergency  contaminated.
8.2.2 If  the minor medical emergency        patient is contaminated                            and must be Site  Fmergency  Director  and perform the      following:
: a. Obtain a copy of the SSS Checklist found in EAP-1 and perform those actions required by procedure EAP-1.
: b. Evaluate    and  classify the event in          accordance                  with procedure EAP-2.
: c. Commence    emergency    notifications in      accordance                  with procedure EPP-20.
8.3  Chief Shift    0 erator 8.3.1 As    appropriate,. give  instructions        for the    minor                injured/ill to proceed to:
: a. First  Aid Room:              -Unit 1, Admin. Bldg.      261'R
: b. Decontamination    Room:      -Unit. 1, Admin.'ldg.
2 , Control Bldg.
261'Unit 2, Aux. Service Bldg; 306'Unit 250'.3.2 Notify the Nuclear Fire Chief            and    request  that          he        dispatch      Fire Department    personnel to. meet the*    injured/ill      person          and        provide    first aid.
8.3.3 Notify the    SSS  of the minor medical*emergency event.
8.3.4 Notify the Unit Safety Director of the minor              emergency.
8.3.5 If it is necessary to transport the contaminated minor injured/ill patient, take the following actions:
EPP-4    -8  May 1988
8.3.5 (Cont'd) a ~  Call the Oswego Hospital Emergency Room (see EPP-4, Figure 1 CSO Checklist for telephone number, etc.). State that this is Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station and that a minor injured/ill patient who is contaminated is being transported by private vehicle to the hospital.      If Radiation Protection personnel state that Oswego Hospital's Radiological Emergency Area (REA) need not be set up to treat this patient then tell the hospital that they should not set up the REA, instead tell them that Radiation Protection personnel will be accompanying the patient to assist in radiological control.        Give additional information as required,  if known.
: b. Since  the patient is contaminated, call a medical consultant physician who is prepared to handle contaminated injuries (See EPP-4, Figure 1, CSO Checklist). Inform him that a contaminated injured person has been sent to the hospital. Advise the Radiation Protection Technician riding with the patient on the availability or unavailability of the medical consultant physician.
: c. Notify the Unit Supervisor Radiation Protection or the On-call Chemistry  and  Radiation  Management  Supervisor    to meet the patient at the Hospital. Give him pertinent information as to contamination levels of the patient and extent of injuries, which hospital,  etc..
: d. Perform additional items,  if off hours  and  appropriate, as noted on  CSO Checklist, EPP-4, Figure 1.
8.4  Nuclear Fire Chief/Fighter 8.4.1 Upon being notified *of a minor medical emergency by the CSO, dispatch a First Aid Team to neet the patient at the designated First Aid or Decontamination Room, or an area designated by the CSO.
8.4.2 Since the    injury/illness may have occurred in a contaminated area, notify Radiation Protection.        Request    Radiation Protection be dispatched to perform a survey of the wound and patient to determine if  patient is actually contaminated Section 7.0).
(if  not contaminated refer to 8.4.3 Administer first aid and assure that all injuries are surveyed by Radiation Protection personnel prior to cleansing any injury. Treat an open wound as indicated in EPP-4, Figure 6.
8.4.4 Record all First Aid treatments      on an Employee    Medical Report (See EPP-4, Figure 5).
EPP-4  -9 May 1988
8.4.5 If  the patient is to be transported              to the    Oswego  Hospital for treatment, then perform the following:
: a. Determine from Radiation Protection the extent of contamination, dose rates,      if  the Oswego Hospital Radiological Emergency Area (REA) should be set up, etc.
: b. Notify the      CO. Inform the CSO that the patient      is contaminated, the contamination levels, etc.
: c. Make    arrangements      to have the      patient    transported    to  the hospital using      a company    vehicle.
8.5  Radiation Protection Respond    to Fire Department's request to meet the patient at the designated Decontamination or First Aid Room to determin'e to what extent the minor injury is contamination            (if  not contaminated refer to Section 7.0).
8.5.2 Perform those steps noted in EPP-4, Figure                  6,  Instructions    for Decontamination of Open Wounds, as applicable.
8.5.3 Keep  the Fire Department informed of decontamination efforts, etc.
8.5.4 Perform appropriate          follow-up bioassays      per    established    station procedures.                                                r NOTE:        Urine and non-biological samples (sm ars, etc.) should be refrigerated and all other biological samples should be frozen to inhibit biological decay and/or odor.                    The freezer compartment in the Unit 1 Chemistry Laboratory refrigerator can be used on a short-term basis for this purpose.
8.5.5 Records    of all decontamination efforts must be reported on the Slcin Decontamination Record form in accordance with S-RP-5 (see EPP-4, Figure 2 for example).            These forms are available in the Radiation Protection Offices and the Personnel Decontamination Rooms.
.8.5.6 If contamination        levels in the wound(s) exceed        100 cpm  (per  15 cm2 probe    area)      a  Chemistry and Radiation          Management    D partment supervisor shall decide        if  radiological medical advice is nec ssary.
8.5.7 For transportation        of the patient to      Oswego    Hospital perform the following:
EPP-4    -10  May 1988
8.5.7  (Cont'd)
: a. Determine      the need for Oswego Hospital to set up the Radiological Emergency Area (REA).                  If contamination is localized and can be readily controlled (by covering it, etc. ),
then it may not be necessary for Oswego Hospital to set up the REA which includes laying down herculite on the floors, downing of several layers of disposable protective clothing, etc.
Advise the Nuclear Fire Chief, who will in turn notify the CSO, if  the setup of the REA is not necessary.
: b. A  Radiation Protection Technician (or Supervisor) will ride with the injured/ill. Radiation Protection should take a count rate and a dose .rate meter ( ion chamber type) to the hospital.
During the transport of the patient, assure proper radiological assistance        is provided to 'ontain any possible loose contamination.        An  example    may  be  to place a wounded-contaminated hand in a plastic bag, etc.
A  Chemistry and Radiation Management Department Supervisor and another Radiation Protection Technician will go to the hospital and provide assistance          to hospital personnel in radiological controls.
: e.  't    the Oswego Hospital, the Radiation Protection Technician and Supervisor should assure that the entry way and the room to be used    have    been  adequately    prepared    for the contaminated condition nf the patient. Ensure dosimetry is issued from the Nuclear Emergency Cabinet to physicians and hospital staff who will work with the contaminated patient.
At the Oswego Hospital issue respiratory equipment from the Nuclear" Emergency Cabinet to selected personnel if contamination Levels- are greater than 25,000 cpm (per 15 cm probe area) over more than 2 square feet or greater. than 500 mrad/hr over a smaller area.
8.5.8 Upon  completion      of treatment, all paper and plastic should be removed. The  hospital area, personnel and equipment involved in the treatmen't shall be surveyed,              decontaminated    (if required) and released 'by Niagara Mohawk. All waste, both Liquid and solid shall be returned to Nine Mile Point for waste handling and/or analysis as directed      by    a    Chemistry    S    Radiation Management    Department Supervisor.      When transporting contaminated waste back to Nine Mile Point appropriate portions of procedure S-RP-6, The Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials, shall be reviewed for applicability.
8.6  Nuclear Securit        De artment 8.6.1 Provide assistance        as  requested    by the  particular circumstances  of the event.
EPP-4  -11    May 1988
8.6.2 During off-hours, and when requested by the          CSO,  notify the following  .
(see checklist for telephone numbers):
Unit Safety Director Supervisor Fire Protection Emergency Planning Coordinator
8.6.3 When    notified by the Site Emergency Dir'ector        (SSS  or his designee),
perform notifications required per EPP-20,                Figure 3, Security Off-Hours Emergency Contact List.
9.0  MAJOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY-NON-CONTAMINATED This Section 9.0 assumes that the major medical emergency patient is known not to be contaminated.        'If there is any doubt as to whether or not the major medical emergency patient is contaminated,            it should be assumed he is and action taken in accordance with Section 10.0 'of this procedure, EPP-4.
9.1  General 9.1.1 All    personnel shall notify the Control          Room  of  all injuries  or illnesses requiring medical attention.
9.1.2 All    major  medical    emergencies    shall  be  referred    to  the  Oswego Hospital Emergency    Room.
9.1.3 Any major medical      emergency requires that an ambulance be requested to respond to the site. This request should not be delayed due to lack of information from the major medical scene.              Information such as extent of injuries, whether patient= is contaminated, etc. can be provided in subsequent calls to. the hospital or Oswego County Fire Control.
9.1.4 Any  patient injured or taken surveyed ill  within the protected area shall be for contamination by Radiation Protection prior to transporting the patient to Oswego Hospital.
9.1.5 The  injured/ill will be stabilized and evaluated at Oswego Hospital.
Tf he has received a radiation dose exceeding 100 Rem whole body, or the special equipment or skills of a medical center are required, then Oswego Hospital should refer him to University Hospital in Syracuse.
9.2  Station Shift    Su ervisor 9.2.1 Provide    assistance    as  requested    in response    to the major medical emergency  non-contaminated.
EPP-4  -1?    May 1988
9.3  Chief Shift    0 erator 9.3.1 Upon    notification of      a  major medical emergency or need for an ambulance,      obtain  and    perform those actions listed on the CSO Checklist, k
EPP-4, Figure 1.
9.3.2 In accordance with the CSO Checklist, EPP-4, Figure 1, sound the station alarm and announce the condition in accordance with the CSO Checklist. This announcement will assure that medical assistance is provided to the scene of the major medical emergency as soon as possible.
9.3 ' Notify the    SSS  of the major medical emergency.
9.3.4 Determine. from the Nuclear Fire Chief          if  the patient is contaminated and  the extent of the. injuries/illness.              (If the'atient is contaminated see    Sect,ion  10.0).
9.3.5 Call Oswego County Fire Control and give the dispatcher the message indicated in CSO Checklist, EPP-4, Figure 1, for the appropriate condition, i.e.:
: 1. Patient requires      an ambulance  and  is not contaminated.
NOTE:        All major medical      emergencies  require that  an ambulance  be requested to respond to the site. This request should not be delayed      due to lack of information from the major medical scene.      Additional information can be provided in subsequent    calls to the hospital or Oswego County Fire Control.
9.3.6 Notify Security that an ambulance is enroute to the plant,              and when it arrives to escoz t it from Private Road and permit its            immediate entry to the patient pickup area.
9.3.7 During off-hours, notify Security Department to contact the Unit Safety Director, Supervisor Fire Protection and Emergency Planning Coordinator in accordance with EPP-4, Figure 2, the Security Shift Supervisor Checklist.
9.3.8 During off-hours and if, appropriate, perform additional              items  as noted on CSO Checklist, EPP-4, Figure 1.
9.4  Licensed Nuclear 0 erator 9.4.1 Contact Control    Room and    acknowledge  receipt of alarm.
9.4.2 Proceed  to location of the major medical emergency with a radio and act  as  an  advisor to the Nuclear Fire Chief at the command post.
Report status of the injury/illness to the Control Room immediately.
EPP-4    -13  May 1988
9.5      Nuclear Fire Chief 9.5.1    Contact Control      Room and    acknowledge  receipt of alarm.
9.5.2    Proceed    to the major medical emergency location and set up command post.      Ensure    that a Radiation Protection Technician, Licensed Nuclear Operator and Security Guard are available to coordinate communication with 'their respective departments.
9.5.3    Assure that the Fire Department          is providing appropriate first aid to the patient.      If  contamination    is present and patient is contaminated refer to Section 10.0.
9.5.4    Obtain    as  much    information as        possible  on  the  extent of the injuries/illness,      number    of people involved, etc.      and  provide this
      , information to the      CSO  as soon as possible.
9.,5.5  Verify that the CSO has requested an ambulance to the site.                  While waiting for the ambulance perform the following:
a~    The    NMP    Fire    Department    should continuously monitor the patient's      vital    signs    and    perform appropriate      first-aid measures. Also monitor the patient for bleeding, respiration, and shock and record            the patient's vital signs on the Prehospital Care Report (See example; EPP-4, Figu're 4), and on the Employee Medical Report (See sample EPP-4, Figure 5).
: b.    .If  further medical information or assistance is needed by the Fire Department personnel, contact the Oswego Hospital 'Emergency Room via radio phone patch so that NMP Fire Department personnel may speak directly with a physician and obtain further medical treatment orders      if  necessary. Notify the Control Room    if  the radio phone Patch i.s used.
9.5.6    When    ambulance      arrives, assist ambulance personnel.                Provide ambulance attendants with the Prehospital Care Report.                  A. Nuclear Fire Fighter may accompany the patient in the ambulance                if  injuries are such that additional medical personnel are needed during the patient transport.
9.5.7    When    the ambulance arrives determine the ambulance attendants EMT Class (Basic; Advance Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or Advance Level 4 Paramedic).      If 'e    ambulance attendant is not of the same EMT class or higher, than the NMP Fire Department EMT treating the patient the NMP Fire Department EMT may not release            the patient to the ambulance attendant. Instead, the NMP Fire Department EMT shall ride with the patient to the hospital until such time responsibility for the patient is assumed by an EMT of equal or greater class, a nurse or physician.
EPP-4    -14  May 1988
9.5.8  Once ambulance        has  left  the site or the medical emergency has been terminated, assure the        CSO  is notified of event status.
9.5.9  Report    any    decrease    in Fire    Department    or Radiation      Protection staffing to        SSS  when Fire Department EMT or Radiation              Protection Technician must accompany ambulance to the hospital.
9.5.10 Identify    and list all the medical equipment that was removed from the site and    'taken with the patient to the hospital. This should be done immediately following the patient exit from the site. Provide this list    to the Emergency Planning Coordinator so that he cap retrieve this equipment from the hospital.
9.6    Nuclear Fire Fighter 9.6.1  The NMP      Fire Department      should  report to the location specified.
Enroute to the area:
: a. One    Nuclear Fire Fighter should pick up a backboard and blanket in the    most convenient location.
: b. Another Nuclear Fire Fighter should pick up a            first aid kit.
9.6.2  If  the injured/ill is or may be contaminated, then perform proper contamination control measures. (If contaminated see Section 10.0) 9.7    Radiation Protection 9.7.1  Upon    notification of        a    medical  emergency,    dispatch    Radiation Protection Technician(s) with a                radio to perform        radiological survey(s) and isolate the area                  as  appropriate (The      Radiation Protection Fire Response Kit should            be taken to scene).
: 9. 7.2 Once    the injured/ill is stabilized, he should be surveyed for contamination., The injured should only be moved              if  conditions in the immediate area          (extremely high radiation levels or danger of fire/explosion or dangerous atmosphere) would cause further injury.
9.7.3  Depending        on    the    number    of individuals      injured/ill      and/or contaminated,        personnel monitoring techniques          should    be  adjusted accordingly (e.g., quick frisk for establishing levels, segregate per gross levels of contamination and full survey prior to rele'ase).
9.7.4  After surveys are performed, notify the Nuclear Fire Chief of the results. If no contamination is found, no" further action is required except      to assist        in normal plant Radiological Control.                  If contamination is found, see Section 10.0 for additional guidance.
EPP-4    -15  May 1988
9.8  Nuclear Securit      De  artment 9.8.1 Obtain copy of Security Shift Supervisor, Medical Emergency Checklist (EPP-4, Figure 2).          Complete this checklist, enter N/A or N/R when appropriate.                                    'I 9.8.2 Contact the Control      Room and    verify receipt of alarm.
9.8.3 Dispatch    a  Security Guard with a radio to the medical emergency scene command post to coordinate communication between the Nuclear Security Department and the Nuclear Fire Chief. This Security Guard should remain with the Nuclear Fire Chief at all times.
9.8.4 Provide additional Security Guards to assist                in crowd control,    if necessary, and other duties as required.
9.8.5 When  notified by the        CSO    that  an    ambulance'as    been  requested, perform the following:
: a. Dispatch a Security Guard and vehicle to Private (Lake) Road to direct the ambulance to the appropriate access road. A Security Guard should accompany the vehicles on site.
: b. The    emergency      ambulance . and other medical vehicle(s)            and attendants should be allowed immediate access to the station and escorted to the designated building entrance.
C. Ensure    roadway    te patient pickup point is kept clear of            any obstruction.
Normal    sign-in procedures shall be waived; names                shall  'be obtained      for the Security Entrance Registration              Log  while off- ite    medical personnel      exit the    ambulance.
: e. Bring an      Ambulance    and  Fire Kit," to the designated building entr'ance.
If requested,      issue dosimetry from the Ambulance and Fire Kit to the responding, off-site personnel as they leave their vehicles to pick up the patient.
During off-hours and when requested                by  the  CSO,  notify the following: (see EPP-4, Figure 2):
Unit Safety Director:
Supervisor Fire Protection:
Emergency Planning Coordinator:
EPP-4  -16    May 1988
10.0  MAJOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY-CONTAMINATED This Section 10.0 assumes that the major medical emergency patient is known to be contaminated.            If it    is known that the major medical emergency patient      is  not  contaminated    then action should be taken in accordance with      Section  9.0  of  this  procedure,  EPP-4.
10.1  General 10.1.1 All  personnel shall notify the Control              Rodm  of  all injuries  or illnesses requiring medical attention.
10.1.2 All  major    medical    emergencies    shall  be  referred    to the  Oswego Hospital  Emergency Room.
10.1.3 Any major medical      emergency requires that an ambulance be requested to respond to the site. This request should not be delayed due to lack of information from the major medical scene. Information such as extent of injuries, whether patient is contaminated, etc. can be provided in subsequent calls to the hospital or Oswego County Fire Control.
10.1.4 Any  patient injured or taken for    contamination ill  within the protected area shall be Radiation Protection prior to surveyed                                by transporting the patient to Oswego Hospital.
10.1.5 The injured/ill      will be stabilized'nd        evaluated at the hospital.      If he has received a      radiation    dose  exceeding'00      Rem  whole body, or the special equipment or skills          of a medical center are required, then Oswego  Hospital should refer      him to University Hospital in Syracuse.
10.2  Station Shift    Su  ervisor 10.2.1 Provide    assistance as requested          in response      to the major medical emergency  contaminated.
10.2.2 Assume  the role of Site Emergency Director and perform the following:
a ~  Obtain a copy of the SSS Checklist found in EAP-1 and perform those actions required by procedure EAP-.1.
: b. Evaluate    and  classify the event in        accordance    with procedure EAP-2.
Commence    emergency    notif ications in      accordance    with procedure EPP-20.
EPP-4  -17  May 1988
Chief Shift Upon 0  erator notification of        a  major medical emergency, or need for          an 0
ambulance,      obtain    and  perform these actions listed on the          CSO Checklist (EPP-4, Figure        1).
In accordance      with the CSO Checklist, sound the station alarm and announce the condition in accordance with the CSO Checklist.                This announcement will assure that medical assistance is provided to the scene of the major medical emergency's soon as possible.
Notify SSS of the major medical          emergency.
Determine      from    the Nuclear Fire Chief the extent of the injuries/illness,        the contamination levels, dose rates, number of injured/ill, etc.
Call Oswego County Fire Control and give the dispatcher the message indicated in CSO Checklist, EPP-4, Figure 1, for the appropriate condition, i.e.:
: 2. Patient requires      an ambulance    and  is contaminated.
NOTE:        All major      medical emergencies require that an ambulance be requested to respond to the site. This request should not delayed due to lack of information from the major 0
          . be medical scene.        Additional information can be provided in subsequent      calls to the hospital or Oswego County Fire Control.
Notify Security that an ambulance is enroute to the plant, and when it arrives to escort it from Private Road and permit its immediate entry to the patient pickup area.
Call  a  medical consultant physician who is prepared to handle contaminated injurio" (See EPP-4 CSO Checklist, Figure 1,). Inform him that a contaminated injured person has been sent to the hospital and he is requested to meet the patient at Oswego Hospital.                Advise the Radiation Protection Technician riding in the ambulance with the patient, on the availability or unavailability of the medical consultant physician.
Notify the Unit Supervisor              Radiation Protection or the On-call Chemistry and Radiation Management Supervisor to meet the ambulance at the Hospital. Give him pertinent information as to contamination levels of the patient and extent of injuries, which hospital, etc.
During  off hours, notify Nuclear Security            Department  to contact the Unit Safety        Director,    Supervisor    Fire Protection and Emergency Planning Coordinator in accordance with EPP-4, Figure 2, the Security Shift Supervisor Checklist.
EPP-4    -18  May 1988
10.3..10 During off-hours and appropriate, perform additional items,              as noted on CSO Checklist, EPP-4, Figure 1.
10.4    Licensed Nuclear 0 erator 10.4.1  Contact Control      Room and    acknowledge  receipt of alarm.
10.4.2  Proceed    to location of the major medical emergency with a radio and act  as  an  advisor to the Nuclear Fire Chief at the command post.
Report status of. the injury/illness to the Control Room immediately.
10.5    Nuclear Fire Chief 10.5.1  Contact Control      Room and    acknowledge  receipt of alarm.
10.5.2  Proceed    to the major medical emergency location and set up command post.      Ensure    that a Radiation Protection Technician, Licensed Nuclear Operator and Security Guard are available to coordinate communication with their respective departments.
10.5.3  Assure    that the Fire Department is providing appropriate first aid to the patient.        Contamination prevention efforts should be taken so long as they do not interfere with the well-being of the patient.
10.5.4  Obtain    as    much    information as possible on the extent of the injuries/illness,      number    of people involved, extent of contamination, etc. and  provide this information to the CSO as soon as possible.
10.5.5  'Verify that the CSO has requested an ambulance be summoned to the site. While waiting for the ambulance also perform the following:
a      The    NMP. Fire    Department=    should continuously monitor the patient's      vital    signs    and    perform appropriate    fir t-aid measures.        Also monitor the patient for bleeding, respiration, and    shock and      record the patient's        vital signs on the Prehospital Care Report (See example; EPP-4, Figure 4,) and on the-=Employee Medical Report (See sample EPP-4, Figure 5).
: b. Any    information relative to the contamination levels on            the various parts of the patient's body should be indicated on            the Prehospital. Care Report (see example; EPP-4, Figure 4),              and recorded in the comments section of this form. In addition,            the contaminated patient carrier,          if being used, should be moved  to an uncontaminated area close to the injured.
c      If necessary      for the first aid treatment of the patient, contact the  Oswego  Hospital    Emergency Room via radio phone patch so that NMP    Fire Department personnel may speak directly with a physician and obtain further medical treatment orders if necessary.
EPP-4    -19  May 1988
When  ambulance    arrives, assist ambulance personnel and advise in matters    of contamination control as appropriate.              Ensure* that a floorcovering has been placed in the ambulance prior to loading victim to prevent the spread of contamination during transport.
(NOTE:    The floorcovering, herculite,          should be opened fully to assure only one layer of floorcover covers the stretcher hooks, otherwise    it  may be difficult to lockdown the stretcher into the ambulance.)      Provide ambulance attendants with the Prehospital Care Report containing patient's vital signs. A Nuclear Fire Fighter may accompany tne patient in the ambulance              if injuries are such that additional medical personnel are needed during the patient transport.
When  the ambulance arrives determine the ambulance attendants EMT Class (Basic; Advance Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or Advance Level 4 Paramedic). If  the ambulance attendant is not of the same EMT class or higher, than the NMP Fire Department EMT treating the patient the NMP Fire Department EMT may not release          the patient to the ambulance attendant. Instead, the NMP Fire Department EMT shall ride with the patient to the hospital until such time responsibility for the patient is assumed by an EMT of equal or greater class, a nurse or physician.
Once ambulance    has  left  the  site or the    medical emergency    has  been terminated, assure the      CSO  is notified of  event status.
Report    any  decrease    in Fire      Department  or Radiation    Protection staffing to    SSS  when Fire Department EMT or Radiation            Protection Technician    must accompany ambulance to the hospital.
Identify  and  list all the medical equipment that was removed from the site and  taken with the patient to the hospital. This should be done immediately following the patient exit from the site. Provide this list to the Emergency Planning Coordinator so that he can retrieve this equipment from the hospital.
Nuclear Fire Fi hter The. NMP Fire Department        should  report to the location specified.
Enroute to the area:
: a. One  Nuclear Fire Fighter should pick up          a backboard  and  blanket in the  most convenient location.
: b. Another Nuclear Fire Fighter should pick up a          first aid kit.
If. the injured/ill is      found to be contaminated,      a scoop  or stokes stretcher or backboard should be placed on a blanket next to the patient and another blanket placed inside the stretcher and then wrapped around the patient.            This will not only keep the patient comfortable but also contain any loose contamination.                If a Scoop stretcher is used, wrap the individual and stretcher in blankets to prevent the further spread of contamination.
EPP-4  -20    May 1988
If  appropriate, and      under    the direction of radiation protection decontamination as the injuries permit.
personnel, perEorm as    much If the  patient is found to    be contaminated      to greater than 50,000 cpm (per 15 cm probe area) consideration should be given to .using'he contaminated patient carrier. This'arrier is designed to minimize attendant exposures and contamination of medical facilities and to facilitate care and decontamination of the patients.                          If it      is determined that the contaminated            patient      carrier  should      be    used, advise the ambulance personnel of this and relo'cate the carrier to an non-contaminated area close to the injured prior to the ambulance' arrival. A description  oE  the  carrier    and  its  use are as    follows:
: a. The  carrier, located under the stairs of the Unit 1 Admin. Bldg.
El  261'SC    area, consists of a heavy plastic stretcher which is covered by a rigid transparent top enclosure.                  The carrier is sized to acconm>odate one man. The lower portion of the carrier is equipped with a drain system to Eacilitate decontamination of the patient.      The transparent        top is equipped with 12 entry holes which are either covered by gasketed tops or equipped with ambidextrous    dry-box gloves.            The carrier bottom is also equipped with handles for lifting.
: b. The  carrier  is supported      by    a  mobile    gurney    which may        be elevated  to any necessary      position    and  can  also  be    tilted for drain-off of contaminated waste.
c ~  Fresh  air is supplied to the patient. through a 12              cfm fa'n. The air is discharged from the enclosure through                      two absolute filters to minimize the exposure of attendants                      to airborne particulate radioactivity from the patient.
: d. The scoop  stretcher consists      oE an    aluminum device which can be separated at both ends and can be used to gently "scoop" a victim onto the carrier in the position found. Since                    it  has an open bottom      it  greatly    facilitate"      decontamination allowed becau to  flow e
decontamination solutions can        be  washed  oEf  and down  to the drain end of the carrier.
: e. The  carrier is also supplied with other necessary                      equipment including disposable      blankets,    decontamination      Eluid container, and surgeons gloves.
Radiation Protection Upon  hearing the alarm and announcement of a medical emergency, dispatch Radiation Protection Technician(s) with a radio to perform radiological survey(s) and isolate the medical emergency area as appropriate (The Radiation Protection Fire Response Kit should be taken to scene).
EPP-4    -21  May 1988
10.7.2 Once    the injured/ill is stabilized, he should be surveyed for contamination. The injured should only be moved                  if  conditions in the immediate area        (extremely high            radiation    levels    or danger of fire/explosion or dangerous        atmosphere)        would    cause  further  injury.
If  appropriate, perform        those        steps  noted    in  EPP-4,    Figure  6, Instructions    for  First  Aid  of    Open    Wounds.
10.7.3 Depending      on    the    number      of individuals          'njured/ill      and/or contaminated,      personnel monitoring techniques                should  be  adjusted accordingly (e.g., quick frisk for establishing levels, segregate per gross levels of contamination and full survey prior to release).
10.7.4 After surveys are performed, notify the Nuclear Fire Chief of the results. Assist in normal plant radiological control.
I 10.7.5 Perform 'ppropriate follow-up bioassays                    per established        station procedures.
NOTE:        Urine and non-biological samples              (smears, etc.) should be refrigerated and all other biological samples should be frozen to inhibit biological decay and/or odor.                          The freezer compar'tment in the Unit                1    Chemistry    Laboratory freezer can be used on a short-term basis for this purpose.
1 10.7.6 Records    of  all  decontamination      efforts must be reported on the Skin Decontamination      Record  Form in accordance'ith                S-RP-5 (See EPP-4, Figure 2 for example).        These forms are available .in the Radiation Protection Offices and the Personnel Decontamination                  Rooms.
10.7.7 If  contamination in the wound(s) exceed 100 cpm (per 15 cm probe area) a Chemistry and Radiation Management Department Supervisor shall decide    if Radiological Medical advice is necessary.
10.7.8 For hospitalization perform the following:
A  Radiation Protection Technician (or Supervisor) will ride with the injured/ill in the ambulance.                Radiation Protection should take a count rate and a dose rate meter (ion chamber type) to the hospital.
: b. Provide    radiological assistance              during the transfer            of individual from the station to the ambu<.ance. Prior to loading the patient i.n the ambulance, ensure a cover (e.g. herculite) is placed on the    floor of  the ambulance.
c      A  Chemistry and Radiation Management Department Supervisor and another Radiation Protection Technician will'eet the ambulance
at the hospital and provide assistance to hospital personnel in radiological controls.
EPP-4    -22    May 1988
10.7.8 (Cont'd)
: d. At the Oswego Hospi't'al', the Radiation Protection Technician and Supervisor should assure that the entry way and the room to be used    have    been      adequately      prepared      for the contaminated condition of the patient. Ensure dosimetry is issued from the Nuclear Emergency Cabinet to physicians and hospital staff who will work with the contamination patient.
h At the Oswego Hospital issue respiratory equipment from the Nuclear Emergency Cabinet to selected personnel                      if contamination levels are greater than 25,000 cpm (per 15                          cm2  probe area) over more than 2 square feet or greater than                    500  mrad/hr  over a smaller area.
Obtain    dosimetry from the . ambulance attendents                        and record required    data      on    the    Dosimetry    Issue    Sheet    after    they have transported    the    patient      to  the  hospital    and  before    they  leave the hospital.          If    no    dosimetry    was    issued    just  obtain    their names for the Security Entrance Registration Log.
Once  it  has    been      determined that the ambulance will not be needed    further,      the ambulance will be, surveyed for possible contamination.        If it      is free from contamination,            it  will be released. If    the ambulance is contaminated and decontamination cannot be accomplished at the hospital,                  it  must be returned to Nine Mile Point for decontamination and release in accordance with station procedures.
: h. At Oswego Hospital, assure that all handling of the patient at the hospital will be in accordance with the Oswego Hospital Plan for the Decontamination and Treatment of Radi'oactively Contaminated Patients.
At- Oswego    Hospital, in addition. to the                Oswego    Hospital plan, NMPNS    Chemistry.      &. Radiation  Management      personnel      -hall  make recommendations,        to supplement this plan, as appropriate.
Supplies for handling contaminated patients at Oswego Hospital are stored in the Nuclear Emergency Cabinet located near the X-ray Department.
Any excised      tissue should be placed in separate vials provided in the    RMC  sample taking . kit (at Oswego Hospital, this kit located- on top of the Nuclear Emergency Cabinet), identified and kept for later analysis.
Upon  completion of treatment, all paper and plastic should be removed. The hospital area, personnel and equipment involved in the treatment will be surveyed, decontaminated, (if required) and released by Niagara Mohawk. Collect all dosimetry (including these    previously given to the- ambulance attendants                              who transported the patient) and obtain data for                    the  Dosimetry  Issue Sheet.
EPP-4      -23  May 1988
10.7.8 (Cont'd)
: l. Tf the decision is made to move the injured/ill to University Hospital in Syracuse, the Radiation Protection Technician should accompany the ambulance to Syracuse and ensure this information is relayed to the responding Chemistry and Radiation Management Department Supervisor.        Enroute this technician will advise the ambulance personnel      on  contamination    problems and will assist in decontaminating the ambulance in Syracuse after completion of the transport.
: m. At University Hospital, ensure the ambulance has gone to the Emergency    Room    entrance      if    the patient is contaminated.
Hospital personnel will meet the ambulance at the Emergency Room entrance. and handle the patient(s) in accordance with the University Hospital Radiological Emergency Plan.
: n. At University Hospital, one Radiation Protection Technician or Supervisor should be in the treatment room while the other will be outside the treatment room.              These persons shall provide consultation to University Hospital personnel upon their request.
0~  Upon  completion of treatment, all paper and plastic should be removed. The hospital area, personnel and equipment involved in the treatment shall be surveyed, decontaminated (if required) and released    by Niagara Mohawk.            All waste, both liquid and solid shall be returned to Nine Mile Point for waste handling and/or analysis      as    directed by a Chemistry 6 Radiation  ~
Management      Department        Supervisor.          When      transporting contaminated ~aste back to Nine Mile Point appropriate portions of  procedure    S-RP-6,      The    Packaging    and  Transportation      of Radioactive Materials, shall        be  reviewed  for applicability.
10.8  Nuclear Securit    Department 10.8.1 Obtain copy of Security Shift. Supervisor, Medical Emergency Checklist (EPP-4, Figure 2).      Complete this checklist,. enter N/A or N/R when appropriate.
10.8.2 Contact the Control  Room and    verify, receipt of alarm...
10.8.3 Dispatch  a Security Guard with a radio to the medical emergency scene command  post to coordinate communication between the Nuclear Security Department and the Nuclear Fire Chief. 1his Security Guard should remain with the Nuclear Fire Chief at all times.
10.8.4 Provide additional Security Guards to assist                in crowd control      if necessary, and other duties as required.
EPP-4    -24    May 1988
10:8.5 When  notified by the        CSO  that    an  ambulance  has    been  requested, perform the following:
: a. Dispatch a Security Guard and vehicle to Private (Lake) Road to direct the ambulance to the appropriate access road. A Security Guard should accompany the vehicles on site.
: b. The    emergency    ambulance    and    other medical vehicle(s) and attendants should be allowed immediate access to the station and escorted to the designated building entrance.
c ~  Ensure  roadway    to patient pickup point is kept clear of any obstruction.
: d. Normal    sign-in procedures shall be waived; names                  shall  be obtained for the Security Entrance, Registration                  Log  while off-site medical'personnel exit          the ambulance.
: e. Bring an Ambulance        and  Fire Kit    to'he    designated    building entrance
: f. Issue  dosimetry from the Fire and Ambulance Kit to responding off-site    personnel as they leave their vehicles to pick-up the patient.
During off-hours      and    when  requested by the    CSO,  notify the following: (see    EPP-4, Figure      2):
Unit Safety Director:
Supervisor    Fire Protection:
            -  Emergency Planning    Coordinator:
: h. When  notified by the Site Emergency Director (or his designee) perform notifications required per EPP-20 Figure 3, Security Off-Hours Emergency Contact List.
EPP-4    -25  May 1988
MEDICAL EMERGENCY DATE:                                                      CSO NAME:
Unit  I / Unit II (circle one)
Initial/Time Notified of medical      emergency by (name):
: 2.                  Medical emergency is minor/major            (circle one).      If minor medical emergency skip to Step 5.
: 3.                  Fill in  the information      on the blank    lines below, then    make the following    alarm and announcement:
Sound  Station Alarm for      10 Seconds.
                    "Attention.        Attention      all    personnel.      This    is/is not                  a  drill. A  medical emergency has occurred at  Unit    1/2.        . The    location    of  this  emergency is The  Fire Department shall report to (repeat the location) .
All other    personnel remain clear of the area.                I repeat thxs zs/xs not                      a  drill.
Repeat  Station Alarm      and Announcement.
: 4.                  Notify  SSS  of emergency.
: 5.                  For minor medical emergency            the  injured/ill instructed      to proceed to the following:              First aid or      Decontamination Room:
: 6.                  For minor medical emergency NMP Fire Department              notified to provide first aid to the injured/ill.
(See Step  7 next page)
EPP-4    -26    May 1988
EPP-4    FIGURE 1  (Cont'd.)
: 7. If a  major medical emergency then re uest an ambulance.
(if Call the Oswego busy, 343-8571) .and tell County Fire Control Dispatcher at 343-1313 him:
7oa                  a. If a    atient is not contaminated:
                          "This is/is not a drill. An ambulance is needed
at the Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit (1/2)
The injured person(s)      is/(are) not contaminated.        He can be handled as        a routine patient,      He  appears  to have the following    injuries    (describe injuries):
7.b.                      If the    atient is contaminated:
                          "This    is/is  not                  a          An  ambulance is needed at the Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit (1/2)      . Please initiate emergency procedures <<s the patient(s) is (are) contaminated.. Please ensure that Oswego Hospital is. notified and .given the following information (Give the following as applicable):
8  of injured persons it  of contaminated injured. persons Contamination. levels .are (        cpm per      sq. cm) or.  (    MRAD/hr).
Description of injuries 7ec  ~        /      c. Security notified that an ambulance            is coming    and should be brought to (location)
EPP-4  -27  May 1988
EPP-4    FIGURE 1    (Cont'd)
: 8. If  a  minor medical emergency and an ambulance is not re uired but the patient  will be going to Oswego Hospital (i.e. will be driven) then perform the following:
: 8. a.        /    a. If a    atient is not contaminated. Note here:
patient name and extent of injuries:
8.b.          /    b. If the    atient is contaminated,          and the REA set up is not required      then  call    the  Oswego    Hospital Fmergency Room at 349-5522 and tell them:                  "This is the Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit (1/2)                        . This (is/is not)                a    drill. We are sending, a patient(s) to the hospital who .(is/are), contaminated.
Do    not set up the REA.                A Radiation      Protection
                        . Technician    will be accompanying the patient(s)." Then.
give the following information:
fl of injured persons lt of contaminated injured persons Contamination levels are (              cpm per        sq. cm) or  (      MRAD/hr).
Description of injuries Expected time of      arrival 8.c.                c    If  the    atient is contaminated          and  the  REA  should be set up then call the        Oswego    Hospital Emergency Room at 349-5522 and tell them:              "This    is Nine Mile Point Nuclear      Station    Unit      (1/2)          . This (is/is not)            a  drill. We  are  sending    a patient(s)  to the hospital who (is/are) contaminated".                    Then give the following information:
tP of injured 'persons 8  of contaminated injured persons Contamination levels are (              cpm per        sq. cm) or (      MRAD/hr).
Description of injuries Expected time of      ari ival EPP-4  -'28  May 1988
EPP-4  FIGURE 1    (Cont'd)
            /    For    a  contaminated      pati'ent  call  a  Medical    Consultant Physician:
Dr.                      Office:
Home:                  (Summer)
Dr.                      Office:
If  telephone is answered by an answering service,              request physician call the Unit I Control Room (:                          p  or Unit II Control Room (                    ), as applicable.
: 10.              For  a  contaminated    patient notify the      SSS and request    he notify the Unit Supervisor            Radiation Protection or the On-call Chemistry and            Radiation Management Department Supervisor, to tell him:
Go  to the  Oswego  Hospital or Universit'y Hospital as'ppropriate.
: b. Contamination levels on the patient C>>    Extent of injuries
            /    Off-hours: If contaminated patient is being transported to hospital and; as directed by SSS, instruct Secur'ity to make notifications required for an Unusual Event per EPP-20, Figure 3, Security Off-Hours Emergency Contact List.
: 12.        /    Off-hours:        Tf major medical emergency.            have Security Department        notify    Safety      Director, Supervisor        Five Protection and Emergency Planning Coordinator.
: 13.              Upon    notification    from the      Nuclear  Fire Chief that the medical emergency      has  been  terminated,    sound  station alarm and  announce termination of event.
EPP-4  -29  May 1988
DATE:                                                            NAME:
UNIT  I /    UNIT  II (Circle  One)
Initials/Time This  is/is not (circle        one)  a  drill.
: 2.              Acknowledged      receipt of alarm to CSO/notified          by CSO.
: 3.              Security      Guard    dispatched with a radio to the medical emergency      scene    to coordinate communication between the Security Department and the Nuclear Fire Chief, assist in crowd control, etc. Location
: 4.              If  ambulance        requested      guard and vehicle dispatched            to private road to escort ambulance for immediate access into station to patient pickup location.
Ambulance and      Fire Kit brought to medical        emergency  scene.
: 6.              If    applicable,        dosimetry issued to responding              off-site personnel    from  the  Ambulance and Fire Kit.
During off-hours and when requested              by the  CSO  notified:
: a. Safety    Director:                      (Unit 1)                    (Unit 2)
Home:                  OR  Home:
Pager:                      Pager:
: b. Supervisor Fire Protection:
: c. Emergency Planning Coordinator:
(Or Use  EP On-call Schedule)
: d. Station Nurse        Clinician:
: 8.              When    directed      by  the  Site Emergency        Director, notifications performed      as  required    by EPP-20,      Figure 3, The Security Off Hours Emergency Contact          List.
: 9.              Medical Emergency event terminated.
: 10.              If  Fire  and    Ambulance    Kit    used,  the Emergency    Planning Group notified.
EPP-4    -30    May 1988
EPP-4    FIGURE 3 SKIN CONTAMINATION REPORT SCR NO SHEET      OF UH IT HO NAME                                          SOC SEC NO COMPANY                                        SUPERVISOR JOB TITLE TL3  NO                                      RWP NO LEAD HER                                      SECTOR CODE OCCURRENCE DATE                            AND TlME DESCRIPTION OF OCCURENCE/APPARENT CAUSE SURVEY RESULTS:
RATE METER TYPE                            NO AREA(S) COHTAMINATED: 1)                                  2)
INITIAL SURVEY:        (use absorbers        i f ) 30, 000  cpm    per Se    'on .23. 5. 3 1)
SIZE OF AREA(S) (cm2)              1)                            2)
GROSS COUNT RATE (cpm),            1)                            2)
                                                              ~  2)
DATE                  AND TIME                            0  SURV POST DECON SEZE OF AREA<,S){cm )          . 1)                            2)
ABSORBER (EF U        D)          1                            2)
SKIN    CO    I                                                '")
A DECO          EHT                  1)                              )
DAT                      D  TIME                            OF SlJRVEY if stic  1 itio al decon 'is required, i.e. detectable contamination re ent, use another Figure            9  to document effort and ai'o determine if the contamination event requires a skin dos calcul.ation, determine the maximum net count rate (max init ia l.
survey result minus background), the time period, t, post occurance to the final survey, and refer to Flgur>> 13. Et 1s assumed that no contamination is detected during the final survey MAXIM(JM HET COUNT FATE (cpm)                            t(min)                                  II SKIN DOSE CALCUf ATION REQUIRED (YES OR NO)
Ef required complete Figure 12 and attach.
Is a MBC re~i ired per S-RTP-10, Section 5.2.1 (YES OR HO)
Additional area surveys performed        (YES OR NO)
If yes, survey number(s)
Tech's and  ec s FP                ignature                              Date Figure      9  completed (YES      OR NO)
Ef    required, Figure 12 completed              and attached      (YES,  HC'i,  or  NA)
If  required, WBC completed (YES,              NO,  or  NA)
RP  Chief Tech. or On-Duty Tech. Signature r
Addi t iona 1 Comments Unit    FP  Supervisor 'iignature..                                          Date cc:    Radiological Engineering Coordinator EPP-4  -31  May 1988
FRONT                                  BACK
                -32  May 1988
EPP-4, FIGURE                            4
                                                                                                                                                                              ~j (Exemple) pert
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EPP-4                -33        M(Ly        1988
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EPP-4    FIGURE    5 UNIT  &#xb9;  2 EMPLOYEE MEDICALREPORT ATE OF INCIDENT          TIME OF INCIDENT(MIUTARY)    DATE OF REPORT        EXACT PLANT LOCATION OF INCIDENT NAME                                                    ADDRESS                                                      STATE        ZIP AGEA    MAI.E  FEMALE    HOME PHONE                    EMPLOYER                              SUPERVISOR ALLERGIES                                                            EMPLOYEE g                      DATE OF BIRTH M          DAY        YEAR WITNESS (ES ) TO ACCIDENT MEDICALPROBLEMS TIME                BP                    PULSE              RESP                  LOC.            PUPILS            SKIN TIME                BP                    PULSE              ESP                  LOC            PUPILS            SKIN TIME                BP                    PULSE              ESP                  LO            PUPI              SKIN TIME                BP                    PULSE              RESP                  LOC            PUPI              SKIN DESCRIPTlON OF ILLNESS/IhUURY:          '0  MINOR  Cl MAjOR TREATMENT:
TREATED BY                                                              TREATED BY CI EMT 0  A  MT1-                                                CI  EMT  0  AEMT1-2 PATIENT HOSPITALIZED 7    NAME OF HOSPITAL                            VIA CI  YES  CI NO                                                        0    AMBULANCE    CI  PRIVATE VEHICLE  CI COMPANY VEHICLE CONTROL ROOM NOTIFIED (TIME )
ATIENT SURVEYED BY      SURVEY //                BACKGROUND READING                        SURVEY BY              DECONTAMINATION D PROTECTION CI  YES  C3  NO                                                                                                    0    YES  0    NO EPP 4    35    HBP'988
All open  wounds must be surveyed by      Radiation Protection (see S-RP-5).
: 1. Flush wound promptly for at least        5 minutes with tepid or warm water.
: 2. Light to moderate bleeding of a minor wound or cut should be enhanced to help flush the wound. Such flushing can be done in any sink but the sink in a personnel decontamination area is preferred.
: 3. Where    more    serious bleeding is encountered, such as arterial bleeding, first    aid and medical attention shall be sought and. administered first.
Decontamination can be performed as appropriate and necessary for safe handling of the patient.
: 4. Tn  the case      of minor injure    remove    all  the .protective clothing before starting any decontamination.          Fixed contamination      in protective clothing can interfere considerably 'in trying to direct              scan a wound with a GM detector because        of the increase in background.        The object causing the injury and any. clothing through which the object passed should be saved for analysis by the Chemistry and Radiation Management Department.
: 5. If contamination      levels in or around the wound are less than 100 cpm above background      (e.g. 1000 dpm on a 15 cm2 probe area, administer first aid.
Otherwise consult with a Chemistry and Radiation Management Department Supervisor before administering first aid.
Contamination which is not immediately around or in the wound be removed carefully using normal decontamination methods.
: 7. Only use sterile absorbent pads on or in open cuts or wounds.                A smear of the blood may be used as a sample to determine            if  the radioactive material is present in the cut or wound by counting the sample in a sensitive detector.
: 8. Clean the surrounding skin area by using a liquid soap treatment or water method and rubbing only in a direction away from the wound.
EPP-4  -36    May 1988
FIGURE 6    (Cont'd)
: 9. After the      surrounding    skin area is clean, the          wound  can  be    scanned directly  and  further treated    by flushing with water.
NOTE:    If it      is suspected      that the surrounding skin is                  still contaminated,    it  may be necessary to shield the surrounding area with clean 'aluminum strips so the wound area can be isolated and surveyed directly.
If internal contamination is suspected, notify a Radiation Protection Supervisor.  =
A whole body count or other bioassays            may be required to assess the extent of the internal deposition from this event.                      (A survey of the object causing the wound may provide an important clue).
: 10. All  contaminated      wounds  'hould    be  documented    on  a  Skin Contaminati.on Record (see S-RP-5).
: 11. If  medical advice is necessary,            contact  one  of the following Medical Consultant Physicians:
Office  Phone              Home Phone Dr.                                                                              l i( Summer  )
(24 hrs)
(Business Office)
    "On  off-hours this    number  is answered  by an answering      service.
If  unable    to contact    a  Medical Consultant    and  are  requested    to leave      a message,    ask  that the Medical Consultant call the Control              Room    (either Unit  I  or Unit II, as appropriate) at:
Unit I Control Room                              OR Unit II Control Room EPP-4  -37  May 1988
Manager Nuclear Services                                s  le>
M, A. Peifer Station Superintendent  .
NMPNS  Unit 1                                      su/~~
K. A. Dahlberg        i(                      fo40 Station Superintendent                        i-NMPNS Unit 2 zan.'.c                    (gq    .
R. B. Abbott General Superintendent Nuclear Generation                                  4(zlzz J. L. Willis                                ~>J  ~~4 Zaaea i,1-53              April    1989 Proprietary Information  Removed From: Pages      8,18,22,28-44.
  ~ ~ N. Y'l
                      ,4~$ l 0
1.0      PURPOSE
==2.0      REFERENCES==
/RECORDS  DISPOSITION/COMMITMENTS 3.0      RESPONSIBILITIES                                          '12 I
4.0      DEFINITIONS                                              4 5.0      PRECAUTIONS 6.0      LIMITATIONS AND ACTIONS 7.0      PREREQUISITES 8.0        PROCEDURE                                                5 8.1        Control Room  Communications Aide                        5 8.2        Communications Coordinator (TSC)                        6 8.3      Nuclear Security                                          7 8.4      All Notified  Personnel                                  8 9.0        INITIALNOTIFICATIONS    PROTOCOL                    ~
HOTLINE OPERATION 12.0      ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA                                    12 Figure 1  Control Room Communications Aide Checklist              13 Figure 2  Communications Coordinator Checklist                    18 Figure 3  Security Off<<Hours Emergency Contact List              20 Figure 4a Notification Fact Sheet  Part I                        22 Figure 4b Notification Fact Sheet  Part    II (Dose Assessment Fact Sheet)                            23 Figure 4c Notification Fact Sheet  Part    III (Plant Parameter Fact Sheet  Unit 1)                  24 Figure 4d Notification Fact Sheet  Part    III (Plant Parameter Fact Sheet  Unit 2)                  25 Figure 5  Emergency Contact Forms                                26 Figure 6  Secondary Emergency Positions Call-Out Responsibility  44 Figure 7  ENS Telephone Communications Data Sheets                46 EPP-20  -i  April  1989
~ H~
1.0 The  purpose    of this procedure is to provide the instructions necessary    to ensure that prompt initial notification and appropriate follow-up notification of an emergency condition at the NMPNS are made    to off-site authorities, emergency response agencies,              and selected NMPNS/NMPC personnel.
2.0 2.1 2.1.1  NVREG-0654, Criteria for Preparation and          Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness        in Support of Nuclear    Power Plants 2.1.2  CPP-1, Corporate Emergency      Notification Procedure 2.1.3  EAP-l, Activation and Direction of Emergency Plan 2.1.4  EAP-2,    Classification of  Emergency Conditions 2.1.5  EPMP-3, Review and Revisions      of Site Bnergency Plan    and Procedures 2.1.6  EAP-3, Emergency Personnel Action Procedures                                      12 I
2.1.7  10CFR50.72, Immediate      Notification  Requirements    for Operating Nuclear
      .Power Reactors 2.1.8  10CFR50,    Appendix    E,  Emergency  Planning    and  Preparedness    for Production and Utilization Facilities 2.2 Records    will  be  transferred  to Document Control in accordance        with  12 the applicable department      office instruction.
2.3 Section/Step                NCTS Humhm Figs. 7A, 7B              501275-00 and    Develop and provide    site 8.1.2                        NRC  Letter to specific sheets for NMPC  Dated      communicators to aid in Aug. 31, 1987    working with the NRC via the HPN  and  ENS phone  lines.
EPP-20  -1    April 1989
2.3                    (Cont'd)
Section/Step                NCTS Humhex 3.3.1,3.4.2                  003111-17          Control Room communications Aide, TSC/Control Room Liaison, and TSC/EOF Liaison should be filled, available, by qualified plant if personnel.
Figure        1                003111-04          The  200'levation    data should be used on the Part I Notification Fact Sheet      if the release point is unknown.
6.4                              NCTS              Revise EPP-20 to state 3152-00            Control  Room and TSC 23FEB89            Staff should    be aware NMP44819          of requirement to    man MISC              ENS continuously    if 'so CORR              requested by    NRC                  12 Implement by    revising EPP-20    to require Telecopying Data Sheets to NRC Region I 9.0                                  S-SUP-4          Make  'it clear  that only the  NY  State and  Oswego County must be    notified in  15 minutes. Also the 15  minutes starts when the event is classified not at the initiation of the event.
3.0 3.1 3.1.1 Evaluates                    plant  conditions    and  makes    emergency    classification declarations.'.1.2 Implements the NMPNS Site Emergency                        Plan and Procedures,        inclQding this procedure EPP-20.
3.1.3 Designates                    a  qualified    individual    to act as a Control              Room Communications                  Aide  to  initiate    and  maintain communications        with 12 offsite authorities until                    the  TSC  or EOF  is staffed.
3.1.4 C ompletes                  and/or    approves    Emergency      Notification    Forms    (e.g.
Notification Fact                  Sheet,  Part I etc.).
EPP-20  -2    April  1989
3.2      t t          t 3.2.1  Assumes  the role of Site Emergency Director                      in  accordance    with procedure EAP-1, until properly relieved.
3.2.2  Initiates the classification of emergency conditions                            based    on available information in accordance with procedure EAP-2.
(12 3.3 3.3.1  As  directed    by  SSS,  initiages  and    maintains              communications    with off-site authorities until responsibility is transferred                      to the TSC or EOF. This position should be filled by qualified plant personnel.
3.3.2  Continues    to    maintain    communications              with    TSC  following    its activation.
12 3.3.3  During off-hours requests that Nuclear Security notify selected                      NMPNS personnel as indicated in this procedure EPP-20, Figure 3.
3-3.4  Monitors incoming communications on telephones,                  radio console, etc.
3.4 The Communications    Coordinator is responsible                to the Technical Data Coordinator for:
3.4.1  Completing emergency    notifications  and updates            as  required per EPP-20.
3.4.2  Maintaining on a 24 hour per day basis, TSC communications with the                            12 Control Rooms, Operations support Center (OSC), Emergency Operations Facility, Corporate Headquarters and outside agencies.
3.4.3  Providing    data and/or information        received              to  appropriate    TSC personnel for actions and/or posting.
3.5 3.5.1  During off-hours, upon the request of the Control Room Communications Aide, notifies .NMPNS personnel of the emergency situation until responsibility is transferred to TSC or EOF.
3.5-2  Notifies Nuclear Training Center Security of                      Emergency    Operations Facility Activation during      normal and/or  off-hours'.6 3.6.1  Assists the Communications Coordinator in completing and obtaining Site Emergency Director approval of Notification Fact Sheet(s) data.
3.6.2  Ensures that the      TSC/CR  Liaison and  TSC/EOF            Liaison are qualified plant personnel.                                                                              )12 3.7 3.7.1  Obtains the emergency notification information provided to him/her to assess emergency response needs.
EPP-20  -3    April 1989
3.7.2  Makes  secondary    emergency secondary positions listed        in position(s)
EPP-20, call-out to  fill Figure 6, as required by the those emergency  notification    information received.
4.0 4.1 None 5.0 None 6.0 6.1    This  procedure    EPP-20    should be implemented upon any emergency declaration. It  is this    procedure that provides the capability for Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to notify New York State, and Oswego County governmental agencies within 15 minutes after declaring an emergency in accordance with 10CFR50, Appendix E, IV. D.3.
6.2    In accordance Corporation shall notify the NRC immediately            ~
with 10CFR50.72 (a)(3), Niagara Mohawk Power notification of New York State and Oswego County'agencies and not later than one hour after the time the Site Emergency'irector declares one of the emergency classes.      The personnel actions required by this procedure EPP-20 are compatible with this NRC rule.
6.3      Follow-up notifications on emergency event status should. be performed at  30 minute intervals or sooner          if  emergency event status changes warrant such.        This follow-up notification provision with NUREG-0654, Planning Standard II.E.4. and      ensures'ompatibility 10CFR50.72  (c)(1)  and  (2).
6.4      10CFR50.72 (c) (3) requires that the Licensee (NMPC) maintain an open, continuous communications channel with the NRC Operations Center upon request by the NRC and 10CFR50 Appendix E, IV E.9.d.
requires provisions for communications by the licensee with NRC Headquarters and the appropriate NRC Regional .Office. IE Information Notice No. 86-97 provided clarification and guidance on the operation of applicable communication system. The Notice emphasized the need that knowledgable individuals be assigned to communicate essential reactor safety information over the ENS during an emergency and that the licensee is expected to maintain open channels throughout the course of an event. Figure 7 represents the information in the order it  will typically be .requested by the NRC. The ENS Communicator in the TSC should be prepared to provide Figure 7 information.                                  It is expected that the NRC will request updates every 30 minutes.
6.5    Following an emergency event,          all  Emergency Preparedness  Department forms  and checklists, completed when notified that another plant on-site had declared an emergency, should be forwarded to the Manager Emergency Preparedness.
EPP-20 -4        April 1989
7.0                                                                                    I
                                                                                        '12 I
None 8.0 8.1 (See EPP-20, Figure 1,      Control  Room Communications Aide  Checklist) 8.1.1  Obtain copies of the following from the                Emergency  Procedures Checklist Bin located in the Control Room:
Control Room Communications Aide Checklist (EPP-20, Figure 1)
Notification Fact Sheet  Part I (See EPP-20, Figure 4a for sample)
Emergency Contact Forms packet (EPP-20, Figure 5) 8.1.2  Fill  out the Notification Fact Sheet Part I with assistance of the SSS  or the  STA and provide the completed form to the SSS/SED for his review and signature.
8.1.3  Turn on communications equipment and set up communications area, (Assure volume on all channels of radio console are turned up to monitor communications)      ~
I 8.1.4  Make  initial notifications    as  follows:
a'. The  Affected Unit should make initial notifications to the individuals    and organizations as listed on the Emergency Contact For'ms (EPP-20, Figure 5) following the procedure specified in EPP-20, Section 9.0.        Operate the REGS Hotline in accordance with EPP-20, Section 11.0.                                                12
: b. The    Unaffected    Unit should make Sympathetic. Alert emergency initial .notifications    to NRC only, other initial notifications are not necessary.
8.1.5  Notify the    SSS of the status of the 15 minute initial notification time limit, completion of initial notifications, any problems encountered,      and    any additional information requested          by the contacted individuals/organizations.
8;1.6  Upon      completion      of  initial notifications,        'make  follow-up communications as specified      in  EPP-20,. Section 10.0.                  ~
12 8.1.7  If the emergency is reclassified (higher or terminated), complete the Notification Fact Sheet  Part I for the new classification and make notifications in the manner specified in Section 9.0 for the initial notification of an emergency.
EPP-20  -5    April  1989
8.1.8  When  .the Communications Coordinator (or designee) calls from the TSC, provide status of emergency notifications completed, information on the status of the 15 minute time required for initial notification,                .
additional inform'ation that has been requested and by whom, and any further information appli.cable or requested.
8.1.9  Advise the    SSS/SED when the Communications Coordinator (TSC) assumes )12 off-site    communications responsibility, and continue to maintain communications between the Control Room and TSC as directed by the SSS/SED.      In thi.s latter role, frequently. request emergency status information from the TSC and provide this data to the SSS/SED. When requested by the TSC, obtain plant status, and radiological and/or meteorological information, and provide this data to TSC personnel.
8.2 (See EPP-20, Figure 2, Communications Coordinator          Checklist) 8.2.1  Obtain copies of the following:
Notification Fact Sheet Parts      I, II and    III (EPP-20, Figures 4a, 4b, 4c, or 4d)
Emergency Contact Forms packet (EPP-20, Figure 5)
ENS Telephone Communications Data Sheets (EPP-20, Figure 7).
li2 8.2.2  Contact Control    Room (SSS  or Communications Aide):
: a. Determine which emergency any.
notifications      have been completed,    if
: b. Determine information necessary            for the completion of the Notification Fact Sheets, Parts I, II and III (wind speed, wind direction, status of safeguards, etc.)
: c. Advise    the Affected Control      Room    you are  assuming  emergency no  tification  responsibility.
8.2.3  If off-hours and Nuclear Security has not completed all their calls, assist them in completing their calls using EPP-20, Figure 3 and as noted in Section 8.3.
8.2.4  Contact System Power control and determine          if they have completed  all  t  12 their notifications. If they have not, assist them            if necessary.        I 8.2.5  Fill  out, or    have Tech. Data Coordinator or designee      fill out,  the I12 Notification Fact Sheet - Part I for initial notification (Figure 4a) and Notification Fact Sheets Parts I, II and/or III (Figures 4a, 4b>
4c or 4d respectively) for follow-up notifications as information becomes    available. Have  these  sheets    reviewed and  initialed  by the SED.
EPP-20  -6    April  1989
8.2.6    Determine from the SED protective actions to be taken by the Nuclear Training Center and Energy Center personnel or visitors.
8.2.7    Establish communications area in          TSC and    obtain sufficient staff from OSC If using approved personnel        lists of    EPMP-3, Attachment 2.
8.2.8    Initiate notifications to the individuals and organizations listed on the Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5) following the procedure specified in EPP-20, Section 9.0. Operate the RECS Hotline [12 in accordance with EPP-20, Section 11.0.
8.2.9    During normal hours,        if  the emergency is classified or escalated to an Alert or higher, contact the OSC and Nuclear Training Center, as appropriate, and request that site personnel with EOF emergency responsibilities as listed in EPP-20, Figure 6 be sent to staff the EOF.
8.2.10    As  verification calls are received and/or additional information is requested,    record verification on the Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5). Upon completion of'nitial notifications, make follow-up notifications as specified in EPP-20, Section 10.0.                          (
12 8.2.11  Keep -the SED appraised of the status of notifications, any problems encountered and additional information requested.                  Provide status of notification by message forms 'to the Technical Data Coordinator for posting on the Emergency Events Status Board.
I 8.2.12 updated    information on the emergency events at intervals of approximately    30 minutes    to governmental agencies as appropriate; 8.2. 13  If the    emergency  is reclassified (higher or terminated), complete the Notification      Fact    Sh'eet  Part I (EPP-20,            Figure 4a) and, if information is available Notification Fact Sheets Parts II (obtain t12 from Radiological Assessment Manager or designee) and III (EPP-20, Figures 4b, 4c, and/or 4d) for the new classification.                          Make notifications in the manner specified in EPP-20, Section 9.0 for the i 12 initial notification of an emergency. If off-hours, also make notifications ,required by Nuclear Security ,per Section 8.3 and 12 EPP-20, Figure 3.                                                                    f 8.2.14  Ensure      that  the    ENS  telephone    lines are      continuously  manned  by qualified NMPC personnel if requested by the NRC. Figure 7 or other                        12 similar data sheets may be used to provide information to the NRC.
8 2.15  Coordinate with the Rad Assessment Manager to ensure that. the HPN telephone lines are continuously manned by qualified members of the                        12 RAD/DOSE Assessment      Staff    if requested    by the  NRC.
8.3 8.3.1    Contact Control      Room and      acknowledge      receipt of emergency alarm    and announcement.
EPP-20    -7    April    1989
8.3.2    During off-hours obtain the information noted in EPP-20, Figure 3 and perform necessary notifications required by Figure 3, Security Of f-Hours Emergency Contact Lis t. At lees t one individual must be contacted for each designated position on the contact list.
Follow the instructions below          if you must  use the telephone page:                  12 Dial the pager        telephone    number    and  give the following            12 I
This is Nine Mile Point Security.            Please Call Security    at After this    message is given, hang up,          dial  the pager phone number again and repeat the message.
8.3.3    Set up    the Site Access      Emergency    Status  Board    in accordance    with EPP-14.
8.3.4    During normal hours,      notify    the Nuclear Training Center Receptionist with the information in      Message f13    of EPP-20, Figure 3.
8.3.5    During normal and off-hours, notify the Security Guard at the Nuclear Training Center to unlock all doors of the EOF complex.
8.3.6    During off-hours,      notify  the Affected Unit SSS/SED that          notifications have been made.      Identify    problems encountered.
8.3.7    If the  station evacuation      alarm  is sounded or precautionary staffing of  TSC  is announced, send      a  security representative to the TSC to act as the Security Liaison to coordinate security response                        to the ( .
emergency with the Site Emergency Director.                                                il2 8  3.8  When  the Communications Coordinator (or designee)              calls from the TSC; provide    status of emergency notifications                  completed    and  any additional information applicable.
8.4                                                                                                    l2 8.4.1  'rite    down  the emergency message Nuclear Security          will read  to you.
f 8.4.2    Evaluate the information provided in the emergency message.
8.4.3    Evaluate      information      received      and    make    secondary notifications to Figure 6, as fill appropriate.
those secondary        positions    listed in emergency EPP-20, 8.4.4    From    the steps mentioned above, provide the personnel filling secondary positions with instructions on their respective response to the emergency, including where to report.
EPP-20    -8      April  1989
9.0 The    Control Room Communications Aide or the Communications Coordinator (or designee) will notify Oswego County and New York State within 15 minutes of the event classification.                    All notifications should be made in accordance with Figure 5 contact forms as follows:
9.1  Perform the item stated in the message section of the Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5) using, information from an approved Notification Fact Sheet  Part I. The Control Room Communications Aide or the Communications Coordinator may approve each message where indicated provided that information has been transcribed from the most up-to-date and approved Notification Fact Sheet  Part I. The SSS/Site    Emergency    Director may edit or provide supplemental information to messages provided he initials the message approval.
gpss  e All initial and follow-up notifications    should be made  by telephone, with a radio used only. as a.backup if  the telephone systems are inoperative.
9.2  Contact    each  organization or individual in accordance with EPP-20, Figure  5  contact forms using the primary (first) telephone number or method    listed. If  an  answering  machine  is encountered, leave a
    'message    but    do not  'onsider this    as. j:ompleting a notification.
Continue making necessary      contacts  to assure 'that the organization, individual or primary positions listed are notified.                If  the individual .cannot be contacted by the primary number or              method listed, try the alternate telephone numbers or method listed.
ggJe  ~
Every effort shall be-made to contact the following organizations (EPP-20, Figure 5):
Nuclear Security (Off-hours)
Oswego County New York State System Power Control, Shift Supervisor Power Operations NRC 9.3  If  an  individual cannot be contacted in a reasonable .period of time (such as    6 rings), bypass    that individual and proceed to the next individual on the list. After several other notifications have been completed or after all notifications have been completed, attempt to contact any bypassed positions.          If an individual for a position still    cannot be contacted, consider other methods such as          radio, paging, dispatching a courier or relay through another party.
EPP-20 -9      April 1989
9e4  W hen  the party answers, read the message section                of the  Emergency Message Form or follow the directions therein.
9.5  If directed to read the Notification Fact Sheet  Part I, do so following the instructions on the Control Room Communications Aide Checklist.
9e6  After the notification        has been completed,    ask the    individual if  all the information has been errors.
recorded, and    if  necessary,    correct  any 9.7  Direct the individual to notify the appropriate individual(s) in his organization in accordance with that organization's emergency plan.
9.8  Remind    the  individual that they should call back and verify the I12 initial notification call if            this initial notification is being made on  other than a dedicated phone line. Record any verification calls received on the Communications Log, or on the Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5).
9.9  Record    the  name  of the individual contacted        and    the time of contact on the Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure            5).
9.10  Proceed to the next party            on  the Emergency    Contact Forms (EPP-20,    ~12 Figure 5).
9.11  Proceed    in this  manner  until all individuals      and  organizations listed on the Emergency      Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5) have been notified for the appropriate emergency classification.                      If time permits telecopy Notification Fact Sheet(s) as applicable. Telecopy numbers, if  available, are listed on the Emergency Contact Forms.
10.0 10.1 At approximately        30 minute intervals or as time permits, re-notify those individuals/organizations as required by the Emergency Contact Forms, (EPP-20, Figure 5)        ~
For Follow-Up Notifications (including re-classifications) use the (12 Notification      Fact Sheets Part I, II and          III  as information becomes available. Do not delay transmittal of Parts II and                      III if  all information is unavailab'le. Send Parts II and/or                  III  with whatever new data has become available and Xs authorized by the Site Emergency Director.
10.2 If an Fact Sheets obtain and relay
                      -  Parts  I, 'I individual requests information not listed and/or the'nformation after III,  make on the reasonable all initial Notification efforts to notifications have been completed.
EPP-20    -10    April 1989
The Notification Fact Sheet Parts  II and III  should be telecopied to the County, State and NRC. Part I will always be provided via voice communications and may also be telecopied to these locations.
10.3 NRC    and New York State may request additional information not contained in the Notification Fact Sheets Parts I, II and/or III. If this occurs, request the Site Emergency Director or Technical Data Coordinator as appropriate to assign a technically qualified individual to answer these questions so as not to interfere with other notification requirements.
10.4 As information on the Notification Fact Sheets Parts            II  and  III becomes    available or changes significantly, the Site Emergency Director may, at his discretion, relay this new information to some or  all  of the individuals and organi,zations li.sted on the Emergency Contact Form along with Notification Fact Sheet  Part      I.
10.5 After transfer of notifications is made to the TSC Communication Staff 'then TSC Communications should provide to the NRC Region I office per Figure 5 Contact Forms (EPP-20).
11.0 Lift handset    and press  button located to the side of telephone,    for several seconds.
11.2 Pause  and  wait for ring to stop.
11.3 Conduct    a roll call on this REGS line to include New York State, Oswego    County, .Unit 1 or Unit 2 Control Room (as appropriate) and James  A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant representatives.      Make sure to record these representatives names on the following forms:
Notification Fact Sheet  Part I Appropriate Emergency Contact Forms (EPP<<20,    Figure 5)
EPP-20  -ll    April 1989
To conduct      the  roll call,      announce  the following "THIS IS      TO REPORT AN INCIDENT AT THE NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR                  SITE. STAND BY FOR ROLL CALL May be answered        by Emergency Management Office during duty hours;    NYS    Warning Point (State Police) during non-duty              fz2 hours It May be      answered by EOC during duty hours; Oswego              County Warning Point (County Sheriff) during non-duty hours                          12 I
3      II
: 4.    "~
Will be answered by JAF Control w
Room Read    Notification Fact        Sheet    Part  I  and,  telecopy as appropriate,        12 Parts    II and/or III                                                                  ~
Repeat    information only for          NYS    Warning    Point. If  others request repeated information, indicate that provided by the NYS Warning Point upon'conclusion of the it  will be message.
Conduct a    verification roll call of          the stations      listed  above asking (station    name), di.d you copy'"
Sign    off stating        "Nine Mile Point        Unit (1 or 2) out at (time)                (date)."
Record dissemination of information on appropriate Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5), and on the Communications Log.
12 The    emergency      related    actions    required    to be    completed  by . this procedure      should be completed          in accordance      with the instructions outlined in this procedure.
EPP-20      -12    April  1989
Unit 1/Unit  2 (Circle One)
: l. Obtain forms from Emergency Procedures          Checklist Bin.
: a. Notification Fact    Sheet  Part    I (EPP-20, Figure 4a)
: b. Emergency Contact Forms packet (EPP-20, Figure 5).
: 2. Notification Fact      Sheet  Part    I line    2  to end  filled  out and  initialed    by SSS.
: 3. Communications equipment on; area met up          (radio, etc.).
: 4. Make  those notifications listed on the Emergency              Contact Forms  (found in EPP-20, Figure 5).
ggJ  e i 12 Refer    to  Procedure EPP-20, Section 9.0, also seei Instructions for the Use of. The Notification Fact.
Sheet  Part I attached to this Checklist.
Every  effort shall    be made    to contact the following organizations'.
12 Qgwe~~ty (EPP-20, Figure 5b)                                    12 Oswego County Emergency Management Office gr County Warning Point (Oswego County gheriff) t  (EPP-20, Figure 5c)                                  12 NYS Department of NYS Warning Point Health  ~                                  I Shift Supervisor Power Operations 12 Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation t                  (EPP-20, Figure 5g)          (
12 Duty    Officer, Headquarters Operations Center EPP-20  -13    April 1989
ZIQQEPM (Continued)
DATE:                                      NAME:
Unit 1/Unit  2 (Circle One)
: 5. Notify SSS of completion of notification/problems/questions.
: 6. Transfer notification responsibility to Communication Coordinator (or designee) in TSC and advise SSS/SED of transfer.
ggj:        Continue as Communications Aide to SSS/SED. Keep SSS/SED    informed    of emergency    status  by frequently requesting updates      from TSC and providing the same on plant status to TSC.
EPP-20    -14    April 1989
~ 8 ~ 'h hA '  ~ p              ~ ~
ZXggE~ (Cont'd)
Section A:      This section to be completed at time of message transmission.
Complete the Fact Sheet as Follows:
Indicate the date        and time the message is transmitted and method used.      If  the message is being transmitted to agencies at di.fferent times    then write the time the first message was given to any contact. Enter how the message was given such .as RECS, etc. as noted.
Place a X over the appropriate lettered box        (~).
Write your      name  and  title,  do not use acronyms or abbreviation for title (e.g. AOB  write "Operator" ).
Place a X over the appropriate lettered box.
Place a X over the appropriate lettered box.
Place    a  X  over  the  appropriate lettered box.      If "other" write specific information          such as "courtesy notification of abnormal event", etc.
Place a X over the appropriate lettered box. If          ~/
time the emergency was declared by the Site Emergency Director, write date and .
Provide    ~
the time the initiating event occurred.
summary of the incident or plant conditions in layman's terms. Avoid use of acronyms or technical jargon (e.g. Do not say "SRV did not seat", Do say "Safety Relief Valve did not close and seal" ) ~      If the emergency classification has changed, provide information here.
Place a X over the appropriate lettered box.
10      Place a X over the appropriate            lettered box. Refers to accidental release of radioactive material.
Place a    X over the appropriate lettered box.        If there is an ongoing release this can be indicated on line 8 under Brief Event Description.
12      Plac or over the appropriate lettered box. If lettered box
                      / is marked then circle the ERPA numbers as directed
                                                                                  ~/  by SSS/SED or SED in the TSC.
13      Place a X over the appropriate lettered box as directed.
t EPP-20    -15    April 1989
ZLQQU~ (Cont'd)
Section  A continued:
<<]4        Enter wind speed in miles per hour (mph). If there is no release or                (
12 an elevated release enter the mph from the 200 ft. elevation of the main tower, or backup.        If consi.dered to be a ground level release enter mph from 30        ft  level. Normally Chemistry Technician is available to obtain this data. If a release point is not known, the 200'levation data should be used.                                                I 12
<<15        Enter wind direction using    same criteria  as used  for line  14.            I 12 12
*16        Enter the  stabil'ity  class-based  on the data used    in lines  14 and  15.
<<17        Enter AT  for 200-30 elevation or 100-30 ground      level value.                    12 18    ,  Place Z over appropriate lettered box.
Upon completion of the Notification Fact Sheet SSS/SED or SED in TSC for his review and signature.
Part  I,  provide  it  to the
* This information should be obtained from the Dose Aspessment Advisor the Control Room Communication Aide is completing Notifications Fact Sheet if Part I and from the Radiological Assessment'anager or Designee 'if the TSC                12 Communications is having Notification Fact Sheet Part I completed.
EPP-20  -16    April 1989
ZXgg~    (Cont'd)
Section B:      This    section  provides  instructions      on how to provide        the Notification Fact      Sheet  -  Part    I  information over the      REGS dedicated line.
: l. Assure the    Notification Fact    Sheet  Part    I is  completed and the Emergency Director signature line is signed.
: 2. Obtain the Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5).
: 3. Using Figure 5a, copy the appropriate information from the              Notification Fact Sheet  Part I to the Security message on Figure 5a.
: 4. Next provide    this data to agencies via    the  REGS line, to  do this.
A. Lift    the yellow RECS telephone handset and press the ringer button located on the side of the telephone. Hold this ringer button in for approximately 5 seconds.
B. Read  the introductory paragraph      on the    Notification Fact  Sheet  - Part I  which states: 'THIS IS TO          REPORT AN INCIDENT AT THE        NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION.      STANDBY FOR ROLL CALL. ~ ~  .".
I C. Pause    to permit individuals to obtain their copies of forms          on which they will record the information you will read to them.
: 5. Conduct a    roll call by stating "Roll Call. New York State Warning Point (wait to obtain an answer) then continue to include Oswego County Warning Point (pause) and James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant (pause). Also, the .Unit 1 or Unit 2 Control Room should answer. Ask for and record names given.
: 6. Upon  completion of    roll call,  read the  Notification Fact    Sheet
                                                                              . Part  I.
7.. Read    the information on the Notification Fact Sheet.              Do so by reading each  line item    number, letter designation and the associated information.
: 8. Upon    corn'pletion state "This is the end of the message".              Then ask    if everyone has received the message, provide corrected message information if necessary.
: 9. After    all information is provided state "Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station (Unit 1, Unit 2 or TSC, etc.) out".
: 10. Message    is completed.
EPP-20  -17  April    1989
XZL22 ZZQKM DATE                                        NANE:
Unit 1/Unit  2 (Circle  One)
: l. Obtain the following forms:
ao    Notification Fact Sheets, Parts    I, II and/or III (EPP-20, Figures 4a, 4b, 4c and 4d) as necessary.
: b. Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5) c~    Security Off-Hours Emergency Contact Lis't (EPP<<20, Figure 3, Off-hours only).
: 2. Contact Control    Room (SSS/SED  or Control  Room Communications Aide):
Determine which required emergency      notifications    have been completed.
: b. Determine information for Notification Fact Sheet(s).
        -C ~  Advise Cohtgol Room you are assuming              emergency notification duties.
: 3. Contact System Power Control to:
: a. Determine emergency notifications completed.
Assist in completing notifications    if necessary.
: 4. During off-hours contact security                  and determine what emergency  notifications  have been completed.
: 5. Have  the Technical Data Coordinator (or designee) appropriate Notification Fact Sheets for the level of fill out notification and have them reviewed and initialed by Site Emergency  Director.
: 6. IDetermine from the Site Emergency Director:
: a. Actions to be directed for unaffected unit, Training Center and Energy Center 7.'stablish      communications area in TSC and obtain sufficient staff  from  OSC per approved personnel lists of EPMP-3.
EPP-20  -18  April 1989
JANE (Continued)
Unit I/Unit II (Circle One)
: 8. Make  initial notifications    and/or follow-up notificati.ons  as  appropriate using Emergency Contact Forms (found in EPP-20, Figure 5).
ggJ  o Refer to Procedure EPP-20, Section 9.0.
Every  effort shall    be made  to contact the following~
tg (EPP-20, Figure 5b)                            iz Oswego County Emergency Management Office gX                [
County Warning Point (Oswego County Sheriff) 12 I
NYS Department of Health gz NYS Warning Point Qgg~t~w Shift Supervisor    Power Operations                      '12 Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation                            I Rl5:Xkax  Keg~~gMogggiagign (EPP-20, Figure 5g)              '12 Duty  Officer, Headquarters Operations Center
: 9. During normal hours, if the emergency is classi.fied as an Alert or higher, contact the OSC and Nuclear Training Center, as appropriate, and request that site personnel listed in EPP-20, Figure 6 be sent to staff the EOF and Joint  News  Center.
: 10.  (Off-hours      only)      Complete      Security's    emergency notifications per Section 8.3      and EPP-20, Figure 3.
: 11. Keep  Site Emergency Director and Technical Data Coordinator appraised    of notification status,          problems,    and/or questions via status boards and/or message forms.
EPP-20 -19      April 1989
In the event of an emergency, during off-hours the Control Room Communications Aide will provide the following data to security:              (for an Unusual Event, only items a through g are required).                    As the Control Room communications reads this information, Security will enter the information    on  this sheet:
: a. This            (is/is not)  a  drill.
: b. Affected Unit:
: c. Emergency  Classification:
: d. Type of Incident:
: e. If required:    Protective Actions for the Energy Center:
Visitors (await        further instructions/leave area/assemble inside/etc.)
NMPC      Personnel        (await      further      instructions/leave area/assemble inside/etc.)
: f. If required:    Protective Actions for the Nuclear Training Center:
Visitors (await        further instructions/leave area/assemble inside/etc.)
NMPC      and      Contractor        personnel      (await    further instructi'ons/leave area/assemble        inside/stand by for further instructions/etc.)
: g. Radioactive Release              (has/has not) occurred.
: h. Wind Direction: (from)
Assembly  Point(s):                                          (TSC/EOF/AEOF)
After Security      has entered      the information above, transfer the appropriate information above to the Emergency Messages on Figure 3, Part II (next page).
EPP-20  -20      April  1989
ZrggRF~ (Cont d)
Security  will enter    appropriate information from the Emergency Information Data found on Figure 3, Part        I (preceding page) to the messages below:
MESSAGE  81    "This  is Nine Mile Point Security.                    I  am    making    an  emergency drill.
(I/II) are position being  'o tif notification. This (is/is not) has  declared ied      as
                                                      )  Pg a
a(n) (state emergency class) the        (name Nine Mile Point Uni,t the You emergency Type  of incident:
                "Contact the Control      Room  for further information          and  instructions."
MESSAGE  82    "This is Nine Mile Point Security:                      I    am    making an emergency notification. This (is/is not)                      a  drill.      Nine Mile Point Unit (T/Zl)        has declared a(n) (state emergency class)
Direct all visitors at the Energy Center to (await further instructions/leave          the      area/assemble            inside        the    Energy Center/etc.)                                  Direct all NtMPC personnel to (await further instructions/leave the area/assembly inside the Energy Center/etc.)                                        Turn off the ventilation and stand by for further instructions."
MESSAGE f53  "This is Nine Mile Point Security.                      I  am    making    an  emergency notification. This (is/is not)                    a  drill.      Nine Mile Point Unit (I/II) . has declared a(n) (state emergency class)
Direct all visitors at the Nuclear Training Center to (await further instructions/leave the area/assemble                  inside the Nuclear Training Center/etc.)                                                Direct all NMPC personnel to    (leave      the    area/assembly        inside . the Nuclear              Training Center)                                Stand by for further instructions."
MESSAGE  84    "This    is Nine Mile Poin t Security.                  I  am    making      an  emergency notification.        This (is/is no t)            a drill. Nine Mile Point Uni t (I/II)        has declared a(n) (state. emergency class)
You are being notified as the (name the emergency position)
Assemble immediately at the (TSC/EOF/AEOF)                                    with required departmental personnel."
Radioactive release                    (has/has not) occurred.
Wind direction (from):                      degrees (other designation                      )
f Wind Speed                  MPH                                                              I 12 Meteorological data elevation:          30'/200'circle          as  appropriate)
Other data elevation                          feet.
MESSAGE /P5  Notify    SSS that contacts have been made.                Inform    SSS  of any problems encountered and the names of individuals requiring                  notification.
EPP-20    -21    April  1989
FIGURE 3 (Continuesl)
SECURITY OFF-HOURS KMFRGENCY CONTACT          LIST Instruction:'ontact          one  individual for      each    of the designatesl positions in order listed.        Enter time contacted; name of on-call person                    ansi  phone number of person where indicatede              Read appropriate message to the contacts.
NOTE:  Unusual Event      notifications should        be made  only to:
* All asterisked
              "                      personnel.
Personnel of the affected          unit,      (Brimary and alternates      i  necessary) 12 Time      Emergencv      Position, Contacted    Personnel to be Contactesl                                                  Phone Neater            ~Messa        e See  On-Call Schedules;nr          Alert Here Ne.  ~Pa er Ne.          or'USIHt ter
            *Site    Faberge  Director    (TSC)
                                +Unit  1            Primary                                                    1      4
                              +Unit  2            Primarv                                                    1    4 1st Alternate                                                    1    4 2nPl  Al,ternate                                                1    4
                              +Unit  1      3rd Alternate                                                          4
                              +Unit  2      3rd Alternate                                                    1    4
            *Operations Dept On-Call
            *Emergency Coorde                      Primary                                                          4 Alternate                                                        4 1
            *Technical Dept On-Call                                                                                  4
            *Chem  6  Rad Mgt    OnMall Maintenance Coord. (TSC)                Primary Al,ternate
                                    +Unit    1    Alternate
                                    +Uni t  2    Alternate                                                                    !
iz Clerical On-Call Commun. Coord, (TSC)                Primary                                                          4 Alternate                                                                      u ALternate                                                                    )
Training Dept On-(all
            ~Security Dept      On~ll Fire Coordinator        (nSC)          Primary Alternate Alternate Storeroom Coorda        (OSCAR  +Unit 1 Primary                                                        4
                              +Unit 2              Alternate                                                                        12
                              +Unit 2              Primary                                                          4
                              +Unit 1            Alternate Fnergy Center Hectare rratnina Center
            *SSS  -  Unit    I                                                                                5 eSSS    Untt Zt                                                                                '
t 5 NOTE:        Send a copy      of this    list  to the  TSC when  completede EPP-20      -22      April 1989
EPP-20, FIGURE 4a NOTIFICATION FACT SHEET  PART                                                I PART I          NOTIFICATION SHEET Q Nfamtng New York State Point                Q    Oswego County Warning Point Q      James A. Fitzpatrick Nuctear Power Plant UPON COMPLETION OF ROLL CALL, GIVE INFOAMATIONAS OUTUNED BELOW:
: 1. Message transmitted at        Dat                                        Time:
(le. 0. ee                                (el!!e!e (nL'<I                      (n(ee I!!!,CIHNwoll(ne. (Ic, I
: 2. Facility providing Information:      GQ  Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit t1 IEI Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit t2
: 3. Aeportedby:        Name                                                                  Title
: 4. Acported from:        OQ  Control Room        GQ  TSC          33 EOF,    38 Other
: 5. This... QD  is an exercise      QQ  is NOT an exercise
: 6. Emergency Classification:
K UNUSUAL EVENT                                  13 GENEAAL EMEAGENCY                              'IQ Other IQ  ALERT,                                      'Z TRANSPORTATION INCIDENT X SITE AREA EMEAGENCY                            Z EMEAGENCY TERMINATED i
: 7. X Thisemergencyclassificationdeclared          at:            Date:                                          Time:                  '
1Q  This is an informational notification Only. This event does not constitute one lo tnc tour emcrgcncy class(fioat(ons.
: 8. BncfEvent0escription:
: 9. Plant Status/Prognosis is:      X Stable        IQ  Improving          K Degrading        K Uni(n(r(en
: 10. This event involves:    X NO abnormal      release ot radioactivity                    K an ATMOSPHERIC RELEASE Of radiOaCtivi:y
: i. a releaSe Ol radiOaCthnty tO a BODY OF WATER              Xa    GROUND SplLL rc'ease ot radioactivity
: 11. the      Z Not Applicable        E  Continuing          X Terminated        IE tntermittent
: 12. Protective Action.'
There is NO need for protective actions outside the site boundary.
3Q The need lor protective actions is under evaluation.
2  SHELTERING recommended in the following EAPA's                    (G(c(eel(eoiuie SnPn ei 2 3 < S 8 1 8 9 io 11 (2 (3 (e 'is ie er (8 (9 20 zi 22 23 ze zs 28 zr 28                                          29      CAner 1E EVACUATION recommended in the following EAPA'8;G(e(e coo (xnan(e up< e(
i 2 3 e S 8 2 8 9 (O              ii  iz (3 ee (S ie er (8 (9 28 2( 22 23 ze 25 28 2 28                              !9      Cp.
Basis for protective action reconmendations;          X Plant    Conditions      X Field Measurements              'I Protec:ed              '3. coses
: 14. Wmd Speed                        MPH              15. wind direchon (trom1                              degrees
: 16. Stability Class                    Pasquil fA to G) or Grout(haven {I to      lv) or Stable. Unstable. Neutral
: 17. Ambient Temperature                        '                  18. General Weamer Conditions:        .X Ctear      Z Cloudy        L Rain        IE Snow apOr sved by
                                                                                                                      ~  'CK EPP-20                -23        Apz'll 1989
EPP-20$ FIGURE 4b NOTIFICATION FACT SHEET  PART                                                          II LI T NIAGARA                                                                                      DOSE ASSESSMENT FACT SHEET A Ll MOHAWK                                                                          PART II
: 19. Vessagelransmilredal:gate                                Time                            smm(drdennei:          cenlralganm              Tgc      EOF      Other I
Based on into/megan avagabte at: Time (td Nard cgtcng
                                                ~m ZO. GENERAL RELEASE IHFORMATIOH A. Release started: Oate                              Time                                        E. Wind speed (99. IL 9(                      (i4 seam  Ctacag B. 9/steeled dress trail et relmsm                                                              F. t(VInd direction (tram)
C. Time al termination ol release                                                                G. Glaeililr steer 114 meme Ctttcni
: 0. Reactar shutdown:      Gate                          Time                                        Pasqug A G or Brookhaven I IV or Stable. Unstabte, Neutral
( V. O. Bi                  (td stars  Ceca(
2I. ATMOSPHERIC RELEASE tNFORMATION A. Release height                            Ft.                                                0. Iodine release rate                            Cilsec B. Iodine/noble gas ratio                                                                        E. Noble gas release rate                              Ci/sec C. Gross release rate                            Cllsec                                          F. Particulate activity                            Cllsec
: 22. WATERBORNE RELEASE            OR SURFACE            SPILL INFORMATION A. Volume ol release                              gallons                                        0. Total activity reteased                                              CI B. Censenlratinn    (grass~dr/nil C. Radtonuciides lnrelease(tnFCI/ml)
: 23. BOSE/BOSE RATE CALCULATIONS Oata is based on (circle one):              A. Inplant Measurements                      B. Field Measurements                  C. Assumed Source Term Table betow a ppges lo (circle one)            A. Atmospheric Release                    B. Waterborne Release (HTEORATEO OOSE OOSE RATES                                                'OVER THE CounsE OF THE ACC(OEHT r                                      Whore    coty Rem/hour Chea's Thyro a Ouse Comms(ment Che(a'S ThyrOid Ouse Comr(B(meh(
                                          ,4 (i hr. e(tt(osutet  Rou                                      Rem Site oou(tjrty a Maes lo Miles MileS
Mr/e/Soda  Or                                                                                                    Hmo of                        Ouse Rete t(rv/hil or Metes/pear(os                                                                                                Mes(or(ment                        Con(sminsten (Ci/m')
124 sears Cstscnl stree(he Oo(e R(te fcvrhrt a tocsecn  a S(BO(4(h(f (sue(st                                                                  Co(g(st(ttrseo(n (octo/taac(tgrl
((c(nsty rtdcl/CC(
EPP-20                -24        April            1989 9
~ ~
EPP-20, FIGURE 4c NOTIFICATION FACT SHEET  PART                            III (Plant Parameter Fact Sheet  Unit                              I)
Y NlAGARA N 0 MOHAWK                                      r ~    ~
DATE                                                                        TIM                                      (24 HR.)
M I OI Y                                                (Procoss    Computer        Oisplcyed    Time)
MAJOR PARAMETERS                                                          MISC. SYS/COMPONENTS STATUS                                        TREHO ~
RxPrcssure                                                Slg            Pressure Relict Valves (EAV)
                                                                  ~ f,            108A        1088      108C        1080      108E        108F Rx Temp.
0 Norm 0 Norm 0 Norm 0 Norm 0 Norm 0 Norm TREHO'SIV'$111 Rx Level 0 Ottn 0 Olin 0 Olin 0 Olin 0 Ofln 0 Olfn SatetyValves    ONorm      09lfr.
RxShutdowrlmabual)      3 Yes  2 No                    time 112          121            122 APRM                                                                                      00pen        00pen        I  Open      0 Open 0 Ctosc      0 Close      L- Gosc      0 Close Rx Power Level                                          MwE                                                                                'F Torus Water Temp Mw'T Torus Water Lvt.
Orywell Temp.
f          Cond. Star. Tnk. Lvl.
OrywetlPressure                                          PSlg              Rx Wtr. Cleanup Sys Torus Prcssure                                            sig                            PMP 11  PMP 12      AUX      I.V.
0 Norm 0 Norm 0 Norm 0 Nom.
SAFEG VARDS STATUS                                                                        0 Offn 0 Olin 0 Olin 0 Ottn Emer Condcnsors    RV tlt 0 Open 0 Dose                                  AOS(mahdi)        0 Oper 0 Standby 0 Inop                      tImC Containmenl Spray System Rvtt2 Q    Open    0 Close Llq. Poison Sys  PMP I I  0 On    Q  Ott Torus Cooling Mode    0 PMP12    00n 00tl Containment Spray Mode      0 Oper 0 Standby 0 InOp s
PMP 11    00n 00ft OWtncrt6CAOSys      OOper    0 Standby 0 Inop PMP 12    0 On 0 Ott Emer. Vent Sys,  0 Norm 00tfn ShutdownCooting:      PMP II 00per 0 Standby 0 Inop Steam flow                                            Kelhr (manual)              PMP12 0 Oper 0 Standby 0lnop Coreflow                                                  el he PMP 13 0 Oper 0 Standby 0 IbOP Prubary Cont tntegrny (Orywett) (manual)  0 Yes 0 Ho Orywc 0  (rrunual)                                            tune Hydrogen concentration Secondary Cont. Integrity (Rx Bldg.) (manual)  0 Yes 0 No                Oxygen concentration
                        ~ime SAFETY INJ ECTION MODES                                                    POWER AVAILABILITY                          SCHEMES Feedwater Flow                                        Kelhr              Oitsite: IISKY(NNth)      0 Yes 0 No CAO Flow:        PMP 11                              Kclhr                        IISKV(South) 0 Yes 0 No PMP12                                Kclhr              Onsite:  OieselGen.102 0 Yes ONo Core Spray: Loop 111/112    0 Norm 0 Olin                                          Diesel Gen. 103 0 Yes Ol'o HOA II 12ftow 0 Norm 00lfn
                          ~                                                                BatteryBoard  11  Q  Norm    QOllr.
HPCI Status                  Ll Vks 0 Ho                                            BatteryBoard12    QNorm OOttn
                                                                        -20  -25    April l989
EPP-20, FIGURE 4d NOTIFICATION FACT SHEET  PART                              III (Plant Parameter Fact Sheet  Unit                                  II)
Y NlASARA O MOHAWK                                s ~    s GATE M/0/Y TIME MAJOR PARAMETERS                                            carrie    TIME MISC. SYSTEM/COMPONENTS RXPccssure                                                                Salety Retict Valves  0 Open 0 Closed Rx Temp(manual)
AOS      QOpen    QClosed Rx    water Cleanup      System    (manual) QOpcr 0Standb Rx Level 0 Inop Rx Shutdown (manual)    0 Ycs 0 No                                      Residual Heat Removal Systems (manual)
APRM                                                                                                        (A, 8, C)
Mode                  Loop Power Level (manual)                                  Mw                  0 Low Pressure Cootant Inj.
(manual)                                  Mw                  0 Containment Spray Orywell Pcessure 0 Shutdown Cooling 0 Steam Condensing Orywell Temp 0 Suppression Pool Cooting Suppression Pool: AirTemp                                                  0 Suppression Pool Spray AirPres.
Ocywell Hydrogen Concentration Water Temp Oxygen Concentration VOter Level POWER AVAILABLE SAFEGUARDS STATUS Otlsite: (manual)
Standby Uq. Tank Level                          x10'gal                    115 KV SCriba A r
Standby Uq. Row                                        pm                      0 Avaitable 0 NOt Available 115 KV Scribe 8 SGTS: (manual)      0 Operating 0 Standby 0 Inoperative 0 Avaitable 0 Not Avaitable Containment Integrity: (manual)
Primacy    0 Yes 0 No                                                      Oiescl Gcncrater (manual)
Secondary    QYes QNo                                                              Opec  Standby Run    Standby S/O  Inop Onr  I  0          0              0 SAFETY INJECTION MODES av2      0          0              0      0 Peedwater Row                                      Kt/hr.                  Oiv3      0          0 Control Rod Orive: (manual)                                                e KV Emergency Bus 0 Operating 0 Standby 0 inoperative                                                Available  Not Available High Prcssure Core Spray Ctv  I    0            0 gpm Oiv2        0            0 Low Prcssure Core Spray                              gpm                    Oiv 3      0            0 LPCI: Loop A                                          gpcn                              Batteclcs Emergency Loop 8                                                                          Available  Nat Avadable Loop C                                          gpm Oiv I      0 Oiv2        0            0 Rx Core Isol. Cooling                                gpm Oiv3        0 Service Water (manual)                                                      Necmal Battery (manual) 0 Available 0 Nol Available                                                :. Available '" NOt Avaiiable
'TRENO SYMOOLSI      '$      > INCREASING, y > OECREASING,        ->  w NO CHANGE EPP-20        -26        April    1989
EPP-20  -27  April 1989
Contact Method:  l.
s Requirement:
Security'ell Fill their out the  following, Emergency Contact have List, initialed              by Security to obtain a copy of (EPP-20, Figure 3) and to SSS  and  notify write down the information as you read        it            to them. (For an Unusual Event, address      items a through g only).
Message:          a.  'his              (is/is not)  a  drill.
: b. Affected Unit:
: c. Emergency  Classification:
: d. Type  of Incident:
: e. Protective Actions for EIC:
Visitors (leave area/assemble        inside).'MPC Personnel (leave area/assemble                  inside/report to emergency posts
: f. Protective Actions for Training Center:
Visitors (leave area/assemble inside)
NMPC  and  contractor personnel (leave area/
assemble    inside/report to emergency posts/stand by  further instructions.
: g. Radioactive Release              (has(has uot) occurred
: h. Mind  Direction:    (from)
: i. Assembly  Point(s):                                'TSC/EOF/AEOF)
Message Given  by:                                    Start Time:
Person Contacted:                                      End Time:
EPP-20  -28    April 1989
ZIKRlMh Oswego County Emergency Management Office/
County Warning Point (Oswego County Fire Control)
Contact Method:
  ~  ~q Requirement:      Notify at    gQJ,    emergency classifications, provide follow-up information      as    required.    (g}XE:    The  Oswego County
                        ;, Emergency    Management      Office at the County EOC should receive  all  follow-up notifications. In general, however, the Warning Point          will receive all notifications during off-hours.')
Message:            Read Notification Fact        Sheet  Part  I  (Figure 4a).
    'essage Given by:                                                Start Time:
Person Contacted:                                              End Time:
EPP-20      -29    April  1989
ZZQ!/EF 'h
Department of Health/N.Y.S. Warning Point Contact Method:    1.
24 34 4~
Requirement:      Notify at  ~    emergency information as required.
classifications; provide follow<<up lt Message:          Read Notification Fact Sheet'-. Part    I (Figure 4a).
  ~ ~
e  ~
Message  Given by:                                      Start Time:
Person Contacted:                                        End Remarks:
                                          -30    April 1989
Q~CG~Lww.'L    /gag, Shift Supervisor  Power Operations Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Contact Method:      l.
20 3~
Requirement:          Notify at all  emergency classifications:
Provide follow-up information's required.
Message:              Call then telecopy or read Notification Fact Sheet Part I (Figure 4a).      Instruct contact to implement CPP-l,  ~12
                    'Corporate  Emergency  Notification Procedure, Date:
Message  Given by:                                        Start Time:
Person Contacted:                                          End Time:
EPP-20  -31    April 1989
Unaffected Nine Mile Control    Room  (Unit 1/Unit 2)
Circle  One Station Shift Supervisor    (SSS)
Contact Method l.
i' 3.
          , 4, Requirement:        ""Notify at F1    emergency  classifications; provide follow-up as  required.
t Message:        ~ -""--"Read Notification  Fact Sheet  Part    I  (Figure 4a) ~
Message Given  by:                                            Start Time:
Person Contacted:                                            End Time:
EPP-20  -32    April 1989
Contact Method:  l.
20 3~
Requirement:      Notify at  ~    'emergency information as required.
classifications; provide follow-up Message:          Read  Notification, Fact  Sheet  -  Part 1 (Figure 4a). Request assistance  if needed.
Message Given by:                                        Start Time:
Person Contacted:                                        End Time:
EPP-20  -33    April  1989
Headquarters    Operations Center Contact Method:      l.
20 3~                                                                  12 4~
Requirement:          Notify at          emergency  classifications; provide follow-up
                  "" informationg3J,as required.
Message:              Read  Notification Fact Sheet  Part I (Figure 4a). State that this notification is being performed under 10CFR50.72.
* If    a  backup  ~
phone  is required to    be  used  because  ENS
Hotline (Red Phone) is inoperable, notify the        NRC  that the  12 Hotline is inopeiable.                                            'NS Date:
Message  Given by:                                            Start Time:
Person Contacted:                                            End Time:
EPP-20    -34    April 1989
li I ~
t 12 3XGKF 'ih
William Cook,  NRC  Senior Resident Inspector Contact Method:      1.
20 3~
: 6.                                                            :  12 7.:
                          ~    ~
Requirement:        Notify at    ~  emergency information as required.
classifications; provide follow-up Message:            Read  Notification Fact  Sheet  Part  I (Figure 4a).
Message  Given by:
Person Contacted:
EPP-20  -35    April 1989
                                      ~  r*
Region  I Office Contact Method:    l.
20 3~
Requirement:      f For    TSC  Communications Only] Contact the NRC Region .                  I office    and notify them that you will be sending telecopies of, emergency information.
Message:          Send copies of Notification Fact Sheets Parts                      I, II and/or III    as    they are updated.        Additional information                if directed by the      SED.
F. fp                        '
A ~ 0~
Message Approval (SED):
Time'ime Person Contacted:
EPP-20  -36    April 1989
Contact Method:      l.
Requirement:        Notify at            't                      G follow-up    only as necessary.        (Initial    notification performed by Security during off-hours. )
Message:            "This      (is/is not) a drill. This is Nine Mile Point
                  .Nuclear Station  Snit . We are in a(n)
(s tate emergency    class). Notify 'he acting Training Superintendent and make a PA announcement directing individuals to      man their emergency  posts."
If protective actions are necessary, provide the following: "All visitors at the Training Center are to                        (await further instructions/leave the area/assemble inside/etc.). Direct all NMPC and contractor.
personnel to                                          (leave  the area/ assemble    inside/stand by for further instructions).
stand by  for further instructions."
Message Approval (SED):                                          Time:
EPP<<20  -37    April  1989
Contact Method:      1.
Requirement:        Notify at  ~<<                          x  Qe follow-up    only as necessary.        (Initial    notification performed by Security during off-hours.)
Message:            "This      (is/is not) a drill. This is Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station  Unit .- We are in a(n)
(State emergency class). Direct Niagara Mohawk individuals to man their emergency posts."
If protective actions are necessary, provide the following: "All visitors at the Energy Center are to                                        (await        further instructions/leave the area/assemble        inside the Energy Center). Direct all other NMPC personnel to (await further instructions/leave the area/assembly inside the Energy Center/etc.)                        Turn off the ventilation and stand by for further instructions."
Message Approval (SED):                                      Time:
Message  Given by:                                      Start Time:
Person Contacted:                                        End Time:
EPP-20  -38    April 1989
Contact Method:  l.
Requirement:      Perform  ~~w-    g  notifications  as required    for an  Mggt (Initial notification  performed by System Power        Control    to  the Regional Control District Operator).
Message:          Read Notification Fact  Sheet  Part  I  (Figure 4a).
Message Given by:                                      Start  Time'.
Person Contacted:                                      End Time:
I EPP-20  -39    April  1989
t  t Contact Method:        l.
2e 3~
ss Requirement:          Notify  at'~'t follow-up only  as necessary.
Message:              "This      (is/is not)    a drill. This          is  Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station - Unit      ~  MY name  is                          and my phone number  is                . Me  are in a(n)
(state emergency class).              Please assign deputies to Lake Road at the east and west site boundaries to prevent unauthorized entry."
Date.'essage Approval (SED):
Time.'essage Given by:                                        Start Time:
Person Contacted:                                            End Time:
EPP-20  -40    April 1989
Contact Method:
Requirement:        Notify at follow-up only  as necessary.
Message:            "This      (is/is not) a    drill. This is Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station - Unit      . We are in a(n)
(state    emergency      class).          My . name is                      and phone number i.s Date:
Message Approval (SED):
Time'essage Given by:                                        Start            Time.'nd Person Contacted:                                              Time:
EPP-20  -41  April  1989
                                                                                          ~ ~ s I
.Contact Method:    l.
Requirement:      Notify at  ~
follow-up only  as necessary.
Message:          "This      (is/is not)  a. drill. This is Nine Mile Point Nnolear Station  - Unit . We are in a(n)
(state . emergency                class). My name i.s                    and phone number      is Date:
Message Approval (SED):                                                    Time:
Message  Given by:                                      Start Time:
Person Contacted:                                        End Time.'emarks:
EPP-20  -42    April l989
Contact Method:
Requirement:      Notify at  ~~
follow-up only  as necessary.
Message:          "lhis      (is/is aot)  a  drill. This is Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station  Unit    . We  are in a(n)
(state    emergency    class).
is                      and phone number    is Mention in message that "When INPO Liaison is in the area responding to the emergency, he should contact    the Technical      Liaison and Advisory Manager located in the EOF at Date:
Message Approval (SED):                                        Times Message  Given by:                                        Start Time:
Person Contacted:                                          End Time:
EPP-20  -43    April  1989
Contact Method:
Requirement:      Notify .at follow-up only  as necessary.
Message:          "This      (is/is not)  a  drill. This is Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station - Unit    . We  are in a(n)
(state    emergency,  class). My  name is                        and phone number is Date:
Message Approval (SED):                                      Time e Message Given  by:                                      Start Time:
Person Contacted:                                        End Time:
EPP-20  -44    April  1989
~ g "j os ~ ~
4i ZIQQRPM The  Primary emergency Position listed below has the responsibility to position(s) noted under the secondary positions column when fill  those an alert or higher emergency classification has been made.
Primary                            Secondary                                      Secondary Zeal~                              Zaa;Ltiaaa
                                                                                              ~ ~
Site Emergency Dixector  (TSC)    None                                        N/A Operations Dept. On-Call Supv. Supt's of Ops. Nuc.            (both) Control  Room Emergency On-Call  Staff          Emerg. Preparedness    Dept.
Staff                                      TSC/EOF Technical Dept. On-Call Supv.      Technical Data Coordinator                  TSC Z&C Coordinator                            TSC Reactor Analyst Coordinator                TSC TSC/Control Room Liaison                    TSC TSC/EOF Liaison                            TSC OSC Z&C Coordinator                        OSC CR Advisor for Rx Analysis                  Control  Room CR Advisor for Z&C                          Control  Room Computer Ops & Maint. Supv.                TSC Z&C Technicians                            OSC Computer Technicians                        TSC Computer Technicians                        EOF Rx Analysis Technicians                    OSC Chem. & Rad. Management            Rad. Assessment    Manger                  TSC On-Call Supv.                      Station Surv/Sample    Tm            Coord TSC Dose Assessment Advisor                    Control  Room Rad. Protection Tm. Coord.                  OSC TSC  R.P. Technicians                      TSC CR  Advisor for Rad. Prot.                  Control  Room CR  Advisor for Chemistry                  Chem Lab Off-Site  Dose Assess Manager              EOF EOF  R.P. Technicians                      EOF Environ. Survey/STC                        EOF Meteorological Advisor                      EOF Radiological Asses. Group                  TSC Dose Asses. Group                          EOF R.P.-Downwind Survey                        OSC Technicians  Tech'.P.-OSC OSC Chemistry Technicians                      Chem Lab EPP-20  -45    April  1989
ZLggR~ (Cont'd)
Primary                            Secondary Zsm&iua                            ~t~                              Secondary t'SC Maintenance Coordinator (TSC)      OSC Coordinator OSC Communicator                OSC OSC Comm. Staff                OSC Personnel Acct. Coord.          OSC Personnel Acct. Staff            OSC OSC Damage Control Coord.        OSC Mechanic(s)                      OSC Electricians(s)                  OSC Unit Supv. Z&C                TSC Clerical On-Call  Supv.          Asst. for Site Emerg. Dir. (1)  TSC Clerks (4)                      TSC Clerks (10)                    EOF Clerks (4)                      JNC Records Mgt. Clerks (2)        TSC Records Mgt. Clerks (1)        EOF Communications .Coord. (TSC)      Communications Coord. Staff  TSC Training On-Call Supv.            EOF  Administrator              EOF Technical Assistants            EOF Technical Briefers              JNC Security Dept. On-Call Supv.      Security  Director            EOF Security  Liaison              TSC Security  Coordinator        'STOC Security  Guards              For On-Site Fire Coordinator  (OSC)            Unit Supv. Fire Protection      OSC Storeroom Coordinator (OSC)        Store Keepers                  OSC Warehouse  Staff              Warehouse Scheduling/Planning Coord. (EOF)  Sched./Planning    Staff        EOF EPP-20  -46  April  1989
                                    ~,  ~ ~ ~
ENS Telephone Communications Data Sheets This attachment    represents the information that will be requested by an NRC  representative via the Emergency Notification System (ENS). It is recommended  that the following set of information sheets or other available data sheets be completed (as circumstances permit) by Qualified Plant personnel before contacting the NRC. Figure 7A represents data that corresponds to Uni,t 1 and 7B corresponds to Unit 2.
EPP-20 -47  April 1989
FIGURE 7A Emergency    Notification    System (ENS)
Telephone Communications Data Sheets
                                                    -FOR UNIT    1-The  following information should      be obtained from the      Unit    1 Control  Room:
Procedures    in use:            (8,    Title,  Purpose)
Normal    OP Emergency OP Emer. Plan (EPP, EAP)
SOP's Others Control  Room Respiratory/HP Protection Requirements Condensate Storage Tank Level (40 Ft = Full)
Emergency Condenser (op/inop/stdby) 11                    12        Shell Temp 11        'F Shell  Temp 12    'F Containment Relative Humidity                                TREND Drywell Air Coolers (IS~inservice/NIS~ot in service)
Sump Level                                    TREND ll        12      13    14      15    16 Sump Level                                      Trend Equipment Drain Tank Floor Drain Tank (Uni.dentified Leakage)
Primary Coolant Gross Activity                          pCi/cc            TREND Primary Coolant DE I-131 Activity                        pCi/cc      ~
TREND Estimated X Failed Fuel The  following information should      be obtained from      either the Unit    1  Control  Room or status boards*:
Emergency    Classification  and Bases    (EESB,NS)
YSC  Activated Y          or N          .EOF  Activated    Y          or N        (EFSB)
Control Room Personnel: (EFSB)
Shift Supervisor:
8  of other SRO's:
NRC Inspector:
Emergency    Ventilation Initiated    (PSB):  .
OFFSITE AC    POWER  (PSB): Y        or  N ON-SITE AC    POWER  (PSB): Y        or  N EPP-20    -48    April  1989
D p,  she FIGURE 7A Emergency  Notification      System (ENS)
Telephone Communications Data Sheets
                                                    -FOR UNIT    1-The following information should      be obtained from      ei.ther the Unit  1  Control  Room or status boards*:
Emergency Power (PSB): Diesels (op/inop/stdby) 10 2                        103 Vital  Bus Status (PSB): 1&C Bus 130A RSP11                      RSP12 Service Water Status (PSB):                                Emerg. Service H20      (ls,NIS)
R.B. Closed Loop Cooling Status (PSB):
T.B..Closed Loop Cooling Status (PSB):
Degraded Equipment (EESB, PSB, ETSB):
NMP2  Status (EESB):
Reactor Power Level (PSB):                        X, / Counts    TREND SRM STATUS  (PSB):
Operational  Mode (EESB):          Run          Shutdown            Standby SCRAM/TRIP (EESB): Y            or  N Control Rod Status (PSB):
Liquid Poison Activated:    X        or  N MSL Steam Flow (PSB):                                                  / EG  Lbm/hr Recirc. Pumps (PSB):
Indicate (op/inop/stdby)    ll Reactor Coolant Pressure (PSB):
                                                      'SIG 13        14        15 TREND
/'reactor Coolant Level (74" normal) (PSB):                                in          TREND
    ..ecirc. Cool. Loop TEMP (PSB) 11            12          13        14        15 Reactor Cool. Level Control Method (PSB): FW/CRD/HPCI/CS Steam Line Rad L'evel (PRMB):      ill Containment Isolation (PSB): Vessel Y 112 or N 121          122        mR/hr Drywell Status (PSB):
Pressure                          PSIG            TREND Temperature                      oF              TREND Rad. Level                        R/hr (PRMB) TREND 02 Conc.                                          TREND H2 Conc.                                          TREND EPP-20    -49  April 1989
                                    ~ x ~ w E                  ~ ~
FIGURE 7A Emergency      Notification    System (ENS)
Telephone Communications Data Sheets
                                                  -FOR UNIT    1-The following information should    be obtained from      ei,ther the Unit  1  Control Room or status boards*:
Torus Loop (PSB):
Torus Pressure                                    PSIG        TREND Torus Level                                      ft          TREND Torus Water Temperature                            oF          TREND Torus Cooling mode            Y        orN Torus ESF status Torus ADS (PSB):
Core Spray Flow (PSB):  ll Other Vessel Nake Up (PSB):
GPM  12                GPM HPCI Flow:                          GPM CRD  Flow:                          GPM Fire Water Feedwater:                            GPM CNT SP Raw Water/Core Spray:                            GPM
  *The status board  that contains the listed information is given in parenthesis after the item:
  -ARMS = Area Radiation Monitoring Board
  -EESB = Emergency Event Status Board
  -EFSB = Emergency Facilities Status Board
  -ETSB = Equipment/Team Status Board
  -PRMB = Process Rad Monitoring Board
  -PSB = Plant Status Board
~ -NS    = Notification Sheet r
EPP-20      -50    April  1989
                                                                                  ~,a    ~
FIGURE 7B Emergency    Noti.fication    System (ENS)
Telephone Communications Data Sheets
                                                                          -FOR UNIT    2-The  following information should                              be obtained from the        Unit  2 Control  Room:
Procedures    in  Use:                                          (8, Title, Purpose)
Normal  OP Emergency OP a-Emer. Plan Procedures SOP's Others Respiratory/HP Protection Storage Tank Level (52 Ft=Full): Tank                                                    Ft Requirements.'ondensate 1A                      Tank 1B
: a Dryeell Air Coolers:    1A                                  13            1C          1D          2A        2B 2C                                  2D            BA          3B Sump  Level:                                            1RRND Primary Coolant Gross Activity                                                    pci/cc Primary Coolant DE I-131 Activity                                                    pci Estimated X Failed Fuel The  following information should be obtained from either the Control Room'or status boards*:
'mergency  Classification
                    ~    ~
and Bases                          (EESB, NS)
ZSC Activated Y            or N                                  EOF  Activated    Y          or  N        (EFSB)
Control Room Personnel (EFSB):
Shift Supervisor:
8  of other SRO's:
NRC Inspector:
Stand-by  Gas  Trtmnt Initiated                          (PRMB): Y            or  N OFFSITE AC Power (PSB): Y                                    or  N or N ON-SITE AC Power (PSB):
Emergency Power (PSB): Diesels Vital Bus Status (PSB):
Y Div. I          'iv. II                  Div. III 125 VDC: DIV                        I              DIV  II            DIV  III 2A            2B          3A            3B EPP-20                        -51    April  1989
ss ~
FIGURE 7B Emergency            Notification      System (ENS)
Telephone Communications Data Sheets
                                                        -FOR UNIT    2-The  following information should be obtained from either the Unit                    2 Control  Room or status boards*:
Service Water Status (PSB):                                  Emerg. Service Water Status      (Is,NIS)
R.B. Closed Loop Cooling (PSB):
T.B. Closed Loop Cooling (PSB):
Equipment (EESB, PSB, ETSB):
                                    'egraded Other Units Status (EESB):
Reactor Power Level (PSB):                                X / Counts      TREND SRM STATUS  (PSB):
Operational  Mode (PSB):
SCRAM/TRIP (EESB): Y          or  N Contxol Rod Status (PSB):
Cooling Method (PSB):
Stdby Liq. Control Sys. Activated:              Y          or N Steam Flow (PSB):                            /  E6  ( bm/hr Recirc. Pumps (PSB):
Running    A                          B Available  A                          B Reactor Cool. Pressure (PSB):                                  PSIG        TREND Reactor Cool. Level (184" is normal) (PSB):                                      in      TREND Recirc. Cool. Loop TEMP (PSB):
Loop A:                                  F      TREND Loop B:
Reactor Cool. Level Control Method.(PSB)
Steamline Activity (PRMB)
Containment Isolation (PBB):
Drywell Status (PSB):
A I            'r    B B
TREND mR/hr Temperature:                                    'F        TREND Rad. Level:                                    X(PRMB)    TREND 02 Conc:                                                    TREND.
H2 Conc:                                                    TREND EPP-20          -52      April  1989
FIGURE 7B Emergency    Notification    System (ENS)
Telephone Communications Data Sheets
                                                  -FOR UNIT  2-The  following information should be obtained from either the Unit        2 Control Room or status boards*:
Suppression Pool. (PSB):
Pressure:                            PSIG      TREND Level:                              in        TREND Temperature:                        'F        TREND Cooling:        Y        or  N ADS  Actuated:  Y        or  N HP  Core Spray (PSB):                    GPM LP Core  Spray (PSB):                    GPM RHR(A) LPCI MODE (PSB):                        HX                    GPM RHR(B) LPCI MODE (PSB):                        HX                    GPM RHR(C) LPCI MODE (PSB):                                              GPM Other Vessel Make Up (PSB):
RCIC                                GPM Feed System                          GPM CRD Pumps                            GPM
  *The status board    that contains the listed information is given in parenthesis after the item:
(  -ARMS = Area Radiation Monitoring Board
  -EESB = Emergency Event Status Board .
  -EFSB = Emergency Facility Staffing Board
  -ETSB = Equipment/Team Status Board.
  -PRMB = Process Radiation Monitoring Board
  -PSB = Plant Status Board
  -NS    = Notification Sheet EPP-20  -53    April  1989
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Oswego County Emergency Preparedness Identification System Control Card Name
{type or print)                      {Identttlcallon card <<)
Signature Agency Work Address Picture Work Phone tt Home Phone tt EPP-14    -9 January 1983 l
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Latest revision as of 14:56, 3 February 2020

Forwards Rev 21 to Emergency Plan,Revised Emergency Action Procedures,Including Rev 7 to S-EAP-1,Rev 11 to S-EAP-2,Rev 8 to S-EAP-3 & Epips,Including Rev 13 to S-EPP-4 & Rev 13 to S-EPP-20
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/10/1990
From: Terry C
Shared Package
ML17056A559 List:
NMP1L-0471, NMP1L-471, NUDOCS 9001180170
Download: ML18038A706 (107)



ACCESSION NBR: 9001180170 DOC. DATE: 90/01/10 NOTARIZED: NO DOCKET g FACIL:50-220 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Uni.t 1, Niagara Powe 05000220 50-410 Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 2, Niagara Moha 05000410 AUTH. NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION TERRY,C.D.

RECIP.NAME Niagara Mohawk Power Corp .

RECIPIENT AFFILIATION ~o / pg/Py Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk)

SUBJECT Forwards Rev 21 to emergency plan & revised EAPs,including Rev 7 to S-EAP-1,Rev 11 to S-EAP-2 & Rev 8 to S-EAP-3.


TITLE: OR Submittal: Emergency Preparedness Plans, Imp ement'g Proce ures, C NOTES:





I' 0 4 Il r d' P ~ =

I ~

10 CFR 50, Ap ix E, Section V T NIAGARA 10 CFR 50.54q H 4 MOHAWK NIAGARAMOHAWKPOWER CORPORATION/301 PLAINFIELDROAD, SYRACUSE, N.Y. 13212/TELEPHONE (315) 474-1511 January 10', 1990 NMP1L 0471 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Hashington, D.C. 20555 Re: Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Docket No. 50-220 Docket No. 50-410 DPR-63 NPF-69 Gentlemen:

Enclosed are uncontrolled copies of the following emergency plan and procedures for the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station:

SEP, Revision 21, Site Emergency Plan S-EAP-1, Revision 7, Activation and Direction of the Emergency Plans S-EAP-2, Revision ll, Classification of Emergency Conditions S-EAP-3, Revision 8, Emergency Personnel Action Procedures S-EPP-4, Revision 13, Personnel Injury or Illness S-EPP-20, Revision 13, Emergency Notifications The emergency plan and procedures are submitted as required in Section 54q (plan) and Section V to Appendix E of 10 CFR Part 50 (procedures) ~ Two copies of each have been provided to the NRC Region I office, and one copy of each has been provided to the NRC Resident Inspector under separate cover.

Sincerely, NIAGARA MOHAHK PO R CORPORATION Vice President Nuclear Engineering and Licensing GH8/sek 1705b Enclosure xc: (w/o attachment)

Regional Administrator, Region I Mrs R. A. Capra, Director Mr. R. E. Martin, Project Manager 0)I<

Mr. H. A. Cook, Sr. Resident Inspector Records Management 900 70 900110 PDR ADOCK 0 '+000220 F

-: ~~pe~cs- g~> <~:A=a:-@-:


+/ V Station Superintendent NMPNS Unit I T. W. Roman Station Superintendent NMPNS Unit II R. B. Abbott e

Geeeral Seperifg %t e Nuclear Generate n J. L. Willis Summar of Pa es R vision 12 Effective 5 31 88

~Pa e Date i, 1-37 May 1988 Pro ietary Information Removed From Page 29,3 and 37.



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3.0 LIMITATIONS AND ACTIONS DEFINITIONS 5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 6.0 NOTIFICATION OF MEDICAL EMERGENCY 7 ' MINOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY-NON-CONTAMINATED 5 r 8.0 MINOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY-CONTAMINATED 9.0 MAJOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY-NON-CONTAMINATED 12 10.0 MAJOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY-CONTAMINATED 17 FIGURES CSO Checklist, Medical Emergency 26 Security Shift Supervisor Medical Emergency Checklist 30 3 Skin Decontamination Record (Example) 31 Prehospital Care Report (Example) 33 NMPNS Employee Medical Report (Example) 35 Instructions for Decontamination of Open Mound" 36 EPP-4 -i May 1988

EPP-4 PERSONNEL INJURY OR ILLNESS 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to assure that prompt medical attention is provided to all injured or ill personnel, and to prevent the unnecessary spread of radioactive contamination to the responding ambulance or receiving hospital.


2.1 10CFR50.72, Immediate Notification Requirements For Operating Nuclear Power Reactors.

2.2 10CFR50, Appendix E; Emergency Planning And Preparedness For Production And Utilization Facilities.

2.3 NUREG-0654, Rev. 1 Criteria For Preparation And Evaluation Of Radiological Emergency Response Plans And Preparedness In Support Of Power Plants, dated November 1980. 'uclear 2.4 Oswego Hospital Plan for the Decontamination and Treatment of Radioactively Contaminated Patients.

2.5 State University of New York (SUNY) Health Sciences Center at Syracuse, University Hospital Radiological Emergency Plan.

2.6 SEP, NMPC-NMPNS Site Emergency Plan 2.7 EAP-1, Activation and Direction of the Emergency. Plan 2.8 EAP-2, Classification of Emergency Conditions 2.9 EPP-20, Emergency Notifications 2.10- S-RP-S, Radiation and Radioactive Contamination Control 2 '1 S-RP-6, The Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material 2.12 Curie-Osity; Volume 4, No. 2, August 1987, Radiation Management Consultants, Philadelphia, PA.

3.0 LIMITATIONS AND ACTIONS 3.1 In the event of a contaminated injury at the station the Station Shift Supervisor should consult procedure EAP-2, Classification of Emergency Conditions.

EPP-4 -1 May 1988

3.2 It is not uncommon for accident victims to underestimate the extent of their injuries immediately after an accident has occurred.

Therefore, all injuries at the station should be considered as serious injuries until accurately known to be otherwise.

3.3 Any individual thought to have received a radiation dose exceeding 100 Rem whole body shall be treated as a major medical injured victim even though he may have minor or no physical injuries at all.

3.4 This procedure EPP-4 allows for the appropriate considerations described in this Section 3.0.

3.5 The Nuclear Fire Chief may direct that a staging area be used in conjunction with the medical emergency response. This medical emergency staging area is an area designated by the Nuclear Fire Chief where additional personnel and equipment can be brought in preparation for their use at the actual emergency scene.

3.6 The forms shown as examples in the figures of this EPP-4 are for use as illustrations/information only. These example figures are not to be duplicated for use.

4.0 DEFINXTIONS 4.1 Major Medical Emergenc is an injury or illness which requires immed$ ate medical attention by emergency medical personnel, and/or requires an ambulance for transportation of a patient to a hospital.

4.2 Minor Medical Emer enc is an injury or illness which requires basic first aid. This may include items such as cuts, bruises, scrapes, etc.

5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES Responsibilities for key staff involved in .personnel injury or illness activities are as follows:

5.1 Station Shift Supervisor Maintains knowledge, through the Chief Shift Operator, the Nuclear Fire Chief or a designated Licensed Nuclear Operator, of the current status of personnel injuries/illness as it pertains to plant operations and potential/actual system operational changes.

5.1.2 Assumes the role of Site Emergency Director, if appropriate, until properly relieved.

EPP-4 -2 May 1988

5.1.3 Performs actions required per EAP-1 and EPP-20. Also makes emergency classifications, if necessary, in accordance with EAP-2 (e.g.

transportation of a contaminated injured individual from the site to an off-site hospital requires that an Unusual Event emergency classification be declared).

5.1.4 Makes required and appropriate assignments of emergency functions (e.g , assigning an individual to meet ambulance at the correct building door and assuring protective clothing and equipment to ambulance personnel is issued as appropriate).

If required, arranges for the transportation of the injured/ill individual to an offsite hospital.

5.2 Chief Shift 0 erator 5.2.1 Provides the Station Shift Supervisor with initial and periodic status reports of personnel injuries/illness including potential/actual impacts on station operations.

5.2.2 After receiving information of personnel injury/illness initiates appropriate xesponses. These may include activating a medical response team via station alarm and announcement, and performing xequired personnel notifications.

5.3 .Licensed Nuclear 0 erator 5.3.1 Provides technical advise to the Nuclear Fire, Chief regarding current plant operating 'status.

5.3. 2 Provides current personnel injury or illness status reports to the Chief Shift Operator and/or the Station Shift Supervisor.

5.4 Supervisor Fire Protection 5.4.1 In conjunction with the Safety Director, investigates all personnel

injury/illness incidents and initiates restorative and/or preventive actions (if required) ~

5.4.2 Initiates review of procedures, methods, plant layout, etc., to determine and correct any existing= or potential safety hazard..

5.4.3 Ensures that any required training/certification of site Fire Protection Department personnel to provide appropriate medical response is kept current and up-to-date.

5.5 Nuclear Fire Chief Periodically reviews capabilities and limitations of personnel injury/illness medical response equipment and initiates corrective actions, if required.

5.5.2 Responds to and directs all medical emergency operations.

EPP-4 -3 May 1988

5 ' Nuclear Fire Fi hters 5.6.1 Responds to ALL personnel injury/illness announcements or notifications and perform actions under the direct guidance of the Nuclear Fire Chief and/or in accordance with standard first aid techniques.

5.6.2 Participate in personnel injury/illness drills and attend periodic training.

5.7 Nuclear Securit De artment

5. 7.1 Provides Security Guard(s) to injury location to assist in communications and/or crowd control.

5.7.2 Provides responding off-site medical personnel (ambulance attendents, etc.) with dosimetry from the Ambulance and Fire Kit.

5.7.3 Expedites and accompanies ambulance on-site and maintains required personnel accountability.

5.7,4 Performs required off-hours personnel notification.

5.7.5 Retrieves dosimetry from responding off-site medical personnel upon their leaving, if patient was determined to not be contaminated.

5.7.6 Notifies the Emergency Planning Group by the next working day if the Ambulance and Fire Kit has 'been used so that appropriate replenishment of equipment can be made.

5 ' Chemistr and Radiation Mana ement De artment Performs contamination surveys of all injuries occurring. in a radiologically controlled area or if injured/ill person must bo transported to a hospital.

5.8.2 Determines the need for medical advice regarding decontamination of contaminated wounds.

5.8.3 Determines the need to have the hospital advised to not set up the Radiation Emergency Area (REA) in the event the minor injured/ill contaminated person requires hospital care.

5.8.4 Proceeds to the hospital (for contaminated wounds) and provides hospital personnel with all pertinent information regarding contamination control measures.

5.8.5 Provides radiation protection assistance to the NMP Fire Department and hospital personnel.

5 '.6 Provides for follow-up bioassays, as necessary, per established station procedures.

EPP-4 -4 May 1988

5.9 Director Nuclear Information Services Radiation accidents are a rare and newsworthy event. Consequently, they will draw considerable public attention. Therefore, to avoid unnecessary alarm, misinterpretation and misunderslanding it is imperative that correct and concise information of any radiation accident be given. To achieve this desired goal the Director Nuclear Information Services or alternate has the following responsibilities:

5.9.1 Upon being notified of a NMPNS contaminated patient being treated at a hospital, proceed to that hospital to assisL hospital personnel in public/media information activities.

NOTE 'his notification will normally be received via System Power Control upon notification of an Unusual Event. This Unusual Event will have been declared since a contaminated person was transported off-site for treatment.

5.9.2 Coordinate public information activities, press releases etc. with hospital, state and county officials, as appropriate.

5.9.3 In conjunction with hospital, state and/or county officials, conduct news conferences as appropriate.

5.10 Emer enc Plannin Coordinator 5 '0.1 Retrieves the medical equipment from the hospital that was brought there as a result of the transport of a patient from the site.


witnessing the injury, contact the Control Room of the Unit where the injury or illness has occurred, and report the occurrence.

4 7.0 HINOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY-NON-CONTAHINATED This Section 7.0 assumes that the minor medical emergency patient is known not to be contaminated. If there is any doubt as to whether or not the minor medical emergency patient is contaminated, it should be assumed he is and action taken in accordance with Section 8.0 of this procedure, EPP-4.

7.1 General 7.1.1 All personnel shall notify the Control Room of all injuries or illnesses requiring medical attention.

EPP-4 -5 May 1988

7.1.2 Any minor injured/ill patient who may also have received a radiation dose exceeding 100 Rem whole body shall be treated as a major medical patient to assure appropriate action for this radiation dose is taken. See appropriate sections of this procedure, EPP-4, Section 9.0 Major Medical Emergency Non-Contaminated, or Section 10.0 Major Medical Emergency Contaminated.

7.1.3 Any minor injuries/illnesses requiring hospital care (e.g., suture of cuts, etc.) will be initially assessed and treated by the Fire Department and then shall be referred to the Oswego Hospital Emergency Room.

7.1.4 Any patient injured or taken surveyed ill within the protected area shall be for contamination by Radiation Protection prior to transporting the patient to Oswego Hospital.

7.2 Station Shift Su ervisor 7.2.1 Provide assistance as requested in response to the minor medical emergency non-contaminated.

7.3 Chief Shift 0 erator 7.3.1 As appropriate, give instructions for the minor injured/ill to proceed to a First Aid Room:

-Unit 1, Admin. Bldg.

2, Safety Trailer261'Unit 7.3.2 Notify the Nuclear Fire Chief and request that he dispatch Fire Department personnel to meet the injured/ill person and provide first aid.

7.3.3 Notify the SSS of the minor medical emergency event.

7.3.4 Notify the Unit Safety Director of the min<>r emergency.

7.3.5 Perform those items, if appropriate, as noted on CSO Checklist, EPP-4, Figure 1.

7.4 Nuclear Fire Chief/Fi hter 7.4.1 Upon being notified of a minor medical emergency by the CSO, dispatch a First Aid Team to meet the patient at the designated First Aid Room or an area determined by the CSO.

7.4.2 If it is learned from the patient that there is an indication the injury or illness occurred in a restricted or possibly contaminated area, then notify Radiation Protection. Request Radiation Protection be dispatched to perform a survey of the patient to determine if patient is contaminated. (If contaminated refer to Section 8.0) ~

EPP-4 -6 May 1988

7.4.3 Assure appropriate First Aid is administered to the injured/ill.

7.4.4 Record all First Aid treatments on an Employee Medical Report (see EPP-4, Figure 5).

7.4.5 If hospital treatment of the patient is required, notify Radiation Protection. Radiation Protection shall be requested to perform a precautionary contamination survey of the patient prior to transport of the patient to Oswego Hospital.

7.4.6 If hospital treatment is required, notify the CSO and make arrangements to have him transported to the hospital using a company vehicle.

7.5 Radiation Protection 7.5.1 Respond to Fire Department's request to meet the patient at the designated First Aid Room to determine if the minor 'injury is contaminated (if contaminated refer t'o Section 8.0).

7.6 Nuclear Securit De artment 7.6.1 Provide assistance as requested by the particular circumstances of

.the event.

8.0 MINOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY-CONTAMINATED This Section 8.0 assumes that the minor medi'cal emergency patienl is known to be contaminated. If it is known that the minor medical emergency. patient is not contaminated, then action should be taken in accordance with Section 7.0 of this procedure-EPP-4.

8.1 General 8.1.1 All personnel shall notify the Control. Room of all injuries or illnesses requiring medical attention.

8.1.2 Any minor injured/ill patient who may also have received a radiation dose exceeding 100 Rem whole body "hall be treated as a major medical patient to assure appropriate action for, this radiation dose is taken. See appropriate sections of thi" procedure EPP-4, Section 9.0 Major Medical Emergency Non-contaminated or Section 10.0 Major Medical Fmergency Contaminated.

8.1.3 Any minor injuries/illnesses requiring hospital care (e.g., suture of cuts, etc.) will be initially asses ed and treated by the Fire Department and then shall be referred to the Oswego Nospital Emergency Room.

EPP-4 -7 May 1988

8.1.4 Any patient, injured or taken surveyed ill within the protected area shall be for contamination by Radiation Protection prior to transporting the patient to Oswego Hospital.

8.2 Station Shift Su ervisor 8.2.1 Provide assistance as requested in response to the minor medical emergency contaminated.

8.2.2 If the minor medical emergency patient is contaminated and must be Site Fmergency Director and perform the following:

a. Obtain a copy of the SSS Checklist found in EAP-1 and perform those actions required by procedure EAP-1.
b. Evaluate and classify the event in accordance with procedure EAP-2.
c. Commence emergency notifications in accordance with procedure EPP-20.

8.3 Chief Shift 0 erator 8.3.1 As appropriate,. give instructions for the minor injured/ill to proceed to:

a. First Aid Room: -Unit 1, Admin. Bldg. 261'R
b. Decontamination Room: -Unit. 1, Admin.'ldg.

2 , Control Bldg.

261'Unit 2, Aux. Service Bldg; 306'Unit 250'.3.2 Notify the Nuclear Fire Chief and request that he dispatch Fire Department personnel to. meet the* injured/ill person and provide first aid.

8.3.3 Notify the SSS of the minor medical*emergency event.

8.3.4 Notify the Unit Safety Director of the minor emergency.

8.3.5 If it is necessary to transport the contaminated minor injured/ill patient, take the following actions:

EPP-4 -8 May 1988

8.3.5 (Cont'd) a ~ Call the Oswego Hospital Emergency Room (see EPP-4, Figure 1 CSO Checklist for telephone number, etc.). State that this is Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station and that a minor injured/ill patient who is contaminated is being transported by private vehicle to the hospital. If Radiation Protection personnel state that Oswego Hospital's Radiological Emergency Area (REA) need not be set up to treat this patient then tell the hospital that they should not set up the REA, instead tell them that Radiation Protection personnel will be accompanying the patient to assist in radiological control. Give additional information as required, if known.

b. Since the patient is contaminated, call a medical consultant physician who is prepared to handle contaminated injuries (See EPP-4, Figure 1, CSO Checklist). Inform him that a contaminated injured person has been sent to the hospital. Advise the Radiation Protection Technician riding with the patient on the availability or unavailability of the medical consultant physician.
c. Notify the Unit Supervisor Radiation Protection or the On-call Chemistry and Radiation Management Supervisor to meet the patient at the Hospital. Give him pertinent information as to contamination levels of the patient and extent of injuries, which hospital, etc..
d. Perform additional items, if off hours and appropriate, as noted on CSO Checklist, EPP-4, Figure 1.

8.4 Nuclear Fire Chief/Fighter 8.4.1 Upon being notified *of a minor medical emergency by the CSO, dispatch a First Aid Team to neet the patient at the designated First Aid or Decontamination Room, or an area designated by the CSO.

8.4.2 Since the injury/illness may have occurred in a contaminated area, notify Radiation Protection. Request Radiation Protection be dispatched to perform a survey of the wound and patient to determine if patient is actually contaminated Section 7.0).

(if not contaminated refer to 8.4.3 Administer first aid and assure that all injuries are surveyed by Radiation Protection personnel prior to cleansing any injury. Treat an open wound as indicated in EPP-4, Figure 6.

8.4.4 Record all First Aid treatments on an Employee Medical Report (See EPP-4, Figure 5).

EPP-4 -9 May 1988

8.4.5 If the patient is to be transported to the Oswego Hospital for treatment, then perform the following:

a. Determine from Radiation Protection the extent of contamination, dose rates, if the Oswego Hospital Radiological Emergency Area (REA) should be set up, etc.
b. Notify the CO. Inform the CSO that the patient is contaminated, the contamination levels, etc.
c. Make arrangements to have the patient transported to the hospital using a company vehicle.

8.5 Radiation Protection Respond to Fire Department's request to meet the patient at the designated Decontamination or First Aid Room to determin'e to what extent the minor injury is contamination (if not contaminated refer to Section 7.0).

8.5.2 Perform those steps noted in EPP-4, Figure 6, Instructions for Decontamination of Open Wounds, as applicable.

8.5.3 Keep the Fire Department informed of decontamination efforts, etc.

8.5.4 Perform appropriate follow-up bioassays per established station procedures. r NOTE: Urine and non-biological samples (sm ars, etc.) should be refrigerated and all other biological samples should be frozen to inhibit biological decay and/or odor. The freezer compartment in the Unit 1 Chemistry Laboratory refrigerator can be used on a short-term basis for this purpose.

8.5.5 Records of all decontamination efforts must be reported on the Slcin Decontamination Record form in accordance with S-RP-5 (see EPP-4, Figure 2 for example). These forms are available in the Radiation Protection Offices and the Personnel Decontamination Rooms.

.8.5.6 If contamination levels in the wound(s) exceed 100 cpm (per 15 cm2 probe area) a Chemistry and Radiation Management D partment supervisor shall decide if radiological medical advice is nec ssary.

8.5.7 For transportation of the patient to Oswego Hospital perform the following:

EPP-4 -10 May 1988

8.5.7 (Cont'd)

a. Determine the need for Oswego Hospital to set up the Radiological Emergency Area (REA). If contamination is localized and can be readily controlled (by covering it, etc. ),

then it may not be necessary for Oswego Hospital to set up the REA which includes laying down herculite on the floors, downing of several layers of disposable protective clothing, etc.

Advise the Nuclear Fire Chief, who will in turn notify the CSO, if the setup of the REA is not necessary.

b. A Radiation Protection Technician (or Supervisor) will ride with the injured/ill. Radiation Protection should take a count rate and a dose .rate meter ( ion chamber type) to the hospital.

During the transport of the patient, assure proper radiological assistance is provided to 'ontain any possible loose contamination. An example may be to place a wounded-contaminated hand in a plastic bag, etc.

A Chemistry and Radiation Management Department Supervisor and another Radiation Protection Technician will go to the hospital and provide assistance to hospital personnel in radiological controls.

e. 't the Oswego Hospital, the Radiation Protection Technician and Supervisor should assure that the entry way and the room to be used have been adequately prepared for the contaminated condition nf the patient. Ensure dosimetry is issued from the Nuclear Emergency Cabinet to physicians and hospital staff who will work with the contaminated patient.

At the Oswego Hospital issue respiratory equipment from the Nuclear" Emergency Cabinet to selected personnel if contamination Levels- are greater than 25,000 cpm (per 15 cm probe area) over more than 2 square feet or greater. than 500 mrad/hr over a smaller area.

8.5.8 Upon completion of treatment, all paper and plastic should be removed. The hospital area, personnel and equipment involved in the treatmen't shall be surveyed, decontaminated (if required) and released 'by Niagara Mohawk. All waste, both Liquid and solid shall be returned to Nine Mile Point for waste handling and/or analysis as directed by a Chemistry S Radiation Management Department Supervisor. When transporting contaminated waste back to Nine Mile Point appropriate portions of procedure S-RP-6, The Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials, shall be reviewed for applicability.

8.6 Nuclear Securit De artment 8.6.1 Provide assistance as requested by the particular circumstances of the event.

EPP-4 -11 May 1988

8.6.2 During off-hours, and when requested by the CSO, notify the following .

(see checklist for telephone numbers):

Unit Safety Director Supervisor Fire Protection Emergency Planning Coordinator


8.6.3 When notified by the Site Emergency Dir'ector (SSS or his designee),

perform notifications required per EPP-20, Figure 3, Security Off-Hours Emergency Contact List.

9.0 MAJOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY-NON-CONTAMINATED This Section 9.0 assumes that the major medical emergency patient is known not to be contaminated. 'If there is any doubt as to whether or not the major medical emergency patient is contaminated, it should be assumed he is and action taken in accordance with Section 10.0 'of this procedure, EPP-4.

9.1 General 9.1.1 All personnel shall notify the Control Room of all injuries or illnesses requiring medical attention.

9.1.2 All major medical emergencies shall be referred to the Oswego Hospital Emergency Room.

9.1.3 Any major medical emergency requires that an ambulance be requested to respond to the site. This request should not be delayed due to lack of information from the major medical scene. Information such as extent of injuries, whether patient= is contaminated, etc. can be provided in subsequent calls to. the hospital or Oswego County Fire Control.

9.1.4 Any patient injured or taken surveyed ill within the protected area shall be for contamination by Radiation Protection prior to transporting the patient to Oswego Hospital.

9.1.5 The injured/ill will be stabilized and evaluated at Oswego Hospital.

Tf he has received a radiation dose exceeding 100 Rem whole body, or the special equipment or skills of a medical center are required, then Oswego Hospital should refer him to University Hospital in Syracuse.

9.2 Station Shift Su ervisor 9.2.1 Provide assistance as requested in response to the major medical emergency non-contaminated.

EPP-4 -1? May 1988

9.3 Chief Shift 0 erator 9.3.1 Upon notification of a major medical emergency or need for an ambulance, obtain and perform those actions listed on the CSO Checklist, k

EPP-4, Figure 1.

9.3.2 In accordance with the CSO Checklist, EPP-4, Figure 1, sound the station alarm and announce the condition in accordance with the CSO Checklist. This announcement will assure that medical assistance is provided to the scene of the major medical emergency as soon as possible.

9.3 ' Notify the SSS of the major medical emergency.

9.3.4 Determine. from the Nuclear Fire Chief if the patient is contaminated and the extent of the. injuries/illness. (If the'atient is contaminated see Sect,ion 10.0).

9.3.5 Call Oswego County Fire Control and give the dispatcher the message indicated in CSO Checklist, EPP-4, Figure 1, for the appropriate condition, i.e.:

1. Patient requires an ambulance and is not contaminated.

NOTE: All major medical emergencies require that an ambulance be requested to respond to the site. This request should not be delayed due to lack of information from the major medical scene. Additional information can be provided in subsequent calls to the hospital or Oswego County Fire Control.

9.3.6 Notify Security that an ambulance is enroute to the plant, and when it arrives to escoz t it from Private Road and permit its immediate entry to the patient pickup area.

9.3.7 During off-hours, notify Security Department to contact the Unit Safety Director, Supervisor Fire Protection and Emergency Planning Coordinator in accordance with EPP-4, Figure 2, the Security Shift Supervisor Checklist.

9.3.8 During off-hours and if, appropriate, perform additional items as noted on CSO Checklist, EPP-4, Figure 1.

9.4 Licensed Nuclear 0 erator 9.4.1 Contact Control Room and acknowledge receipt of alarm.

9.4.2 Proceed to location of the major medical emergency with a radio and act as an advisor to the Nuclear Fire Chief at the command post.

Report status of the injury/illness to the Control Room immediately.

EPP-4 -13 May 1988

9.5 Nuclear Fire Chief 9.5.1 Contact Control Room and acknowledge receipt of alarm.

9.5.2 Proceed to the major medical emergency location and set up command post. Ensure that a Radiation Protection Technician, Licensed Nuclear Operator and Security Guard are available to coordinate communication with 'their respective departments.

9.5.3 Assure that the Fire Department is providing appropriate first aid to the patient. If contamination is present and patient is contaminated refer to Section 10.0.

9.5.4 Obtain as much information as possible on the extent of the injuries/illness, number of people involved, etc. and provide this

, information to the CSO as soon as possible.

9.,5.5 Verify that the CSO has requested an ambulance to the site. While waiting for the ambulance perform the following:

a~ The NMP Fire Department should continuously monitor the patient's vital signs and perform appropriate first-aid measures. Also monitor the patient for bleeding, respiration, and shock and record the patient's vital signs on the Prehospital Care Report (See example; EPP-4, Figu're 4), and on the Employee Medical Report (See sample EPP-4, Figure 5).

b. .If further medical information or assistance is needed by the Fire Department personnel, contact the Oswego Hospital 'Emergency Room via radio phone patch so that NMP Fire Department personnel may speak directly with a physician and obtain further medical treatment orders if necessary. Notify the Control Room if the radio phone Patch i.s used.

9.5.6 When ambulance arrives, assist ambulance personnel. Provide ambulance attendants with the Prehospital Care Report. A. Nuclear Fire Fighter may accompany the patient in the ambulance if injuries are such that additional medical personnel are needed during the patient transport.

9.5.7 When the ambulance arrives determine the ambulance attendants EMT Class (Basic; Advance Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or Advance Level 4 Paramedic). If 'e ambulance attendant is not of the same EMT class or higher, than the NMP Fire Department EMT treating the patient the NMP Fire Department EMT may not release the patient to the ambulance attendant. Instead, the NMP Fire Department EMT shall ride with the patient to the hospital until such time responsibility for the patient is assumed by an EMT of equal or greater class, a nurse or physician.

EPP-4 -14 May 1988

9.5.8 Once ambulance has left the site or the medical emergency has been terminated, assure the CSO is notified of event status.

9.5.9 Report any decrease in Fire Department or Radiation Protection staffing to SSS when Fire Department EMT or Radiation Protection Technician must accompany ambulance to the hospital.

9.5.10 Identify and list all the medical equipment that was removed from the site and 'taken with the patient to the hospital. This should be done immediately following the patient exit from the site. Provide this list to the Emergency Planning Coordinator so that he cap retrieve this equipment from the hospital.

9.6 Nuclear Fire Fighter 9.6.1 The NMP Fire Department should report to the location specified.

Enroute to the area:

a. One Nuclear Fire Fighter should pick up a backboard and blanket in the most convenient location.
b. Another Nuclear Fire Fighter should pick up a first aid kit.

9.6.2 If the injured/ill is or may be contaminated, then perform proper contamination control measures. (If contaminated see Section 10.0) 9.7 Radiation Protection 9.7.1 Upon notification of a medical emergency, dispatch Radiation Protection Technician(s) with a radio to perform radiological survey(s) and isolate the area as appropriate (The Radiation Protection Fire Response Kit should be taken to scene).

9. 7.2 Once the injured/ill is stabilized, he should be surveyed for contamination., The injured should only be moved if conditions in the immediate area (extremely high radiation levels or danger of fire/explosion or dangerous atmosphere) would cause further injury.

9.7.3 Depending on the number of individuals injured/ill and/or contaminated, personnel monitoring techniques should be adjusted accordingly (e.g., quick frisk for establishing levels, segregate per gross levels of contamination and full survey prior to rele'ase).

9.7.4 After surveys are performed, notify the Nuclear Fire Chief of the results. If no contamination is found, no" further action is required except to assist in normal plant Radiological Control. If contamination is found, see Section 10.0 for additional guidance.

EPP-4 -15 May 1988

9.8 Nuclear Securit De artment 9.8.1 Obtain copy of Security Shift Supervisor, Medical Emergency Checklist (EPP-4, Figure 2). Complete this checklist, enter N/A or N/R when appropriate. 'I 9.8.2 Contact the Control Room and verify receipt of alarm.

9.8.3 Dispatch a Security Guard with a radio to the medical emergency scene command post to coordinate communication between the Nuclear Security Department and the Nuclear Fire Chief. This Security Guard should remain with the Nuclear Fire Chief at all times.

9.8.4 Provide additional Security Guards to assist in crowd control, if necessary, and other duties as required.

9.8.5 When notified by the CSO that an ambulance'as been requested, perform the following:

a. Dispatch a Security Guard and vehicle to Private (Lake) Road to direct the ambulance to the appropriate access road. A Security Guard should accompany the vehicles on site.
b. The emergency ambulance . and other medical vehicle(s) and attendants should be allowed immediate access to the station and escorted to the designated building entrance.

C. Ensure roadway te patient pickup point is kept clear of any obstruction.

Normal sign-in procedures shall be waived; names shall 'be obtained for the Security Entrance Registration Log while off- ite medical personnel exit the ambulance.

e. Bring an Ambulance and Fire Kit," to the designated building entr'ance.

If requested, issue dosimetry from the Ambulance and Fire Kit to the responding, off-site personnel as they leave their vehicles to pick up the patient.

During off-hours and when requested by the CSO, notify the following: (see EPP-4, Figure 2):

Unit Safety Director:

Supervisor Fire Protection:

Emergency Planning Coordinator:

EPP-4 -16 May 1988

10.0 MAJOR MEDICAL EMERGENCY-CONTAMINATED This Section 10.0 assumes that the major medical emergency patient is known to be contaminated. If it is known that the major medical emergency patient is not contaminated then action should be taken in accordance with Section 9.0 of this procedure, EPP-4.

10.1 General 10.1.1 All personnel shall notify the Control Rodm of all injuries or illnesses requiring medical attention.

10.1.2 All major medical emergencies shall be referred to the Oswego Hospital Emergency Room.

10.1.3 Any major medical emergency requires that an ambulance be requested to respond to the site. This request should not be delayed due to lack of information from the major medical scene. Information such as extent of injuries, whether patient is contaminated, etc. can be provided in subsequent calls to the hospital or Oswego County Fire Control.

10.1.4 Any patient injured or taken for contamination ill within the protected area shall be Radiation Protection prior to surveyed by transporting the patient to Oswego Hospital.

10.1.5 The injured/ill will be stabilized'nd evaluated at the hospital. If he has received a radiation dose exceeding'00 Rem whole body, or the special equipment or skills of a medical center are required, then Oswego Hospital should refer him to University Hospital in Syracuse.

10.2 Station Shift Su ervisor 10.2.1 Provide assistance as requested in response to the major medical emergency contaminated.

10.2.2 Assume the role of Site Emergency Director and perform the following:

a ~ Obtain a copy of the SSS Checklist found in EAP-1 and perform those actions required by procedure EAP-.1.

b. Evaluate and classify the event in accordance with procedure EAP-2.

Commence emergency notif ications in accordance with procedure EPP-20.

EPP-4 -17 May 1988

Chief Shift Upon 0 erator notification of a major medical emergency, or need for an 0

ambulance, obtain and perform these actions listed on the CSO Checklist (EPP-4, Figure 1).

In accordance with the CSO Checklist, sound the station alarm and announce the condition in accordance with the CSO Checklist. This announcement will assure that medical assistance is provided to the scene of the major medical emergency's soon as possible.

Notify SSS of the major medical emergency.

Determine from the Nuclear Fire Chief the extent of the injuries/illness, the contamination levels, dose rates, number of injured/ill, etc.

Call Oswego County Fire Control and give the dispatcher the message indicated in CSO Checklist, EPP-4, Figure 1, for the appropriate condition, i.e.:

2. Patient requires an ambulance and is contaminated.

NOTE: All major medical emergencies require that an ambulance be requested to respond to the site. This request should not delayed due to lack of information from the major 0

. be medical scene. Additional information can be provided in subsequent calls to the hospital or Oswego County Fire Control.

Notify Security that an ambulance is enroute to the plant, and when it arrives to escort it from Private Road and permit its immediate entry to the patient pickup area.

Call a medical consultant physician who is prepared to handle contaminated injurio" (See EPP-4 CSO Checklist, Figure 1,). Inform him that a contaminated injured person has been sent to the hospital and he is requested to meet the patient at Oswego Hospital. Advise the Radiation Protection Technician riding in the ambulance with the patient, on the availability or unavailability of the medical consultant physician.

Notify the Unit Supervisor Radiation Protection or the On-call Chemistry and Radiation Management Supervisor to meet the ambulance at the Hospital. Give him pertinent information as to contamination levels of the patient and extent of injuries, which hospital, etc.

During off hours, notify Nuclear Security Department to contact the Unit Safety Director, Supervisor Fire Protection and Emergency Planning Coordinator in accordance with EPP-4, Figure 2, the Security Shift Supervisor Checklist.

EPP-4 -18 May 1988

10.3..10 During off-hours and appropriate, perform additional items, as noted on CSO Checklist, EPP-4, Figure 1.

10.4 Licensed Nuclear 0 erator 10.4.1 Contact Control Room and acknowledge receipt of alarm.

10.4.2 Proceed to location of the major medical emergency with a radio and act as an advisor to the Nuclear Fire Chief at the command post.

Report status of. the injury/illness to the Control Room immediately.

10.5 Nuclear Fire Chief 10.5.1 Contact Control Room and acknowledge receipt of alarm.

10.5.2 Proceed to the major medical emergency location and set up command post. Ensure that a Radiation Protection Technician, Licensed Nuclear Operator and Security Guard are available to coordinate communication with their respective departments.

10.5.3 Assure that the Fire Department is providing appropriate first aid to the patient. Contamination prevention efforts should be taken so long as they do not interfere with the well-being of the patient.

10.5.4 Obtain as much information as possible on the extent of the injuries/illness, number of people involved, extent of contamination, etc. and provide this information to the CSO as soon as possible.

10.5.5 'Verify that the CSO has requested an ambulance be summoned to the site. While waiting for the ambulance also perform the following:

a The NMP. Fire Department= should continuously monitor the patient's vital signs and perform appropriate fir t-aid measures. Also monitor the patient for bleeding, respiration, and shock and record the patient's vital signs on the Prehospital Care Report (See example; EPP-4, Figure 4,) and on the-=Employee Medical Report (See sample EPP-4, Figure 5).

b. Any information relative to the contamination levels on the various parts of the patient's body should be indicated on the Prehospital. Care Report (see example; EPP-4, Figure 4), and recorded in the comments section of this form. In addition, the contaminated patient carrier, if being used, should be moved to an uncontaminated area close to the injured.

c If necessary for the first aid treatment of the patient, contact the Oswego Hospital Emergency Room via radio phone patch so that NMP Fire Department personnel may speak directly with a physician and obtain further medical treatment orders if necessary.

EPP-4 -19 May 1988

When ambulance arrives, assist ambulance personnel and advise in matters of contamination control as appropriate. Ensure* that a floorcovering has been placed in the ambulance prior to loading victim to prevent the spread of contamination during transport.

(NOTE: The floorcovering, herculite, should be opened fully to assure only one layer of floorcover covers the stretcher hooks, otherwise it may be difficult to lockdown the stretcher into the ambulance.) Provide ambulance attendants with the Prehospital Care Report containing patient's vital signs. A Nuclear Fire Fighter may accompany tne patient in the ambulance if injuries are such that additional medical personnel are needed during the patient transport.

When the ambulance arrives determine the ambulance attendants EMT Class (Basic; Advance Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or Advance Level 4 Paramedic). If the ambulance attendant is not of the same EMT class or higher, than the NMP Fire Department EMT treating the patient the NMP Fire Department EMT may not release the patient to the ambulance attendant. Instead, the NMP Fire Department EMT shall ride with the patient to the hospital until such time responsibility for the patient is assumed by an EMT of equal or greater class, a nurse or physician.

Once ambulance has left the site or the medical emergency has been terminated, assure the CSO is notified of event status.

Report any decrease in Fire Department or Radiation Protection staffing to SSS when Fire Department EMT or Radiation Protection Technician must accompany ambulance to the hospital.

Identify and list all the medical equipment that was removed from the site and taken with the patient to the hospital. This should be done immediately following the patient exit from the site. Provide this list to the Emergency Planning Coordinator so that he can retrieve this equipment from the hospital.

Nuclear Fire Fi hter The. NMP Fire Department should report to the location specified.

Enroute to the area:

a. One Nuclear Fire Fighter should pick up a backboard and blanket in the most convenient location.
b. Another Nuclear Fire Fighter should pick up a first aid kit.

If. the injured/ill is found to be contaminated, a scoop or stokes stretcher or backboard should be placed on a blanket next to the patient and another blanket placed inside the stretcher and then wrapped around the patient. This will not only keep the patient comfortable but also contain any loose contamination. If a Scoop stretcher is used, wrap the individual and stretcher in blankets to prevent the further spread of contamination.

EPP-4 -20 May 1988

If appropriate, and under the direction of radiation protection decontamination as the injuries permit.

personnel, perEorm as much If the patient is found to be contaminated to greater than 50,000 cpm (per 15 cm probe area) consideration should be given to .using'he contaminated patient carrier. This'arrier is designed to minimize attendant exposures and contamination of medical facilities and to facilitate care and decontamination of the patients. If it is determined that the contaminated patient carrier should be used, advise the ambulance personnel of this and relo'cate the carrier to an non-contaminated area close to the injured prior to the ambulance' arrival. A description oE the carrier and its use are as follows:

a. The carrier, located under the stairs of the Unit 1 Admin. Bldg.

El 261'SC area, consists of a heavy plastic stretcher which is covered by a rigid transparent top enclosure. The carrier is sized to acconm>odate one man. The lower portion of the carrier is equipped with a drain system to Eacilitate decontamination of the patient. The transparent top is equipped with 12 entry holes which are either covered by gasketed tops or equipped with ambidextrous dry-box gloves. The carrier bottom is also equipped with handles for lifting.

b. The carrier is supported by a mobile gurney which may be elevated to any necessary position and can also be tilted for drain-off of contaminated waste.

c ~ Fresh air is supplied to the patient. through a 12 cfm fa'n. The air is discharged from the enclosure through two absolute filters to minimize the exposure of attendants to airborne particulate radioactivity from the patient.

d. The scoop stretcher consists oE an aluminum device which can be separated at both ends and can be used to gently "scoop" a victim onto the carrier in the position found. Since it has an open bottom it greatly facilitate" decontamination allowed becau to flow e

decontamination solutions can be washed oEf and down to the drain end of the carrier.

e. The carrier is also supplied with other necessary equipment including disposable blankets, decontamination Eluid container, and surgeons gloves.

Radiation Protection Upon hearing the alarm and announcement of a medical emergency, dispatch Radiation Protection Technician(s) with a radio to perform radiological survey(s) and isolate the medical emergency area as appropriate (The Radiation Protection Fire Response Kit should be taken to scene).

EPP-4 -21 May 1988

10.7.2 Once the injured/ill is stabilized, he should be surveyed for contamination. The injured should only be moved if conditions in the immediate area (extremely high radiation levels or danger of fire/explosion or dangerous atmosphere) would cause further injury.

If appropriate, perform those steps noted in EPP-4, Figure 6, Instructions for First Aid of Open Wounds.

10.7.3 Depending on the number of individuals 'njured/ill and/or contaminated, personnel monitoring techniques should be adjusted accordingly (e.g., quick frisk for establishing levels, segregate per gross levels of contamination and full survey prior to release).

10.7.4 After surveys are performed, notify the Nuclear Fire Chief of the results. Assist in normal plant radiological control.

I 10.7.5 Perform 'ppropriate follow-up bioassays per established station procedures.

NOTE: Urine and non-biological samples (smears, etc.) should be refrigerated and all other biological samples should be frozen to inhibit biological decay and/or odor. The freezer compar'tment in the Unit 1 Chemistry Laboratory freezer can be used on a short-term basis for this purpose.

1 10.7.6 Records of all decontamination efforts must be reported on the Skin Decontamination Record Form in accordance'ith S-RP-5 (See EPP-4, Figure 2 for example). These forms are available .in the Radiation Protection Offices and the Personnel Decontamination Rooms.

10.7.7 If contamination in the wound(s) exceed 100 cpm (per 15 cm probe area) a Chemistry and Radiation Management Department Supervisor shall decide if Radiological Medical advice is necessary.

10.7.8 For hospitalization perform the following:

A Radiation Protection Technician (or Supervisor) will ride with the injured/ill in the ambulance. Radiation Protection should take a count rate and a dose rate meter (ion chamber type) to the hospital.

b. Provide radiological assistance during the transfer of individual from the station to the ambu<.ance. Prior to loading the patient i.n the ambulance, ensure a cover (e.g. herculite) is placed on the floor of the ambulance.

c A Chemistry and Radiation Management Department Supervisor and another Radiation Protection Technician will'eet the ambulance


at the hospital and provide assistance to hospital personnel in radiological controls.

EPP-4 -22 May 1988

10.7.8 (Cont'd)

d. At the Oswego Hospi't'al', the Radiation Protection Technician and Supervisor should assure that the entry way and the room to be used have been adequately prepared for the contaminated condition of the patient. Ensure dosimetry is issued from the Nuclear Emergency Cabinet to physicians and hospital staff who will work with the contamination patient.

h At the Oswego Hospital issue respiratory equipment from the Nuclear Emergency Cabinet to selected personnel if contamination levels are greater than 25,000 cpm (per 15 cm2 probe area) over more than 2 square feet or greater than 500 mrad/hr over a smaller area.

Obtain dosimetry from the . ambulance attendents and record required data on the Dosimetry Issue Sheet after they have transported the patient to the hospital and before they leave the hospital. If no dosimetry was issued just obtain their names for the Security Entrance Registration Log.

Once it has been determined that the ambulance will not be needed further, the ambulance will be, surveyed for possible contamination. If it is free from contamination, it will be released. If the ambulance is contaminated and decontamination cannot be accomplished at the hospital, it must be returned to Nine Mile Point for decontamination and release in accordance with station procedures.

h. At Oswego Hospital, assure that all handling of the patient at the hospital will be in accordance with the Oswego Hospital Plan for the Decontamination and Treatment of Radi'oactively Contaminated Patients.

At- Oswego Hospital, in addition. to the Oswego Hospital plan, NMPNS Chemistry. &. Radiation Management personnel -hall make recommendations, to supplement this plan, as appropriate.

Supplies for handling contaminated patients at Oswego Hospital are stored in the Nuclear Emergency Cabinet located near the X-ray Department.

Any excised tissue should be placed in separate vials provided in the RMC sample taking . kit (at Oswego Hospital, this kit located- on top of the Nuclear Emergency Cabinet), identified and kept for later analysis.

Upon completion of treatment, all paper and plastic should be removed. The hospital area, personnel and equipment involved in the treatment will be surveyed, decontaminated, (if required) and released by Niagara Mohawk. Collect all dosimetry (including these previously given to the- ambulance attendants who transported the patient) and obtain data for the Dosimetry Issue Sheet.

EPP-4 -23 May 1988

10.7.8 (Cont'd)

l. Tf the decision is made to move the injured/ill to University Hospital in Syracuse, the Radiation Protection Technician should accompany the ambulance to Syracuse and ensure this information is relayed to the responding Chemistry and Radiation Management Department Supervisor. Enroute this technician will advise the ambulance personnel on contamination problems and will assist in decontaminating the ambulance in Syracuse after completion of the transport.
m. At University Hospital, ensure the ambulance has gone to the Emergency Room entrance if the patient is contaminated.


Hospital personnel will meet the ambulance at the Emergency Room entrance. and handle the patient(s) in accordance with the University Hospital Radiological Emergency Plan.

n. At University Hospital, one Radiation Protection Technician or Supervisor should be in the treatment room while the other will be outside the treatment room. These persons shall provide consultation to University Hospital personnel upon their request.

0~ Upon completion of treatment, all paper and plastic should be removed. The hospital area, personnel and equipment involved in the treatment shall be surveyed, decontaminated (if required) and released by Niagara Mohawk. All waste, both liquid and solid shall be returned to Nine Mile Point for waste handling and/or analysis as directed by a Chemistry 6 Radiation ~

Management Department Supervisor. When transporting contaminated ~aste back to Nine Mile Point appropriate portions of procedure S-RP-6, The Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials, shall be reviewed for applicability.

10.8 Nuclear Securit Department 10.8.1 Obtain copy of Security Shift. Supervisor, Medical Emergency Checklist (EPP-4, Figure 2). Complete this checklist,. enter N/A or N/R when appropriate.

10.8.2 Contact the Control Room and verify, receipt of alarm...

10.8.3 Dispatch a Security Guard with a radio to the medical emergency scene command post to coordinate communication between the Nuclear Security Department and the Nuclear Fire Chief. 1his Security Guard should remain with the Nuclear Fire Chief at all times.

10.8.4 Provide additional Security Guards to assist in crowd control if necessary, and other duties as required.

EPP-4 -24 May 1988

10:8.5 When notified by the CSO that an ambulance has been requested, perform the following:

a. Dispatch a Security Guard and vehicle to Private (Lake) Road to direct the ambulance to the appropriate access road. A Security Guard should accompany the vehicles on site.
b. The emergency ambulance and other medical vehicle(s) and attendants should be allowed immediate access to the station and escorted to the designated building entrance.

c ~ Ensure roadway to patient pickup point is kept clear of any obstruction.

d. Normal sign-in procedures shall be waived; names shall be obtained for the Security Entrance, Registration Log while off-site medical'personnel exit the ambulance.
e. Bring an Ambulance and Fire Kit to'he designated building entrance
f. Issue dosimetry from the Fire and Ambulance Kit to responding off-site personnel as they leave their vehicles to pick-up the patient.

During off-hours and when requested by the CSO, notify the following: (see EPP-4, Figure 2):

Unit Safety Director:

Supervisor Fire Protection:

- Emergency Planning Coordinator:

h. When notified by the Site Emergency Director (or his designee) perform notifications required per EPP-20 Figure 3, Security Off-Hours Emergency Contact List.

EPP-4 -25 May 1988



Unit I / Unit II (circle one)

Initial/Time Notified of medical emergency by (name):

2. Medical emergency is minor/major (circle one). If minor medical emergency skip to Step 5.
3. Fill in the information on the blank lines below, then make the following alarm and announcement:

Sound Station Alarm for 10 Seconds.

"Attention. Attention all personnel. This is/is not a drill. A medical emergency has occurred at Unit 1/2. . The location of this emergency is The Fire Department shall report to (repeat the location) .

All other personnel remain clear of the area. I repeat thxs zs/xs not a drill.

Repeat Station Alarm and Announcement.

4. Notify SSS of emergency.
5. For minor medical emergency the injured/ill instructed to proceed to the following: First aid or Decontamination Room:
6. For minor medical emergency NMP Fire Department notified to provide first aid to the injured/ill.

(See Step 7 next page)

EPP-4 -26 May 1988

EPP-4 FIGURE 1 (Cont'd.)


7. If a major medical emergency then re uest an ambulance.

(if Call the Oswego busy, 343-8571) .and tell County Fire Control Dispatcher at 343-1313 him:

7oa a. If a atient is not contaminated:

"This is/is not a drill. An ambulance is needed


at the Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit (1/2)

The injured person(s) is/(are) not contaminated. He can be handled as a routine patient, He appears to have the following injuries (describe injuries):


7.b. If the atient is contaminated:


"This is/is not a An ambulance is needed at the Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit (1/2) . Please initiate emergency procedures <> Extent of injuries

/ Off-hours: If contaminated patient is being transported to hospital and; as directed by SSS, instruct Secur'ity to make notifications required for an Unusual Event per EPP-20, Figure 3, Security Off-Hours Emergency Contact List.

12. / Off-hours: Tf major medical emergency. have Security Department notify Safety Director, Supervisor Five Protection and Emergency Planning Coordinator.
13. Upon notification from the Nuclear Fire Chief that the medical emergency has been terminated, sound station alarm and announce termination of event.

EPP-4 -29 May 1988



UNIT I / UNIT II (Circle One)

Initials/Time This is/is not (circle one) a drill.

2. Acknowledged receipt of alarm to CSO/notified by CSO.
3. Security Guard dispatched with a radio to the medical emergency scene to coordinate communication between the Security Department and the Nuclear Fire Chief, assist in crowd control, etc. Location
4. If ambulance requested guard and vehicle dispatched to private road to escort ambulance for immediate access into station to patient pickup location.

Ambulance and Fire Kit brought to medical emergency scene.

6. If applicable, dosimetry issued to responding off-site personnel from the Ambulance and Fire Kit.

During off-hours and when requested by the CSO notified:

a. Safety Director: (Unit 1) (Unit 2)

Home: OR Home:

Pager: Pager:

b. Supervisor Fire Protection:



c. Emergency Planning Coordinator:



(Or Use EP On-call Schedule)

d. Station Nurse Clinician:



8. When directed by the Site Emergency Director, notifications performed as required by EPP-20, Figure 3, The Security Off Hours Emergency Contact List.
9. Medical Emergency event terminated.
10. If Fire and Ambulance Kit used, the Emergency Planning Group notified.

EPP-4 -30 May 1988



INITIAL SURVEY: (use absorbers i f ) 30, 000 cpm per Se 'on .23. 5. 3 1)


SIZE OF AREA(S) (cm2) 1) 2)

GROSS COUNT RATE (cpm), 1) 2)



~ 2)






DAT D TIME OF SlJRVEY if stic 1 itio al decon 'is required, i.e. detectable contamination re ent, use another Figure 9 to document effort and ai'o determine if the contamination event requires a skin dos calcul.ation, determine the maximum net count rate (max init ia l.

survey result minus background), the time period, t, post occurance to the final survey, and refer to Flgur>> 13. Et 1s assumed that no contamination is detected during the final survey MAXIM(JM HET COUNT FATE (cpm) t(min) II SKIN DOSE CALCUf ATION REQUIRED (YES OR NO)

Ef required complete Figure 12 and attach.

Is a MBC re~i ired per S-RTP-10, Section 5.2.1 (YES OR HO)

Additional area surveys performed (YES OR NO)

If yes, survey number(s)

Tech's and ec s FP ignature Date Figure 9 completed (YES OR NO)

Ef required, Figure 12 completed and attached (YES, HC'i, or NA)

If required, WBC completed (YES, NO, or NA)

RP Chief Tech. or On-Duty Tech. Signature r

Addi t iona 1 Comments Unit FP Supervisor 'iignature.. Date cc: Radiological Engineering Coordinator EPP-4 -31 May 1988




-32 May 1988


~j (Exemple) pert








lI Prehaspital Care Report '.'..' j Agency >>n Ust >>ltltanv tints Name tvo I Can CALL RECO loca<(on Catt EHAOU'(E Ongtn Ollpatch AT SCENE

'Q Intmmuion csLL ttp( ss a(cg Uel(a<SCIL<IT ngsrttlL COMNURCAIIBRS fROM SCEHf.

o Ilansf(l iO vis relieve iO Ycs- io8(S iO o ecuv 'AT OESIIN.

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EPP-4 -33 M(Ly 1988

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All open wounds must be surveyed by Radiation Protection (see S-RP-5).

1. Flush wound promptly for at least 5 minutes with tepid or warm water.
2. Light to moderate bleeding of a minor wound or cut should be enhanced to help flush the wound. Such flushing can be done in any sink but the sink in a personnel decontamination area is preferred.
3. Where more serious bleeding is encountered, such as arterial bleeding, first aid and medical attention shall be sought and. administered first.

Decontamination can be performed as appropriate and necessary for safe handling of the patient.

4. Tn the case of minor injure remove all the .protective clothing before starting any decontamination. Fixed contamination in protective clothing can interfere considerably 'in trying to direct scan a wound with a GM detector because of the increase in background. The object causing the injury and any. clothing through which the object passed should be saved for analysis by the Chemistry and Radiation Management Department.
5. If contamination levels in or around the wound are less than 100 cpm above background (e.g. 1000 dpm on a 15 cm2 probe area, administer first aid.

Otherwise consult with a Chemistry and Radiation Management Department Supervisor before administering first aid.

Contamination which is not immediately around or in the wound be removed carefully using normal decontamination methods.

7. Only use sterile absorbent pads on or in open cuts or wounds. A smear of the blood may be used as a sample to determine if the radioactive material is present in the cut or wound by counting the sample in a sensitive detector.
8. Clean the surrounding skin area by using a liquid soap treatment or water method and rubbing only in a direction away from the wound.

EPP-4 -36 May 1988

FIGURE 6 (Cont'd)

9. After the surrounding skin area is clean, the wound can be scanned directly and further treated by flushing with water.

NOTE: If it is suspected that the surrounding skin is still contaminated, it may be necessary to shield the surrounding area with clean 'aluminum strips so the wound area can be isolated and surveyed directly.

If internal contamination is suspected, notify a Radiation Protection Supervisor. =

A whole body count or other bioassays may be required to assess the extent of the internal deposition from this event. (A survey of the object causing the wound may provide an important clue).

10. All contaminated wounds 'hould be documented on a Skin Contaminati.on Record (see S-RP-5).
11. If medical advice is necessary, contact one of the following Medical Consultant Physicians:

Office Phone Home Phone Dr. l i( Summer )


(24 hrs)

(Business Office)

"On off-hours this number is answered by an answering service.

If unable to contact a Medical Consultant and are requested to leave a message, ask that the Medical Consultant call the Control Room (either Unit I or Unit II, as appropriate) at:

Unit I Control Room OR Unit II Control Room EPP-4 -37 May 1988

Manager Nuclear Services s le>

M, A. Peifer Station Superintendent .

NMPNS Unit 1 su/~~

K. A. Dahlberg i( fo40 Station Superintendent i-NMPNS Unit 2 zan.'.c (gq .

R. B. Abbott General Superintendent Nuclear Generation 4(zlzz J. L. Willis ~>J ~~4 Zaaea i,1-53 April 1989 Proprietary Information Removed From: Pages 8,18,22,28-44.




~ ~ N. Y'l




,4~$ l 0





4.0 DEFINITIONS 4 5.0 PRECAUTIONS 6.0 LIMITATIONS AND ACTIONS 7.0 PREREQUISITES 8.0 PROCEDURE 5 8.1 Control Room Communications Aide 5 8.2 Communications Coordinator (TSC) 6 8.3 Nuclear Security 7 8.4 All Notified Personnel 8 9.0 INITIALNOTIFICATIONS PROTOCOL ~


HOTLINE OPERATION 12.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 12 Figure 1 Control Room Communications Aide Checklist 13 Figure 2 Communications Coordinator Checklist 18 Figure 3 Security Off<<Hours Emergency Contact List 20 Figure 4a Notification Fact Sheet Part I 22 Figure 4b Notification Fact Sheet Part II (Dose Assessment Fact Sheet) 23 Figure 4c Notification Fact Sheet Part III (Plant Parameter Fact Sheet Unit 1) 24 Figure 4d Notification Fact Sheet Part III (Plant Parameter Fact Sheet Unit 2) 25 Figure 5 Emergency Contact Forms 26 Figure 6 Secondary Emergency Positions Call-Out Responsibility 44 Figure 7 ENS Telephone Communications Data Sheets 46 EPP-20 -i April 1989

~ H~

1.0 The purpose of this procedure is to provide the instructions necessary to ensure that prompt initial notification and appropriate follow-up notification of an emergency condition at the NMPNS are made to off-site authorities, emergency response agencies, and selected NMPNS/NMPC personnel.

2.0 2.1 2.1.1 NVREG-0654, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants 2.1.2 CPP-1, Corporate Emergency Notification Procedure 2.1.3 EAP-l, Activation and Direction of Emergency Plan 2.1.4 EAP-2, Classification of Emergency Conditions 2.1.5 EPMP-3, Review and Revisions of Site Bnergency Plan and Procedures 2.1.6 EAP-3, Emergency Personnel Action Procedures 12 I

2.1.7 10CFR50.72, Immediate Notification Requirements for Operating Nuclear

.Power Reactors 2.1.8 10CFR50, Appendix E, Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Production and Utilization Facilities 2.2 Records will be transferred to Document Control in accordance with 12 the applicable department office instruction.

2.3 Section/Step NCTS Humhm Figs. 7A, 7B 501275-00 and Develop and provide site 8.1.2 NRC Letter to specific sheets for NMPC Dated communicators to aid in Aug. 31, 1987 working with the NRC via the HPN and ENS phone lines.

EPP-20 -1 April 1989

2.3 (Cont'd)

Section/Step NCTS Humhex 3.3.1,3.4.2 003111-17 Control Room communications Aide, TSC/Control Room Liaison, and TSC/EOF Liaison should be filled, available, by qualified plant if personnel.

Figure 1 003111-04 The 200'levation data should be used on the Part I Notification Fact Sheet if the release point is unknown.

6.4 NCTS Revise EPP-20 to state 3152-00 Control Room and TSC 23FEB89 Staff should be aware NMP44819 of requirement to man MISC ENS continuously if 'so CORR requested by NRC 12 Implement by revising EPP-20 to require Telecopying Data Sheets to NRC Region I 9.0 S-SUP-4 Make 'it clear that only the NY State and Oswego County must be notified in 15 minutes. Also the 15 minutes starts when the event is classified not at the initiation of the event.

3.0 3.1 3.1.1 Evaluates plant conditions and makes emergency classification declarations.'.1.2 Implements the NMPNS Site Emergency Plan and Procedures, inclQding this procedure EPP-20.

3.1.3 Designates a qualified individual to act as a Control Room Communications Aide to initiate and maintain communications with 12 offsite authorities until the TSC or EOF is staffed.

3.1.4 C ompletes and/or approves Emergency Notification Forms (e.g.

Notification Fact Sheet, Part I etc.).

EPP-20 -2 April 1989

3.2 t t t 3.2.1 Assumes the role of Site Emergency Director in accordance with procedure EAP-1, until properly relieved.

3.2.2 Initiates the classification of emergency conditions based on available information in accordance with procedure EAP-2.

(12 3.3 3.3.1 As directed by SSS, initiages and maintains communications with off-site authorities until responsibility is transferred to the TSC or EOF. This position should be filled by qualified plant personnel.

3.3.2 Continues to maintain communications with TSC following its activation.

12 3.3.3 During off-hours requests that Nuclear Security notify selected NMPNS personnel as indicated in this procedure EPP-20, Figure 3.

3-3.4 Monitors incoming communications on telephones, radio console, etc.

3.4 The Communications Coordinator is responsible to the Technical Data Coordinator for:

3.4.1 Completing emergency notifications and updates as required per EPP-20.

3.4.2 Maintaining on a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day basis, TSC communications with the 12 Control Rooms, Operations support Center (OSC), Emergency Operations Facility, Corporate Headquarters and outside agencies.

3.4.3 Providing data and/or information received to appropriate TSC personnel for actions and/or posting.

3.5 3.5.1 During off-hours, upon the request of the Control Room Communications Aide, notifies .NMPNS personnel of the emergency situation until responsibility is transferred to TSC or EOF.

3.5-2 Notifies Nuclear Training Center Security of Emergency Operations Facility Activation during normal and/or off-hours'.6 3.6.1 Assists the Communications Coordinator in completing and obtaining Site Emergency Director approval of Notification Fact Sheet(s) data.

3.6.2 Ensures that the TSC/CR Liaison and TSC/EOF Liaison are qualified plant personnel. )12 3.7 3.7.1 Obtains the emergency notification information provided to him/her to assess emergency response needs.

EPP-20 -3 April 1989

3.7.2 Makes secondary emergency secondary positions listed in position(s)

EPP-20, call-out to fill Figure 6, as required by the those emergency notification information received.

4.0 4.1 None 5.0 None 6.0 6.1 This procedure EPP-20 should be implemented upon any emergency declaration. It is this procedure that provides the capability for Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to notify New York State, and Oswego County governmental agencies within 15 minutes after declaring an emergency in accordance with 10CFR50, Appendix E, IV. D.3.

6.2 In accordance Corporation shall notify the NRC immediately ~

with 10CFR50.72 (a)(3), Niagara Mohawk Power notification of New York State and Oswego County'agencies and not later than one hour after the time the Site Emergency'irector declares one of the emergency classes. The personnel actions required by this procedure EPP-20 are compatible with this NRC rule.

6.3 Follow-up notifications on emergency event status should. be performed at 30 minute intervals or sooner if emergency event status changes warrant such. This follow-up notification provision with NUREG-0654, Planning Standard II.E.4. and ensures'ompatibility 10CFR50.72 (c)(1) and (2).

6.4 10CFR50.72 (c) (3) requires that the Licensee (NMPC) maintain an open, continuous communications channel with the NRC Operations Center upon request by the NRC and 10CFR50 Appendix E, IV E.9.d.

requires provisions for communications by the licensee with NRC Headquarters and the appropriate NRC Regional .Office. IE Information Notice No. 86-97 provided clarification and guidance on the operation of applicable communication system. The Notice emphasized the need that knowledgable individuals be assigned to communicate essential reactor safety information over the ENS during an emergency and that the licensee is expected to maintain open channels throughout the course of an event. Figure 7 represents the information in the order it will typically be .requested by the NRC. The ENS Communicator in the TSC should be prepared to provide Figure 7 information. It is expected that the NRC will request updates every 30 minutes.

6.5 Following an emergency event, all Emergency Preparedness Department forms and checklists, completed when notified that another plant on-site had declared an emergency, should be forwarded to the Manager Emergency Preparedness.

EPP-20 -4 April 1989

7.0 I

'12 I

None 8.0 8.1 (See EPP-20, Figure 1, Control Room Communications Aide Checklist) 8.1.1 Obtain copies of the following from the Emergency Procedures Checklist Bin located in the Control Room:

Control Room Communications Aide Checklist (EPP-20, Figure 1)

Notification Fact Sheet Part I (See EPP-20, Figure 4a for sample)

Emergency Contact Forms packet (EPP-20, Figure 5) 8.1.2 Fill out the Notification Fact Sheet Part I with assistance of the SSS or the STA and provide the completed form to the SSS/SED for his review and signature.

8.1.3 Turn on communications equipment and set up communications area, (Assure volume on all channels of radio console are turned up to monitor communications) ~

I 8.1.4 Make initial notifications as follows:

a'. The Affected Unit should make initial notifications to the individuals and organizations as listed on the Emergency Contact For'ms (EPP-20, Figure 5) following the procedure specified in EPP-20, Section 9.0. Operate the REGS Hotline in accordance with EPP-20, Section 11.0. 12

b. The Unaffected Unit should make Sympathetic. Alert emergency initial .notifications to NRC only, other initial notifications are not necessary.

8.1.5 Notify the SSS of the status of the 15 minute initial notification time limit, completion of initial notifications, any problems encountered, and any additional information requested by the contacted individuals/organizations.

8;1.6 Upon completion of initial notifications, 'make follow-up communications as specified in EPP-20,. Section 10.0. ~

12 8.1.7 If the emergency is reclassified (higher or terminated), complete the Notification Fact Sheet Part I for the new classification and make notifications in the manner specified in Section 9.0 for the initial notification of an emergency.

EPP-20 -5 April 1989

8.1.8 When .the Communications Coordinator (or designee) calls from the TSC, provide status of emergency notifications completed, information on the status of the 15 minute time required for initial notification, .

additional inform'ation that has been requested and by whom, and any further information appli.cable or requested.

8.1.9 Advise the SSS/SED when the Communications Coordinator (TSC) assumes )12 off-site communications responsibility, and continue to maintain communications between the Control Room and TSC as directed by the SSS/SED. In thi.s latter role, frequently. request emergency status information from the TSC and provide this data to the SSS/SED. When requested by the TSC, obtain plant status, and radiological and/or meteorological information, and provide this data to TSC personnel.

8.2 (See EPP-20, Figure 2, Communications Coordinator Checklist) 8.2.1 Obtain copies of the following:

Notification Fact Sheet Parts I, II and III (EPP-20, Figures 4a, 4b, 4c, or 4d)

Emergency Contact Forms packet (EPP-20, Figure 5)

ENS Telephone Communications Data Sheets (EPP-20, Figure 7).

li2 8.2.2 Contact Control Room (SSS or Communications Aide):

a. Determine which emergency any.

notifications have been completed, if

b. Determine information necessary for the completion of the Notification Fact Sheets, Parts I, II and III (wind speed, wind direction, status of safeguards, etc.)
c. Advise the Affected Control Room you are assuming emergency no tification responsibility.

8.2.3 If off-hours and Nuclear Security has not completed all their calls, assist them in completing their calls using EPP-20, Figure 3 and as noted in Section 8.3.

8.2.4 Contact System Power control and determine if they have completed all t 12 their notifications. If they have not, assist them if necessary. I 8.2.5 Fill out, or have Tech. Data Coordinator or designee fill out, the I12 Notification Fact Sheet - Part I for initial notification (Figure 4a) and Notification Fact Sheets Parts I, II and/or III (Figures 4a, 4b>

4c or 4d respectively) for follow-up notifications as information becomes available. Have these sheets reviewed and initialed by the SED.

EPP-20 -6 April 1989

8.2.6 Determine from the SED protective actions to be taken by the Nuclear Training Center and Energy Center personnel or visitors.

8.2.7 Establish communications area in TSC and obtain sufficient staff from OSC If using approved personnel lists of EPMP-3, Attachment 2.

8.2.8 Initiate notifications to the individuals and organizations listed on the Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5) following the procedure specified in EPP-20, Section 9.0. Operate the RECS Hotline [12 in accordance with EPP-20, Section 11.0.

8.2.9 During normal hours, if the emergency is classified or escalated to an Alert or higher, contact the OSC and Nuclear Training Center, as appropriate, and request that site personnel with EOF emergency responsibilities as listed in EPP-20, Figure 6 be sent to staff the EOF.

8.2.10 As verification calls are received and/or additional information is requested, record verification on the Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5). Upon completion of'nitial notifications, make follow-up notifications as specified in EPP-20, Section 10.0. (

12 8.2.11 Keep -the SED appraised of the status of notifications, any problems encountered and additional information requested. Provide status of notification by message forms 'to the Technical Data Coordinator for posting on the Emergency Events Status Board.

I 8.2.12 updated information on the emergency events at intervals of approximately 30 minutes to governmental agencies as appropriate; 8.2. 13 If the emergency is reclassified (higher or terminated), complete the Notification Fact Sh'eet Part I (EPP-20, Figure 4a) and, if information is available Notification Fact Sheets Parts II (obtain t12 from Radiological Assessment Manager or designee) and III (EPP-20, Figures 4b, 4c, and/or 4d) for the new classification. Make notifications in the manner specified in EPP-20, Section 9.0 for the i 12 initial notification of an emergency. If off-hours, also make notifications ,required by Nuclear Security ,per Section 8.3 and 12 EPP-20, Figure 3. f 8.2.14 Ensure that the ENS telephone lines are continuously manned by qualified NMPC personnel if requested by the NRC. Figure 7 or other 12 similar data sheets may be used to provide information to the NRC.

8 2.15 Coordinate with the Rad Assessment Manager to ensure that. the HPN telephone lines are continuously manned by qualified members of the 12 RAD/DOSE Assessment Staff if requested by the NRC.

8.3 8.3.1 Contact Control Room and acknowledge receipt of emergency alarm and announcement.

EPP-20 -7 April 1989

8.3.2 During off-hours obtain the information noted in EPP-20, Figure 3 and perform necessary notifications required by Figure 3, Security Of f-Hours Emergency Contact Lis t. At lees t one individual must be contacted for each designated position on the contact list.

Follow the instructions below if you must use the telephone page: 12 Dial the pager telephone number and give the following 12 I


This is Nine Mile Point Security. Please Call Security at After this message is given, hang up, dial the pager phone number again and repeat the message.

8.3.3 Set up the Site Access Emergency Status Board in accordance with EPP-14.

8.3.4 During normal hours, notify the Nuclear Training Center Receptionist with the information in Message f13 of EPP-20, Figure 3.

8.3.5 During normal and off-hours, notify the Security Guard at the Nuclear Training Center to unlock all doors of the EOF complex.

8.3.6 During off-hours, notify the Affected Unit SSS/SED that notifications have been made. Identify problems encountered.

8.3.7 If the station evacuation alarm is sounded or precautionary staffing of TSC is announced, send a security representative to the TSC to act as the Security Liaison to coordinate security response to the ( .

emergency with the Site Emergency Director. il2 8 3.8 When the Communications Coordinator (or designee) calls from the TSC; provide status of emergency notifications completed and any additional information applicable.

8.4 l2 8.4.1 'rite down the emergency message Nuclear Security will read to you.

f 8.4.2 Evaluate the information provided in the emergency message.

8.4.3 Evaluate information received and make secondary notifications to Figure 6, as fill appropriate.

those secondary positions listed in emergency EPP-20, 8.4.4 From the steps mentioned above, provide the personnel filling secondary positions with instructions on their respective response to the emergency, including where to report.

EPP-20 -8 April 1989

9.0 The Control Room Communications Aide or the Communications Coordinator (or designee) will notify Oswego County and New York State within 15 minutes of the event classification. All notifications should be made in accordance with Figure 5 contact forms as follows:

9.1 Perform the item stated in the message section of the Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5) using, information from an approved Notification Fact Sheet Part I. The Control Room Communications Aide or the Communications Coordinator may approve each message where indicated provided that information has been transcribed from the most up-to-date and approved Notification Fact Sheet Part I. The SSS/Site Emergency Director may edit or provide supplemental information to messages provided he initials the message approval.

gpss e All initial and follow-up notifications should be made by telephone, with a radio used only. as a.backup if the telephone systems are inoperative.

9.2 Contact each organization or individual in accordance with EPP-20, Figure 5 contact forms using the primary (first) telephone number or method listed. If an answering machine is encountered, leave a

'message but do not 'onsider this as. j:ompleting a notification.

Continue making necessary contacts to assure 'that the organization, individual or primary positions listed are notified. If the individual .cannot be contacted by the primary number or method listed, try the alternate telephone numbers or method listed.

ggJe ~

Every effort shall be-made to contact the following organizations (EPP-20, Figure 5):

Nuclear Security (Off-hours)

Oswego County New York State System Power Control, Shift Supervisor Power Operations NRC 9.3 If an individual cannot be contacted in a reasonable .period of time (such as 6 rings), bypass that individual and proceed to the next individual on the list. After several other notifications have been completed or after all notifications have been completed, attempt to contact any bypassed positions. If an individual for a position still cannot be contacted, consider other methods such as radio, paging, dispatching a courier or relay through another party.

EPP-20 -9 April 1989

9e4 W hen the party answers, read the message section of the Emergency Message Form or follow the directions therein.

9.5 If directed to read the Notification Fact Sheet Part I, do so following the instructions on the Control Room Communications Aide Checklist.

9e6 After the notification has been completed, ask the individual if all the information has been errors.

recorded, and if necessary, correct any 9.7 Direct the individual to notify the appropriate individual(s) in his organization in accordance with that organization's emergency plan.

9.8 Remind the individual that they should call back and verify the I12 initial notification call if this initial notification is being made on other than a dedicated phone line. Record any verification calls received on the Communications Log, or on the Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5).

9.9 Record the name of the individual contacted and the time of contact on the Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5).

9.10 Proceed to the next party on the Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, ~12 Figure 5).

9.11 Proceed in this manner until all individuals and organizations listed on the Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5) have been notified for the appropriate emergency classification. If time permits telecopy Notification Fact Sheet(s) as applicable. Telecopy numbers, if available, are listed on the Emergency Contact Forms.

10.0 10.1 At approximately 30 minute intervals or as time permits, re-notify those individuals/organizations as required by the Emergency Contact Forms, (EPP-20, Figure 5) ~

For Follow-Up Notifications (including re-classifications) use the (12 Notification Fact Sheets Part I, II and III as information becomes available. Do not delay transmittal of Parts II and III if all information is unavailab'le. Send Parts II and/or III with whatever new data has become available and Xs authorized by the Site Emergency Director.

10.2 If an Fact Sheets obtain and relay

- Parts I, 'I individual requests information not listed and/or the'nformation after III, make on the reasonable all initial Notification efforts to notifications have been completed.

EPP-20 -10 April 1989

The Notification Fact Sheet Parts II and III should be telecopied to the County, State and NRC. Part I will always be provided via voice communications and may also be telecopied to these locations.

10.3 NRC and New York State may request additional information not contained in the Notification Fact Sheets Parts I, II and/or III. If this occurs, request the Site Emergency Director or Technical Data Coordinator as appropriate to assign a technically qualified individual to answer these questions so as not to interfere with other notification requirements.

10.4 As information on the Notification Fact Sheets Parts II and III becomes available or changes significantly, the Site Emergency Director may, at his discretion, relay this new information to some or all of the individuals and organi,zations li.sted on the Emergency Contact Form along with Notification Fact Sheet Part I.

10.5 After transfer of notifications is made to the TSC Communication Staff 'then TSC Communications should provide to the NRC Region I office per Figure 5 Contact Forms (EPP-20).

11.0 Lift handset and press button located to the side of telephone, for several seconds.

11.2 Pause and wait for ring to stop.

11.3 Conduct a roll call on this REGS line to include New York State, Oswego County, .Unit 1 or Unit 2 Control Room (as appropriate) and James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant representatives. Make sure to record these representatives names on the following forms:

Notification Fact Sheet Part I Appropriate Emergency Contact Forms (EPP<<20, Figure 5)

EPP-20 -ll April 1989

To conduct the roll call, announce the following "THIS IS TO REPORT AN INCIDENT AT THE NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR SITE. STAND BY FOR ROLL CALL May be answered by Emergency Management Office during duty hours; NYS Warning Point (State Police) during non-duty fz2 hours It May be answered by EOC during duty hours; Oswego County Warning Point (County Sheriff) during non-duty hours 12 I

3 II

4. "~

Will be answered by JAF Control w

Room Read Notification Fact Sheet Part I and, telecopy as appropriate, 12 Parts II and/or III ~

Repeat information only for NYS Warning Point. If others request repeated information, indicate that provided by the NYS Warning Point upon'conclusion of the it will be message.

Conduct a verification roll call of the stations listed above asking (station name), di.d you copy'"

Sign off stating "Nine Mile Point Unit (1 or 2) out at (time) (date)."

Record dissemination of information on appropriate Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5), and on the Communications Log.

12 The emergency related actions required to be completed by . this procedure should be completed in accordance with the instructions outlined in this procedure.

EPP-20 -12 April 1989


Unit 1/Unit 2 (Circle One)

l. Obtain forms from Emergency Procedures Checklist Bin.
a. Notification Fact Sheet Part I (EPP-20, Figure 4a)
b. Emergency Contact Forms packet (EPP-20, Figure 5).
2. Notification Fact Sheet Part I line 2 to end filled out and initialed by SSS.
3. Communications equipment on; area met up (radio, etc.).
4. Make those notifications listed on the Emergency Contact Forms (found in EPP-20, Figure 5).

ggJ e i 12 Refer to Procedure EPP-20, Section 9.0, also seei Instructions for the Use of. The Notification Fact.

Sheet Part I attached to this Checklist.

Every effort shall be made to contact the following organizations'.

12 Qgwe~~ty (EPP-20, Figure 5b) 12 Oswego County Emergency Management Office gr County Warning Point (Oswego County gheriff) t (EPP-20, Figure 5c) 12 NYS Department of NYS Warning Point Health ~ I Shift Supervisor Power Operations 12 Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation t (EPP-20, Figure 5g) (

12 Duty Officer, Headquarters Operations Center EPP-20 -13 April 1989

ZIQQEPM (Continued)


Unit 1/Unit 2 (Circle One)

5. Notify SSS of completion of notification/problems/questions.
6. Transfer notification responsibility to Communication Coordinator (or designee) in TSC and advise SSS/SED of transfer.

ggj: Continue as Communications Aide to SSS/SED. Keep SSS/SED informed of emergency status by frequently requesting updates from TSC and providing the same on plant status to TSC.

EPP-20 -14 April 1989

~ 8 ~ 'h hA ' ~ p ~ ~

ZXggE~ (Cont'd)

Section A: This section to be completed at time of message transmission.

Complete the Fact Sheet as Follows:

Indicate the date and time the message is transmitted and method used. If the message is being transmitted to agencies at di.fferent times then write the time the first message was given to any contact. Enter how the message was given such .as RECS, etc. as noted.

Place a X over the appropriate lettered box (~).

Write your name and title, do not use acronyms or abbreviation for title (e.g. AOB write "Operator" ).

Place a X over the appropriate lettered box.

Place a X over the appropriate lettered box.

Place a X over the appropriate lettered box. If "other" write specific information such as "courtesy notification of abnormal event", etc.

Place a X over the appropriate lettered box. If ~/

time the emergency was declared by the Site Emergency Director, write date and .

Provide ~

the time the initiating event occurred.

summary of the incident or plant conditions in layman's terms. Avoid use of acronyms or technical jargon (e.g. Do not say "SRV did not seat", Do say "Safety Relief Valve did not close and seal" ) ~ If the emergency classification has changed, provide information here.

Place a X over the appropriate lettered box.

10 Place a X over the appropriate lettered box. Refers to accidental release of radioactive material.

Place a X over the appropriate lettered box. If there is an ongoing release this can be indicated on line 8 under Brief Event Description.

12 Plac or over the appropriate lettered box. If lettered box

/ is marked then circle the ERPA numbers as directed

~/ by SSS/SED or SED in the TSC.

13 Place a X over the appropriate lettered box as directed.

t EPP-20 -15 April 1989


ZLQQU~ (Cont'd)

Section A continued:

<<]4 Enter wind speed in miles per hour (mph). If there is no release or (

12 an elevated release enter the mph from the 200 ft. elevation of the main tower, or backup. If consi.dered to be a ground level release enter mph from 30 ft level. Normally Chemistry Technician is available to obtain this data. If a release point is not known, the 200'levation data should be used. I 12

<<15 Enter wind direction using same criteria as used for line 14. I 12 12

  • 16 Enter the stabil'ity class-based on the data used in lines 14 and 15.

<<17 Enter AT for 200-30 elevation or 100-30 ground level value. 12 18 , Place Z over appropriate lettered box.

Upon completion of the Notification Fact Sheet SSS/SED or SED in TSC for his review and signature.

Part I, provide it to the

  • This information should be obtained from the Dose Aspessment Advisor the Control Room Communication Aide is completing Notifications Fact Sheet if Part I and from the Radiological Assessment'anager or Designee 'if the TSC 12 Communications is having Notification Fact Sheet Part I completed.

EPP-20 -16 April 1989

ZXgg~ (Cont'd)

Section B: This section provides instructions on how to provide the Notification Fact Sheet - Part I information over the REGS dedicated line.

l. Assure the Notification Fact Sheet Part I is completed and the Emergency Director signature line is signed.
2. Obtain the Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5).
3. Using Figure 5a, copy the appropriate information from the Notification Fact Sheet Part I to the Security message on Figure 5a.
4. Next provide this data to agencies via the REGS line, to do this.

A. Lift the yellow RECS telephone handset and press the ringer button located on the side of the telephone. Hold this ringer button in for approximately 5 seconds.

B. Read the introductory paragraph on the Notification Fact Sheet - Part I which states: 'THIS IS TO REPORT AN INCIDENT AT THE NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION. STANDBY FOR ROLL CALL. ~ ~ .".

I C. Pause to permit individuals to obtain their copies of forms on which they will record the information you will read to them.

5. Conduct a roll call by stating "Roll Call. New York State Warning Point (wait to obtain an answer) then continue to include Oswego County Warning Point (pause) and James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant (pause). Also, the .Unit 1 or Unit 2 Control Room should answer. Ask for and record names given.
6. Upon completion of roll call, read the Notification Fact Sheet

. Part I.

7.. Read the information on the Notification Fact Sheet. Do so by reading each line item number, letter designation and the associated information.

8. Upon corn'pletion state "This is the end of the message". Then ask if everyone has received the message, provide corrected message information if necessary.
9. After all information is provided state "Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station (Unit 1, Unit 2 or TSC, etc.) out".
10. Message is completed.

EPP-20 -17 April 1989


Unit 1/Unit 2 (Circle One)

l. Obtain the following forms:

ao Notification Fact Sheets, Parts I, II and/or III (EPP-20, Figures 4a, 4b, 4c and 4d) as necessary.

b. Emergency Contact Forms (EPP-20, Figure 5) c~ Security Off-Hours Emergency Contact Lis't (EPP<<20, Figure 3, Off-hours only).
2. Contact Control Room (SSS/SED or Control Room Communications Aide):

Determine which required emergency notifications have been completed.

b. Determine information for Notification Fact Sheet(s).

-C ~ Advise Cohtgol Room you are assuming emergency notification duties.

3. Contact System Power Control to:
a. Determine emergency notifications completed.

Assist in completing notifications if necessary.

4. During off-hours contact security and determine what emergency notifications have been completed.
5. Have the Technical Data Coordinator (or designee) appropriate Notification Fact Sheets for the level of fill out notification and have them reviewed and initialed by Site Emergency Director.
6. IDetermine from the Site Emergency Director:
a. Actions to be directed for unaffected unit, Training Center and Energy Center 7.'stablish communications area in TSC and obtain sufficient staff from OSC per approved personnel lists of EPMP-3.

EPP-20 -18 April 1989

JANE (Continued)


Unit I/Unit II (Circle One)

8. Make initial notifications and/or follow-up notificati.ons as appropriate using Emergency Contact Forms (found in EPP-20, Figure 5).

ggJ o Refer to Procedure EPP-20, Section 9.0.

Every effort shall be made to contact the following~


tg (EPP-20, Figure 5b) iz Oswego County Emergency Management Office gX [

County Warning Point (Oswego County Sheriff) 12 I

NYS Department of Health gz NYS Warning Point Qgg~t~w Shift Supervisor Power Operations '12 Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation I Rl5:Xkax Keg~~gMogggiagign (EPP-20, Figure 5g) '12 Duty Officer, Headquarters Operations Center

9. During normal hours, if the emergency is classi.fied as an Alert or higher, contact the OSC and Nuclear Training Center, as appropriate, and request that site personnel listed in EPP-20, Figure 6 be sent to staff the EOF and Joint News Center.
10. (Off-hours only) Complete Security's emergency notifications per Section 8.3 and EPP-20, Figure 3.
11. Keep Site Emergency Director and Technical Data Coordinator appraised of notification status, problems, and/or questions via status boards and/or message forms.

EPP-20 -19 April 1989

In the event of an emergency, during off-hours the Control Room Communications Aide will provide the following data to security: (for an Unusual Event, only items a through g are required). As the Control Room communications reads this information, Security will enter the information on this sheet:

a. This (is/is not) a drill.
b. Affected Unit:
c. Emergency Classification:
d. Type of Incident:
e. If required: Protective Actions for the Energy Center:

Visitors (await further instructions/leave area/assemble inside/etc.)

NMPC Personnel (await further instructions/leave area/assemble inside/etc.)

f. If required: Protective Actions for the Nuclear Training Center:

Visitors (await further instructions/leave area/assemble inside/etc.)

NMPC and Contractor personnel (await further instructi'ons/leave area/assemble inside/stand by for further instructions/etc.)

g. Radioactive Release (has/has not) occurred.
h. Wind Direction: (from)

Assembly Point(s): (TSC/EOF/AEOF)

After Security has entered the information above, transfer the appropriate information above to the Emergency Messages on Figure 3, Part II (next page).

EPP-20 -20 April 1989

ZrggRF~ (Cont d)

Security will enter appropriate information from the Emergency Information Data found on Figure 3, Part I (preceding page) to the messages below:

MESSAGE 81 "This is Nine Mile Point Security. I am making an emergency drill.

(I/II) are position being 'o tif notification. This (is/is not) has declared ied as

) Pg a

a(n) (state emergency class) the (name Nine Mile Point Uni,t the You emergency Type of incident:

"Contact the Control Room for further information and instructions."

MESSAGE 82 "This is Nine Mile Point Security: I am making an emergency notification. This (is/is not) a drill. Nine Mile Point Unit (T/Zl) has declared a(n) (state emergency class)

Direct all visitors at the Energy Center to (await further instructions/leave the area/assemble inside the Energy Center/etc.) Direct all NtMPC personnel to (await further instructions/leave the area/assembly inside the Energy Center/etc.) Turn off the ventilation and stand by for further instructions."

MESSAGE f53 "This is Nine Mile Point Security. I am making an emergency notification. This (is/is not) a drill. Nine Mile Point Unit (I/II) . has declared a(n) (state emergency class)

Direct all visitors at the Nuclear Training Center to (await further instructions/leave the area/assemble inside the Nuclear Training Center/etc.) Direct all NMPC personnel to (leave the area/assembly inside . the Nuclear Training Center) Stand by for further instructions."

MESSAGE 84 "This is Nine Mile Poin t Security. I am making an emergency notification. This (is/is no t) a drill. Nine Mile Point Uni t (I/II) has declared a(n) (state. emergency class)

You are being notified as the (name the emergency position)

Assemble immediately at the (TSC/EOF/AEOF) with required departmental personnel."

Radioactive release (has/has not) occurred.

Wind direction (from): degrees (other designation )

f Wind Speed MPH I 12 Meteorological data elevation: 30'/200'circle as appropriate)

Other data elevation feet.

MESSAGE /P5 Notify SSS that contacts have been made. Inform SSS of any problems encountered and the names of individuals requiring notification.

EPP-20 -21 April 1989

FIGURE 3 (Continuesl)

SECURITY OFF-HOURS KMFRGENCY CONTACT LIST Instruction:'ontact one individual for each of the designatesl positions in order listed. Enter time contacted; name of on-call person ansi phone number of person where indicatede Read appropriate message to the contacts.

NOTE: Unusual Event notifications should be made only to:

  • All asterisked



" personnel.

Personnel of the affected unit, (Brimary and alternates i necessary) 12 Time Emergencv Position, Contacted Personnel to be Contactesl Phone Neater ~Messa e See On-Call Schedules;nr Alert Here Ne. ~Pa er Ne. or'USIHt ter

  • Site Faberge Director (TSC)

+Unit 1 Primary 1 4

+Unit 2 Primarv 1 4 1st Alternate 1 4 2nPl Al,ternate 1 4

+Unit 1 3rd Alternate 4

+Unit 2 3rd Alternate 1 4

  • Operations Dept On-Call
  • Emergency Coorde Primary 4 Alternate 4 1


  • Technical Dept On-Call 4
  • Chem 6 Rad Mgt OnMall Maintenance Coord. (TSC) Primary Al,ternate

+Unit 1 Alternate

+Uni t 2 Alternate  !

iz Clerical On-Call Commun. Coord, (TSC) Primary 4 Alternate u ALternate )

Training Dept On-(all

~Security Dept On~ll Fire Coordinator (nSC) Primary Alternate Alternate Storeroom Coorda (OSCAR +Unit 1 Primary 4

+Unit 2 Alternate 12

+Unit 2 Primary 4

+Unit 1 Alternate Fnergy Center Hectare rratnina Center

  • SSS - Unit I 5 eSSS Untt Zt '

t 5 NOTE: Send a copy of this list to the TSC when completede EPP-20 -22 April 1989


1. Message transmitted at Dat Time:

(le. 0. ee (el!!e!e (nL'<I (n(ee I!!!,CIHNwoll(ne. (Ic, I

2. Facility providing Information: GQ Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit t1 IEI Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit t2
3. Aeportedby: Name Title
4. Acported from: OQ Control Room GQ TSC 33 EOF, 38 Other
5. This... QD is an exercise QQ is NOT an exercise
6. Emergency Classification:


7. X Thisemergencyclassificationdeclared at: Date: Time: '

1Q This is an informational notification Only. This event does not constitute one lo tnc tour emcrgcncy class(fioat(ons.

8. BncfEvent0escription:
9. Plant Status/Prognosis is: X Stable IQ Improving K Degrading K Uni(n(r(en
10. This event involves: X NO abnormal release ot radioactivity K an ATMOSPHERIC RELEASE Of radiOaCtivi:y
i. a releaSe Ol radiOaCthnty tO a BODY OF WATER Xa GROUND SplLL rc'ease ot radioactivity
11. the Z Not Applicable E Continuing X Terminated IE tntermittent
12. Protective Action.'

There is NO need for protective actions outside the site boundary.

3Q The need lor protective actions is under evaluation.

2 SHELTERING recommended in the following EAPA's (G(c(eel(eoiuie SnPn ei 2 3 < S 8 1 8 9 io 11 (2 (3 (e 'is ie er (8 (9 20 zi 22 23 ze zs 28 zr 28 29 CAner 1E EVACUATION recommended in the following EAPA'8;G(e(e coo (xnan(e up< e(

i 2 3 e S 8 2 8 9 (O ii iz (3 ee (S ie er (8 (9 28 2( 22 23 ze 25 28 2 28 !9 Cp.

Basis for protective action reconmendations; X Plant Conditions X Field Measurements 'I Protec:ed '3. coses

14. Wmd Speed MPH 15. wind direchon (trom1 degrees
16. Stability Class Pasquil fA to G) or Grout(haven {I to lv) or Stable. Unstable. Neutral
17. Ambient Temperature ' 18. General Weamer Conditions: .X Ctear Z Cloudy L Rain IE Snow apOr sved by

~ 'CK EPP-20 -23 Apz'll 1989


19. Vessagelransmilredal:gate Time smm(drdennei: cenlralganm Tgc EOF Other I

Based on into/megan avagabte at: Time (td Nard cgtcng

~m ZO. GENERAL RELEASE IHFORMATIOH A. Release started: Oate Time E. Wind speed (99. IL 9( (i4 seam Ctacag B. 9/steeled dress trail et relmsm F. t(VInd direction (tram)

C. Time al termination ol release G. Glaeililr steer 114 meme Ctttcni

0. Reactar shutdown: Gate Time Pasqug A G or Brookhaven I IV or Stable. Unstabte, Neutral

( V. O. Bi (td stars Ceca(

2I. ATMOSPHERIC RELEASE tNFORMATION A. Release height Ft. 0. Iodine release rate Cilsec B. Iodine/noble gas ratio E. Noble gas release rate Ci/sec C. Gross release rate Cllsec F. Particulate activity Cllsec

22. WATERBORNE RELEASE OR SURFACE SPILL INFORMATION A. Volume ol release gallons 0. Total activity reteased CI B. Censenlratinn (grass~dr/nil C. Radtonuciides lnrelease(tnFCI/ml)
23. BOSE/BOSE RATE CALCULATIONS Oata is based on (circle one): A. Inplant Measurements B. Field Measurements C. Assumed Source Term Table betow a ppges lo (circle one) A. Atmospheric Release B. Waterborne Release (HTEORATEO OOSE OOSE RATES 'OVER THE CounsE OF THE ACC(OEHT r Whore coty Rem/hour Chea's Thyro a Ouse Comms(ment Che(a'S ThyrOid Ouse Comr(B(meh(

,4 (i hr. e(tt(osutet Rou Rem Site oou(tjrty a Maes lo Miles MileS


Mr/e/Soda Or Hmo of Ouse Rete t(rv/hil or Metes/pear(os Mes(or(ment Con(sminsten (Ci/m')

124 sears Cstscnl stree(he Oo(e R(te fcvrhrt a tocsecn a S(BO(4(h(f (sue(st Co(g(st(ttrseo(n (octo/taac(tgrl

((c(nsty rtdcl/CC(

EPP-20 -24 April 1989 9

~ ~

EPP-20, FIGURE 4c NOTIFICATION FACT SHEET PART III (Plant Parameter Fact Sheet Unit I)



M I OI Y (Procoss Computer Oisplcyed Time)


RxPrcssure Slg Pressure Relict Valves (EAV)

~ f, 108A 1088 108C 1080 108E 108F Rx Temp.

0 Norm 0 Norm 0 Norm 0 Norm 0 Norm 0 Norm TREHO'SIV'$111 Rx Level 0 Ottn 0 Olin 0 Olin 0 Olin 0 Ofln 0 Olfn SatetyValves ONorm 09lfr.

RxShutdowrlmabual) 3 Yes 2 No time 112 121 122 APRM 00pen 00pen I Open 0 Open 0 Ctosc 0 Close L- Gosc 0 Close Rx Power Level MwE 'F Torus Water Temp Mw'T Torus Water Lvt.

Orywell Temp.


f Cond. Star. Tnk. Lvl.

OrywetlPressure PSlg Rx Wtr. Cleanup Sys Torus Prcssure sig PMP 11 PMP 12 AUX I.V.

0 Norm 0 Norm 0 Norm 0 Nom.

SAFEG VARDS STATUS 0 Offn 0 Olin 0 Olin 0 Ottn Emer Condcnsors RV tlt 0 Open 0 Dose AOS(mahdi) 0 Oper 0 Standby 0 Inop tImC Containmenl Spray System Rvtt2 Q Open 0 Close Llq. Poison Sys PMP I I 0 On Q Ott Torus Cooling Mode 0 PMP12 00n 00tl Containment Spray Mode 0 Oper 0 Standby 0 InOp s

PMP 11 00n 00ft OWtncrt6CAOSys OOper 0 Standby 0 Inop PMP 12 0 On 0 Ott Emer. Vent Sys, 0 Norm 00tfn ShutdownCooting: PMP II 00per 0 Standby 0 Inop Steam flow Kelhr (manual) PMP12 0 Oper 0 Standby 0lnop Coreflow el he PMP 13 0 Oper 0 Standby 0 IbOP Prubary Cont tntegrny (Orywett) (manual) 0 Yes 0 Ho Orywc 0 (rrunual) tune Hydrogen concentration Secondary Cont. Integrity (Rx Bldg.) (manual) 0 Yes 0 No Oxygen concentration

~ime SAFETY INJ ECTION MODES POWER AVAILABILITY SCHEMES Feedwater Flow Kelhr Oitsite: IISKY(NNth) 0 Yes 0 No CAO Flow: PMP 11 Kclhr IISKV(South) 0 Yes 0 No PMP12 Kclhr Onsite: OieselGen.102 0 Yes ONo Core Spray: Loop 111/112 0 Norm 0 Olin Diesel Gen. 103 0 Yes Ol'o HOA II 12ftow 0 Norm 00lfn

~ BatteryBoard 11 Q Norm QOllr.

HPCI Status Ll Vks 0 Ho BatteryBoard12 QNorm OOttn



-20 -25 April l989


Y NlASARA O MOHAWK s ~ s GATE M/0/Y TIME MAJOR PARAMETERS carrie TIME MISC. SYSTEM/COMPONENTS RXPccssure Salety Retict Valves 0 Open 0 Closed Rx Temp(manual)

AOS QOpen QClosed Rx water Cleanup System (manual) QOpcr 0Standb Rx Level 0 Inop Rx Shutdown (manual) 0 Ycs 0 No Residual Heat Removal Systems (manual)

APRM (A, 8, C)

Mode Loop Power Level (manual) Mw 0 Low Pressure Cootant Inj.

(manual) Mw 0 Containment Spray Orywell Pcessure 0 Shutdown Cooling 0 Steam Condensing Orywell Temp 0 Suppression Pool Cooting Suppression Pool: AirTemp 0 Suppression Pool Spray AirPres.

Ocywell Hydrogen Concentration Water Temp Oxygen Concentration VOter Level POWER AVAILABLE SAFEGUARDS STATUS Otlsite: (manual)

Standby Uq. Tank Level x10'gal 115 KV SCriba A r

Standby Uq. Row pm 0 Avaitable 0 NOt Available 115 KV Scribe 8 SGTS: (manual) 0 Operating 0 Standby 0 Inoperative 0 Avaitable 0 Not Avaitable Containment Integrity: (manual)


Primacy 0 Yes 0 No Oiescl Gcncrater (manual)

Secondary QYes QNo Opec Standby Run Standby S/O Inop Onr I 0 0 0 SAFETY INJECTION MODES av2 0 0 0 0 Peedwater Row Kt/hr. Oiv3 0 0 Control Rod Orive: (manual) e KV Emergency Bus 0 Operating 0 Standby 0 inoperative Available Not Available High Prcssure Core Spray Ctv I 0 0 gpm Oiv2 0 0 Low Prcssure Core Spray gpm Oiv 3 0 0 LPCI: Loop A gpcn Batteclcs Emergency Loop 8 Available Nat Avadable Loop C gpm Oiv I 0 Oiv2 0 0 Rx Core Isol. Cooling gpm Oiv3 0 Service Water (manual) Necmal Battery (manual) 0 Available 0 Nol Available  :. Available '" NOt Avaiiable




EPP-20 -27 April 1989


Contact Method: l.


s Requirement:

Security'ell Fill their out the following, Emergency Contact have List, initialed by Security to obtain a copy of (EPP-20, Figure 3) and to SSS and notify write down the information as you read it to them. (For an Unusual Event, address items a through g only).

Message: a. 'his (is/is not) a drill.

b. Affected Unit:
c. Emergency Classification:
d. Type of Incident:
e. Protective Actions for EIC:

Visitors (leave area/assemble inside).'MPC Personnel (leave area/assemble inside/report to emergency posts

f. Protective Actions for Training Center:

Visitors (leave area/assemble inside)

NMPC and contractor personnel (leave area/

assemble inside/report to emergency posts/stand by further instructions.

g. Radioactive Release (has(has uot) occurred
h. Mind Direction: (from)
i. Assembly Point(s): 'TSC/EOF/AEOF)


Message Given by: Start Time:

Person Contacted: End Time:


EPP-20 -28 April 1989

ZIKRlMh Oswego County Emergency Management Office/

County Warning Point (Oswego County Fire Control)

Contact Method:


~ ~q Requirement: Notify at gQJ, emergency classifications, provide follow-up information as required. (g}XE: The Oswego County

, Emergency Management Office at the County EOC should receive all follow-up notifications. In general, however, the Warning Point will receive all notifications during off-hours.')

Message: Read Notification Fact Sheet Part I (Figure 4a).


'essage Given by: Start Time:

Person Contacted: End Time:


EPP-20 -29 April 1989

ZZQ!/EF 'h


Department of Health/N.Y.S. Warning Point Contact Method: 1.

24 34 4~


Requirement: Notify at ~ emergency information as required.

classifications; provide follow<<up lt Message: Read Notification Fact Sheet'-. Part I (Figure 4a).

~ ~


e ~


Message Given by: Start Time:

Person Contacted: End Remarks:


-30 April 1989


Q~CG~Lww.'L /gag, Shift Supervisor Power Operations Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Contact Method: l.

20 3~





Requirement: Notify at all emergency classifications:

Provide follow-up information's required.

Message: Call then telecopy or read Notification Fact Sheet Part I (Figure 4a). Instruct contact to implement CPP-l, ~12

'Corporate Emergency Notification Procedure, Date:

Message Given by: Start Time:

Person Contacted: End Time:


EPP-20 -31 April 1989



Unaffected Nine Mile Control Room (Unit 1/Unit 2)

Circle One Station Shift Supervisor (SSS)

Contact Method l.


i' 3.

, 4, Requirement: ""Notify at F1 emergency classifications; provide follow-up as required.

t Message: ~ -""--"Read Notification Fact Sheet Part I (Figure 4a) ~


Message Given by: Start Time:

Person Contacted: End Time:


EPP-20 -32 April 1989


Contact Method: l.

20 3~




Requirement: Notify at ~ 'emergency information as required.

classifications; provide follow-up Message: Read Notification, Fact Sheet - Part 1 (Figure 4a). Request assistance if needed.


Message Given by: Start Time:

Person Contacted: End Time:


EPP-20 -33 April 1989



Headquarters Operations Center Contact Method: l.

20 3~ 12 4~



Requirement: Notify at emergency classifications; provide follow-up

"" informationg3J,as required.

Message: Read Notification Fact Sheet Part I (Figure 4a). State that this notification is being performed under 10CFR50.72.

  • If a backup ~

phone is required to be used because ENS


Hotline (Red Phone) is inoperable, notify the NRC that the 12 Hotline is inopeiable. 'NS Date:

Message Given by: Start Time:

Person Contacted: End Time:


EPP-20 -34 April 1989

li I ~

t 12 3XGKF 'ih


William Cook, NRC Senior Resident Inspector Contact Method: 1.

20 3~



6.  : 12 7.:

~ ~

Requirement: Notify at ~ emergency information as required.

classifications; provide follow-up Message: Read Notification Fact Sheet Part I (Figure 4a).


Message Given by:


Person Contacted:


EPP-20 -35 April 1989

~ r*


Region I Office Contact Method: l.

20 3~

Requirement: f For TSC Communications Only] Contact the NRC Region . I office and notify them that you will be sending telecopies of, emergency information.

Message: Send copies of Notification Fact Sheets Parts I, II and/or III as they are updated. Additional information if directed by the SED.

F. fp '

A ~ 0~




Message Approval (SED):

Time'ime Person Contacted:


EPP-20 -36 April 1989


Contact Method: l.




Requirement: Notify at 't G follow-up only as necessary. (Initial notification performed by Security during off-hours. )

Message: "This (is/is not) a drill. This is Nine Mile Point

.Nuclear Station Snit . We are in a(n)

(s tate emergency class). Notify 'he acting Training Superintendent and make a PA announcement directing individuals to man their emergency posts."

If protective actions are necessary, provide the following: "All visitors at the Training Center are to (await further instructions/leave the area/assemble inside/etc.). Direct all NMPC and contractor.

personnel to (leave the area/ assemble inside/stand by for further instructions).

stand by for further instructions."


Message Approval (SED): Time:


EPP<<20 -37 April 1989




Contact Method: 1.





Requirement: Notify at ~<< x Qe follow-up only as necessary. (Initial notification performed by Security during off-hours.)

Message: "This (is/is not) a drill. This is Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit .- We are in a(n)

(State emergency class). Direct Niagara Mohawk individuals to man their emergency posts."

If protective actions are necessary, provide the following: "All visitors at the Energy Center are to (await further instructions/leave the area/assemble inside the Energy Center). Direct all other NMPC personnel to (await further instructions/leave the area/assembly inside the Energy Center/etc.) Turn off the ventilation and stand by for further instructions."


Message Approval (SED): Time:

Message Given by: Start Time:

Person Contacted: End Time:


EPP-20 -38 April 1989



Contact Method: l.


Requirement: Perform ~~w- g notifications as required for an Mggt (Initial notification performed by System Power Control to the Regional Control District Operator).

Message: Read Notification Fact Sheet Part I (Figure 4a).

Message Given by: Start Time'.

Person Contacted: End Time:


I EPP-20 -39 April 1989



t t Contact Method: l.

2e 3~



ss Requirement: Notify at'~'t follow-up only as necessary.

Message: "This (is/is not) a drill. This is Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station - Unit ~ MY name is and my phone number is . Me are in a(n)

(state emergency class). Please assign deputies to Lake Road at the east and west site boundaries to prevent unauthorized entry."

Date.'essage Approval (SED):

Time.'essage Given by: Start Time:

Person Contacted: End Time:


EPP-20 -40 April 1989


Contact Method:

Requirement: Notify at follow-up only as necessary.

Message: "This (is/is not) a drill. This is Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station - Unit . We are in a(n)

(state emergency class). My . name is and phone number i.s Date:

Message Approval (SED):

Time'essage Given by: Start Time.'nd Person Contacted: Time:


EPP-20 -41 April 1989

~ ~ s I




.Contact Method: l.


Requirement: Notify at ~

follow-up only as necessary.


Message: "This (is/is not) a. drill. This is Nine Mile Point Nnolear Station - Unit . We are in a(n)

(state . emergency class). My name i.s and phone number is Date:

Message Approval (SED): Time:

Message Given by: Start Time:

Person Contacted: End Time.'emarks:

EPP-20 -42 April l989



Contact Method:

Requirement: Notify at ~~

follow-up only as necessary.

Message: "lhis (is/is aot) a drill. This is Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit . We are in a(n)

(state emergency class).

is and phone number is Mention in message that "When INPO Liaison is in the area responding to the emergency, he should contact the Technical Liaison and Advisory Manager located in the EOF at Date:

Message Approval (SED): Times Message Given by: Start Time:

Person Contacted: End Time:


EPP-20 -43 April 1989


Contact Method:

Requirement: Notify .at follow-up only as necessary.

Message: "This (is/is not) a drill. This is Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station - Unit . We are in a(n)

(state emergency, class). My name is and phone number is Date:

Message Approval (SED): Time e Message Given by: Start Time:

Person Contacted: End Time:


EPP-20 -44 April 1989

~ g "j os ~ ~

4i ZIQQRPM The Primary emergency Position listed below has the responsibility to position(s) noted under the secondary positions column when fill those an alert or higher emergency classification has been made.

Primary Secondary Secondary Zeal~ Zaa;Ltiaaa

~ ~

Site Emergency Dixector (TSC) None N/A Operations Dept. On-Call Supv. Supt's of Ops. Nuc. (both) Control Room Emergency On-Call Staff Emerg. Preparedness Dept.

Staff TSC/EOF Technical Dept. On-Call Supv. Technical Data Coordinator TSC Z&C Coordinator TSC Reactor Analyst Coordinator TSC TSC/Control Room Liaison TSC TSC/EOF Liaison TSC OSC Z&C Coordinator OSC CR Advisor for Rx Analysis Control Room CR Advisor for Z&C Control Room Computer Ops & Maint. Supv. TSC Z&C Technicians OSC Computer Technicians TSC Computer Technicians EOF Rx Analysis Technicians OSC Chem. & Rad. Management Rad. Assessment Manger TSC On-Call Supv. Station Surv/Sample Tm Coord TSC Dose Assessment Advisor Control Room Rad. Protection Tm. Coord. OSC TSC R.P. Technicians TSC CR Advisor for Rad. Prot. Control Room CR Advisor for Chemistry Chem Lab Off-Site Dose Assess Manager EOF EOF R.P. Technicians EOF Environ. Survey/STC EOF Meteorological Advisor EOF Radiological Asses. Group TSC Dose Asses. Group EOF R.P.-Downwind Survey OSC Technicians Tech'.P.-OSC OSC Chemistry Technicians Chem Lab EPP-20 -45 April 1989

ZLggR~ (Cont'd)

Primary Secondary Zsm&iua ~t~ Secondary t'SC Maintenance Coordinator (TSC) OSC Coordinator OSC Communicator OSC OSC Comm. Staff OSC Personnel Acct. Coord. OSC Personnel Acct. Staff OSC OSC Damage Control Coord. OSC Mechanic(s) OSC Electricians(s) OSC Unit Supv. Z&C TSC Clerical On-Call Supv. Asst. for Site Emerg. Dir. (1) TSC Clerks (4) TSC Clerks (10) EOF Clerks (4) JNC Records Mgt. Clerks (2) TSC Records Mgt. Clerks (1) EOF Communications .Coord. (TSC) Communications Coord. Staff TSC Training On-Call Supv. EOF Administrator EOF Technical Assistants EOF Technical Briefers JNC Security Dept. On-Call Supv. Security Director EOF Security Liaison TSC Security Coordinator 'STOC Security Guards For On-Site Fire Coordinator (OSC) Unit Supv. Fire Protection OSC Storeroom Coordinator (OSC) Store Keepers OSC Warehouse Staff Warehouse Scheduling/Planning Coord. (EOF) Sched./Planning Staff EOF EPP-20 -46 April 1989

~, ~ ~ ~

ENS Telephone Communications Data Sheets This attachment represents the information that will be requested by an NRC representative via the Emergency Notification System (ENS). It is recommended that the following set of information sheets or other available data sheets be completed (as circumstances permit) by Qualified Plant personnel before contacting the NRC. Figure 7A represents data that corresponds to Uni,t 1 and 7B corresponds to Unit 2.

EPP-20 -47 April 1989

FIGURE 7A Emergency Notification System (ENS)

Telephone Communications Data Sheets

-FOR UNIT 1-The following information should be obtained from the Unit 1 Control Room:

Procedures in use: (8, Title, Purpose)

Normal OP Emergency OP Emer. Plan (EPP, EAP)

SOP's Others Control Room Respiratory/HP Protection Requirements Condensate Storage Tank Level (40 Ft = Full)

Emergency Condenser (op/inop/stdby) 11 12 Shell Temp 11 'F Shell Temp 12 'F Containment Relative Humidity TREND Drywell Air Coolers (IS~inservice/NIS~ot in service)

Sump Level TREND ll 12 13 14 15 16 Sump Level Trend Equipment Drain Tank Floor Drain Tank (Uni.dentified Leakage)

Primary Coolant Gross Activity pCi/cc TREND Primary Coolant DE I-131 Activity pCi/cc ~

TREND Estimated X Failed Fuel The following information should be obtained from either the Unit 1 Control Room or status boards*:

Emergency Classification and Bases (EESB,NS)

YSC Activated Y or N .EOF Activated Y or N (EFSB)

Control Room Personnel: (EFSB)

Shift Supervisor:


8 of other SRO's:

NRC Inspector:

Emergency Ventilation Initiated (PSB): .

OFFSITE AC POWER (PSB): Y or N ON-SITE AC POWER (PSB): Y or N EPP-20 -48 April 1989

D p, she FIGURE 7A Emergency Notification System (ENS)

Telephone Communications Data Sheets

-FOR UNIT 1-The following information should be obtained from ei.ther the Unit 1 Control Room or status boards*:

Emergency Power (PSB): Diesels (op/inop/stdby) 10 2 103 Vital Bus Status (PSB): 1&C Bus 130A RSP11 RSP12 Service Water Status (PSB): Emerg. Service H20 (ls,NIS)

R.B. Closed Loop Cooling Status (PSB):

T.B..Closed Loop Cooling Status (PSB):

Degraded Equipment (EESB, PSB, ETSB):

NMP2 Status (EESB):

Reactor Power Level (PSB): X, / Counts TREND SRM STATUS (PSB):

Operational Mode (EESB): Run Shutdown Standby SCRAM/TRIP (EESB): Y or N Control Rod Status (PSB):

Liquid Poison Activated: X or N MSL Steam Flow (PSB): / EG Lbm/hr Recirc. Pumps (PSB):

Indicate (op/inop/stdby) ll Reactor Coolant Pressure (PSB):


'SIG 13 14 15 TREND

/'reactor Coolant Level (74" normal) (PSB): in TREND

..ecirc. Cool. Loop TEMP (PSB) 11 12 13 14 15 Reactor Cool. Level Control Method (PSB): FW/CRD/HPCI/CS Steam Line Rad L'evel (PRMB): ill Containment Isolation (PSB): Vessel Y 112 or N 121 122 mR/hr Drywell Status (PSB):

Pressure PSIG TREND Temperature oF TREND Rad. Level R/hr (PRMB) TREND 02 Conc. TREND H2 Conc. TREND EPP-20 -49 April 1989


~ x ~ w E ~ ~

FIGURE 7A Emergency Notification System (ENS)

Telephone Communications Data Sheets

-FOR UNIT 1-The following information should be obtained from ei,ther the Unit 1 Control Room or status boards*:

Torus Loop (PSB):

Torus Pressure PSIG TREND Torus Level ft TREND Torus Water Temperature oF TREND Torus Cooling mode Y orN Torus ESF status Torus ADS (PSB):

Core Spray Flow (PSB): ll Other Vessel Nake Up (PSB):

GPM 12 GPM HPCI Flow: GPM CRD Flow: GPM Fire Water Feedwater: GPM CNT SP Raw Water/Core Spray: GPM

  • The status board that contains the listed information is given in parenthesis after the item:

-ARMS = Area Radiation Monitoring Board

-EESB = Emergency Event Status Board

-EFSB = Emergency Facilities Status Board

-ETSB = Equipment/Team Status Board

-PRMB = Process Rad Monitoring Board

-PSB = Plant Status Board

~ -NS = Notification Sheet r

EPP-20 -50 April 1989

~,a ~

FIGURE 7B Emergency Noti.fication System (ENS)

Telephone Communications Data Sheets

-FOR UNIT 2-The following information should be obtained from the Unit 2 Control Room:

Procedures in Use: (8, Title, Purpose)

Normal OP Emergency OP a-Emer. Plan Procedures SOP's Others Respiratory/HP Protection Storage Tank Level (52 Ft=Full): Tank Ft Requirements.'ondensate 1A Tank 1B

a Dryeell Air Coolers: 1A 13 1C 1D 2A 2B 2C 2D BA 3B Sump Level: 1RRND Primary Coolant Gross Activity pci/cc Primary Coolant DE I-131 Activity pci Estimated X Failed Fuel The following information should be obtained from either the Control Room'or status boards*:


'mergency Classification

~ ~

and Bases (EESB, NS)

ZSC Activated Y or N EOF Activated Y or N (EFSB)

Control Room Personnel (EFSB):

Shift Supervisor:



8 of other SRO's:

NRC Inspector:

Stand-by Gas Trtmnt Initiated (PRMB): Y or N OFFSITE AC Power (PSB): Y or N or N ON-SITE AC Power (PSB):

Emergency Power (PSB): Diesels Vital Bus Status (PSB):

Y Div. I 'iv. II Div. III 125 VDC: DIV I DIV II DIV III 2A 2B 3A 3B EPP-20 -51 April 1989

ss ~


FIGURE 7B Emergency Notification System (ENS)

Telephone Communications Data Sheets

-FOR UNIT 2-The following information should be obtained from either the Unit 2 Control Room or status boards*:

Service Water Status (PSB): Emerg. Service Water Status (Is,NIS)

R.B. Closed Loop Cooling (PSB):

T.B. Closed Loop Cooling (PSB):

Equipment (EESB, PSB, ETSB):

'egraded Other Units Status (EESB):

Reactor Power Level (PSB): X / Counts TREND SRM STATUS (PSB):

Operational Mode (PSB):

SCRAM/TRIP (EESB): Y or N Contxol Rod Status (PSB):

Cooling Method (PSB):

Stdby Liq. Control Sys. Activated: Y or N Steam Flow (PSB): / E6 ( bm/hr Recirc. Pumps (PSB):

Running A B Available A B Reactor Cool. Pressure (PSB): PSIG TREND Reactor Cool. Level (184" is normal) (PSB): in TREND Recirc. Cool. Loop TEMP (PSB):

Loop A: F TREND Loop B:

Reactor Cool. Level Control Method.(PSB)

Steamline Activity (PRMB)

Containment Isolation (PBB):

Drywell Status (PSB):


A I 'r B B


TREND mR/hr Temperature: 'F TREND Rad. Level: X(PRMB) TREND 02 Conc: TREND.

H2 Conc: TREND EPP-20 -52 April 1989

FIGURE 7B Emergency Notification System (ENS)

Telephone Communications Data Sheets

-FOR UNIT 2-The following information should be obtained from either the Unit 2 Control Room or status boards*:

Suppression Pool. (PSB):

Pressure: PSIG TREND Level: in TREND Temperature: 'F TREND Cooling: Y or N ADS Actuated: Y or N HP Core Spray (PSB): GPM LP Core Spray (PSB): GPM RHR(A) LPCI MODE (PSB): HX GPM RHR(B) LPCI MODE (PSB): HX GPM RHR(C) LPCI MODE (PSB): GPM Other Vessel Make Up (PSB):

RCIC GPM Feed System GPM CRD Pumps GPM

  • The status board that contains the listed information is given in parenthesis after the item:

( -ARMS = Area Radiation Monitoring Board

-EESB = Emergency Event Status Board .

-EFSB = Emergency Facility Staffing Board

-ETSB = Equipment/Team Status Board.

-PRMB = Process Radiation Monitoring Board

-PSB = Plant Status Board

-NS = Notification Sheet EPP-20 -53 April 1989

J g ~





Oswego County Emergency Preparedness Identification System Control Card Name

{type or print) {Identttlcallon card <<)

Signature Agency Work Address Picture Work Phone tt Home Phone tt EPP-14 -9 January 1983 l

rs r

To EPP 14 OSWEGO COUNTY OFFICE OF EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FIGURE Authorized Access Control Identification Cards e

4 (Example)


Thisis to Cerfify:" h-',~.

This card willbe displayed at whose photograph Photo all times and signature appear, hereon may hatre."..:t ere N'.

emergency'access"'"'.<;- ~

O70 t through M I LITARY.ttndrror ~

POLICE CONTROL"PO~ITS throughout Oswego County~-,-" D SSUED . yEXfsIRAT NQATE I


Black on Light Green

..The beaie'i of. tgiqi ard s'haf1,have ':

Temporaiy'ernerg'en'ccess throujfr.MlLLTARY q8/or CAri III~BER gy, PaI.IO'O".

thro j i, h Q: s ego County P&-II.ITS 0 0200 iJ

- emporary Jdentification Color will be announced as identified for individual exercise or event NEW YORK STATE POLI(E


,~@fI Thisis to certify that ....,

. whose phosogra~h aref sires<ore appear hereoa is a regular~I a@Din ed ...................

in the Rettp York State Police'e .

septsegfgttogggfoggt of 5tote rolice Black on White Purple Insignia EPP-14 -10 January 1983


~ ~

v' Oa FIGURE 4'ont.



I I (' r' Qwhrrseipht tngrkph end.~.

srgneture eppeer hereon miry identification Number PASS.'.:


Black on Peach Sa Daa tt Saatll THE PERSON OESC BED N

'I ~ ' '






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~ I Iawa rara aaaraI rrret ~ OL aerate, tar Iarrs aa I IS ISSUED. Iar

~ 0 Saa ttl OOSSSaa Srarrrt ~ I Iartra

~ arras srararrt t radar Sraaara rar TIIaa SI ~ ollrar Dr rl taararra No Black on White Red Border EPP-14 -ll January ltIR~

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