ML18038A305 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Nine Mile Point |
Issue date: | 06/26/1990 |
References | |
TASK-***, TASK-OR GL-90-04, GL-90-4, NMP1L-0511, NMP1L-511, NUDOCS 9007020100 | |
Download: ML18038A305 (68) | |
NIAGARAMOHAWKPOWER CORPORATION/301 PLAINFIELDROAD. SYRACUSE, N.Y. 13212/TELEPHONE (3(5) 474-1511 June 26, 1990 NMPlL 0511 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commi ssion Attn: Document Control Desk Hashington, D.C. 20555 Re: Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Re: Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Docket No. 50-220 Docket No. 50-410 DPR-63 NPF-69 Gentlemen:
On April 25, 1990, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued a request for information concerning status of implementation of Generic requirements (Generic Letter 90-04). Safety Issue (GSI)
Enclosures and 2 of this letter tabulate the requested 1
implementation of GSIs as applicable to Nine Mile Point Unit status of and Nine Mile Point Unit 2, respectively. 1 Very truly yours, NIAGARA RIINER CORPORATION NONAGON Ccp'.
D. Terry Vice President Nuclear Engineering and Licensing JMT/meed 8609G Enclosures xc: Regional Administrator, Region I Mr. R. A. Capra, Director Mr. R. E. Martin, Pro]ect Manager Mr. H. A. Cook, Senior Resident Inspector Records Management
T Enclosure 1 Nine Mile Point Unit 1 GS I'/HPA NUMBER TITLE APP1.1CAB I L I TY STATUS REMARKS 40 (B065) Safety Concerns Associated with Al 1 BNRs NMPl's Scram Discharge Pipe Breaks in the BWR Scram Piping Inspection Program is System described in our letter dated 12/15/86 and supplement dated 4/2/90.
41 (8058) BNR Scram Discharge Volume Systems All 81IRs NHPl submitted proposed Technical Specification Amendment on 12/27/88 Awaiting approval.
43 (B107) Reliability of Air Systems All Plants NMP1's response to GL 88-14 "Air Systems" is provided in our letter dated 4/1/89 Evaluations and Corrective Actions to be implemented by end of next refueling outage.
51 (L913) Improving the Reliability of All Plants NMPl's response to GL 89-13 Open-Cycle Service Hater Systems "Service Hater Systems" is provided in our letter dated 2/16/90 Evaluations scheduled to be completed by end of next refueling outage.
67.3.3 (A017) Improved Accident Monitoring All Plants NMP1's letter dated 7/31/89 described our compliance with RG 1.97 Additional long term actions will be described in letter currently scheduled for submittal 90 days after startup.
C - Complete NC No Changes Necessary NA Not Applicable I Incomplete E - Evaluating
Enclosure 1 Nine Mile Point Unit 1 GSI /HPA NUMBER TITLE APPLICABILITY STATUS REMARKS 75*(B076) Item 1.1 Post-Trip Review All Plants Refer to our 'letter dated (Program Description and 12/31/85.
Procedure) 75 (8085) Item 1.2 Post-Trip Review Al 1 Plants NHPl's response to Item 1.2 Data and Information Capability is provided in our letters dated 11/8/83, 12/31/85 and telecon dated 11/26/85.
75 (B077) Item 2.1 Equipment Classification All Plants Equipment Cl assi fi cation and Vendor Interface (Reactor Program completed Trip System Components) 12/31/85-Refer to our letter dated ll/2/88.
75 (8086) Item 2.2.1 - Equipment Classification All Plants NMPl letters dated ll/8/83, for Safety-Related Components 12/31/85 and 10/17/88 provide our response to Item 2.2.1.
75 (L003) Item 2.2.2 - Vendor .Interface for All Plants NMPl evaluating the Safety-Related Components requirements of GL 90-03.
75 (8078) Items 3.1.1 & 3.1.2 Post All Plants Item 3.1.1-Refer to ouq Maintenance Testing (Reactor letter dated ll/17/&6.
Trip System Components) Item 3.1.2-Refer to our letter dated 12/31/85.
- GSI item numbers correspond to Generic Letter 83-28 action item numbers.
C Complete NC - No Changes Necessary NA Not Applicable I - Incomplete
- Evaluating 8609G
~ ~
Enclosure 1 Nine Mile Point Unit 1 GSI/HPA NUMBER TITLE APPLICABILITY STATUS REMARKS 75 (8079) Item 3.1.3 Post-Maintenance All Plants Refer to our letter dated Testing-Changes to Test 12/31/85.
Requirements (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B087) Items 3.2.1 & 3.2.2 Post- Al 1 Plants Item 3.2.1-Refer to our Maintenance Testing (All letter dated 11/17/86.
Other Safety-Related Components) Item 3.2.2-Refer to our letter dated 12/31/85.
75 (8088) Item 3.2.3 Post-Maintenance All Plants Refer to our letter dated Testing-Changes to Test 12/31/85.
Requirements (All Other Safety-Related Components) 75 (8080) Item 4.1 Reactor Trip System All Plants NA GSI-75 is concerned with Reliability (Vendor Related Reactor Trip Breaker Modifications) Modifications '- Applicable to PWR's only.
75 (B081) Items 4.2.1 & 4.2.2 Reactor All PWRs NA NMP1 is a BWR Trip System Reliabi li ty-Haintenance and Testing (Preventative Maintenance and Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers) 75 (B082) Item 4.3 Reactor Trip System All W & B&W. NA NHPl is a BWR (GE)
Reliability Design Modifications (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and B&W Plants)
C - Complete NC No Changes Necessary NA - Not Applicable 1 - Incomplete E - Evaluating
Enclosure 1 Nine Mile Point Unit 1 GSI/MPA NUMBER TITLE APPLICABILITY STATUS REMARKS 75 (B090) Item 4.3 Reactor Trip System All H & BH NMPl is a BWR (GE)
Reliability Tech Spec Changes Plants (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and B&W Plants) 75 (B091) Item 4.4 Reactor Trip System Al 1 B&H Plants NA NMPl is a BHR (GE)
Reliability (Improvements in Maintenance and Test Procedures for B&W Plants) 75 (B092) Item 4.5.1 Reactor Trip System All Plants NMPl letters dated Reliability Diverse Trip 7/31/84 and 12/31/84 Features (System Functional provide our response to Testing) Item 4.5.1.
75 (8093) Items 4.5.2 & 4.5:3 Reactor All Plants Item 4.5.2-Refer to our Trip System Reliability Test letters dated ll/8/83, Alternatives and Intervals 7/31/84, 12/31/84 and (System Functional Testing) 4/13/89.
Item 4.5.3-Refer to our letters dated ll/8/83, 2/2/84, 4/30/84, 7/31/84, 7/2/85 and 12/31/85.
C Complete NC No Changes Necessary NA - Not Applicable 1 Incomplete
- Evaluating 8609G
V ~
Enclosure 1 Nine Mile Point Unit 1 GSI/MPA NUMBER TITLE APPLICABILITY STATUS REMARKS 86 (BO&4) Long Range Plan for Dealing All BWRs ISI Program revisions to with Stress Corrosion incorporate GL 88-01 Cracking in BWR Piping requirements are scheduled for completion by next refuel-Tech Spec Amendment No. 107 incorporated the Tech Spec changes requested in GL 88-01.
93 (8098) Steam Binding of Auxiliary All PWRs NA NMPl is a BWR Feedwater Pumps 99 (L&17) RCS/RHR Suction Line Valve All PWRs NA NMP1 is a BWR Interlock on PWRs 124 Auxiliary Feedwater Syst'm AN0-152, Rancho NA GSI 124 is not applicable Rel i abi i ty 1 Seco, Prairie to NHPl.
Island 152, Crystal River-3 Ft. Calhoun A-13 (8017) Snubber Operabi 1 i ty Assurance All Plants NHPl Tech Spec Amendment Hydraulic Snubbers No. 74 revised the NHPl snubber program to meet the intent of GL 84-13.
A-13 (8022) Snubber Operability Assurance All Plants NHPl Tech Spec Amendment Mechanical Snubbers No. 74 revised the NHPl snubber program to meet the intent of GL &4-13.
C - Complete NC - No Changes Necessary NA Not Applicable I Incomplete F - Evaluating 8609G
Enclosure 1 Nine Mile Point Unit 1 GSI/MPA NUMBER TITLE APPLI CAB I I.ITY STATUS REMARKS A-16 (D012) Steam Effects on BHR Core Oyster Creek GSI-A-16 is closed as Spray Distribution 8 NMP-1 described in GL 90-04, Enclosure 2.
A-35 (B023) Adequacy of Offsi te Power All Plants NHPl letter dated 7/14/77 Systems addressed technical concerns-NMPl Tech Spec Amendment No. 67 incorporated required Tech Spec changes.
0-10 Behavior of BHR.Hark III All BNR Hark III NHP1 is a Hark I Plant.
Containments Plants 8-36 Develop Design, Testing and Al 1 Plants wi th OL NA NHPl's OL Application Maintenance Criteria for Applications was before 4/1/80.
Atmosphere Cleanup System After 4/.1/80 Air Filtration and Adsorption Units for Engineered Safety Features Systems and for Normal Ventilation Systems 8-63 (8045) Isolation of Low Pressure Al 1 Plants NHPl letter dated 3/19/80 Systems Connected to the Reactor addressed GSI B-63. NRC Coolant System Pressure Boundary letter dated 4/20/Bl contained Order for Modification of License-See Tech Spec
C Complete NC No Changes Necessary NA - Not Applicable I - Incomplete E Evaluating 8609G
Enclosure 2 Nine Mile Point Unit 2 GSI/MPA NUMBER TITLE APPLICABILITY STATUS REMARKS 40 (8065) Safety Concerns Associated with All OHRs NMP2 complies with NUREG-Pipe Breaks in the BHR Scram 0803 recommendations pn System piping integrity as discussed in USAR Section 4.6.
41 (805&) BHR Scram Discharge Volume Systems All BHRs Refer to USAR Section 4.6
'Functional Design of Reactivity Control Systems and Tech Spec Tables 4.3.6-1,
43 (8107) Reliability of Air Systems All Plants NMP2's response to GL 88-1.4 "Air Systems" is provided in our letter dated 4/1/89.
Corrective actions and evaluations to be implemented by next outage.
51 (L913) Improving the Reliability of All Plants NMP2's response to GL 89-13 Open-Cycle Service Hater Systems "Service Hater Systems" is provided in our letter dated 2/16/90. Evaluations scheduled to be completed end of the second refuel outage.
67.3.3 (A017) Improved Accident Monitoring All Plants C Refer to USAR Table 1.8-1 "Reg. Guide 1.97".
C Complete, NC No Changes Necessary NA Not Applicable I Incomplete
[ - Evaluating .
M Enclosure 2 Nine Mile Point Unit 2 GSI/MPA N(JMBER TITLE APPLICABILITY STATUS REMARKS 7c)'(8076) Item 1.1 - Post-Trip Review Al 1 Plants NMP2's response to GL 83-28 (Program Oescription and "Salem ATWS Events" is Procedure) provided in our letters dated 4/10/84, 12/20/85 and 4/15/86.
75 (B085) Item 1.2 Post-Trip Review- All Plants NHP2's response to GL 83-28 Oata and Information Capability "Salem ATWS Events" is provided in our letters dated 4/10/84, 12/20/85 and 4/15/86.
75 (B077) Item 2.1 Equipment Classification All Plants NHP2's response to GL 83-28 and Vendor Interface (Reactor "Salem ATWS Events" is provided in our letters dated 4/10/84, 12/20/85 and 4/15/86.
Trip System Components) 75 (B086) Item 2.2.1 - Equipment Classification All Plants NHP2's response to GL 83-28 for Safety-Related Components "Salem ATWS Events" is provided in our letters dated 4/10/84, 12/20/85 and 4/15/86.
75 (L003) Item 2.2.2 Vendor Interface for Al 1 Plants NMP2's response to GL 83-2 Safety-Related Components "Salem ATWS Events" is provided in our letters dated 4/10/84, 12/20/85 and 4/15/86.
GSI 75 item numbers correspond to Generic Letter 83-28 action item numbers.
C Complete NC No Changes Necessary NA - Not Applicable 1 Incomplete E - Evaluating 8609G
Enclosure 2 Nine Mile Point Unit 2 GSI/MPA NUMBF.R TITLE APPLICABILITY STATUS REMARKS 75 (0078) Items 3.1.1 5 3.1.2 Post All Plants NMP2's response to GL 83-26 Maintenance Testing (Reactor "Salem ATWS Events" is Trip System Components) provided in our letters dated 4/10/84, 12/20/85 ant 4/15/86.
75 (8079) Item 3.1.3 - Post-Maintenance All Plants NMP2's response to GL 83--.
Testing-Changes to Test "Salem ATWS Events" is Requirements (Reactor Trip provided in our letters System Components) dated 4/10/84, 12/20/85 ar:'.
75 (8087) Items 3.2.1 E 3.2.2 Post- Al 1 Plants NMP2's response'to GL 83-28 Maintenance Testing (All "Salem ATWS Events" is Other Safety-Related Components) provided in our letters dated 4/10/84, 12/20/85 and 4/15/86.
75 (B088) Item 3.2.3 Post-Maintenance All Plants NMP2's response to GL 83-28 Testing-Changes to Test "Salem ATWS Events" is Requirements (All Other Safety- provided in our letters Related Components) dated 4/10/84, 12/20/85 and 4/15/86.
C Complete NC - No Changes Necessary NA Not Applicable I - Incomplete E - Evaluating 8609G
r Enclosure 2 Nine Mile Point Unit 2 GSI/MPA NUMBER TITLE APPLICABILITY STATUS .REMARKS 75 (B080) Item 4.1 Reactor Trip System All Plants Refer to our letter Reliability (Vendor Related dated 4/10/84 Modifications) 75 (8081) Items 4.2.1 & 4.2.2 - Reactor All PHRs NA NMP2 is a BHR Trip System Reliabi lity-Maintenance and Testing (Preventative Maintenance and Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers)
/5 (B082) Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip System All W & 0&H NA NMP2 is a BHR (GE)
Reliability - Oesign Modifications (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and B&H Plants) 75 (8090) Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip System All H & BW NA NMP2 is a BWR (GE)
Reliability Tech Spec Changes Plants (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and B&H Plants) 75 (8091) Item 4.4 Reactor Trip System All B&H Plants NMP2 is a BWR (GE)
Reliability (Improvements in Maintenance and Test Procedures for B&H Plants)
C Complete NC - No Changes Necessary NA Not Applicable I Incomplete E - Evaluating 8609G
Enclosure 2 Nine Mile Point'nit 2 GSI/MPA NUMBER TITLE APPLICABILI TY STATUS REMARKS 75 (8092) Item 4.5.1 Reactor Trip System Al Pl an ts Reliability Diverse Trip 1
NMP2's response to GL 83-28 "Salem ATWS Events" is Features (System Functional provided in our letters dated Testing) 4/10/84, 12/20/85 and 4/15/86.
75 (8093) Items 4.5.2 5 4.5.3 Reactor All Plants Trip System Reliability Test NMP2's response to GL 83-2~
"Salem ATHS Events" is Alternatives and Intervals provided in our .letters dated (System Functional Testing) 4/10/84, 12/20/85 and 4/15/86.
86 (8084) Long Range Plan for Dealing Al 1 BHRs NMP2 response to GL 88-01 with Stress Corrosion in our letters dated Cracking in BWR Piping 7/28/88, 11/1/89, 12/14/89-Tech Spec Amendment No. 8 incorporated the Tech Spec changes requested in GL 88-01.
93 (8098) Steam Binding of Auxiliary Al 1 PHRs NMP2 is a BHR Feedwater Pumps 99 (LB'l7) RCS/RHR Suction Line Valve All PHRs NA NMP2 is a BHR Interlock on PHRs 124 Auxiliary Feedwater System AN0-172, Rancho NA , GSI 124 is not applicable Re i abi i ty 1 1 Seco, Prairie to NMP2.
Island 152, Crystal River-3 Ft. Calhoun C Complete NC No Changes Necessary NA Not Applicable I Incomplete E Evaluating 8609G
0 Enclosure 2 Nine Mile Point Unit 2 GSI/HPA NUMBER TITLE APPLICABILITY STATUS REMARKS A-13 (8017) Snubber Operability Assurance All Plants Hydraulic Snubbers The NMP2 Tech Specs reflect the guidance'given in GL 84-13.
A-13 (8022) Snubber Operability Assurance- Al Plants Hechanical Snubbers 1 The NHP2 Tech Specs reflect the guidance given in GL 84-13.
A-16 (D012) Steam Effects on BHR Core Oyster Creek GSI A-16 is not applicable Spray Distribution 8( NMP-1 NHP2.
A-35 (8923) Adequacy of Offsite Power All Pl ants Refer to USAR Table 1.9-1 Systems "SRP Conformance to Acc.
Cri ter>a".
8-10 Behavior of BNR Mark III All BHR Mark III NMP2 is a Hark II Plant Containments Plants 8-36 Develop Design, Testing and Al 1 Plants wi th OL NC Refer to USAR Table 1.8-1 Maintenance Criteria for Applications Reg. Guides 1.52, 1.140 Atmosphere Cleanup System After 4/1/80 Air Filtration and Adsorption Units for Engineered Safety Features Systems and for Normal Ventilation Systems 8-63 (8045) Isolation of Low Pressure All Plants NC High pressure/low pressure Systems Connected to the Reactor Interlocks exist as described Coolant System Pressure Boundary in USAR Section
Tech Spec Surveillance Requirements in,,
C Complete NC No Changes Necessary NA Not Applicable -.-
I Incomplete E Evaluating 8609G
'o ENCLOSURE 2 FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-220 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Sumar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks 40 (8065) Safety Concerns C (04/02/90) C (12/01/86) The licensee's response, dated
. Associated With 12/15/86, to GL 86-01 described Pipe Breaks In The a piping inspection program BWR Scram System with one alternate to the inspections described in the BWROG-8420 program. The alternate inspection was implemented in the 1986 outage. The review of the alternate inspection, based on additional information provided in a 4/2/90 letter (TAC 71392), is considered a post-implementation review.
Therefore, the licensee's implementation date is considered to be 12/Ol/86.
41 (B058) BWR Scram Discharge .I C (08/02/90) This issue was dealt with by Volume Systems Orders addressing the short term requirements (issued on January 9, 1981) and the long term requirements (issued on June 24, 1983). Classically,
this MPA would have been 2.1-1
r pH
FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-220 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Summar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remar ks 41 (B058) BWR Scram Discharge C (08/02/90) implemented whenever the licensee (cont'd) Volume Systems implemented all requirements of the latter Order. However, the licensee took exception in 1981 to several requirements and these exceptions were not reconciled until the 1987-1990 period. (See licensee letter of January 21, 1988, accession no. 8802170407). These deviations were the subject of inspections in 1987. They were finally resolved and closed out by License Amendment No. 118 on July 3, 1990. Due to the extensive documentation involved, the nature of the issue and the absence of information indicating that the requirements of the MPA, as reviewed and approved by the NRC staff, had been implemented at any earlier time, the effective date of the concluding License Amendment No. 118 (issued on July 18, 1990) is taken on the implementation date for this MPA. See TACS 71823 and 66750.
FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-220 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Sumar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks 43 (8107) Reliability Of I (1992) The licensee responded to Air Systems GL 88-14 on 04/01/89. The implementation is scheduled for the next refueling outage (early 1992). The licensee divided the response into 3 phases. The licensee indicates that the completed Phase I has demonstrated compliance with current system commitments and expectations and that the subject systems have provided reliable and safe service. The staff considers that the licensee's evaluation approach is thorough and that the Phase I actions respond to a high percentage of GL 88-14's require-ments. Accordingly, the staff has not disagreed with the licensee's schedule for completing its actions in response to GL 88-14.
51 (L913) Improving the I (next refueling The licensee responded to Reliability of outage-1992) GL 89-13 on 02/16/90. The Open-Cycle Service licensee plans to complete Mater Systems their evaluation and propose 2.1-3
FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-220 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Summar Licensee Staff GS I/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks 51 (L913) Improving the I (next refueling corrective actions as (cont'd) Reliability of outage-1992) necessary by the end of Open-Cycle Service the next refueling outage.
Water Systems The Project Manager is concerned that, if the licensee waits until the end of the next refueling outage to complete such evaluations, then it will not be able to complete the subsequent actions on the schedule requested by GL 89-13. The staff is requesting the licensee to reconsider the GL and to revise its response to the GL.
67.3.3 (A017) Improved Accident I (to be determined) (a) The Post-Accident Neutron Monitoring Flux Monitoring issue remains open in accordance with TAC 69209. Staff has been to review NMPC's 'equested responses and to provide SE; (b) Further licensee responses to issues identified in inspection audit are to be provided 90 days after startup (by October 29, 1990).
FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-220 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Sumar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks 75 (B076) Item 1.1 - Post-Trip C (12/31/85) C (12/31/85) See licensee's remarks for Review (Program details on all GL 83-28.
Description and items. Dates are those Procedure) of licensee letters.
75 (B085) Item 1.2 - Post-Trip C (12/31/85) C (12/31/85)
Review - Data and Information Capability 75 (B077) Item 2.1 - Equipment C (12/31/85) C (12/31/85)
Classification and Vendor Interface (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B086) Item 2.2. 1 - Equipment C (10/17/88) C (10/17/88)
Classification for Safety-Related Components 75 (LO03) Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Generic Letter (GL) 90-03 issued Interface for on March 20, 1990, provides a Saf ety-Rel ated relaxation of GL 83-28 Item 2.2 Components Part 2. GL 90-03 requires licensees to respond within 180 days of receipt of the letter.
FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-220 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Summar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Tstl e Determination Determination Remarks 75 (8078) Items 3.1.1 5 3.1.2- C (11/17/86) C 11/17/86 Post - Maintenance Item 3.1.1 Item 3.1.1 Testing (Reactor Trip (12/31/85) (12/31/85)
System Components) Item 3.1.2 Item 3.1.2 75 (B079) Item 3.1.3 - Post- C (12/31/85) C (12/31/85)
Maintenance Testing-Changes to Test Require-ments (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B087) Items 3.2.1 8 3.2.2- C (11/17/86 C (11/17/86)
Post-Maintenance Item 3.2.1 Item 3.2.1 Testing (All Other (12/31/85) (12/31/85)
Safety-Related Item 3.2.2 Item 3.2.2 Components) 75 (B088) Item 3.2.3 - Post- C 12/31/85 C (12/31/85)
Maintenance Testing-Changes to Test Requirements (All Other Safety-Related Components) 75 (B080) Item 4.1 - Reactor For all PWRs; NMP-1 is a BWR.
Trip System Reliability (Vendor-Related Modifications) 2.1-6
eX ~
FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-220 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Summar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks 75 (8081) Items 4.2.1 & 4.2.2- NA For all PHRs; NMP-1 is a BWR.
Reactor Trip System Reliability-Maintenance arid Testing (Preventative Maintenance and Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers) 75 (B082) Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip NA For W 8 B&W PWRs; NMP-1 is a System Reliability- BWR.
Design Modifications (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and BEW Plants) 75 (B090) Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip NA NA For W & B&W PWRs; NMP-1 is System Reliability- a BWR.
Tech Spec Changes (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment For Westinghouse and B&W Plants) 75 (B091) Item 4.4 - Reactor Trip NA NA For B&W PWR; NMP-1 is a BWR.
System Reliability (Improvements in Maintenance and Test Procedures for B&W Plants) 2.1-7
FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-220 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Sugar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks 75 (B092) Item 4.5.1 - Reactor C (12/31/84) C (12/31/84)
Trip System Reliability-Diverse Trip Features (System Functional Testing) 75 (8093) Items 4.5.2 5 4.5.3- C (4/13/89) C (4/13/89)
Reactor Trip Item 4.5.2 Item 4.5.2 System Reliability- 12/31/85 (12/31/85)
Test Alternatives Item 4.5.3 Item 4.5.3 and Intervals (System Functional Testing) 86 (B084) Long Range Plan for C (6/29/84) Generic Letter 84-11 requested Dealing with Stress that information be provided.
Corrosion Cracking NMPC's letter of 6/29/84 in BWR Piping provided information in response to GL 84-11. The staff's evaluation of MPA 8084 (TAC 55604) by letter dated 10/29/85 noted that its review of that response was complete. Therefore, 6/29/84 is considered to be the implementation date for 8084.
MPA B-097/GL 88-01 superseded MPA B-084/GL 84-11 (F. Miraglia 2.1-8
FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-220 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Sumar Licensee Staff
.GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Rema's 86 (B084) Long Range Plan for C (6/29/84) memo of 1/25/88 to all PMs).
(cont'd) Dealing with Stress The staff evaluationof the Corrosion Cracking response to GL 88-01 was in BWR Piping provided in a letter dated 5/15/90. GL 88-01 activities are beyond the scope of MPA B-084/GL 84-11 activities.
93 (B098) Steam Binding of NA For all PWRs; NMP-1 is a BWR.
Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps 99 (L817) RCS/RHR Suction For all PWRs; NMP-1 is a BWR.
Line Valve Interlock on PWRs 124 Auxiliary Feedwater NA Selected PWRs; NMP-1 is a BWR.
System Reliability 2.1-9
FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-220 LICENSEE: 'iagara Mohawk Power Corporation.
GSI Status Suranar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Ti t1e Determination Determination Remarks A-13 (8017) Snubber Operability C (09/23/85) C (09/23/85) The licensee responded to this Assurance- GS I/MPA, which is based on the Hydraulic Snubbers ll/20/80 NRC letter to all, licensees, except SEP, by referencing its response to GL 84-13. GL 84-13 provided a revision to the surveillance requirements that were attached to the ll/20/80 NRC letter.
The licensee's responses to the snubber issues addressed by the ll/20/80 letter, dated 4/18/80, 3/20/81 and 10/05/83, were superse'ded by its responses to GL 84-13. These responses, dated 3/13/85 and 5/06/85, were the subject of License Amendment No. 74 which was issued and effective on 9/23/85. Therefore, the implementation date is considered to be 9/23/85 for this GSI/MPA.
FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-220 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Summar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks A-13 (8022) Snubber Operability C (09/23/85) C (09/23/85) The licensee responded to this Assurance- GSI/MPA, which is based on the Mechanical Snubbers ll/20/80 NRC letter to all, licensees, except SEP, by referencing its response to GL 84-13. GL 84-13 provided a revision to the surveillance requirements that were attached to the ll/20/80 NRC letter.
The licensee's responses to the snubber issues addressed by the 11/20/80 letter, dated 4/18/80, 3/20/81 and 10/05/83, were superseded by its responses to GL 84-13. These responses, dated 3/13/85 and 5/06/85, were the subject of License Amendment No. 74 which was issued and effective on 9/23/85. Therefore, the implementation date is considered to be 9/23/85 for this GSI/MPA.
FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-220 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Sugar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks A-16 (D012) Steam Effects on BWR C (04/25/90) C (07/24/85) By letter dated 7/24/85, the Core Spray staff forwarded to the licensee Distribution the safety evaluation on core spray effectiveness in steam environment. The analysis made by the licensee was found acceptable. This letter contained T.S. pages showing changes to the Bases mutually agreed on by the licensee and the staff.
A-35 (B023) Adequacy of Offsite C (ll/09/84) C (11/09/84) License Amendment No. 67 issued Power Systems on 11/9/84 addressed the LCO and Surveillance requirements for equipment that provides for automatic initiation of the diesel 2.1-12
FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-220 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Summar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks A-35 (B023) Adequacy of Offsite C (11/09/84) C ( ll/09/84) generators, should the grid (cont'd) Power Systems voltage degrade.
B-3.0 Behavior of BMR NMP-1 has a MARK I containment.
Mark III Containments B-36 Develop Design, For all plants with OL Testing and applications after 4/1/80; Maintenance Criteria NMP-1 was licensed in 1969.
for Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption Units for Engineered Safety Features Systems and for Normal Ventilation Systems B-63 (B045) Isolation of Low C (04/20/81) C (04/20/81) NMPC letter dated 3/19/80 Pressure Systems addressed GSI B-63. NRC Connected to the letter dated 4/20/81 con-Reactor Coolant tained Order for Modifica-System Pressure tion of license. Also see Boundary Tech Spec
ENCLOSURE 2 FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-220 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Summar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Tit1e Determination Determination Remarks 40 (B065) Safety Concerns See NMPC comments. Also Associated With see closeout in SER 4.6.
Pipe Breaks In The BWR Scram System 41 (B058) BWR Scram Discharge See NMPC comments. Also Volume Systems see closeout in SER 4.6.
43 (B107) Reliability Of I (spring 1991) The licensee responded to Air Systems GL 88-14 on 04/01/89..The implementation is scheduled for the September 1990 refueling outage. Documentation to be completed by January 1991 based on previous commitment which may slip some due to slip in first refueling outage schedule.
51 (L913) Improving the I (03/30/92) The licensee submitted the Reliability of first of two required responses Open-Cycle Service to GSI 89-13 on 2/16/90. The Water Systems licensee plans to complete their evaluation and proposed corrective actions as necessary, 2.2-1
%j e
m FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-220 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Sutmar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks 51 (L913) Improving the I (03/30/92) by the end of the second (cont'd) Reliability of refueling outage. The same Open-Cycle Service concerns exist with this Mater Systems schedule as exist for Unit 1 schedule.
67.3.3 (A017) Improved Accident (a) A License Condition requires Monitoring that an isolation device issue be resolved during the first refueling outage.
(b) See Section of SSER 4 wherein it is stated that NMP-2 meets RG 1.97 except for neutron flux.
75 (B076) Item 1.1 - Post-Trip C (04/15/86) NC (04/15/86) See licensee's remarks for Review (Program details on all GL 83-28 items.
Description and Dates are those of licensee Procedure) letters.
75 (B085) Item 1.2 - Post-Trip C (04/15/86) NC (04/15/86)
Review - Data and Information Capability 75 (B077) . Item 2.1 - Equipment C (04/15/86) NC (04/15/86)
Classification and Vendor Interface (Reactor Trip System Components) 2~2 2
r 0
FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-410 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Sugar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. T1t1 e Determination Determination Remarks 75 (B086) Item 2.2.1 - Equipment C (04/15/86) NC (04/15/86)
Classification for Safety-Related Components 75 (L003) Item 2.2.2 - Vendor GL 90-03 issued on 3/20/90 Interface for requires a response within Safety-Related 180 days. By letter dated Components 8/21/90, the licensee changed the "C" status as shown on their 6/26/90 response to an "E" status.
75 (B078) Items 3.1.1 II 3.1.2 - C NC (4/15/86)
Post - Maintenance Testing (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B079) Item 3.1.3 - Post- NC (4/15/86)
Maintenance Testing-Changes to Test Require-ments (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (B087) Items 3.2.1 5 3.2.2 - C NC (4/15/86)
Post-Maintenance Testing (All Other Safety-Related Components) 2~2 3
C FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-410 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Sumnar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status No. Title Determination Status'etermination Remarks 75 (B088) Item 3.2.3 - Post- C NC (4/15/86)
Maintenance Testing-Changes to Test Requirements (All Other Safety-Related Components) 75 (B080) Item 4.1 - Reactor NA For PWRs. NMP-2 is a BWR.
Trip System Reliability (Vendor-Related Modifications) 75 (B081) Items 4.2.1 II 4.2.2- NA NA For PHRs. NMP-2 is a BWR.
Reactor Trip System Reliability-Maintenance and Testing (Preventative Maintenance and Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers) 75 (B082) Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip NA NA For W 8 B&W PWRS. NMP-2 System Reliability- is a BWR.
Design Modifications (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and BSW Plants) 2.2-4
r FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-410 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Summar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks 75 (8090) Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip NA For W BOW PWRs. NMP-2 is System Reliability- a BWR.
Tech Spec Changes (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment For Westinghouse and BOW Plants) 75 (8091) Item 4.4 - Reactor Trip NA NA for BSW PWRs. NMP-2 is a BWR.
System Reliability (Improvements in Maintenance and Test Procedures for BSW Plants) 75 (8092) Item 4.5.1 - Reactor NC (4/15/86)
Trip System Reliability-Diverse Trip Features (System Functional Testing) 75 (8093) Items 4.5.2 5 4.5.3- NC (4/15/86)
Reactor Trip System Reliability-Test Alternatives and Intervals (System Functional Testing) 2.2-5
FACIlITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-410 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Summar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks 86 (B084) Long Range Plan for C (05/21/84) GL 84-11 requested that Dealing with Stress information be provided.
Corrosion Cracking NMPC's letter of 5/21/84 in BMR Piping responded to GL 84-11.
NMPC indicated that the Preservice and Inser vice Inspection plan submitted as part of the FSAR included inspection require-ments for piping systems that could be affected by I GSCC. Therefore, 5/21/84 is considered to be the implementation date for B084.
Subsequent assessments of the IGSCC issue were included in the SER section 5.2.3 and in the staff's evaluation, dated 8/17/90, of the response to MPA B097/GL 88-01. These latter activities are beyond the scope of MPA 8084/GL 84-11.
C; le C
FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-410 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Summar Licensee Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks 93 (B098) Steam Binding of NA for all PWRs. NMP-2 is a BWR.
Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps 99 (L817) RCS/RHR Suction NA For all PWRS. NMP-2 is a BWR.
Line Valve Interlock on PWRs 124 Auxiliary Feedwater NA NA For selected PWRs. NMP-2 is a BWR.
System Reliability A-13 (8017) Snubber Operability C See NMPC coment.
Assurance-Hydraulic Snubbers A>>13 (B022) Snubber Operability C NC See NMPC comment.
Assurance - Mechanical Snubbers A-16 (D012) Steam Effects on BWR NA Not applicable to NMP-2 Core Spray Distribution 2~2 7
0 4
FACILITY NAME: NINE MILE POINT Unit 2 DOCKET NO.: 50-410 LICENSEE: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation GSI Status Summar Licensee -
Staff GSI/MPA Status Status No. Title Determination Determination Remarks A-35 (B023) Adequacy of Offsite NC See NMPC comment. Reviewed Power Systems for NMP-2 in response to revision of SRP. See SER Section 8.4.1.
B-10 Behavior of BWR NMP-2 has a MARK II containment.
Mark III Containments B-36 Develop Design, NC See NMPC comment. See SER Testing and Section 6.5.5.
Maintenance Criteria for Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption Units for Engineered Safety Features Systems and for Normal Ventilation Systems B-63 (B045) Isolation of Low NC See NMPC comment. See SER Pressure Systems Sections 7.6 and 5.4.7.
Connected to the Reactor Coolant System Pressure Boundary 2.2-8
5' 1