ML19343C850: Difference between revisions

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amEA 0: :E * .1    333-di?-
amEA 0: :E * .1    333-di?-
Feb ruary 9,1981 R3G - 9647
Feb ruary 9,1981 R3G - 9647
                                                  ,                    -  - ,
                                                   ,le  Code  .os. G9.3, ut .4.1 Mr. W. C. Seidle, Chief Resctor Construction & Engineering Suppor: 3 ranch U.S. Nuclear Regula:ory Cc mission Regica IV 611 Ryan Fla:a Drive Suite 1000 Arlington, TX 76011
                                                   ,le  Code  .os. G9.3, ut .4.1
Mr. W. C. Seidle, Chief Resctor Construction & Engineering Suppor: 3 ranch U.S. Nuclear Regula:ory Cc mission Regica IV 611 Ryan Fla:a Drive Suite 1000 Arlington, TX 76011

==Dear Mr. Seidle:==
==Dear Mr. Seidle:==
Line 62: Line 58:
_~        1
_~        1

Attach =tne 1 Page 2 at the rear of the vehicle maintenance shop and were being transported by water to a drainage ditch which leads to the offsite environ =en:.
Attach =tne 1 Page 2 at the rear of the vehicle maintenance shop and were being transported by water to a drainage ditch which leads to the offsite environ =en:.
This . is a Severity Level-V violacien (Supplement II.E.)
This . is a Severity Level-V violacien (Supplement II.E.)
Line 70: Line 65:
: 2. Correc:1ve Steps Which Will 3e Taken to Avoid Further Nonccmpliance:
: 2. Correc:1ve Steps Which Will 3e Taken to Avoid Further Nonccmpliance:
Increased enphasis will be placed en the proper storage, use, and disposal of potentially hazardous chemicals. The procedure for dealing vi:h spills of this type is to be instituted by March 15, 1981.
Increased enphasis will be placed en the proper storage, use, and disposal of potentially hazardous chemicals. The procedure for dealing vi:h spills of this type is to be instituted by March 15, 1981.
: 3. -Date When Full Compliance Will be Achieved:
: 3. -Date When Full Compliance Will be Achieved:
March 15, 1981.
March 15, 1981.
4  Co=ments:
4  Co=ments:
Visual observaticca made folleving .the incident revealed no aquatic floral' or f aunaldamage. Therefore, the environmen:al effec: is considered te=porary and =inor.
Visual observaticca made folleving .the incident revealed no aquatic floral' or f aunaldamage. Therefore, the environmen:al effec: is considered te=porary and =inor.
y      & v}}
y      & v}}

Latest revision as of 07:58, 31 January 2020

Responds to NRC 810115 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-458/80-14.Corrective Actions:Waste Concrete Spoil Area Resloped & Rebermed by 810109 to Prevent Untreated Water from Overflowing Into Adjacent Creek
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/09/1981
From: Draper E
To: Seidle W
Shared Package
ML19343C848 List:
RBG-9647, NUDOCS 8103250427
Download: ML19343C850 (4)



a v


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amEA 0: :E * .1 333-di?-

Feb ruary 9,1981 R3G - 9647

,le Code .os. G9.3, ut .4.1 Mr. W. C. Seidle, Chief Resctor Construction & Engineering Suppor: 3 ranch U.S. Nuclear Regula:ory Cc mission Regica IV 611 Ryan Fla:a Drive Suite 1000 Arlington, TX 76011

Dear Mr. Seidle:

River 3end Statien - Uni: 1 Refer to: RIV Docke: No. 50-458/Ro:. 30-14 This let:er responds to the Notice of Violatica contained in your I&E Report No. 50-45S/S0-14 as required by 10 CFR 2.201. This inspection at the River Bend construction si:e was conducted by Mr. D. 3. . Spit: berg and Mr. L. Wilborn of your staff during the period December 15-17, 1950, of activities authori:ed by NRC Construction Fer:1: No. C??R-143 for River 3end Statica - Uni: 1.

The two items .in the Notice of Violation vere given a severity level V. Fre the cbservations made to date, it has been determined that potential envirencen:a1 impacts resui:ing f rc: :hese two 1: ems are conside' red as minor. Th e re fo re , it is reques:ed :ha:

vo iters be reassigned a severi:y level VI classification.

I: is also requested that the time allcwed for responding to any fu:ure Notices of viola:icn be related to :he late tha: Gulf States U:ilities receives :he Notice and not related :: :he da:e of the No: ice. In :his manner, Gelf S:ates Utili:ies vill be allowed full benefit of the response time allowed . and any inefficiencies 1

in the mail systes will not be :aken fro = :he response time.

8108250 %

Mr. W. C. Seidle, Chief February 9,1981 Page 2 We trus: tha: the enclosed response satisfactorily answers :he concerns raised in your report. We shall be glad to discuss any further points that you nay have.


b '

E. Linn Oraper, ar.

Vice ?residen Nuclear Technology

.,._Di1-a . C e ne a i


1 ANAC*-O!ENT 1 RES?CNSE TO NOTICE OF VIOLATION I A. Failure to Contain Untreated '4ater Runoff From Sooil Decosi: Area I:em 3.E. (1) of NRC Construe: ion Fersic No. 145 references I:es 4.5.l(3) of :he Final Environmental Statement which requires, in part, : hat spoil deposit areas will be selected to ,indmize adverse environ =en=al effect.

Contrary :o :his requirement, a spoil deposi: area had been selec:ed for National Mobile Concrete Corp. such that vash water with a pH of approxi-nacely 12 was overflowing in:o ~4es: Creek.

This is a Severi:7 Level V violation (Supplement II.E.)

CSU Rescense to Violation A

1. Correc:ive Steps Which Have Saen Taken, and the Results Achieved:

The vaste concrete spoil area has been resloped and re-ber:ed to contain any untreated water and to prevent i frc= cverfleving into the adj acent creek. This was ce=pleted by January 9, 19S1.

2. Corrective Steps Which Will be Taken to Avoid Further Nonce pliance:

The corrective steps :aken above should prevent future occurrences of :his :ype. Accumula:ed water in :his area is removed by trans-ferring it to the vash water creat=ent pits for. suspended solids re= oval and neutralization.

3. Date When Full Compliance Will be Achieved:

January 9, 1981.


Visual observaticas made follov1ng the incident revealed no aquatic floral or faunaldamage. Therefore, the environ = ental effec: is considered tenperary and =inor.

3. Failure to ?revent the Release of Used Petroleum ?roducts to the Environment Ita= 3.E. (1) of NRC Construe: ion Permit No. 145-references I em 4.5.l(15) of :he Final Environmental Statement vnich requires, in part, : hat pre-cautions vill be :aken to assure :ha: construe:1on chemicals vill not be released to :he environment.

Contrary to this requirement .used petroleum produe:s were observed en December 15, 1980, :o have been spilled.or :o be' leaking frem a container

_~ 1

Attach =tne 1 Page 2 at the rear of the vehicle maintenance shop and were being transported by water to a drainage ditch which leads to the offsite environ =en:.

This . is a Severity Level-V violacien (Supplement II.E.)

GSU Resoonse to Violation 3

1. Corree:ive Steps Which Have 3een Taken, and the Resul:s Achieved:

Waste lubricants vill no longer be placed in containers behind :he shop, but ' La an underground storage tank. Furthernore, concre:e slabs and ber=s are being constructed at oil dispensing areas. This was completed by February 9,1981.

2. Correc:1ve Steps Which Will 3e Taken to Avoid Further Nonccmpliance:

Increased enphasis will be placed en the proper storage, use, and disposal of potentially hazardous chemicals. The procedure for dealing vi:h spills of this type is to be instituted by March 15, 1981.

3. -Date When Full Compliance Will be Achieved:

March 15, 1981.

4 Co=ments:

Visual observaticca made folleving .the incident revealed no aquatic floral' or f aunaldamage. Therefore, the environmen:al effec: is considered te=porary and =inor.


y & v