ML24228A261 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Waterford |
Issue date: | 08/20/2024 |
From: | Nick Taylor NRC/RGN-IV/DORS/EB2 |
To: | Sullivan J Entergy Operations |
References | |
EA-24-052 IR 2024013 | |
Download: ML24228A261 (27) | |
See also: IR 05000382/2024013
August 20, 2024
Joseph Sullivan, Site Vice President
Entergy Operations, Inc.
17265 River Road
Killona, LA 70057
Dear Joseph Sullivan:
On August 9, 2024, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed an inspection at
Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, and discussed the results of this inspection with you
and other members of your staff. The results of this inspection are documented in the report in
Enclosure 2.
The enclosed report discusses a violation associated with a finding of very low safety
significance (Green). The NRC evaluated this violation in accordance with Sections 2.3.2 and
2.3.3 of the NRC Enforcement Policy, which can be found at
nrc/regulatory/enforcement/enforce-pol.html. The violation met the criteria for treatment as a
non-cited violation; however, because the violation is associated with an ongoing degradation
mechanism in the steam generator tubes for which the cause has not been discretely
determined and actions have not been identified to prevent recurrence, and given that
subsequent follow-up inspection to ensure compliance with your operating license will be
needed, the NRC determined the issuance of a Notice of Violation (Enclosure 1) is appropriate
in this case.
You are required to respond to this letter and should follow the instructions specified in the
Notice of Violation when preparing your response. In addition to the Notice of Violation
response, please include the following in your response: (1) Entergys determination as to the
cause(s) of the ongoing tube wear mechanism in the replacement steam generators, (2) a
summary of any corrective actions taken or planned to address these causes, (3) Entergys
basis for determining the length of the interval before the next steam generator tube inspection
is scheduled, and (4) actions taken or planned to ensure the technical basis for current or future
operational assessments is technically sound. If you have additional information that you believe
the NRC should consider, you may provide it in your response. The NRCs review of your
response will also determine whether further enforcement action is necessary to ensure your
compliance with regulatory requirements.
J. Sullivan
If you contest the violation or the significance or severity of the violation documented in this
inspection report, you should provide a response within 30 days of the date of this inspection
report, with the basis for your denial, to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN:
Document Control Desk, Washington, DC 20555-0001; with copies to the Regional
Administrator, Region IV; the Director, Office of Enforcement; and the NRC Resident Inspector
at Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3.
If you disagree with a cross-cutting aspect assignment in this report, you should provide a
response within 30 days of the date of this inspection report, with the basis for your
disagreement, to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Document Control Desk,
Washington, DC 20555-0001; with copies to the Regional Administrator, Region IV; and the
NRC Resident Inspector at Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3.
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRCs Agency Rules of Practice and Procedure, a
copy of this letter, its enclosures, and your response will be made available electronically for
public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room and from the NRCs ADAMS, accessible
from the NRC website at To the extent possible,
your response should not include any personal privacy or proprietary information so that it can
be made available to the public without redaction.
Nicholas H. Taylor, Chief
Engineering Branch 2
Division of Operating Reactor Safety
Docket No. 05000382
License No. NPF-38
1. Notice of Violation
2. Inspection Report 05000382/2024013
3. Detailed Risk Evaluation
cc w/ encl: Distribution via LISTSERV
Signed by Taylor, Nicholas
on 08/20/24
Yes No
Publicly Available
Enclosure 1
Entergy Operations, Inc.
Docket No. 05000382
Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3
License No. NPF-38
During an NRC inspection conducted from February 1 through August 9, 2024, a violation of
NRC requirements was identified. In accordance with the NRC Enforcement Policy, the violation
is listed below:
Technical Specification 6.5.9.b.1 requires, in part, that all in-service steam generator tubes
shall retain structural integrity over the full range of normal operating conditions, all
anticipated transients included in the design specification, and design basis accidents by
retaining a safety factor of 3.0 against burst under normal steady state full power operation
primary to secondary pressure differential.
Contrary to the above, on November 5, 2023, the licensee failed to ensure that all inservice
steam generator tubes retained structural integrity over the full range of normal operating
conditions, all anticipated transients included in the design specification, and design basis
accidents by retaining a safety factor of 3.0 against burst under normal steady state full
power operation primary to secondary pressure differential. Specifically, in steam
generator 31, tubes R1 C4 and R2 C35 failed to retain a safety factor of 3.0 against burst
under normal steady state full power operation primary to secondary pressure differential.
During in-situ testing, both tubes failed to meet the 5500-psi pressure test 2-minute hold
This violation is associated with a Green Significance Determination Process finding.
Pursuant to 10 CFR 2.201, Entergy Operations, Inc. is hereby required to submit a written
statement or explanation to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Document Control
Desk, Washington, DC 20555-0001, with a copy to the Regional Administrator, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Region IV, 1600 East Lamar Blvd., Arlington, Texas 76011-4511, and
the NRC Resident Inspector at the Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, and email it to within 30 days of the date of the letter transmitting this Notice of
Violation. This reply should be clearly marked as a Reply to a Notice of Violation, EA-24-052
and should include for the violation: (1) the reason for the violation, or, if contested, the basis for
disputing the violation or severity level; (2) the corrective steps that have been taken and the
results achieved; (3) the corrective steps that will be taken; and (4) the date when full
compliance will be achieved.
Your response may reference or include previous docketed correspondence if the
correspondence adequately addresses the required response. If an adequate reply is not
received within the time specified in this Notice of Violation, the NRC may issue an order or a
demand for information requiring you to explain why your license should not be modified,
suspended, or revoked, or why such other action as may be proper should not be taken. Where
good cause is shown, consideration will be given to extending the response time.
If you contest this enforcement action, you should also provide a copy of your response, with
the basis for your denial, to the Director, Office of Enforcement, United States Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.
Your response will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public
Document Room or from the NRCs Agencywide Documents Access and Management System
(ADAMS), accessible from the NRC website at
Therefore, to the extent possible, it should not include any personal privacy or proprietary
information so that it can be made available to the public without redaction.
If personal privacy or proprietary information is necessary to provide an acceptable response,
then please provide a bracketed copy of your response that identifies the information that
should be protected and a redacted copy of your response that deletes such information. If you
request that such material is withheld from public disclosure, you must specifically identify the
portions of your response that you seek to have withheld and provide in detail the bases for your
claim (e.g., explain why the disclosure of information will create an unwarranted invasion of
personal privacy or provide the information required by 10 CFR 2.390(b) to support a request for
withholding confidential commercial or financial information).
Dated this 20th day of August 2024
Enclosure 2
Inspection Report
Docket No.
License No.
Report No.
Enterprise Identifier:
Entergy Operations, Inc.
Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3
Killona, LA 70057
Inspection Dates:
February 01, 2024, to August 9, 2024
R. Deese, Senior Reactor Analyst
J. Drake, Senior Reactor Inspector
R. Kopriva, Senior Project Engineer
J. Mejia, Reactor Inspector
C. Young, Senior Reactor Analyst
Approved By:
Nicholas H. Taylor, Chief
Engineering Branch 2
Division of Operating Reactor Safety
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) continued monitoring the licensees
performance by conducting an Event Follow-up at Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, in
accordance with the Reactor Oversight Process. The Reactor Oversight Process is the NRCs
program for overseeing the safe operation of commercial nuclear power reactors. Refer to for more information.
List of Findings and Violations
Failure to Perform an Adequate Steam Generator (SG) Operational Assessment
[H.1] -
The inspectors identified a Green finding and associated Notice of Violation of Technical
Specification 6.5.9.b.1 when the licensee failed to ensure that all in-service SG tubes shall
retain structural integrity over the full range of normal operating conditions, all anticipated
transients included in the design specification, and design basis accidents by retaining a
safety factor of 3.0 against burst under normal steady state full power operation primary to
secondary pressure differential.
Specifically, the licensees operational assessment in February 2022 allowed too long of an
interval between primary side inspections to maintain structural integrity of steam generator
tubes. As a result, two tubes in SG 31 failed during required in-situ testing in November 2023.
Additional Tracking Items
Issue Number
Report Section
Steam Generator # 1 In-Situ
Tube Pressure Testing
Inspections were conducted using the appropriate portions of the inspection procedures (IPs) in
effect at the beginning of the inspection unless otherwise noted. Currently approved IPs with
their attached revision histories are located on the public website at
rm/doc-collections/insp-manual/inspection-procedure/index.html. Samples were declared
complete when the IP requirements most appropriate to the inspection activity were met
consistent with Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2515, Light-Water Reactor Inspection
Program - Operations Phase. The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records,
observed activities, and interviewed personnel to assess licensee performance and compliance
with Commission rules and regulations, license conditions, site procedures, and standards.
71153 - Follow Up of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion
Event Report (IP Section 03.02) (1 Sample)
The inspectors evaluated the following licensees event reporting determinations to ensure it
complied with reporting requirements.
LER 50-382/2023-003-00, Steam Generator Tube Degradation Indicated by Failed
In-Situ Pressure Testing (ADAMS Accession No. ML23364A001)
The inspection conclusions associated with this LER are documented in this report
under Inspection Results section. This LER is closed.
Failure to Perform an Adequate Steam Generator (SG) Operational Assessment
[H.1] -
The inspectors identified a Green finding and associated Notice of Violation of Technical
Specification 6.5.9.b.1 when the licensee failed to ensure that all in-service SG tubes shall
retain structural integrity over the full range of normal operating conditions, all anticipated
transients included in the design specification, and design basis accidents by retaining a
safety factor of 3.0 against burst under normal steady state full power operation primary to
secondary pressure differential.
Specifically, the licensees operational assessment in February 2022 allowed too long of an
interval between primary side inspections to maintain structural integrity of steam generator
tubes. As a result, two tubes in SG 31 failed during required in-situ testing in November 2023.
Description: As documented in NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000382/2023004
(ML24039A199), the inspectors identified an unresolved item (URI 05000382/2023004-01)
related to the licensees failure to meet the steam generator tube integrity performance
criterion in technical specification (TS) 6.5.9.b.1, Steam Generator Program. During the fall
2023 refueling outage, while performing 100% in-service inspection (ISI) of the steam
generator tubes, eddy current testing (ECT) on SG 31 identified four (4) tubes with wear flaws
exceeding the condition monitoring structural limit at the tube support plates (TSP). The four
deficient SG31 tubes were R1 C4, R1 C112, R1 C138, and R2 C35 (where R is row and C
is column); Electric Power Research Institute guidelines required in-situ pressure testing of
these tubes based on the identified flaws.
On November 5, 2023, failed in-situ pressure testing on tubes R1 C4 and R2 C35 resulted in
a degraded condition for not meeting the performance criteria for steam generator structural
integrity in accordance with technical specification 6.5.9.b.1, Steam Generator Program.
This event was reported as an eight-hour, non-emergency notification in accordance with
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(A) as a degraded condition for not meeting the performance criteria for
SG structural integrity in accordance with technical specification 6.5.9.b.1, Steam Generator
Program. (LER 50-382/2023-003-00, Steam Generator Tube Degradation Indicated by
Failed In situ Pressure Testing Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3) (ML23364A001)
The SG in-situ pressure testing failure was caused by tube-to-TSP wear on the cold leg side
near the no tube lane. Nine flaws, which were distributed among four separate tubes in SG
31, failed to satisfy condition monitoring by analysis. (CR-WF3-2023-17005, ACA)
Tube R1 C4 experienced pop-through (burst) at 5243 psi when transitioning to the final 3
times delta normal operating differential pressure (3xNODP) of 5500 psi. Tube R2 C35
reached the 3xNODP test pressure of 5500 psi, which was maintained for 41 seconds before
briefly dropping below 5500 psi. Once reestablished and stabilized at 5500 psi it held for 90
seconds prior to experiencing pop-through (burst) at 5504 psi criteria.
In LER 50-382/2023-003-00, Steam Generator Tube Degradation Indicated by Failed in-situ
Pressure Testing Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, the licensee stated that the
operational assessment (OA) developed by the vendor potentially included some
nonconservative assumptions which led to erroneous wear predictions, resulting in Entergy
implementing an inadequate inspection frequency.
In RF21 (2017) ECT was performed on 100% of the SG tubes. During the RF21 inspection,
anti-vibration bar wear and TSP wear were identified and a total of 3 tubes in SG 31 and 24
tubes in SG 32 were plugged. The OA that was completed after the outage determined that it
was acceptable to perform the next testing and inspection after three cycles in RF24 (2022).
Entergy submitted an application to revise their technical specifications to adopt TSTF-577
(Technical Specification Task Force), Revised Frequencies for Steam Generator Tube
Inspections in CNRO2021-0017 (ML21182A158) dated July 1, 2021. The NRC approved the
application in a letter dated December 8, 2021 (ML21313A008). TSTF-577 allows licensees
with Alloy 690 steam generator tubing to extend the maximum interval between inspections
from 72 up to 96 effective full power months with the caveat that the inspection scope,
inspection methods, and inspection intervals shall be such as to ensure that SG tube integrity
is maintained until the next SG inspection.
In October 2021, the licensee contracted the steam generator inspection vendor to revise the
RF21 (2017) OA for an additional skip at RF24 (2022) and complete a feasibility study for
another additional skip at RF25 (2023). A revised OA was received and accepted by the
licensee on March 15, 2022, justifying the skip at RF24 (2022). This OA, in concert with the
adoption of TSTF-577, was used to move the SG primary inspections from RF24 (2022) to
RF25 (2023).
In response to the subsequent in-situ testing failures in SG 31, the licensee completed an
adverse condition analysis in CR-WF3-2023-17005. In this analysis, the licensee documented
that the tube failures were caused in part by the use of non-conservative assumptions in the
revised OA. These non-conservatisms adversely influenced the decision to extend the
scheduled inspection intervals, and in concert with the steam generator design being
vulnerable to accelerated wear conditions led to the failure of two tubes during in-situ testing.
Corrective actions: The licensee plugged the two tubes that failed the in-situ testing as well as
the tubes in close proximity to the failed tubes. Additionally, all tubes with TSP wear equal to
or greater than 32% through wall depth were plugged. Additionally, the licensee contracted a
new vendor to perform an independent OA to provide confidence that the plant could restart
and operate safely until the next scheduled inspection.
Corrective action references: CR-WF3-2023-17005
Performance Assessment:
Performance Deficiency: The inspectors determined that the licensees failure to perform an
adequate operational assessment per the requirements of SEP-SG-WF3-001, Waterford-3
(W3/WF3) Steam Generator Program, Revision 4, and CEP-SG-003, Steam Generator
Integrity Assessment, Revision 6 was a performance deficiency. Specifically, Waterford
procedure SEP-SG-WF3-001 section 1.1 requires that the implementation of the steam
generator integrity program is to be in accordance with Entergy fleet procedure CEP-SG-003,
Steam Generator Integrity Assessment. CEP-SG-003 Section 8.0 requires that:
The operational assessment (OA) is a forward looking evaluation. Its purpose is to
demonstrate reasonable assurance that the tube integrity performance criteria (structural
and leakage) will be met throughout the period prior to the next schedule tube inspection.
Furthermore, Section 8.3.1 dictates that the operational assessment shall include justification
for operating the planned interval between secondary side inspections as well as primary side
Contrary to this requirement, the licensees operational assessment performed in February
2022 did not include adequate justification for operating during the planned interval between
primary side inspections.
Specifically, the operational assessment contained several non-conservatisms that led to the
licensee inappropriately extending the required inspection of the steam generator tubes from
RF24 (in spring 2022) to RF25 (in fall 2023). This extended inspection interval was too long to
assure that all steam generator tubes continued to meet technical specification structural
integrity requirements.
Screening: The inspectors determined the performance deficiency was more than minor
because it could reasonably be viewed as a precursor to a significant event; if left
uncorrected, would have the potential to lead to a more significant safety concern; and was
associated with the Equipment Performance attribute of the Initiating Events cornerstone and
adversely affected the cornerstone objective to limit the likelihood of events that upset plant
stability and challenge critical safety functions during shutdown as well as power operations.
Significance: The inspectors used Table 2 of IMC 0609 Attachment 4, Initial Characterization
of Findings to determine that the initiating events corner stone was impacted due to the
potential for a steam generator tube rupture. Using Table 3, since the finding and associated
degraded condition or programmatic weakness affected the initiating events cornerstone, the
inspectors screened the issue using IMC 0609, Appendix A, The Significance Determination
Process for Findings At-Power. Given that the finding involved a degraded steam generator
tube condition where one tube cannot sustain three times the differential pressure across a
tube during normal full power, steady state operation, IMC 0609 Appendix A, step D.1 directs
the staff to complete the screening using IMC 0609 Appendix J, Steam Generator Tube
Integrity Findings Significance Determination Process. IMC 0609 Appendix J, Table 1,
Steam Generator Tube Integrity SDP Matrix directs the staff to perform a detailed risk
evaluation if two or more tubes cannot sustain 3 times the normal tube differential pressure
(3xPNO). A detailed risk evaluation was completed which determined that the overall best
estimate for the risk impacts attributable to this performance deficiency were determined to
be a delta-CDF of 1.34E-7/yr and a delta-LERF of 8.34E-8/yr, both of which are associated
with a finding of very low safety significance (Green). The detailed risk evaluation is
documented in Enclosure 3.
Cross-Cutting Aspect: H.1 - Resources: Leaders ensure that personnel, equipment,
procedures, and other resources are available and adequate to support nuclear safety. The
licensee failed to ensure the review of the operational assessment for the steam generators
was reviewed by personnel with sufficient expertise to identify the nonconservative
assumptions used by the vendor.
Violation: Technical specification 6.5.9.b.1 requires, in part, that all in-service SG tubes shall
retain structural integrity over the full range of normal operating conditions, all anticipated
transients included in the design specification, and design basis accidents by retaining a
safety factor of 3.0 against burst under normal steady state full power operation primary to
secondary pressure differential.
Contrary to the above, on November 5, 2023, the licensee failed to ensure that all inservice
SG tubes retained structural integrity over the full range of normal operating conditions, all
anticipated transients included in the design specification, and design basis accidents by
retaining a safety factor of 3.0 against burst under normal steady state full power operation
primary to secondary pressure differential. Specifically, in SG 31, tubes R1 C4 and R2 C35
failed to retain a safety factor of 3.0 against burst under normal steady state full power
operation primary to secondary pressure differential. During in-situ testing, both tubes failed
to meet the 5500-psi pressure test 2-minute hold period.
Enforcement Action: The violation met the criteria for treatment as a non-cited violation;
however, because the violation is associated with an ongoing degradation mechanism in the
steam generator tubes for which the cause has not been discretely determined and actions
have not been identified to prevent recurrence, and given that subsequent follow-up
inspection to ensure compliance with your operating license will be needed, the NRC
determined the issuance of a Notice of Violation (Enclosure 1) is appropriate in this case
(Enforcement Manual Section 2.3.2).
The disposition of this violation closes URI: 05000382/2023004-01.
The inspectors verified no proprietary information was retained or documented in this report.
On August 9, 2024, the inspectors presented the Event Follow-up results to Joseph
Sullivan, Site Vice President and other members of the licensee staff.
Enclosure 3
Detailed Risk Evaluation
The analyst considered that a condition affecting steam generator tube integrity would impact
the likelihood of occurrence of the steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) event. Additionally, the
analyst considered that this condition could impact probabilities associated with consequential
SGTR (C-SGTR) events in which the post-accident plant pressure and/or temperature
conditions resulting from accident sequences originating from other postulated events are such
that the failure (rupture) of one or more steam generator tubes is induced. These cases, where
one or more failed steam generator tubes constitutes a failure of the reactor coolant system
pressure boundary as well as a potential pathway for bypass of containment, can represent a
potential increased likelihood of a release of fission products to the environment.
Following the performance of steam generator tube ISI activities in 2017, the next ISI activities
should have been performed after 3 cycles of operation in April 2022, in accordance with the
standards applicable for the program. The result of the performance deficiency was the
extension of this ISI interval for one additional operating cycle, until November 2023. The
analyst assumed that the inappropriate extension of this ISI interval allowed for a level of tube
degradation to develop, at some point during this extension period, in excess of an allowable
level of degradation for which the tube integrity performance criteria would be met. Since it is
not known exactly when the additional level of degradation attributable to the performance
deficiency reached the point of exceeding an allowable level, the analyst applied a T/2 factor to
the total 19-month period associated with the performance deficiency to arrive at an exposure
time of 9.5 months for purposes of this risk analysis.
As described in further detail below, the analyst evaluated the risk impacts of this plant condition
relative to the significance metrics of core damage frequency (CDF) and large early release
frequency (LERF). IMC 0609, Appendix J, Table 1, indicates that a delta-LERF in the range of
10-7 to 10-6, which would be indicative of a preliminary significance of White, should be
associated with the condition of one tube that cannot sustain the tube integrity performance
criterion of three times normal operating pressure (3xDPno). With the condition of two tubes not
being able to sustain the 3xDPno criterion, Table 1 indicates that a detailed risk evaluation
(DRE) should be performed. IMC 0609 Appendix J also indicates that any finding determined to
be White using Table 1, or any finding for which a DRE is indicated, must be reviewed by a
Senior Reactor Analyst.
The analyst reviewed guidance contained in IMC 0308, Attachment 3, Appendix J, Technical
Basis for Steam Generator Tube Integrity Findings, and noted that Section 07 included the
following guidance:
degradation below the 3 delta-P criteria is accepted as part of the plants baseline
risk. the SDP risk assessment should subtract the risk at the 3PNO degree of
degradation from the risk at the level of degradation found.
Accordingly, this evaluation assesses the risk impact attributable to the incremental additional
level of tube integrity degradation that was in excess of a level of degradation for which the
3xDPno tube integrity performance criterion would have just been met (i.e., the baseline risk
condition). This incremental level of degradation is the condition that is attributable to the
performance deficiency.
The Waterford SPAR Model version Waterford TLU2 along with SAPHIRE software version
8.2.9 were used for the evaluation. This SPAR model was modified from the 8.81 version by
correcting an error in which a long-term EFW makeup action was set to TRUE, adding a steam
line break event tree, and including induced tube rupture sequences for secondary-side break
events. The analyst included credit for the use of Diverse and Flexible Coping (FLEX) Strategies
by adjusting the basic event FLX-XHE-XE-ELAP (Operators Fail to Declare ELAP When
Beneficial) probability to 1.0E-2.
As a Level 1 PRA modeling resource, the SPAR model provides quantitative results associated
with the impact of a condition on the core damage frequency (CDF) for the plant being modeled.
In the absence of other available Level 2 PRA modeling resources, IMC 0609 Appendix H
contains guidance for estimating the impacts on LERF attributable to certain core damage
sequences. As detailed below, this analysis was based on identifying a collective set of best
available information on which to base an assessment of the risk posed by this condition
relative to the CDF and LERF metrics of the SDP. Information derived from the analysts review
and assessment of the use of the licensees Level 2 PRA modeling resources for LERF
information was evaluated for inclusion among the best available information to be considered.
With the level of tube integrity degradation to be considered resulting in a reduction in pressure-
retaining capability from 5,500 psi to 5,243 psi1, the analyst assessed that an increase in the
likelihood of a nominal spontaneous SGTR event under normal operating conditions (i.e.,
approximately 1,400 psi) would be relatively minimal. The analyst assumed an estimated
increase in initiating event frequency for the nominal spontaneous SGTR event of 20 percent
would be applicable for this condition. This assumption was based on several considerations,
including: 1) the analyst qualitatively compared the differences in levels of tube integrity
degradation between this case and the most recent previous similar case involving tube integrity
degradation at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) for which a 100 percent
increase (doubling) of the SGTR initiating event frequency was estimated, as summarized
below on page 15; 2) the analyst reviewed an analysis performed by the licensee in which
increases in pressure-induced C-SGTR probabilities attributable to operating for an additional
cycle with this condition were evaluated to be approximately doubled for accident conditions
involving a large secondary-side break or anticipated transient without scram (ATWS), and the
analyst assumed that a scaled down factor of increase for normal operating conditions versus
accident conditions would be applicable; and 3) the analyst considered the non-temperature
compensated testing criteria and failure pressure (4,365psi and 4,161psi, respectively) and
determined that the additional level of degradation associated with difference between those
two levels of performance would have minimal impact on the likelihood of failure at normal
1 The pressures at which the in-situ testing was performed and at which the two tubes failed are
temperature-compensated values due to the tests being performed at ambient conditions. For example,
the 3xDPno test pressure of 5500 psig is the temperature compensated equivalent of 3xDPno (which is
3x1414 psig at operating temperature, or 4242 psig) plus instrument uncertainty.
operating pressure, likely less than 10 percent increase, with 20 percent increase being an
appropriately conservative assumption.
This condition was modeled by adjusting the SPAR basic event IE-SGTR (steam generator
tube rupture initiating event frequency) to be increased by a factor of 20 percent. The analyst
quantified the SPAR model for this condition with a 9.5-month exposure time and a truncation
value of 1.0E-12, which yielded a result of 1.02E-7/yr for an increase in average annual CDF
(delta-CDF). As an additional bounding analysis, an assumption that the frequency of a nominal
SGTR event would be doubled would result in an increase in average annual CDF of 5.07E-7/yr
Large early release frequency (LERF) is defined as the frequency of those accidents leading to
significant, unmitigated releases from containment in a time frame prior to effective evacuation
of the close-in population such that there is a potential for early health effects. To estimate the
LERF impacts of this condition, the analyst reviewed guidance from IMC 0609 Appendix H,
which identifies a LERF factor of 1.0 to be applied as a screening value for CDF associated with
SGTR sequences. This screening, applied to the delta-CDF result referenced above, results in a
potential delta-LERF value greater than 1E-7/yr, which requires further consideration. A
1.0 LERF factor reflects an assumption that all core damage sequences of a certain category
(in this case, involving a SGTR event) result in releases of radioactivity to the environment
which are characterized as both large (with regard to the quantity of radioactive source terms
transported from the reactor core to the environment) and early (with regard to the timing of
protective action implementation). The analyst determined the use of this value would be
significantly overconservative with regard to the realistic treatment of the modeling
considerations discussed below, which should be reflected in an estimation of applicable LERF
factor(s) when these factors are used to estimate a LERF result as a surrogate for the output of
Level 2 PRA modeling.
The analyst considered that a LERF factor used to realistically estimate the frequency of this
occurrence would need to reflect consideration of the following factors and the total of their
combined product:
Pctmt * Ptransport * PEOP/SAMG * Pevac
Pctmt = probability of containment failure or an open pathway bypassing containment
Ptransport = probability that, given a possible release pathway, sufficient fission product activity
from the damaged core is transported via a release pathway to result in a minimum source term
content++ at a point of release
PEOP/SAMG = probability that procedural actions directed in licensee EOP and SAMG procedures
are unsuccessful in mitigating the potential release, both in terms of delaying the occurrence of
a release condition and mitigating its magnitude
Pevac = probability that protective actions prescribed by the licensees emergency plan are
ineffective prior to an unmitigated large release
++NUREG/CR-6595 Appendix A presents possible bases for minimum source term content to
constitute a large release
As one point of reference, which could be considered as potential best available information
on this aspect, and which could be used to inform a reasonable estimate of an overall average
LERF factor associated with an event involving a SGTR, the analyst reviewed information from
the licensees Level 2 PRA model for the modeled SGTR event with an unrecoverable loss of
offsite power. According to the licensees model, this event has an associated conditional core
damage probability (CCDP) of 5.4E-5 and a corresponding associated conditional large early
release probability (CLERP) of 9.4E-8. The analyst determined that the ratio of these two values
reflects an average LERF factor of 1.74E-3 to be applied for SGTR core damage sequences in
order to estimate the associated LERF impacts. The analyst concluded that the use of a
total/combined LERF factor 1.7E-2, which would serve as a conservative estimate of the
combination (total product) of the above four factors (a combined factor which would be 10
times higher than the corresponding factor from the licensees PRA model), applied to the
estimated 1.02E-7/yr delta-CDF from above, would result in an estimated average annual
increase in LERF of 1.73E-9/yr delta-LERF.
The analyst considered that additional tube integrity degradation could impact probabilities
associated with C-SGTR events in which the post-accident plant pressure and/or temperature
conditions resulting from accident sequences originating from other design basis events are
such that the failure (rupture) of one or more steam generator tubes is induced. These
scenarios represent the potential to introduce additional LERF due to increased potential for
creating possible containment bypass pathway(s) associated with the steam generator
secondary side. The analyst noted that for this additional potential LERF contribution
associated with C-SGTR to be attributable to the performance deficiency, only the potential
LERF that would not otherwise already be associated with these certain types of accident
sequences, absent the performance deficiency, would be applicable. Only the additional LERF
contribution uniquely attributable to the additional tube degradation should be considered, i.e.,
additional large and early releases that would not otherwise have occurred with a
nominal/allowable level of tube degradation.
Several categories between two types of C-SGTR events will be considered, as detailed below.
Pressure-Induced Consequential SGTR (PI-CSGTR) Events
The analyst considered the following categories of modeled events that involve both core
damage as well as the potential to induce a tube failure due to the higher differential pressure
conditions across the tubes that are brought on by the events:
1) ATWS events that go to core damage with success of the primary pressure relief function and
failure of auxiliary feedwater;
2) ATWS events with failure of the primary pressure relief function that go to core damage; and
3) Secondary-side break events (steam line or feed line breaks) that go to core damage
The SPAR model included PI-CSGTR modeling for two modeled events: steam line break
outside containment and feedwater line break. To model the impact of the degraded condition,
the analyst assumed an estimate of double (2x) for an increase in the probability of a PI-CSGTR
occurring for these events. This estimate was based in part on the analysts review of an
evaluation issued by the licensee in which increases in PI-CSGTR probabilities attributable to
the subject degradation were calculated for the categories of events noted above. This
condition was modeled by adjusting the SPAR basic event MSS-SLB-RP-ISGTR (induced
steam generator tube rupture has occurred) to be increased by a factor of 2x (double). The
analyst quantified the SPAR model for this condition with a 9.5-month exposure time and a
truncation value of 1.0E-12, which yielded a result of 3.19E-8/yr for an increase in average
annual CDF (delta-CDF).
To evaluate the impact of this condition on LERF, the analyst quantified all baseline sequences
from the SPAR model, including all internal event and external events (minus fire events, for
which there is not current modeling in SPAR), and grouped all sequences into the above
categories. The total baseline CDF contributions in each of these categories were totaled.
Baseline probabilities for C-SGTR (PPI-CSGTR) for each category were derived from results
documented in NUREG-2195, Consequential SGTR Analysis for Westinghouse and
Combustion Engineering Plants with Thermally Treated Alloy 600 and 690 Steam Generator
Tubes. These baseline PPI-CSGTR probabilities used for each of the categories noted above
were: 0.01, 0.05, and 0.02, respectively. As discussed above, the analyst assumed that an
applicable factor of increase for baseline PI-CSGTR probabilities would be a factor of 2x
(double) to estimate the associated conditional PI-CSGTR probabilities. Applying both the
baseline and conditional PI-CSGTR probabilities to the total CDF in each category results in a
delta value that can then be multiplied by a LERF factor associated with each type of sequence
to arrive at a total delta-LERF associated with that category. Similar to the constituent LERF
factor considerations discussed above, for the PI-CSGTR events, the additional LERF
contributions uniquely attributable to additional steam generator tube integrity degradation for
the above applicable core damage sequences would be represented by the combination of
these factors:
Pctmt * Ptransport * PEOP/SAMG * Pevac
Pctmt = Probability that a physical pathway develops downstream of a failed steam generator
tube to permit release of core fission products bypassing containment, such as a stuck open
safety valve
Ptransport = Probability that, given a release pathway, sufficient fission product activity from the
damaged core is transported via a release pathway (i.e., steam generator moisture separators,
steam dryers, steam line piping) to result in a minimum source term content++ at a point of
release. This term would need to consider the potential for scrubbing/plate out of radioactivity.
PEOP/SAMG = probability that procedural actions directed in licensee EOP and SAMG procedures
are unsuccessful in mitigating the potential release
Pevac = probability that protective actions prescribed by the licensees emergency plan are
ineffective prior to an unmitigated large release
The analyst assumed a range of combined/total LERF factors, ranging from 1E-3 (see value of
average LERF factor discussed in spontaneous SGTR event section above) to 1.0 (an
unrealistic bounding case), to represent a range of possible combinations of the combined
product of the above considerations. Applying these factors, together with a 9.5-month
exposure time, to the results obtained from the approach described above yielded the following
range of results for estimated increase in average annual LERF (delta-LERF) per year
associated with the PI-CSGTR events:
Table 1.
LERF Factor
Total PI-CSGTR delta-LERF
Thermally Induced Consequential SGTR (TI-CSGTR) Events
The analyst considered the following categories of modeled events that can lead to post-core
damage conditions that can induce a tube failure due to the circulation of hot gases from the
damaged core via the RCS hot legs, which can result in thermally induced creep failure of RCS
components, including steam generator tubes, representing a loss of the RCS boundary and
potential containment bypass.
These types of accident sequences are generally characterized by high RCS pressure and/or
low steam generator pressure and/or loss of auxiliary feedwater to the steam generator (dry),
or High/Dry/Low (H/D/L) conditions.
1) H/D/L core damage sequences involving failure of AFW function with RCS not depressurized
2) Core damage sequences with RCS not depressurized and potential faulted SG with AFW
isolated to faulted SG
To evaluate the impact of this condition on LERF, the analyst quantified all baseline sequences
from the SPAR model, including all internal events and external events (minus fire events, for
which there is not current modeling in SPAR), and grouped all sequences in the above
categories. The total baseline CDF contributions in each of these categories were totaled. Both
baseline probabilities and conditional for C-SGTR (PTI-CSGTR) for each category were derived
from results documented in NUREG-2195. Nominal PTI-CSGTR probabilities referenced for each of
the two categories noted above were 0.2 and 0.01, respectively, which reflect an assumed
nominal level of tube degradation. Since, based on discussion presented above, the applicable
baseline risk case for this analysis should reflect the condition involving the maximum allowable
level tube degradation (relative to the tube integrity performance testing criteria) rather than a
nominal level of tube integrity degradation, the analyst selected a baseline PTI-CSGTR probability^^
of 0.6 for the H/D/L category of events. The conditional PTI-CSGTR probability applied to both
categories was 0.9, consistent with conclusions documented in Section 8.1 of NUREG-2195.
Applying both the baseline and conditional TI-CSGTR probabilities to the total CDF in each
category results in a delta value that can then be multiplied by a LERF factor associated with
each type of sequence to arrive at a total delta-LERF associated with that category. In addition
to the same factors of consideration for modeling an applicable LERF factor as presented above
for the PI-CSGTR case, the TI-CSGTR case includes one additional LERF factor consideration,
which would serve as an additional factor to be multiplied together with the total product of the
factors previously discussed:
PRCS = probability that the post-accident temperature and pressure conditions associated with a
given accident sequence do not also induce a subsequent failure of another RCS component
(such as a hot leg failure or a stuck open primary relief valve), such that any release that might
otherwise be attributable to a tube failure would be reduced/redirected into containment
The analyst noted that the potential, in general, for this additional factor to preclude a release
attributable to a SG tube failure was documented and recognized in both the NUREG-2195
study as well as the NUREG-1935 State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses (SOARCA)
Report. From the SOARCA report:
The PWR SBO with a TISGTR was historically believed to result in a large, relatively
early release potentially leading to higher offsite consequences. However, MELCOR
analysis of Surry performed for SOARCA shows that the release is small, because other
reactor coolant system piping inside containment (i.e., hot leg nozzle) fails soon after the
tube rupture and thereby retains the fission products within the containment.
Also, from the NUREG/CR-7110 Volume 2 SOARCA Report:
[Sensitivity studies showed that] In summary, it is not credible that the hot leg would not
fail by creep rupture in the examined scenarios. Three sensitivity calculations were also
performed using the SCDAP/RELAP5 code. The results of the SCDAP/RELAP5 study
confirmed that: (a) TI-SGTR will not preclude hot leg creep rupture failure, and (b) hot
leg creep rupture failure occurs within minutes of the TI-SGTR for a range of tube stress
For the Waterford case, the analyst noted that MAAP thermal-hydraulic analysis results
provided by the licensee showed that this factor does in fact come into play for two categories of
sequences comprising a majority of the total of sequences represented in category #1 above.
Specifically, for sequences involving a transient with a loss of EFW, as well as station blackout
(SBO) cases involving an early loss of EFW, MAAP modeling results show that a hot leg failure
occurs subsequent to a TI-CSGTR, and this precludes a large release according to the source
term content definitions from NUREG/CR-6595 versus MAAP modeling predictions. The analyst
considered these modeling results to be more likely credible than not, based on the other
previous similar modeling results from MELCOR documented in the SOARCA report as well as
in the NUREG-2195 study, which supports the notion that thermally induced failures of the hot
leg and SG tube(s) can both occur sequentially.
For the remaining applicable sequences in the categories defined above, the analyst assumed a
range of combined/total LERF factors, ranging from 1E-3 (see initial discussion in spontaneous
SGTR event section above) to 1.0 (obviously a bounding case), to represent a range of possible
combinations of the above LERF factor considerations. Applying these factors, together with a
9.5-month exposure time, to the results obtained from the approach described above yielded
the following range of results for estimated increase in average annual LERF (delta-LERF) per
year associated with the TI-CSGTR events:
Table 2.
LERF Factor
Total TI-CSGTR delta-LERF
^^As a sensitivity case, use of the referenced nominal PTI-CSGTR probability of 0.2 as the baseline
risk condition results in increases in the above results by a factor of 2.5 (e.g., from 1.09E-X to
2.73E-X), which does not represent a significant sensitivity relative to the established SDP
significance thresholds.
The analyst considered that the additional level of steam generator tube degradation associated
with the performance deficiency could have the potential to impact the risk of a seismically-
induced steam generator tube rupture. The analyst assessed the potential for a seismic event to
impact the risk associated with a SGTR event in accordance with guidance from the RASP
Handbook, Volume 2, Section 4. Using generic fragility values for a steam generator from
Tables 4-3 and 4-4, as listed below, the probability of seismic failure for the seismic hazard
vectors for Waterford given in the table below were calculated according to the equation:
Pfail(a) = [ln(a/am) / (r2 + u2)1/2]
Where: am = 2.5g, r = 0.3, u = 0.4
Table 3.
g value
Mean Seismic Frequency (/yr)
Applying the above equation to each of the g values listed above, then multiplying the resulting
failure probabilities by each the corresponding event frequencies listed above, results in a series
of seismic SGTR frequencies, which can be summed to yield a total baseline seismic SGTR
frequency of 6.52E-8/yr. Qualitatively, the analyst considered that the actual physical structural
defect associated with a level of degradation that marginally reduced the pressure retaining
capability of the most degraded tube from 5,500psi to 5,243psi would be unlikely to represent
any significant change in the seismic fragility of the component. Conservatively, the analyst
evaluated the increase in CDF associated with a reduction in the median of the component
fragility (median capacity) by a factor of 50 percent from 2.5 to 1.25.
The resulting conditional seismic SGTR frequency was determined to be 1.22E-6/yr,
representing an increase in SGTR frequency of 1.15E-6/yr.
From the SPAR model results for the SGTR event, the CCDP for a SGTR event was
determined to be 3.6E-4. Multiplying this CCDP value by the calculated increase in SGTR
frequency associated with the assumed reduction in component fragility yields a total increase
in CDF of 4.15E-10/yr associated with this condition, which was determined to represent a
negligible contribution to the risk significance of the condition being evaluated.
The risk associated with external event-initiated sequences that could involve any significant
potential to lead to C-SGTR events was included in the SPAR results referenced above (and
summarized in the table below) when evaluating the C-SGTR impacts.
The risk attributable to this condition for fire-initiated sequences is included in the summary of
licensee modeling results below.
From the range of evaluation results described in the section above, the following table
summarizes best estimates the delta-CDF and delta-LERF impacts attributable to the condition
resulting from the performance deficiency. The C-SGTR delta-LERF values selected as best
estimates from among the range of results reported above reflect the use of an average LERF
factor of 0.1, which was selected by the analyst as a screening value to represent and bound an
average combination of the individual LERF modeling considerations described in the above
sections, which would be applicable for the majority of scenarios included among the dominant
sequence types in the absence of any further available confirmatory Level 2 modeling guidance
or resources. Sensitivities regarding the value of this assumed parameter are presented in the
uncertainties section below.
Table 4.
Source of Risk
These results do not include risk associated with fire sequences. Thebest information regarding
fire risk was obtained from the licensees evaluation results, summarized below.
The sequences involving the largest portion of total LERF risk included seismic-induced small
LOCA events with loss of secondary heat sink (feedwater and condensate), which contributed to
the TI-CSGTR LERF results.
The delta-CDF results were dominated by SGTR events involving a failure to isolate the
ruptured generator and either a failure of the RWSP refill function or a shutdown cooling failure
with failure of long-term secondary heat removal (CSP makeup).
The analyst reviewed and assessed the use of the licensees Level 2 modeling resources for
purposes of estimating the delta-CDF and delta-LERF risk impacts attributable to the condition
resulting from the performance deficiency. The licensees model included both TI-CSGTR and
PI-CSGTR events built into the model, the probabilities of which were adjusted to reflect the
impact of the degraded condition.
The licensees model also included LERF modeling built into the model, as well as risk from fire
initiating events, and the summary of results below reflects consideration of the delta-CDF and
delta-LERF impacts from applicable increases in both the nominal spontaneous SGTR event as
well as the C-SGTR events. The licensees risk evaluation approach was to determine the
increase in risk associated with plant operation over the final 1-year period of the additional
fourth operating cycle with the existing tube degradation processes occurring, versus operating
with a level of tube degradation that was estimated to have developed over a 3-cycle period.
The analyst considered the results summarized below as a source of best available
information for the evaluation of this issue, given the relative lack of corresponding means of
definitive and less uncertain independent evaluation of LERF available to the analyst. These
results reflect analysis performed by the licensee, which also includes analysis performed in
response to requests and challenges posed by the analyst.
Table 5.
Risk Category
Total delta-CDF
Total delta-LERF
Internal Events
Licensee Results
Point Est
Total dCDF
Point Est
Total dLERF
Because the licensees analysis results reflect the assumption of a full year of operation with a
condition degraded beyond a baseline reference condition, the licensee results summarized
above could be reduced by the fraction of a year (9.5 months) that is consistent with the NRCs
assumption for an applicable exposure time, as discussed earlier, and could thus be considered
as being conservatively high from that standpoint. Even so, the totality of the analysis approach
and selection of parameters reflected in the licensee analysis, as revised based on review by
the analyst, is being considered as a valid and applicable use of the modeling tools available for
evaluation of this kind of issue whose risk significance is driven by LERF considerations, and
the results are being considered as an appropriate measure of risk significance for the condition
that is attributable to the performance deficiency.
Additionally, the analyst noted that the MAAP thermal hydraulic modeling results integrated in
the licensee analysis were based in part on a modeling limitation by which the coldest hot-side
tube location was used as a surrogate for the actual cold-side tube locations associated with the
actual existing tube flaws of interest. This modeling substitution, which was due to only hot-side
tube locations being available in the existing MAAP modeling, represents an additional source
of conservatism inherent in the licensee analysis results, since hot-tube side flaw locations are
more susceptible to having TI-CSGTR consequences than cold-tube side locations.
NRC Results
The analyst performed an uncertainty analysis using the Monte Carlo method with 3,825
runs for the delta-CDF results presented above in SAPHIRE. The mean value result was 1.39E-
7/year, and the 5th and 95th percentile results were -5.8E-7/year and 1.14E-6/year, respectively,
with 98.3 percent of the results falling within the range of less than 1.0E-6/year (Green). The
analyst considered that the uncertainty distribution associated with LERF results would be
similarly distributed with a corresponding dominant portion of the results remaining below the
1.0E-7/year (White) significance threshold.
Certain sensitivities/bounding cases have already been presented in the analysis sections
above. Several additional sensitivity cases will be presented in this section. A summary of the
range of total results presented above is provided in the following tables. These results do not
include risk from fire scenarios. The best estimate of fire risk is included in the summary of the
licensees modeling results above.
Table 6.
Assumed % increase in SGTR frequency
Total Delta-CDF Results
Table 7.
Assumed LERF Factor for C-SGTR Events
Total Delta-LERF Results
The TI-CSGTR evaluations reflected in the results discussed above included some additional
conservatism in the conditional probability factors selected, on the basis that the proximity of the
limiting steam generator tube flaws to the hot leg side of the tubesheet (i.e., the hot tube side
of the U-tube bend) represents a significant factor in determining the likelihood of that location to
be affected by increased post-accident temperatures, which are much higher in the hot tube
side area. All of the limiting flaws identified in the Waterford tubes were on the cold tube side of
the tube bundle, and therefore less likely to represent increases in susceptibility to TI-CSGTR
Additionally, in the modeled High/Dry/Low sequences associated with the TI-CSGTR events, no
credit is provided for potential recovery of the EFW function. This factor would serve to reduce
overall risk, if included. From the SOARCA Report: Moreover, core damage, tube rupture, and
radiological release could be delayed for many hours if auxiliary feedwater were available even
for a relatively short time.
The PPI-CSGTR probabilities associated with all of the secondary-side break event frequency
included in Category #3 of the PI-CSGTR events were based on the assumption that all events
in this category would result in a sudden large secondary-side depressurization. In reality, only
a subset of these kinds of events would result in a sudden total depressurization large enough
to result in such an additional tube rupture probability. The risk results contributed from this
category would thus be artificially high contributions to the total results presented.
Another source of uncertainty applicable for both the licensee and NRC analysis results
presented above is associated with the reliability of thermal hydraulic modeling predictions that
represent important considerations and applicable for some of the types of accident sequences
that can result in TI-CSGTR conditions. As was discussed above, the potential LERF
contributions from two of the three types of sequences that represented the majority of
potentially significant LERF results in this category (according to the licensees evaluation) were
excluded from the results based on MAAP modeling involving a predicted hot leg failure
subsequent to (in addition to) a predicted TI-CSGTR. Although this sequence of events is
consistent with results noted in previous studies, including the referenced MELCOR results
associated with the SOARCA study, there is the potential that MAAP modeling parameters and
assumptions associated with some of the applicable phenomena involved in these scenarios
may not be producing the most reliable predictions. For example, it is possible that
multiple/additional nominally flawed tubes may fail prior to hot leg failure, and in this case the
LERF implications attributable to a SGTR condition would remain in effect. All of the results
presented in this evaluation reflect the exclusion of these types of sequences from contributing
to the delta-LERF attributable to the condition associated with this performance deficiency. The
licensees analysis reflected additional potential delta-LERF results in the TI-CSTGR category
for internal events in the range of 2-3 x 10-7/yr if all (both) of the additional sequences applicable
for TI-CSGTR conditions were included in the results. Likewise, the summary of the range of
total delta-LERF results presented above reflect the exclusion of these two types of accident
sequences that could otherwise represent contributions to delta-LERF for TI-CSGTR scenarios.
As an additional sensitivity, if risk contributions from these sequences were included in the
delta-LERF results presented in Table 7 above (i.e., disregarding the associated MAAP results),
the revised results (which again would not include risk from fire initiators) would be:
Table 8.
Assumed LERF Factor for C-SGTR Events
Total Delta-LERF Results
For the proposed case of using a assumed average LERF factor of 0.1 as a best estimate
value, the corresponding difference in results from Table 7 to Table 8 (i.e., 1.36E-8/yr to
1.85E-7/yr) represents a range of degrees to which the MAAP thermal hydraulic results
referenced above are credited for the exclusion of delta-LERF results associated with those
certain sequences from being attributable to the degraded condition.
A phenomenon known as loop seal clearing is also an important consideration that impacts
LERF risk associated with TI-CSGTR scenarios. Under post-accident conditions, hot gases are
transported from the damaged core via the hot leg to the steam generators (entering the tubes
from the hot leg plenum tubesheet). If a certain volume of water remains present in the cold leg
during this accident progression, then the circulation of hot gases between the reactor vessel
and the steam generator occurs via a reflux pathway in the hot leg. If loop seal clearing
occurs (the primary mechanism for which would be a reactor coolant pump seal LOCA), then
the natural circulation of hot gases in the primary loop can be greatly increased, such that the
probability of TI-CSGTR occurring is greatly increased. For the Combustion Engineering
design, the nominal/baseline TI-CSGTR probability in cases where loop seal clearing occurs is
postulated to be close to 1.0. In all of the analyses presented above, all of the postulated H/D/L
sequences that were considered as potential contributors for TI-CGTR events were
conservatively assumed to not involve loop seal clearing. Because the baseline TI-CSGTR
probability associated with a loop seal clearing scenario is 1.0, there would be no delta-risk
contributions for any of the identified H/D/L sequence frequency that may actually be in this loop
seal clearing sub-category. Therefore, the TI-CSGTR delta-LERF results considered above are
actually over-estimates of risk from this standpoint.
Additionally, the analyst reviewed information supporting an approximation that new, unflawed
alloy 690 tubes are originally able to retain approximately 10,000 psi of pressure. In this case of
the 3xDPno performance testing criterion being at a value of 5,500 psi, a level of tube
degradation is allowed to exist such that the margin relative to this integrity criterion is allowed
to be reduced from approximately 10,000 psi to 5,500 psi, and the amount of degradation
associated with this amount of margin being lost is accepted as part of the plants baseline risk.
With one tube failing at 5,504 psi (very little margin lost relative to the integrity criteria), the level
of degradation attributable to the performance deficiency is that which is associated with an
additional reduction in performance criteria margin from 5,500 psi to 5,243 psi.
The analyst also considered the circumstances and basis for the significance determination of
the most recent similar previous finding at another plant of the Combustion Engineering design
that also involved degraded steam generator tube integrity issues. Specifically, the analyst
reviewed and compared the conditions and significance associated with a finding issued to the
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), as documented in NRC Inspection Report 05000362/2012009, with the corresponding degraded plant conditions at Waterford. The
following table provides a summary of this information.
Tubes Failing
3xDPno Integrity
Location of
Eight (8) tubes
failed by margins up
to 45.3% (2,376 psi)
Hot and cold
tube sides of
U-tube bend
Actual primary-to-secondary leakage
estimated at 75 gpd while operating
Three tubes failed accident-induced
leakage performance criterion (0.5 gpm)
by margins of more than 800% (4.5 gpm)
Two (2) tubes failed
by margins of 0%
and 4.7% (257 psi)
Cold tube
side only
The analyst noted that the risk implications associated with the level of tube degradation
conditions at SONGS would be substantially more significant in all of the risk categories
discussed above, due to the degraded conditions representing a much larger departure from the
allowable baseline level of degradation. The NRC determined the significance of the finding at
SONGS was characterized by an estimated delta-LERF of 2.8E-7/yr, which is low in the White
significance range (relative to the White threshold of 1.0E-7/yr and Yellow threshold of
This evaluation included use of available information to evaluate the risk impacts of the
condition attributable to the licensee performance deficiency relative to the SDP metrics of
delta-CDF and delta-LERF. The means of independently quantifying a delta-LERF impact was
impacted by limitations associated with the currently available modeling resources (i.e., Level 2
PRA) and evaluation guidance applicable for LERF analysis, resulting in a variety of
uncertainties described above. The analysts assessment of the use of the licensees Level 2
modeling resources to quantify a delta-LERF associated with the applicable plant conditions
was determined to constitute a source of best available information in this matter. As a result,
the overall best estimates for the risk impacts attributable to this performance deficiency were
determined to be a delta-CDF of 1.34E-7/yr and a delta-LERF of 8.34E-8/yr, both of which are
associated with a finding of very low safety significance (Green).