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Notification of Conduct of a Fire Protection Team Inspection
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 05/04/2021
From: Glenn Dentel
To: Grabnar J
Energy Harbor Nuclear Corp
DiPaolo E
Download: ML21124A132 (6)


[Type here]

UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION I 2100 RENAISSANCE BOULEVARD, SUITE 100 KING OF PRUSSIA, PA 19406-2713 May 4, 2021 Mr. John Grabnar Site Vice President Energy Harbor Nuclear Corporation Beaver Valley Power Station P.O. Box 4, Route 168 Shippingport, PA 15088



Dear Mr. Grabnar:

The purpose of this letter is to notify you that U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff will conduct a fire protection team inspection at your Beaver Valley Power Station, Units 1 and 2, starting in August 2021. The inspection will be conducted in accordance with Inspection Procedure 71111, Attachment 21N.05, Fire Protection Team Inspection (FPTI), dated June 12, 2019. The inspection team will be led by Mr. Eugene DiPaolo, a Senior Reactor Inspector from the NRC Region I Office.

The inspection will verify that plant structures, systems, and components, and/or administrative controls credited in the approved fire protection program can perform their licensing basis function.

The schedule for the inspection is as follows:

Information Gathering Visit: August 17 - August 19, 2021 Onsite Inspection:

Weeks of August 30, 2021 and September 13, 2021 The purpose of the information gathering visit is to obtain information and documentation needed to support the inspection and to become familiar with the stations fire protection program, fire protection features, post-fire safe shutdown capabilities, and plant layout. During the information gathering visit, the team leader will select the specific samples to be reviewed during the onsite inspection weeks. The information gathering visit may be conducted remotely due to the pandemic situation.

The enclosure lists the types of documents that will be needed prior to the information gathering visit. Please provide the referenced information to the Region I office by August 6, 2021.

Following sample selection, additional documents will be requested specific to those samples.

Your cooperation and support during this inspection will be appreciated.

If you have questions concerning this inspection, or the inspection team's information request or logistical needs, please contact Mr. Eugene DiPaolo, Team Leader at (610) 337-6959, or via e-mail at

J. Grabnar 2

This letter does not contain new or amended information collection requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing information collection requirements were approved by the Office of Management and Budget, under Control Number 3150-0011. The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a request for information or an information collection requirement unless the requesting document displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget control number.

This letter, its enclosure, and your response (if any) will be made available for public inspection and copying at and at the NRC Public Document Room in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390, Public Inspections, Exemptions, Requests for Withholding.

Sincerely, X


Signed by: Glenn T. Dentel Glenn T. Dentel, Chief Engineering Branch 2 Division of Operating Reactor Safety Docket Nos.

05000334 and 05000412 License Nos. DPR-66 and NPF-73


Fire Protection Team Inspection Supporting Documentation cc: Distribution via LISTSERV

ML21124A132 Non-Sensitive Sensitive Publicly Available Non-Publicly Available OFFICE RI/DORS/EB2 RI/DORS/EB2 NAME EDiPaolo GDentel DATE 5/4/21 5/4/21

Enclosure Fire Protection Team Inspection Supporting Documentation If you have any questions regarding this information request, please contact Mr. Eugene DiPaolo at (610) 337-6959 or via e-mail at

Electronic format is preferred. If electronic media is made available via an internet-based document management system, then document access must allow inspectors to download, save, and print the documents in the NRC's Regional office. Additionally, word-searchable documents are preferred, if available. Paper records (hard copy) are acceptable. At the end of the inspection, the documents in the teams possession will not be retained.

This document request is based on typical documents that a generic plant might have. As such, this generic document request is not meant to imply that any specific plant is required to have all of the listed documents. It is recognized that some documents listed below may not be available for your plant. In addition, the document titles listed below are based on typical industry document names; your plant specific document titles may vary.

Note that following sample selection, additional documents will be requested specific to those samples.

Please provide these documents to the inspection team leader in the Region I Office by August 6, 2021:

1. Copy of the Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment
2. Copy of the Fire Hazards Analysis Report and/or NFPA 805 Design Basis Document
3. Copy of the Fire Probabilistic Risk Assessment (Fire PRA) summary document, or full PRA document if summary is not available
4. Copy of the NFPA 805 transition report, developed in accordance with NEI 04-02
5. Copy of any Plant Change Evaluations completed since August 2018 (NFPA 805 Section 2.4.4)
6. Copy of any fire protection engineering equivalency evaluations completed since August 2018. (NFPA 805 Section 2.2.7)
7. Analysis that demonstrates that nuclear safety performance criteria can be achieved and maintained for those areas that require recovery actions
8. Copy of the Fire Protection Program report (or equivalent)
9. Copy of any other fire protection program design basis documents, if available
10. Copies of the Fire Protection Program implementing procedures, if not already included in item (8). This could include procedures for programs such as transient combustible controls, hot work, changes/modifications to the fire protection program, NFPA 805 monitoring program, etc.
11. List of change packages associated with any fire protection system, fire protection program, safe shutdown system, or nuclear safety capability modifications completed since August 2018. Include a short description and/or title of each change.
12. List of all fire protection system impact screening reviews for any design changes, modifications, or temporary modifications completed since August 2018 (e.g., LS-AA-128 review, etc.). Include a short description and/or title of each review.
13. List of current fire protection system impairments, including description
14. List of time critical operator actions and associated program procedure
15. Thermal-hydraulic calculation or analysis that determines the time requirements for time-critical operator actions
16. Copy of the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report
17. Copy of the Technical Requirements Manual (sections associated with fire protection as a minimum)
18. Copy of the Corrective Action Program Procedure(s)
19. Copy of station procedures used for fire safe shutdown from inside and outside of the control room (e.g., alarm response procedure, procedure for shutdown from the remote shutdown panel, etc.)
20. List of open and closed condition reports related to post-fire safe shutdown or alternative shutdown issues since August 2018 (e.g., issues affecting safe shutdown analysis, fire hazards analysis, safe shutdown operating procedures and/or training, timeline evaluations for operator actions, etc.). Include the issue report number and a brief description.
21. List of open and closed condition reports for fire protection system issues (e.g., fire pumps, detection, suppression, etc.) since August 2018. Include the issue report number and a brief description.
22. List of open and closed condition reports related to the fire brigade or fire drills since August 2018. Include the issue report number and a brief description.
23. Copies of the following issue reports:

2018-06253 2018-06897 2018-07010 2018-06755 2018-06925 2018-07052 2018-06756 2018-06955 2018-07053 2018-06752 2018-07021 2018-16744 2018-06753 2018-07009 2018-16858

24. Copies of any self-assessments performed, and corrective action documents generated, in preparation for this fire protection team inspection.
25. Copies of aging management programs applicable to fire protection including, but not limited to, the following:

Fire protection Fire water system Above ground metallic tanks Buried and underground piping and tanks

26. Copies of procedures, work orders, preventive maintenance tasks, or other documents which implement the commitments made as part of the license extension related to fire protection.