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Discusses Re Plans to Wash & Recertify Low Enriched UF6 Cylinders within Southwest Plant Expansion for Relocated Scrap Recovery.Attachments in Accordance w/870812 Discussion
Person / Time
Site: Westinghouse
Issue date: 09/10/1987
From: Brach E
To: Sanders C
NUDOCS 8711040180
Download: ML20245C892 (2)



b Return to NMSS/SGLB, 825-SS l gp 10 W SGLB:RLJ Distribution 70-1151 POR

'Dockst" File 17021151P


Case File  !

! Westinghouse Electric Corp. SGLB r/f JStohr, RII {

Nuclear Fuel Division - Columbia Plant PTing EMcAlpine RII l Attention: Mr. C. F. Sanders, Manager ESuarez RFBurnett I i Nuclear Materials Management RJackson EWBrach l l Drawer R LRouse, FC NMSS r/f Columbia, S. C. 29205 DWeiss, LFMB Gentlemen; i

This is in reference to your letter NMM-CFS-87-059, with attachments, dated August 20, 1987, regarding your plans to wash and recertify low enriched UF6 cylinders within the Southwest Plant Expansion for relocated scrap recovery. 3 Our review indicates that the attachments containing revised Page 2.2 and 2.3 are in accordance with the discussion held at NRC Headquarters on August 12, 1 1987 between Westinghouse Nuclear Fuel Division and Licensing Branch personnel.  !

The attachments containing Annex-U ( 1.9-101 and 1.9-102) and Annex-V (Page no. 1.13-2), excerpted from Materials License SNM-1107, Docket 70-1151, j which contain a description of your UF6 cylinder processing operation, are acceptable. These attachments have been incorporated into the Annex of our copy of your currently approved FNMC Plan. Per the attachment to your letter NMM-CFS-87-059, we understand that the revisions to pages 2.2 and 2.3 of your FNMC Plan, as well as appropriate changes to your DIQ and Physical Security Plan, will be submitted in conjunction with the April 1988 Westinghouse quarterly update i j of the FNMC Plan.

We have determined that the attachments to your letter NMM-CFS-87-059 dated I August 20, 1987 contain information of the type specified in 10 CFR 2.790(d).  !

Accordingly, pursuant to Section 2.790(d)(1), such information is deemed to be commercial or financial within the meaning of 10 CFR 9.5(a)(4) and shall be withheld from public disclosure unless subject to the provisions of 10 CFR 9.12. .

1 Sincerely, ,

Original signed by E. William Brach 8711040100 B70910 E. William Brach, Acting Chief ,

PDR ADOCK 0700 i Licensing Branch '

C Division of Safeguards and Transportation, NMSS cc: A. J. Nardi closes 07001151140M d(see previous concurrence) 0FC :SGLB4 :SGLB* :SGLB  :  :  :

b :SGLc6/ K NAME:RJackson :ESuarez :PT@g :EWBrach :  :  :

_ _ _ - - _ s -




  1. l SGLBiRLJ Distribution 70-1151 PDR Docket Fi
  • 70-1151 Case Fil  ;

Westinghouse El tric Corp. SGLB r/ JStohr, RII  ;

Nuclear Fuel Div' ion . Columbia Plant PTing EMcAlpine RII Attention: Mr. C. . Sanders, Manager- ESuar RFBurnett ,

Nuclear aterials Management RJa son. EWBrach )

Drawer . R LR se, FC NMSS r/f Columbia, S. C. 29205 . iss, LFMB  ;


i This is in reference to your tter NMM-CFS- -059, with attachments, dated i August 20, 1987, regarding you lans to w and recertify low enriched UF6 cylinders within'the Southwest nt Expa ion for relocated scrap recovery.

Our. review indicates that the atta me s containing revised Page 2.2 and 2.3 i are in accordance with the discussi held at NRC Headquarters on August.12, 1987 between Westinghouse Nuclear F Division and Safeguards Licensing Branch  !

personnel. The attachments conta ing nnex-U (Page no. 1.9-101 and 1.9-102),

excerpted from Materials License NM-11 Docket 70-1151, is acceptable and as such has been incorporated int the Annex f our copy of your currently approved .

FNMC Plan. .Per the.attachmen to your let r NMM-CFS-87-059, we understand that  !

the revisions to pages 2.2 a d 2.3 of your iC Plan, as well as appropriate ,

changes to your DIQ and Ph ical Security Pla will be submitted in conjunction  !

with the April 1988 Westi house quarterly upd e of the FNMC Plan.

We have determined tha the attachments to your :ter NMM-CFS-87-059 dated August 20,1987 cont n information of the type spt ified in 10 CFR 2.790(d).

Accordingly, pursua toSection2.790(d)(1),such formation is deemed to be '

conunercial or fin cial within the meaning of 10 CFR .5(a)(4) and shall be l withheld from pu ic disclosure unless subject to the ovisions of 10 CFR 9.12.

Sincerely, E. William Brach, Actin Chief Licensing Branch  ;

Division of Safeguards an Transportation, NMSS cc: A. J. Nardi j k

closes 07001151140M OFC :SGLB :SGL :SGLB :SGLB  :  :  :

NAME:RJackson EShr'e~z :PTing  : EWBrach :  :  : g DATEtq/ f /87  : / 3 /87 : / /87 : / /87 :  :  :

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