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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App a Documents Available in PDR
Person / Time
Site: Westinghouse
Issue date: 05/17/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Vumbaco F
FOIA-88-239 NUDOCS 8805230027
Download: ML20154E913 (2)



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"sn INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST m., t _.m,..._._

MAY l 7 1968 lbtC tar k f b kl.

A. N b.,

1M Co PART I -RECORDS RELE ASED OR NOT LOCAff 0 (See caeceed bonesi


I No agency recoeds sutwt to the 'esvest have been bca'ed No adosto, al ager<y recoros subeet to to 'equest have teen located Agency records esbesci to the '+wes ** a' are untded e Append's _

__._ _, are Fread, a.a etae tce putd.c irspectioa sad ccom e the N A C Put4.c Doc we" He 1717 H St eet. N W. w ashegtoa. OC A gency reaeos sut.,*c t to the reavev " t 4 e cent f +1 n AcceM a. _. _ _.

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me,, e, -r e The nono.'ct'etan sorten of the p<cccwst that vow ag eed to accept e a teieckv-e conversation *e a me+tr o' rai staN e no* toeg made 4.ada:de for put4 i's; ecto-and coveg at tec NRC Pwtec Docume-t Room.1717 H 5treet NW. W as* ecton. DC, e a fo=$e' w ce' the FO' A n mter and ' eaves'e' eam j

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inclosed e in'ot.aton on bo* vou ~4. ottse access to and t*e charges fc4 cocvq 'ecords cwaced e t*e NRC P cac Document Raom 1717 H $"eet. N W. W ashepe.

Agency records sobeect to the reques' are enclosed Aay accdicat-e cbrge for cct es cf the 'ecords c%ded AM Cat"eat Drocedds are noted e t*e commerts se:1v Records set.e:.1 to tee roomt have teen re'e"ed to anther Fede<ad agevvw f or rev e* and direct respoese to vow in ve* of NRC s response to tNs e.2,est. no Nether acten is t+cg ts.en c,n acres cer oa'ed PART 11 A-INFOPMATION WITHHELO FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certain eformarca e the resested records e c.e ng witFbeid from put+c d scies. e pesoa-t to t*e 50 A eie ctens oesce,ted e and fve the reasons stated e Pad si l

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8805230027 000517 PDR FOIA VUMBACOGB-??9 PDR

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l Re: F01A 88-239 APPEN0!X A Records already located in the POR I


4/24/87 Letter to UhNRC, Crow from A.J. Nardi, ref: SNM-1107, Docket 70-1151. (14 pages) PDR # 8706030185 2.

5/12/87 Ltr to Westinghouse Electr u Corporation from Leland C.

Rouse, w/ enclosed Safety Evaluation Report. (4 pages)


  • 8705180213 3.

7/23/87 Ltr to USNRC, Rouse from A.J. Nardi.

(7 pages) PDR i 8708050'J53 4

8/14/87 Ltr to USNRC, Rouse from A.J. Nardi.

(16 pages) PDR #

8709080283 5.

8/25/87 Ltr to Westinghouse Electric Corporation from Leland C.

Rcuse. (5 pages) POR # 8708280327 6.

4/29/88 Routing and Transmittal Slip to George 8everidge. (1 page)
