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Responds to NRC Re Amend 15 to License R-95.EPZ Will Not Be Modified During Const & After Completion of Ctr for Atmospheric Chemistry Studies Bldg.Provisions Made to Notify Workers During Const in Event of Emergency
Person / Time
Site: Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission
Issue date: 11/09/1987
From: Dimeglio A
To: Michaels T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8711190119
Download: ML20236P977 (2)



.o, TATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission NUCLEAR SCIENCE CENTER South Ferry Road Narragansett, R.I. 02882-1197 November 9, 1987 Mr. Theordore Michaels, Project Manager Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulations U.


Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 1

Dear Mr. Michaels; 1

Please refer to your transmittal of October 27, 1987 concerning amendment 15 to our facility operating license R-95.

In particular, please refer to the second sentence in the second paragraph of the cover letter.

The Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) for the Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center is described in the approved emergency plan as the operations boundary which consists of the reactor building and tha basement area directly under and north of the reactor building.

This EPZ was selected based on the recommendations of:


Regulatory Guide 2.6

" Emergency Planning for Research Reactors" 2.

ANSI /ANS 15.16 " Standard for Emergency Planning for Research Reactors" 3.

NUREG 0849 " Standard Review Plan for the Review and Evaluation of Emergency Plans for Research and Test Reactors".

Since the EPZ is primarily based on the power level of the reactor, it is not our intention to modify the EPZ in the Emergency Plan during the construction and after the completion of the Center for Atmospheric Chemistry Studies building.

However, provisions will be made during the construction phase of the building to notify the construction workers if there is a

need to remove them from the construction site.

This will be accomplished with notification from the reactor operations staff.

l l

Oh 8711190119 871109 PDR ADOCK 05000193 g g p

PDR jl



Mr. Theodore S. Michaels, Project Manager-November 9, 1987 Page 2 i

l In addition, the new building will incorporate a fire alarm g

which will be used to evacuate the occupants of the new i

building if such a need exists.

1 1

These requirements will be formally incorporated into :the existing Emergency Plan and Implementing Procedures at the l

appropriate time.

_j Thank you for your consideration.



Very truly ycurs, l

.( M


l A. Francis DiMeglio l

Director AFD:cd l

l i

l l
