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Notifies of stand-down of Shipment W/Id Numbers R95-111894A, R95-111894B & Rescheduling of Shipment.Nrc to Be Notified of New Shipment Dates & New Id Numbers to Be Assigned
Person / Time
Site: Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission
Issue date: 12/16/1994
From: Dante Johnson
To: Bennington G
NUDOCS 9412270033
Download: ML20078R357 (1)


DEC-18-94 FRI 18:27 R I NUCl. EAR SCIENCE CTR FAX NO. 4017824201 P.01 050CD/933IO 3Ao URGENT FAX Page 1 of 1 RIAEC anode ninna Atomic snerferry nond comnosaioo 8

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""ar*ra'g'ans'e'*tt, Rhode Island N

02882 1197 Terry Tehan, Director Ren Smhh. Senior Reactor Operator Wayne Simoneau, Assist. Director John Cunnbgham, RO/HP Specialist Ntoni locob. Radiation Safety Offwer Carole Dutra. Confidential Secretary FAX 401-782-4201 David G.JgHealth Physklet jeaimine Cralk. Senior Ctak Typid From: @y 'b+

Friday Atternoon,16 December 1994 URGE (otification o* Shipment Series Stand-down.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comuniulon Required Notification Gloria Tel: (301) 415 5789 Attention: Ms. Gloria M. Bennington of NRC Washington FAX: (301) 415-5369 Storage and Transport System Branch Office only.


John Cook Washington Bran.:h will nodfy Regional Tct: (301) 415-7832

%' ash ngton, 20555 offices thru which sitipment passes.

FAX: (30t) 415-5369 Regarding Shipment ID Nos. R95-111894A and R9511189dB We have been notified by the intended receiver of these shipments that they wish us to stand-down from the planned dates for shipment and to reschedule. Since you have been previous nntified of the shipment schedules for R95-111894A and R95-111594B, we are required to no fy you of this stand-down.

Be adytsed that you will be re-notified of the new schedule for these shipments within the near future; at that time, new ahinment ID nos, for the shipmenta will be assigned.

Please signify that you have received this notification of shipment stand-down by signing and dating below and please FAX BACK Immallately to 401-782-4201.

Notification of Shipment Stand-down received by: /_

wn Signatan 02onAav!9r/99 n.t.

FAX BACK TO: David G. Johnson @ FAX 401782-4201 L] /)

9412270033 941216 PDR STPRG ESGRI PDR 8 l t

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