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Provides Alternate Route from Narragansett,Ri to Aiken,Sc, Updating 800610 Proposal.Use of Private Grounds Is Not Anticipated
Person / Time
Site: Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission
Issue date: 10/27/1980
From: Dimeglio A
17848, NUDOCS 8103270667
Download: ML20003D566 (3)


{{#Wiki_filter:\\*' PDR. To -/93 STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS t%d RHODE ISLAND ATON11C ENERGY CON 1N11SSION Nuclear Science Center , - 7,~ p. pt m South Ferry Road r N. /c1 Narragansett, R. I. 02332 9 N. - s

  • 0salo Y i REGIVED r A

-6 y, NOV2 3 g39 3 M NOV 0 71o80 > October 27, 1980 NTP,;3

u. s. w. r.

CcG"r ? Q. klL Sicmgz u CCCxgt cg j'4, 7,/ 4 a.a s.a Director, Division of Safegua Safe ' d o Office of Nuclear Material Safe y /l \\W l sph/ U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Co=missi Washington, DC 20555 s '9 Docket -19. (, License R-{gg /z h 7 g - w,."ecy. 1 Gentlemen: Please refer to our letter of June 10, 1980 requesting appipcNal of a W routefromNarragansett,RItothereprocessingplanttoAikek,S We have bad several telephone conversations with Mr. Charles w concerning the proposed route. We have asked the carrier, Tri-State, to suggest another route which would avoid Harrisburg, PA and Augusta, GA. This new proposed route is discussed below. The following additional information is submitted: a-l. The shipment will consist of 24 irradiated MTR type research reactor fuel elements from a 2-MW reactor, a-2. ' The cask will I e the BMI-l Shipping Package USA /5957/B( )F. We are registered as a user of this package under the general license provisions of 10CFR 71.12(b) or 49CFR 173.393a. a-3. The loaded weights of the road transport vechicle (cask and trailer) is about 38,000 lbs. b-1. We plan a single shipment in December,1980. b-2. The duration of shipment from point of origin to destination is about 48 hours. I b-3. The exact date of the shipment will be provided as soon as it is established. It will, however, not be before mid-December,1980. L'? (.$'? f 810327066'7

O O 4 October 27, 1980 Director, Division of Safeguards Page 2 c-1. The shipment will originate at the Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center, South Ferry Road, Narragansett, RI 02882. It will terminate at the Savannah River Reprocessing Plant of the U. S. Department of Energy in Aiken, SC 29801. c-2. The proposed route is as follows: From the reactor building in RI, west on South Ferry Road and Bridgetown Read to US-1. South on US-1 into CT to CT-2. North on CT-2 to I-95. South on I-95 to CT-32. North on CT-32 to CT-52. North on CT-52 to CT-2. West on CT-2 to I-84. West on I-84 into NY and - PA to I-380. South on I-380 to I-80. West on I-80 to US-220. South on US-220 to I-70. South on I-70 into MD to I-81. South on I-81 into WV, VA, and TN to I-40. East on I-40 into NC to I-26. South on I-26 into SC to SC-121. South on SC-121 to SC-19. South on SC-19 to destination. Since this route was ge'nerated in telephone conversations between the Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and Tri-State, no alternatives are proposed. c-3. It is our understanding that the estimated travel rime for each segment is known to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Co==ission. c-4. It is our understanding that the miles conprising each segment are known to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Co==ission, c-5. It is our understanding that the locations of available stopover points along the route are known to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. c-6. Heavily populated areas along the route exist in the Hartford, CT and the Roanoke, VA areas. d-1. Arrangemen".s will be made with the Connecticut Statu Police for escort near Hartford and for escort as required by the State of' ~ Connecticut. Arrangements have been made through the Emergency and Energy Services Department of the State of Virginia for escort near Roanoke. This escort will be provided by the local law enforce- ~ ment agency. d-2. The use of private grounds is not anticipated. \\ c.

l t October 27, 1980 Director, Division of Safeguards Page 3 d-3. Since escort services will be provided by local law enforcement agencies, they will have capability of coc=unicating with their comucication center. Tri-State vehicles carry radio equipment capable of comunicating with their communication center in Joplin,

Missouri, d-4.

The required comunication equipment will be provided by the carrier and the local law enforcement agencies providing escort service. The Rhode Island Atomic Energy Comission appreciates the assistance provided by Mr. Hillman in establishing this route. If more information is required, please call us at (401) 789-9391. Very truly yours, 'M W A. Francis DiMeglio Director AFD:cd e w M'M-*'69bh* Eu4g ,}}