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Advises That 10CFR73 Shipment Id R95-030995A Successfully Transported from Point of Origin to Destination on Schedule
Person / Time
Site: Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission
Issue date: 04/05/1995
From: Dante Johnson
To: Bennington G
NUDOCS 9505020311
Download: ML20082R997 (1)



APR-4-95 TUE 15:07 R I NUCl. EAR SCIENCE CTR FAX NO. 4017824201 P.01 URGENT FAX URGENT FAX URGENT FAX URGENT FAX URGENT FAX DI TO: All orficials who have receised "sub. lect" advansed notification, including:

U.S Nnant ReEnlatory Commission Required Notification Oloria Teh (20i)415-5789 Attention-Ms.Oloria M. Bennington of NRC Washington FAX: (301) 415 5359 sinn,y and Trampon System Branch Offlec oniv.

NOTE: Washingtor. Branch will r.otify Regixd e (301 415.7832 W h ng o D 20555 Offices thru which shipment panes FAX: (301)415 5369 FROM: David G. Johnson G

April 1995 @ 1300 hours0.015 days <br />0.361 hours <br />0.00215 weeks <br />4.9465e-4 months <br /> EDT lf Sh!

ent Coordinator 6

-,w. % -

RI clear Science Cente,


South Ferry Road Narragansett, RI 02882-1197 V

0-/ O l

FAX: 401 782-4201

( Telephone: 401-789 9391 QUBJECT: Notice of Shipment ID No. R95-030995H Schedule Ddah

1) Be Mvised that Part 73 Shipment identitication Number R95-030995A was successfully transported fromits point of origin to its destination on schedule. Transit was routine, j
2) Be advised that due to turn-around delays at the receiver site, Part 73 Shipment ID No.

R95 030995H will be DELAYED BY EXACTLY El,EVEN (11) DAYS.

1 (Instructions: Refer to the bottom half ofpage 4 of4 ofyour copy of the notification package which i

gives shipment schedule informationfor Shipment idenafication No. R95-030995B; locate all dates


given within the Block 9 area add elevenLUltoAl davnumhrrs for each date: NOTE: all clock times remain the same and be advised that the safeguards protection date is extended by eleven days).

FAX Confirmation Receipt of Advanced Notification of a Rescheduling of a Part 73 Shipment JNSTRUCrlONS: Upon receipt. of this Pan 73 Reschedule Notincatan. ine addretsce or his/her official representative is requested to cor:ptete this one pge FAX receipt forn with sgnature and date below and FAX

!! immediately to David G. Johnson 0 FAX No. 401782-4201. Addressees are reminded of their responsibi!ity for the protection et unclassthed sategbards information enclosed in theit notification package. Requirements for the prote:

  • n of unclassified safeguards informatgn are set forth in 10 CFR 73.21]

. b D Q ate:

X /9 9X From:,


j For:

signature U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Corr. mission Re uhed Notification Teh (300 4mS789 Gloria FAX: (301)415-5369 Attention: Ms.01oria M. Bennington of RC Washington storage and Transpon System Branch Office only.

NOTE: Washington Branch will rutif> Rey nal Te.

01 415-7832 W h o

20555 Of6ces thru whic5 shipment passes FAX: (301) 415-5369 TO: navid c. Johnson, Shipment CoordInnter @ FAX No.101782.1201 This FAX is to acknowledge nur timely rescipt ni' ynnt Nntification of the Rescheduling of Part 73 Shipment ID No. R95-030995B.

The phone and FAX numbers shown in the retangular area om lbr our agency are correct 01" have been curiected ditectly on this FAX ceceipt as induaed.


9505020311 950405 PDR ADOCK 05000193 P