ML20040D610 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission |
Issue date: | 01/22/1982 |
From: | Dimeglio A RHODE ISLAND, STATE OF |
To: | John Miller Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
NUDOCS 8202020081 | |
Download: ML20040D610 (1) | |
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Nuclear Science Center p
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-j South Ferry Road FggI.
Narragansett, R. L 02882 tJg
/ggg E
January 22, 1982
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Mr. James R. Miller, Chief oj E
Standardization and Special Projects Branch b
Division of Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 License R-95 Docket 50-193
Dear Mr. Miller:
It has recently come to our attention that certain language in the technical specifications for the reactor may be interpreted in a way that could lead to apparent violations of the technical specifications.
It is therefore requested that the following two (2) changes be made in the technical specifications.
Change K.3.c. (3), page 25 to read:
(3) Makeup System (a) The effluent water of the primary coolant water makeup system shall be of a quality to insure compliance with K.3.c. (5) and (6) below.
Change K.3.c.(4), page 25 to read:
(4) Cleanup System (a) The effluent water of the primary coolant water cleanup system shall be of a quality to insure compliance with K.3.c. (5) and (6) below.
Justification: The actual operating limitations are contained in K.3.c.(5) and (6), pages 25 and 26.
That is, the primary water limitations are (1) a pH be-tween 5.5 and 7.5, (2) a conductivity not greater than 2 pmho/cm, and (3) radio-l active material in the pool water such that the dose rate one meter above the pool is less than 10 mrem /hr. No change is requested in these limits.
As currently written sections (3) and (4) are actually system specifications.
That is, for example, the capability of the cleanup system is a maximum of 6
5x10 ohm-cm.
But this is with fresh resins, and, as soon as the fresh resins are placed in service, the capability begins to decrease. When the capability decreases to the point where the pool limitations (2 pmho/cm) is threatened, the resins are regenerated or changed.
A similar situation exists with the makeup water system.
Very truly yours, QQ bl$w 0,
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A. Francis DiMeglio Director g
AFD:cd cc: Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission Reactor Utilization Committee 8202020081 820122 PDR ADOCK 05000193 P