MONTHYEARML20217H8701999-10-15015 October 1999 Responds to Recipient Informing NRC of from W Simoneau to Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commmission & Proposed Minutes from Rhode Island Commission Meeting of 990923 ML20205L0991999-04-0707 April 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-193/99-201 on 990322-26.No Violations Noted.Insp Included Review of Activities Authorized for Facility ML20155G4431998-10-14014 October 1998 Confirms 981014 Telcon That T Tehan Will Take Two Year re- Qualification Exam at Same Time SRO License Will Be Changed from Inactive to Active Status ML20154J3051998-10-13013 October 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 50-193/98-202 on 980921-25.No Violations Noted.Various Aspects of Safety Program Inspected Including Selective Exams of Procedures & Representative Records & Interviews with Personnel ML20203E0421998-02-13013 February 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 50-193/98-201 on 980113-15.No Noncompliance or Safety Concerns Were Identified ML20199E8141997-11-12012 November 1997 Forwards Amend 25 to License R-95 & Safety Evaluation.Amend Corrects Omission from Previous TS Amend ML20211J0081997-10-0202 October 1997 Forwards Corrected Copy of Page 29 of Amend 24 of TS Re Change Made by Amend 20 ML20217E2851997-09-23023 September 1997 Forwards Amend 24 to License R-95 & Se.Amend Clarifies TS Requirements & Corrects Typographical Errors ML20198F0111997-08-0505 August 1997 Informs That Responsibility for Non-Power Reactor Insp Program Has Been Transferred from Regional Ofc to Nrr. Addresses Listed ML20140H7241997-06-17017 June 1997 Forwards Amend 23 to License R-95 & Se.Amend Removes Reactor Coolant Inlet Temp as TS Requirement in SL & Lsss,Section 2.1.1 & 2.2.1,respectively ML20140F8331997-06-11011 June 1997 Forwards Results of 970528 Operator Initial Exam at Rhode Island Aec.W/O Encl ML20148J8071997-06-11011 June 1997 Forwards Operator Licensing Initial Exam Rept 50-193/OL-97-01 During Wk of 970526 ML20196G8941997-05-30030 May 1997 Informs of Error in ,Concerning Changes to Riaec License.Ts Page 63 Correct ML20140E7681997-04-23023 April 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 50-193/97-01 on 970311-14.No Violations Noted ML20135E1481997-03-0404 March 1997 Requests Matl Listed in Encl 1, Ref Matl for Reactor/Senior Reactor Operator Licensing Exams, at Least 60 Days Prior to 970526.Procedures for Administration & Review of Written Exams Requested ML20132E2351996-12-18018 December 1996 Forwards Amend 22 to License R-95 & Safety Evaluation.Amend Provides for Extension of Annual TS Surveillances for Safety Blade Testing & Reactivity Calculations ML20135E3531996-12-0505 December 1996 Requests One Time Extension to Allow Safety Blade Testing & Reactivity Calculations as Outlined Per Encl.One Month Extension Requested to Allow Testing to Be Done in Jan 1997 ML20134K4811996-11-13013 November 1996 Informs That B Smith,SOP-10724-1,has Retired & No Longer Needs to Maintain License ML20117A8001996-08-20020 August 1996 Forwards Info Which Constitutes Second Annual Rept Required by Rev One to TS ML20096D4081996-01-12012 January 1996 Provides Answers to Concerning Rev of Rhode Island Nuclear Science Ctr TS to Combine Radiation Safety Committee & Reactor Utilization Committee Into Single Committee Called Nuclear & Radiation Safety Committee ML20083M5121995-05-12012 May 1995 Forwards Second Rev to ECCS for Facility.Rev Incorporates Comments from Design Review Conducted by Anl ML20082S0001995-04-18018 April 1995 Advises That Shipment Id R95-030995B Made Successful Transit from Point of Origin to Destination on Schedule ML20082R9971995-04-0505 April 1995 Advises That 10CFR73 Shipment Id R95-030995A Successfully Transported from Point of Origin to Destination on Schedule ML20081J0781995-03-20020 March 1995 Forwards Rev of TS to Combine Radiation Safety Committee Reactor Utilization Committee Into Single Committee Called Nuclear & Radiation Safety Committee ML20078R3571994-12-16016 December 1994 Notifies of stand-down of Shipment W/Id Numbers R95-111894A, R95-111894B & Rescheduling of Shipment.Nrc to Be Notified of New Shipment Dates & New Id Numbers to Be Assigned ML20078R5861994-12-14014 December 1994 Proposes Rev of TS to Require Sampling of Secondary Coolant Sys for Radioactivity (TS 4.3.b) on Weekly Basis & Deletion of Requirement for Secondary Radiation Detector,Per Discussion W/Nrc.Revised TS Page 42 Encl ML20080B1411994-11-17017 November 1994 Advises That for Purposes of Completion of Notification Requirements Under 10CFR73.72,original Enrichment of Sf Assemblies Was 93%,appropriate Governors Notified According to NRC Requirements & Armed Escorts Will Be Provided ML20078B6241994-10-0707 October 1994 Forwards Ri Nuclear Science Ctr Proposed 3 MW or Higher ECCS Plan ML19346J0111994-08-24024 August 1994 Informs That Annual Rept for 1993-1994 Would Be Administrative Burden than Technical Value.Full Rept Will Be Submitted for 1994-1995 ML20072M6941994-08-24024 August 1994 Forwards Change to Physical Security Plan,Per 10CFR50.54(p)(2).Encl Withheld ML20072S2751994-08-24024 August 1994 Proposed That Section 3.7.1 of TS Be Changed as Listed, Concerning Rev of TS to More Clearly Define Allowed Reactor Operation W/O Particulate or Gaseous Stack Effluent Monitor in Svc ML20071G1801994-07-0505 July 1994 Notifies That Ef Spring Retired as Employee of Riaec & No Longer Has Need to Maintain Operators License at Facility Effective 940628.Spring RO License OP-2365-11 Should Be Expired,Per 10CFR50.74(b) ML20069H4681994-06-0101 June 1994 Forwards Rhode Island Nuclear Science Ctr Proposed 3 MW or Higher Emergency Core Cooling Sys Plan ML20069J6041994-05-17017 May 1994 Responds to NRC Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-193/94-01.Corrective Actions:Revision of Procedures & Radiation Safety Guide Has Started Which Would Be Completed by 940731 Rather than 940701 Due to Delays ML20029D9091994-04-29029 April 1994 Ack Receipt of 940413 Response to Insp Rept 50-193/94-01 ML20070N7331994-04-13013 April 1994 Informs That 10CFR20 Training Requirements Fulfilled Re New Requirements Issued on 940223 Per Insp Rept 50-193/94-01 ML20063K7901994-02-18018 February 1994 Forwards Preliminary Rept on Ri Nuclear Science Ctr Conversion from HEU to LEU Fuel ML20063G0961994-01-31031 January 1994 Forwards Rev 1 to Tech Specs,Including Revs Resulting from Review Process to Date ML20058K3591993-12-0808 December 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-193/93-04 on 931116-18.No Violations Noted ML20058G8291993-12-0303 December 1993 Submits Change to Ri Atomic Energy Commission Physical Security Plan.Change Withheld ML20058A6551993-11-17017 November 1993 Forwards Revised Copy of Proposed TSs for License R-95, Incorporating Questions Received from NRC to Date ML20057C2411993-09-17017 September 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-193/93-03 on 930810-18.No Violations Noted ML20056H3101993-09-0202 September 1993 Forwards Revised Emergency Plan,Reflecting Comments from Recent NRC Region I Review of Plan.Copy of Old Plan Also Encl ML20056H2801993-08-24024 August 1993 Requests Addl Info to Continue Review of Application for Amend of OL R-95,per 921222 Submittal ML20045H4281993-06-30030 June 1993 Provides Info That Has Become Available Since Revised 10CFR20 Became Effective on 910620 & Forwards Two Press Releases Re Issuance & Implementation of Revised Part 20 ML20056C1451993-03-18018 March 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-193/93-02 on 930223-25.No Violations Noted.Written Procedures for Some Health Physics Operations Not Formalized ML20128G6661993-02-0404 February 1993 Forwards Safeguards Insp Rept 50-193/93-01 on 930119-22.No Safety Concerns or Violations Noted ML20044F1841993-01-28028 January 1993 Forwards Reactor & Senior Reactor Operator License Certificates for Jj Cunningham & Tn Tehan,Respectively,Per Commission Request.W/O Encls ML20128E7271993-01-28028 January 1993 Advises That 921130 & 930107 Revs 4 & 5,respectively,to Physical Security Plan Consistent W/Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p) & Acceptable ML20127H2611993-01-13013 January 1993 Forwards Revised Pages to Sar,Rev 1,addressing Issues Discussed in 930131 Telcon Re Amended Facility License,Leu Reactor Startup Plan,Reactor Core & Control Elements,Safety Sys Settings & Beryllium Lifetime 1999-04-07
MONTHYEARML20155G4431998-10-14014 October 1998 Confirms 981014 Telcon That T Tehan Will Take Two Year re- Qualification Exam at Same Time SRO License Will Be Changed from Inactive to Active Status ML20211J0081997-10-0202 October 1997 Forwards Corrected Copy of Page 29 of Amend 24 of TS Re Change Made by Amend 20 ML20196G8941997-05-30030 May 1997 Informs of Error in ,Concerning Changes to Riaec License.Ts Page 63 Correct ML20135E3531996-12-0505 December 1996 Requests One Time Extension to Allow Safety Blade Testing & Reactivity Calculations as Outlined Per Encl.One Month Extension Requested to Allow Testing to Be Done in Jan 1997 ML20134K4811996-11-13013 November 1996 Informs That B Smith,SOP-10724-1,has Retired & No Longer Needs to Maintain License ML20117A8001996-08-20020 August 1996 Forwards Info Which Constitutes Second Annual Rept Required by Rev One to TS ML20096D4081996-01-12012 January 1996 Provides Answers to Concerning Rev of Rhode Island Nuclear Science Ctr TS to Combine Radiation Safety Committee & Reactor Utilization Committee Into Single Committee Called Nuclear & Radiation Safety Committee ML20083M5121995-05-12012 May 1995 Forwards Second Rev to ECCS for Facility.Rev Incorporates Comments from Design Review Conducted by Anl ML20082S0001995-04-18018 April 1995 Advises That Shipment Id R95-030995B Made Successful Transit from Point of Origin to Destination on Schedule ML20082R9971995-04-0505 April 1995 Advises That 10CFR73 Shipment Id R95-030995A Successfully Transported from Point of Origin to Destination on Schedule ML20081J0781995-03-20020 March 1995 Forwards Rev of TS to Combine Radiation Safety Committee Reactor Utilization Committee Into Single Committee Called Nuclear & Radiation Safety Committee ML20078R3571994-12-16016 December 1994 Notifies of stand-down of Shipment W/Id Numbers R95-111894A, R95-111894B & Rescheduling of Shipment.Nrc to Be Notified of New Shipment Dates & New Id Numbers to Be Assigned ML20078R5861994-12-14014 December 1994 Proposes Rev of TS to Require Sampling of Secondary Coolant Sys for Radioactivity (TS 4.3.b) on Weekly Basis & Deletion of Requirement for Secondary Radiation Detector,Per Discussion W/Nrc.Revised TS Page 42 Encl ML20080B1411994-11-17017 November 1994 Advises That for Purposes of Completion of Notification Requirements Under 10CFR73.72,original Enrichment of Sf Assemblies Was 93%,appropriate Governors Notified According to NRC Requirements & Armed Escorts Will Be Provided ML20078B6241994-10-0707 October 1994 Forwards Ri Nuclear Science Ctr Proposed 3 MW or Higher ECCS Plan ML20072S2751994-08-24024 August 1994 Proposed That Section 3.7.1 of TS Be Changed as Listed, Concerning Rev of TS to More Clearly Define Allowed Reactor Operation W/O Particulate or Gaseous Stack Effluent Monitor in Svc ML19346J0111994-08-24024 August 1994 Informs That Annual Rept for 1993-1994 Would Be Administrative Burden than Technical Value.Full Rept Will Be Submitted for 1994-1995 ML20072M6941994-08-24024 August 1994 Forwards Change to Physical Security Plan,Per 10CFR50.54(p)(2).Encl Withheld ML20071G1801994-07-0505 July 1994 Notifies That Ef Spring Retired as Employee of Riaec & No Longer Has Need to Maintain Operators License at Facility Effective 940628.Spring RO License OP-2365-11 Should Be Expired,Per 10CFR50.74(b) ML20069H4681994-06-0101 June 1994 Forwards Rhode Island Nuclear Science Ctr Proposed 3 MW or Higher Emergency Core Cooling Sys Plan ML20069J6041994-05-17017 May 1994 Responds to NRC Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-193/94-01.Corrective Actions:Revision of Procedures & Radiation Safety Guide Has Started Which Would Be Completed by 940731 Rather than 940701 Due to Delays ML20070N7331994-04-13013 April 1994 Informs That 10CFR20 Training Requirements Fulfilled Re New Requirements Issued on 940223 Per Insp Rept 50-193/94-01 ML20063K7901994-02-18018 February 1994 Forwards Preliminary Rept on Ri Nuclear Science Ctr Conversion from HEU to LEU Fuel ML20063G0961994-01-31031 January 1994 Forwards Rev 1 to Tech Specs,Including Revs Resulting from Review Process to Date ML20058G8291993-12-0303 December 1993 Submits Change to Ri Atomic Energy Commission Physical Security Plan.Change Withheld ML20058A6551993-11-17017 November 1993 Forwards Revised Copy of Proposed TSs for License R-95, Incorporating Questions Received from NRC to Date ML20056H3101993-09-0202 September 1993 Forwards Revised Emergency Plan,Reflecting Comments from Recent NRC Region I Review of Plan.Copy of Old Plan Also Encl ML20127H2611993-01-13013 January 1993 Forwards Revised Pages to Sar,Rev 1,addressing Issues Discussed in 930131 Telcon Re Amended Facility License,Leu Reactor Startup Plan,Reactor Core & Control Elements,Safety Sys Settings & Beryllium Lifetime ML20126F4461992-12-22022 December 1992 Forwards Rev 1 to SAR for Low Enriched Fuel Conversion of Ri Nuclear Science Ctr Research Reactor, Incorporating Questions Forwarded by NRC 920914 & 1102 Ltrs & Original & Revised Tech Specs,Per ANSI N378-1974 ML20116L3711992-11-0202 November 1992 Advises That Listed Multiple Choice Question B 016 from 921027 Initial/Requalification Exam Had Two Possible Answers.All Other Questions/Answers Resolved Satisfactorily at Exit Meeting ML20099A6181992-07-23023 July 1992 Forwards Rev 1 to SAR for Low Enriched Fuel of Rhode Island Nuclear Science Ctr Research Reactor, Per Telcon W/M Mendonca.Rev Updates Analysis of LOCA to Reflect Beamport Operational & Design Considerations ML20101U1911992-07-17017 July 1992 Forwards SAR for Low Enriched Fuel Conversion of Rhode Island Nuclear Science Ctr Research Reactor ML20091Q3981992-01-23023 January 1992 Forwards Executed Amendment to Indemnity Agreement E-25 & 14 ML19337F4991992-01-22022 January 1992 Forwards Rev to Physical Security Plan.Rev Withheld ML20091K9801992-01-22022 January 1992 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept of License R-95.Corrective Actions:Security Plan Rev Submitted for Review ML20086E4051991-11-18018 November 1991 Forwards Safety Analysis Rept for Low Enriched Fuel Conversion of Ri Nuclear Science Ctr Research Reactor ML20086D2051991-11-18018 November 1991 Forwards SAR for Low Enriched Fuel Conversion of Rhode Island Nuclear Science Ctr Research Reactor ML20067B2931991-01-23023 January 1991 Confirms 910116 Telcon Rept Re Complete Loss of Telephone Svcs,Including Both Voice & Burglar/Supervisory Alarm Sys. Caused by Telephone Lines Cut Through While Installing Phone Poles.Contact Verified Using two-way Radios ML20066C2801990-12-26026 December 1990 Advises That SAR Re Conversion of Reactor from High to Low Enriched U Fuel Will Be Submitted by 910401.Employee Retirement Incentive Programs Resulted in Retirement of Assistant Director for Reactor Operations ML20055H1281990-07-17017 July 1990 Submits Financial Info in Response to Decommissioning Rule (10CFR50.75) ML20012D5741990-03-22022 March 1990 Forwards Changes to Physical Security Plan.Encl Withheld ML20245J4271989-02-22022 February 1989 Requests Date for Submittal of SAR for Conversion of Reactor from Use of High Enriched U to Low Enriched U Fuel Extended from 890301 to 890901 ML20195H7901988-06-23023 June 1988 Requests That Date for Submission of Low Enriched U Conversion Application Be Extended to 890306.Extension Required to Do Remaining Work for Selection & Validation of Low Enriched Core for Facility ML20155B9011988-05-19019 May 1988 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-193/88-01.Corrective Action:Full Compliance W/Tech Specs Achieved & Calculations Will Be Performed at Least Quarterly ML20151K5291988-04-12012 April 1988 Requests Concurrence in Subj Design Criteria So as Not to Interfere W/Operation of Reactor Facility Exhaust Stack ML20151U6351988-02-25025 February 1988 Provides Description of Servo Regulating Element Contained in Tech Specs,Per 880208 Telcon.During Review of Retyped Specs,Possible Discrepancy in Description Noted ML20237A3251987-12-0808 December 1987 Requests That Expected Date for Submitting Application to Convert from High to Low Enriched U Be Extended from 880104 to 880705,per 870323 Submittal of Proposed Schedule.Delay Due to Difficulties in Converting Re Use of Std Fuel Plate ML20236P9771987-11-0909 November 1987 Responds to NRC Re Amend 15 to License R-95.EPZ Will Not Be Modified During Const & After Completion of Ctr for Atmospheric Chemistry Studies Bldg.Provisions Made to Notify Workers During Const in Event of Emergency ML20236J3611987-08-0303 August 1987 Forwards Revised Emergency Plan for State of Ri Nuclear Science Ctr.Rev Corrects Spelling to Incorporate Name Change for Support Agency & Correct Refs ML20205C9111987-03-23023 March 1987 Submits Info to Meet Requirements of Highly Enriched U-low Enriched U (HEU-LEU) Conversion Rule.Schedule of Completion Dates Encl for After Conversion Approval 1998-10-14
[Table view] |
Rhode hiand Atomic Enern Comminion NUCLEAR SCIENCE CENTER South Ferry Road Narragansett, R102382-1197 January 13, 1993 Docket No. 50-193 Mr. Marvin Mendonca, Senior Project Manager Non-Power Reactora, Decommissioning and Environmental Project Directorate Division of P.eactor Projects - III/IV/V U.
Nuclear P.egulatory Commission Machington, D.C.
Dear Mr. Mendonca:
Enclosed you will find Revised pages for the Safety analysis Peport Revision One which address the issues discussed in our January 13, 1993 phone conversation.
Action has been taken as follows:
amended facility licence add antimony-beryllium source LEU Reactor Start-up Plan verify that temperature coefficient.ts negative and of similar magnitude Reactor Core and Centrol correct typographical elements errors Safety System Settings delete high pool temp, to prevent resin damage Beryllium Lifetime Add annual inspecti'a and flux calculation for reflectors and flux trap.
1 Sincerelyi
.i l
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Enclosure hkI 9301220271 930113 PDR ADOCK 03000193 P
. _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - - _ - _ = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _
This license applies to the Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center reactor owned by the Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission.
The facility is located in Narragansett, Rhode Island and is described in the application dated January 31, 1993 as supplemented.
Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the Commission hereby licenses the Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission:
Pursuant to Section 104c of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50,
" Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," to possess,
- use, and operate the facility at the designated location in Narragansett, Rhode Island in accordance with the procedures and limitations cet forth in this
- license, (2)
Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, " Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material, to receive, possess and use up to a maximum of 10.4 kilograms of ccntained uranium 235 at enrichments equal to or less than 20% in connection with operation of the reactor and up to 32 grams of plutonium encapsulated in two pluton'.vm-beryllium neutron sources for reactor startup.,
Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, " Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material", to possess, but not to use, a maximum of 8 kg of contained uranium at greater than 20% enrichment until the existing inventory of high enriched uranium is rer.oved from the faci 2ity.
Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 30," Rules of General Applicability to Domestic Licensing of Byproduct Material,"
and Part 70
" Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material," to receive, possess and use an antimony-beryllium neutron
- source, which will be activated to a miniumum neutron source strength of 10 curies in connection with operation of the reactor; and to pcssess, but not to separate, such byproduct material as has been or may be produced by operation of the reactor.
Page 1
_Oy OPERATING LICENSE R-95 Rhode-Island Nuclear Science Center Docket 50-193 January 31, 1993 C.
This license.shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions specified in Parts 20, 30, 50, 51, 5 5,.
't 70, and 73 of 10 CFR Chapter I,
to all applicable provisions of the Act, and,to the rules, regulations and orders of the Commi,csion now or hereafceriin effect and-
. ~
to the additional conditions specified below:
Maximum Power Level The licensee is authorized to operate the facility at power levels not in excess of two megawatts (thermal).
b (2)
Technical Specifications j
Tre Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A,
as revised through Revision 1,
are hereby incorporated in the license.
The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with the technical specifications.
Physical Security Plan The licensee shall maintain and fully implement'all provisions of ~the Commission-approved physical security plan, including amendments and revisions made pursuant to the authority of 10.CFR 50.90 and 10 CFR 50.54(p), which are part of the license.
The approved security plan consists of a~ document withheld from pubic disclosure-pursuant to 10 CFR _
73.21 entitled " Security Plun Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center Reactor."
This license is effective as of the date of issuance and shall expire forty years from its date of issuance.
.Page 2 4
- ~...
-q y
Reactor Power Calibration a.
methods and measurements that assure operation within the license limits b.
comparison between HEU and LEU nuclear instrumentation' setpoints, detector positions,'and detector output 5.
Shutdown Margin a.
measurement ' with HEU b.
measurement with LEU c.
comparison between HEU and LEU 6.
Thermal Neutron Flux Distributions a.
measurements of the core and measured experimental-facilities with HEU and LEU b.
comparisons with calculations of each y
Comparison - of the various results, and discussion of the comparison, including an explanation of any significant k
differences that could' affect projected normal. operation.
- Measurements _ made during. initial loading e of'. LEUD fuel, presenting subcritical -multiplication-measurements, I
- redict_ ions of multiplication ' for next fuel additions, and perdition and verification of final-criticality conditions.
Verify that the temperature coef ficient is-negative andi of comparable magnitude in-the-LEU core as-.was-experienced _in the HEU core.
Future measurements, to be conducted a s. e x p e r i m e n t's,
will' be
- performed when funds are available and may include pa,rametersEsuch as temperature " coef ficient, void coefficient, etc.
Mapping -of:
e fluxes 'in experimental' f acilities such'as beamtubes, pneumatic-system, thermal column,-' dry gamma facility etc., shall be~on an,as c-needed basis in support-of experimental work, t
39 n-6 4-ge a
7-E, PEACTOR OCRE AND COMIBOL FLEMENTS The reactor core and control elements shall have the following characteristics and nomina.'. d'monsions:
Princloal Core Materials U3S1 -Al dispersion Fuel matrix 2
U-235 enrichment Approximately 20%.
Fuel clad 6061 alum.inum Fuel element side plates 6061 aluminum End fittings 356-T6 or 6061 aluminum Moderator Water Feflector-Graphite AGOT grade (or equivalent -
graphite and/or water Reflector-Beryllium Beryllium-aluminum clad Mixture of B C and aluminum, Control elements 4
clad with aluminum Servo Elament Stainlees steel 304 2.
ruel Eieronts Plate width overall 2.81 inches Active plato width 2.40 inches maximum Plate 1,ongth overall 25.00 inches Active plate length 23.50 inches Plate thickness 0.06 inch Clad thickness 0.02 inch Fuel matrix thickness 0.02 inch Water gap between plates 0.08 inch l
r m--
l Number of plates per f uel element 22 U-235 per fuel element 275 grams, nominal I
overall fuel element dimensions 3 in x 3 in. x 40 in.
Ecflector Elements - Graphite and Beryllium overall reflector element 3 in x 3 in. x 40 in.
dimensions, nominal Nominal clad thickness
x 2.
Nominal graphite dimensions 2.8 in. x 2.8 in.
8 Standard Beryllium element dimensions 2.94 in. x 2.94 in. x 29 in.
Deryllium Flux Trao 2.94 in. x 2.94 in. x 29 in.
with a 1.5 inch diameter thru hole 4.
control Elements Width 10.6 in.
Thickness 0.38 in.
Overall length 54.1 in.
Active length 52.1 in.
servo Regulatine Element Shapo Squaro stainless steel Width 2.1 in.
Overall length 28.8 in.
Active 24.9 in.
Control Element Drive Type Electromechanical screw Crive to safety element Electromagnet connection Stroke 32 in, maximum
TABLE F_1 - REACTOR SAFETY SYSTEM Sensor or Trip Device No. of Switches Trip Set Alarm Set or Sensors Point Point Short Period 1
3 sec. min.
7 sec. min.
High !;eutron Flux 2
Max, of 115% of 110% max, full scale with a 2.3 trd max.
High Temperature of Primary ll30F max.
Coolant Entering Core During Forced Convection Cooling
- High Temperature of Primary 1250F max.
1230F max.
Coolant Leaving Core During Forced Convection Cooling
- Low Flow Rate of Primary 1
1600 gpm, 1650 gpm,
- min, min.
Low Pool Water Level 1
2" max decrease 2" max. decrease Seinmic Disturbance 1
IV on Modified Mercalli Scale max.
Bridge Misalignment
X Coolant Gates Open*
1 per gate X
X Neutron Detector High 1 per Decraase of Voltage Failure in Linear power 50 volts max.
Level Safety Channels supply Manual Scram (Switch at 2
bridge and on console)
High Conductivity of 1
Equivalent Primary Coolant to 2pmho/cm at 250C, max.
Safety Blade Disengaged 1
X Log N - Period Amplifier 1
Failure Regulating Rod at Either 1
X Limit of Travel Low Flow Rate of Seccndary 1
800 gpm, Coolant
Bridge Movement 1
No Flow Thermal Column
X 4
- These functions are bypassed when the Power Level Selector Switch is in the "0.1 MW" position.
a e
Reactivity Coefficients 1
Temperature coefficient approximatelf (coolant + Doppler)
-1.8 x 10-4 0C
(calculated) 2.
Void coefficient approximately (core average)
-2.7 x 10-3/% vcid (calculated)
(4) Princ} cal Core Onerat inc Limit at iona (a)
Excess Reactivity The cold, clean excess reactivity for any core used in the reactor shall not exceed 0.047.
Minimum Shutdown Marcin All reactor cores used shal] be such that they would be suberitical if any single control element and the servo regulating element were withdrawn.
Reactivity Coefficient L1mitation The reactor power coefficient (as inferred by the control rod movements required to compensate for changes.in power) shall be negative.
Centrol Element Drive Performance Requirements f
All control element drives shall meet the following specifications:
The control drive withdrawal rate shall not be more than 3.6 inches per minute.
For the electronic scram system, the. time -
from initiation of a scram condition until control element release shall not exceed 100 milliseconds.
The time f rom initiation of a scram conc': tion until the' control element is fully inserted shall not exceed 900 milliseconds.
It shall be demonstrated at least every 3 months that the above specifications are me*
- f.,
l e (e)
Servo Regulating Element Drive Performance Recuirements
I If in use during operation, the servo regulating l
element drive shall meet the following specifications:
The drive withdrawal rate shall not be more than 78 inches per minute.
It shall be demonstrated at least once per month that the above specification is met.
Beryllium Reflector Lifetimo 1.
Maximum allowed accumulated neutron exposure is 1x 1072 NVT.
To prevent physical damage to the beryllium reflectors and flux trap, an inspection of the-components and a calculation of total exposure will be conducted annually, f.
EcactnL_fiaf.cty_3ys t ems (1) The reactor safety system shall be - operable during all reactor operation.
The safety system shall be checked out before ea^ start-up and functionally tested for calibration at least
(2) It shall be permissible t.o continue operations with one or more of the safety system functions that produce only an alarm temporarily oisabled providing that additional procedural controls are instituted to replace the lost safety system alarm function (s).
(3) The control element withdrawal interlocks and the. servo system control interlocks shall be functionally tested at least once per month.
(4) During reactor startup or during mechanical changes that could affect core reactivity, the startup range neut ron'.
monitoring channel shall be operable and shall provide a neutron count rate of at least 3 counts per second with a signal to noise ratio at least 3 to 1.
(5) The linwr level safety channels shall not read loss than 15% of full scale when the reactor is operating at power levels above 1 watt.
(6) Following a reduction in power level, the operator shall adjust the servo power schedule to the new power level before switching to automatic operation.
(7) An alarm condition from any one of the items listed in Section F.2.b.
after working hours shall transmit coded irformation to a continuously manned central station in Providence, Rhode Island.
The central station shell be provided with written instructions on the steps to bo taken following an alarm.
._______ _ ___ _}}