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Forwards Rev 1 to SAR for Low Enriched Fuel Conversion of Ri Nuclear Science Ctr Research Reactor, Incorporating Questions Forwarded by NRC 920914 & 1102 Ltrs & Original & Revised Tech Specs,Per ANSI N378-1974
Person / Time
Site: Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission
Issue date: 12/22/1992
From: Tehan T
To: Mendonca M
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20126F449 List:
NUDOCS 9212300314
Download: ML20126F446 (1)


{{#Wiki_filter:_ .\\ TATE OF RilODE ISIAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission NUCLEAR SCIENCE CENTER South Ferry Road Narragansett,- R.I. 02882 1197

7. _

December 22,. 1992- ~ Docket No.~50-193L Mr. Marvin Mendonca, Senior Project Manager Non-Power Reactors, Decommissioning and Environmental _ Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects .III/IV/V ~ - U._S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr.:

Mendonca: . Enclosed you will find Revision-One to the Rhode Island Atomic. Energy -Commission (RIAEC) proposal for. conversion ~ z to ' Low Enriched Uranium '(LEU) fuel-for-facility License No;LR-95. This ~ . revision ' incorporates the : questions _ forwarded byL your 1 correspondence of September.14, and November 2,- -199_2. The 1 original and revised ~ technical specifications -.(in the original-format) are contained-in the Safety Analysis; Report (SAR).. As '_ a separate enclosure, 'a new' ' revision to -the: : Technical-Specifications is forwarded -. that -complie's:. with American National Standard -(ANSI) N378-1974 (Standard for the' Development-of Technical Specifications.for Research-Reactors). This revision applies to the reactor as' configured with the LEU-core.. Your close cooperation :in completing " the 3 conversion ? in a timely manner is ' much.' appreciated. Achievement Tof la fuel change-out in the May-June ~1993 ?_ time frame - atill_ appears feasible. Sincerely, j WN L'l rry. an Direc r


-290066 Enclosure' cc:/without enclosures RIAEC Commission A. Francis'DiMeglio-92123o0314 9212$ p., v kC 21 Af[;M: .Pon Apocw osoo u M?'.. /W.,M3 m i =}}