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Forwards Rev of TS to Combine Radiation Safety Committee Reactor Utilization Committee Into Single Committee Called Nuclear & Radiation Safety Committee
Person / Time
Site: Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission
Issue date: 03/20/1995
From: Tehan T
To: Mendonca M
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 9503270093
Download: ML20081J078 (9)


{{#Wiki_filter:TATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission NUCLEAR SCIENCE CENTER South Ferry Road-i Narragansett, R.I. 02882-1197 March 20, 1995 i Mr.-Marvin Mendonca, Senior Project Manager i Non-Power Reactors, Decommissioning and i Environmental Project Directorate i Division of Reactor Projects - III/IV/V i U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i Washington, DC 20555 i i License R-95 Docket No. 50-193

Dear Mr. Mendonca:

This letter concerns revision of the technical specifications to combine the Radiation Safety Committee and the Reactor Utilization Committee into a single committee called the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Committee (NRSC). This change will streamline the administrative structure of the organization and add additional members to the Committee who represent the user groups at the facility. The enclosed replacement pages are indicated below. If there are any questions regarding this change, please call me at 401-789-9391. i Sincerel f //QlQ Te ry T:han j Direct r TT:cd I Enclosure (revised pages 53,56,58,59,60,61,62,66) cc: Tom Dragoon, NRC, Region One 1 0h 270052 4 i\\ t 9503270093 950320 PDR ADOCK 05000193 i P PDR

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center Docket 50-193, License R-95 Revision 1 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 Organization and Management 1. The Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission (RIAEC) shall have the responsibility for the safe operation of the reactor. The organization of RIAEC is shown in Figure 6-1. The RIAEC shall appoint a Director and a Nuclear and Radiation Safety Committee consisting of a minimum of seven members, as follows: a. The Director, RIAEC b. The Assistant Director for Reactor Operations c. The Radiation Safety Officer d. A qualified representative from the faculty of Brown University e. A qualified representative from the faculty of Providence College f. Two qualified representatives from the faculty of the University of Rhode Island A qualified alternate may serve in lieu of one of the above. The Director and Radiation Safety Officer are not eligible for chairmanship of the i Committee. 2. An operator or senior operator licensed pursuant to 10CFR55 shall be present in the control room unless the reactor is secured as defined in these specifications. The minimum operating crew shall be two individuals. ] 3. A licensed senior operator shall be on duty or readily available on call whenever the reactor is in operation. Page 53 i

a. q TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS -- ( ~ Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center Docket 50-193, ' icense-R-95 Revision I-I facility including being performed in the those of outside agencies. b. It shall be the responsibility of the Director to insure that all proposed - experiments,. design modifications, or' changes in operating and emergency proced.ures are performed in accordance with the license. - Where - uncertainty exists, the. Director shall - refer the decision to the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Committee. 2. Senior Reactor Operators a. A licensed senior reactor operator pursuant to 10CFR55 shall be assigned each shift-and be responsible for all activities during his-shift which may affect reactor operation or involve radiation hazards. The reactor operators on duty shall be responsible directly to the senior operator. b. The identity _ of and -method for - rapidly contacting the on-call senior reactor operator shall be known to the - reactor operator on duty. The on-call senior reactor operator must be capable of being contacted by the duty reactor operator within ten minutes. The senior reactor operator shall be present at the. facility during. initial startup and - approach to power,. recovery from an unplanned or unscheduled shutdown or significant. reduction in power,. and refueling. The _ name of the person serving as senior reactor operator-as well as the time he assumes the duty shall be entered in the reactor _ log. When the senior. operator is

relieved, he _ shall turn the operation duties over to another licensed senior operator.

Page 56

f. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS +- Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center Docket 50-193, License R-95 i -{ Revision 1 d. The

operator, under the senior reactor L

operator on duty, shall' be responsible for j the operation 'of the reactor according to the approved operating procedures. e. The operator shall be authorized at any. time l to reduce the power of the ' reactor or to scram the reactor without reference to higher authority,- when in his judgment such action appears advisable or necessary for i the safety of the reactor, related equipment, or personnel. Any person working on the reactor bridge shall be similarly authorized to scram the reactor by pressing a. scram j button located on the bridge. 4. Radiation Safety Officer l t The Radiation Safety Officer. shall be responsible for assuring that adequate radiation monitoring and control are in effect to prevent undue exposure of individuals to radiation. 6.4 Review and Audit 1. The Nuclear and Radiation Safety Committee shall review reactor operations to assure.that the facility is operated in a manner consistent with public safety and within the terms of the facility license. 2. The responsibilities of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Committee include, but are net limited to, the following: l a. Audit of operating, and emergency procedures and records. b. Review and audit of proposed tests and experiments utilizing the reactor facilities. Page 58

T l ,7 - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS l Rhode Island' Nuclear Science Center Docket 50-193, License R-95 i 4 Revision 1 q c. Review and audit of proposed changes to the facility systems or ' equipment, procedures, t and operations. l a d. Determination. of whether a proposed ~ [ change, test, or experiment ~ would constitute an unreviewed safety question which ~ may require a change-to the Technical Specifications or facility license. e. Review of all violations of the Technical .[ Specifications and Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulations, and significant j violations of internal rules or procedures, i with recommendations for corrective action j to prevent recurrence, f. Review of the qualifications and competency. of the operating. organization to assure i retention of staff quality. [ g. Review changes to the Nuclear and - Radiation Safety Committee charter. h. Review, at least annually,- the radiation safety aspects of the facility. ~ 3. The Nuclear and Radiation Safety Committee shall l have a written charter defining such matters as. the authority of the Committee, the subjects within its purview, and other such administrative provisions as-are required for effective functioning - of _ the l Committee. Minutes of all meetings of the Committee l shall be kept. 4. A quorum of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety i Committee shall consist of not less than a majority of the Full Utilization Committee and shall include -the Radiation Safety Officer or designee, and the chairman or designee. l r Page 59 l t

e.. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ~. Rhode - Island Nuclear Science Center Docket 50-193, -License R-95 i - Revision - t ' 5. - The Nuclear and Radiation Safety. Committee 'shall ~ meet at least. annually. t 6.5 Operating _ Procedures { Written procedures, reviewed and approved by. the l Nuclear and Radiation ~ Safety Committee, shall be used. for items 1-9 listed below. The procedures shall be adequate to assure the safe operation of the reactor, but should not preclude the use of independent -judgment. and action. should -the situation require such. 1. Startup, operation and shutdown of the reactor; 2. Installation and removal of fuel elements, control f blades and incore devices where necessary; 3 Maintenance procedures which could have an effect on reactor safety; 4. Periodic surveillance of reactor instrumentation and safety systems, area monitors, and continuous air monitors; 5. Implementation of the physical. Security Plan and Emergency Plan; 6. Radiation control procedures; 7. Receipt, inspection, and storage of new fuel elements;.: f i 8. Storage and shipment of irradiated fuel elements. 9. Experiment review on a case-by-case basis assuring i that section 3.8.3(2) of ANSI /ANS 15.1 is. satisfied. Operational approval shall be by written approval by j a licensed senior operator. Written procedures should be established and supervision of the j installation of such experiments shall be defined and exercised. Page 60

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center Docket 50-193, License R-95 Revision 1 Substantive changes to the above procedures shall be made only with the approval of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Committee. Temporary changes to the procedures that do not change their original intent may be made by a Senior Operator. Temporary changes to procedures shall be documented and subsequently reviewed by the [ Reactor Utilization Subcommittee. 6.6 Action to be Taken in the Event o f.' Reportable Occurrence in the event of a reportable occurrence: 1. The Senior Reactor Operator shall be notified promptly and corrective action shall be taken immediately to place the facility in a safe condition until the cause of the reportable occurrence is determined and corrected. 2. The Director shall report the occurrence to the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Committee. The report shall include an analysis of the cause of the occurrence, corrective actions

taken, and recommendations fer appropriate action to prevent or reduce the probability of a

repetition of the occurrence. 3. The Nuclear and Radiation Safety Committee shall review the report and the corrective actions taken. 4. Notification shall be made to the NRC in accordance with Paragraph 6.8 of these specifications. 6.7 Action to be Taken in the Event a Safety Limit is Exceeded in the event a Safety Limit has been exceeded: Page 61

O TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center Docket 50-193, License R-95 Revision i 1. The reactor will be shut down and reactor operations will not be resumed until authorization is obtained from the NRC. 2. Immediate notification shall be made to the NRC in accordance with paragraph 6.8 of these specifications and to the Director. 3. A prompt report shall be prepared by the Senior Reactor Operator. The report shall include a complete analysis of the causes of the event and the extent of possible damage together with recommendations to prevent or reduce the probability of recurrence. This report shall be submitted to the Nuclear and Radiation Safety i Committee for review and appropriate action, and a suitable similar report shall be submitted to the NRC in accordance with Paragraph 6.8 of these specifications and in support of a request for authorization for resumption of operations. 6.8 Reporting Requirements In addition to the requirements of applicable regulations, all written reports shall be sent to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Attn: Document Control Desk, Washington, DC 20555, with a copy to the Region I Administrator. The written reports include the following: 1. Within 24 hours, a report by telephone through the NRC Operation Center, 301-951-0550 and the NRC Region 1: a. Any accidental release of radioactivity to unrestricted areas above permissible limits, whether or not the release resulted in property

damage, personal injury or exposure.

b. Any significant variation of measured values from a corresponding predicted or Page 62

.+ TECIINICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rhode Island-Nuclear Science Center Docket 50-193, Licensu R-95 Revision a g. Fuel inventories and transfers; and h. Changes to procedures systems, components, and equipment. 2. Records to be retained for the life of the facility: a. Gaseous and liquid radioactive effluents released to the environs; b. Off-site crivironmental monitoring surveys; c. Personnel raciation exposures; d. Updated, "as-tuilt' drawings of the facility; and e. Minutes of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Committee meetings. k i Page 66}}