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Responds to 870401 Request for Exemptions from Requirements of Fundamental Nuclear Matl Control Plan for Three Activities Re Safeguards.Granting of Requests,As Modified in Listed License Conditions,Warranted
Person / Time
Site: Westinghouse
Issue date: 06/05/1987
From: Brach E
To: Sanders C
NUDOCS 8707300340
Download: ML20236D167 (3)


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]c JUN 0 51987 TED ORIGINKl.

SGLB:SSX 70-1151 Wes.tinghouse Electric Corporation Nuclear fuel Division ATTN: Mr. C. F. Sanders, Manager Nuclear Materials Management Drawer R Columbia, South Carolina 29205 Gentlemen: .

This is in response to your letter LA 87-14 and attachment dated April 1,1987 in which you requested exemptions from the requirements of the Columbia Plant FNMC Plan for three activities related to safeguards. The first request was for permission to use nominal tare weights in calculating the small amount of uranium (a total U-235 content less than 70 grams) in-seven Model 8A UF 6

cylinders being shipped to NFS for cleaning in preparation for re-certification. The weight of uranium recorded on Shipping Form 171 would be corrected after the wash solutions were analyzed by NFS.

Your second request was for our approval of your plan to prepare two analytical control standards in-house te replace the NBL120 standard (UO powder), which is no longer available for purchase. TheVO,controlsta$dard for the gravimetric uranium analysis would be a selected batch of 500 well-characterized sintered U0p pellets from Operations. The control standard for the titration method of uranium analysis would be a uranyl nitrate solution prepared from a clean UNH solution from your Conversion process. The uranium content of each standard would be calibrated against a certified standard such as NBl.120 either by two independent analytical methods in the same laboratory or by the same method in two independent laboratories.

Your third request was for approval of the use of a single standard control program for the new higher quality tube scales to be used in the ADV process lines. At present, eight weight standards are used to assure bias-free point-calibration of the old tube scales over the range of 200 to 700 grams.

The linearity and reproducibility of the new state-of-the-art scales will be initially demonstrated. A monthly calibration of the new scales to verify their linearity of response with at least four traceable standards covering the range of use would assure an adequate reliability, of the same order as the previous bias-free point-calibration with eight standards.

We have reviewed these requests and have determined that the granting of your requests, as modified in the following license conditions, is warranted, and will'not advarsely affect the common defense and security nor the public health and safety, and is otherwise in the public interest. Accordingly, we

- 8707300340 870605 1 PDR ADOCK 0700 C

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' Mr. C. F. Sanders  !

JW 0 51987 l

are hereby granting exemptions to the requirements of Sections 6.2.3, 4.1.1 and E 4.2.2.of. the Colun)bia Plant .FfMC Plan, by issuing three numbered license conditions to Amendment SG-3 of your License No. SNM-1107, effective immediately, to read as.follows:

License Condition 1.7:

Notwithstanding the requirements of the FNMC Plan identified in Condition

' 2.1..'the licensee may use on' Shipping Form 171 a nominal tare weight of  !

80.285 kg~for each of the 7 cylinders identified in the attachment to letter LA 87-14 dated April 1,1987. This condition will expire on August 31, 1987 when the uranium content of the identified cylinders has been determined and used to adjust the Form 171 values.

License Condition 1.5: ,'

Notwithstanding the requirements of the FNMC Plan identified in Condition 2.1, the licensee may prepare in-house analytical control. standards for use in the gravimetric and titration methods of uranium analysis as described in the attachment to letter 87-14 dated April 1,1987. The uranium content of the V0 sta will be taken in each cas$ as'ndard and ofofthe the average 30uranyl nitrate analyses, standard 15 by the licensee's laboratory and 15 by an independent outside laboratory.

License Condition 1.6:

h Notwithstanding the requirements of the FNMC Plan identified in Condition 2.1, the-licensee may use a single standard control program for the new

-linear-response tube scales to be used in the ADV process lines as described in the attachment to letter 87-14 dated April 1,1987, provided (1) that the single standard system is initially demonstrated to be as bias-free as the point-calibration system, and (2) that the continued linearity of response of the new tube scales is verified by monthly calibration against at least four traceable standards covering the range of use.

The modifications to your requests inenrporated in License Conditions 1.5 and 1.6 were discussed between our Mr. S. S. Kirslis and Mr. Dan Colwell of your staff. It is our understanding that the modified license conditions are acceptable to you cnd will be included in your FNMC Plan.

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n-LIA j

' Mr. . C. F. Sanders i m 05 W  !

We have determined that.the. attachment to your letter of April 1,1987

contains information of the type specified in 10 CFR 2.790(d). Accordingly, pursuant to Section' 2.790(d)(1),. such information;is deemed to be commercial.- 1 or financial withincthe meaning of 10 CFR 9.5(a)(4) and shall be withheld from j public' disclosure unless subject to the. provisions of 10 CFR 9.12.
j Sincerely, i

e ijsn E.. William B ach, Acting Chief H Licensing Branch' .

Division of Safeguards and  !

Transportation, NMSS


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