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Evaluation Re Deficiencies Discovered in Facility Tech Specs Concerning Contaoinment Cooling Sys Operability.Recommends Mod to Tech Spec 3.3.b.2 to Correct Deficiencies
Person / Time
Site: Kewaunee, 05000000
Issue date: 02/28/1983
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16342B348 List: ... further results
FOIA-87-121 NUDOCS 8707090271
Download: ML20235C007 (4)


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DOCKET NO. 50-3D5 .,

A recent review of the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plan,t Technical Specifications has uncovered deficiencies in the Technical Specification regarding containment cooling system operability. i 5ection 6.3.1 of the Kewaunee Updated final Safety Analysis Report (UI S AR) defines the minimum allowable containment cooling capability for accident conditions as follows: '

Any of the following combinations of equipment will provide sufficient heat removal capability to maintain' the post-accident containment pressure below'the design value.

a. All four containment fan-coil units,
b. Two containment spray pumps,
c. Two of the four fan-coit units and one containment spray pump.

Portions of other systems which share functions and become part of t his containment cooling system are designed to meet the criteria of this section. No active failure will de-1 grade the heat removal capability of the containment ~ cooling function to less~than 100% of that required for the post  !

l loss-of-coolant accident. i i

8707090271 870701 PDR FOIA Wil.LI AMB7-122 PDR i

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Section 6.3.3 of the UFSAR e.s t ab lJ s h e s- th e, ba si s for the minimum

. operability of the containment cooling systen as folloss:


The minimum equipment required to provide sufficient heat removal capability to maintain the post-accident containment pressure below the design valuer assuming that the core' residual heat is released to the contain- -

rent es steam and water is: -

.two containment fan-coil units, and i

l one containment spray pump.

However, T e c hni c a l Spe'c i f i c a t ion 3.3 b.2 re a ds as fo'llows:

2. During power operation or recovery from inadvertent trip, any one of the following conditions of inopera-bility may exist during the time intervals specified.

The reactor shall be placed in the hot shutdown condition if operability is not restored within the tine specified, and it shall be placed in the cold shutdown condition i f operability is not restored within an additional 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />.

A. ONE fan-coit unit may be out of service for.a .

4 period not to exceed 7 days.

B. ONE containment spray pump and/or its flow-path may l be out of service for a p6rio6 not to exceed 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> provided t he remaining containment spray pump and its flow path are operable, prior t o initiating maint enance and provided three fan-coit units are demonstrated to be operable.



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This Technical Specification is deficient in t hat it allows taking

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a fan-coil out of service for 7 days, and not demonst' rating opera-

.. I bili,ty of the remaining fan-coils or the containment spray pumps.

It also allows taking a containment spray out of service while one 1sn-coil'is out of service with no demonstration of the operability of the remaining spray pump. With one fan-coil and one spray pump out of service and the single failure of the remaining sprey pump, the plant is left with only 3 fan-coils to preve6t overpressuriza-  ;

1 tion of the containment. This is not in accordance with the design basis as stated in the UFSAR.

  • T e c hni c a l Spe ci fi c at i o,n 3.3.b.2 s hould be modi f i ed t o correct these deficiencies. The following is provided as a possible replacement specification for 3.3.b.2; marginal bars are provided l 1

'to indicate the suggested changes:

2. During power operation or recovery from inadvertent l trip, any one of the following conditions of inopera-bility may emist during the time i nt e r va' I s s p e c'i f i e d.

i The reactor shall be placed in the hot shutdown condi-tion if operability is not restored within the time specified, and it shall be placed in the cold shutdown condition if operability is not restored within an

, additional 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />. -

A. ONE fan-coit unit may be out of service for a period j not to exceed 7 days. The remaining fan-coit units l

shall be t est ed to demonst rat e operability before ini- l tiating maintenance on the inoperable fan-coit unit j

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and shall be tested once every 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />,thereafter .,

until all fan-coit units are in an'oper$ble status or the reactor is shut down, i

B. ONE containment spray pump and/or its flow path may be out of service for a period not to exceed 4E. hours.

The rer.aining containment spray pOnp and its flow path shall be tested to dec.onstrate operability before initiating main'tenance on the inoperable pump or flow path and shall be tested once every 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> there-after, until both pumps and their flow paths are .in an operable status or the reactor is shut down.

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