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Forwards Insp Rept 50-346/97-08 on 970707 & Nov.Violation of Concern Because of Importance Associated W/Planning & Controlling Work Activities Affecting Quality Through Use of Procedures
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 09/23/1997
From: Grant G
To: Jeffery Wood
Shared Package
ML20217C640 List:
50-346-97-08, 50-346-97-8, NUDOCS 9710020002
Download: ML20217C636 (3)

See also: IR 05000346/1997008


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                                                        September 23, 1997
                Mr. John K. Wood
                Vice President - Nuclear
                Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station
                Centerior Service Company
                5501 North State Route 2                                                           .
                Oak Harbor OH 43449
                               NRC INSPECTION REPORT NO. 50-346/97008(DRP) AND
                               NOTICE OF VIOt.ATION
                Dear Mr. Wood:                                         .
                On July 7,1997, the NRC completed an inspection at the Davis-Besse site. The enclosed
               report presents the results of that inspection.
               Unit restart following completion of the forced outage to replace the main transformer was
               conducted in a controlled, conservative manner. However, two violations of NRC
               requirements were identified during this inspection. Both violations involved your staff's              -{
               failure to apply the requisite administrative controls for proceduralizing work instructions.
               The first violation pertained to a change to the operator rounds sheets that was issued for
               use without the required review and approval. The second violation involved the use of
               " action plans" instead of approved procedures, to partially drain se')ments of piping on
               systems attached to the reactor coolant system. The action plans had not undergone the
               reviews and approvals required for procedures before use. While neither violation resulted -
              in a direct degradation of plant safety or was indicative of a programmatic breakdown, the
              violations are of concern because of the importance associated with planning and controlling
              work activities affecting quality through the use of procedures.
              These violations are cited in the enclosed Notice of Violation and the circumstances
              surrounding the violations are described in detailin the enclosed report. Please note that
              you are required to respond to this letter and should follow the instructions specified in the'
              enclosed Notice when preparing your response. The NRC will use your response, in part, to
              determine whether further enforcement action is necessary to ensure compliance with
              regulatory requirements.                                                                                  j
                 9710020002 970923
                 PDR     ADOCK 05000346
  og ; J. K. Wood                                                                      -2
      In accordance with 10 CFR 2.730 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and
      its enclosures will b's placed in the NRC Public Document Room.
                                                                                     /s/ Marc L. Dapas for
                                                                                     Geoffrey E. Grant, Director
                                                                                     Division of Reactor Projects
       Docket No. 50-346
       License No. NPF-3
       Enclosures:                        1. Notice of Violation                                                              ,
                                         -2. Inspection Repntt                                                                I
                                                 No. 50-346/97008(DRP)
      cc w/encis:                         John P. Stetz, Senior
                                            Vice President - Nuclear                                                   -
                                          J.' H. Lash, Plant Manager
                                          J. L. Freels, Manager
                                            Regulatory Affairs -
                                          State Liaison Officer, State
                                            of Ohio
                                          Robert E. Owen, Ohio
                                            Department of Health
                                          C. A. Glazer, State of Ohio,-
                                            Public Utilities Commission
       v.     i. .         v e r tu. e             m. me t. m m. wm c - c , we.w et w e e - c , we mi w e r - m.         ,.
           OFFICE                         Rlli -                      Rill         .               Rill
           NAME                           FBrown:co b                 GWrijh                       GGrant
           DATE                           09/B/97                     09/[T/97                     092aR97
                                                           OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

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- N J. K. Wood -3 -



          Docket File w/encls                  DRP w/encls
          PUBLIC IE-01 w/encls               ~ SRI Davis Besse w/encls

. OC/LFDCB w/encls - A. B. Beach w/encls

          Project Manager, NRR w/encls         Deputy RA w/encls
          Rlli Enf. Coordinator w/encls        Rlli PRR w/encls

I CAA1 w/encls (E mail)

                                               DRS (2) w/encls
          TSS w/encls                          DOCDESK (E maill

4 s 1 4 s . . 4 j 1 i l 1 .. . 4 }}