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Forwards List of Pressure Isolation Valves & Summary of Periodic Tests Performed for Each &/Or Other Features Which Assure Pressure Boundary Integrity,In Response to Generic Ltr 87-06
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 06/11/1987
From: Murphy W
To: Murley T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
FVY-87-64, GL-87-06, GL-87-6, NUDOCS 8706160463
Download: ML20215A000 (6)


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. RD 5, Box 169. Ferry Road, Brattleboro, VT 05301 y,g, p ENGINEERING OFFICE 1671 WORCESTER ROAD

  • FRAMINGHAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01701 e TELEPHONE 611-412-4100 June 11, 1987 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Attn Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Dr. Thomas E. Murley


a) License No. DPR-28 (Docket No. 50-271) b) Letter, USNRC to All Holders of Operating Licenses, NVY 87-47, dated 3/13/87

Dear Sir:


Response to Generic Letter 87-06, Periodic Verification of Leak-Tight Integrity of Pressure Isolation Valves By Generic Letter 87-06, dated March 13, 1987 [ Reference b)], Vermont Yankee was requested to submit a list of all Pressure Isolation Valves (PIVs) at the plant and describe the periodic tests or other measures per-formed to assure the integrity of each valve as an independent barrier at the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary (RCPB), including applicable accep-tance criteria for leakage, operational limits, and frequency of test per-formance. Accordingly, Vermont Yankee herein responds to the subject Generic Letter request pursuant to 10CFR50.54(f).

Vermont Yankee has reviewed the primary high pressure reactor coolant piping systems (RCS) at the plant for PIV configurations as defined in Reference b), wherein PIVs are defined for each interface as any two valves in series within the RCPB which separate the RCS from an attached low pressure system. These valves are normally closed during power operation.

Enclosure 1 to this letter provides a list of those valves, consistent with current plant licensing commitments at Vermont Yankee, and summarizes the periodic tests performed for each and/or other features which assure pressure boundary integrity.


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VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission June 11, 1987 Page 2 We trust that the above information adequately addresses your request; however, should you have questions or desire additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Warren urp i Vice President an Manager of Operations



Then personally appeared before me, Warren P. Murphy, who, being duly swc* , did state that he is Vice President and Manager of Operations of Vermont Ya* ,ee Nuclear Power Corporation, that he is duly authorized to execute and file ti,e foregoing document in the name and on the behalf of Vermont Yankee Nuclear iower Corporation and that the statements therein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

O M.McCgg Diane M. McCue Notary Public My Commission ExpiresP February 10, 1991


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ENCLOSURE I (Continued)

Pressure Isolation valve Service Test Other Valve Type Recuirements Features MOV-10-27A Globe RHR (LPCI) "A" Loop Valve exercised monthly per High downstream pressure annunciated Injection (Outboard) Technical Specification, in Control Room thus providing con-Section 4.5.A.I. Stroke time tinuous monitoring of leakage at measured quarterly in accordance this pressure boundary. Pressure with ISI Program. (This testing relief valve provided downstream, would also detect a stuck open/ tail pipe flow also detectable gross leakage condition of the during normal surveillance, upstream check valve.)

V10-46B Check RHR (LPCI) "B" Loop Valve cannot be manually exer- A pressure gauge is installed on a Injection (Inboard) cised during operation because drain line located between the check it is inside containment. Ex- valve and downstream MOV which will ercising by system flow is not provide an indication of check possible during power operation valve leakage and is checked during because pump discharge head can- monthly RHR MOV testing.

not overcome reactor pressure.

Valve manually full stroke exer-cised during shutdowns when dry-well is^ accessible and during refueling outages, in accordance with ISI Program. .

MOV-10-278 Globe RHR (LPCI) "B" Loop Valve exercised monthly per High downstream pressure annunciated Injection (Outboard) Technical Specification, in Control Room thus providing con-Section 4.5.A.I. Stroke time tinuous monitoring of leakage at measured quarterly in accordance this pressure boundary. Pressure with ISI Program. (This testing relief valve provided downstream, would also detect a stuck open/ tail pipe flow also detectable during gross leakage condition of the normal surveillance.

upstream check valve.

9 o

ENCLOSURE 1 (Continued)

Pressure Isolation Valve Service Test Other Valve Type Requirements Features V14-13A Check Core Spray "A" Loop Valve cannot be manually exer-Injection (Inboard) cised during operation because it is inside containment. Ex-ercising by system flow is not possible during power operation because pump discharge head cannot overcome reactor pressure.

Valve manually full stroke exer-cised during shutdowns when dry-well is accessible and during refueling outages in accordance with ISI Program.

MOV-14-12A Gate Core Spray "A" Loop Valve exercised monthly per High downstream pressure annunciated Injection (Outboard) Technical Specification, in Control Room thus providing con-Section 4.5.A.1. Stroke time tinuous monitoring for leakage at measured quarterly in accordance this pressure boundary. Pressure with ISI Program. (This testing relief valve provided downstream, would also detect a stuck open/ tail pipe flow also detectable gross leakage condition of the during normal surveillance, upstream check valve.

V14-13B Check Core Spray "B" Loop Valve cannot be manually exercised Injection (Inboard) during operation because it is in-side containment. Exercising by system flow is not possible during power operation because pump dis-charge head cannot overcome reactor pressure. Valve manually full stroke exercised during shutdowns when drywell is accessible and during refueling outages in accord-ance with ISI Program.


ENCLOSURE 1 (Continued) ,

Pressure Isolation Valve Service Test Other Valve Type Requiremeris Features MOV-14-12B Gate Core Spray "B" Loop Valve exercised monthly peer High downstres pressure annunciated Injection (Outboard) Technical Specification, in Control' Room thus providing' con-Section 4.5.A.1. Stroke time tinuous monitoring for leakage at measured quarterly in accordance this pressure boundary. Pressure with ISI Program. (This testing relief valve provided downstream, would also detect a stuck open/ tail pipe flow also detectable gross' leakage condition of the during normal surveillance.

upstream check valve.)

MOV-2-74 Gate Main Streamline Valve Type C leak rate tesi:ed in Drains (Inboard) accordance with Appendix J (Tech-nical Specification, Sect #on 4.7.2).

MOV-2-77 Gate Main Streamline . Valve Type C leak rate tested in Drains (Outboard) accordance with Appendix J (Technical Specificaiton, Section 4.7.2).

FCV-2-39 Globe Recirculating Loop Valve Type C leak rate tested in Sample (Inboard) accordance with Appendix J (Technical Specification, Section 4.7.2).

FCV-2-40 Gate Recirculating Loop Valve Type C leak rate tested in Sample Outboard accordance with Appendix J (Technical Specification, Section 4.7.2).

NOTE: Pairs of isolation valves, both of which are inside containment, in vent and drain lines open to con-tainment atmosphere are interpreted to be outside the scope of Generic Letter-87-06 and, therefore, have not been included.