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Forwards Structural Integrity Associates,Inc Plant Specific Analysis Which Provides Appropriate Technical Basis for re- Inspection Frequencies,Per Core Shroud at Pbaps,Unit 3
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/01/1999
From: Geoffrey Edwards
NUDOCS 9903100004
Download: ML20207D552 (160)


{{#Wiki_filter:, PECO NUCLEAR eeco rne,,, comgam, A Unit of PECO Energy Nuclear Group Headquarters 965 chesterbrook Boulevard Wayne. PA 19087-5691 March 1,1999 Dodet No. 50-278 License No. DPR-56 U. S. Nuclear R Commisson Attn: Document Desk W,ashington, D.C. 20555

           &W.             Peach Bottom Atome Power Stabon, Unit 3 Core Shroud Exammation Strategy


1. Letter from G. A. Hunger, Jr. (PECO Energy Company (PECO Energy))

to U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) dated November 3, 1995

2. Letter from G. A., Jr. (PECO Energy) to USNRC dated January 30,1997
3. Letter from J. F. Stolz (USNRC) to G. A. Hunger, Jr. (PECO Energy) dated October 27,1997
4. Letter from G. C. Lamas (USNRC) to C. Terry (BWRVIP Chairman) dated April 27,1998 '

Dear Sir / Madam:

The purpose of this letter is to submit a plant specific analysis which provides an eppropiiate technical basis for re-inspecten frequencies associated with the core shroud at the Peach , Bottom Atomic Power Stabon (PBAPS), Unit 3. As discussed below, plant a:ecirc analysis provides justificaton for re-inspecten frequences for certam shroud welds w1ich differ from those contained in Reference 4 and BWRVIP-07 ("Guedehnes for Reinspechon of BWR Core Shrouds (BWRVIP-07)," EPRI TR-105747, February,1996). In the Reference 1 letter, PECO Energy Company (PECO Energy) provided a summary of the core shroud inspection results from the inspection of the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Stabon (PBAPS), Unit 3 core shroud whch was performed dunng the PBAPS, Unit 3 tenth refusing outage (3R10, September,1995). As discussed in the summary portion of the Reference 1 letter, the results of the inspectons and evaluatons performed at that time


concluded that the condston of the PBAPS, Unit 3 shroud would support the required safety / margns projected through a minimum of the next two operatng cycles (until 3R12, currently scheduled to begm in October 1999). Thts evaluaton was clarified by PECO Energy in the Reference 2 letter, and was discussed in your response contained in the Reference 3 letter. As idenbfied in the Reference 1 letter, the H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4, H-5, H 6, and H-7 welds were inspeded dunng 3R10, and cracking was found in the H-1, H-3, H-4, and H-5 welds. The A-

       .,H3 and H4 welds had tna most cr.cAirs with an iderWfied 203 and 187 inches of total ' /

cracking,. respecbvely. Beied on the generic guidance provided in BWRVIP-07, re-9903100004 990301 rT PDR ADOCK'05000278 P PDRX

March 1,1999 Page 2 i inspection would be required at 5.6 and 6.0 years for the limiting welds H-3 and H-4, respectively. The USNRC Safety Evaluation (Reference 4) requires a re-inspection interval of every four (4) years for these welds at PBAPS, Unit 3. However, PECO Energy Company has performed plant specific analysis to determine the re-inspection requirements for the core shroud. The attached plant specific analysis differs from the analysis provided in the Reference 1 letter in that it considers 40 years of crack growth in the evaluatior,s of all welds, except for H 4, which was evaluated for 14 years of crack growth The analysis provided in Reference 1 evaluated only four (4) years of crack growth Addibonally, the attached analysis conservatively addresses the postulated situation of new crack initiation. Taking guidance from the methodology documented in the re-inspection guidelines (BWRVIP-07), areas which were previously reported uncracked were assumed to initiate cracking immediately after startup from the outage during which the last inspection warg wrformed (3R10,1995). These cracks were grown through-wall at a rate of 2.2 x 10, nches/ hour. Continuous crack growth was assumed for ten (10) years of operation for the limit load evaluation, and six (6) years of operation for the LEFM study. Only two welds were considered for this new initiation study, these being welds H-3 and H-4, the controlling welds for both the limit load and LEFM methodologies. Even with these conservative assumptions, all required factors-of-safety are maintained for the specified periods of operation. As concluded in the attached plant specific anal) sis, based upon a review of the examination data for circumferential welds H-1 through H-7, there is substantial margin for each of these welds under conservative, bounding conditions to allow for continued operation without re-inspection for at least six (6) years for welds H-3 and H-4, and ten (10) years for welds H-1, H-2, H-5, H4 and H-7. These re-inspection intervals equal or exceed the intervals documented in Table 1 of the BWRVIP-07 re-inspection guidelines. The analyses performed included limit load analyses under bounding design basis conditions, and LEFM evaluations for the postulated highest fluence welds. The evaluations were performed with the assumption that all uninspected regions were cracked through-wall for all calculations. Additionally, areas with reported cracking were grown (at each end) at the bounding crack growth rate of 5 x 10 4inches / hour, and increased in length by UT uncertainty factors. Required safety margins were used, and were exceeded in all cases. Therefore, re-inspection of the Peach Bo' tom, Unit 3 core shroud is not required sooner than the intervals defined in the plant specific analysis. Staging the inspection for the benefit of inspecting the H-3 and H-4 welds would also result in significant additional cost without a compensating increase in safety considering the conclusions of the attached analysis. The vendor inspection cost is

  $615,000 for the inspection of the H-3 and H-4 welds, and $815,000 for the inspection of all seven (7) shroud welds. Since clear technical basis exists for not re-inspecting the H-3 and H-4 welds during 3R12, incurring these significant incremental costs to examine just H-3 and H-4 during the upcoming outage is not justified. Note that the costs cited above do not consider the PECO Energy manpower costs, man-Rem exposure, increased outage length, or the potential costs associated with equipment problems, vendor performance, coordination difficulties, which could result from performing shroud inspections during 3R12.

In summary, the attached plant specific analysis justifies an interval of at least six (6) years (3R13, currently scheduled to begin in October 2001) for the most limiting welds (H-3 and H-4). The re-inspechon interval of these welds is being extended slightly beyond the inspection interval of 5.6 years for the H-3 weld prescribed in BWRVIP-07, and two (2) years beyond the interval prescribed in the USNRC Safety Evaluation (Reference 4) for the H-3 and H-4 welds. 'ihe remaining welds (H-1, H-2, H-5, H-6, H-7) are still within the prescribed inspection frequencies of BWRVIP-07 and the USNRC Safety &aluation. The next inspections of the PBAPS, Unit 3 core shroud are in addition to the inspections previously performed in 1993

March 1,1999 Page 3 (EVT-1) and 1995 (UT). Therefore, PECO Energy has concluded that it is appropriat poen,e inspecbon of the core shroud beyond 3R12. If you have any que5 don regard this analysis, we request that you contact us as soon as possible such that we can achie resolution prior to June 30,1999, in order to avoid any unnecessary expon6rtures associa with the upcoming outage. If you have any questions, please contact us. Very truly yours,


4 Garrett D. Edwards Director-(Jcensing cc- H. J. Miller, Administrator, Region I, USNRC A. C. McMurtray, USNRC Senior Resident inspector, PBAPS { l l l l

March 1,1999 Page 3 (EVT-1) and 1995 (UT). Therefore, PECO Energy has concludod that it is appropriate to postpone inspechon of the core shroud beyond 3R12. If you have any question regarding this analysis, we request that you contact us as soon as possible such that we can achieve resolubon prior to June 30,1999, in order to avoid any unnecessary expenditures associated with the upcoming outage if you have any quesbons, please contact us. very truly yours, i Ganett D. Edwards Drector- Licensing i l cc: H. J. Miller, Administrator, Region I, USNRC A. C. McMurtray, USNRC Senior Resident inspector, PBAPS i i I t y .. .- .

l I l

   !         ..                             .                                                                                 I J


      ' January 29,1999 SIR-98-125 .

RAM-98-142 rmattsonastn; ) l I Mr. Albert R. Piha PECO Energy Company  ; Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station  : 1848 Lay Road Delta, PA 17314-9032


Evaluation of Peach Bottom, Unit 3 Shroud Examination Results in Order to Determine Reinspection Intervals  ;

Dear Albert:

Structural Integrity Associates (SI) has performed an evaluation of the ultrasonic examination results recorded during the 1995 inspections of shroud circumferential welds H1 through H7 at j Peach Bottom, Unit 3, in order to determine maximum reinspection intervals versus those  ! specified in the shroud reinspection guidelines (9]. The evaluations performed and documented 1 herein were designed tojustify operation without reinspection of these welds for at less the intervals documented in the reinspection guidelines. The evaluations were performed following the approach used in the BWR Vessel and Internals Project (BWRVIP) shroud evalur. tion I guidelines [3], based on limit load and linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) techniques. In addition, a new initiation study was performed, based upon t'ne methodology documented in the i shroud reinspection guidelines [9]. The following sections of this report describe the j methodology used to evaluate each weld, the resulting safety margins, and the recommended t inspection intervals.  : 1 INSPECTION AND EVALUATION METHODOLOGY < J l The inspection and evaluation approach employed at Peach Bottom Unit 3 provides the i necessary information for determination of the required amount of unflawed rnaterial to meet j specified safety margins, including the appropriate amount for postulated crack growth and  ! nondestructive examination detection and sizing uncertainties. Ultrasonic examinatien (UT) ) techniques were utilized which provided complete through-thickness interrogation of all welds.  ! Due to accessibility limitations, the circumferential extent of examination of these welds varied. )

     - However, sufficient weld length was adequately interrogated to quantifiably dernonstrate the                           ;

condition, and hence, the structural integrity of all welds evaluated. Because both limit load and j LEFM assessments have been performed, evaluation methodologies wi!.1 be addressed separately l with respect to structural integrity evaluation.  ! {$ StrwiluralIntegrily Associates, Inc.

                                      -. .                 _     ~ . _ .              _ _..          _             .  . _ _ _

l 4 1 F r

             , Mr. Albert R. Piha :                                                                      January 29,1999 Page 2                                                                            SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA                                                                                                 l

, The core shroud is a core support structure which prevides lateral support for the fuel. The , applicable codes, standards and classification for the core shroud are as follows:  ! The ccre shroud is classified as a s.tfety-rele.ted component. i e The core shroud is not an ASME Code, Section III component. Ilowever, the original design is in accordance viith the intent ofSection III of the ASME Code.

                   * ' The evaluation of the core shrout! was performed in accordance with the requirements of                    .i the BWRVIP's shroud evaluation guidelines [3].                                                              ;


            - FLAW EVALUATION RESULTS                                                                                              .

Based upon the inspection data reported in 1995, flaw evaluations were performed tojustify j continued operation [1]. The analyses for this data have been reperformed in accordance with the  ; shroud evaluation guidelines (3], with the results documented herein. The analyses were , a performed using lims load as the failure criterion for each of the welds. The analyses performed l

take into account the cJstribttion of good material at each weld around the circumference of tSe t 4

shroud. Ir. addition, the H3 and H4 welds, which are the most highly irradicted, were evaluated , . nsing the LEFM methodology.  ;


Substanti,al conservatisms wcm built into the evaluation to account for the weld area examined, j the weld area which was not examiaed, evaluation guidelines' detection and sizing uncertainties, i j crack growth, and the evaluatica guidelines' flaw proximity criteria as applied to adjacent 1!aws. l' The specific conservatisms utilized in this evaluation are as fo!!ows:

1. All areas not examined, er reported with flaws, were considered cracked through-wall for all evaluations.

4 l 2. A bounding crack growth rate ($ t 10 inches / hour) [3] in the length direction was

 ,                     applied to all identified flaws, as vrell as to all of the uninspected regions.
3. - UT inspection uncertainty factors were applied to all identified indications, as well as to uninspected regions.
4. Forty years of crack growth were included in the evaluation of all welds except H4, which

[- was evaluated for founeen years.of crack yowth. U 5, ASME Code, Section XI proximity criteria for adjacent flaws were applied, after accounting for crack growth and inspection uncertainties. l f StructuralIt!legrityAssociates,Inc. m J d ,e d

                                                                                                                * ^ ^

6 Mr. Albert R. Piha January 29,1999 Page 3 SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142


t t

6. - ASME Code, Section XI pressure boundary safety margins were applied to these l evaluations even though the core shroud is not a primary pressure boundary.
7. Dead weight of the shroud and supported components was conservatively ignored.

The conservative assumptions described above were applied to each of the horizontal welds examined in this report. Table 1 documents the input data. Tables 2 through 8 present the results  ; of the ultrasonic examination for each of the horizontal welds evaluated in this report, from the , 1995 inspections. These are graphically depicted in Figures I through 7. A comparison of the < examination results with the values used for the analyses (which include the previously described

. conservatisms) is shown in Figures 8 through 14. It should be noted that flaws are considered


cracked through-wall when taking into account crack growth for the specified period.  !

) The results of the limit load analyses for each of the horizontal welds examined are presented in Table 9, based upon the stresses reported in Table 1, and the examination results reported in  ; i Tables 2 through 8. Based upon the stresses reported in Table 1, the upset condition governs for welds H4 through H7, while the faulted condition governs for welds H1 through H3. One j observes from Table 9 that the factors-of-safety for the upset condition vary from 22.4 to 48.8,  ; and for the faulted condition from 15.7 to 44.8. This compares to ASME Code minimum factors-of-safety of 2.77 and 1.39, respectively, specified for pressure boundary components [3]. One s hould note that the conservatisms utilized in this study are as described previously in this [ section. Finally, an evaluation of the H3 and H4 we!ds was performed using the LEFM methodology to determine the applied stress intensity factor resulting from the bounding loading conditions.The

     ' results' of this analysis demonstrate that the 150 ksiVinch material toughness which is presented in the evaluation guidelines [3] as the acceptable fracture toughness for this material under                  :

irradiation embrittled conditions is met. Table 10 illustrates that the evaluation guidelines [3] l minimum required factors-of-safety have been met for welds H3 and H4. NEW INITIATION STUDY In order to conservatively address the postulated situation of new crack initiation, a new initiation study was performed. Taking guidance from the methodology documented in the reinspection guidelines [9], areas which were previously reported uncracked were assumed to initiate cracking immediately after startup from the outage which included the last inspection. These cracks were 5 grown through-wall at a rate of 2.2 x 10 inches / hour, which is in compliance with the crack growth report [11], as justified in Appendix F. Crack growth was considered for ten years of operation for the limit load evaluation, and six years of operation for the LEFM study. Only two welds were examined for this new initiation study, these being welds H3 and H4, the controlling

     --welds for the limit load and LEFM methodologies (see Tables 9 and 10).

f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

Mr. Albert R. Piha January 29,1999 Page 4 SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 Table 1i presents the results for the limit load evaluation, while Table 12 presents the LEFM remits. As seen by reviewing these tables, all required factors-of-safety are maintained for the specified period of operation. EVALUATION OF CRACK GROWTH RATE The validity of the crack growth rate of 2.2 x 10-5 inches / hour [11] is currently being discussed with the U.S. NRC. The U.S. NRC's position is that this value is applicable for fluence levels less than 5 x 102 n/cm ,2 and that for evaluation of welds with fluence levels above this threshold, plant unique justification must be provided [12). At the end of Cycle 13 (17.45 EFPY) for Peach Bottom, Unit 3, which is three cycles from the last shroud inspection, weld H3 will 2 2 have fluence of approximately 6.0 x 10 n/cm , and weld H4 will have fluence of approximately 2 2 1.7 x 10 ' n/cm [13]. These values include a 1.5 factor-of-safety. Appendix F documents the bases for using the 2.2 x 10-5 inches / hour crack growth rate for welds H3 and H4, where data is presented from industry sources, as well as that developed specifically for Peach Bottom, Unit 3. The use of this Appendix F data isjudged very conservative when taking into consideration the fact that Peach Bottom, Unit 3 has implemented hydrogen water chemistry, and will implement noble metal chemical application in the Fall of 1999. In conclusion, the BWRVIP-14 upper bound crack growth rate of 2.2 x 10 5 inches / hour is I appropriate for use at Peach Bottom, Unit 3.




Based upon a review of the examination data for circumferential welds H1 through H7, there is substantial margin for each of these welds under conservative, bounding conditions to allow for continued operation without reinspection for at least the intervals documented in the reinspection 1 guidelines [9]. The analyses performed included limit load analyses under bounding design basis conditions, and LEFM evaluations for the postulated highest fluence welds. The evaluations were performed with the assumption that all regions uninspected, or reported with flaws, were cracked , through-wall for all calculations. Additionally, all uninspected areas and areas with reported ) cracking were grown (at each end) at the bounding crack growth rate of 5 x 10-5 nches/ hour, and 1 increased in length by UT uncertainty factors. Required safety margins were used, and were exceeded in all cases. Using the methodology defined in the evaluation guidelines [3), a minimum of fourteen years of operation can be technicallyjustified without reinspection. Using the results from a new initiation study, ten years of operation can be technically justified for welds H1, H2, H5, H6 and H7, and siv years of operation can be technically justified for welds H3 and H4. These exceed or equal the r nspection intervals established in the reinspection guidelines [9], as documented in Table 13 for Peach Bottom, Unit 3. Therefore, reinspection of the Peach Bottom, Unit 3 core shroud is not required sooner than six years for welds H3 and H4, and ten years for welds H 1, H2, H5, H6 and H7. l f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

  -        .           - , . .  . - =              _     -          - .    . _ - . -

Mr. Albert R. Piha January 29,1999 Page5. SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 , Very truly yours, , Prepared by: Reviewed by: ,

      .s2fwW R.. A. Mattson, P. E.
                               $2 G. L. Stevens, P. E.

K. 1


B. 'M.'Gordon, P. E. i gsv Attachments  ; cc: Rich Ciemiewicz 1 l 1 l l f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.


                                                              ..                                                                'I
                      ' PECO Energy, "RPV Core Shroud Flaw Indications," ECR Number PB-95-04346-001,                             !

October 19,1995, SI File No. PECO-28Q-204. -

2. GE Nuclear Energy," Evaluation and Screening Criteria for the Peach Bottom ' Unit-3.

Shroud Indications," Report No. GENE-523-141-1093, Revision 1, December 3,1993, SI File No. PECO-09Q-202. t

           -3.          BWR Vessel and Internals Project,"BWR Core Shroud Inspection and Flaw Evaluation Guideline, Revision 2 (BWRVIP-01)," EPRI Report No. TR-107079, October 1996, SI l

File No. BWRVIP-01-201. ,

           ~4.          Telecon Between Albert Piha (PECO) and Dick Mattson (SI), December 9,1998, SI File                        i No. PECO-28Q-203.                                                                                        ;
5. BWR Vessel and Internals Project," Reactor Pressure Vessel and Internals Examination ,

Guidelines (BWRVIP-03)," EPRI Report No. TR-105696, October 1995, SI File No. i BWRVIP-01-203.

          - 6.       ' Fax from Albert Piha (PECO) to Dick Mattson (SI), December 18,1998, SI File No.

PECO-28Q-205.  ;

7. Structural Integrity Associates, Software User Manual, "ANSC for Determining Net Section Collapse of Arbitrarily Thinned Cylinder," Report No. SIR-94-035, Revision 0, April 29,1994 SI File No. QA-1900.
8. Rooke, D. P. and Cartwright, D. J.," Compendium of Stress Intensity Factors," The Hillingdon Press,1976.
9. BWR Vessel and Internals Project," Guidelines for Reinspection of BWR Core Shrouds (BWRVIP-07)," EPRI Report No. TR-105747, February 1996, SI File No. BWRVIP l 207 '
10. Tada, H.,"The Stress Analysis of Cracks Handbook," Paris Productions Inc., Second Edition,1985.

I 1. BWR Vessel and Internals Project," Evaluation of Crack Growth in BWR Stainless Steel RPV Internals (BWRVIP-14)," EPRI Report No. TR-105873, March 1996, SI File No. BWRVIP-01-214.

12. ~ Letter from Gus C. Lainas (U.S. NRC) to Carl Terry (BWRVIP Chairman), " Safety Evaluation of the BWR Vessel and Internals Project BWRVIP-14 Report (TAC No.

M94975)," June 8,1998, SI File No. PECO-28Q-206. I SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 6 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

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13. Letter from Sylvia S. Wang (GE) to V. M. Nilekani (PECO), " Estimated Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3 Fast Neutron Fluence at Shroud Welds HI thm H7," September 7,1994, SI File No. PECO-28Q-202.
14. Letter from Carl Terry (BWRVIP Chairman) to C. E. Carpenter (U.S. NRC), " Project No.  !

704 - . BWRVIP Response to NRC Safety Evaluation of BWRVIP-14," November 24, ' 1998, SI File No. PECO-28Q-206.

15. E-mail from Albert Piha (PECO) to Dick Mattson (SI), January 21,1999,10:00 a.m., SI File No. PECO-28Q-209.

l 1 l l l 4 J i i 4 4

SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 7 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

1 Table i Design Input ' Shrou'd _ Bending Moment Pressure Differential Weld Mean Shroud Stresses [11 Stresses [1] Designation ' Radius [2] Thickness [2] Upset Faulted Upset Faulted HI 109.0" 2.0" 0.12 ksi 0.22 ksi ' O.38 ksi 0.84 ksi H2 109.0"- 2.0" 0.16 ksi 0.29 ksi 0.38 ksi 0.84 ksi H3 102.5625" 2.0" - 0.19 ksi 0.34 ksi 0.36 ksi 0.79 ksi H4 102.5625" 2.0" 0.36 ksi 0.61 ksi 0.36 ksi 0.79 ksi i H5 102.5625" 2.0" 0.54 ksi 0.94 ksi 0.36 ksi 0.79 ksi H6 99.5" 2.0" 0.57 ksi 1.01 ksi 0.62 ksi 1.05 ksi-H7 99.5" 2.0" 0.73 ksi 1.33 ksi 0.62 ksi 1.05 ksi , Note: 1. Other design input includes the . ,llowing: The shroud material is Type 304 stainless steel, with S equal to 16.9 ksi at 550 F i [2]. The crack growth rate to be used is 5 x 10 5 inches / hour [3]. For purposes of this evaluation, it is assumed that Peach Bottom, Unit 3 is on twenty-four month fuel cycles, with 16,000 hours per cycle. The factors-of-safety to be considered are 2.77 for the upset condition, and 1.39 for the faulted condition [3]. l l l SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 8 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc. e9i

Table 2 Weld Designation HI Flaw Detection Results [1] 2.3 Flaw Starting Ending Depth Number Azimuth Azimuth (inches) () () 1 0.00' 11.20' 2.00 2 13.44 16.24 0.40 3 21.84 23.52 0.70 4 38.20 39.88 0.36 4 4 5 107.60 109.84 0.42 6 167.46' 192.70' 2.00 7 259.28 262.08 0.42 8 264.76 265.88 0.57 9 268.68 270.92 0.73 10 340.54' 360.00' 2.00 Notes: 1. Uninspected regions.

2. UT uncertainty factors for length are based upon the transducer which determines the length. For near side detection, the factor is 0.000" for 45 shear [1,4,5]. The uncertainty factor is added to each end of the flaws.
3. UT uncertainty factors for depth are based upon the transducer which determines the depth. For near side detection, the factor is 0.106" for 60 longitudinal [1,4,5].
4. Flaws which cross over lug sets are increased in length by 0.5 at each end [5,6].

SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 9 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

i I; .. , -.  :.v , r  ; i l l

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P l Table 3  : i t Weld Designation H2 l

                                                             ~ Flaw Detection Results [1]                                             j l

Flaw : Starting Ending . Depth Number  ; Azimuth - Azimuth -(inches)  ! ()' () l l' O.00' 11.40' 2.00 i 2- 167.66' 192.90' 2.00 ' 3 340.74' 360.00'- -2.00 , f-- i Note: 1. Uninspected regions.  ! l  ! i l l i i I i l 4 b J-

                   , SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 -                                   10 11   d@ wim M

Table 4 Weld Designation H3 Flaw Detection Results [1] 2.3 Flaw Starting Ending Depth I Number Azimuth Azimuth (inches) () () 1 0.00' 11.20' 2.00 4 4 2 11.20 15.60 0.45 4 3 54.20 62.45' O.72 4 104.70 106.35 0.43 l 4 4 5 106.90 110.20 0.40 4 4 6 144.05 169.45 0.85  : 7 169.75' I89.20' 2.00 l 4 8 203.2l' 232.65 0.78 4 4 9 240.92 250.32 0.64 i 4 10 298.68' 309.33 0.60 4 4 11 310.88 325.32 0.85 4 4 12 348.72' 354.33 0.65 13 352.97' 360.00' 2.00 Notes: 1. Uninspected regions.

2. UT uncertainty factors for length are based upon the transducer which determines the length. For near side detection, the factor is 0.000" for 45 shear [1,4,5]. The uncenainty factor is added to each end of the flaws.
3. UT uncertainty factors for depth are based upon the transducer which determines the depth. For near side detection, the factor is 0.106" for 60 longitudinal [1,4,5].
4. Flaws which cross over lug sets are increased in length by 0.5 at each end [5,6].

S1R-98-125/ RAM-98-142 ll Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.

Table 5 Weld Designation H4 Flaw Detection Results [1] 2.6 Flaw Starting Ending Depths Number Azimuth Azimuth (inches) () () 1 0.00' 9.40' 2.00 2 10.32' 11.44" 0.10 4 4 3 23.70 26.50 0.10 4 27.00 29.30 0.10 5 36.02 37.14 0.10 6 42.00 45.36 0.10 4 4 7 47.66 54.32 0.10 4 8 55.32' 57.56 0.10 , 4 4 9 62.10 67.70 0.13' 10 72.06 73.18 0.10 11 83.70 84.82 0.10 12 96.52 99.32 0.10 l 13 113.26 114.26 0.10 j 14 124.34 125.46 0.10 l 4 7 15 135.36' 150.36 2.00 j 16 170.02' I89.40 2.00 17 201.02 205.38 0.10 18 210.98 213.22 0.10 19 216.02 218.82 0.10 20 230.40 232.08 0.10 21 233.73 235.38 0.10 22 244.84 247.08 0.10 23 263.70 265.38 0.10 24 289.96 293.76 0.10 SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 12 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.

Table 5 (concluded) Weld Designation H4 Flaw Detection Results [1] 2'6 Flaw Starting Ending Depth' Number Azimuth Azimuth (inches) () () 25 294.32 295.44 0.10


26 296.50 297.68 0.10 27 298.24 301.60 0.10 28 306.08 308.76 0.10 4 4 29 318.28 319A0 0.10 4 3 30 324.88 339.18' O.14 4 31 340.30' 341.98 0.10 32 349.82' 360.00' 2.00 Notes: 1. Uninspected regions.

2. UT uncertainty factors for length are based upon the transducer which determines the length. For near side detection, the factor is 0.000" for 45 shear [1,4,5]. The uncertainty factor is added to each end of the flaws.
3. UT uncertainty factors for depth are based upon the transduct. .hich determines the depth. For near side detection, the factor is 0.106" for 60 longitudinal [1,4,5].
4. Flaws which cross over lug sets are increased in length by 0.5* at each end [5,6].
5. Except as noted, flaw depth is set to the UT sizing threshold.
6. Overlapping flaws have been combined.
7. Conservatively set to 2.00".

SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 13 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

i l Table 6 Weld Designation H5 Flaw Detection Results [1]2.3.5 Flaw Starting Ending Depth Number Azimuth Azimuth (inches) (*) (*) i 0.00' 1 9.20' 2.00 . 2 141.52 144.88 0. I 1 3 174.20' 189.40' 2.00 4 319.34 324.38 0.20 . t 5 325.38' 328.18' O.23 6 333.78 339.38 0.20 4 7 339.62 341.86' O.11 8 344.10 346.90 0.18 9 348.02' 350.26' O.10  ! 10 351.20' 360.00' 2.00


Notes: 1. Uninspected regions. j

2. UT uncertainty factors for length are based upon the transducer which determines the length. For near side detection, the factor is 0.000" for 45" shear [1,4,5]. The uncertainty factor is added to each end of the flaws.
3. UT uncertainty factors for depth are based upon the transducer which determines the depth. For near side detection, the factor is 0.106" for 60 longitudinal [1,4,5].
4. Flaws which cross over lug sets are increased in length by 0.5* at each end [5,6].
5. Overlapping flaws have been combined.

l I I SIR-98-l25/ RAM-98-l42 14 g,,u,,,,,, ,,,,y,,,y ,gg0gggggg, ggg.

m Table 7

                                          ' Weld Designation H6
                                       - Flaw Detection Results [1]

Flaw - Starting Ending Depth Number Azimuth Azimuth (inches) (*) (*) 1 0 00'. 9.20' 2.00 I 2 166.96' 219.20' 2.00 3 349.96' 360.00' 2.00 Note: 'l. ' Uninspected regions. i l i l '. I l l l < t-  ! i l SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 ' 15 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

{ Table 8 j 1 Weld Designation H7 Flaw Detection Results [1] ,

            ,                     <                                                                                       i Flaw         Starting           Ending                  Depth Number        Azimuth             Azimuth                (inches)                                       1

8 (*) ll 1 0.00 . 9.40' 2.00 2 170.92' I89.40' 2.00 3 350.52' 360.00' 2.00 Note: 1. Uninspected regions. l i SIR-98-125/ RAM-98 142 16 gg,,,gy,,, y,g,y,ygy pgggg;gggg, yng,

Table 9 Limit Load Factors-of-Safety i .2 Weld Factor-of-Safety'*5 Designation Calculated Allowable HI 35.9 1.39 H2 44.8 1.39 H3 15.7 1.39 H4 22.4 2.77 H5 48.8 2.77 6 H6 36.2 2.77 6 H7 39.8 2.77 Notes: 1. Based upon twenty cycles (forty years) of crack growth for all welds except H4, which is based upon the seven cycles (fourteen years) of crack growth.

2. See Appendix A for the detailed ANSC [7] output.
3. The allowable factors-of-safety are 2.77 for the upset condition, and 1.39 for the faulted condition.
4. The factors-of-safety are calculated as follows, with all stresses in ksi:

S.F. = ' P, + P, where: Pn = bending moment stress from Table 1 Pm = pressure differential stress from Table 1


Pl minimum failure bending stress from Appendix A output

5. For welds Hi through H3 the faulted condition governs. For welds H4 through H7, the upset condition governs.
6. Even when considering the possible 10% increase in pressure due to a fuel change

[15), it is clear that allowable factors-of-safety are easily maintained. SIR-98-l25/ RAM-98-142 17 gg,yggy,,, pgggy,,y,pggggggggg, ygg_

i i Table 10 Linear Elastic - , Fracture Mechanics Factors-of-Safety'# ' Weld K,3' Factor-of-Safety' l Designation j H3 85 1.8 H4 ' 49 3.1 Notes: l'. Based upon twenty cycles (forty years)'of crack growth for weld H3, and seven cycles (fourteen years) of crack growth for weld H4.

2. See Appendix B. for the detailed calculations.


3. Units are ksi Vin.
4. The factor-of-safety equals the material toughness (Ki e) divided by the applied stress intensity factor (Ki), where the material toughness is 150 ksi Vin [3]. The -

allowable factor-of-safety for upset conditions is 2.77 (weld H4), and for faulted conditions is 1.39 (weld H3). 2 a SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 > 18 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc. i

     .w- - , , .,,-,._.,_._m                                           _.                     -        , ,,,    . _ _ - , .                --

Table !I New Initiation Study Limit Load Factors-of-Safety i,2

                                              - Weld                  Factor-of-Safety
  • 4 Designation Calculated Allowable H3 3.4 1.39 H4 3.9 2.77 Notes: 1. Based upon five cycles (ten years) of crack growth.

2.- See Appendix C for the detailed ANSC [7] output..

3. The allowable factor-of-safety is 2.77 for the upset condition, and 1.39 for the faulted condition.
4. The factors-of-safety are calculated as follows, with all stresses in ksi:

S.F. = b '" P3 + P,, where: P3 = bending moment stress from Table 1 Pm = pressure differential stress from Table !


Pl minimum failure bending stress from Appendix C output 1.

             - SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142                                19 gg    f jjg j   , jg, jg g i is - -

i .

    , , - . . _ , _ . . .      . . .       _ . _ _ .          _ _ _ . .            . , . _ ~ . . _    _ _ . _ _ . _              _ ._ _ _ . . . _ . . . . _ . . _ . _ .

i i Table 12 i i New Initiation Study l Linear Elastic  ! Fracture Mechanics Factors-of-Safety i.2 L Weld 4 K,3 Factor-of-Safety Designation ' H3 72- 2.1  ! H4- 52 2.9 i Notes: 1. Based upon three cycles (six years) of crack growth.'

2. See Appendix D for the detailed calculations.
                           '                                                                                                                                            3
3. Units are ksi Vin. Only the maximum applied stress intensity factor is reported. i 4.- The factor-of-safety equals the material toughness (Kic) divided by the applied
l. stress intensity factor (Ki), where the material toughness is' 150 ksi Vin [3]. The l

, allowable factor-of-safety for upset conditions is 2.77 (weld H4), and for faulted l conditions is 1.39 (weld H3). , i l L I l I a f l I 1 1 1 i SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 ~ 20 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

               = , -         -
                                                     , , , ,                              -.                                 ..m   - -                     u-

Table 13 BWRVIP-07 [9] Reinspection Criteria Weld Maximum Cracking Reinspection Internal 2 Designation i Stress (%) (ksi) Limit Load LEFM HI 1.06 4.8 8 years - H2 1.13 0.0 10 years - H3 1.13 34.9 5.8 years 5.6 years H4 1.40 29.1 6 years 6 years H5 1.73 7.4 8 years - H6 2.06 0.0 10 years - j H7 2.38 0.0 10 years - Notes: 1. Equals the sum of the bending moment plus pressure differential stress for faulted conditions from Table 1. ,

2. From Table 1 of the reinspection guidelines [9]. I I

I SIR-98-12SIRAM-98-142 21 g,,,,,,,,, ,,ggy,ggy pgggg;gggg, ,gg,

4 Flaw Depth Weld H1, Wall Thickness = 2.0"

                   . OD Tracker Scan .                                                                                      i
                                                        .        .    . M.        .

l n g 1,5 --. .:. . . . . . . . r - o . . .C

                            .: .  .i.                  .           ,    .    ..                    .       .;.
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E -

    'g o.5 - -.. .;..    .,      ..;.                 .:.....

2 ,

                             ,                                     i              i 0                  .               .i                    .              .                i.

0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Azimuth (degrees) .82. Figure 1. Weld Designation HI - Flaw Detection Results SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-14' ~ M StructuralIntegn.ty Associates, Inc.

Flaw Depth Weld H2, Wall Thickness = 2.0" OD Tracker Scan - - 81.5--- - - - - ~ - - E

  .c v
                   . i.     ..;.....           ..           .    .; . .. .           .     .     .
   & 1.0 --              -

i- i- - i- . O - E .

                                                .>.                        .;.            3 s                                              .

E . n m o.5 . . . . 2 f 1 f 0 . . . .f - 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Azimuth (degrees) .2m Figure 2. Weld Designation H2 - Flaw Detection Results SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 23 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

i 1  : l l

l. .

l l l l l l l l Flaw Depth Weld H3, Wall Thickness = 2.0" 2.0 . OD Tracker Scan .  ; - l i m  : . . . y 1.5 - -- - - r . O .

                          . . f.            , . . .     .
                                                                  ..i.     ,,,         s
                                                                                               .i..            .     . , .

r y 1 8- 1.0 - -- - - -

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                                                                    .i...                 ...  .;..           .;.   .
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3 .

     .E                       .

x 0,5 m

                            . c. .        ..        .:.             .:..     . ;.    .>..          .           .   ...    .                 1 2                                                      .

1 i t i f 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Azimuth (degrees) #2nm Figure 3. Weld Designation H3 - Flaw Detection Results SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 24 StructuralIntegn.ty Associates, Inc.

1 l l 1 i 1 i l l l l l Flaw Depth Weld H4, Wall Thickness = 2.0" OD Tracker Scan 1 m a> 3.3 . .. . .. .  : . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . ... . n . o -

    .5 3
                                                                             .t.      ..         ... ... .         ...    ..                    1 r

o. a> 3.0 ... ...

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                                                        .                               .          .                :                           l
    .E_                                                 .

l i X Q,$ . .. .., . ,. . ..;. ,. . .. 4 . . ... .....?.. .. m y . . - I l 0 l Illl0Fil; , I lik l,il , 010 liiR . ll- {I013' 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Azimuth (degrees) .82s2m Figure 4. Weld Designation H4 - Flaw Detection Results 1 1 i SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 25 . Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.

Flaw Depth I Weld H5, Wall Thickness = 2.0"' 2.0 ~ ' ' OD Tracker Scan . ,

                                    -              a m                      .                               .                                                                .
  • 1.5 ---

o g . c ()

  .C:                 . J. .
  .C y                                               .                                                           .
    & 1.0 -     --              -      -

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E . . . . -


m:;; o.s .-. T< .;. . .. ... . .. . .. + .;. . em m * -

                   ...E.            ..     ,                         *.         .                              .      -

i t ' t f l 0 t. . . . .I . 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Azimuth (degrees) n2 sam Figure 5. Weld Designation H5 - Flaw Detection Results SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 26 StructuralIntegn.ty Associates, Inc.

1 l l l l l Flaw Depth l Weld H6, Wall Thickness = 2.0" l 2.0 . . j OD Tracker Scan .

             .M                        ,
                                                                          .       ..' MM.'M g 3.5 -_. ..                 . . .      .. ..               ..         .   .     .         .  . . . ..         .
  .c g                                                                                                         ,
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to 2  : )

                    ..:.              .     .    .         ..            .        c. .       .  .           ..    .

f I f f f O 0 60 120 180 240 3b0 360 Azimuth (degrees) ee2sm Figure 6. Weld Designation H6 - Flaw Detection Results SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 27 StructuralIntegrity Associates. Inc.

l l 1 1 l Flaw Depth Weld H7, Wall Thickness = 2.0" OD Tracker Scan - m . . 4

  • 1.6 -


                                       -    -           -        :-          ~          .           -    --

c . O . . c ., .i. .;.

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x 0.5 --. . ..;. ..;. . . .;. . .:. . . . . .;. . to . - y . 0 i. . . . i. i. 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Azimuth (degrees) 882sse Figure 7. Weld Designation H7 - Flaw Detection Results SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 28 . StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

I 1 1 1 i Flaw Dapth l Weld H1, Wall Thickness = 2.0" l D I . ,. 1

OD Tracker Scan  : //

M - i 4 : RMEMUMMEinn

                                                                                    }                           -)

m  : .  :  : y 1.5 -- -{ -

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                                                                                                          . f/-              .
: I
  .E_                      .                      .

y x m 05-l 0 ., , i i

                                      ,                         ,                   ,              1                         ,

0 60 120 180 240 300 360 , Azimuth (degrees) Scan Results Data Used for Flavt Evaluation 98256r0 Figure 8. Comparison Between Weld Designation Hi Scan Results and Data Used for Analysis SIR-98-l'5/

        ~   RAM-98-149~                                                      '9 Structuralinlegrity Associates, Inc.

. ,7,. i 1 s j 1 Flaw Depth Weld H2, Wall Thicknesa = 2.0" i 2.0 - --

                                                                      .       .                                                               l 00 Tracker Scan                            j                .        .


                         . N.. N.M E. M.2Mk M.WN. . . :. . .E.M. MMi                                             .
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r . . l t) .

         .g              .. 4             .     .:.  ..      ...,          :                              ..              .   ... .

v . , r e l

          & 1.0-      --                 -
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O - E

                    .  . ..   '.    .             .t.      '.       .>.    ..$-
                                                                                        . . .;. .              .i.

E - - 0,5

                      - . . . i. .       3       ..                         .:      .y.

n  :  :

2. -
                              .                                              i.      .

1 0 l b l l l l 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Azimuth (degrees) Scan Resul's Data Used for Flaw Evaluation 98257r0 Figure 9. Comparison Between Weld Designation H2 Scan Results and Data Used for Analysis I SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 30 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

Flaw Depth Weld H3, Wall Thickness = 2.0" 2.0 i . .i . . . . OD Tracker Scan  :  :  :

  • i
                               ..     .       M.                    ..                     .
                                                                                                  . . . . .     . . .    . .       Mm.l               ,

m  :  :  :  :

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j- i - -

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5 -{

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8 1.0- -- -

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_ 0.5 x .. .  :... .:. .. . . .;.... . m ' llE . i  : 0j.  :- --+ - I -+-


1 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Azimuth (degrees) Scan Results Data Used for Flaw Evaluation 982$8r0 . l Figure 10. Comparison Between Weld Designation H3 Scan Results and Data Used for Analysis i P 4 SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 31 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

i i Flaw Depth Weld H4, Wall Thickness = 2.0"

2.0 - -
                                  .      . ii i , , ,


OD Tracker Scan  !

l El . . . . . . . II.IEER.I.El I . .:. .II . . . IMIM.ER .. M.I . . . . y 1.5 --- -{ .} -

                                                                          - {-         ;--       -     -       -
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        .c                               .                                  .                                                 .

o g (

        .c g.1.0        _.
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O  :  : E 3

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x m 0.5 - si  :  :  :  :  : 0 I E li ; 11+1 11 4

                                                                    --+:-           Ut~il          l   1:W411 0                  60                 120             180                  240               300                  360 Azimuth (degrees)

Scan Results Data Used for Flaw Evaluation 982$9r0 Figure 11. Comparison Between Weld Designation H4 Scan Results and Data Used for Analysis i l l l l l SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 32 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

Flaw Depth Weld H5, Wall Thickness = 2.0" 2.0 ' OD Tracker Scan : $  ! .

                  ... M.             .

E. .: . . . M. . .M. , n j-y 1.5 - -- i - - - -

~: -


      .c, t

c .. .: . .;. . C - - _c . . CL 10 -.

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o E .. . .... .,. .

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. 'R Q,5 -.. ., a.... .;.. ... ..: .. . . i. . .a. .... . as - - s i . . i  : l:- f J I f f O . .l . . . 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Azimuth (degrees) Scan Results Data Used for Flaw Evaluation I 98260ro Figure 12. Comparisen Between Weld Designation H5 Scan Results and Data Used for Analysis 1

                                                                                                                                                          ,1 SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-l42                                                    33 gg,gggg,gg,,ygg,;yypgggg;gggg, jgg_

1 l 1 Flaw Depth Weld H6, Wall Thickness = 2.0"


OD Tracker Scan { E y 1.5 - -- .- . ~ . - - . .-

                                                                                - {.        ;~ . - i     -                -         .. ...

l r  :  : O .

  ,C,:           ..                ..y.     . ... .             . .....                            ...


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y . e . . O. ' 1,Q - -.. .i. ..i. CD .

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  'E   Q,$ -    ..   . ;.       . .,.
                                                .;. .                                     .h...    .'.                    5. .. .i.

m 3 - l l I I I ' 0 . . . .f .f 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Azimuth (degrees) Scan Results Data Used for Flaw Evaluation I 98261r0 j L i l i Figure 13. Comparison Between Weld Designation H6 Scan Results and Data Used for Analysis


SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 34 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

Flaw Depth Weld H7, Wall Thickness = 2.0" 2.0 ~

                        . OD Tracker Scan *                               !


                .     .           .                                 E. . .:. M.    . . .                              .

m . . . n y 1.5 - -- - .~

                                                          -l           -{ -
                                                                                    ~-        ;               - -     -        -

4 o . .

    -c         ...  . ;.          .       .                  .;.     ...;....     . :. . .    .  ..           . .    .;.     ..
                       .                                      .                     .                                  -                  1 r_                                     .                             .          .          .
     & 1.0 ---                 -

i- - i- i- . i- i- - O .  ! . E

                             ..>.        .t.  . .
                                                             .>.       . i. .            . . ;.       . ....>..          .

a -

    .E._                         ,

x  :- > .. . ;- m 0.5 -

                                                              .          i. -                                                            \

3 . . \ t t t i l 0 4 s a 1 a 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Azimuth (degrees) Scan Results Data Used for Flaw Evaluation 98262r0 Figure 14. Comparison Between Weld Designation H7 Scan Results and Data Used for Analysis SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 35 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

t 5 APPENDIX A l Flaw Evaluation Results  ! Using the ANSC Software [7] 4 Basis for Analyses: i

      .l.     . All reported indications, except those for weld H4, are increased in length at each end by twenty cycles of crack growth (16 inches), and by the UT length sizing uncertainty                          -i shown in Tables 2 through 8', as appropriate. Seven cycles of crack growth (5.6 inches) are considered for weld H4.                                                                                   '
     .2.       All areas not examined, or reported.with flaws, are assumed to be flawed through-wall, and increased in length as stated above.
3. Flaws increased in length per Note I will be combined if closer than 4 inches (twice the shroud thickness) apart [3].

I l l 1 l l 1 I i o  ! l

  . SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142                                 A*1 f StructuralIntegrity Associates,Inc.

l.; ,- H1.OUT ' Page 1

     . Arbitrary Net'Section CollapsefANSC 2.0 (4/26/94).

12-19-1998' 11:37:35


Paach-Bottom,' Unit:3 Reinspection Study.

               ' Weld Hi -- 40 Years of Crack Growth-
                 ~ Crack assumed to-take compression across face RADIUS (IN)- -            109)         WALLL TH2CKNESS (IN)          = ' 2
       . TENSION. STRESS                      =      0.840 KSI
      -MATERIAL FLOW STRESS                  =-   50.700 KSI ANGLE FOR MOMENT ITERATION:=- 1 FLAWS DEFINED =. 5-                   (.AS FOLLOWS) 1 ANGLES:            0~.0000 TO     48.2900          (DTHETA =     48.290) DEPTH (IN)       =   2.000 2 ANGLES:         98.6900 100 118.7500               (DTHETA =     20.060) DEPTH (IN)       =   2.000        ,

c3 ANGLES: -159.0500;TO. 201.1100 (DTHETA'= 42.060) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 I 4 ANGLES': 250.8700 TO 279.3300 (DTHETA = 28.460) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000

           .5 ANGLES: 332.1300 TO 360.0000                         (DTHETA'=     27.870) DEPTH (IN)       =  2.000 TOTAL AREA (IN2)                                           =   1369.734 REMAINING.-DEGRADED SECTION AREA (IN2)-= -735.3192
         .(APPROX. DEGRADED METAL AREA                        = 735.3326 )

3 Program Output: Angle = Angle that tension-to-compression axis x' is rotated t = Thickness in wall at. position corresponding to angle

          -delta = Distance from center to tension-to-compression axis Pb,x'.= Bending stress due to moment about tension-to-compression axis Pb,y' = Bending. stress due to' moment perp'endicular to tens./ comp. axis Pb', max - Maximum bending stress due to total limit moment Anglemax'= Angle for total limit moment relative to original Y axis Atension = Area .cxf met 31 in tension for Case 2 l

1 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

!'H1.OUT Page 2 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 11:40:04. Pnga 2-4 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 0.00 0.000 58.824 37.236 -0.958 37.249 358.52 1.00 459.02 0.000 58.824 37.222 -0.659 37.228 359.98 459.02 2.00 0.000 58.824 37.214 -0.360 37.215 1.44 459.02 3.00 0.000 58.824 37.210 -0.061 37.210 2.90 459.02 4.00 0.000 58.824 37.212- 0.238 37.212 4.37 459.02 5.00 0.000 58.824 37.219 0.537 37.222 5.83 459.02 6.00 0.000- 58.824 37.231 0.836 37.240 7.29 459.02 7.00 0.000 58.824 37.248 1.134 37.265 8.74 459.02 8.00 0.000 58.824 37.271 1.432 37.298 10.20 459.02 9.00 0.000 58.824 37.299 1.730 37.339 11.66 459.02 10.00 0.000 58.824 37.332 2.027 37.387 13.11 459.02 11.00 0.000 58.824 37.370 2.324 37.442 14.56 459.02 12.00 0.000 58.824 37.413 2.620 37.505 16.01 459.02 13.00 0.000 58.824 37.462 2.915 37.575 17.45 459.02 14.00 0.000 58.573 37.515 3.115 37.644 18.75 460.21 15.00 0.000 58.037 37.568 3.031' 37.690 19.61 462.75 16.00 0.000 57.499 37.621 3.044 37.744 20.63 465.29 17.00 0.000 56.960 37.674 3.058 37.798 21.64 467.82 18.00 0.000 56.418 37.726 2.977 37.844 22.51 470.36 19.00 0.000 55.874 37.779 2.994 37.897 23.53 472.90 20.00 0.000 55.329 37.831 3.013 37.950 24.55 475.43 21.00 0.000 54.782 37.882 2.936 37.996 25.43 477.97 22.00 0.000 54.232 37.934 2.957 38.049 26.46 480.51 23.00 0.000 53.681 37.985 2.980 38.102 27.49 483.04 24.00 0.000 53.129 38.036 2.906 38.147 28.37 485.58 l 25.00 0.000 52.574 38.087 2.931 38.200 29.40 488.12 26.00 0.000 l 52.018 38.138 2.958 38.253 30.44 490.65  ; 27.00 0.000 51.460 38.189 2.887 38.298 31.32 493.19 i 28.00 0.000 50.900 38.240 2.916 38.351 32.36 495.72 29.00 0.000 50.338 38.290 2.947 38.403 33.40 498.26 30 00 0.000 49.775 38.341 2.879 38.449 34.29 500.80 31.00 0.000 .49.210 38.391 2.912 38.502 35.34 503.33 1 32.00 0.000 48.644 38.442 2.946 38.555 36.38 505.87 l 33.00 0.000 46.076 38.493 2.880 38.600 37.28 508.40 l 34.00 0.000 47.006 38.543 2.917 38.653 38.33 510.94 j 35.00 0.000 47.005 38.594 2.955 38.707 39.38 513.16 36.00 0.000 47.005 38.648 3.297 38.789 40.88 513.16 37.00 0.000 47.005 38.709 3.639 38.880 42.37 513.16 , 38.00 0.000 47.005 38.775 3.979 38.979 43.86 513.16 l 39.00 0.000 47.005 38.848 4.318 39.087 45.34 513.16 l 40.00 0.000 47.005 38.926 4.656 39.203 46.82 513.16 41.00 0.000 47.005 39.010 4.992 39.328 48.29 513.16 I 42.00 0.000 47.005 39.100 5.327 39.461 49.76 513.16 43.00 0.000 47.005 39.196 5.660 39.603 51.22 513.16 44.00 0.000 47.289 39.297 5.865 39.732 52.49 511.90 45.00 0.000 47.859 39.398 5.837 39.828 53.43 509.37 ! 46.00 0.000 48.428 39.500 5.805 39.924 54.36 506.83 47.00 0.000 48.996 39.601 5.820 40.026 55.36 504.30 48.00 0.000 49.561 39.701 5.781 40.120 56.29 501.76 , 49.00 2.000 50.125 39.801 5.739 40.213 57.20 499.22 5 h StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

Hl.OUT Page 3 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 11:40:04 Pcga 3 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 50.00 2.000 50.687 39.901 5.743 40.312 58.19 496.69 51.00 2.000 51.248 40.000 5.693 40.403 59.10 494.15 52.00 2.000 51.807 40.099 5.639 40.493 60.00 491.61 53.00 2.000 52.364 40.197 5.631 40.589 60.97 489.08 54.00 2.000 52.919 40.294 5.570 40.677 61.87 486.54 55.00 2.000 53.472 40.390 5.505 40.764 62.76 484.00 56.00 2.000 54.024 40.486 5.485 40.855 63.72 481.47 57.00 2.000 54.574 40.580 5.412 40.939 64.60 478.93 58.00 2.000 55.122 40.674 5.336- 41.022 65.47 476.40 59.00 2,000 55.668 40.766 5.305 41.110 66.41 473.86 60.00 2.000 56.212 40.857 5.221 41.190 67.28 471.32 61.00 2.000 56.754 40.947 5.133 41.268 68.15 468.79 62.00 2.000 57.295 41.036 5.090 41.351 69.07- 466.25 63.00 2.000 57.833 41.124 4.995 41.42,6 69.92 463.71 64.00 2.000 58.369 41.210 4.896 41.499 70.77 461.18 65.00 2.000 58.904 41.294 4.840 41.577 71.69 458.64 66.00 2.000 59.436 41.377 4.734 41.647 72.53 456.11 67.00 2.000 59.967 41.458 4.624 41.715 73.36 453.57 68.00 2.000 60.496 41.538 4.557 41.787 74.26 451.03 69.00 2.000 61.022 41.616 4.439 41.852 75.09 448.50 70.00 2.000 61.546 41.692 4.317 41.915 75.91 445.96 71.00 2.000 62.069 41.766 4.239 41.981 76.79 443.42 72.00 2.000 62.589 41.839 4.110 42.040 77.61 440.89 73.00 2.000 63.107 41.909 3.977 42.097 78.42 438.35 74.00 2.000 63.623 41.977 3.887 42.157 79.29 435.81 75.00 2.000 64.137 42.043 3.747 42.210 80.09 433.28 76.00 2.000 64.162 42.109 3.873 42.287 81.26 433.15 77.00 2.000 64.162 42.179 4.048 42.372 82.48 433.15 78.00 2.000 64.162 42.251 4.222 42.461 83.71 433.15 79.00 2.000 64.162 42.326 4.395 42.554 84.93 433.15 80.00 2.000 64.162 42.405 4.566 42.650 86.15 433.15 81.00 2.000 64.162 42.486 4.736 42.749 87.36 433.15 82.00 2.000 64.162 42.570 4.905 42.852 88.57 433.15 83.00 2.000 64.162 42.657 5.072 42.958 89.78 433.15 84.00 2.000 64.162 42.748 5.237 43.067 90.98 433.15 85.00 2.000 64.162 42.841 5.401 43.180 92.19 433.15 86,00 2.000 64.162 42.936 5.563 43.295 93.38 433.15 l 87.00 2.000 64.162 43.035 5.724 43.414 94.58 433.15 88.00 2.000 64.162 43.137 5.883 43.536 95.77 433.15 89.00 2.000 64.162 43.241 6.040 43.661 96.95 433.15 90.00 2.000 64.162 43.348 6.195 43.788 98.13 433.15 91.00 2.000 64.162 43.458 6.348 43.919 99.31 433.15 92.00 2.000 64.162 43.570 6.500 44.052 100.48 433.15 93.00 2.000 64.162 43.685 6.649 44.188 101.65 433.15 94.00 2.000 64.162 43.802 6.796 44.326 102.82 433.15 95.00 2.000 64.162 43.922 6.942 44.468 103.98 433.15 96.00 2.000 64.162 44.045 7.085 44.611 105.14 433.15 97.00- 2.000 64.162 44.170 7.226 44.757 106.29 433.15 98.00 2.000 64.162 44.297 7.364 44.905 107.44 433.15 l 99.00 0.000 63.747 44.426 7.228 45.010 108.24 435.20 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

r Hl.OUT Page 4 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 11:40:04 ' Pags ' 4-Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 100.00 0.000 63.231 44.551 7.093 45.112 109.05 437.74 101.00 0.000 62.714 44.673 6.958 45.212 109.85 440.28 102.00 0.000 62.194 44.793 6.731 45.296 110.55 442.81 103.00 0.000 61.672 44.910 6.597 45.392 111.36 445.35 104.00 0.000 61.148 45.024 6.464 45.485 112.17 447.89 105.00 0.000 60.622 45.135 6.238 45.564 112.87 450.42 106.00 0.000 60.094 45.243 6.106 45.653 113.69 452.96 107.00 0.000 59.564 45.348 5.975 45.740 114.51 455.50 108.00 0.000 59.032 45.450 5.750 45.813 115.21 458.03 109.00 0.000 58.498 45.550 5.620 45.895 116.03 460.57 110.00 0.000 57.962 45.647 5.491 45.976 116.86 463.11 111.00 0.000 57.424 45.741 5.267 46.043 117.57 465.64 112.00 0.000 56.884 45.832 5.139 46.119 118.40 468.18 113.00 0.000 56.34.2 45.921 5.012 46.193 119.23 470.72 114.00 0.000 55.798 46.006 4.790 46.255 119.94 473.25 115.00 0.000 55.252 46.089 4.665 46.325 120.78 475.79 116.00 0.000 54.704 46.169 4.541 46.392 121.62 478.33 117.00 0.000 54.155 46.247 4.320 46.448 122.34 480.86 118.00 0.000 53.604 46.322 4.197 46.511 123.18 483.40 119.00 2.000 53.051 46.394 4.076 46.572 124.02 485.94 120.00 2.000 52.496 46.463 3.857 46.623 124.75 488.47 121.00 2.000 51.939 46.530 3.738 46.680 125.59 491.01 122.00 2.000 51.381 46.594 3.620 46.734 126.44 493.55 123.00 2.000 50.821 46.655 3.403 46.779 127.17 496.08 124.00 2.000 50.259 46.714 3.287 46.829 128.03 498.62 125.00 2.000 49.695 46.770 3.172 46.878 128.88 501.16 126.00 2.000 49.130 46.824 2.958 46.917 129.61 503.69 127.00 2.000 48.563 46.875 2.845 46.961 130.47 506.23 l 128.00 2.000 47.995 46.923 2.734 47.003 131.33 508.76 l 129.00 2.000 47.425 46.969 2.522 47.037 132,07 511.30 130.00 2.000 46.853 47.013 2.413 47.075 132.94 513.84 131.00 2.000 46.280 47.054 2.305 47.110 133.80 516.37  ; 132.00 2.000 45.705 47.092 2.096 47.139 134.55 518.91 I 133.00 2.000 45.129 47.128 1.991 47.170 135.42 521.44 134.00 2.000 44.551 47.162 1.887 47.200 136.29 523.98 j 135.00 2.000 43.972 47.193 1.681 47.223 137.04 526.52 l 136.00 2.000 43.391 47.222 1.580 47.249 137.92 529.05 l 137.00 2.000 42.808 47.249 1.480 47.272 138.79 531.59 138.00 2.000 42.224 47.273 1.277 47.290 139.55 534.13 139.00- 2.000 42.155 47.294 1.060 47.305 140.28 534.42 140.00 2.000 42.156 47.309 0.754 47.315 140.91 534.42 I 141.00 2.000 42.156 47.319 0.447 47.321 141.54 534.42  ! 142.00 2.000 42.156 47.324 0.141 47.324 142.17 534.42 143.00 2.000 42.156 47.323 -0.166 47.323 142.80 534.42 144.00 2.000 42.156 47.317 -0.472 47.319 143.43 534.42  ! 145.00 2.000 42.156 47.306 -0.778 47.312 144.06 534.42 146.00 2.000 42.156 47.289 -1.084 47.301 144.69 534.42 147.00 2.000 42.156 47.267 -1.390 47.287 145.31 534.42 148.00 2.000 42.156 47.240 -1.695 47.270 145.94 534.42 149.00 2.000 42.156 47.207 -2.000 47.249 146.57 534.42 h StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

 ,        _m._,_            _ _ _          _. . _ _ _ _ _ . _ .              . _ _ . _ _ _ , _ _ . . _ . . _            . . . . - _

H1'.OUT Page 5 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse. ANSC .2.0 '(4/26/94) 1 i 12-19-1998 11:40:04 l Page 5 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 150.00; ~2.000 -42.156 47.169~ -2.304 47.225 147.20 534.42 151.00 2.000- 42.156 47.126 -2.607 47.198 147.83 534.42 1~52.00 2.000 :42.156 47.077 -2.910 47.167 153.00- 2.000 148.46 534.42 42.156 47.023 -3.212 47.133 149.09 534.42  : l 154.00, 2.000 42.156 46.964- -3.512 47.095 149.72 534.42 155.00 2.000 42.156 46.900 -3.812 47.054 150.35 534.42 156.00 2.000 42.156' 46.830 -4.110 47.010 150.98 534.42 157.00. 2.000 42.156 46.755 -4.408 158.00 46.963 151.61 534.42 > 2.000. 42.156 46.676 -4.703 46.912 152.24 534.42 l 159.00 2.000 42.155 46.590 -4.998 46.858 152.88 534.42 l 160.-00 0.000' 42.155 '46.500 -5.291 46.800 153.51 534.42

    .161.00-                                                                                                                          -i 0.000.           42.159               46.405    -5.582    46.739                         154.14    534.41           i 162.00       0.000            42.715              46.306     -5.716    46.657.                        154.96    532.00          l 163.00-     -0.000            43.297              46.205     -5.799    46.567                         155.84    529.46          !

164.00- 0.000 43.879 46.102 -5.933 46.482 156.66 526.92 I 165.00 0.000' 44.458 45.997' -6.068 46.395 157.48 524.39 l 166.00. 0.000


44'.570 45.892 -5.908 46.270 158.66 523.90 167.00 0.000 44.570 45.790 -5.680 46.141 159.93 523.90 168.00 0.000. 44.570 45.693 -5.450 46.017 161.20 523.90 169.00-0.000 44.570 45.599- -5.219 45.897 162.47 523.90 l

    -170.00        -0.000           44.570               45.510-    -4.985   45.782                          163.75    523.90          I 171.00       0.000           44.570               45.425     -4.751   45.673                          165.03    523.90           l 172.00       0.000           44.570.              45.344     -4.515   45.568                          166.31    523.90          l 173.00       0.000           44.570               45.267     -4.277   45.468                          167.60    523.90          ,
    '174.00.        0.000           44.570              ~5.194 4          -4.038   45.374                          168.89    525.90          i 175.00'      O.000-          44.570               45.125     -3.798   45.285                          170 19    523.90          !

176.00- 0.000 ~44.570 45.061 -3.557 45.201 171.48 523.90 l 177.00 0.000 44.570 45.001 -3.315 45.123 172.79 523.90  ! 178.00 0.0001 '44.570 44.945 -3.072 45.050 174.09 523.90 179.00 0.000 44.570. 44.893 -2.828 44.982 175.39 523.90 180.00 0,000 44.570 44.845 -2.583 44.920 176.70 523.90 181.00 0.000 44.570 44.802 -2.337 44.863 178.01 523.90 182.00 0.000 44.570 44.763 -2.090 44.812 179.32 523.89 183.00' O.000 '44.571 44.729 -1.843 44.767 180.64 523.89 184.00 0.000 44.571 '44.698 -1.595 44.727 181.95 523.89

    '185.00        10.000           44.571               44.672     -1.347   44.693                          163.27    523.89 186.00       0.000:          44.571               44.651     -1.099   44.664                          184.59    523.89 187.00       0,000           44.571               44.634'    -0.850  '44.642                          185.91    523.89 188.00       0.000:          44.571               44.621     -0.600   44.625                          187.23    523.89 189.00      .0;000           44.571               44.612     -0.351   44.614                          188.55. 523.89 L       190.00-      0.000           44.571               44.608     -0.101   44.608                          189.87    523.89 I    .191.00         0.000         '44.571               44.608       0.149   44.608                          191.19    523.89
    '192.00-        0.0003          44'.570             44.613       0.398   44.614                          192.51    523.90 1193.00

0.0001 44.570 44.622 0.648 44.626 193.83 523.90 2194.00 0.000 44.570 44.635 0.897 44.644 195.15 523.90 , :195.00 0.000 '44.570 -44.652- 1.146 44.667 196.47 523.90 i 196.~00 0.000 44.570 44.674 1.395 44.696 197.79 523.90 197.00 0.000- 44.570 44.701 1.643 44.731 199.10 523.90

    >198.00         0.000           44.570              44.731       1.891   44.771                          200.42    523.90 199.00       0~.000:        44.570               44.766       2.138   44.817                          201.73    523.90 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.
                                         ,       =                     ,                                                            ,

o  ; i

 -Hl.OUT                                                               Page        6 I

Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) i 12-19-1998 11:40:04

   -Prgt 6
      . Angle Wall t     Delta     Pb,x'     Pb,y'     Pb, max AngleMax       A tension 200.00. 0.000     44.570   44.805    2.384      44.869     203.05         523.90 l

201.00 0.000 44.570 44.849 2.630 44.926 204.36 523.90  ! 202.00 2.000 44.570 44.897 2.875 44.989 205.66 523.90 j 203.00 2.000 44.570 44.949 3.119 45.057 206.97 523.90 204.00 2.000 44.570 45.005 3.362 45.130 208.27 13.90 205.00 2.000 44.571 45.065 3.604 45.209 209.57 .3.89 206.00 2.000 44.571 45.130 3.846 45.294 210.87 523.89 207.00 l 2.000 44.571 45.199 4.085 45.383 212.16 523.89 208.00 2.000 44.571 45.272 4.324 45.478 213.46 523.89 209.00 2.000 44.571 45.350 4.561 45.578 214.74 523.89  ; 210.00 2.000 44.571 45.431 4.797 45.684 216.03 523.89  ; 211.00 2.000 44.571 45.517 5.032 45.794 217.31 523.89 l 212.00 2.000 44.571 45.606 5.265 45.909 218.59 523.89 213.00 2.000 44.470 45.700 5.393 46.017 219.73 524.33 214.00 l 2.000 43.890 45.793 5 . 3.'. 6 46.101 220.62 526.87 215.00 2.000 43.309 45.885 5.239 46.183 221.51 529.41 216.00 2.000 42.727 45.975 5.058 46.252 222.28 531.94 217.00 2.000 42.143 46.063 4.981 46.331 223.17 534.48 218.00 2.000 41.557 46.149 4.905 46.408 224.07 537.02 219.00 2.000 40.970 46.232 4.724 46.473 224.83 539.55 220.00 2.000 40.382 46.314 4.649 46.547 225.73 542.09 221.00 2.000 40.041 46.394 4.484 46.610 226.52 543.55 222.00 2.000 40.041 46.470 4.197 46.659 227.16 543.55 223.00 2.000 40.041 46.540 3.909 46.704 227.80 543.55 224.00 2.000 40.041 46.605 3.621 46.746 228.44 543.55 225.00 2.000 40.041 46.665 3.331 46.784 229.08 543.55 1 226.00 2.000 40.041 46.721 3.040 46.819 229.72 543.55 l 227.00 2.000 40.042 46.771 2.748 46.851 230.36 543.55 1 228.00 2.000 40.042 46.816 2.455 46.880 231.00 543.55 229.00 2.000 40.042 46.855 2.161 46.905 231.64 543.55 230.00 2.000 40.041 46.890 1.867 46.927 232.28 543.55 231.00 2.000 40.453 46.920 1.677 46.950 233.05 541.79 232.00 2.000 41.041 46.949 1.589 46.975 233.94 539.25 233.00 2.000 41.627 46.974 1.447 46.997 234.76 536.71 234.00 2.000 42.213 46.998 1.303 47.016 235.59 534.18 ' 235.00 2.000 42.796 47.020 1.209 47.035 236.47 531.64 236.00 2.000 43.379 47.039 1.061 47.051 237.29 529.10 237.00 2.000 43.960 47.056 0.911 47.065 238.11 526.57 238.00 2.000 44.539 47.070 0.810 47.077 238.99 524.03 239.00 2.000 45.117 47.083 0.656 47.087 239.80 521.50 240.00 2.000 45.694 47.093 0.500 47.095 240,61 518.96 241.00 2.000 46.268 47.100 0.393 47.102 241.48 516.42 242.00 2.000 46.842 47.105 0.233 47.105 242.28 513.89 243.00 2.000 47.413 47.107 0.071 47.107 243.09 511.35 244.00 2.000 47.983 47.107 -0.042 47.107 243.95 508.82 245.00 2.000 48.552 47.104 -0.208 47.105 244.75 506.28 e

   '246.00    2.000     49.119   47.099   -0.375      47.100     245.54         503.74 247.00    2.000     49.684   47.091   -0.494      47.094     246.40         501.21 248.00    2.000     50.247   47.080   -0.665      47.085     247.19         498.67 249.00    2.000     50.809   47.067   -0.838      47.074     247.98         496.13 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

Hl.OUT Page 7 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 11:40:04 Pags 7 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 250.00 2.000 51.370 47.051 -0.963 47.061 248.83 493.60 251.00 0.000 51.928 47.032 -1.139 47.046 249.61 491.06 152.00 0.000 52.485 47.010 -1.317 47.029 250.39 488.52 253.00 0.000 53.040 46.986 -1.447 47.008 251.23 485.99 254.00 0.000 53.593 46.958 -1.628 46.986 252.01 483.45 355.00 0.000 54.144 46.928 -1.811 46.963 252.79 480.91 256.00 0.000 24.694 46.895 -1.947 46.935 253.62 478.38 257.00 0.000 55.241 46.858 -2.132 46.907 254.39 475.84 258.00 0.000 55.787 46.819 -2.320 46.877 255.16 473.30 259.00 0.000 56.331 46.777 -2.460 46.842 255.99 470.77 260.00 0.000 56.873 46.732 -2.651 46.807 256.75 468.23 261.00 0.000 57.413 46.684 -2.842 46.770 257.51 465.69 262.00 0.000 57.951 46.632 -2.988 46.728 258.33 463.16 263.00 0.000 58.487 46.578 -3.182 46.687 259.09 460.62 264.00 0.000 59.022 46.521 -3.378 46.643 259.85 458.08 265.00 0.000 59.554 46.460 -3.527 46.594 260.66 455.55 266.00 0.000 60.084 46.396 -3.726 46.545 261.41 453.01 267.00 0.000 60.612 46.329 -3.925 46.495 262.16 450.47 268.00 0.000 61.138 46.259 -4.079 46.438 262.96 447.94 269.00 0.000 61.662 46.185 -4.281 46.383 263.70 445.40 270.00 0.000 62.184 46.109 -4.483 46.326 264.44 442.86 271.00 0.000 62.703 46.029 -4.641 46.262 265.24 440.33 272.00 0.000 63.221 45.945 -4.846 46.200 265.98 437.79 273.00 0.000 63.737 45.859 -5.052 46.136 266.71 435.25 274.00 0.000 64.250 45.769 -5.213 46.065 267.50 432.72 275.00 0.000 64.761 45.675 -5.421 45.996 268.23 430.18 276.00 0.000 65.270 45.579 -5.630 45.925 268.96 427.64 277.00 0.000 65.777 45.479 -5.794 45.846 269.74 425.11 278.00 0.000 66.281 45.375 -6.004 45.771 270.46 422.57 279.00 0.000 66.783 45.268 -6.215 45.693 271.18 420.04 280.00 2.000 67.283 45.158 -6.383 45.607 271.95 417.50 281.00 2.000 67.348 45.046 -6.368 45.494 272.95 417.17 282.00 2.000 67.348 44.936 -6.267 45.371 274.06 417.17 283.00 2.000 67.348 44.828 -6.165 45.250 275.17 417.17 284.00 2.000 67.348 44.721 -6.060 45.130 276.28 417.17 285.00 2.000 67.348 44.617 -5.954 45.012 277.40 417.17 286.00 2.000 67.348 44.514 -5.846 44.896 278.52 417.17 287.00 2.000 67.348 44.413 -5.736 44.782 279.64 417.17 288.00 2.000 66.954 44.312 -5.890 44.702 280.43 419.17 289.00 2.000 66.452 44.209 -6.039 44.619 281.22 421.71 290.00 2.000 65.948 44.112 -6.183 44.533 282.02 424.25 291.00 2.000 65.442 43.992 -6.412 44.457 282.71 426.78 292.00 2.000 64.934 43.860 -6.347 44.365 283.51 429.32 293.00 2.000 64.424 43.764 -6 677 44.271 284.32 431.86 294.00 2.000 63.911 43.646 -f.894 44.187 285.02 434.39 295.00 2.000 63.396 43.525 - 7.014 44.087 285.84 436.93 296.00 2.000 62.880 43.402 -7.130 43.983 286.67 439.46 297.00 2.000 62.360 43.276 -7.333 43.893 287.38 442.00 298.00 2.000 61.839 43.147 -7.439 43.784 288.22 444.54 299.00 2.000 61.316 43.016 -7.540 '43.672 289.06 447.07 f St,ucturalIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

r: 1 Il l 1Hl.OUT. Page. 8 L: Arbitrary' Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94). l 19-1998 11:40:04-Pega 8'

     . Angle. Wall t      Delta     Pb'x'
                                      ,         Pb,y'  Pb, max AngleMax          A tension

, s300.00 2.000 60.791 42.883 -7.730 43.575 289.78 449.61 L 301.00, 2.000 60.263 42.748 -7.821- 43.458- 290.63 452.15 302.00- 2.000 59.734 42.611 -7.908- 43.339 291.49 454.69 303.00 2'000

               .        59.202'  42.472      -8.084   43.234       292.22          457.22 304.001   2.000      58.669' ~42.330      -8.161   43.110       293.09          459.76           1 305.00    2.000      58.133   42.187      -8.232   42.983       293.96          462.30           l E 306.00     .2.000      57.596   42.042      -8.394   42~872
                                                         .         294.71          464.83_        j l   307-.00   2.000      57.057   41.896      -8.456   42.741       295.59          467.37           !

l 308.00- 2.000 56.516' 41.748= -8'513

                                                . 42.607       296.47          469.90           I 309.00    2.000. 55.973   41.598      -8.661   42.490       297.24          472.44           i i   310.00'   2.000~     55.427   41.447      -8.708'  42.352       298.13          474.98           I 311.00    2.000      54.881   41.295      -8.750   42.211       299.03          477.51 312.00    2.000      54.332   41.141      -8.885-  42.089       299.81          480.05 313.00    2.000      53.781   40.986      -8.917   41.945       300.72          462.58 314.00    2.000      53.229   40.830      -8.944-  41.798       301.64          485.12 L 315.00- 12.000         52.675   40.673      -9.064   41.671       302.44          487.66 i

316.00 2.000 52.119 40.515 -9.081 41.521 303.37 490.19 317.00' 2.000 51.561 40.357 -9.093 41.368 304.30 492.73 318.00 2.000 51.002 40.197 -9.200 41.237 305.11 495.26

  ~319.00    2.000-     50.577   40.037      -9.102   41.059       306.19          497.18 320 00    2.000      50.577   39.881      -8.801   40.841       307.55          497.18

, 321.00 2.000 50.577 39.730. -8.498 40.629 308.93 497.18 322.00 2.000 50.577 39.584 -8.192 40.423 310.31 497.18 323.00 2.000 50.577 39.444 -7.884 40.224- 311.70 497.18 l 324.00 2.000 50.577 39.309 -7.573 40.032 313.09 497.18 325'.00 2.000 50.577- 39.179 -7.260 39.846 314.50 497.18 326.00 ) 2.000. 50.577 39.055 -6.945 39.668 315.92 497.18 1 327.00- 2.000 50.577 38.937 -6.627 39.497 317.34 497.18 .I l 328.00 2.000 50.577 38.824 -6.308 39.333 318.77 497.18 l l 329.00 2.000 50.577 38.717 -5.986 39.177 320.21 497.18 l 330.00 2.000 50.577 .38.615 -5.663 39.028 321.66 497.18  ! 331.00 2.000 50.577 38.519 -5.338 38.887 323.11 497.18 I 332.00 2.000 50.577 38.428 -5.012 38.754 324.57 497.18' 333.00' O.000 50.577 38.344 -4.684 38.629 326.03 497.18 334.00 'O.000 50.577 38.265 -4.354 38.512 327.51 497.18 335.00 0.000 50.577 38.192 -4.023 38.403 328.98 497.18 336.00 0.000 50.577 38.124 -3.691 38.303 330.47 497.18 337.00 0.000 50.577 38.063 -3.358 38.211 331.96 497.18

  ~338.00    0.000      50.577   38.007      -3.024   38.127       333.45          497.18 339.00 -   0.000-     50.577   37.957      -2.689   38.002       334.95          497.18 l  340.00    'O.000      50.577   37.913      -2.353   37.985       336.45          497.18 l  341.00    - 0.000     50.579   37.875      -2.016   37.928       337.95          497.17 l 342.00:     0.000      51.114   37.840      -1.984   37.892       339.00          494.76           !

343.00 0.000 - 51.673 37.805 -1.998 37.858 339.97 492.22 l t 344.00 0.000' 52.230 37.770 -1.965 37.821 341.02 489.69  ; l ~345.00- 0.000 52;786 37.735 -1.982 37.787 341.99 487.15 346.00 0.000 53.339 37.700 -2.000 37.753 342.96 484.61 l 347.00 0.000 53.891 37.665 -1.971' 37.717 344.00 482.08 348.00 0.000- 54.442 37.630 -1.993 37.683 344.97 479.54 349.00 0.000 54.990 37.595 -2.016 37.649 345.93 477.01 { StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

W i

   - Hl . OUT.                                                                                                                 Page        9 Arbitrary Net: Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 '(4/26/94)-
        '12-19-1998                11:40:04 1

Paga 9 Angle.. Wall.t- Delta Pb,x' Pb, max AngleMax 350.00 :0.000 Pb,y' A' tension ! 55.536 37.560 -1 992 37.613 346.96 474.47-L351.00 0.000 56.081' 37 525 -2.018 37.579 347.92 l 471.93 352.00. 0.000 56.624. 37-489

                                                                .                -2.046    37.545                         348.87        469.40 353.00         0.000'                   . 57.165     37.453             -2.027    37.508                        '349.90        466.86 354.00-        0.000                       57.704    37.417             -2.058-   37.474 .350.85                               464~32 1.11355.00
                       'O.000                     ' 58.240    37.381             -2.091    37.439                         351.80        461.79 356.00         0.-000.                     58.776    37 344             -2.078    37.402                         352.81_       459.25 357.00         O 000                       58-823
                                                       .      37.309             -1.852. 37.355                         354.16        459.02 358.00         0.000                       58.823    37.280             -1.554    37.312                      .355.61        .459.02 359.00         0.000-                      58.823    37.255             -1.256    37.277                         357.07        459.02 MINIMUM STRESS'(Pb,x')'                           .
                                                                  =    37.210         'AT          3.00 DEGREES
         ' MINIMUM TOTAL STRESS (Pb, max)                         =    37.210          AT-         2.90 DEGREES i
l l
                                                                                                                                                          .i l

l 1 h StmeturalIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

g. , o .y, , _ , . _ . _- ,e < ,,

H2;OUT. ' Page 1 Arbitrary Net Section. Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 11:51:19 Paga -1 DESCRIPTION:. .. Poach Bottom, Unit.3 Reinspection Study Weld'H2 -- 40' Years of Crack Growth.

          . crack assumed to-take compression ~across face
 ' RADIUS (IN)      = ' 109       WALL-THICKNESS (IN)                         =  '2 TENSION STRESS               =                        'O.840 KSI.
   . MATERIAL FLOW STRESS         =                   50.700 KSI ANGLE FOR MOMENT ITERATION =

1 FLAWS DEFINED = 3' (AS FOLLOWS) 1 ANGLES: 0.0000 TO- 19.8100 (DTHETA = 19.810) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000

       '2 ANGLES: 159.2500 TO 201.3100                                (DTHETA =     42.060) DEPTH (IN)           =  2.000
       .3 ANGLES: 332.3300 TO 360.0000                                (DTHETA =     27-.670) DEPTH (IN)          =  2.000 TOTAL AREA (IN2)                                                  =   1369.734 REMAINING DEGRADED SECTION AREA (IN2) - 1029.051 (APPROX. DEGRADED METAL AREA                               = 1029.073.)

Program Output: Angle =. Angle that tension-to-compression axis xis rotated t - Thickness in wall at position corresponding to angle delta'= Distance from center to tension-to-compression axis Pb,x' = Bending stress due to moment'about tension-to-compression axis Pb,y' = Bending stress due to moment perpendicular to tens./ comp. axis

     'Pb, max = Maximum bending stress due to total limit moment Anglemax-= Angle for. total limit moment relative to original Y axis Atension = Area of metal in tension for Case 2

{ Structuralintegrity Associalas, Inc.

H2.OUT Page 2 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 11:53: 46 Pcgo 2 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 0.00 0.000 25.188- 49.842 0.879 49.850 1.01 605.89 1.00 0.000 25.188 49.860 1.105 49.872 2.27 605.89 2.00 0.000 25.188 49.881 1.330 49.899 3.53 605.89 3.00 0.000 25.188 49.907 1.556 49.931 4.79 605.89 4.00 0.000 25.188- 49.936 1.781 49.968 6.04 605.89 5.00 0.000 25.188 49.969 2.005 50.010 7.30 605.89 6.00 0.000 25.188 50.007 2.229 50.056 8.55 605.89 7.00 0.000 25.188 50.048 2.452 50.108 9.80 605.89 8.00 0.000 25.188 50.093 2.674 50.164 11.06 605.89 9.00 0.000 25.188 50.141 2.896 50.225 12.30 605.89 10.00 0.000 25.188 50.194 3.116 50.291 13.55 605.89 11.00 0.000 25.188 50.251 3.336 50.361 14.80 605.89 12.00 0.000 25.188 50.311 3.554 50.436 16.04 605.89 13.00 0.000 25.188 50.375 3.772 50.516 17.28 605.89 14.00 0.000 25.188 50.443 3.988 50.600 18.52 605.89 15.00 0.000 25.188 50.515 4.203 50.689 19,76 605.89 16.00 0.000 25.188 50.590 4.417 50.783 20.99 605.89 17.00 0.000 25.188 50.669 4.630 50.880 22.22 605.89 18.00 0.000 25.188 50.752 4.841 50.982 23.45 605.89 19.00 0.000 25.188 50.839 5.051 51.089 24.67 605.89 20.00 2.000 25.188 50.929 5.259 51.200 25.90 605.89 21.00 2.000 25.188 51.023 5.465 51.314 27.11 605.89 22.00 2.000 25.188 51.120 5.670 51.433 ':28.33 605.89 23.00 2.000 25.188 51.221 5.873 51.557 29.54 605.89 24.00 2.000 25.189 51.325 6.074 51.684 30.75 605.89 25.00 2.000 25.189 51.433 6.274 51.815 31.95 605.89 26.00 2.000 25.189 51.545 6.471 51.949 33.16 605.89 27.00 2.000 25.189 51.660 6.667 52.088 34.35 605.89 28.00 2.000 25.189 51.778 6.860 52.230 35.55 605.89 29.00 2.000 25.189 51.900 7.052 52.376 36.74 605.89 30.00 2.000 25.189 52.024 7.241 52.526 37.92 605.89 31.00 2.000 25.189 52.153 7.428 52.679 39.11 605.89 32.00 2.000 25.189 52.284 7.613 52.835 40.28 605.89 33.00 2.000 25.189 52.419 7.795 52.995 41.46 605.89 34.00 2.000 25.189 52.557 7.975 53.158 42.63 605.89 35.00 2.000 25.188 52.698 8.153 53.325 43.79 605.89 36.00 2.000 25.188 52.842 8.328 53.494 44.96 605.89 37.00 2.000 25.188 52.989 8.501 53.666 46.11 605.89 38.00 2.000 25.188 53.139 8.671 53.842 47.27 605.89 39.00 2.000 25.188 53.292 8.838 54.020 48.42 605.89 40.00 2.000 25.188 53.448 9.003 54.201 49.56 605.89 41.00 2.000 25.188 53.607 9.165 54.384 50.70 605.89 42.00 2.000 25.188 53.768 9.324 54.571 51.84 605.89 43.00 2.000 25.188 53.932 9.481 54.759 52.97 605.89 44.00 2.000 25.188 54.100 9.634 54.951 54.10 605.89 45.00 2.000 25.188 54.269 9.785 55.144 55.22 605.89 46.00 2.000 25.188 54.441 9.932 55.340 56.34 605.89 47.00 2.000 25.188 54.616 10.077 55.538 57.45 605.89 48.00 2.000 25.188 54.794 10.218 55.738 58.56 605.89 49.00 2.000 25.188 54.973 10.356 55.940 59.67 605.89 { StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

I-H2.OUT- Page 3  ; l Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) l 12-19-1998 11:53:46 1

  - Pago ~ 3 l

l Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension l 50.00 2.000 25.188 55.156 10.491 56.145 60.77 605.89 j 51.00 2.000 25.188 55.340 10.623 56.350 61.87 605.89 i 52.00 2.000 25.188 55.527 10.752 56.558 62.96 605.89 53.00 2.000 25.188 l 55.716 10.878 56.768 64.05 605.89 l 54.00 2.000 25.188 55.907 11.000 56.979 65.13 605.89 55.00 ) 2.000 25.188 56.100 11.118 57.191 66.21 605.89 ' 56.00 2.000 25.256 56.295 11.206 57.400 67.26 605.61 57.00 2.000 l 25.872 56.489 10.989 57.548 68.01 603.08  ! 58.00 2.000 26.488 56.678 10.712 57.681 68.70 600.54 59.00 2.000 27.102 56.862 10.431 57.811 69.40 598.00 l 60.00 2.000 27.716 57.042 10.200 57.946 70.14 595.47 61.00 2.000 28.329 57.217 9.911 58.069 70.83 592.93 62.00 2.000 28.941 57.387 9.617 58.187 71.51 590.39 63.00 2.000 29.552 57.552 9.374 58.311 72.25 587.86 .

    -64.00   2.000     30.162   57.713     9.072    58.421       72.93        585.32           )

65.00 2.000 30.771 57.868 8.767 58.528 73.61 582.78 66.00 2.000 31.379 58.019 8.511 58.640 74.35 580.25 67.00 2.000 31.985 58.164 8.198 58.739 75.02 577.71 68.00 2.000 32.591 58.304 7.881 58.834 75.70 575.17 69.00- 2.000 33.196 58.439 7.614 58.933 76.42 572.63 70.00 2.000 33.799 58.569 7.290 59.020 77.10 570.10 71.00 2.000 34.402 58.693 6.962 59.104 77.76 567.56 72.00 2.000 35.003 58.811 .6.684 59,190 78.48 565.02 73.00 2.000 35.603 58.925 6.350 59.266 79.15 562.49 74.00 2.000 36.202 59.032 6.012 59.338 79.81 559.95 75.00 2.000 36.799 59.135 5.724 59.411 80.53 557.41 76.00 2.000 37.396 59.231 5.379 59.475 81.19 554.88 77.00 2.000 37.991 59.322 5.032 59.535 81.85 552.34 I 78.00 2.000 38.584 59.406 4.734 59.595 82.56 549.80 , 79.00 2.000 39.177 59.486 4.380 59.647 83.21 547.27 80.00 2.000 39.768 59.559 4.024 59.694 83.87 544.73 l 81.00 2.000 40.358 59.626 3.717 59.742 84.57 542.19 82.00 2.000 40.946 59.687 3.356 59.781 85.22 539.66 I 83.00 2.000 41.533 59.742 2.991 59.817 85.87 537.12  ; 84.00 2.000 42.119 59.791 2.676 59.851 86.56 534.58 85.00 2.000 42.703 59.835 2.307 59.879 87.21 532.05 86.00 2.000 43.049 59.871 1.884 59.901 87.80 530.54 87.00 2.000 43.049 59.899 1.356 59.914 88.30 530.54 88.00 2.000 43.049 59.918 0.828 59.923 88.79 530.54 89.00 2.000 42.493 59.929 0.450 59.930 89.43 532.96 90.00 2.000 41.908 59.933 0.132 59.933 90.13 535.50 91.00 2.000 41.322 59.932 -0.290 59.933 90.72 538.03 92.00 2.000 40.735 59.924 -0.605 59.927 91.42 540.57 93.00 2.000 40.146 59.911 -0.918 59.918 92.12 543.11 94.00 2.000 39.556 59.891 -1.334 59.906 92.72 545.64 95.00 2.000 38.964 59.865 ' -1.644 59.888 93.43 548.18 96.00 2.000 38.371 59.833 -1.951 59.865 94.13 550.72 97.00 2.000 37.777 59.796 -2.361 59.842 94.74 553.25 98.00 2.000 37.181 59.752 -2.664 59.811 95.45 555.79 99.00 2.000 36.584 59.702 -2.964 59.776 96.16 558.33 f f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

         .~       .                ..           -   .     .- -.           .  .       ..     -. .     . .

!H2.OUT Page 4 L Arbitrary Net.Section Collapse-ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) I 12-19-1998 11:53:46 i , Paga. 4 ' Angle Wall-t Delta Pb,'x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 100.00 '2.000 35.986 f 59.647 -3.368 59.742 96.77 560.86 i 101.00 .2.000 35.387 59.586 -3.664 59.698 97.48 563.40 i 102.00 2.000 34.787 59.519 -3.956: 59.650 98.20 565.94 - 103.00 2.000 34.185 -59.446 -4.353 59.606 98.81' 568.47 104.00 2.000 33.582 59.368 -4.640 59.549 99.53 571.01 -

  -105.00       2;000      32,978      59.284     -4.925        59.488      100.25        573.55          I
  -106.00       2.000      32.373      59.195     -5.314        59.433      100.87        576.08          ;

107.00 2.000 31.767 59.100- -5.592 59.364 101.59 578.62

   '108.00      2.000                                                                                     (

31.160 58.999 -5.868 59.290 102.32 581.16 . 109.00 2.000 30.552 58.894 -6.248 59.224 102.94 583.69 110.00 2.000- 29.943 58.782 -6.517 { 59.143 103.67 586.23 ' 111.00 '2.000 29.332 58.666 -6.783 59.057 104.40 588.77 I 112.00 2.000 .28.721 58.544 -7.155 58.980 105.03 591.30 113.00 2.000 28.109 58.417 -7.414 58.886 105.77 593.84 114.00 2.000 27.496 58.285 -7.670 58.788 106.50 596.38 i 115.00 2.000 26.881 58.148 -8.031 58.700 107.13 598.91 l 116.00 2.000- 26.266 58.006 -8.280 58.594 107.87 601.45 117.00' -2.000 25.650 57.859 -8.525 58.483 108.62 603.99 118.00 2,000 25.034 57.707 -8.876 58.385 109.25 606.52 119.00 2.000 24.416 57.550 -9.114 58.267 110.00 609.06 1 120.00 2.000 23.798 57.389 -9.348 58.145 110.75 611.60 1 121.00 2.000 23.178 57.222 -9.688 58.037 111.39 614.13 122.00 2.000 22.673 57.052 -9.804 57.888 112.25 616.20 123.00 2,000 22.673 56.881 -9.696 57.701 113.32 616.20 124.00 2,000 22.673 56.711' -9.585 57.516 114.41 616.20 125.00 2.000 22.673 56.544 -9.471 57.332 115.49 616.20

  .126.00       2.000      22.673      56.379     -9.355        57.150      116.58        616.20 127.00       2.000      22.673      56.216     -9.235        56.970      117.67        616.20 128.00       2.000      22.673      56.055     -9.113        56.791      118.76        616.20 129.00       2.000      22.673      55.896     -8.988        56.614. 119.86        616.20 130.00       2.000      22.673      55.740     -8.860        56.439      120.97        616.20 131.00       2.000      22.673      55.585-    -8.730        56.267      122.07        616.20 132.00       2.000      22.673      55.433     -8,597        56.096      123.18        616.20 133.00       2.000      22.673      55.283     -8.461        55.927      124.30        616.20          i

'134.00~ 2.000 .22.673' 55.136 -8.322 55.761 125.41 616.20 1 135.00 2.000 22.673 54.991 -8.181 55.597 126.54 616.20 136.00. 2.000 22.673 54.849 -8.038 55.435 127.66 616.20 137.00 2,000 22.673 54.709 -7.892 55.275 128.79 616.20  ! 138.00 '2.000 22.673 54.572 -7.744 55.118 129.92 616.20 1 139.00 2,000' 22.674 54.437 -7.593 54.964 131.06 616.20 1 140.00' 2'000

                 .         22.674     -54.305     -7.440        54.812      132.20        616.20           I 141.00       2.000      22.674      54.176     -7.285        54.663      133.34        616.20-
  '142.00      2,000'      22.674      54.049     -7.127        54.517      134.49        616.20 143.00       2.000 ~     22.674      53.925     -6.967f       54.373. 135.64        616.20          j l144.00-        2.000      -22.674      53.804     -6.805        54.233      136.79        616.20 l145.00         2.000       22.674      53.686     -6.641        54.095      137.95        616.20 p146.00         2.000'      22.674      53.570     -6.475        53.960      139.11        616.20 t.147.00       '2.000       22.674      53.458     -6.307        53.829      140.27        616.20

>148.00 2.000 22.674 53.349 -6.137 53.701 141.44 616.20 (149.00 2.000 '22.674 53.242 -5.966 53.575 142.61 616.20 l f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc,

H2.OUT Paga 5 l Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) l 12-19-1998 11:53:46 L Pega 5 l Angle . Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 150.00 2.000 22.674 53.139 -5.792 53.453 143.78 616.20 151.00 2.000 22.674 53.038 -5.616 53.335 144.95 616.20 152.00 2.000 22.674 52.941 -5.439 53.220 146.13 616.20 l 153.00 2.000 22.674 52.847 -5.260 53.108 147.31 616.20 154.00 2.000 22.674 52.756 -5.080 53.000 148.50 616.20 155.00 2.000 22.674 52.668 -4.898 52.895 149.69 616.20 156.00 2.000 22.674 52.583 -4.714 52.794 150.88 616.20 157.00 2.000 22.674 52.502 -4.529 52.697 152.07 616.20 158.00 2.000 22.674 52.423 -4.343 52.603 153.26 616.20 159.00 2.000 22.674 52.348 -4.155 52.513 154.46 616.20 160.00 0.000 22.674 52.277 -3.966 52.427 155.66 616.20 161.00 0.000 22.674 52.208 -3.776 52.344 156.86 616.20 162.00 0.000 22.674 52.143 -3.585 52.266 158.07 616.20 163.00 0.000 22.674 52.081 -3.392 52.192 159.27 615.20 164.00 0.000 22.674 52.023 -3.198 52.121 160.48 616.20 165.00 0.000 22.674 51.968 -3.004 52.055 161.69 616.20 166.00 0.000 22.674 51.916 -2.808 51.992 162.90 616.20 167.00 0.000 22.674 51.868 -2.612 51.934 164.12 616.20 168.00 0.000 22.674 51.824 -2.415 51.880 165.33 616.20 169.00 0.000 22.674 51.782 -2.217 51.830 166.55 616.20 170.00 0.000 22.674 51.744 -2.019 51.784 167.76 616.20 171.00 0.000 22.674 51.710 -1.819 51.742 168.98 616.20 172.00 0.000 22.674 51.679 -1.620 51.705 170.20 616.20 173.00 0.000 22.674 51.652 -1.419 51.671 171.42 616.20 174.00 0.000 22.674 51.628 -1.219 51.642 172.65 616.20 175.00 0.000 22.674 51.608 -1.017 51.618 173.87 616.20 176.00 0.000 22.674 51.591 -0.816 51.597 175.09 616.20 177.00 0.000 22.674 51.577 -0.614 51.581 176.32 616.20 178.00 0.000 22.674 51.568 -0.412 51.569 177.54 616.20 179.00 0.000 22.674 51.561 -0.210 51.562 178.76 616.20 180.00 0.000 22.674 51.559 -0.008 51.559 179.99 616.20 181.00 0.000 22.674 51.559 0.194 51.560 181.22 616.20 182.00 0.000 22.674 51.564 0.396 51.565 182.44 616.20 183.00 0.000 22.674 51.572 0.598 51.575 183.66 616.20 184.00- 0.000 22.674 51.583 0.800 51.589 184.89 616.20 185.00 0.000 22.674 51.598 1.002 51.608 186.11 616.20 186.00 0.000 22.674 51.616 1.203 51.630 187.34 616.20 187.00 0.000 22.674 51.638 1.404 51.657 188.56 616.20 188.00 0.000 22.674 51.664 1.604 51.688 189.78 616.20 189.00 0.000 22.674 51.692 1.804 51.724 191.00 616.20 190.00 0.000 22.674 51.725 2.004 51.764 192.22 616.20 191.00 0.000 22.674 51.761 2.203 51.808 193.44 616.20 192.00 0.000 22.674 51.800 2.401 51.856 194.65 616.20 193.00 0.000 22.674 51.843 2.599 51.908 195.87 616.20 194.00 0.000 22.674 51.889 2.796 51.964 197.08 616.20 195.00 0.000 22.674 51.939 2.992 52.025 198.30 616.20 l 196.00 0.000 22.674 51.992 3.187 52.089 199.51 616.20 l 197.00 0.000 22.674 52.048 3.381 52.158 200.72 616.20 198.00 0.000 22.674 52.108 3.574 52.230 201.92 616.20 199.00 0.000 22.674 52.171 3.766 52.307 203.13 616.20 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

c l ..

    .H2.OUT                                                                 Page        6 Arbitrary NetLSection Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94)
      '12-19-1998'      11:53:46 Pagn    6
         . Angle. Wall t.     . Delta     - Pb,x'   Pb,y'   Pb, max AngleMax      A tension 200.00      0.000      22.674   52.238      3.957   52.387     204.33         616.20        !

201.00 0.000 22.674 52.308 4.146 52.472 205.53 616.20 i 202J00 2.000 22.674 52.381 4.335 52.560 206.73 616.20 i 203.00J 2.000 22.674 52.457 4.522 52.652 207.93 616.20 l l 204.00 2.000 l22.674 52.537 4.708 52.747 209.12 616.20  ; l 205.00 2.000 22.674' 52.620 4.892 52.847 210.31 '616.20 206.001 2.000- 22.674 52.706 5.075 52.950 211.50 616.20


207.00- 2.000' 22.674 52.795' 5.256 53.056 212.69 616.20 l 208.00 -2.000 22.674 52.888 5.436 53.166 213.87 616.20 1 209.00 2.000 22.674 52.983 5.614 53.280 215.05 616.20 l :210.00 2.000 22.674 53.082 5.791 53.397 216.23 616.20 l 211.00 2.000 22.674 53.184 5.965 53.517 217.40 616.20 212.00 2 000 22.674 53.289 6.138 53.641 218.57 616.20 1213.00 2.000 22.674 53.396 6.309 53.768 219.74 616.20 1214.00 2.000 22.674 53.507 6.478 53.898 220.90 616.20 l 215.00 .2.000 _22.674 53.621 6.'645 54.031 222.06 616.20 ! 216;00 2.000 22.674 53.737 6.811 54.167 223.22 616.20 217.00 ~2.000 22.674 53.857 6.974 54.307 224.38 616.20 218.00- 2.000 22.674 53.979 .7.135 54.449 225.53 616.20 219.00 2.000 22.674 54.104 7.294 54.594 226.68 616.20 220.00 2.000' 22.674 54.232 7.450 54.741 227.82 616.20 221.00 2.000 22.674 54.363 7.605 54.892 228.96 616.20-222.00 2.000 :22.674 54.496 7.757 55.045 230.10 616.20

      .223.00     2,000       22.673   54.632      7.906   55.201     231.23         616.20 224.00     2.000     '22.673-  .54.770      8.054   55.359     232.37         616.20 225.00     2.000       22.673   54.911      8.199   55 520     233.49         616.20 226.00-   .2.000     '22.673    55.055-     8.341   55.683     234.62         616.20 227.00     2.000       22.673   55.201      8.481   55.848     235.73         616.20
      .228.00     2.000       22.673   55.349      8.618   56.016. 236.85         616.20 229.00-    2.000       22.673  -55.500      8.753   56.186     237.96         616.20        :

230.00 2.000 22.673 55.653 8.885 56.358 239.07 616.20  !

     '231~.00     2.000      23.092    55.807:     8.755   56.489     239.92         614.49 232.00    -2.000-     23.711   H55.957      8.495   56.598     240.63         611.95 233.00. 2.000      24.330   -56.103      8.232   56.703     241.35         609.42 234.00    l2.000. 24.947:   56.244      8.019   56.813     242.11         606.88 235.00-   =2.000-     25.564-   56.381      7.749   56.911-    242.83         604.34 236.00. 2.000      26.180:   56.514      7.475   57.006     243.53         601.81 L,237.00           2.000,     26.795;   56.642      7.253   57.104. 244.30         599.27 238.00     2.000     - 27.410   56.766      6.972   57.'192    245.00         596.73 239.00     -2'.000-    28.023    56.885     '6.689   57.277     245.71         594.20

, '240.00 2,000. 28.635 56.999. 6.456 -57.364 246.46 .591.66 l 241.00' 2.000 29.247 57.109 6.167 57.441 247.16 589.12 L 242.00 2.000 '29.857 57.214 5.874 57 514 247.86 586.59

     '243.00      2.000      30.466   .57.314      5.632   57.590     248.61         584.05 244.00      2.000:     31.075    57.409-     5.334   57.656     249.31         581.51-245.00~     2.'000. 31.682 -  57'499
                                           .       5.032   57.719     250.00         578.98

) 246.00 2,000- 32.288 57.584 4.782 57.783 250.75 576.44 l 247 00 2.000; ?32.893- 57.665 4.475 57.838: 251.44 573.90 248.00 2.000 33.497 57.740 4.165 57.890 252.13 571.37 249.00: 2.000 34.100 57.810 3.907 57.942 252.87 568.83 l l & StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc. p

           . -                  --     - ..-.-                    _        _ . -   - - - - .~ - -              -

Ek2.OUT z Page 7 Arbitrary' Net'Section. Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 11:53:46

   - Pega.'7 l

Angle- Wall:t Delta' Pb, x'- Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 250.00- 2.000- 34.702 . 57.875 3.592 57.986 253.55 566.29 1251.00 2.000 35.303 57.935 3.275 58.027 254.24 563.76 252.00 -2.000 35.902 57.989 3.008 58.067 254.97 561.22 253.00 . 2.000 36.500- .58.038 2.687 58.101 255.65. 558.68 254.00 2.000 37.097 - 58.082 2.362. 58.130 256.33 556.15 255.00 2.000 37.693 58.121 2.089 58.158 257.06 553.61 256.00- '2 000 38.288 58.154 1.761 58.181 257.73 551.07 257.00 2.000 '38.881- 58.182 1.430 58.199 258.41 548.54 1 258.00 2.000' 39.472 58.204 1.151 58.215 259.13 546.00 259.00 2.000' 40.063 58.221 - 0.816 58.226 259.80 543.46 260.00 2.000 404652 58.232 0.480 58.234 260.47 540.93 261.00 2.000 41.240 58.237 0.195 58.238 261.19 538.39 262.00 2.000 41.~ 8 2 6 58.237 -0.145 58.237 261.86 535.85 263.00 2.000 42.411 58.232 -0.486 58.234 262.52 533.32 264.00 2.000 42.995 58.220 -0.776 58.225 263.23 530.78. 265.00 2.000 43.577 58.203 -1.120 58.214 263.90 528.24

   '266.00      2.000       44.118        58.180       -1.466         58.199      264.56            525.88 267.00      2.000       44.119        58.155       -1.456         SG.174      265.56            525.87 268.00      2.000       44.119        58.131       -1.440         58.148      266.58            525.87 269.00      2.000     .44.119         58.106       -1.424         S8.123      267.59            525.87 270.00      2.000       44.119        58.082'      -1.408         58.099      268.61            525.87 271.00      2.000       44.119        58.058       -1.391         58.075      269.63            525.87       I 272.00      2.000       44.119        58.034       -

1.374 58.050 270.64 525.87 j 273.00 2.000' 44.119 58.011 -1.356 50.027 271.66 525.87 274.00 2.000 43.611 57.986 -1.647 58.009 272.37 528.09 275.00 2.000 43.029 57.955 -1.935 57.987 273.09 530.63 276.00 2.000 42.446 57.918 -2.221 57.961 273.80 533.16 277.00 2.000 41.861 57.876 -2.608 57.935 274.42 535.70 278.00 2.000 41.275 57.828 -2.888 57.900 275.14 538.24 279.00 2.000 40.68.7 57.775 -3.166 57.862 275.86 540.77 280.00 2.000- 40.098 57.717 -3.546 57.826 276.48 543.31 281.00 2.000 39.508 57.653 - 3.819 57.779 277.21 545.85 282.00 'F. 00 38.916 57.583 -4.089 57.728 277.94 548.38 283.00' 2 .c00. 38.323 57.509 -4.461 57.682 278.56 550.92 284.00 2.000 '37.729 57.429 - 4.725 57.623 279.30 553.46 285.00 2.000 37.133- 57.344 -4.986 57.560 280.03 556.00 286.00 2.000 36.536 57.254 - 5.349 57.503 280.66 558.53 ,

287.00 2.000 35.938 57.159 -

5.604 57.433 281.40 561.07  ; 288.00 2.000 35.339 57.058 -5.855 57.358 282.14 563.61 l 289.00 2.000 34.738 56.953- -6.210 57.291 282.78 566.14 290.00 2.000 34.136 56.843 -6.455 57.208 283.52 568.68

   '291.00      2.000       33.533        56.728       -6.696         57.122      284.27            571.22       l 292.00      2.000       32.930        56.608       -7 042         57.044      284.91            573.75       j 293.00      2.000       32.325        56.483       -7.276         56.950      285.66            576.29 294.00      2.000       31.718        56.354       -

7.507 56.852 286.41 578.83 295.00 2.000 31.111 56.220 -7.842 56.764 287.06 581.36 296.00 2.000 30.503 56.082 -8.065 56.659 287.81 583.90 297.00- 2.000 29.893 55.939 -8'285

                                                            .         56.549      288.57            586.43       l 298.00      2.000       29.283        55.791       -

8.610 56.452 289.23 588.97 299;00 -2.000 28.672 55.639 .822 -56.334 289.99 591.51 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

n H2.OUT Page 8 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 11:53:46 Page 8 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 300.00 2.000 28.060 55.483 -9.030 56.213 290.75 594.04 301.00 2.000 27.446 55.323 -9.343 56.106 291.41 596.58 302.00 2.000 26.832 55.158 -9.544 55.978 292.18 599.12 303.00 2.000 26.217 54.990 -9.740 55.846 292.93 601.65 304.00 2.000 25.601 54.817 -10.042 55.729 293.62 604.19 305.00 2.000 25.188 54.641 -10.120 55.570 294.51 C05.89 306.00 2.000 25.188 54.466 -9.976 5L.372 295.62 605.89 307.00 2.000 25.188 54.293 -9.829 55.176 296.74 605.89 308.00 2.000 25.188 54.123 -9.679 54.982 297.86 605.89 309.00 2.000 25.188 53.956 -9.526 54.790 298.99 605.89 310.00 2.000 25.188 53.791 -9.370 54.601 300.12 605.89 311.00 2.000 25.188 53.629 -9.211 54.414 301.25 605.89 312.00 2.000 25.188 53.470 -9.050 54.230 302.39 605.89 313.00 2.000 25.188 53.314 -8.886 54.049 303.54 605.89 314.00 2.000 25.188 53.160 -8.719 53.870 304.68 605.89 315.00 2.000 25.188 53.010 -8.549 53.695 305.84 605.89 16.00 2.000 25.188 52.862 -8.377 53.522 306.99 605.89

  .17.00    2.000     25.188   52.718    -8.202   53.352      308.16         605.89 318.00    2.000     25.188   52.576    -8.025   53.185      309.32         605.89 319s00    2.000     25.189   52.438    -7.845   53.022      310.49         605.89 320.00    2.000     25.189   52.303    -7.663   52.861      311.66         605.89 321.00    2.000     25.189   52.171    -7.478   52.704      312.84         605.89        ,

322.00 2.000 25.189 52.042 -7.292 52.551 314.02 605.89  ! 323.00 2.000 25.189 51. U.7 -7.103 52.400 315.21 605.89 l 324.00 2.000 25.189 51.795 -6.912 52.254 316.40 605.89 l 325.00 2.000 25.189 51.676 -6.718 52.111 317.59 605.89 i 326.00 2.000 25.189 51.561 -6.523 51.972 318.79 605.89 I 327.00 2.000 25.189 51.449 -6.326 51.836 319.99 605.89 328.00 2.000 25.188 51.340 -6.127 51.705 321.19 605 89 329.00 2.000 25.188 51.235 -b.926 51.577 322.40 605.89 , 330.00 2.000 25.188 51.134 -5.723 51.453 323.61 605.89 l 331.00 2.000 25.188 51.036 -f.519 51.333 324.83 605.89 I 332.00 2.000 25.188 50.942 -F.312 51.218 326.05 605.89 i 333.00 0.000 25.188 50.851 -5.104 51.107 327.27 605.89 1 334.00 0.000 25.188 50.764 -4.894 50.999 328.49 605.89 335.00 0 000 25.188 50.681 -4.684 50.897 329.72 605.89 336 00 0.000 25.188 50.601 -4.471 50.798 330.95 605.89 337.00 0.000 25.188 50.525 -4.258 50.704 332.18 605.89 338.00 0.000 25.188 50.453 -4.043 50.614 333.42 605.89 l 339.00 0.000 25.188 50.384 -3.826 50.529 334.66 605.89 , 340.00 0.000 25.188 50.320 -3.609 50.449 335.90 605.89 ! 341.00 0.000 25.188 50.259 -3.391 50.373 337.14 605.89 342.00 0.000 25.188 50.202 -3.171 50.302 338.38 605.89 i 343.00 0.000 25.188 50.149 -2.951 50.235 339.63 605.89 l 344.00 0.000 25.188 50.099 -2.729 50.173 340.88 605.89 345.00 0.000 25.188 50.054 -2.507 50.116 342.13 605.89 346.00 0.000 25.188 50.012 -2.284 50.064 343.38 605.89 347.00 0.000 25.188 49.974 -2.060 50.017 344.64 605.89 348.00 0.000 25.188 49.941 -1.836 49.974 345.89 605.89 349.00 0.000 25.188 49.911 -1.611 49.937 347.15 605.89 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates. Inc.

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LH2.OUT Page 9

' Arbitrary Net'Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998. 11
53:46 Page, 9
            ' Angle ' Wall;t.'           Delta'    Pb,'x'                  Pb,y'          ~Pb, max AngleMax 350.00.    'O.000                                                                                                                  A tension 25.'188  49.885               -1.386             49.904          - 348.41                                     605.89
       -351.00-          0.000>        -25.188   49.863               -1.160           - 49.876-           349.67                                     605.89
       -352.00'          0.000          25.188   49.845               -0.934             49.853            350.92 353.00         0.000 605.89 25.188   49.831-              -0.708             49.836            352.18                                     605.89 354'.00--      0.000          25.1881 -49.820              -0.481              49.823            353.44
       '355.00.        '

O.000 605.89 25.188 49.814 -0.255 49.815 354.71 605.89 356.00' O.000- 25.188 49.812 -0.028 '49.812 355.97 605.89 l 357.00- 0.000 25.188: ~49.814- 0.199 49.814'-

       ~358.00-357.23                                     605.89                .;

0.000 '25.188 49.819 'O.426 ' 49.821 358.49 605.89 359.~00 .0.000 ~ 25'188 49.829 0.652 *s59.75 49.833 605.89 MINIMUM STRESS.'(Pb,x') = 49.812 AT 356.00-DEGREES MINIMUM' TOTAL STRESS (Pb, max) = 49.812 AT 355.97 DEGREES I i. l l j i  ! l l t-l l i 1 i i f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc. 1 an- , -- ,e--. . , , a.-g r o. +

l H3.OUT- Page 1 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 12:07:00 Pags 1 DESCRIPTION: P ach Bottom, Unit 3 Reinspection Study Weld H3 -- 40 Years of Crack Growth Crack assumed to take compression across face RADIUS (IN) = 102.5625 WALL THICKNESS (IN) = 2 TENSION STRESS = 0.790 KSI MATERIAL FLOW STRESS = 50.700 KSI ANGLE FOR MOMENT ITERATION = 1 FLAWS DEFINED = 6 (AS FOLLOWS) 1 ANGLES: 0.0000 TO 25.0400 (DTHETA = 25.040) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 2 ANGLES: 44.7600 TO 71.8900 (DTHETA = 27.130) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 3 ANGLES: 95.7600 TO 119.6400 (DTHETA = 23.880) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 4 ANGLES: 134.6100 TO 259.7600 (DTHETA = 125.150) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 5 ANGLES: 289.2400 TO. 334.7600 (DTHETA = 45.520) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 6 ANGLES: 339.2800 TO 360.0000 (DTHETA = 20.720) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 TOTAL AREA (IN2) = 1288.838 REMAINING DEGRADED SECTION AREA (IN2) = 331.3745 (APPROX. DEGRADED METAL AREA = 331.3744 ) Program Output: Angle = Angle that tension-to-compression axis x' is rotated t - Thickness in wall at position corresponding to angle delta = Distance from center to tension-to-compression axis Pb,x' = Bending stress due to moment about tension-to-compression axis Pb,y' = Bending stress due to moment perpendicular to tens./ comp. axis Pb, max = Maximum bending stress due to total limit moment Anglemax = Angle for total limit moment relative to original Y axis Atension = Area of metal in tension for Case 2 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

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4 H3.OUT .Page 2'

 < Arbitrary Net Section_ Collapse ANSC 2. 0. . (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 -12:09:33 Pcga         '2 i
        , Angle . Wallit'               . Delta.               Pb,x'             Ph,' y  .Pb, max AngleMax                A tension 0.00.          OJ000        74.427-               26.737           4.496        27.112              9.55              331.37 1.00           0.cn0L       74.427]             - 26.814           ~4.416'      27.175             10.35              331.37 2.00           0.000        74.427                                                                                                    l 26.890           4.335        27.237             11.16              331.37          ,
          . 3. 00-        0.000        74.427                26.965           4.253        27.298             11.96              331.37          i
          '4.00           0.000        74.427                27.038           4.169        27.357             12.77              331.37 5.00           0.000       -74.427                27.109           4.084.       27.415             13.57              331 37 6.00           0.000        74.427'             ' 27.179           3.998       '27.472             14.37              331.37 7.00           0.000        74.427                27.248          -3.911        27.527             15.17              331.37-8i.00-        'O.000        74.427-               27.315           3.822        27.581             15.97              331.37 9.00           0.000        74".427'              27'.380         -3.733        27.633             16.76              331.37 10.00            -0.000-       74.427                27.444'          3.642        27.685             17.56              331.37-11.00              0'.000       74.427                27.506           3.550        27.734             18.35              331.37 12.00              0.000        74.427                27.567           3.457        27.783             19.15              331.38 13.00              0.000        74.426'               27.626           3.363        27.830           -19.94               331.38
      '14.00              0.000        74.426                27.683           3.268        27.876             20.73              331.38 15.00              0.000'       74.426                27.739           3.172        27.920             21.52              331.38 16.00'             O.000        74.426                27.793           3.075        27.963             22.31              331.38 17.00              0.000        74.426                27.845           2.977        28.004             23.10              331.38 L

18.00 0.000 74.426 27.896 2.878 28.044 23.89 331.38 1 9 .' 0 0' O.000' 74.426 27.945 2.778 28.083 24.68 331.38 20.00 0.000 74.426 27.992 2.678 28.120 25.46 331.38 21.00- 0.000 74.427~ 28.037 2.576 28.155 26.25 331.38 22.00 0.000 74.427 28.081 2.474 28.189 27.04 331.37 , 23.00. 0.000 74.427 28.122 2.371 28.222 27.82 331.37 1 L 24.00 0.000 74.427 28.162 2.268 28.254 28.60 331.37 ' l 25.00 .0.000- 74.427 28.201 2.163 28.283 29.39 331.37 l 26.00 2.000 74.427 28.237 2.058- 28.312 30.17 331.37 j 27.00 12.000 74.427 28.271 1.953 28.339 30.95 331.37 ' 28.00 2.000- 74.427 28.304 1.847 28.364 31.73 331.37 29.00' -2.000 74.427 28.335 1.740 28.388 32.51 331.37 30.00' 2.000 '74.427 28.364 1.633 28.411 33.29 331.37 31.001 2.000. 74.427 28.391 1.525 28.432 34.08 331.37 1 32.00 ~2.000- 74.427 28.416 1. M " 28.-451 34.86 331.37 l' 33.00 2.000 74.427 28.439 1.3va 28.469 35.63 331.37 34'.00 2;000 74.427 28.461 1.200 28.486 36.41 331.37 i 35.00 2.000 74.427 28.480 1.090 28.501 37.19 331.37 36.00 2.000 74.427 28.498 0.981 28.515 37.97 331.37 37.00 2.000- 74.720 28.514 0.947 28.530 38.90 329.67 38.00 :2.000 75.127 28.530 0.950 28.546 39.91 327.28 ! 39.00 2.000' 75.532 28.547 0.987 28.564 40.98 324.89 l- 40.00

' 41.00-2.000 75.934 28.564 0.982 28.581 41.97 322.51 2.000 76.334 28.581 0.974 28.597 42.95 320.12

[ 142.00 2.000 .76.731 28.598 1.000 28.615 44.00 317.73 l 43.00 2.000 77.126 28.615 0.985 28 632 44.97 315.35

44.00 2.000- 77.518 - 28.632 0.966 28.648 45.93 312.96 45.00
0.000 77.907 28.648 0.981 28.665 46.96 310.57 46.00' O.000 78.294 28.665- 0.956 28.681 47.91 308.19 j 47.00' O.000 78.678 - 28.681 0.926 28.696 48.85 305.80 148.00 0.000- 79.060 28.697 0.930 28.712 49.86 303.41 49.00 -0.000 79.439 28.713 0.894 28.727 50.78 301.03 L

f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

        . _ _ _ _ __               _ . .._ _ . - .   ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _                                        .

- H3 . OUT. Page 3

 ~ Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998            12:09:33 Pcga             .


     . Angle ~ Wall t:         Delta          Pb,x'       Pb,y'                         Pb, max AngleMax      A tension           f 50.00        10.000       79.815    28.728         0.854                        28.741         51.70         298.64 51.00         0.000       80.188    28.743         0.846                        28.755         52.69         296.25             -

52.00 0.000- 80.559 28.757 0.799 28.768 53.59 293.87 '! 53'.00 0.000 -80.927 28.770 0.748 28.780 54.49 291.48 i 154.00- 0.000 81.292 28.783 0.729 28.792 55.45 289.09 55.00 J0.000 81.654- 28.795 0.671 { 28.802 56.33 286.71 , 56.00 .0.000 82.014 28.806 0.610 28.812 57.21 284.32  ; 57.00 0.000 82.371 28.816 0.578 28.822 58.15 281.93  : 58.00 0.000' 82.725 28.825 0.510 28.830 59.01 279.55 59.00 0.000 83.076 28.833 0.438 28.837 59.87 277.16 60.00 0.000 83.425 28.840 0.395 28.843 60.78 274.77 61.00- 0.000 83.770 28.846 0.316 28.848 61.63 272.39  ! 62.00 0.000 84.113 28.851 0.233 28.852 62.46 270.00 { 63.00 0.000 84.453 28.854 0.179 28.855 63.35 267.61 64.00 0.000 84.790 28.856 0.089 28.856 64.18 265.23

   .65.00         0.000      85.124     28.857        -0.005                       28.857          64.99         262.84 66.00         0.000      85.456     28.856        -0.070                       28.856          65.86         260.45 67.00         0.000      85.784     28.854        -0.171                       28.854          66.66         258.07 68.00         0.000      86.110     28.850        -0.275                       28.851          67.45        255.68 69.00         0.000      86.433     28.844        -0.352                       28.846          68.30        253.29 0
    '7l.00        0.000      86.752     28.837        -0.463                       28.840          69.08        .250.91 71.00-         0.000      87.069     28.827        -0.578                       28.833          69.85        248.52 72 00         2.000      87.383     28.816        -0.666                       28.824          70.67         246.13 73.00         2.000      87.694     28.803        -0.787                       28.814          71.43         243.75 74.00         2.000      88.002-    28.788        -0.912                       28.803          72.18        241.36 75.00-        2.000      88.307     28.771.       -1.011                       28.789          72.99         238.97 76.00         2.000      88.609     28.752        -1.143                       28.775          73.72        236.58 77.00         2.000      88.908     28.731-       -1.278                       28.760          74.45        234.20 78.00         2.000      89.204     28.708        -1,388                       28.741          75.23        231.81 79.00         2.000      89.497     28.682        -1.529                       28.723          75.95        229.42 80.00         2.000      89.787     28.654        -1.674                       28.703          76.66        227.04 81'.00         2.000. 89.932     28.623.       -1.848                       28.683          77.30        .225.83 82.00-        2~000
                     .       89.932     28.589        -2.077                       28.664          77.84       -225.83 83.00         2.000      89.932     28.551        -2.304                       28.643          78.38        225.83 84.00         2.000. 89.932     28.508        -2.532                       28.620          78.92        225.83 85.00         2.000      89.932     28.462        -2.758                       28.595          79.46        225.83 86.00         2.000      89.932-    28.412        -2.983                       28.568          80.00        225.83
  -87.00          2.000      89.932     28.357        -3.208                       28.538          80.54         225.83 88.00-         2.000      89.932     28.299        -3.432                       28.507          81.08        225.83 89.00"         2.000-     89.932     28.237        -3.654.                      28.473          81.63        225.83 90.06          2 000      89.932     28.171        -3.876                       28.437          82.17        225.83 91.00.         2.000     -89.932     28.102        -4.096                       28.399          82.71        225.83 92.00          2.000      89.932     28.028        -4.315                       28.358          83.25        225.83
  -93.00'         2.000-     89.932     27.951        -4.532                       28.316          83.79        225.83 94.00          2.'000     89.932     27.870        -4.749                       28.271          84.33         225.83 95.00          2.000-89.932     27.785        -4.964                       28.225          64.87        225.83-
  -96.00          0.000      89.932     27.696        -5.177                       28.176          85.41         225.83
  .97.00          0.000      89.932-    27.604        -5.389                       28.125          85.95        225.83 98.00        .0.000       89.932     27.508        -5.599                       28.072          86.49         225.83 99.00-         0.000      89.932     27.408        -5.807                       28.016          87.04         225.83 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.
 ,.                           --. . . - . - - _ - - . . - - -                         .~   - . ~ - - - - - - ~

EH3.OUT- Page 4 I I Arbitrary Net Section/ Collapse ANSC 2.0 (k/26/94) j 12-19-1998 12:09:33 ,

      .Paga' '4                                                                                                                       i l
         . Angle. Wall-t             Delta                        Pb,x'    Pb,y'  .Pb, max AngleMax A tension-                      -{

100.00- 0.000 -89.932 27.305 -6.014 27.959 87.58 225.83 t 101.00 0.000 89.932- 27.198 -6.219 27.900 88.12 225.83

     '102.00        0.000.        89.932                        27.087   -6.422- 27.838              88.66                 225.83     ;

103.001 'O.000 89.932 26.973 -6.622f 27.774 89.20 225.83 i 104.00 .04000 89.932- 26.856 -6.821 27.708 29.75 225.83  : 105.00- 0.000 .89.932 26.735 -7.018 27.641 90.29 225.83  ! 106.00' ~ 0.000- 89.932 26.610 -7.213- 27.571 90.83 225.83 107.00 10.000 -89.932- 26.483 -7.405 27.499 91.38 225.83 l 108.00 0.000 89.932 26.352- -7.596 27.424 91.92 225.83 109.00 0.~000 89.787 26.217 -7.772 27.345 92.49 .227.04 110.00 0.000' 89.497 26.081 -7.846 27.236 93.26 229.43 i 111.00 0.000. 89.204; '25.944 -7.913 27.124 94.04 231.81  ! ~ '112.00 0.000. - 88.908 25.805 -8.029 27.025 94.72 234.20 i 113.00 0.000 88.609 25.664 -8.083 26.907 95.52 236.59  ! 114.00 0.000 88.307 25.523 .-8.131 26.787 96.33 238.97 , 115.00 0.000 88.002 25.380 -8.229 26.681 97.03 241.36

      '116.00      0.000          87.694                        25.237   -8.264  26.555              97.87                 243.75     l 117.00      0.000          87.383                        25.092-  -8.292  26.427              98.71                 246.13 118.00      0.000-         87.069-                       24.947   -8.374  26.315              99.44                 248.52     ,

119.00 0.000 86.752 24.801 -8.389 26.181 100.31 250 91 ) 120.00 2.000 86.433 24.654 -8.398 26.045 101.19 253.29 1 121.00 2.000 86.110 '24.507 -8.462 25.927 101.95 255.66 122.00 2.000 85.901 24.360 -8.397 25.767 102.98 257.21 123.00 2.000 85.901 24.216 -8.205 25.568 104.28 257.21 124.00 2.000- 85.901 24.074 -8.011 25.372 105.59 257.21 125.00 2.000 85.901 23.937 -7.814 25.180 106.92 257.21 126.00, .2.000 85.901 23.802 -7.615 24.991' 108.26 257.21

      -127.00      2'000
                     .            85.627                        23.670   -7.535  24.841           109.34                   259.21 128.00'     2.000          85.297                        23.538   -7.574  24.727           110.16                   261.60 129.00. 2.000          84.964-                       23.406   -7.543  24.592           111.14                   263.99 130.00      2.000          84.629                        23.275   -7.507  24.455           112.12                   266.37 131'.00     2.000          84.290                        23.143   -7.529  24.337           112.98                   268.76 132.00-      2.000          83.949                        23.012   -7.480  24.198          113.99                    271.15 133.00       2.000          83.605                        22.882   -7.426  24.057           115.02                   273.S3 134.00       2.000.        83.258                         22.752   -7.431  23.935          115.91                    275.92
     -135.00.      0.000          82.908                        22.623   -7.364  23.791           116.97                   278.31 136.00       0.000          82.555                        22.495   -7.292  23.647          118.04                    280.69 137.00      0.000          82.200                       -22.368   -7.280  23.522          118.97                    283.08 138.00       0.000          81.841                        22.241   -7.196  23.376          120.07                    285.47 139.00-      0.000          81.480                        22.116   -7.106  23.230          121.19                    287.85 140.00       0.000          81.117                        21.992   -7.079  23.103          122.16                    290.24     !

141.00- 0.000 80.750. 21.869 -6.977 22.955 123.30 292.63 142.00 0.000 80.381 21.748 -6.869 22.807 124.47 295.01 I 143.00 0.'000 ~ '80.009 21.629 -6.826 22.680 125.48 297.40  !

     '144.00       0.0001        79.634                         21.510   -6.708  22.532          126.68                    299.79 145.00       0.000--       79.257                         21.394   -6.583  22.384          127.89                    302.17
     -146.00       0.000.        78.877                         21.279   -6.525  22.257          128.95                    304.56
    '147.00        0.000         78.494                        21.167    -6.390  22.110          130.20                    306.95 148400-      0.000         78.109                        21.056    -6.249  21.964          131.47                    309.33      ;

149.00 0.000 77.721 20.947 -6.175 21.839 132.57 311.72 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

l H3'.OUT Page 5 i l Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 12:09:33 Ptg3 5 l Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension l 150.00 0.000 77.330 20.841 -6.024 21.694 133.88 314.11 1 151.00 0.000 77.152 20.737 -5.964 21.577 134.95 315.19 152.00 0.000 77.152 20.632 -5.954 21.474 135.90 315.19 l 153.00 0.000 77.152 20.529 -5.942 21.371 136.86 315.19 I 154.00 0.000 77.152 20.425 -5.928 21.268 137.81 315.19 j 155.00 0.000 77.152 20.322 -5.912 21.164 138.78 315.19  ; l 156.00 0.000 77.151 20.218 -5.895 21.060 139.74 315.19 l 157.00 0.000 77.151 20.116 -5.876 20.956 140.72 315.19  ! 158.00 0.000 77.151 20.013 -5.855 20.852 141.69 315.19 159.00 0.000 77.151 19.911 -5.832 20.748


142.67 315.19 j 160.00 0.000 77.151 19.809 -5.807 20.643 143.66 315.19 i 161.00 0.000 77.151 19.708 -5.781 20.538 144.65 315.19 I 162.00 0.000 77.152 19.607 -5.753 20.434 145.65 315.19 j 163.00 0.000 77.152 19.507 -5.723 20.329 146.65 315.19  ; 164.00 0.000 77.220 19.407 -5.654 20.214 147.75 314.77 l l 165.00 0.000 77.612 19.310 -5.512 20.081 149.07 312.39  : 166.00 0.000 78.001 19.215 -5.335 19.941 150.48 310.00  ! l 167.00 0.000 78.387 19.122 -5.195 19.816 151.80 307.61 168.00 0.000 78.770 19.033 -5.058 19.693 153.12 305-.23 169.00 0.000 79.151 18.945 -4.886 19.565 154.54 302.84 170.00 0.000 79.529 18.861 -4.752 19.450 155.86 300.45 1 171.00 0.000 79.904 18.779 -4.620 19.339 157.18 298.07 i 172.00 0.000 80.277 18.699 -4.454 19.223 158.60 295.68 l l 173.00 0.000 E0.647 18.622 -4.326 19.118 159.92 293.29  ! ! 174.00 0.000 81.015 18.548 -4.200 19.017 161.24 290.91 l 175.00 0.000 81.379 18.475 -4.041 18.912 162.66 288.52 1 176.00 0.000 81.741 18.405 -3.919 18.818 163.98 286.13 177.00 0.000 82.100 18.338 -3.799 18.727 165.29 283.75 l 178.00 0.000 82.456 18.273 -3.648 18.633 166.71 281.36 l l 179.00 0.000 82.810 18.209 -3.533 18.549 168.02 278.97 } ) 180.00 0.000 83.160 18.149 -3.420 18.468 169.33 276.59 l 181.00 0.000 83.508 18.090 -3.277 18.384 170.73 274.20 182.00 0.000 83.853 18.033 -3.169 18.309 172.03 271.81 183.00 0.000 84.195 17.979 -3.063 18.238 173.33 269.43 i l 184.00 0.000 84.534 17.926 -2.928 18.164 174.72 267.04 1 185.00 0.000 84.871 17.875 -2.828 18.098 176.01 264.65 186.00 0.000 85.204 17.827 -2.730 18.034 177.29 262.27 187.00 0.000 85.535 17.780 -2.604 17.969 178.67 259.88 188.00 0.000 85.843 17.735 -2.499 17.910 179.98 257.64 189.00 0.000 85.843 17.694 -2.192 17.829 181.94 257.64 190.00 0.000 85.843 17.658 -1.884 17.758 183.91 257.64 i 191.00 0.000 85.842 17.627 -1.575 17.697 185.89 257.64 i 192.00 0.000 85.706 17.602 -1.389 17.657 187.49 258.64 l 193.00 0.000 85.411 17.579 -1.267 17.625 188.88 260.78 , 194.00 0.000 85.411 17.557 -1.262 17.602 189.89 260.78 l 193.00 0.000 85.411 17.535 -1.256 17.580 190.90 260.78 l 196.00 0.000 85.411 17.513 -1.250 17.557 191.91 260.78 ( 197.00 0.000 85.411 17.491 -1.244 17.535 192.93 260.78 l 198.00 0.000 85.411 17.469 -1.237 17.513 193.95 260.78 l 199.00 0.000 85.411 17.448 -1.230 17.491 194.97 260.78 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc. i 1

H3.OUT Page 6

 . Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998     12:09:33 Pcga 6 Angle   Wall t     Delta     Pb,x'    Pb,y'     Pb, max AngleMax      A tension 200.00     0.000     85.411   17.426   -1.222    17.469      195.99        260.78 201.00     0.000     85.411   17.405   -1.214    17.447      197.01        260.78 202.00     0.000     85.411   17.383   -1.206    17.425      198.03        260.78 203.00     0.000     85.411   17.362   -1.198    17.404      199.05        260.78
  '204.00    0.000     35.411   17.341   -1.189    17.382      200.08        260.78 205.00     0.000     85.411   17.321   -1.179    17.361      201.10        260.78 206.00     0.000     85.411   17.300   -1.169    17.340      202.13        260.78 207.00     0.000     85.411   17.280   -1.159    17.319      203.16        260.78 208.00     0.000     85.411   17.259   -1.149    17.298      204.19        260.78 209.00     0.000     85.411  '17.239   -1.138    17.277      205.22        260.78 210.00     0.000     85.411   17.220   -1.127    17.256      206.25        260.78 211.00     0.000     85.411   17.200   -1.115    17.236      207.29        260.78 212.00     0.000     85.411   17.180   -1.104    17.216      208.32        260.78 213.00     0.000     85.411   17.16.   -1.091    17.196      209.36        260.78 214.00     0.'000    85.411   17.142   -1.079    17.176      210.40        260.78 215.00     0.000     85.411   17.123   -1.066    17.157      211.44        260.78 216.00     0.000     85.411   17.105   -1.053    17.137      212.48        260.78 217.00     0.000     85.411   17.087   -1.039    17.118      213.52        260.78 218.00     0.000     85.411   17.068   -1.026    17.099      214.56        260.78 219.00     0.000     85.650   17.051   -0.919    17.076      21E.91        259.04 220.00     0.000     85.977. 17.036   -0.815    17.055      217.26        256.66 221.00     0.000     86.301   17.022   -0.715    17.037      218.59        254.27 222.00     0.000     86.622   17.011  -0.588     17.021      220.02        251.88 223.00     0.000     86.940   17.001  -0.495     17.008      221.33        249.50

, 224.00 0.000 87.255 16.993 -0.405 16.998 222.63 247.11 225.00 0.000 87.567 16.987 -0.289 16.989 224.02 244.72 226.00 0.000 87.876 16.982 -0.206 16.983 225.30 242.34 227.00 0.000 88.182 16.979 -0.127 16.979 226.57 239.95 l 228.00 0.000 88.485 16.977 -0.022 16.977 227.92 237.56 i 229.00 0.000 88.786 16.977 0.050 16.977 229.17 235.18 230.00 0.000 89.083 16.979 0.118 16.979 230.40 232.79 231.00 0.000 89.377 16.981 0.210 16.983 231.71 230.40 232.00 0.000 89.668 16.985 0.271 16.988 232.91 228.02 233.00 0.000 89.956 16.990 0.328 16.994 234.11 225.63 234.00 0.000 90.116 16.997 0.452 17.003 235.52 224.29 235.00 0.000 90.116 17.007 0.693 17.021 237.33 224.29 236.00 -0.000 90.116 17.022 0.934 17.047 239.14 224.29 l 237.00 0.000 90.116 17.040 1.175 17.081 240.94 224.29 l 238.00 0.000 90.116 17.063 1.415 17.122 242.74 224.29 I 239.00 0.000 90.116 17.090 1.655 17.170 244.53 224.29 240.00 0.000 90.116 17.122 1.894 17.226 246.31 224.29 241.00 0.000 90.116 17.157 2.133 17.289 248.09 224.29 242.00 0.000 90.116 17.197 2.371 17.359 249.85 224.29 243.00 0.000 90.116 17.240 2.609 17.437 251.60 224.29 244.00 0.000 90.116 17.288 2.845 17.521 253.35 224.29

 .245.00     0.000     90.116   17.340    3.081    17.612      255.08        224.29 246.00     0.000     90.116   17.396    3.316    17.710      256.79        324.29 247.00     0.000     90.116   17.457    3.550    17.814      258.49        224.29 248.00     0.000     89.899   17.520    3.676    17.902      259.85        226.11 249.00     0.000     89.610   17.584    3.697    17.969      260.87        228.49 i                                             .

f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc. l

I I H3.OUT Page 7 i Arbitrary' Net Section Collapse'ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) I 12-19-1998- 12:09:33 l i Paga 7

Angle Wall't Delta Pb,x' .Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension i 250.00 0.000 89.318 17.650 3.775 18.049 262.07 230.88 l 251.00 0.000 89.024 17.716 3.856 18.131 263.28 233.27 252.00 0.000 88.726 17.784 3.883 18.203 264.32 235.65 )

253.00 0.000 88.425 17.853 3.970 18.289 265.54 238.04  ! 254.00 0.000 88.121. 17.923 4.059 18.377 266.76 240.43  ! 255.00 0.000 87.815 17.994 4.093 18.454 267.82 242.81 l 256.00- 0.000 87.505 18.067 4.188 18.546 269.05 245.20 l 257.00 0.000 87.411 18.140 4.214 18.623 270.08 245.92 258.00 0.000 87.411. 18.213 4.191 18.689 270.96 245.92 j) 259.00 0.000 '87.411 '18.286 4.167 18.755 271.84 245.92 260.00 .2.000 87.411 18.358 .4.142 18.820 272.71 245.92 261.00 -2.000 87.411 18.430 4.116 18.884 273.59 245.92  ! 262.00 2.000 87.411 18.501 '4.088 18.948 274.46 245.92 i

   '263.00     2.000     87.411    18.572    4.059     19.011     275.33         245.92 l

264.00 2.000 87.411 18.643 4.029 19.073 276.20 245.92 1 265.00 2.000 87.411 18.713 3.998 19.135 277.06 245.92 266.00 .2.000 87.411 18.782 3.965 19.196 277.92 245.92 267.00 2.000 87.411 18.851 3.932 19.256 278.78 245.92

   -260.00     2.000     87.411    18.919    3.897     19.316     279.64         245.92 269.00     2.000     87.691    18.987    3.947     19.393     280.74         243.77 270.00     2.000     87.999    19.056    3.993     19.470     281.84         241.38 271.00     2.000. 88.304    19.126    4.063     19.553     282.99         239.00 272.00     2.000     88.606    19.197    4.099     19.630     284.05        236.61 273.00     2.000     88.905    19.269    4.131     19.707     285.10         234.22 274.00     2.000     89.201    19.341    4.185     19.789     286.21         231.84 275.00     2.000     89.494    19.414    4.206     19.865     287.22         229.45 276.00     2.000     89.784    19.488    4.222     19.940     288.22         227.06 277.00:    2.000     90.071    19.561    4.261     20.020     289.29         224.68 278.00     2.000     90.355    19.636    4.267     20.094     290.26         222.29 279.00     2.000-    90.635-   19.710    4.268     20.167     291.22        219.90 280.00     2.000     90.802    19.785    4.319     20.251     292.32        218.48 281.00. 2.000     90.802    19.862    4.497     20.365-    293.76         218.48 282.00     2.000     90.802    19.942    4.674     20.483     295.19        218.48 283.00'    2.000     90.802    20.026    4.849     20.605     296.61         218.48 284.00     2.000     90.802    20.112    5.022     20.730     298.02         218.48 285.00     2.000     90.802    20.202    5.195     20.859     299.42         218.48 286.00     2.000     90.802    20.295    5.365     20.992     300.81         218.48
   -287.00     2.000     90.775    20.390    5.534     21.128     302.18         218.71 288.00     2.000     90.495~   20.487    5.546     21.224     303.15         221.10 e    289.00     2.000    .90.213    20.583    5.508     21.307     303.98         223.48 290.00-    0.000     89.928    20.680    5.525     21.405     304.96         225.87 291.00     0.000. 89.639    20.776    5.544     21.503     305.94         228.26 292.00     0.000     89.348    20.873    5.511'    21.588     306.79         230.64 293.00     0.000     89.053-   20.970    5.535     21.688     307.79         233.03 294.00     0.000     88.756    21.066    5.561     21.788     308.79         235.42 295.00     0.000     88.455    21.163    5.533     21.875     309.65         237.80 296~.00   -0,000-    88.152    21.260    5.564     21.976     310.67         240.19 297.00     0.000     87.845    21.358    5.597     22.079     311.69         242.58 298.00     0.000     87.536   -21.455    5.574     22.167     312.56         244.96 299.00     0.000     87.223    21.553. 5.612     22.272     313.59         247.35 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.'

H3.OUT Page 8 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 12:09:33 Page 8 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 300.00 0.000 86.908 21.651 5.651 22.377 314.63 249.74 301.00 0.000 86.590' 21.750 5.633 22.468 315.52 252.12 302.00 0,000 86.268 21.849 5.677 22.574 316.57 254 51 303.00 0.000 85.944 21.948 5.723 22.682 317.62 256.90 304.00 0.000 85.617 22.048 5.710 22.776 318.52 259.28 305.00 0.000 85.287 22.149 5. 760 22.885 319.58 261.67 ' 306.00 0.000 84.954 22.249 5.813 22.996 320.64 264.06 307.00 0.000 84.619 22.351 5.804 23.092 321.56 266.44 308.00 0.000 84.280 22.453 5.860 23.205 322.63 268.83 309.00 0.000 83.939 22.556 5.919 23.319 323.70 271.22 310.00 0.000 83.594 22.659 5.914 23.418 324.63 273.60 311.00 0.000 83.247 22.763 5.977 23.535 325.71 275.99 , 312.00 0.000 82.985 22.868 6.028 23.649 326.77 277.78 313.00 0.000 82.985 .22.972 5.959 23.732 327.54 277.78 314.00 0.000 82.985 23.075 5.888 23.814 328.31 277.78 315.00 0.000 82.985 23.176 5.815 23.895 329.09 277.78  ! 316.00 0.000 82.985 23.277 5.741 23.974 329.85 277.78 317.00 0.000 82.985 23.376 5.665 24.052 330.62 277.78 318.00 0.000 82.985 23.473 5.587 24.129 331.39 277.78 319.00 0.000 82.985 23.570 5.508 24.205 332.15 277.78 320.00 0.000 82.985 23.665 5.426 24.279 332.91 277.78 321.00 0.000 82.985 23.758 5.344 24.352 333.68 277.78 322.00 0.000 82.985 23.850 5.259 24.423 334.44 277.78 323.00 0.000 82.985 23.941 5.173 24.493 335.19 277.78 j 324.00 0.000 82.985 24.030 5.086 24.562 335.95 277.78 ' 325.00 0.000 82.985 24.117 4.996 24.629 336.70 277.78 326.00 0.000 82.Fu3 24 203 4.906 24.695 337.46 277.78 327.00 0.000 8 2 . t+ o 2(.287 4.814 24.760 338.21 277.78 323.00 0.000 82.985 24.370 4.720 24.823 338.96 277.78 j 329.00 0.000 82.985 24.451 4.625 24.885 339.71 277.78 I 330.00 0.000 82.985 24.530 4.529 24.945 340.46 277.78 331.00 0.000 82.985 24.608 4.431 25.004 341.21 277.78 332.00 0-.000 82.985 24.684 4.332 25.061 341.95 277.78 333.00 0.000 82.985 24.758 4.231 25.117 342.70 277.78 334.00 0.000 82.985 24.831 4.130 25.172 343.44 277.78 335.00 2.000 82.985 24.901 4.027 25.225 344.19 277.78 336.00 2.000 82.855 24.970 3.910 25.274 344.90 278.66 1 337.00 2.000 82.502 25.039 3.940 25.347 345.94 281.05 338.00 2.000 82.146 25.108 3.973 25.420 346.99 283.44  ! 339.00 2.000 81.788 25.177 3.940 25.483 347.89 285.82 340.00 0.000 81.426 25.246 l 3.978 25.558 348.95 288.21 i 341.00 0.000 81.062 25.316 4.018 25.633 350.02 290.60 l 342.00 0.000 80.695 25.386 3.991 25.698 350.93 292.98 1 343.00 0.000 80.325 25.456 4.036 25.774 352.01 295.37 344.00 0.000 79.953 25.527 4.083 25.851 353.09 297.76 345.00 0.000 79.578 25.598 4.062 25.918 354.02 300.14 346.00 0.000 79.200 25.669 4.114 25.997 355.10 302.53 347.00 0.000 78.820 25.742 4.168 26.077 356.20 304.92 348.00 0.000 78.437 25.814 4.152 26.146 357.14 307.30 349.00 0.000 78.051 25.887 4.211 26.228 358.24 309.69 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

LH3.OUT Page. 9

  , Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998     12:09:34 Page' 9
, . _~ Angle. Wall t     Delta                               Pb,x'      Pb,y'  Pb, max AngleMax 350.00,                                                                                              A tension 0.000     77.663                             25.961      4.272  26.310      359.34           312.08 351.00. 0.000. 77.272                         '26.036         4.261  26.382         0.29          314.46
  ~352.00     0.000     76.878                            26.111       4.326  26.467         1.41          316.85 353.00'    O.000     76.482                            26.187       4.393  26.553        2.52           319.24
  ~354.00     0.000     76.083                            26.263      4.388   26.627        3.48           321.62 355.00     0.000     75.682                            26.341      4.459   26.716        4.61 356.00;                                                                                                 324.01
             .0.000     75.278                           26.419       4.533   26.805        5.74           326.40 357.00     0.000     74.871                           26.498       4.531   26.883        6.70
  ;358.00 328.78 0.000     74.462                           26.578       '4.609  26.975        7.84           331.17 359.00     0.000     74.427                           26.658.      4.574   27.048        S.74           331.37 MXNIMUM STRESS (Pb,x')                                   =  16.977    AT  229.00 DEGREES
   ' MINIMUM TOTAL STRESS (Pb, max)                           =  16.977    AT  229.17 DEGREES StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.
H414.OUT. Fage 1 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 14:38:27 Pega 1

Peach Bottom, Unit 3 Reinspection Study Weld H4 -- 14 Years of Crack Growth Crack assumed to take compression across face RADIUS (IN) = 102.5625 WALL THICKNESS (IN) = 2 TENSION STRESS = 0.360 KSI MATERIAL FLOW STRESS = 50.700 KSI ANGLE FOR MOMENT ITERATION = 1 FLAWS DEFINED = 14 (AS FOLLOWS) 1 ANGLES: 0.0000 TO 15.0700 (DTHETA = 15.070) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 2 ANGLES: 20.0700 TO 76.3100 (DTHETA = 56.240) DEPTH (IN) = 2 000 3 ANGLES: 80.5700 TO 87.9500 (DTHETA = 7.380) DEPTH (IN) = 2.J00 4 ANGLES: 93.3900 TO 102.4500 (DTHETA = 9.060) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 5 ANGLES: 110.1300 TO 117.3900 (DTHETA = 7.260) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 6 ANGLES: 121.2100 TO 128.5900 (DTHETA = 7.380) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 7 ANGLES: 131.7300 TO 153.9900 (DTHETA = 22.260) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 8 ANGLES: 166.8900 TO 192.5300 (DTHETA = 25.640) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 9 ANGLES: 197.8900 TO 221.9500 (DTHETA = 24.060) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 10 ANGLES: 227.2700 TO 238 5100 (DTHETA = 11.240) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 11 ANGLES: 241.7100 TO 250.2100 (DTHETA = 8.500) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 12 ANGLES: 260.5700 TO 268.5100 (DTHETA = 7.940) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 13 ANGLES: 286.8300 TO 311.8900 (DTHETA = 25.060) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 14 ANGLES: 314.6500 TO 360.0000 (DTHETA = 45.350) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 TOTAL AREA (IN2) = 1288.838 ) REMAINING DEGRADED SECTION AREA (IN2) = 313.4739 l (APPROX. DEGRADED METAL AREA = 313.4746 ) I Program Output: Angle = Angle that tension-to-compression axis x' is rotated  ! t - Thickness in wall at position corresponding to angle  ; delta - Distance from center to tension-to-compression axis Pb,x' = Bending stress due to moment about tension-to-compression axis I Pb,y' - Bending stress due to moment perpendicular to tens./ comp. axis l Pb, max = Maximum bending stress due to total limit moment j . Anglemax = Angle for total limit moment relative to original Y axis I l Atension = Area of metal in tension for Case 2 I f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

l H414.OUT' 'Page 2 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 14:41:00 Page- 2 1

             . Angle:~ Wall t            Delta            -Pb,x'           Pb,y'                    Pb, max AngleMax            A tension-0.00     0.000            85.652          16.584           -3.468                    16.943     348.19              248.10     j 1.00     0.000            85.652          16.523           -3.447                    16.879     349.21              248.10     !

2.00 0.000- 85.652- -16.463 -3.425 16.816 350.24 248.10 l 3.00 0.000 -85.652 16.403 -3.402 16.752 351.28 248.10 i 4.00 0.000 85.652 16.344 -3.378 16.689 352.32 248.10 i 5.00 0.000 85.652 16.284 -3.353 16.626 353.36 248.10 I 6.00- 0.000 -85.652- 16.226 -3.327 16.563 354.41 248.10 7.00- 0.000 85.652 16.167 -3.300 16.501 355.46 248.10 18.00 0.000 85.442 16.110 ~-3.206 15.426 356.74 249.63 9.00 0.0001 85.351 16.056 -2.924 16.320 358.68 250.28 L10.00 0.000 85.351 16.008 -2.579 16.214 0.85 250.28 11.00 0.000 85.351 15.965 -2.233 16.121 3.03 250.28 12.00 .0.000 85.351 15.929 1.887 16.040 5.24 250.28 13.00 0.000 85.351 15.039 -1.540 15.973 7.47 250.28-14.00 'O.000 85.217 15.874 -1.317 15.929 9.25 251.25

            '15.00     0.000            84.883          15'.853          -1.154                    15.895       10.84             253.63 16.00      2.000            84.547          15.834          -0.985                     15.865       12.44             256.02 17.00      2.000            84.2r8          15.818          -0.877.                    15.842       13.82             258.41 18.00-    2.000             83.565          15.805          -0.701                     15.820       15.46-            260.79 119.00     2.000             PS.521.         15.794          -0.521                     15.802       17.11             263.18
20.00 2.000- 83.173 15.786 -0.403 15.791 18.54 265.57 21.00 0.000 82.822 15.781 -0.215 15.782 20.22 267.96 22.00 0.000 82.469- 15.778 -0.023 15.778 21.91 270.34 23.001 0 . 0 0 's = 82.460 15.781 0.371- 15.785 24.35 270.40 24.00 0.000 82.681 15.790 0.627 15.802 26 28 268.91 25.00L 0.000 83.033 15.802 0.783 15.821 27.84 266.52 26.00- 0.000 83.382- 15.817 0.935 15.844 29.38 264.14
          -27.00      0.000             83.433          15.833            1.020                    15.866      30.68              263.78 28.00      0.000            83.433          15.851            1.071                    15.888      '31.86             263.78
          ~29.00-     0.000             83.433          15.870           '1.121                    15.910      33.04              263.78 30.00     0.000             83.433          15.890            1.172                    15.933      34.22              263.78 31.00-    0.000             83 433          15.910            1.222                    15.957      35.39              263.78     j 3:2'.00   0.000             83.433          15.932            1.272                   .15.983      36.56              263.78 33.00     0.000             83.433          15.954            1.321                    16.009      37.73              263.78 34.00-    0.000             83.433          15.977            1.370                    16.036      38.90              263.78 35.00     0 000             83.555          16.001~           1.451                    16.067      40.18              262.94 36.00    'O.0001            83.900         '16.028            1.595                  -16.107       41.68              260.56     l 37.00-    0.000             84.242          16.057            1.766                    16.154      43.28              258.17 38.00     0.000             84.581          16.088            1.902                    16.200      44.74              255.78 39.00    ;0.000f            84.917          16.123.           2.033                    16.250      46.19              253 10 40.00     0.000             85.250          16.159            2.191                    16.307      47.72              251.01 41.00-    0.000             85.580         16.198             2.314                    16.363     '49.13              248.62 42.00      0.000'            85.908          16.240           .2.433                    16.421      50.52              246.24 43.00      0.000             86.232-         16.283            2.578                    16.486      52.00              243.85 44.00      0.000             86.554          16.329            2.688                    16.548      53.35              241.46     ;

45.00 0.000 -86.787 16.377 2.815 16.617 54.75 239.72 l 46.00- 0.000 86.787- 16.429 3.129 16.724 56.78 239.72 47.00= .0.000' 86.787 16.487 3.442 16.842 58.79 239.72  ! 48.00- 0.0001 86.787 16.550- 3.754 16.971 60.78 239.72  ; 49.00. 0.000? 86.585 16.618 3.945 17.080 62.36 241.22 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

H414.OUT Page 3 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 14:41:00 Pege 3 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension I

  '50.00     0.000    86.264   16.688    4.079    17.180       63.74        243.61 51.00     0.000    85.956   16.761    4.213    17.282       65.11        245.88 52.00     0.000    85.956   16.834    4.227    17.357       66.10        245.88 53.00     0.000    85.956   16.908    4.240    17.431       67.08        245.88 54.00     0.000    85.956   16.981    4.252    17.505       68.06        245.88 55.00     0.000    85.956   17.055    4.262    17.580       69.03        245.88         3 56.00    0.000     86.135   17.130    4.332    17.669       70.19        244.56 57.00    0.000     86.457   17.206    4.428    17.766       71.43        242.18 58.00-   0.000     86.777   17.284    4.519    17.865       72.65        239.79         ,

59.00 0.000 87.094 17.363 4.635 17.971 73.94 237.40 60.00 0.000 -87.407 17.445 4.716 18.071 75.13 235.02 61.00 { 0.000 87.718 17.528 4.792 18.171 76.29 232.63 G2.00 0.000 88.025 17.612 4.892 18.279 77.52 230.24 I 63.00 0.000 88.330 17,.697 4.957 18.379 78.65 227.86 l 64.00 0.000 88.632 17.784 5.018 18.479 79.76 225.47 l 65.00 0.000 88.931 17.872 5.102 18.586 80.93 223.08 l 66.00 0.000 89.226 17.962 5.152 18.686 82.00 220.70 l 67.00 0.000 89.519 18.052 5.197 18.785 83.06 218.31 68.00 0.000 89.809 18.143 5.263 18.891 84.18 215.92 69.00 0.000 90.095 18.235 5.298 18.989 85.20 213.54 70.00 0.000 90.379 18.327 5.327 19.086 86.21 211.15 71.00 0.000 90.413 18.422 5.525 19.232 87.69 210.86 72.00 0.000 90.413 18.520 5.734 19.387 89.20 210.86 73.00 0.000 90.413 18.621 5.942 19.546 90.70 210.86 74.00 0.000 90.413 18.727 6.148 19.710 92.17 210.86 75.00 0.000 90.413 18.836 6.352 19.878 93.64 210.86 76.00 0.000 90.570 18.948 6.466 20.020 94.84 209.53 77.00 2.000 90.849 19.060 6.476 20.130 95.76 207.14 78.00 2.000 91.124 19.173 6.480 20.239 96.67 204.75 79.00 2.000 91.396 19.286 6.504 20.353 97.64 202.37 80.00 2.000 91.666 19.399 6.496 20.458 98.51 199.98 81.00 0.000 91.737 19.512 6.434 20.546 99.25 199.34 ' 82.00 0.000 91.737 19.623 6.344 20.624 99.92 199.34 83.00 0.000 91.737 19.733 6.253 20.700 100.58 199.34 84.00 0.000 91.737 19.841 6.159 20.775 101.25 199.34 85.00 0.000 91.737 19.948 6.064 20.849 101.91 199.34 86 00 0.000 91.488 20.053 6.042 20.943 102.77 201.56 87.00 0.000 91.217 20.158 5.998 21.032 103.57 203.94 88.00 2.000 90.943 20.263 6.008 21.135 104.51 206.33 89.00 2.000 90.665 20.368 6.020 21.239 105.47 208.72 90.00 2.000 90.421 20.473 6.010 21.337 106.36 210.80 91.00 2.000 90.421 20.577 5.918 21.411 107.05 210.80 92.00 2.000 90.421 20.679 5.824 21.483 107.73 210.80 93.00 2.000 90.421 20.779 5.728 21.554 108.41 210.80 94.00 0.000 90.421 20.878 5.630 21.624 109.09 210.80 95.00 0.000 90.421 20.975 5.531 21.692 109.77 210.80 96.00 0.000 90.421 21.071 5.430 21.759 110.45 210.80 97.00 0.000 90.421 21.164 5.327 21.824 111.13 210.80 98.00 0.000 90.421 21.256 5.223 21.888 111.81 210.80 99.00 0.000 90.243 21.346 5.168 21.963 112.61 212.30 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

H414.OUT Page 4 l i Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 14:41:00 Pags 4 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 100.00 0.000 89.958 21.436 5.118 22.039 113.43 214.68 101.00 0.000 89.670 21.526 5.124 22.127 114.39 217.07 102.00 0.000 89.379 21.615 5.132 22.216 115.36 219.46 103.00 2.000 89.265 21.705 5.198 22.319 116.47 220.39 104.00 2.000 89.265 21.798 5.373 22.450 117.85 220.39 105.00 2.000 89.265 21.894 5.546 22.585 119.22 220.39 106.00 2.000 89.014 21.991 5.609 22.695 120.31 222.42 107.00 2.000 -88.716 22.089 5.562 22.778 121.13 224.80 108.00 2.000 88.415 22.186 5.573 22.875 122.10 227.19 109.00 2.000 88.111 22.283 5.587 22.973 123.07 229.58 110.00 2.000 87.804 22.380 5.545 23.057 123.91 231.96 111.00 0.000 87.494 22.477 5.563 23.156 124.90 234.35 112.00 0.000 87.182 22.575 5.583 23.255 125.89 236.74 113.00 0.000 87.014 22.671 5.537 23.338 126.72 238.01 114.00 0.000 87.014 22.767 5.438 23.407 127.43 238.01 115.00 0.000 87.014 22.861 5.338 23.476 128,14 238.01 116.00 0.000 87.014 22.953 5.237 23.542 128.85 238.01 117.00 0.000 87.014 23.043 5.134 23.608 129.56 238.01 118.00 2.000 87.014 23.131 5.029 23.671 130.2' 238.01 119.00 2.000 87.014 23.218 4.923 23.734 130.97 238.01 120.00 2.s00 87.014 23.302 4.815 23.794 131.67 238.01 121.00 2.000 86.847 23.385 4.733 23.859 132.44 239.27 122.00 0.000 86.528 23.468 4.745 23.943 133.43 241.65 123.00 0.000 86.206 23.551 4.700 24.015 134.29 244.04 124.00 0.000 85.881 23.633 4.717 24.099 135.29 246.43 125.00 0.000 85.554 23.715 4.737 24.184 136.30 248.81 126.00 0.000 85.223 23'.798 4.697 24.257 137.16 251.20 127.00 0.000 84.890 23.880 4.721 24.343 138.18 253.59 128.00 0.000 84.553 23.963 4.748 24.429 139.21 255.97 129.00 2.000 84.214 24.046 4.713 24.503 140.09 258.36 130.00 2.000 83.872 24.129 4.745 24.591 141.13 260.75 131.00 2.000 83.527 24.212 4.779 24.679 142.17 263.13 132.00 0.000 83.180 24.295 4.749 24.755 143.06 265.52 l 133.00 0.000 82.829 24.378 4.788 24.844 144.11 267.91 134.00 0.000 82.476 24.462 4.828 24.934 145.17 270.29 135.00 0.000 82.120 24.546 4.804 25.012 146.07 272.68 136.00 0.000 81.761 24.631 4.849 25.104 147.14 275.07 137.00 0.000 81.400 24.716 4.896 25.196 148.21 277.45 138.00 0.000 81.035 24,801 4.877 25.276 149.12 279.84 139.00 0.000 80.668 24.887 4.929 25.371 150.20 282.23 140.00 0.000 80.298 24.974 4.982 25.466 151.28 284.61 141.00 0.000 79.926 25.061 4.968 25.548 152.21 287.00 142.00 0.000 79.550 25.148 5.025 25.645 153.30 289.39 143.00 0.000 79.172 25.236 5.085 25.744 154.39 291.77 144.00 0.000 78.792 25.325 5.075 25.829 155.33 294.16  : 145.00 0.000 78.408 25.415 5.139 25.929 156.43 296.55 ' 146.00 0.000 78.022 25.505 5.205 26.031 157.53 298.93 147.00 0.000 77.634 25.596 5.199 26.119 158.48 301.32 j 148.00 0.000 77.265 25.688 5.269 26.222 159.59 303.57 1 149.00 0.000 77.261 25.779 5.201 26.298 160.41 303.60 I f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

E IH414.OUT Page 5 A'bitrary' r Net Section Collapse ~ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 14:41:01 Pcga 5 Angle: Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 150.00. 0.000 77.261 25.869 5.121 26.371 161.20 303.60 151.00 0.000 77.261 25.957 5.039 26.442 161.99 303.59

    .152.00         0.000       77.261               26.044   4.956     26.512     162.77              303.59 153.00         0.000       77.261              26.130    4.871    26.580      163.56              303.59 154.00         2.000      77.282               26.214    4.784    26.647      164.34              303.47
    .155.00         2'.000     77.673               26.298    4.843    26.740      165.43              301.08 156.00         2~.000     78.061               26.382    4.860    26.826      166.44              298.70 157.00         2.000      78.447               26.467    4.872    26.912      167.43              296.31 158.00         2.000      78.830               26.552    4.915    27.003      168.49              293.92 159.00         2.000      79.210          126.638        4.918    27.088      169.46              291.54 160.00         2.000      79.588               26.723    4.916    27.172      170.42              289.15 161.00         2.000      79.963               26.809    4.944    27.261      171.45              286.76 162.00         2.000      80.130               26.895    4.862    27.331      172.25              285.69 163.00         2.000      80.130               26.979    4.744    27.392      172.97              285.69 164.00         2.000      80.130               27.060    4.624    27.452      173.70              285.69 165.00         2.000      80.130               27.140    4.503    27.511      174.42              285.69 166.00          2.000      80.130               27.217    4.380    27.567      175.14              285.69 167.00          0.000      80.130               27.292    4.256    27.622      175.86              285.69 168.00          0.000      80.130               27.365    4.130. 27.675      176.58              285.69 169.00          0.000      80.130               27.436    4.004    27.727      177.30              285.69 170.00         0.000       80.130'              27.505    3.876    27.777      178.02             285.69 171.00         0.000       79.948               27.571   3.821     27.835      178.89             286.86
   -172.00         0.000       79.573               27.638   3.764     27.893      179.76             289.24 173.00.        0.000       79.195               27.704   3.781     27.960     180.77              291.63 174.00         0.000       78.815-              27.769   3.800     28.028     181.79              294.02 175.00.        0.000       78.565              27.835    3.730     28.084     182.63              295.57 176.00         0.000      78.565              27.899     3.606     28.131     183.36              295.57 177.00         0.000       78.565             27.961     3.481    28.177      184,10              295.57 178.00         0.000      78.565              28.021     3.354    28.221      184.83              295.57 179.00         0.000      78.565              28.078     3.227    28.263      185.56              295.57 180.00         0.000      78.565              28,133     3.098    28.303      186.28              295.57 181.00         0.000      78.565             28.186      2.969    28.342      187.01              295.57 182.00         0.000      78.565             28.237      2.839    28.379      187.74              295.57 183.00         0.000      78.565            28.285       2.708    28.415      188.47              295.57
  .184.00          0.000      78.565    .28.331              2.576    28.448      189.19              295.57 185.00         0.000      78.565            28.375       2.443    28.480      189.92              295.57 186.00         0.000      78.565            28.417       2.309    28.510      190.65              295.57 187.00          0.000      78.565            28.456       2.175    28.539      191.37              295.57
  -188.00-         0.000      78.565            28.493       2.040    28.566      192.10              295.57 189.00          0.000      78.565           28.527        1.905    28.590      192.82              295.57 190.00          0.000      78.565           28.559        1.769    28.614      193.54              295.57
  '191.00          0.000      78.565           28.589        1.632    28.635      194.27              295.57
  '192.00          0.000      78.565           28,616        1.495. 28.655      194.99              295.57 193.00.        2.000       78.565          28.641         1.358    28.673      195.71              295.57
194.00 2.000 78.565' 28.663 1.220 28.689 196.44 295.57
  '195.00        2.000        78.565          28.683         1.081    28.704      197.16              295.57 196.00        2.000        78.565          28.701         0.943    28.717      197.88              295.57 197.00        2.000        78.565          28.716         0.804    28 728      198.60              295.57 198.00        0.000.       78.565         28.729          0.665    Ts 737      199.33              295.57 199.00:     .0.000         78.565         28.739          0.525    26.744      200.05              295.57 Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - ~ . _ _ _ _ __ ~ _ _ _ - _ . _ t H414.OUT Page G

 -Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998.         14:41:01 Page 16:                                                                                                              )

Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 200.00 O .' 0 0 0 78.565 28.747 0.386 28.750 200.77 295.57 201.00 0.000 78.565 28.753 0.246 28.754 201.49 295.57 202.00 0.000 78.565 28.756 0.106 28.756 202.21 295.57 l 203.00 0.000- 78.565 28.757 -0.034 28.757 202.93 295.57 l

 -204.'00     0.000-         78.565-  28.755     -0.173                       28.755       203.65             295.57     '

205.00 '0.000 78.565 28.751 -0.313 28.752 204.37 295.57 206.00- 0.000 178.565 28.744 -0.453 28.747 205.10 295.57

  .207.00    0.000           78.565   28.735     -0.592                       28.741       205.82             295.57 208.00    0.000           78'565
                                . 28.723     -0.731                      28.732        206.54             295.57
 '209.00     0.000.          78.565   28.709     -0.870                      28,722        207.26             295.57 210.00    0.000           78.565  .28.693     -1.009                      28.711        207.98             295.57 211.00    0.000           78.565   28.674     -1.148                      28.697        208.71            295.57 212.00     0.000           78.565   28.653     -1.286                      28.682        209.43             295.57-213.00     0.000           78.565   28.629     -1.424                      28.664        210.15             295.57
 '214.00     0.000           78.565   28.603     -1.561                      28.646        210.87             295.57
 '215.00-    0.000           78.565   28.574     -1.698                      28.625        211.60            295.57 216.00     0.000           78.565   28.544     -1.834                      28.602        212.32            295.57 217.00     0.000           78.830- 28.511      -1.862                      28.572        213.26            293.92
  '218;00   -0.000           79.210  28.478      -1.893                      28.541        214.20            291.54 219.00    .0.000           79.588  28.444      -1.926                      28.509        215.12            289.15 220.00     0.000           79.963  28.410     -1.927                       28.476        216.12            286.76 321.00     0.000           80.335  28.376     -1.966                      .28.444'       217.04            284.38 232.00     2.000           80.705  28.341     -2.007                       28.412        217.95            281.99 223.00-    2.000           80.961  28.306     -2.051                       28.380        218.85            280.32 224.00     2.000'          00.961  28.268     -2.199                       28.354        219.55            280.32 225.00     2.000           30.961  28.228     -2.346                       28.326        220.25            280.32 226.00    .2.000           40.961  28.186-    -2.492                       28.296        220.95-           280.32 227.00     2.000           80.961  28.141     -2.638                       28.264        221.64            280.32 228.00     0.000           80.961  28.093     -2.783                       28.230        222.34            280.32 229.00'    O.000          80.S61   28.043     -2.927                       28.195        223.04            280.32 230.'00'   O.000           80.961  27.990     -3.070                       28.158        223.74            280.32 231.00    'O.000          81.298   27.935     -3.110                       28.108        224.65            278.12 232.00,    0.000          81.660. 27.880     -3.153                       28.058        225.55            275.74 233.00     0.000          81.742   27.826     -3.016                       27.989        226.81            275.20
 '334.00     0.000          81.742   27.775     -2.821                       27.918        228.20            275.20 235.00     0.000'         81.742-  27.728     -2.625                       27.851        229.59            275.20-236.00     0.000L         81.742-  27.683     -2.428                       27.790        230.99            275.20 337.00     0.000-         81.465   27.641     -2.433                       27.748        231.97            277.02 238.00     0.000_         81.202   27.599     -2.445                       27.707        232.94            278.75 239 00     2.000         '81.202   27.555     -2.582                       27.676        233.64            278.75 240.00'    2.000          81.202   27.508     -2.719                       27.642        234.35            278.75      ;

241.00 2.000 81.202 27.460 -2.854 27.607 235.06 278.75- l

 '242.00,    0.000          81.202   27.408     -2.989                       27.571        235.78            278.75
 =243.00     0.000'         81.202. 27.355     -3.123                       27.532        236.49            278.75 344.00     0.000-         81.202-  27.299     -3.255                       27.492        237.20            278.75 245.00     0.000          81.276   27.240     -3.353                      27.446         237.98            278.27 246.00     0.000         '81.638   27.181     -3.383                       27.391        238.90            275.88 247.00     0.000         .81.998   27.122     -3.415                      27.336         239.82            273.49 248.00:    0.000          82.355   27.062     -3.417                      27.277         240.80            271.11 249.00    'O.000-         82.710   27.001     -3.454                      27.221         241.71            268.72 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

l I

H414.OUT Page 7  !


  -Arbitrary Net-Section' Collapse ANSC'2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998-    14:41:01 Prga, 7 Angle   Wall t-     Delta     Pb,x'   Pb,y'     Pb, max AngleMax      A_ tension 250'.00   0.000      83.061   26.941  -3.493    27.166      242.61        266.33 251.00    2.000      83.410   26.879  -3.502    27.106      243.57        263.95 252.00    2.000     83.755    26.817  -3.547    27.051      244.46        261.56 253.00-   2.000      84.098  ,26.755  -3.593    26.995      245.35        259.17
   '254.00   '2.000      84.438-  26.692  -3.610    26.935      246.30        256.79
   -255.00. 2.000      84.776   26.628  -3.662    26.878      247.17        254.40
   '256.00    2.000     85.110    26.563  -3.716    26.822      248.04        252.01          ;

257~.00 2 000 85.216 26.498 -3.834 26.773 248.77 251.25

   .258.00    2.000     85.216    26.429  -3.982    26.728      249.43        251.25 259.001   2.000     85.216   '26.358  -4.129    26.680      250.09        251.25 260.00    2.000     85.216    26.285  -4.275    26.630      250.76        251.25 261'~.00  0.000     85.216    26.209  -4.420    26.579      251.43        251.25 262.00    0.000     85.216    26.131   a.563    26.526      252 09        251.25 263.00    0.000     85.216    26.05.0 -4.705    26.471      252.76        251.25 264.00-   0.000     85.356    25.966  -4.783    26.403      253.56        250.25

, 265.00' '0.000 85.685 25.882 -4.831 26.329 254.42 247.86 , 266.00 0.000 86.012 25.797 -4.882 26.255 255.28 245.47 267.00 0.000 86.335 25.712 -4.904 26.175 256.20 243.09 268.00 0.000 86.656 25.625 -4.958 26.101 257.05 240.70 269.00 2.000' 86.974 25.538 -5.015 26.026 257.89 238.31 270.00- 2.000 87.071 25.450 -5.132 25.962 258.60 237.58 l 271.00 2.000 87.071 25.359 -5.278 25.902 259.24 237.58 272.00 2.000' 87.071 25 266 -5.422 25.841 259.89 237.58 273.00 2.000 87.071 25.170 -5.565 25.777 260.53 237.58 274.00 2.000 87.071 25.071 -5.705 25.712 261.18 237.58 275.00 2.000 87.071 24.970 -5.844 25.645 261.83 237.58 276.00. 2.000 87.071 24.867 -5.981 25.577 262.47 237.58 < 277.00 2.000 87.169 24.762 -6.058 25.492 ,263.25 236.83 278.00 2.000 87.482 24.655 -6.105 25.400 264.09 234.45 1 279.00 2.000 87.792 24.548 -6.154 25.308 264.92 232.06 280.00' 2.000 88.099 24.440 -6.176 25.208 265.82 229.67 281.00 2.000 88.403 24.331 -6.229 25.116 266.64 227.29 282.00 2.000 88.523 24.222 -6.339 25.037- 267.33 226.34

  '283.00'    2'000
                .       88.523    24.110  -6.477    24.964      267.96        226.34 284.00    2.000     88.523    23.995  ~6.612    24.890      268.59        226.34 285.00    2.000     88.523    23.879  -6.745    24.813      269.22        226.34 286.00    2.000     88.523    23.759  -6.876    24.735      269.86        226.33 i '287.00      0.000     88.415    23.638  -6.980    24.647      270.55        227.19

! 288.00 0.000 88.111 23.516 -6.989 24.533 271.45 229.58 289.00 0.000- 87.804 23.394 -7.051 24.433 272.23 231.96 l 290.00 0.000 87.494 23.271 -7.049 24.315 273.15 234.35 291.00 0.000 87.182 23.148 -7.040 24 195 274.08 236.74 292.00 0.000 86.866 23.024 -7.086 24.090 274.89 239.12 293.00 0.000 86.552 22.901 -7.065 23.966 275.85 241.47 J294.00 0.000 86.537 22.777 -7.140 23.870 276.59 241.59

 ! 295.00     0.000     86.537    22.651  -7.234    23.778      277.29        241.59 296.00    0.000     86.537    22.524  -7.326    23.685      277.98        241.59 i 297.00       0.000     86.537    22.395  -7.416    23.591      278.68        241.59 298.00     0.000     86.537   -22.264. -7.503    23.495      279.37        241.59 l 299.00       0.000-    86.537    22.132  -7.588    23.397      280.07        241.59 l

{ StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

'H414.OUT Page 8 i Arbitrary. Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 14:41:01

  ,Paga        8 Angle Wall t -                Delta      Pb,x'                   Pb,y'       Pb, max           AngleMax A tension 300.00          0.000         86.537     21.999               -7.671          23.298             280.77     241.59 301.00.         0.000         86.348     21.864               -7.705          23.182             281.58     242.99 302.00        :0.000          86.268     21.731               -7.538          23.001             282.87     243.58 303.00          0.000         86.268     21.601               -7.306          22'.803            284.31     243.58 304.00          0,000         86.=268    21.476               -7.073          22.611             285.77     243.58 305.00          0.000         86.268     21'.355              -6.837          22.422             287.24     243.58 306.00          0.000         86.268     21.237               -6.600          22.239             288.74     243.58
  '307.00          0.000         86.547     21.123               -6.517          22.105             289.85     241.51 308.00          0.000         86.866     21.009               -6.493          21.990             290.82     239.12 309.00         'O.000         87.182     20.896               -6.442          21.867             291.86     236.74 310.00          0.000         87.494     20.784               -6.422          21'753
                                                                                    .               292.83     234.35 311.00          0.000         87.804     20.672               -6.403          21.643             293.79     231.96 312.00          2.000         88.111     20.560               -6.358          21.521             294.82     229.58
 .313. 00          2.000         88.393     20.449               -6.329          21.406             205.80     227.37 314a00          2.000         88.393     20.340               -6.113          21.239             297.27     227.37               l 315.00          0.000         88.393     20.235               -5.896          21.076             298.75     227.37

316.00 0.000 88.393 20.134 -5.677 20.919 300.25 227.37 317.00 0.000 88.215 20.036 -5.569 20.795 301.46 228.76 318.00 -0.000 87.909 19.939 -5.572 20.702 302.39 231.15 319.00- 0.000 87.600 19.842 -5.511 20.593 303.48 233.54 320.00 0.000' 87.288 19.746 -5.444 20.483 304.59 235.93 321.00 0.000 86.973 19.652 -5.431 20.388 305.55 238.31

322.00 0.000 86'656
                                    .       19.558               -5.354          20.277             306.69     240.70 323.00          0.000        86.431      19.465               -5.292          20.171             307.79     242.37

,324.00 0.000. 86.431 19.372 -5.328 20.091 308.62 242.37 l 325.00 0.000 86.431 19.278 -5.362 20.010 309.46 242.37 l 326.00 0.000 86.431 19.184 -5.394 19.928 310.29 '242.37 l 327.00 0.000 86.431 19.089 -5.425 19.845 311.14 242.37 328.00 0.000 86.431 18.994 -5.454 19.761 311.98 242.37 y329.00 0.000 86.431 18.898 -5.481 19.677 312.82 242.37 ' ,330.00_ ^ 0.000 -86.419 18.802 -5.504 19.591 313.68 242.46 L331.00- 'O.000 86.096 18.706 -5.465 19.488 314.71 244.85

332.00 0.000 85.770 18.612 -5.361 19.368- 315.93 247.24 333.00 0.000- 85.442 18.519 -5.250 19.249 317.17. 249.63 334.00 0.000
85.110 18.428 -5.197 19.147 318.25 252.01 j335.00 0.0001 -84.776 18.338 -5.076 19.028 319.53 254.40

!336.00~ 0.000 84.543 18.251 -4.978 18.917 320.74 256.05 L337.00- 0.000 84.543 18.163 -4.977 18.833 321.67 256.05 l338.00 0.000 84.543 '18.076 -4.974 18.748 322.61 256.05 L339.00_ 0.000 84.863 17.989 -4.876 18.639 323.83 253.78 l340.00 0.000 85.197 17.905 -4.780- 18.532 325.05 251.39 341.00 0.000 85.527 17.822 -4.655 18.420 326.36 249.00 l '342. 00 - 0.000 85.795 17.741- -4.560 18.318 327.58 247.06 '343.00: 0.000 85.795 17.665 -4.252 18.169 329.47 247.06 344.001 0.000 85.795 17.594 -3.942 18.030 331.37 247.06

 -345.00           0.000        85:.685    17.527               -3.693           17.912             333.10     247.86
 '346.00           0.000        85.652      17.463-             -3.648           17.840             334.20     248.10 347.00           0.000 -      85.652'    17.399               -3.642           17.777             335.18     248.10 348.00           0.000        85.652     17.336               -3.635           17.713             336.15     248.10 349.00           0.000        85.652     17.272               -3.628           17.649-            337.14     248.10 V                                                                                      f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.
                      .. .       -       -                                                             -                - . , ~
 ' H414 '. OUT                                                                                                    Page   9 fArbitrary Net Section CollapseLANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998           14:41:01 Paga 9 Angle   Wall t'            Delta                 Pb,x'         Pb,y'      Pb, max                 AngleMax A tension
      '350.00    0.000-            85.652            17.208          -3.619     17.584                     338:12      248.10 351.00'   O.000             85.652-           17.145          -3.609     17.520                     339.11      248.10 352.00-   0.000-            85.652            17.081          -3.597     17.456                     340.11      248.10 353.00:   0.000             85.652            17.018          -3.585     17.392                     341.10      248.10 354.00    0.000          '85.652-             16.955          -3.572     17.328-                    342.10      248.10 355.00    0.000             85.652            16.893          -3.557     17.263                     343.11      248.10 356.00-   0.000-            85.652            16.831          -3.542     17.199                     344.12      248.10 357.00    0.000             85.652            16.768          -3.525     17.135                     345.13      248.10 358.00-   0.000             85.652           .16.707          -3.507     17.071                     346.14      248.10 359.00    0.000:            85.652            16.645          -3.488     17.007                     347.16      248.10 MINIMUM STRESS . (Pb, x' )                           =   15.778    AT         22.00 DEGREES MINIMUM TOTAL STRESS (Pb, max)                       =   15.778    AT         21.91 DEGREES I

i l l V h StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

            . . - -         .     . - . - . . -        . - . . .      -    - . . . - . - - - . - . -        - . - . . - . . - . -...-.~.

l' H5.OUT Page 1

   . Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998              13:26:52 L Pcga 1 DESCRIPTION:

Paach Bottom, Unit:3 Reinspection Study Weld HS -- 40 Years of Crack Growth Crack assumed to take compression across face 1 1 RADIUS (IN)' = 102.5625 WALL THICKNESS (IN) = 2-l TENSION STRESS = 0.360 KSI MATERIAL FLOW STRESS = 50.700 KSI 1 ANGLE FOR MOMENT ITERATION = 1 l FLAWS DEFINED- = 4 (AS FOLLOWS) 1 ANGLES: 0.0000 TO 18.1400 (DTHETA = 18.140) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 1 2 ANGLES: 132.5800 TO 153.8200 (DTHETA = 21.240) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 l 3 ANGLES: 165.2600 TO 198.3400 (DTHETA = 33.080) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 4 ANGLES: 310.4000 TO 360.0000 (DTHETA = 49.600) DEPTH (I:N) = 2.000 l

    . TOTAL' AREA (IN2)                                                  =-.1288.838                                                                    i REMAINING DEGRADED SECTION AREA (IN2) = 851.8505                                                                                                  I (APPROX. DEGRADED METAL AREA                                =   851.8665 ).                                                                     j l                                                                                                                                                         l Program Output:                           .

l Angle = Angle that tension-to-compression axis x' is rotated 1 t = Thickness in wall at position corresponding to angle delta - Distance from center to tension-to-compression axis Pb,x' = Bending stress due to moment about tension-to-compression axis Pb,y' = Bending stress due to moment perpendicular to. tens./ comp. axis Pb, max =' Maximum bending stress due to total limit moment

   -Anglemax = Angle for total limit moment relative to original Y axis Atension.= Area.of metal'in tension for Case 2 l

l l I' i 2 I h StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

         .,           a                                                                                     -                          .  -           a
             .    . . - . ~         .     -~- - . - -            - . . .      . .. -. - - - -. - - ~. -

H53OUT Page 2

 ' Arbitrary. Net?Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 .(4/26/94) 12-19-1998               13:29:19 Paga        21 Angle / Wall t              Delta              Pb,x'   Pb,y       Pb, max AngleMax A tension 0.00          0.000        30.967        44.226       4.851        44.491                    6.26       527.74
1.00 'O.000 .30.967 44.314 5.152- 44.612 7.63 527.74 2.00 0.000 30.967 44.407 5.452 44.740 9.00 527.74 3.00 0.000 30.967 44.505 5.751 44.875 10.36 527.74 l 4 '. 0 0 ' 0.000 30.967 44.608 6.047- 45.016 11.72 527.74 5.00- 'O.000. 30.967 -44.717 6.342 45.164 13.07 527.74  ;

6.00 'O.000 30.967 44.831 6.634 45.319 14.42 527.74 I 7.00' O.000L 30.967 44.949 6.925 45.480 15.76 '527.74 { 8.00 -0.000. 30.967 45.073 7.213 45.647 17.09 527.74 'l 9.00 0.000 30.967. 45.202 7.500 45.820 18.42 527.74 l 10.00 0.000 30.967- 45.336 7.784 45.999 19.74 527.74 { 11.00 0.000 30.967 45.475 8.065 46.184 21.06 527.74 ' 12.00 0.000 -30.967 45.618 8.344 46.375 22.37 527.74 13.00 0.000 30.967 -45.767 8.621 46.572 23.67 527.74

14200 0.000 30.967 45.920 8.895 46.774 24.96 527.74 l 15.00 0.000 30.967 46.078 9-166 46.981 26.25 527.74 l
    .16.00          0.000        30.967       .46.241       9.435        47.194                27.53          527.74 17.00           0.000        30.967       46.408        9.700        47.411                28.81          527.74 18.00         -0.000         30.967        46.580-      9.963        47.634                30.07          527.74   1 19.00-          2.000        30.967        46.757      10.223        47.862                31.33          527.74 20.00           2.000                                                                                              f 30.967        46.938      10.479        48.094                32.59          527.74   ]

21.00 2.000- 30.967- 47.124 10.732 48.330 33.83 527.74 22.00 2.000 30.967 47.314 10.982 48.572 35.07 527.74 23.00 2.000 30.967 47.508 11.229 48.817 36.30 527.74 24.00 2.000, 30.967 47.706 11.472 49.066 37.52 527.74 25.00 2.000 30.974 47.909 11.712 49.320 38.74 527.71 26.00- 2.000 31.532 48.113 11.668 49.508 39.63 525.37

    ;7.00 2               2.000        32.099       48.315       11.522        49.670 40.41-         522.98 28.00         -2.000-        32.665       48.514       11.372        49.829                41.19          520.59 29.00:          2.000        33.230       48.711       11.271        49.998-               42.03          518.21 30.00          2.000         33.794       48.906       11.111        50.152                42.80          515.82 31.00           2.000        34.357       49.098       10.946        50.303                43.57          513.43 32.00-         2.000        -34.919       49.287       10.830        50.463                44.39          511.04 33.00          2.000         35.480       49.474       10.656.       50.608                45.15          508.66 34.00          2.000         36.039       49.658       10.477        50.751                45.91          506.27 35.00         =2.000         36.597       49.839       10.346        50.902                46.73          503.88   1 36.00          2.000         37.154        50.017      10.158        51.038                47.48          501.50 37.00          2.000         37.709        50.192       9.965        51.172                48.23          499.11   .

38.00 2.000. 38.264 50.365 9.820 51.313 49.03 496.72 I 39.00 2.000 38.817 50.533 9.618 51.441 49.78 494.33 40;00 2.000 39.369 50.699 9.411 51.565 50.52 491.95 , 41.00 2.000 39.882 50.861 9.200~ 51.687 51.25 489.72 l 42.00 2.000 39.884 51.024 9.339 51.871 52.37 489.71 I 43.00 2.000- 39.884 51.189 9.485 52.060 53.50 489.71 44.00 2.000- .39.884- 51.356 9.628 52.251 54.62 489.71 45.00' 2.000 39.884 51.526 9.768 52.444 55.73 489.71 ' 46.00 '2.000 39.884 51.698 9.905 52.639 56.85 489.71 47.00 .2.000 39.884 ~ 51.873 10.040 52.836 57.95 489.71 48.00 .2.000 39.884- 52.050 10.171 53.034 59.06 489.71 49.00 2.000' 39.884 52.229 10 299 53.235 60.15 489.71 I f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc. l

H5.OUT Page 3 l i Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) i 12-19-1998 13:29:19 Pcgm 3 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension l 50.00 2.000 39.884 52.411 10.424 53.437 61.25 489.71 l 51.00 2.000 39.884 52.594 10.545 53.641 62.34 489.71 52.00 2.000 39.884 52.780 10.664 53.846 63.42 489.71 53.00 2.000 40.227 52.967 10.602 54.017 64.32 488.22 j 54.00 2.000 40.775 53.149 10.400 54.157 65.07 485.84 J 55.00 2.000 41.322 53.328 10.142 54.284 65.77 483.45 l 56.00 2.000 41.867 53.503 9.879 54.407 66.46 481.06  ! 57.00 2.000 42.411 53.673 9.663 54.536 67.21 478.68 58.00 2.000 42.954 53.839 9.391 54.651 67.89 476.29 59.00 l 2.000 43.495 54.000 9.114 54.764 68.58 473.90 l 60.00 2.000 44.034 54.157 8.883 54.880 69.31 471.52  ; 61.00 2.000 44.572 14.309 8.597 54.985 70.00 469.13 J 62.00 2.000 45.109 ,.456 8.306 55.086 70.67 466.74 ' 63.0,0 2.000 45.644 54.598 8.062 55.190 71.40 464.36 64.00 2.000 46.178 54.736 7.763 55.284 72.07 461.97 65.00 2.000 46.710 54.869 7.459 55.373 72.74 459.58 j 66.00 2.000 47.240 54.996 7.201 55.466 73.46 457.20  ! 67.00 2.000 47.769 55.119 6.889 55.548 74.12 454.81 68.00 2.000 48.296 55.236 6.573 55.626 74.79 452.42 1 69.00 2.000 48.684 55.348 6.253 55.700 75.45 450.66 70.00 2.000 48.684 55.453 5.782 55.753 75.95 450.66

 .71.00   2.000     48.684  55.549     5.310    55.802       76.46        450.66 72.00    2.000     48.684  55.637     4.835    55.847       76.97        450.66 73.00    2.000     48.684  55.717     4.359    55.887       77.47        450.66         !

74.00 2.000 48.E84 55.788 3.882 55.923 77.98 450.66 75.00 2.000 48.684 55.851  ! 3.404 55.955 '78.49 450.66 l 76.00 2.000 48.684 55.906- 2.924 55.982 78.99 450.66 77.00 2.000 48.684 55.952 2.444 56.005 79.50 450.66 78.00 2.000 48.684 55.990 1.963 56.024 80.01 450.66 79.00 2.000 48.684 56.019 1.481 56.039 80.51 450.66 80.00 2.000 48.670 56.040 0.999 56.049 81.02 450.73 81.00 2.000 48.159 56.055 0.696 56.059 81.71 453.05 82.00 2.000 47.631 56.063 0.315 56.064 82.32 455.43 83.00 2.000 47.102 56.066 0.036 56.066 83.04 457.82 84.00 2.000 46.571 56.064 -0.240 56.065 83.75 460.21 85.00 2.000 46.039 56.056 -0.616 56.060 84.37 462.59 86.00 2.000 45.505 56.043 -0.888 56.050 85.09 464.98 87.00 2.000 44.969 56.025 -1.158 56.037 85.81 467.36 88.00 2.000 44.432 56.001 -1.527 56.022 86.44 469.75 89.00 2.000 43.894 55.972 -1.793 56.001 87.16 472.14 90.00 2.000 43.354 55.938 -2.056 55.976 87.89 474.53 91.00 2.000 42.812 55.899 -2.418 55.951 88.52 476.91

.92.00    2.000     42.269  55 855    -2.676    55.919       89.26        479.30
 .3.00 9        2.000     41.725  55.805    -2.931    55.882       89.99        481.69 94.00    2.000     41.179  55.751    -3.286    55.848       90.63        484.07 95.00    2.000     40.632  55.692    -3.535    55.804       91.37        486.46 96.00    2.000     40.084  55.627    -3.781    55.756       92.11        488.85 97.00    2.000    .39.534  55.558    -4.129    55.711       92.75        491.23 98.00    2.000     38.983  55.484    -4.369    55.656       93.50        493.62 99.00    2.000     38.430  55.405    -4.606    55.596       94.25        496.01 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

r H5.OUT Page 4 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 13:29:19 Pege 4 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 100.00 2.000 37.876 55.321 -4.945 55.542 94.89 498.39 101.00 2.000 37.321 55.233 -5.176 55.475 95.64 500.78 102.00 2.000 36.765 55.140 -5.404 55.405 96.40 503.17 103.00 2.000 36.207 55.043 -5.734 55.341 97.05 505.55 104.00 2.000 35.648 54.941 -5.955 55.263 97.81 507.94 105.00 2.000 35.088 54.835 -6.172 55.181 98.58 510.33 106.00 2.000 34.527 54.724 -6.493 55.108 99.23 512.71 107.00 2.000 33.964 54.609 -6.703 55.019 100.00 515.10 108.00 2.000 33.401 54.490 -6.910 54.926 100.77 517.43 109.00 2.000- 32.836 54.366 -7.220 54.844 101.43 519.87 110.00 2.000 32.270 54.239 -7.420 54.744 102.21 522.26 111.00 2.000 31.703 54.107 -7.616 54.640 102.99 524.65 112.00 2.000 31.135 53.971 -7.916 54.548 103.65 527.03 113.00 2.000 30.566 53.831 -8.105 54.438 104.44 529.42 114.00 2.000 29.996 53.688 -8.289 54.324 105.22 531.81 115.00 2.000 29.424 53.540 -8.578 54.223 105.90 534.20 116.00 2.000 28.852 53.389 -8.755 54.102 106.69 536.58 117.00 2.000 28.279 53.234 -8.928 53.978 107.48 538.97 118.00 2.000 27.705 53.076 -9.205 53.868 108.16 541.36 119.00 2.000 27.130 52.914 -9.370 53.737 108.96 543.74 120.00 2.000 26.554 52.748 -9.531 53.603 109.76 546.13 121.00 2.000 25.978 52.579 -9.797 53.484 110.44 548.52 122.00 2.000 25.400 52.407 -9.950 53.343 111.25 550.90 123.00 2.000 25.192 52.233 -9.880 53.159 112.29 551.76 124.00 2.000 25.192 52.062 -9.698 52.957 113.45 551.76 125.00 2.000 25.192 51.893 -9.513 52.758 114.61 551.76 126.00 2.000 25.192 51.728 -9.325 52.562 115.78 551.76 127.00 2.000 25.192 51.567 -9.134 52.369 116.95 551.76 128.00 2.000 25.192 51.408 -8.941 52.180 118.13 551.76 129.00 2.000 25.192 51.254 -8.744 51.994 119.32 551.76 130.00 2.000 25.192 51.102 -8.545 51.812 120.51 551.76 131.00 2.000 25.192 50.954 -8.344 51.633 121.70 551.76

  .          2,000      25.192   50.810   -8.140     51.457    122.90       551.76 3 3.00     0.000      25.192   50.669   -7.933     51.286    124.10       551.76 144.00     0.000      25.192   50.532   -7.724     51.118    125.31       551.76 135.00     0.000      25.192   50.398   -7.512     50.955    126.52       551.76 136.00     0.000      25.192   50.268   -7.299     50.795    127.74       551.76 137.00     0.000      25.192   50.142   -7.083     50.640    128.96       551.76
 '138.00     0.000      25.192   50.020   -6.865     50.489    130.18       551.76 139.00     0.000      25.192   49.901   -6.645     50.342    131.41       551.76 140.00     0.000      25.192   49.787   -6.422     50.199    132.65       551.76 141.00     0.000      25.192   49.676   -6.198     50.061    133.89       551.76 142.00     0.000      25.192   49.569   -5.972     49.928    135.13       551.76 143.00     'O.000     25.192   49.466   -5.744     49.799    136.37       551.76 144.00     0.000      25.192   49.367   -5.515     49.674    137.62       551.76 145.00     0.000      25.192   49.273   -5.283     49.555    138.88       551.76 146.00     0.000      25.192   49.182   -5.050     49.440    140.14       551.76 147.00     0.000      25.192   49.095   -4.816     49.331    141.40       551.76 148.00     0.000      25.192   49.013   -4.580     49.226    142.66       551.76 149.00     0.000      25.192   48.934   -4.342     49.126    143.93       551.76 h SimcluralIntegny Associates, Inc.


  ' H5.OUT'                                                                                     Page       5

- ! Arbitrary Net 1Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) - 12-19-1998 13:29:19 Page '5-

         ' Angle        Wall't         Delta ~          Pb,x'   _ Pb,y'     Pb, max AngleMax

A tension 1150.00- 0.000 25.192 48.860 -4.104 49.032 145.20 551.76 151'.00 0.000. 25.192 48.790 -3.864 48.942 146.47 551.76 152'00- . 0.000 25.192 48.724 -3.622 48.858 147.75 551.76 153.00 '0.000 25.192. 48.662 -3.380 48.779 149.03 551.76 15.'.00

           .            2.0001        25'192
                                        .            48.605     -3.137   48.706         150.31           551.76 155.00'          2.000       -25.192          48.551     -2.893   48.637         151.59           551.76        I
     .156.00-           2.000-      125.192          48.502     -2.647   48.575         152.87-          551.76        I 157.00           2.000         25.192         48.458     -2.401   48.517         154.16           551.76 158.00           2.000         25.192-        48.417     -2.155   48.465'        .155.45          551.76 159.00           2.000        '25.192         48.381     -1.907  48.419-         156.74           551.76 160.00           2.000         25.192.        48.350     -1.659   48.378         158.03           551.76 1161.00            2.000         25.192         48.322     -1,411  48.343          159.33           551.76 162.00           2.000        25.192          48.299-    -1.162  48.313          160.62           551.76
163.00 2.000 25.192 48.280 -0.912 48.289 161.92 551.'76 164.00 2.000 25.192 48.266 -0.663 48.271 163.21 551.76
     .165.00            2".000       25.192          48.256     -0.413  48.258          164.51           551.76 166.00-          0.000        25.192          48.251     -0.163  48.251          165.81           551.76
     -167.00'           0.000        25.192          48.249      0.087  48.249          167.10           551.76
    .168.00             0.000-       25.192          48.252      0.337  48.254          168.40           551.76 169.00           0.000        25.192          48.260      0.587  48.263          169.70           551.76 170'.00-         0.000-      125.192          48.272      0.837- 48.279          170.99           551.76
     '171.00'           O.000       -25.192          48.288-     1.086  48.300          172.29           551.76 172.00-          0.000        25.192-         48.308      1.336  48.327          173.58           551.76 173.00-          0.000        25.192         ~48.333-     1.584  48.359'         174.88           551.76 174.00~           0.000        25.192.         48.363      1.833  48.397         .176.17        - 551.76 175.00-           0.000-       25.192:         48.396      2.081  48.441-         177.46           551.76 0'.000 176.00                         25.192          48.434      2.328  48.490          178.75           551.76 177.00'           O.000-       25.192          48.476      2.574  48.544          180.04           551.76        l 178.00-          -0.000        25.192          48.523     :2.820  48.605'         181.33           551.76        j 179.00            0.000-       25.192          48.573      3.065  48.670'         182.61           551.76 180.00.           0.000        25.192          48.628      3.309  48.741          183.89           551.76 181.00            0.000        25.192         '48.688:     3.552  48.817          185.17           551.76
    .182.00             0.000        25.192          48.751      3.793  48.899          186.45           551.76        1 183.00            0.000       ~25.192         148.819      4.034  48.985          187.72-          551.76        l
    -184.00:            0.000       '25.192          48.891      4.274  49.077          189.00           551.76        !

185.00' O.000' 25.192 48.967 4.512 49.174 190.26 551.76-186.00' :0.000 25.192 49.047- 4.749 49.277 191.53 551.76 187.00 0.000 25.192 49.132' 4.984 49.384 192.79- 551.76 l 180.00 0.000 25.192- 49.220- 5.218 49.496 194.05 551.76

     =189.00           -0.000        25.192          49.312     15.450  49.613          195.31                         ]

551.76 190.00 0.000 25.192- 49.409 5.681 49.735. 196.56 551.76 i 191.00 0.000 '25.192- 49.510 5.910 49.861 197.81 551.76 j 192.00' O.000- 25,192 49.614 6.137. 49.992 199.05 551.76 i 193:.00 '0.000 '25.192 49.723 -6.362 50.128 200.29 551.76

    '194;00 ~          .0.000                                                                                          l 25.192'        '49.835      6.586  50.268          201.53           551.76        i
19 5. 0 0 ~ 0.000 -25.192 49.951 6.807 50.413 202.76 551.76 196.00 0.000f 25.192. 50.071 7.026 50.562 203.99 551.76 1197.00 10.000 :25.192' 50.195 -7.243 50.715 205.21 551.76 1198.00 0.000' 25.192 50.323 7.458 50.873 206.43 551.76 199.00 -2.000 25.192 50.454 7.671 51.034 207.64 551.76 i f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

L H5.OUT. Page 6 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94)

  .12-19-1998     -13:29i19 Paga: 6 l

l .' Angle JWall't~ .' Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension

  '200.00    2.000       25.192-   50.590   7.881    51.200      208.85            551.76 201.00    2.000      -25.192    50.728   8.089   -51.369      210.06            551.76
  '202.00    2.000     '25.192-    50.871   8.295    51.543      211.26            551.76-203.00    2.000      25.192. 51.017   8.498    51.720-     212.46=           551.76 204.00    2.000      25.192   1 51.166'  8.698   ;51.900. 213.65            551.76
  '205.00-  12.000-     25.192-    51.319. 8.896    52.084      214.83            551.76
 .206.00-    2.000-     25.192     51.475   9.091    52.272      216.02            551.76 207.00    2.000      25.666     51.633   8.955    52.404      216.84            549.81
  -208.00    2.000      26.243     51.788:  8.816    52.533      217.66            547.42 209.00    2.000      26.819     51.939   8.618    52.649      218.42            545.03 210.00    2.000      27.394     52.088   8.417    52.763      219.18            542.65.
 '211.00    '2.000      27.969     52.233   8.266'   52.883      219.99            540.26 212.00     2.000      28.542     52.375   8.057    52.991      220.75            537.87 213~.00   2.000      29.115     52.513  ,7.844    53.096      221.50-           535.49 214.00     2.000      29.687     52.649   7.682    53.206      222.30            533.10
215.00 2-.000 30.257 52.780 7.462- 53.305 223.05 530.71 216.00 2.000 30.827 52.908 7.239 53.401 223.79 528.33-217.00 2.000 31.396 53.033 7.066 53.501 224.59 525.94 218.00 2.000' 31.963 53.153 6.836 53.591 225.33 523.55 219.00 2.000 32.530 53.270 6.602 53.678 226.06 521.16 220.00 2.000 33.095 53.384 6.418 53.768 226.86 518.78 221.00 2.000 33.660 53.493 6.178 53.849 227.59 516.39
 -222.00-    2.000      34.223     53.598   5.935    53.926      228.32            514.00         ,

223.00 2.000 34.785 53.700 5.741 54.006 229.10 511.62 l 224.00. 2.000 35.346 53.797 5.491 54.077 229.83 509.23 225.00 2.000 35.905 53.891 5.238 54.145 230.55 506.84

 '226.00:    2.000      36.464     53.980   5.034    54.214      231.33           ~504.45 227.00     2.000      37.021'    54.065   4.775   54.276       232.05            502.07         l 228.00     2.000      37.576     54.146   4.513   54.334       232.76            499.68         l 229.00    =2.000      38.131     54.223   4.300   54.393       233.53            497.29         l
 -230.00     2.000      38.684     54.295   4.032   54.444       234.25            494.91         l 231.00-    2.000      39.236     54.363   3.761   54.493       234.96            492.52         i 232.00     2.000      39.787     54.426   3.540   54.541       235.72            490.13         I 233.00     2.000      40.336     54.485   3.263   54.582       236.43            487.-75        ;

234.00 .2.000- 40.884 54.539 2.984 54.621 237.13 485.36  ! 235.00 2'000

              .         41.431     54.589   2.754   54.658       237.89            482.97         '

236.00 2.000 41.976 54.634 2.470 54.690 23'8.59 480.59 237.00 2.000 42.520 54.674 2.183 54.718 239.29 478.20

 .238.00-    2.000      43.062     54.710   1.945   54.744       240.04            475.81 239.00-    2.000      43.603     54.741   1.654   54.766       210.73            473.43
 '240.00     2.000      44.142     54.767   1.360   54.784       241.42            471.04 241.00     2.000-     44.680     54.788   1.115   54.799       242.17            468.65 242.00    -2.000     '45.216     54.804   0.817   54.811       242.85            466.27 243.00     2.000-     45.751     54.816   0.517   54.818       243.54            463.88
 -244.00. 2.000      46.284     54.822   0.265   54.823       244.28            461.49 245.00     2.000      46.816     54.824  -0.040   54.824       244.96            459.11 246.00. 2.000      47.346   -54.820   -0.346   54.821       245.64            456.72 247.00     2.000      47.874     54.812  -0.604   54.815       246.37            454.33 248.00     2.000      48.401     54.798  -0.914   54.806       247.04            451.95
 -249.00     2.000      48.926     54.779: -1.226   54.793       247.72            449.56 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

H5.OUT Page 7 Arbitrary NetfSection Collapse ANSC 2.0 -(4/26/94) 12-19-1998' 13:29:19 Pr.go; 7-Angle; Wall t Delta - Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 250.00- 2.000 '49.450 54.755 -1.490 54.775 248.44 447.17 251.00 2.000- 49.972 54.726- -1.804 54.756- 249.11 444.79 252.00 2.000- '50.491 54.691- -2.121 54.732 249.78 442.41 t 253.00 2.000- "50.548 54.651. -2.536 54.709 250.34 442.14 254.00 2.000 50.548 '54.602 -2;999 54.684 250.85 442.14 255.00 2.000 50.548 54.545 -3.461 54.654 251.37 442.14 256.00 2.000. 50.548 54.480- -3.923 54.621 251.88 442.14 257.00' 2.000 50.548 54.406 -4.383 54.583 252.39 442.14 258.00 2.000 50.548 54.325 -4.841 54.541 252.91 442.14 259.00 2.000 50.346- 54.236 -5.318 54.497 253.40 443.07 260.00 2.000 49.826 54.142 -5.576 54.428 254.12 445.46

 -261.00      2.000      49.303    54.042       -5.830          54.356      254.84        447.84 262.00     2.000     48.779     53.938       -6.178          54.290      255.46        450.23
  - 263.00    2.000     48.254     53.828       -6.424          54.210      256.19        452.62-264.00     2.000      47.727    53.714       -6.665          54.126      256.92        455.00 265'.00    2.000     -47.198   -53.595       -7.003          54.051      257.55        457.39 266.00     2.000     46.667     53.471       -7.236          53.959      258.29        459.77.

267.00 53.343 2.000 46.135 -7.465 -53.863 259.03 462.16 268.00- :2.000 45.601 53.210 -7.790 53.777 259.67 464.55 269.00 2.000 45.066 53.073 -8.010 53.674 260.42 466.94 270.00 2.000 44.710 52.932 -8.124 53.551 261.27 468.52 271.00. 2.000 -44.710 52.790 -8.033 53.398 262.35 468.52

 '272.00. 2.000     44.710     52.651      -7.939           53.246      263.42'       468.52
 ' 273.00     2.000     44.710     52.513      -7.843          -53.096      264.50        468.52 274.00     2.000     44.710     52.377      -7.744           52.946      265.59        468.52 275.00'    2.000     44.710     52.243      -7.643           52.799      266.67        468.52 276.00     2.000     44.710     52.110      -7.540          .52.653      267.77        468.52 277'.00   -2.000     44.710     51.979      -7.435           52.508      268.86        468.52-278.00     2.000-    44.710     51.850      -7.327           52.365'     269.96        468.52 279.00     2.000'    44.710     51.723      -7.216           52.224      271.06        468.52 280.00     2.000-    44.710     51.598~     -7.104           52.085      272.16        468.52 281.00-    2.000     44.710    '51.475-     -6.990           51.947      273.27        468.52 282.00     2.000-    44.228. 51.352      -7.176           51.851. 274.04        470.66 283.00     2.000    ,43.689     51.224-     -7.359           51.750      274.82        473.04 284.00. 2.000     43.149     51.093~     -7.639           51.661      275.49        475.43 285.00     2.000     42.607. 50.959      -7.814           51.554      276.28        477.82 286.00     22000-    42.063-    50.821      -7.983           51.444      277.07        480.20 287.00     2.000     41.518     50.679      -8.252           51.346      277.75        482.59
 -288.00-     2.000     40.972     50.534      -8.413           51.229      :278.55       484.98 289.00     2.000     40.424     50.385      -8.570-          51.109      279.35        487.36 290.00

2.000 39.875 50.233 -8.826 51.003 280.03 489.75 L 291.00 2.000- 39.324 50.078 -8.973 50.876 280.84 492.14 '1292.00' .2.000 38.773 49.920 -9.117' 50.746 281.65 494.53 "293.00 2.000 38.'219 49.759 -9.360 50.631 282.35 496.91

.294.00 2.000 '37.665 49.594 -9.494 50.495 283.16 499.30 295.00 2.000- 37.109 49.427' -9.624 50.355 283.98 501.69

. 296.00 2.000- -36.552 49.257 -9.854 50.233 284.69 504.07 297.00 2.000 -35.994 49.084 -9.975 50.087 285.51 506.46 298.00- -2.000 35.435' '48.909- -10.090 49.939 286.34 508.85 299.00 2.000 34.874 48.731 -10.307 49.809 287.06 511.24 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc. l l

m H5)OUT: Page 8 Arbitrary Net'Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 9#26/94)

   '12-19-1998          -13:29:19.
  =PEga 8

Angle Wall't- Delta -Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 1 300.00. 2.000 ~34.312 48.550 -10.414 49.654 287.89- 513.62 301.00: 2.000 33.749 48.367 -10.515 .49.497 '288.73 516.01

  • 302.00 2.'000. .33.185 48.182 -10.719 49.359 289.46 518.40 303.00 2.000 32.620 47.994 -10.811 49,197 290.30 520.79 ,

304.00 2.000 32.053 47.804 -10.899 49.031 291.16 523.17 305'00

        .          2.000.      31.486   47.612   -11.089   48.886     291.89        525.56           !

,"306.00 '2.000~ .30.967 47.418 -11.167 48.715 292.75 527.74 307.00 2.000 30.967 47.226 -10.918 48.472 293.98 527.74 i 308.00 2.000 30.967 47.038- -10.667 48.232 295.22- 527.'74 , , 309.00 2.000 30.967 46.854 -10.412 47.997 296.47 527.74

   ~310.00.        2.000       30.967   46.675   -10.154   47.767     297.72        527.74           -

311.00 0.000 30.967, 46.501 -9.893 47.542 298.99 527.74 , 312.00' O.000 30.967 46.331 -9.629 47.321- 300.26 527.74 I 313.00 0.000 30.967 46.166- -9.363 47.105 301.53 527.74 , 314.00 0.000 30.967 46.005 -9.093 46.895 302.82 527.74 0.000 . l t 315.00 30.967 '45.849 -8.820 46.690 304.11 527.74 316.00 0.000 30.967 45.698 -8,545 46.490 305.41 527.74 , 317.00 0.000 30.967 45.552 -8.267 46.296 306.71 527.74  ; 318.00 0.000 ~ 30.967 45.410 -7.987 46.107 308.02 527.74  ! 319.00 'O.000 30.967 45.274 -7.704 45.925 309.34 527.74 1 320.00 '0.000 30.967 45.142 -7.419 45.748 310.67 527.74 l:321.00 0.000 30.967 45.016 -7.132 45.577 312.00 527.74- l' 322.00. 0.000 '30.967 44.894 -6.843 45.413. 313.33 527.74

  ' 323.00         0.000       30.967   44.778    -6.551  45.254      314.68        527.74           '

l 324.00 0.000 30.967 44.666 -6.257 45.103 316.02 527.74 325.00 0.000 30.967 44.560 -5.962 44.957 317.38 527.74 326.00 O.000 30.967 44.459 -5.665 44.819 318.74 527.74 I 327.00 0.000 30.967 44.363 -5.366 44.687 320.10 527.74 i 328.00 0.000 30.967 44.273 -5.065 44.562 321.47 527.74 - 329.00. 0.000 30.967 44.187 -4.763 44.443 322.85 527.74 l !.330.00 0.000 30.967 44.107 -4.459 44.332 324.23 527.74 t331.00 -0.000 30.967 44.033 -4.155 44.228 325.61 527.74 l l 332.00 0.000 30.967 43.963 -3.848 44.131 327.00 527.74 t 333.001 0.000 30.967 43.899 -3.541 44.042 328.39 527.74 l 334.00 ' O.000 30.967 43.841 -3.233 43.960 329.78 527.74 L335.00 -0.000 30.967 43.787 -2.923 43.885 331.18 527.74 336.00 0.000 30.967 43.739 -2.613 43.817 332.58 527.74 (337.00 0.000 '30.967 43.697 -2.302 43.758 333.98 527.74 338.00 0.000 30.967 43.660 -1.990 43.705 335.39 527.74 339.00; 0.000~ 30.967 41.628 -1.678 43.661 336.80 527.74 i 340.00- -0,000- 30.967 43.602 -1.365 43.624 338.21 527.74 341.00 0.000 '30.967 43.582 -1.052 43.594 339.62 527.74

  -342.00-         0.000       30.967   43.567    -0.738  43.573     341.03         527.74 343.00         0.000       30.967   43.557    -0.424  43.559     342.44         527.74

,_344.00 .0.000 30.967 43.553 -0.110 43.553 343.85 527.74

 ,-345.00          0.000       30.967  43.554      0.204  43.554     345.27         527.74 346.00         0.000      '30.967   43.561     0.517  43.564     346.68         527.74 347.00-        0.000       30.967   43.573     0.831  43.581     348.09         527.74 348'.00        0.000       30.967   43.590     1.145  43.606     349.50         527.74 c'349.00            0.000       30.967   43.614     1.458  43.638     350.91         527.74 h StructuralIniagrity Associates, Inc.

4 b

H5;.OUT. Page 9 . - Arbitrary Ne;.Section Collapse ANSC 2.0'(4/26/94)  ! 12-19-1998- 13:29:19-- Pags-'9 Angle-' Wall't ' Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A. tension i

      . 350.00              0.000      30.967                  '43.642               1.770               43.678               . 352.32            527.74              .

351.00 0.000- 30.967 '43.676 2.082 43.726- 353.73 527.74 I

      -352.00               0.000      30.967                 '43.716                2.394-              43.781                355.13            527.74

0.000 30.967 43.761 2'.705 43,944 356.54 527.74 .!

      - 354.00 .0.000                  30.967~              .43.811                  3.014               43.915                357.94           527.74                !
     . 355.00               0.000      30.967                  43.P.67               3.323               43.993                359.33            527.74 356.001 -0.000                                                                                                                                               l 30.967                  43.928-               3.631               44.078                   0.73          527.74              .;

357.00 0.000 -30.967 43.995. 3.938 44.170~ 2.12 ~ 527.74  ; 358.00 0.000 30-967

                                            .                  44.066                4.244               44.270                   3.50          527.74                !

359.00- 0.000- 30.967 44.144 4.548 44.377. 4.88 527.74 MINIMUM STRESS {Pb,x') = 43.553 AT 344.00 DEGREES MINIMUM TOTAL STRESS (Pb, max) = '43.553 AT- 343.85 DEGREES i l I

                                                                                                               - @ structors! Integrity Associates, Inc s,

a# , _ . , . , -..m._ . ._ .. .

H6.OUT -

Page 1 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4 /26/94 ) -


12-1998 11:33:42 Pcga; l'


Peach-Bottom, Unit 3 Reinspection Study

  • Weld H6 -- 40. Years of Crack Growth Crack ~ assumed to take compression across face RADIUS'(IN) = 99.5 WALL THICKNESS (IN) = 2 TENSION STRESS = 0.620 KSI MATERIAL FLOW STRESS = 50.700 KSI ANGLE FOR' MOMENT ITERATION = 1 i FLAWS DEFINED .= 3 (AS FOLLOWS)
     .1 ANGLES:      0.0000 TO      18.4100     (DTHETA =     18.410) DEPTH (IN)      =   2.000      .{
     ~2 ANGLES: :157.7500 TO 228.4100           (DTHETA =     70.660) DEPTH (IN)      =   2.000       (

f:3 ANGLES: 340.7500 TO 360.0000 (DTHETA = 19.250) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 TOTAL AREA (IN2) = 1250.354 REMAINING DEGRADED SECTION AREA (IN2)

                                                 =   874.1364                                         :
    ~(APPROX. DEGRADED METAL AREA       =   874.1046 )                                                !

Program Output: \ Angle =~ Angle that tension-to-compression axis x' is rotated l t = Thickness in wall at position corresponding-to angle delta = Distance from center to tenrion-to-compression axis  ! Pb,x' =. Bending stress due to moment about tension-to-compression axis i Pb,y' = Bending stress due to moment perpendicular to tens./ comp, axis ' Pb, max 1- Maximum bending stress due to total limit moment  ; Anglemax = Angle for total limit moment relative to original Y axis *

'Atension = Area of metal in tensio.1 for' Case 2                                                     '

i I i i I (StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

H6.OUT Page 2 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-12-1998 11:36:08 Paga 2 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 0.00 0.000 18.359 53.052 0.114 53.052 0.12 567.42 1.00 0.000 18.159 53.055 0.296 53.055 1.32 567.42 2.00 0.000- 18.159 53.061 0.478 53.063 2.52 567.42 , 3.00 0.000 18.159 53.070 0.660 53.074 3.71 567.42 4.00 0.000 18.159 53.082 0.841 53.089 4.91 567.42 5.00 0.000 18.159 53.098 1.022 53.100 6.10 567.42 6.00 0.000 18.159 53.117 1.203 53.130 7.30 567.42 7.00 0 000 18.159 53.139 1.383 53.157 9.49 567.42 8.00 0.000 18.159 53.164 1.564 53.187 9.68 567.42 9.00 0.000 18.159 53.192 1.743 53.220 10.88 567.42 10.00 0.000 18.159 53.223 1.922 53.258 12.07 567.42 11.00 0.000 18.159 53.258 2.101 53.299 13.26 567.42 12.00 0.000 18;159 53.295 2.279 53.344 14.45 567.42 13,00 0.000 18.159 53.336 2.456 53.392 15.64 567.42 i 14.00 0.000 18.159 53.380 2.632 53.445 16.82 567.42 15.00 0.000 18.159 53.426 2.808 53.500 18.01 567.42 16.00 0.000 18.159 53.476 2.983 53.559 19.19 567.42 17.00 0.000 18.159 53.529 3.157 53.622 20.38 567.42 18.00 0.000 18.159 53.585 3.330 53.689 21.56 567.42 19.00 2.000 18.159 53.644 3.502 53.758 22.73 567.42 20.00 2.000 18.159 53.706 3.673 53.832 23.91 567.42 21.00 2.000 18.159 53.771 3.843 53.908 25.09 567.42 l' 22.00 2.000 18.159 53.839 4.011 53.988 26.26 567.42 23.00 2.000 18.159 53.910 4.179 54.071 27.43 567.42 24.00 2.000 18.159 53.983 4.345 54.158 28.60 567.42 25.00 2.000 18.159 54.060 4.510 54.248 29.77 567.42 26.00 2.000 18.159 54.139 4.673 54.341 30.93 567.42 27.00 2.000 18.159 54.222 4.836 54.437 32.10 567.42 28.00 2.000 18.159 54.307 4.996 54.536 33.26 567.42 29.00 2.000 18.159 54.395 5.155 54.639 34.41 567.42 30.00 2.000 18.159 54.486 3.313 54.744 35.57 567.42 31.00 2.000 18,159 54.579 5.469 54.852 36.72 567.42 32.00 2.000 18.159 54.675 5.623 54.964 37.87 567.42 33.00 2.000 18.159 54.774 5.776 55.078 39.02 567.42 34.00 2.000 18.159 54.875 5.927 55.195 40.16 567.42 35.00 2.000 18.159 54.979 6.076 55.314 41.31 567.42 36.00 2.000 18.159 55.086 6.223 55.437 42.45 567.42 37.00 2.000 18.159 55.195 6.368 55.562 43.58 567.42 38.00 2.000 18.159 55.307 6.512 55.689 44.72 567.42 39.00 2.000 18.159 55.421 6.653 55.819 45.85 567.42 40.00 2.000 18.159 55.538 6.793 55.952 46.97 567.42 41.00 2.000 18.159 55.657 6.930 56.087 48.10 567.42

42.00 2.000 18.159 55.779 7.065 56.224 49.22 567.42 43.00 2.000 18.159 55.902 7.199 56.364 50.34 567.42 44.00 2.000 18.159 56.029 7.330 56.506 51.45 567.42 45.00 2.000 18.159 56.157 7.458 56.650 52.57 567.42 46.00 2.000 18.159 56.288 7.585 56.796 53.67 567.42 47.00 2.000 18.159 56.420 7.709 56.945 54.78 567.42 48.00 2.000 18.159 56.555 7.831 57.095 55.88 567.42 49.00 2.000 18.159 56.692 7.950 57.247 56.98 567.42 l

StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

m j

 'H6.OUT                                                                                       Page        3 i



LArbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94)' 12-12-1998. 11:36:08 Ecga 13'

ASgle . Wall t Delta Pb', x ' Pb,y' Pb, max'AngleMax A tension L.

150.00: 2.000 18.159- 56.831 8.067 '57.401 58.08 567.42 3 l L 51.00 -2.000 .18.159 56.973 8.182 57.557 59.17 567.42  ! 52.00 '2.000; L 53.00 :2.000; 18.159 18.159 57.116 57.261-8.294 57.715 60.26 567.42 l l 8.404 57.874 61.35 567.42 54.00 2.000' 18.159 _ L .57.408 8.511 58.035 62.43 '567.42 ' 55.00' :2.000 18.159 57.556 8.615 58.198 63.51 567.42 56.00- 2.000- .18.159' 57.707 '8.717 :58.362 64.59 567.42 57.00. 2.000. 18.159 57.859' 8.816 58.527 65.66 -567.42 58.00 2.000 18.595 58.012 8.608 58.647 66.44 565.65 ! 59.00 2.000 -19.163 58.159 8.369 58.758 67.19 563.33 l -60.00 2.000 19.731 58.302 8.070 58.858 67.88 ' 561.02-61.00- 2.000 ~ 20.298 58.440 ~7.769- 58.954 68.57 558.70

62.00 2.000 20.864 58.572 7.519 59.053 69.32 556.39 63.00 2.000 21.430 58.700 7.211 59.141- 70.00 554.07 64.00 -2.000 21.995 58.823 6.900 59.226 70.69 551.75 65.00 2.000 22.559 58.940. 6.641 59.313 71.43 549.44 66.00. 2.000- 23.123 59.053 6.324 59.391 72.11 547.12 67.00 2~000 23.685 59.160 6.005 59.464 72.80 544.81 68.00- 2.000 24.247' 59.262 5.737 59.539 73.53 542.49 69.00 2.0001 24.808 59.358 5.411 59.605 74.21 540.18 70.00. '2.000 25.368 59.450 5.083 59.666 74.89 537.86 71L.00 2.000, 25.927 59.535 4.807- 59.729 75.62 535.55 72.00 2.000- 26.486 59.616 4.473 59.783 76.29 533.23 73.00- 2.000.
  • 27.043 59.690 4.137 59.833 76.96 530.92 74.00 2.000. 27.600 59.759 3.853 59.883 77.69 528.60 75.00 '2.000- 28.156 59.823 3.513 59.926- 78.36 526.29
    -76.00            2'000'         28.710             59.881       3.170    59.965       79.03         523.97
     -77.00'          2.000          29.264             59.933       2.879    60.002       79.75         521.65
    ;78.00            2.000          29.817             59.980       2.531    60.033       80.42        519.34            4 79.00.          2.000           30.368             60.020       2.182    60.060       81.08        517.02            !
          2.000          30.919             60.055       1.885    60.085       81.80        514.71 81.00           2.000           31.469             ~60.084      1.532    60.104       82.46        512.39 82.00           2.000           32.017             60.107       1.177    60.119       83.12        510.08 83.00:          2.000         '32.565              60,125       0.873    60,131       83.83        507.76 84.00           2.000           33.111             60.136       0.515    60.138       84.49        505.45            ,

85.00 2.000 33.657 60.142 0.155 60,142 85.15 503.13

   .86.00           '2.000           34.201             60,141      -0.153    60.141       85.85        500.82            l 87.00           2.000        -34.744               602134      -0.516   .60.137       66.51        498.50            l 188.00-           2.000           35.286           .60.122

_ -0.880 60.128 87.16 496.18 89.00 2~.000 -35.826 60.103 -1.192 60.115 87.86 493.87

   .90.00            2.000           36.366             60.078      -1.559    60.099       88.51        491.55            i 91.00           2.000           36.904             60.048      -1.926    60.079       89.16        489.24            {
   -92.00            2.000           37.441             60.011      -2.243    60.053       89.86        486.92            l l     93.00           2,000           37.977             59.968      -2.612    60.024       90.50        484.61

! 194.00 2.'000 38.127 59.918 -3.086 59.997 91.05 483.96

   '95.00'           2.000           38.127             59,859      -3.611    59.967       91.55        483.96 l     96.00-         .2.000~          38.127             59.790      -4.135    59.933       92.04        483.96 L '97.00-             2.000~          38.127             59.713      -4.657    59.894       92.54        483.96 l     98.00           2,000           38.127             59.626      -5.178    59.851       93.04        483.96
99.00 2.000 38.127 59.531 -5.698 59.803 93.53 483.96-l { StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

l . . -_ .. , _ . _ . .

R l I H6.OUT Fage 4 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-12-1998 11:36:09 Pcgn 4 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 100.00 2.000 38.127 59.426 -6.215 59.751 94.03 483.96 101.00 2.000 38.127 59.313 -6.731 59.694 94.52 483.96 102.00 2.000 38.127 59.190 -7.245 59.632 95.02 483.96 103.00 2.000 38.127 59.059 -7.757 59.566 95.52 483.96 104.00 2.000 38.127 58.918 -8.266 59.495 96.01 483.96  ! 105.00 2.000 38.127 58.769 -8.773 59.420 96.51 483.96 i 106.00 2.000 38.127 58.611 -9.277 59.340 97.00 483.96 l 107.00 2.000 38.127 58.444 -9.778 59.256 97.50 483.96 { 108.00 2.000 38,127 58.268 -10.276 59.167 98.00 483.96  ! 109.00 2.000 38.127 58.084 -10.771 59.074 98.49 483.96 { 110.00 2.000 38.127 57.891 -11.263 58.976 98.99 483.96  ; 111.00 2.000 38.127 57.689 -11.751 58.874 99.49 483.96 l 112.00 2.000 38.127 57.479 -12.236 58.767 99.98 483.96 J 113.00 2.000 38.127 57.261 -12.717 58.656 100.48 483.96-114.00 2.000 38.127 57.034 -13.194 58.541 100.97 483.96  ; 115.00 2.000 38.127 56.799 -13.667 58.420 101.47 483.96 l 116.00 2.000 38.062 56.556 -14.188 58.309 101.92 484.24 l 117.00 2.000 37.527 56.307 -14.449 58.131 102.61 486.55 118.00 2.000' 36.990 56.052 -14.698 57.947 103.31 488.87 119.00 2.000 36.452 55.793 -15.046 57.786 103.91 491.18 l 120.00 2.000 35.913 55.528 -15.282 57.593 104.61 493.50 { 121.00 2.000 35.372 55.260 -15.513 57.396 105.32 495.81 1 122.00 2.000 34.031 54.986 -15.842 57.223 105.93 498.13 123.00 2.000 34.288 54.708 -16.060 57.017 106.64 500.45 124.00 2.000 33.744 54.426 -16.271 56.806 107.35 502.76 125.00 2.000 33.199 54.139 -16.582 56.622 107.97 505.08 126.00 2.000 32.652 53.848 -16.780 56.402 108.69 507.39 127.00 2.000 32.105 53.554 -16.972 56.179 109.41 509.71 128.00 2.000 32.009 53.257 -16.944 55.888 110.35 510.11 129.00 2.000 32.009 52.963 -16.804 55.565 111.40 510.11 130.00 2.000 32.009 52.671 -16.659 55.243 117.45 510.11 131.00 2.000 32.009 52.382 -16.509 54.922 113.51 510.11 132.00 2.000- 32.009 52.096 -16.354 54.602 114.57 510.11 133.00 2.000 32.009 51.812 -16.194 54.284 115.64 510.11 134.00 2.000 32.009 51.531 -16.029 53.966 116.72 510.11 135.00 2.000 32.009 51.253 -15.859 53.651 117.80 510.11 136.00 2.000 32.009 50.978 -15.685 53.336 118.90 510.11 137.00 2.000 32.009 50.706 -15.505 53.024 120.00 510.11 138.00 2.000 32.009 50.437 -15.321 52.713 121.10 510.11 139.00 2.000 32.009 50.172 -15.132 52.404 122.21 510.11 140.00 2.000 32.009 49.910 -14.939 52.097 123.34 510.11 141.00 2.000 32.009 49.651 -14.741 51.793 124.46 510.11 142.00 2.000 32.009 49.396 -14.539 51.491 125.60 510.11 143.00 2.000 32.009 49.144 -14.332 51.191 126.74 510.11 , 144.00 2.000 32.009 48.896 -14.120 50.894 127.89 510.11 l145.00 2.000 32.009 48.652 -13.905 50.600 129.05 510.11 i 146.00 2.000 32.009 48.411 -13.685 50.308 130.21 510.11 147.00 2.000 32.009 48.175 -13.461 50.020 131.39 S10.11 148.00 2.000 32.009 47.942 -13.233 49.735 132.57 510.11 149.00 2.000 32.009 47.713 -13.001 49.453 133.76 510.11 h StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

H6.OUT Page 5 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-12-1998 11:36:09 Pega 5 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A' tension 150.00 2.000 32.009 47.489 -12.765 49.175 134.95 510.11 151.00 2.000 32.009 47.268 -12.525 48.900 136.16 510.11 , 152.00 2.000 32.009 47.052 -12.282 48.629 137.37 510.11 F 153.00 2.000 32.009 46.840- -12.u34 48.361 138.59 510.11 154.00 2.000 32.009 46.633 -11.783 48.098 139.82 510.11 155.00 2.000 32.009 46.430 -11.529 47.839 141.05 510.11 156.00 2.000 32.009 46.231 -11.270 47.585 142.30 510.11 157.00 2.000 32.009 46.037 -11.009 47.335 143.55 510.11 158.00 0.000 32.009 45.S*7 -10.744 47.089 144.81 510.11 159.00 0.000 32.009 45.662 -10.476 46.848 146.08 510.11 160.00 0.000 32.009 45.482 -10.204 46.623 147.35 510.11 161.00~ 0.000 32.009 45.307 -9.930 46.382 148.64 510.11 162.00 0.000 32.009 45.136 -9.652 46.157 149.93 510.11 163.00 0.000 32.009 44.970 -9.372 45.937 151.23 510.11 164.00 0.000 32.009 44.810 -9.088 45.722 152.53 510.11 165.00 0.000 32.009 44.654 -8.802 45.513 153.85 510.11 166.00 0.000 32.009 44.503 -8,514 45.310 155.17 510.11 167.00 0.000 32.009 44.357 -8.222 45.113 156.50 510.11 168.00 0.000 32.009 44.216 -7.928 44.922 157.83 510.11 169.00 0.000 32.009 44.081 -7.632 44.737 159.18 510.11 170.00 0.000 32.009 43.951 -7.334 44.558 160.53 510.11 171.00 0.000 32,009 43.826 -7.033 44.386 161.88 510.11 172.00 0.000- 32.009 43.706 -6.730 44.221 163.24 510.11 173.00 0.000 32.009 43.591 -6.425 44.062 164.61 510.11 174.00 0.000 32.009 43.482 -6.118 43.910 165.99 510.11 175.00 0.000 32.009 43.378 -5.809 43.766 167.37 510.11 176.00 0.000 32.009 43.280 -5.499 43.628 168.76 510.11 177.00 0.000 32.009 43.187 -5.186 43.497 170.15 510.11 178.00 0.000 32.009 43.099 -4.873 43.374 171.55 510.11 179.00 0.000 32.009 43.017 -4.557 43.258 172.95 510.11 180.00 0.000 32.009 42.941 -4.241 43.150 174.36 510.11 101.00 0.000 32.009 42.870 -3.923 43.049 175.'7 510.11 182.00 0.000 32.009 42.805 -3.604 42.956 177.19 510.11 183.00 0.000 32.009 42.745 -3.283 42.871 178.61 510.11 184.00 0.000 32.009 42.691 -2.962 42.793 180.03 510.11 185.00 .000 32.009 42.642 -2.640 42.724 181.46 510.11 186.00 . 000 32.009 42.599 -2.317 42.662 182.89 510.11 187.00 0.000 32.009 42.562 -1.994 42.608 184.32 510.11 188.00 0.000 32.009 42.530 -1.669 42.563 185.75 510.11 189.00 0.000 32.009 42.504 -1.345 42.525 187.19 510.11 190.00 0.000 32.009 42.484 -1.020 42.496 188.62 510.11 191.00 0.000 32.009 42.469 -0.694 42.475 190.06 510.11 192.00 0.000 32.009 42.460 -0.368 42.462 191.50 510.11 193.00 0.000 32.009 42.457 -0.043 42.457 192.94 510.11 194.00 0.000 32.009 42.459 0.283 42.460 194.38 510.11 195.00 0.000 32.009 42.467 0.609 42.472 195.82 510.11 196.00 0.000 32.009 42.481 0.934 42.491 197.26 510.11 197;00 0.000 32.009 42.500 1.259 42.519 198.70 510.11 198.00 0.000 32.009 42.525 1.584 42.555 200.13 510.11 199.00 0.000 32.009 42.556 1.908 42.599 201.57 510.11 h StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

H6.OUT Page 6 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-12-1998 11:36:09 Pcgs 6 I Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 200.00 0.000 32.009 42.593 2.232 42.651 203.00 510.11 201.00 0.000 32.009 42.635 2.555 42.711 204.43 510.11 202.00 0.000 32.009 42.682 2.877 42.779 205.86 510.11 203.00 0.000 32.009 42.736 3.199 42.855 207.28 510.11 204.00 0.000 32.009 42.795 3.519 42.939 208.70 510.11 205.00 0.000 32.009 42.859 3.839 43.031 210.12 510.11 206.00 0.000 32.009 42.929 4.157 43.130 211.53 510.11 207.00 0.000 32.009 43.005 4.474 43.237 212.94 510.11 208.00 0.000 32.009 43.086 4.789 43.351 214.34 510.11 209.00 0.000 32.009 43.173 S.103 43.473 215.74 510.11 210.00 0.000 32.009 43.265 5.416 43.602 217.13 510.11 211.00 0.000 32.009 43.362 5.726 43.739 218.52 510.11 212.00 0.000 32.009 43.465 6.035 43.882 219.91 510.11 213.00 0.00.0 32.009 43.573 6.343 44.033 221.28 510.11 214.00 0.000 32.009 43.687 6.648 44.190 222.65 510.11 215.00 0.000 32.009 43.806 6.951 44.354 224.02 510.11 216.00 0.000 32.009 43.930 7.252 44.525 225.37 510.11 217.00 .0.000 32.009 44.060 7.551 44.702 226.73 510.11 218.00 0.000 32.009 44.194 7.848 44.886 228.07 510.11 219.00 0.000 32.009 44.334 8.142 45.076 229.41 510.11 220.00 0.000 32.009 44.479 8.434 45.272 230.74 510.11 221.00 0.000 32.009 44.629 8.723 45.474 232.06 510.11 222.00 0.000 32.009 44.784 9.010 45.682 233.37 510.11 223.00 0.000 32.009 44.944 9.293 45.895 234.68 510.11 224.00 0.000 32.009 45.109 9.574 46.114 235.98 510.11 225.00 0.000 32.009 45.279 9.852 46.339 237.28 510.11 226.00 0.000 32.009 45.454 10.127 46.568 238.56 510.11 1 227.00 0.000 32.009 45.633 10.399 46.803 239.84 510.11  ! 228.00 0.000 32.009 45.817 10.668 47.043 241.11 510.11  ! 229.00 2.000 32.009 46.006 10.933 47.287 242.37 510.11 l 230.00 2.000 32.009 46.199 13.195 47.537 243.62 510.11 231.00 2.000 32.009 46.397 1L.454 47.790 244.87 510.11 232.00 2.000 32.024 46.600 11.709 48.049 246.11 510.05 233.00 2.000 32.565 46.804 11.667 48.236 247.00 507.76 234.00 2.000 33.111 47.005 31.539 48.401 247.79 505.45 235.00 2.000 33.657 47.205 11.407 48.564 248.59 503.13 236.00 2.000 34.201 47.403 11.323 48.736 249.43 500.82 237.00 2.000 34.744 47.599 11.181 48.894 250.22 498.50 238.00 2.000 35.286 47.792 11.034 49.049 251.00 496.18 239.00 2.000 35.826 47.983 10.934 49.213 251.84 493.87 240.00 2.000 36.366 48.172 10.778 49.363 252.61 491.55 241.00 2.000 36.904 48.358 10.616 49.510 253.38 489.24 242.00 2.000 37.441 48.542 10.502 49.665 254.21 486.92 243.00 2.000 37.977 48.723 10.331 49.806 254.97 484.61 l 244.00 2.000 38.511 48.901 10.155 49.945 255.73 482.29 245.00 2.000 39.044 49.077 10.026 50.091 256.55 479.98 l 246.00 2.000 39.576 49.250 9,941 50.223 257.30 477.66 247.00 2.000 40.106 49.419 9.651 50.353 258.05 475.35 , 248.00 2.000 40.635 49.586 9.507 50.489 258.85 473.03 l 249.00 2.000 41.163 49.749 9.308 50.613 2 9.60 470.71 h StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

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H6 OUTl Page 7 I 1 l

     , Arbitrary. Net Section' Collapse 'JufSC 2.0 (4/26/94)

12-12-1998- 11':36:09 Pcga< l Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 250.00 2.000  ! 41.689 49.910 9.104 50.733 -260.34 468.40  ! 251.00. =2.000 42.214 50.067 8 947 50.860 261.13 466.08  ! 252.00 2.000 42.738 50.220 8.734 50.974 261.87 463.77 253.00- 2.000 '43.260 50.370 8.516 51.085 262.60 461.45 1 254.00 2.000 -43.780 50.517 8.345 51.202 263.38 459.14 l 255.00 2'.000 44.299 50.660 8.118 51.306 264.10 456.82 256 00 2.000 44.817 .50.799 7.888 51.408 264.83 454.51 i i

     '257.00      2.000       45.333      50.935   7.703   51.514      265.60         452.19              l 258.00      2.000        45.848     51.066   7.464   51.609      266.32         449.88              i
     -259.00      2;000       46.361      51.194   7.220   51.701      267.03         447.56              !

260.00 2.000 46.872 51.318 7.022 51.796 267.79 445.24 261.00 2.000 '46.989' 51.439 6.965- 51.909 268.71 444.71 l 262.00 2.000 46.989 '51.562- 7.059- 52.043 269.80 444.71 1 263.00 2.000 46.989 51.687 7.151 52.179 270.88 444.71 i 264.00- 2.000 46.989 51.813 7.241 52.316 271.96 444.71  ! 265.00 2.000 46.989 51.941 7.329 52.455 273.03- 444.71 266.00 2,000 46.989 52.070 7.414


52.595 274.10 444.71  ! 267.00 2.000 46.989 52.200 7.497 52.736 275.17 444.71 i

268.00 2.000 46.989 52.333' 7.578 52.878 276.24 444.71  !

269.00. 2.000 46.989 52.466 7.657 53.022 277.30 444.71  ! 270.00 2.000 46.989 52.601 7.733 -53.166 278.36 444.71 l 271.00 2.000 46.989 52.737 7.807 53.312 279.42 444.71 i 272.00 2.000 46.989 52.874 7.878 53.458 280.47 444.71 273.00 2.000 46.989 53.013 7.947 53.605 281.53 444.71 274.00 2.000 46.989 53.153 8.014 53.754 282.57 444.71 275.00 2.000 46.989 53.294 8.078 53.903 283.62 444.71 276,00 2.000 46.954 53.436 8.140 54.052 284.66 444.87 l 277.00 2.000 46.443 53.576 7.903 54.155 285.39 447.19 278.00 2.000 45.930 53.711 7.565 54.241 286.02 449.50

   '279.00        2.000       45.416      53.841   7.327   54.337      286.75         451.82 280.00      2.000       44.900      53.967   7.089   54.430      287.48         454.14 281.00      2.000       44.382      54.088   6.750   54.507      288.11         456.45 283.00      2.000       43.864      54.204   6.512   54.594      288.85         458.77 283.00      2.000       43.343      54.315   6.274   54.676      289.59         461.08               l 284.00      2.000       42.821      54.422   5.934   54.745      290.22         463.40               (

285.00 2-.000 42.298 54.524 5.696 54.821 290.96 465.71 l 236.00: 2.000 41.774 54.621 5.459 54.893 291.71 468.03 i 287.00- 2.000 41.247 54.714 5.119 54.953 292.35 470.34 I

  -288.00         2.000       40.720      54.801   4.882   55.018      293.09         472.66               !

289.00 2.000- 40.191 54.884 4.645 55.080 293.84 474.98 I 290.00 2.000 39.661- 54.963 4.306 55.131 294.48 477.29 291.00 2.000 39.229 55.036 4.070 55.186 295.23 479.61 292.00 2.000 38.596 55.105 3.835 55.238 295.98 481.92 293.00. 2.0001 38.062 55.169 3.496 55.280 296.63 484.24

  ,294.00 2.000       37.527-     55.228   3.263   55.325      297.38         486.55               i
  '295.00-        2.000       36.990      55.283   3.029   55.366      298.14         488.87 296.00     -2.000       36.452      55.333  -2.692   55.399-     298.79         491.18               j 297.00      2.000      ~35.913-     55.379   2.461   55.433      299.54         493.50                l

!= 298.00 2.000 35.372 55.419 2.230 55.464 300.30 495.81

  -299.00         2.000       34.831      55.456   1.895   55.488      300,96         498.13               I f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

L - --

U H6.OUT Page 8 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-12-1998 11:36:09 Pagm 8 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 300.00 2.000 34.288 55.487 1.667 55.512 301.72 500.45 301.00 2.000 33.744 55.514 1.439 55.533 302.48 502.76 302.00 2.000 33.199 55.536 1.107 55.547 303.14 505.08 l 303.00 2.000 32.652 55.554 0.881 55.561 303.91 507.39  ; 304.00 2.000 32.105 55.567 0.657 55.571 304.68 509.71 305.00 2.000 31.557 55.576 0.328 55.577 305.34 512.02 306.00 2.000 31.007 55.580 0.106 55.580 306.11 514.34 307.00 2.000 30.457 55.580 -0.114 55.580 306.88 516.65 308.00 2.000 29.905 55.575 -0.439 55.577 307.55 518.97 309.00 2.000 29.352 55.566 -0.656 55.570 308.32 521.28 310.00 2.000 28.799 55.553 -0.872 55.560 309.10 523.60 311.00 2.000 28.244 55.535 -1.194 55.548 309.77 525.91 312.00 l 2.000 27.689 55.513 -1.406 55.530 310.55 528.23 313.00 2.000 27.132 55.486 -1.617 55.510 311.33 530.55 l 314.00 2.000 26.575 55.455 -1.934 55.489 312.00 532.86 1 315.00 2.000 26.017 55.420 -2.141 55.461 312.79 535.18 316.00 2.000 25.458 55.381 -2.346 55.430 313.57 537.49 317.00 2.000 24.898 55.337 -2.658 55.401 314.25 539.81 318.00 2.000 24.337 55.290 -2.859 55.363 315.04 542.12 319.00 2.000 23.775 55.238 -3.059 55.322 315.83 544.44 1 320.00 2.000 23.213 55.182 -3.365 55.284 316.51 546.75 1 321.00 2.000 22.650 55.122 -3.561 55.237 317.30 549.07 1 322.00 2.000 22.085 55.058 -3.754 55.186 318.10 551.38 323.00 2.000 21.521 54.990 -4.054 55.139 318.78 553.70 324.00 2.000 20.955 54.918 -4.243 55.082 319.58 556.02 325,00 2.000 20.389 54.842 -4.429 55.021 320.38 558.33 326.00 2 . 0 0 '_ 19.822 54.762 -4.724 54.966 321.07 560.65 327.00 2.000 19.254 54.679 -4.906 54.898 321.87 562.96 328.00 2.000 18.686 54.591 -5.085 54.828 322.68 565.28 329.00 2.000 18.160 54.500 -5.262 54.754 323.48 567.42 330.00 2.000 18.159 54.409 -5.104 54.648 324.64 567.42 331.00 2.000 18.159 54.321 -4.946 54.545 325.80 567.42 332.00 2.000 18.159 54.235 -4.785 54.446 326.96 567.42 333.00 2.000 18.159 54.152 -4.623 54.349 328.12 567.42 334.00 2.000 28.159 54.073 -4.460 54.256 329.28 567.42 335.00 2.000 18.159 53.995 -4.295 54.166 330.45 567.42 336.00 2.000 18.159 53.921 -4.129 54.079 331.62 567.42 337.00 2.000 18.159 53.850 -3.962 53.996 332.79 567.42 338.00 2.000 18.159 53.782 -3.794 53.915 333.96 567.42 339.00 2.000 18.159 53.716 -3.624 53.838 335.14 567.42 340.00 2.000 18.159 53.654 -3.453 53.765 336.32 567.42 341.00 0.000 18.159 53.594 -3.281 53.695 337.49 567.42 342.00 0.000 18.159 53.538 -3.108 53.628 338.68 567.42 343.00 0.000 18.159 53.485 -2.935 53.565 339.86 567.42 344.00 0.000 18.159 53.434 -2.760 53.505 341.04 567.42 345.00 0.000 18.159 53.387 -2.584 53.449 342.23 567.42 346.00 0.000 18.159 53.343 -2.408 53.397 343.41 567.42 347.00 0.000 18.159 53.302 -2.231 53.348 344.60 567.42 348.00 0.000 18.159 53.263 -2.053 53.303 345.79 567.42 349.00 0.000 18.159 53.229 -1.875 53.262 346.98 567.42 { StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

  ;H6.OUT-                                                                                                                Page      9-Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC'2.0 (4/26/94)-

t '12-12-1998'- 11:36:09 Pcga -9'

        'Anglee Wall' t'?             -Delta           Pb)x           Pb,y'                  Pb, max AngleMax                 A tension 350'00.             0.000       18.159-      53.197         -1.696                    -53.224                   348.17      567.42 351.00             'O.000       18.159       53.168         -1.516                    -53.190-                  349.37      567.42 352.00             '0:.000      18.159      '53.142         -1,336                    .53.159-                  350.56      567.42 i-353.00              C.000-     -18.159       53.120-      ' -1.156                     53.133                  '351.75      567.42                   1
   -354.00-               0.000       18.159       53.101.        -0.975                     53.110                 -352.95       567.42                   l 355.00              0.000.      18.159       53'.085        -0.794                     53.091-                  354.14      567.42
   .356.00                0.000       18.159      -53.072         -0.612.                   ~53.075                   355.34      567.'42
   '357.00'-             -0.000,      18.159       53'.062       -0.431                      53.064                   356.53     .567.42 358.00              0.000       18.159      -53.055         -0.249                    -53.056.                  357.73     .567.42 359.00              0.'000      18'159       53.052        -0.067                      53.052                  358.93       567.42                   l MINIMUM STRESS; (Pb,x' )                         =   42.457            AT               193.00-DEGREES                                              r

, ' MINIMUM. TOTAL. STRESS (Pb, max)'= 42.457 AT 192.94 DEGREES , I i i I { structuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

 .H7.OUT:                                                                                             Page                      1
   ^ Arbitrary Net Section. Collapse'ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) l i

12-12-1998 11:38:49 Paga. l DESCRIPTION: Peach Bottom', Unit:3. Reinspection Study ,

          ;Wel~d H7 --:40 Years of Crack Growth-                                                                                                l Crack assumed to take compression across face                                                                                      !

RADIUS (IN) = 99.5 WALL THICKNESS (IN) = 2 { l TENSION STRESS = 0.620 KSI  ! MATERIAL FLOW STRESS = 50.700 KSI ANGLE FOR MOMENT ITERATION = 1 FLAWS DEFINED = 3 (AS FOLLOWS) l' ANGLES: ,0'.0000 TO 18.6100 (DTHETA = 18.610) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 2 ANGLES: 161.7100 TO 198.6100 (DTHETA = 36.900) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000

       '3 ANGLES:             341.3100 TO 360.0000                                                                                              )

(DTHETA.= 18.690) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 TOTAL-AREA (IN2) = .1250.354 REMAINING' DEGRADED SECTION AREA (IN2) = 992.642 i (APPROX. DEGRADED METAL AREA =- 992.6 )- I Program Output: 1 Angle = Angle that tension-to-compression axis x' is rotated t = Thickness in wall'at position corresponding to angle -

      . delta.= Distance from center to tension-to-compression axis Pb,x= Bending stress due to moment about' tension-to-compression axis                                                                i Pb,y' = Bending stress due to moment perpendicular to tens./ comp. axis
     -Pb, max - Maximum bending stress due to total limit moment Anglemax = Angle for total limit moment relative to original Y axis                                                                         I
  'Atension = Area of metal in tension for-Case 2                                                                                            .l l


                                                                                       & StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

,.H7?OUT1 _ 'Page 2 l'LArbitrary Net Section Collapse.ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) n12-12-1998- .11:56:00-l- Pcga '2 Angle. Wall t' . Delta' . Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension

0 '. 0 0 L .0.000 18.005 53.166 0.034 53.166 0.04 568.05 1.00 0.000' 18.005 53.168 0.214 53.168 1.23- 568.05 2.00: 0.000 18.005 53.172 0.394 53.174 2.43 568.05 3.00 0.000- 18.005 53'.180 0.574 53.184 3.62 568.05
         '4~.00;    ~ 0. 000 ~    18.005      53.192    0.754:  53.197        4.81       568.05 5.00.     '0'.000       18.005      53.206    0.934   53.214        6.01       568.05 6.00     'O.000-        18.005-     53.223    1.113   53.235        7.20       568.05 7.00       0.000'       18'.005   '53.244     1.292   53.259        8.39       568.05 8.00'     .0.000        18.005      53.267   .1.471   53.288        9.58       568.05 9.00       0.000       -18.005. 53.294    1.649   53.320      10.77        568'.05
      -10.00         0.000       '18.005      53.324    1.826   53.355      11.96        568.05
      '11.00         0.000        18.005      53.357    2.004   53.395      13.15        568.05 12.00         0.000        18.005      53.393    2.180   53.437      14.34        568.05-13.00         0.000'       18.005      53.432    2.356   53.484      15.52        568.05 114.00         0.000        18.005      53.474    2.531   53.534      16.71        568.05 115.00          0.000        18.005      53.519    2.705   53.588      17.89        E68.05 16.00         0.000        18.005      53.568    2.879   53.645      19.08        568.05 17.00          0.000        18.005      53.639    3.052   53.706      20.26        568.05 18'00.
           .         0.000        18.005      53.673    3.223   53.770      21.44        568.05
19.00- 2.000 18.005 53.731 3.394 53.838 22.61 568.05 20.00' 2.000 18.005 53.791 .3.564 53.909 23.79 568.05.

21'.00 2.000 18.005 53.854 3.733 53.983' 24.96 568.05 22.00- 2.000 -18.005 53.920 3.900 54.061 26.14 568.05 23.00' 2.000 18.005 53.989 4.067 54.142 27.31 568.05 24.00 -2,000 18.005 54.061 4.232 54.227 28.48 568.05 25.00 2;000 18.005 54.136 4.39C 54.314 29.64 568.05 26.00 2,000' 18.005 54.214 4.558 54.405 30.81 568.05 27.00 2.000 18.005 54.294 4.719 54.499 31.97 568.05 28.00 2.000 18.005 54.377 4.879 54.596 33.13 568.05 29.00 2.000 18.005 54.464 5.037 54.696 34.28 568.05 30.00 .2.000 18.005 54.552 5.194 54.799 35.44 568.05 31.00 2.000 18.005 54.644 5.349 54.905 36.59 560.05 32.00 2.000 18.005 54.738 5.503 55.014 37.74 568.05 33.00 2.000 18.005 54.835 5.655 55.126 38.89 568.05 34.00 2.000 18.005 54.935 5.805 55.240 40.03 568.05 35.00- 2.000 :18.005- 55.037 5.953 55.358 41.17 568.05 36.00 '2.000 18.005 55.141 6.100 55.478 42.31 568.05 37.00 2.000 18.005 55.249 6.245 55.600 43.45 568.05 38.00- 2.000 18.005 55.358 6.387 55.726 44.58 568.05 39.00 2.000 18.005 55.472 6.528 55.853 45.71 568.05 40.'00 2.000 18.005 55.585 -6.667 55.984 46.84 568.05 41.00 2.000 18.005 55.702 6.804 56.116 47.96 568.05 42,00 2.000 18.005 55.822 6.939 56.252 49.09 568.05 43.00 2.000 18.005 55.944~ 7.072 56.389 50.20 568.05 ,. 44.00 2.000 18.005 56.068 7.202 56.528 51.32 568.05 !! :45.00 2.000 18.005 56.194 7.331 56.670 52.43 568.05 !' 46.00 2.000 18.005 56.323 7.457 56.814 53.54 568.05

47.00 2.000 18.005 56.453 7.581 56.960 54.65 568.05

, .48.00- 2.000 .18.005 56.586 7.702 57.108 55.75 568.05 [ ~49.00 2.000 18.005 56.721 7.822 57.258 56.85 568.05 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

l H7.OUT Page 3 7 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-12-1998 11:56:00 Page 3 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 50.00 2.000 18.005 56.858 7.939 57.410 57.95 568.05 51.00 2.000 18.005 56.997 8.053 57.564 59.04 568.05 52.00 2.000 18.005 57.139 8.165 57.719 60.13 568.05 53.00 2.000 18.005 57.282 8.275 57.876 61.22 568.05 54.00 2.000 18.005 57.426 8.382 58.635 62.30 568.05 55.00 2.000 18.005 57.573 8.486 58.195 63.38 568.05 56.00 2.000 18.005 57.722 8.588 58.357 64.46 568.05 57.00 2.000 18.005 57.872 8.687 58.520 65.54 568.05 58.00 2.000 18.005 58.024 8.784 58.685 6C.61 568.05 59.00 2.000 18.005 58.178 8.878 58.851 67.68 568.05 60.00 2.000 18.005 58.333 8.969 59.018 68.74 568.05 1 61.00 2.000 18.005 58.490 9.058 59.187 69.80 568.05 l 62.00 2.000 18.413 58.646 8.872 59.314 70.60 566.39 63.00 2.000 18.981 58.798 8.567 59.419 71.29 564.07 l 64.00 2.000 19.549 58.945 8.313 59.529 72.03 561.76  ! 65.00 2.000 20.117 59.087 8.000 59.626 72.71 559.44 I 66.00 2.000 20.683 59.224 7.684 59.720 73.39 557.13 67.00 2.000 21.249 59.355 7.421 59.817 74.13 554.81 68.00 2.000 21.814 59.482 7.098 59.904 74.81 552.50 j 69.00 2.000 22.379 59.603 6.773 59.986 75.48 550.18 3 70.00 2.000 22.942 59.718 6.500 60.071 76.21 547.86 71.00 2.000 23.505 59.828 6.169 60.145 76.89 545.55 72.00 2.000 24.067 59.933 5.835 60.216 77.56 543.23 73.00 2.000 24.629 60.032 5.552 60.288 78.28 540.92 74.00 2.000 25.189 60.125 5.213 60.351 78.96 538.60 75.00 2.000 25.749 60.213 4.871 60.410 79.62 536.29 76.00 2.000 26.307 60.295 4.580 60.469 80.34 533.97 77.00 2.000 26.865 60.371 4.233 60.520 81.01 531.66 78.00 2.000 27.422 63.442 3.883 60.567 81.68 529.34 79.00 2.000 27.978 60.507 3.585 60.613 82.39 527.03 80.00 2.000 28.533 60.566 3.231 60.652 83.05 524.71 81.00 2.000 29.087 60.619 2.874 60.687 83.71 522.40 82.00 2.000 29.640 60.666 2.569 60.721 84.42 520.08 83.00 2.000 30.192 60.708 2.208 60.748 85.08 517.76 84.00 2.000 30.743 60.743 1.846 60.771 85.74 515.45 85.00 2.000 31.293 60.772 1.535 60.791 86.45 513.13 86.00 2.000 31.842 60.795 1.168 60.806 87.10 510.82 87.00 2.000 32.390 60.812 0.800 60.817 87.75 508.50 88.00 2.000 32.337 60.823 0.483 60.825 88.46 506.19 89.00 2.000 33.458 60.828 0.112 60.828 89.11 503.98 90.00 2.000 33.460 60.829 0.106 60.830 90.10 503.97 91.00 2.000 33.437 60.831 0.106 60.831 91.10 304.07 92.00 2.000 32.893 60.830 -0.212 60.830 91.80 506.37 93.00 2.000 32.346 60.822 -0.635 60.825 92.40 508.69 94.00 2.000 31.798 60.808 -0.950 60.816 93.10 511.00 95.00 2.000 31.249 60.789 -1.263 60.802 93.81 513.32 96.00 2.000 30.699 60.763 -1.682 60.786 94.41 515.63 97.00 2.000 30.148 60.731 -1.991 60.763 95.12 517.95 l 98.00 2.000 29.596 60.693 -2.298 60.736 95.83 520.27 99.00 2.000 29.043 60.649 -2.711 60.709 96.44 522.58 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

a r H7.OUTf Page 4 -i i 1 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse,ANSC 2.0 .(4/26/94) 12-12-1998 11:56:00 Pcga 4 Angle ~ Wall t . Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension i i 100'.00 2.000- 28.489 60.599 -3.014 60.674 97.15 524.90 i 101.00 2.000 27.933 60.543 -3.315 60.634- 97.86 527.21 i 102.00 2.000 27.377 60.481 -3.722 60.596 98.48 529.53 , 1103.00 2.000 26.820 60.414 - 4.018 60.547 99.19 531.84 104.00. -2'.000 26.263 60.341 {

                                                             -4.312   60.494        99.91                  534.16                ;

105.00 2.000 25 704 60.262 -4.712 60.446 100.53- 536.47 i 106;00 '2.000 25.144 60.177 -5.000 60.384 101.25 538.79  ! 107.00 2.000 24.584 60.087 -5.286 60.319 101.97 541.10 1 108.00 2.000 24.022 59.991 -5.679 60.259 102.59 543.42 i 109.00 2.000 23.460 59.889 - 5.959 60.185 103.32 545.73 110.00 2.000 22.897 59.782 - 6.236 60.107 104.04 548.05 1 111.00 2.000 22.334 59.670 -6.620 60.036 104.67 550.36 i 112.00 2.000 21.769 59.552 -6.892 59.949 105.40 552.68 113.00 2.000 21'.204 59.429 - 7.160 5.9.859 106.13 555.00 i 114.00 2.000 20.638 59.300 -7.535 59.777 106.76 557.31' I 115.00 2.000 20.071 59.167 -7.797 59.678 107.49 559.63 ' 116.00 2.000 19.504 59.028 -8.055 59.575 108.23 561.94 117.00 2.000 .18.936 58.884 -8.421 59.483 108.86 564.26 118.00 2.000 18.367 58.735 -8.673 59.371 109.60 566.57 119.00 2.000 17.836 58.581- -8.921 59.256 110.34 568.74 120.00 2.000 17.835 58.425 -8.833 59.089 111.40 568.74 l 121.00 2.000 17.835 58.271 - 8.743 58.924 112.47 568.74 I 122.00 2.000 17.835 58.119 -8.651 58.759 113.53 568.74 123.00 2;000' 17.835 57.968 -8.555 58.596 114.60 568.74

  -124.00            2.000        17.835   57.819           -

8.457 58.435 115.68 568.74 125.00 2.000 17,835 57.672 - 8.357 58.275 116,75 568.74 126.00 2.000 17.835 57.527 -8.254 58.116 117.83 568.74 127.00 2.000 17.835 57.383 { 8.148 57.959 118.92 568.74 ' 128.00 2.000 17.835 57.241 -8.040 57.803 120.00 568.74 i 129.00 2.000 17.835 57.102 -7.929 57.650 121.09 568.74 j 130'00 . 12.000 17.835 56.964 -7.816 57.497 122.19 568.74 131.00 2.000 17.835 56.828 -7.701 57.347 123.28 568.74 l 132.00. 2.000 17.835 56.694 -7.583 57.199 124.38 568.74 l

   .133.00           2.000        17.835   56.562           -7.463    57.052       125.48                  568.74 134.00            2.000        17.835   56.433           -7.341    56.908       126.59                  568.74 135.00            2.000-       17.835   56.305           ~

7.216 56.766 127.70 568.74 136.00 2.000 17.835 56.180 -7.089 36.625 128.81 568.74

 .137.00             2.000        17.835   56.057           - 6.960   56.487       129.92                  568.74 138.00            2.000        17.835   55.936           -6.829    56.351       131.04                  568.74
  ~ 139.00           2.000        17.835   55.817           -

6.696 56.218 132.16 568.74 140.00 2.000 -17.835 55.701 -6.561 56.086 133.28 568.74 141.00 2.000 17.835 55.587 -6.423 55.957 134.41 568.74 142.00' 2.000 17.835 55.'476 - 6.284 55.831 135.54 568,74 143.00 2.000 17.835 55.367 -6.143 55.707 136.67 Sr8.74 i

 '144.00             2.000'       17.835   55.261           -6.000    55.585       137.80                  563.74 145.00 ~

2.000 17.835 55.157 -5.855 55.467 138.94 568.74 146.00 2.000 17.835 55.055 -5.709 55.350 140.08 568.74 1??.00 2.'000- 17.835 54.957 - 5.560 55.237 141.22 568.74

 '148.00             2.000-       17.835   54.860           -5.410    55.126       142.37                  568.74 149.00            2.000        17'.835  54.767           -5.258    55.013       143.51                  568.74 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

g, -- -- 7 ,- - - - --

, H7.OUT Page 5 Arbit'rary. Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-12-1998 :11:56:00 Pcgn 5 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 150'.'00 2.000 17.835 54.676 -5.105 54.914 144.66 568.74 1151.00 2.000 17.835 54.588 -4.950 54.812 145.82 568.74 152.00 2.000 17.835 54.502 -4.794 54.712 146.97 568.74 153.00 2.000 17.835 54.419 -4.636 54.616 148.13 568.74 154.00 2.000 17.835 54.339 -4.476 54.523 149.29 568.74 155.00. 2.000 17.835 54.262 -4.316 54.433 150.45 568.74 156.00 2.000 17.835 54.188 -4.154 54.347 151.62 568.74 157.00 -2.000 17.835 54.116 -3.990 54.263 152.78 568.74 158.00 2.000 17.835 54.048 -3.826 54.183 153.95 568.74 159.00 2.000 17.835 53.982 -3.660 54.106 155.12 568.74 160.00 2.000 17.835 53.919 -3.493 54.032 156.29 568.74 161.00 :2.000 17.835 53.859 -3.326 53.961 157.47 568.74 162.00 0.000 17.835 53.802 -3.157 53.894 158.64 568.74 163.00 0.000 17.835 53.748 -2.987 53.831 159.82 568.74 164.00 0.000 17.835 53.697 -2.816 53.770 161.00 568.74 165.00 0.000 17.835 53.648 -2.644 53.714 162.18 568.74 166.00 .0.000 17.835 53.603 -2.472 53.660 163.36 568.74 167'.00 0.000 17.835 53.561 -2.299 53.611 164.54 568.74 168.'00 0.000 17.835 53.522 -2.125 53.564 165.73 568.74

  ~169.00. 0.000       17.835    53.486  -1.950   53.522      166.91        568.74 170.00      0.000.      17.835   53.453   -1.775   53.483      168.10        568.74
  ~171.00-     0.000       17.835   53.423   -1.599   53.447      169.28        568.74 172.00-     0.000       -17.835  53.396   -1.423   53.415      170.47        568.74 173.00                                                                                      )

0.000' 17.835 53.373 -1.246 53.38'/ 171.66 568.74 l 174.00 0.000. 17.835 53.352 -1.069 53.363 172.85 568.74  ! 175.00 0.000 '17.835 53.334 -0.892 53.342 174.04 568.74

  ~ 176.00     0.000       17.835                                                              {

53.320 -0.714 53.325 175.23 568.74 J 177.00 0.000 17.835 53.309 -0.536 53.311 176.42 568.74  ; 178.00- 0.000- 17.835 53.300 -0.358 53.301 177.61 568.74  ! 179.00 0.000 17.835 53.295 -0.180 53.295 178.81 568.74 { 180.00 0.000 17.835 53.293- -0.001 53.293 180.00 568.74 j 181.00 0.000 17.835 53.294 0.177 53.294 181.19 568.74 i 182.00 0.000 17.835 53.298 0.355 53.299 182.38 568.74 I

183.00 0.000 17.835 53.306 0.533 53.308 183.57 568.74 l 184'00 0.000 17.835 - 53.316 0.711 53.321- 184.76 568.74 I 185.00 0.000 17.835 53.329 0.889 53.337 185.95 568.74 186.00 0.000 17.835 53.346 1.066 53.357 187.15 568.74 187.00 0.000 17 835 4 53.366 1.244 53.380 188.33 568.74
 .188.00-     "O.000       17.835   53.388    1.420   53.407      189.52        568.74         ,

189.00 0.000 17.835 53.414 1.597 53.438 190.71 568.74 j 390.00 0.000 17.835 53.443 1.773 53.473 191.90 568.74 l 191.00. 0,000 17.835 53.475 1.948 53.511 193.09 568.74 j 192.00 0'000'

                   .      -17.835   53.520. 2.123   53.552      194.27        568.74         ;

0.000- 17.835 53.548 2.297 53.598 195.46 568.74 194,00 l 0.000 17.835~ 53.590 2.471 53.646 196.64 568.74  ; 195.00 0.000 -17.835 53.634 2.643 53.699 197.82 568.74 i 196.00 0.000 17.835 53.681 2.815 53.755 199.00 568.74 197.00- 0.000' ~17.835 53.731 2.986 53.814 200.18 568.74 198.00- 0.000 17.835 53.784 3.156 53.877 201.36 568.74

199.00- 2.000 17.835 53.840 3.326 53.943 202.53 568.74 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.


H7.OUT? Page 6 l
   ; Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-12-1998-           11:56:00
    ;Pcgas 6                                                                                                                       ,

Angle- Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 200.00- -2.000 17.835 53.899 3.494 54.012 203.71' 568.74  ! , '201.00 2.000 17.835 53.961 3.661 54.085 204.88 568.74

   '202.'00           2.000              17.835                   54.026      3.827  54.162      206.05                    568.74
   ~203.00-           2.000-            17.835                    54.094      3.992' 54.241     '207.22                    568.74  ,

c204.00 -2.000 17.~835 54.165 4.156 54.324 208.39 568.74  ; 205.00. 2.000 17.835 54.238 4.318 54.410 209.55 568.74 206100. -2.000 17.835 54.314 4.479 54.499 210.71 568.74 207.00 2.000 17.835 54.393 '4.639 54.591 211.87 568.74 > 1208.00 2.000 17.835 54.475- 4.797 54.686- 213.03 568.74

   -209.00,           2.000-            17.835                    54.560      4.954  54.784      214.19                    568.74  ;

210.00 2.000 17.835 54.647 5.110 54.886 215.34 568.74 211.00 2,000 17.835 54.737 ~ 5.264 54.990 216.49 568.74 212.00 2.000 17.835 54.830 5.416 55.097 217.64 568.74 213.00 2.000 17.835 54.925 5.566 55.207 218.79 568.74 214.00: 2.000 l 17.835 55.023 5.715 55.319 219.93 568.74 ,

   .215.00           2.000              17.835                    55.124      5.863  55.435      221.07                    568.74  .

216.00 2.000 17.835 55.227 6.008 55.553 222.21 568.74 1 217.00. 2.000 17.835 55.333 6.152 55.674 223.34 568.74

   .218.00           2.000'             17.835                    55.441     .6.293  55.797      224.48                    568.74  i 219.00           2.000              17.835                    55.552      6.433  55.923      225.61                    568.74
   -220.00           2.000.             17.835                    55.665      6.571  56.051      226.73                    568.74 221.00           2,000                                                                                                         [

17.835 55.780 6.707 56.182 227.86 568.74 222.00 2.000 17.835 55.898 6.841 56.315 228,98 568.74 223.00 '2.000 -17.835 56.018 6.973 56.450 230.10 568.74 224.00' 2.000. .17.835 56.140 7.102 56.588 231.21 568.74 225.00 2.000- 17.835 56.265- 7.230 56.727 232.32 568.74 226.00 2.000 17.835 56.392 7.355 56.869 233.43 568.74 227.00 2.000 17.835 56.520 7.478 57.013 234.54 568.74 228.00- 2.000 17.835 56.652~ 7.599 57.159 235.64 568.74

  .229.00-           2.000              17.835                    56.785      7.718  57.307      236.74                    568.74 230.00           2.000:             17.835                    56.920      7.834  57.457     237.84                     568.74 231.00           2.000              17.835                    57.057      7.947  57.608      238.93                    568.74 232.00           2.000              17.835                    57.196      8.059  57.761     240.02                     S68.74 233.00'          2.000              17.835                    57.338     .8.168  57.916     241.11                     568.74 2 3 4 .~ 0 0     2.000              17.835                    57.481      8.274  58.073     242.19                     568.74  -
  ;235.00            2.000              17.835                    57.625      8.378  58.231     243.27                     568.74 236.00           2.000              17.835                    57.772      8.480  58.391     244.35                     568.74 237.00           2.000              17.835                    57.920-     8.578  58.552     245.42                     568.74 238.00-          ~2.000              17.835                    58.071      8.675  58.715     246.50                     568.74
  -239.00            2.'000             17.835                    53.222      8.768' 58.879     247.56                     568.74   1
  ?240.00-           2.000             :17.835                    58.376      8.859  59.044     248.63                     568.74 1241.00            2.000              17.847                    58.531      8.947  59.211     249.69                     568.69
                    '2.000 i
242.001 ~18.413 58.684 8.650 59.318 250.39 566.39 l
  '243.00            2.000              18.981                    58.832      8.344  59.421     251.07                     564.07
  -244.00           ,2.000              19.549                    58.975-     8.089  59.527     251.81                     561.76    l 245.00            2.000              20.117                    59.113      7.776  59.622     252.49                     559.44
246.00- 2.000 20.683 59.246 '7.460 59.713 253.18 557.13  ;

247.00 2.000 21.249 59.373 7.196 59.808 253.91 554.81 1 248.00 2.000 21.814 59.495 6.874 59.891 254.59 552.50  ; 249.00 F 000 22.379 59.612- 6.548 59.971 255.27 550.18 I f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

 ,    __        .     - __.              -    .__     - _ . ..        _ ___             _ . _ . . . _   . . _ .   . _ _ ~

LH7.OUT, i Page 7 l l Arbitrary Net Section Co? apse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-12-1998 11:56:00

Pago 7 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' .Pb, max AngleMax A tension 250.00' 2.000 22.942 59.724 6.275 60.053 256.00 547.86 251.00 2.000. 23.505 59.830 5.943 60.125 255.67 545.55
 '252.00       2.000          24.067-       59.931         5.609            60.193     257.35            543.23 253.00      2.000          24.629-       60.026         5.327            60.262     258.07            540.92 254.00'     2.000          25.189        60,115         4.988            60.322     258.74            538.60 255.00^     2.000          25.749        60.199         4.646            60.378     259.41            536.29 256.00      2.000          26.307        60.277         4.356            60.435     260.13            533.97               i 257.00     '2.000          26.865        60.350         4.009            60.483     260.80            531.66               l 258.00-     2.000          27.422        60.417         3.659            60.527     261.47            529.34 259.00      2.000         27.978         60.478         3.362            60.571     262.18            527.03 260.00      2.000         28.533         GO.533         3.008            60.607     262.84            524.71 261.00      2.000          29.087        60.582         2.652            60.640     263.51            522.40 262.00     2.000          29.640         60.625         2.348            60.671     264.22            520.08 263.00      2.000         30.192         60.663         1.988            60.695     264.88            517.76             .i 264.00      2.000         30.743         60.694         1.626            60.716     265.53            515.45               l 265.00     2.000         -31.293         60.719         1.315            60.734     266.24            513.13               '

266.00 2.000 31.842 60.739 0.950 60.746 266.90 510.82

267.00- 2.000- 32.390' 60.752 0.583 60.755 267.55 508.50  !

268.00 2.000 32.937 60.759 0.267 60.-759 268.25 506.19 j 269.00 2.000~ 33.458 60.760' -0.103 60.760 268.90 503.98 .! 270.00 271.00 2.000' 2.000 33.460 33.460 60.758 -0.1'07 60.758 269.90 503.97 j 60.756 -0.107 60.756 270.90 _ 503.97.

-272.00       2.000-         33.111~        60.753     -0.318               60.754     271.70            505.45 273.00     2.000          32.565         60.744     -0.634               60.747     272.40            507.76 274.00-    2.000          32.017         60.729     -1.054               60.738     273.00            510.08 275.00     '2.000         31.469         60'708
                                                .      -1.367               60.724     273.71            512.39
 -276.00-     2.000          30.919         60.681     -1.677               60.704     274.42            514.71               l 277.00'    2.000          30.368         60.648     -2.093               60.684     275.02            517.02               '

278.00 2.000 29.817 60.609 -2.399 60.656 275.73 519.34 279.00 2.000 29.264 60.564 -2.704 60.624 276.44 521.65 1 280.00 2.000 28.710 60.513 -3.113 60.593 277.05 523.97

-281.00       2.000          28.156         60.456     -3.413               60.552     277.77            526.29 282.00     2,000          27.600         60.393     -3.711-              60.507     278.48            528.60 283.00     2.000          27.043         60.325     -4.114               60.465     279.10            530.92 284.00     2.000-         26.486         60.250     -4.407               60.411     279.82            533.23               l 285.00     2.000          25.927         60.170     -4.697               60.353     280.54            535.55               i 286.00     2.000          25.368         60.085     -5.093               60.300     281.15            537.86               l 287.00     2.000          24.808         59.993     -5.378               60.234     281.88            540.18 288.00     2.000          24.247-        39.896     -5.660               60.163     282.60            542.49
'289.00       2.000          23.685        -59.794     -6.048               60.099     283.22            544.81               ;

290.00 2.000 23.123 59.686 -6.324 60.020 253.95 547.12 1291.00 2.000 22.559 59.573- -6.597 59.937. 284,68 549.44

-292.00-      2.000'         21.995         59.454     -6.977               59.862     285.31            551.75 293 00. 2.000          21~~. 4 3 0    59.330     -7.244               59.771     286.04            554.07               ,
-294.00       2.000         :20.864'        59.201     -7.508               59.675     286.77            556.39.

295.00 2.000 20.298 59.066 -7.879 59.589 287.40 558.70 296.00 2.000 :19.731 58.927 -8.136 59.485 288.14 561.02-297.00- 2.000 19.163 58.782' -8.389 59.377 288.88 563.33

-298.00       2.000          18.595         58.632     -8.750               59.281     289.51            565.65 299.00     2.000-         18.026         58.477     -8.997               59.165     290.25            567.96' h StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.
                               .s                                   _                       _                     _
           , --- ~ . - - -                           . _ -. -              - --          --    - - .           . . - . .    . - _ -

E ,

  'H7'OUTL Page             8 Arbitrary Net 'Section Collapse JUTSC 2.0 (4/26/94).

j < 12-12-1998: 11':56:00-Paga. 8

         ' Angle' Wall t                     Delta          Pb,x'-    Pb,y'        Pb, max AngleMax       A tension

,_ 300.00 2.000 18.005 58.320 -8.908 58.997 291.31 568.05  ; 301.00~ 2.000 18.005 58.165 -8.817 58.830 292.38 568.05 l 302.00 L2.000 18.005 58.012 -8.722 58.664 293.45 568.05 l

    '303.001             '2.000         18.005        57.860        -8.625       .58.499     294.52           568.05                    1 304.00                2.000'       18.005      '57.710         -8.526        58.336     295.59           568.05                    l
     '305.00               2.000      -18.005         57.561        -8.424       58.174      296.67           568.05 306.00                2.000       ,18.005      157.415         -8.319       58.014      297.75           568.05 307.00             .2.000'         18.005        57.270       .-8.212       57.856      298.84           568.05 308.00                2.000-      '18.005      '57.127         -8.102       57.699      299.93           568.05
    ~309.00-               2.000        18.005        56.986        -7.990       57.544      301.02           568.05-310.00-               2.000       '18.005        56.847        -7.875       57.390      302.11           568.05 L     311.00               2.000        -18.005        56.710        -7.758       57.239      303.21           568.05
    .312.00              .2.000         18.005       56.576         -7.639       57.089      304.31           568.05 313.00               2.000         18.005       56.443         -7.517       56 941      305.41           568.05 314.00               2.000         18.005     -56.312         -7.393        56.796      306.52           568,05 315.00               2.000         18.005       56.184        -7.266        56.652      307.63         .568.05 L     316.00'              2.000         18.005       56.058        -7.138        56.510      308.74           568.05 I     317.00'              2.000         18.005       55.934        -7.007        56.371      309.86           568.05 318,00               2.000         18.005       55.812        -6.874        56.234      310.98           568.05 319.00               2.000         18.005       55.693        -6.739        56.099      312.10           568.05
    '320.00               2.000         18.005       55.576        -6.602        55.967      313.22           568.05
    ~321.00L              2.000         18.005L      55.462        -6.463        55.837      314.35          568.05 322.00             .2.000          18.005       55.350        -6.322        55.709      315.48           568.05 323.00'              2.000         18.005       55.240        -6.179        55.584      316.62          568.05 324.00               2.000         18.005       55.133        -6.034        55.462      317.75-         568.05
   -325;00               2.000          18.005       55.028        -5.887        55.342      318.89          568.05
    '326.00               2.000         18.005       54.926        -5.739        55.225      320.03           568.05 327.00              2.000.         18.005       54.827        -5.588        55.111      321.18          568.05
    '328.00              2.000.         18.005       54.730        -5.436        55.000      322.33          568.05 l     329.00-            -2.000          18.005       54.636        -5.283        54.891      323.48          568.05                   .j 330;00              2.000          18.005       54.545        -5.128        54.786      324.63          568.05                     l 331.00              2.000.       ;18.005-       54.457        -4.971.       54.683      325.78          568.05                     !

332.00 2.000 -18.005 54.371 -4.812 54.583 326.94 568.05. j 333.00 2.000 18.005 54.288 -4.652 54.487 328.10 568.05 j

334.00 2.000 18.005 54.207 -4,491 54.393 329.26 568.05  ;

335.00 .2.000- 18.005 54.130 -4.329 54.303 330.43- .568.05 J336.00 2.000 18.005 54.055 -4.165 _54.215 331.59 568.05 j 337.00 2.000 18.005 53.984 -3.999 54.132' 332.76 .568.05 l 338.00 2.000 18.005 '53.915 -3.833 54.051 333.93 568.05 l

339.00 '2.000 18.005- 53.849 -3.665 53.973 335.10 568.05 340.00 -2,000 18.005 53.786 -3.496 53.899 336.28 568.05 l 1341.00 .2.000 18.005 53.726 -3.327 53.829 337.46 568.05 342.00 0.000 18.005 53.669 -3.156 53.762 338.63 568.05  :
343.00 0.000 I18.005 53.615 -2.984 53.698 339.81 568.05 i
   '344.00               0.000-        18.0051       53.564        -2.811        53.637      340.99          568.05 345.00-              0'.000        18.005        53.516        -2.637        53.581      342.18          568.05                     1 346.00             .0.000-         18.005-       53.471        -2.463        53.527      343.36          568.05
   ,347.00.              0.000         18.005        53.429        -2.288        53.478      344.55          568.05 l     348.00              0.000'        18.005        53.390        -2.112        53.432      345.73          568.05 0'000 349.00                   .         18.005-       53.354        -1.935        53.389      346.92          568.05 i

f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

V lH7.OUT- Page- 9 i Arbitrary Net 'Section Collapse ANSC 2.0-(4/26/94)

                         -11:56':01 Pege    9?
          . Angle. Wall t          Delta       Pb,x'       Pb,y'  Pb, max AngleMax         A tension

, 350.00 0.000 18.005 .53.321' -1.758 53.350 348.11 568'.05

  . 351.00       0.000       18.005      53.292       -1.581  53.315     349.30           568.05 352.00       0.000       18.005      53.265       -1.402  53.284     350.49           568.05

( 353.00' O.000 18.005 53.242 -1.224 53.256 351.68 568.05 ' 354'.-00 -0.000 '18.005 53.222 -1.045 53.232 352.87 568.05 355.00 0.000 18.005 53.205- -0.865 53.212 354.07 568.05

356.00 0.000 18.005 53.191 -0.686 53.195 355.26 568.05
   '357.00          0.000      '18.'005     $3.180       -0.506  53.182     356.45           568.05

! 358=.00 0,000 18.005 53.172 -0.326 53.173 357.65 568.05 359.00' 'O.000 '18.005 53.167 -0.146 53.168 358.84 568.05 MINIMUM . STRESS . (Pb, x' ) = 53.166 AT 0.00 DEGREES

         ~ MINIMUM TOTAL STRESS ~ (Pb, max)     =   53.166    AT     0.04 DEGREES 1

i l t j i I l


i 6 l , h.StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc. l L i; . __ , - - . , ._ -

i l

                                                                              . APPENDIX B Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Evaluation -

of Through-wall Flaws l I l-i i I i t. l' I e 1 1 I 1

                                                                                                                                                                             'I 4
 -     ' . (;,


                                                                                                                                                                              -a 1

SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 B-1 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc. . i 1 l

 - .. . - - - . - . . ~ .                           ..  .---- . . ~ . - , - - . .~.. _ - - -.-

I The classical equation for applied stress intensity factor in an infinite through-wall flawed sheet is'given by: 3 i K = o5 where: o = applied remote stress, which is conservatively taken as the sum of pressure I l differential and bending mornent stresses from Table 1 a- = half the flaw length However, the value of "K" must be increased to account for curvature correction (Gm), the ) increase in remote stress due to the presence of other flaws not considered, and the effect of adjacent flaws, i In order to determine the effect of adjacent flaws, a less conservative approach than that

           - presented in the evaluation guidelines [3] is used. For three unequal length collinear flaws in an infinite sheet under a uniform tensile stress, the interaction effect, Ks/Ko, can be determined                              ,

using the methods presented by Rooke [8] Figure B-1 presents a graph of Ks/Ko based upon various Daw configurations. The results are presented in Table B-1. In order to account for the modelling of the actual cracked condition (which has several flaws) as a problem with only three flaws, the stress will be modified by a stress factor, A. The factor A is i

           ~ dependent upon the amount of material flawed and the amount of material flawed in the three                                 l crack problem. The use of a three crack model to simulate the actual cracked configuration is justified since LEFM failure is localized and cracks separated by significant distance do not interact. The factor A compensates for the presence of several flaws. The value used (A) is shown in Table B-2.                                                                                                         :

For curvature correction, G., Figure 4-3 of the evaluation guidelines [3] is utilized. For ai/ (Rt) " j equal to 7.82 for weld H3, G = 2.84. For ai/(Rt)i" equal to 3.78 for weld H4, Gm = 1.88. I The applied stress intensity factor for welds H3 (faulted condition) and H4 (upset condition) can then be calculated from the following: l K = (Ks/Ko)(A)(Gm)(c)]xa 3 l Kn3 = (1.2)(1.17)(2.84)(1.13) d(x)(112.01) = 85 ksid K n, = (2.0)(1.38)(1.88)(0.72) d(x)(54.08) = 49 ksid , i  ! SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 B-2 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc. 1' . - . . - . - . . - ..

Table B-1 Flaw Interaction Effects' Weld Designation 2ai 2a2- Bi aiki a2%i Ks/Ko 2 H3. 125.15' 45.52* 92.05* 0.68 0.25 1.2-H4 60.42' 56.24*' 35.21' O.86 0.80 2.0 Notes: 1. See Appendix A for flaw data.

2. Values bound other flaw configurations.

1 i 1 I i l i SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 B-3 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.


g - s a 4 x s .- s...a e --n=,s...._e as, s.- ag..s u4.u_. - s n .sw , ...n. ., ...u., a .n ~ ,a- . .-s x s ,w x .,- u s. na e ns n . = u s s +4 m L ) l Table B-2 Stress Increase Factors i Total Cross- Total Total Stress L Weld Area of Flaws l Designation Remaining Unflawed Increase Evaluated Area Area Area, Factor (A) H3 1288.84 in.2 773.98 in.2 514.86 in.2 331.37 in.2 1.17 t H4' 1288.84 in.2 619.00 in.2 669.84 in.2 313.47 in.2 1.38 _ ) Notes: 1. From Appendix A.

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      - SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 -                                                B-4                                   StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.
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10 . . . . . N 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 o.8 ai/b1 ob m. f StructuralIntegrityAssxiates,Inc.

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1: APPENDIX C New Initiation Study Using Limit Load Techniques. Basis for Analyses:

1. All reported indications are increased in length at each end by five cycles of crack growth (4 inches), using a crack growth rate of 5 x 10-5 inches / hour, and by the UT length sizing uncertainty shown in Tables 4 and 5, as appropriate. j
2. All unflawed areas are assumed instantaneously flawed after the last inspection, and increased in depth by five cycles of crack growth (1.76 inches), using a crack growth rate -

of 2.2 x 10'8 inches / hour.

3. All areas not examined, or reported with flaws, are assumed to be flawed through-wall, and increased in length as stated above.
  -4. Flaws increased in length per Note 1 will be combined if closer than 4 inches (twice the shroud thickness) apart [3).



1 l i i l i SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 C-1 f StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

 ,   ,          ,      ,        .- . . - - .           _ - - ~ . ~ . - = -            _ . ~     . -   . - . . . - . - .        . . - - - . - . . - . -

[ H310.OUT Page 1 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse-ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 1 12-19-1998 15:17:05 i Paga 1-DESCRIPTION::

          -Peach Bottom, Unit.3 Reinspection Study Weld H3          --

10 Years of. Crack Growth ' Crack assumed to take compression across face RADIUS (IN) = - 102.5625 WALL THICKNESS ~(IN) = 2 l' TENSION STRESS = 0.790 KSI- l MATERIAL' FLOW' STRESS = 50.700 KSI ' ANGLE FOR MOMENT ITERATION = 1 FLAWS DEFINED = 15 (AS FOLLOWS) 1 ANGLES: 0.0000 TO 18.3300 (DTHETA = 18.330)' DEPTH'(IN) = 2.000 . 2 ANGLES: 18.3300 TO 51.4700 (DTHETA = 33.140) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 3' ANGLES: 51.4700 TO '65.1800 (DTHETA = 13.710) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 4 ANGLES: 65.1800 TO 102.4700 (DTHETA = 37.290) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 5 ANGLES: 102.4700 TO 112.9300- (DTHETA~=- 10.460) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000

         '6-ANGLES:                112.9300         TO-    141.3200          (DTHETA =                  DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 7' ANGLES:              141.3200         TO     191.4300          (DTHETA =      28.390) ~ DEPTH (IN) 50.110)                        =  2.000                    .

8 ANGLES: 191.4300 TO 200.4800 (DTHETA = 9.050) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760  !

9. ANGLES: 200.4800 TO 235.3800 (DTHETA = 34.900) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 [

10: ANGLES: 235.3800 TO 238.1900 (DTHETA = 2.810) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 j 11' ANGLES: 238.1900~TO 253.0500 (DTHETA = 14.860) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000  ? 12 ANGLES: -253.0500 TO 295.9500 (DTHETA = 42.900) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 , 13 ANGLES: 295.9500 TO 328.0500 (DTHETA = 32.100) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000

14. ANGLES: 328.0500 TO 345.9900- (DTHETA = 17.940) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 .
       '15 ANGLES:                345.9900 TO              360.0000 ~ (DTHETA =             14.010) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 TOTAL. AREA (IN2) ~
                                                                           =   1288 838 REMAINING DEGRADED SECTION AREA (IN2) = 73.68707 (APPROX. DEGRADED METAL AREA = 73.68696 )

Program Output: Angle'= Angle that . tension-to-compression axis x' is rotated t =: Thickness in wall at position corresponding to angle delta'=. Distance'from center to' tension-to-compression axis Pb,x' =. Bending stress due to moment about tension-to-compression axis , Pb,y' = Bending stress due to moment perpendicular to tens./ comp, axis Pb, max: = . Maximum ' bending stress due to total _ limit moment Anglemax = Angle for total limit moment relative to original Y axis

   ~Atension =-Area of metal in tensionfor Case 2

h StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.


 .H310.OUT                                                           Page      2 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998   15:19:43 Prga 2 i

Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension  ! 0.00 0.000 101.688 4.993 0.815 5.059 9.28 73.69 1.00 0.000 .101.688 5.007 0.802 5.070 10.10 73.69 2.00 0.000 101.688 5.020 0.787 5.082 10.91 73.69 3.00 0.000 101.688 5.034 0.773 5.093 11.73 73.69 4.00 0.000 101.689 5.047 0.759 5.104 12.55 73.66 5.00 0.000 101.702 5.060 0.743 5.114 13.36 73.26 6.00 0.000 101.715 5.073 0.735 5.126 14.24 72.85 7.00 0.000 101.728 5.086 0.718 5.136 15.04 72.45 8.00 0.000 101.741 5.098 0.708 5.147 15.90 72.04 l 9.00 0.000 101.754 5.110 0.690 5.156 16.69 71.64 l 10.00 0.000 101.766 5.122 0.678 5.167 17.54 71.23 11.00 0.000 101.779 5.134 0.665 5.177 18.38 70.83  ; 12.00 0.000 101.791 5.145 0.644 5.195 19.14 70.42 i 13.00 0.000 101.804 5.156 0.630 5.194 19.97 70.02 14.00 0.000 101.810 5.167 0.608 5.202 20.71 69.80 15.00 0.000 101.810 5.177 0.586 5.210 21.46 69.80 l 16.00 0.000 101.810 5.187 0.564 5.218 22.20 69.80 l 17.00 0.000 101.810 5.197 0.541 5.225 22.94 69.80 i 18.00 0.000 101.810 5.206 0.518 5.232 23.69 69.80 1 19.00 0.240 101.803 5.215 0.500 5.239 24.48 70.05 20.00 0.240 101.790 5.223 0.479 5.245 25.23 70.46 21.00 0.240 101.778 5.231 0.465 5.252 26.08 70.86 22.00 0.240 101.765 5.239 0.444 5.258 26.84 71.27 23.00 0.240 101.753 5.247 0.423 5.264 27.61 71.67 24.00 0.240 101.740 5.254 0.411 5.270 28.48 72.08 25.00 0.240 101.727 5.261 0.392 5.276 29.26 72.48 26.00 0.240 101.714 5.268 0.380 5.281 30.13 72.89 27.00 0.240 101.701 5.274 0.362 5.286 30.92 73.30 28.00 0.240 101.688 5.280 0.351 5.292 31.81 73.69 29.00 0.240 101.688 5.286 0.332 5.297 32.60 73.69 30.00 0.240 101.688 5.292 0.313 5.301 33.39 73.69 31.00 0.240 101.688 5.297 0.294 5.305 34.18 73.69 32.00 0.240 101.688 5.302 0.275 5.309 34.97 73.69 1 33.00 0.240 101.688 5.306 0.256 5.312 35.76 73.69 34.00 0.240 101.688 5.310 0.237 5.316 36.55 73.69 35.00 0.240 101.688 5.314 0.218 5.319 37.35 73.69 36.00 0.240 101.688 5.318 0.198 5.321 38.13 73.69 37.00 0.240 101.688 5.321 0.179 5.324 38.92 73.69 38.00 0.240 101.688 5.324 0.159 5.326 39.71 73.69 39.00 0.240 101.688 5.326 0.140 5.328 40.50 73.69 40.00 0.240 101.688 5.328 0.120 5.330 41.29 73.69 41.00 0.240 101.688 5.330 0.101 5.331 42.08 73.69 42.00 0.240 101.688 5.332 0.081 5.332 42.87 73.69

43.00 0.240 101.688 5.333 0.061 5.333 43.66 73.69 44.00 0.240 101.688 5.334 0.042 5.334 44.45 73.69 45.00 0.240 101.688 5.334 0.022 5.334 45.23 73.69 46.00 0.240 101.688 5.334 0.002 5.334 46.02 73.69 47.00 0.240 101.688 5.334 -0.018 5.334 46.81 73.69 48.00 0.240 101.690 5.333 -0.037 5.334 47.60 73.64 49.00 0.240 101.703 5.332 -0.057 5.333 48.38 73.24 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

t H310.OUT Page 3 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse A3' SC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-19-1998 15:19:43 Page 3 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 50.00 0.240 101.716 5.331 -0.071 5.332 49.24 72.83 51.00 0.240 101.727 5.330 -0.092 5.331 50.01 72.48 52.00 0.000 101.727 5.328 -0.113 5.329 50.78 72.48 53.00 0.000 101.727 5.326 -0.134 5.328 51.56 -\ 72.48 54.00 0.000 101.727 5.323 -0.155 5.326 52.33 72.48 55.00 0.000 101.727 5.320 -0.176 5.323 53.10 72.48 56.00 0.000 101.727 5.317 -0.198 5.321 53.87 72.48 57.00 0.000 101.727 5.313 -0.219 5.318 54.64 72.48 58.00 0.000 101.727 5.309 -0.239 5.315 55.42 72.48 59.00 0.000 101.727 5.305 -0.260 5.311 56.19 72.48 1 60.00 0.000 101.727 5.300 -0.281 5.308 56.96 72.48 } 61.00 0.000 101.727 5.295 -0.302 5.304 57.74 72.48 62.00 0.000 101.727 5.290 -0.322 5.300 58.51 72.48 _ 63.00 0.000 101.723 5.284 -0.341 5.295 59.31 72.60 64.00 0.000 101.710 5.278 -0.352 5.290 60.18 73.01 65.00 0.000 101.697 5,271 -0.371 5.284 60.97 73.41 66.00 0.240 101.694 5.265 -0.384 5.279 61.83 h 73.51 67.00 0.240 101.707 5.258 -0.403 5.273 62.62 ' 73.10 ( 68.00 69.00 0.240 0.240 101.720 101.733 5.251 5.243

                                                   -0.415      5.267              63.48         72.70
                                                   -0.428      5.261              64'.34        72.29 70.00     0.240    101.746     5.235       -0.448      5.255              65.11         71.89 71.00     0.240    101.759     5.227       -0.461      5.248              65.95         71.48 7        72.00     0.240    101.771     5.219      -0.482       5.241              66.72         71.08 73.00     0.240    101.784     5.211       -0.4 9 /    5.234              67.55         70.67 71.00     0.240    101.796     5.202      -0.519       5.227              68.30 7L.00                                                                                   70.27 0.240    101.808     5.192      -0.534       5.220              69.12         69.56 76.00      0.240    101.821     5.183      -0.550      5.212               69.94         o9.46 77.00      0.240   101.833     5.173       -0.573      5.305               70.68         69.05 78.00     0.240    101.845     5.163       -0.590      5.196               71.46         68.65 79.00     0.240    101.857     5.152       -0.614      5.189               72.21 80.00                                                                                    68.24 0.240    101.865     5.141       -0.629      5.180               73.02         67.94 81.00     0.240    101.865     5.130       -0.646      5.171              73.83 82.00                                                                                    67.94 0.240    101.865     5.119       -0.661      5.161              74.63          67.94 83.00     0.240    101.865     5.107       -0.677      5.152              75.44          67.94 84.00     0.240    101.865     5.095       -0.693      5.142              76.25 85.00                                                                                    67.94 0.240    101.865     5.082       -0.708      5.132              77.07          67.94 86.00     0.240    101.865     5.070       -0.723      5.121              77.88          67.94 87.00     0.240    101.865     5.057       -0.738      5.111              78.69         67.94 88.00     0.240    101.865    5.044        -0.753      5.100              79.51 89.00                                                                                   67.94 0.240    101.865    5.031        -0.768      5.089               30.32        67.94 90.00     0.240    101.865    5.017        -0.782      5.077              82.14         67.94 91.00     0.240    101.865    5.003        -0.796      5.066              91.96         67.94 92.00     0.240    101.865    4.989        -0.910      5.054              82.78 93.00                                                                                   67.94 0.240    101.865    4.975        -0.823      5.042              83.60         67.94 54.00     0.240    101.865    4.960        -0.836      5.030              84.43 u3.00                                                                                   67.94

, 0.240 101.865 4.945 -0.849 5.018 85.25 67.94 56.00 0.240 101.865 4.930 -0.862 5.005 86.08 67.94 97.00 0.240 101.865 4.915 -0.875 4.992 86.91 67.94 98.00 0.240 101.865 4.900 -0.887 4.97F 87.74 67.94 99.00 0.240 101.865 4.884 -0.899 4.966 88.57 1 L 67.94 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

lH310'OUT-Page 4 Arbitrary' Net Section' Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94)


112-19-1998 15:19:43 Paga 4' Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 100.00 0.240 101.865 4.868 -0.910 4.952 ' 89.41 67.94 101.00 .0.240 101.865 4.852 -0.922 102.00 4.939 90.24 67.94 0.240 101.8G5 4.836 -0.933 4.925 91.08 67.94 103.00 0.000 101.865 4.819 -0.944 4.911 91.92 67.94 104.00 0.000 101.865 4.802 -0.954 4.896

   .105,00.                                                                                           92.76         67.94 0.000          101.865                                4.786     -0.964    4.882       93.61         67.94
106.00 0.000 101~.865 .4.769 -0.974 4.867 94.45 67.94 107.00 0.000 101.865 4.751 108;00
                                                                               -0.984-   4.852        95.30         67.94 0.000          101.865                                4.734    -0.993     4.837      96.15          67.94 109.00      0.000          101.865                                4.717    -1.002    4.822       97.00          67.94 110.00      0.000          101.857                                4.699    -1.018    4.808       97.77          68.24 111.00       0.000          101.845                                4.681    -1.026 112.00 4.792       98.64          68.65 0.000         101.833                                 4.663    -1.040    4.777       99.43 113.00                                                                                                          69.05 0.240         101.821                                 4.645    -1.046    4.761      100.31         69.46 114.00       0.240         101.808                                 4.626    -1.058    4.746      101.11         69.86 115.00       0.240         101.796                                4.608     -1.070 116.00 4.730      101.93         70.27 0.240         101.784                                 4.589    -1.073    4.713      102.84         70.67 117.00       0.240         101.771                                 4.570    -1.082    4.696      103.67         71.08 118.00       0.240         101.759                                4.551     -1.083    4.678      104.61         71.48 113.00       0.240         101.746                                4.532     -1.091    4.662      105.46         71.89 120.00       0.240         101.733                                4.513     -1.091    4.643      106.41 121.00                                                                                                          72.29 0.240         101.720                                4.494     -1.097    4.626      107.28 122.00                                                                                                          72.70 0.240          101.707                                4.474     -1.102    4.608      108.16 123.00                                                                                                          73.10 0.240          101.694                                4.455     -1.098    4.589      109.15 124.00     :0,240                                                                                               73.51 101.688                                4.436     -1.099    4.E70      110.09         73.69
 -125.00       0.240          101.688                                4.417     -1.103    4.552      110.98 c126.00                                                                                                           73.69 0.240        '101.688                                 4.397     -1.106    4.534      111.88 127.00                                                                                                          73.69 0.240          101.688                                4.378    -1.109     4.516     112.78 128.00                                                                                                          73.69 0.240          101.688                                4.358    -1.112    4.498      113.68-         73.69
 '129.00'      O.240          101.688                                4.339    -1.115    4.480      114.59          73.69
 ~130.00       0.'240        10; r*a                                 4.319    -1.117    4.461      115,50 131.00                                                                                                           73.69 0.?40         10;             d                       4.300    -1.119    4.443      116.42          73.69 132.00      'O.240         101.688                                 4.280    -1.120    4.424      117.33          73-.69 133.00       0.240         101.688                                 4.260    -1.121    4.405      118.25          73.69 134.00       0.240         101.688                                 4.241    -1.122    4.387      119.18          73.69
 .135.00       0.240         101.688'                                4.221    -1.122    4.358 136.00                                                                                           120.11          73.69 0.240         101.688                                 4.201    -1.123    4.349      121.04 137.00                                                                                                          73.69 0 240         101.688                                 4.182    -1.122    4.329      121.97         73.69 "138.00       0.240         101.688                                4.162-    -1.122    4.310      122.91         73. 9 139.00'      O.240         101.688                                4.142     -1.121    4.291      123.86         73.69 140.00       0.240         101.688                               4.122      -1.119    4.272      124.81         73.69 141.00       0.240         101.694                               4.103.     -1.118    4.252      125.76         73.51 142.00-      0.000-       -101.707                               4.083      -1.116-   4.233      126.71         73.10
143.00 0.000 .01.720 4.064 -1.108 4.212 127.75 72.70 144.00 0.000 103.733 4.045 -1.100 4.191 128.78 72.29 145.00' O.000 101.746 '4.025 -1.099 4.173 129.73 71.89
 '146.00      0.000         -101.759'                             4.006       -1.092    4.152      230.76         71.48 147.00       0.000          101.771                              3.987       -1.091    4.134 148;00                                                                                            131.69         71.08 0.000          101.784                              3.968       -1.084    4.113      132.72 149.00                                                                                                           70.67 0.000          101 796                       '3.949             -1.084    4.095      133.65         70.27

{ StructurnilategrityAssociates,Inc.

                        + ,        . _ _ - . . . . . . . .
       ,    . , ~ . . _ - _ _          4 .      . - . . _        _ _ _ _ . _ . . . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _

m' H310.OUT' Page 5 (Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 -(4/26/94)

12-19-1998- 15:19:43 j Paga. 5.

i t

           ' Angle .WallLt               . Delta             Pb,x,'                   Pb,y'                   Pb, max AngleMax      A tension        l 150.00           0.000-      101.808              3.930               -1.078                         4.075     134.66          69.86          !

151.00 10.000- 101.821 -3'.911 -1.071 4.055 135.68 69.46 1 152.00. 0.000 101.833 3.892 -l'.072 4.037 136.60 69.05 1153.00~ :0.000 101.845' 3.874 -1.067. 4.018- 137.61 '68.65

      '154'.00            0.000       101.857              3.855               -1~.068'                       4.000     138.52          68.24         l 155.00:          0.000       101.865             ;3.836               -1.061                         3.980     139.54          67.94          !

2 156.00' O.000 .101.865 3.818L -1.054 '3.961 140.57 67.94 f157.00 0.000  !' 101.865 3.799 -1.047 3.941 141.59 67.94 158.00 0.000 101.865 3.781 -1.040 3.921 142.62 67.94 159.00 0.000 101.865 3.763' .-1.032 3.902 143.66 67.94 160.00 0.000 -101.857 3.745 -1.031 3.884 144.60 68.22  :

161.00' O.000 101.845 3.727 -1.022' 3.865 145.66 68.63- l 162'.00 0.000- ;101.833' 3.709 -1.020 3.847 146.62 69.04
       '163.00            0.000-      101.821                                                                                                          l 3.691               -1.009                         3.827     147.71.         69.44          i 164.00            0.000       101.809              3.674               -1.005                         3.808     148.70          69.85
      .165.00             0.000'      101.797              3.656               -1.000                         3.790     149.70          70.25
      -166.00             0.000       101.784              3.639               -0.986                         3.770     150.83          70.66 167.00;           0.000    -101.772                3.621               -0.979                         3.752     151.87          71.06         j 168.00            0.000       101.759              3.604               -0.964                         3.731     153.03          71.47         i 169.00                                                                                                                                       j 0.000       101.746              3.588               -0.955.                        3.713     154.09          71.87 170.00            0.000       101.734              3.571               -0.938                         3.692     155.28          72.28         l
       -171'.00           0.000       101.721              3.555               -0.928                         3.674     156.37          72.68          f 172.00'           O.000       101.708'             3.539               -0.-917                        3.655     157.47          73.09' 173.00           -0.000       101.695              3.523                                                                                       l
                                                                               -0.897                         3.635     158.71          73.49          l 174.00-           0.000       101.688              3.507               -0.881                         3.616     159.90          73.69         1 175.00          .01000        101.688              3.492               -0.868                         3.598     161.03'         73.69          !

176.00 0.000 101.688 3.477 -0.856 3.580- 162.17 73.69  ; _ 177.00- 0.000, 101.688~ 3.462 -0.843 3.563 163.31 73.69  ; 178.00' O.000 101.688 3.447 -0.830 3.545 164.46 73.69 '

      -179.00-            0'.000-     101.688              3.432               -0.816                         3.528     165.62          73.69
      =180.00             0.000       101.688              3.418               -0.803                         3.511     166.78          73.69          ;

181.00- 0.000 101.688 3.404 -0.789 3.494 167.95 73.69

      '182.00                                                                                                                                          l
                        -0.000        101.688              3.390              -0.775                          3.478     169.13          73.69         !

183.00 0.000- 101.688 3.377 -0.761 3.462 170.31 73.69 184.00 .0.000 101.688 3.364 -0.746 3.445 171.49 73.69 185.00 _ 0.000 101.688 3.351 -0.731 3.430 172.69 73.69 j 186.00 0 000 101.688 3.338 -0.716 3.414 173.89 73.69 187.00 0.000 101.688 3.325 -0.701 3.399 175.10 73.69

      .188.00           -0.000        101.688              3.313              -0.C85                         3.383      176.31         73.69 189.00             0.000      101.688               3.301              -0.670                         3.369      177.53         73.69 190'.00           '0.000'      101.688              3.290              -0.654                         3.354      178.76         73.69
      .191.00           :0.000.       101.690              3.278              -0.636                         3.340      179.99         73e62 192.00             0.240       101.703              3.267.             -0.622-                        3.326      181.22          73.22 195.00.            0.240    -101.716.               3.257              -0.599                         3.311      182.57         72.81 194.00             0.240'     101.729               3.246              -0.584                         3.298      183.80         72.41 c fl95-.00                0.246      101.742               3 236              -0.562                         3.285      185.15          72.00 196.00'            O.240      101.755               3.226              -0.541                         3.271      186.49         71.60 197.00s            0.240'     101.768'              3.217~             -0.526                         3.260      187.73          71.19 198.00             0.240    --101.780               3.208              -0.506                         3.248      189.04          70.79 199.00:            0.240      101.793               3.199              -0.493                         3.237      190.24         70.38
 .                                 .i f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.
     ,   ~.          --          ,     .-      .- .- - ..           ..- ~         .- - - . - - - -           - - -

H310.OUT Page 6 i Arbitrary. Net Section Collapse ANSC.2.0 (4/26/94)  ! s12-19-1998 15i19:43 Pags 6 i Angle- Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 200.00 .0.240 101.805 3.191 -0.473 3.226 191.57 69.98 -

  .201.00       0.000         101.817      3.182-         -0.461   3.216         192.76               69.57 202.00'      O.000         101.829      3.175          -0.442   3.205         194.08               69.17         !

203.00 0.000' 101.841 3.167 -0.424 3.195' 195.38 68.76 i 204.00 0.000 101.853 3.160 -0.412 3.186 196.56 68.35

  .205.00'      0.000.        101.865      3.152          -0.395-  3.177         197.86               67.95 206.00       0.000         101.865      3.146          -0.377   3.168         199.17               67.94           l 207.00-    '0.000          101.865      3.139          -0.358   3.159         200.49               67.94         ;

208.00 0;000 101.865 3.133 -0.339 3.151 201.81 67.94 209.00 0.000 101.865 3.127 -0.321 3.143 203.14 67.94 , 210.00 0.000 101.865 3.122 -0.302 3.136 204.48 67.94 211.00 0.000 101.865 3'.116 -0.283 3.129 205.81 67.94  ! 212'.00 0.000 101.865 3.111 -0.264 3.123 207.15 67.94 l 213.00 0.000 -101.865 3.107 -0.245 3.117 208.50 67.94  ; 214.00 0.000 101.865 3.103 -0.225 3.111 209.85 67.94  ; 215.00 0.000 101.065 3.099 -0.206 3.106 211.20 67.94 I

 -216.00       0.000         -101.865      3.095          -0.187   3.101         212.55               67.94 101.865-217.00      0.000                       3.092'         -0.167   3.097         213.91               67.94           '

218.00 0.000- 101.865 3.089 -0.148 3.093 215.26 67.94 219.00 0.000 101.865 3.087 -0.128 3.090 216.62 67.94 220.00 0.000 101.865 3.085 -0.108 3.087 217.98 67.94

 .221.00       0.000'         101.865      3.083          -0.089   3.084         219.35               67.94 222.00      0.000          101.865      3.081          -0.069-  3.082         220.71               67.94 223.00      0.000          101.865      3.080          -0.050   3.081         222.08               67.94 224.00- ;0.000             101.865      3.080          -0.030   3.080         223.44               67.94 225.00      0.000          101.863      3.079          -0.010   3.079         224.81               68.03 226.00      0.000          101.851      3.079           0.003   3.079         226.05               68.44 227.00      0.000        .101'.839   '3.079             0.016   3.079         227.30               68.84 228.00       0 .~ 0 0 0 -   101.827      3.079.          0.037   3.080         228.70               69.25 229.00      0.000          101.815     .3.080           0.052   3.081         229.96               69.65        ;;

230.00 0.000 ~ 101.802 3.081 0.074 3.082 231.38 70.06

 .231.00       0.000          101.790      3.083           0.090   3.084         232.67               70.46 232.00       0.000          101.778-     3.084           0.114   3.086         234.11               70.87 233'.00     'O.000         101.765       3.086           0.130   3.089         235.42               71.27 234.00       0.000         101.752       3.089           0.147   3.092         236.73               71.68 235.00       0.000         101.740       3.092           0.173   3.096         238.20               72.08 236.00'      O.240          101.727     -3.095           0.191-  3.101         239.53               72.49
 - 237.00      0.240-        101.714'      3.098           0.218   3.106         241.02               72.89 238.00.      0.240         101.704       3.102           0.237'  3.111         242.37               73.20 239.00.      0.000         101.705      3.106            0.264   3.118         243 85               73.16 4

240.00 0.000 101.718 3.111 0.289 3.125 245.31 72.75 241.00 0.000 101.731 3.116 0.314 3.132 246.75 72.35 242.00- ~ 0. 000: 101.744 3.122 0.331 3.139 248.05 71.94 243.00 0.000 101 757. 3.128 0.354 3.148 249.45 71.54 244.00 0.000- 101.770 3.134 0.369- 3.156 -250.72 71.13 245.00 -0.000 101'.782. 3.141 0.391 3.165 252.10 70.73

 - 246.00-     0.000         101.794      3.148           .0.405   3.174         253.34               70.32
 - 247.00      0.000'        101.807       3.155           0.426   3.183         254.69               69.92 4
 '248.00      '0.000'        101.819'   '3.162             0.439   3.193         255.90               69.51
 - 249.00'     0.000         101.831'     3.170            0.458   3.203         257.21               69.10

{ StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

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H310 ' OUT Page 7 Arbitrary' Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0, (4/26/94) . 12-19-1998 15:19:43  ; Page~ 7 , Angle Wall't- ' Delta. . Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 250.00 0.000 101.843 3.178 0.476 3.214 258.51 68.70 251.00~ 'O.000 1 1.855' 3.186 0.486 3.223 259.68 68.29 252.00 0.000 .101.865 3.195 0.504 3.235 260.96 67.94 i 253'.00' -0.000- .101.865 3.204- 0.522 3.246 262.25 67.94 . 254.00 .0.240 101.865 3.213 0.539. 3.258 263.52 67.94 1 255.00' .0.240 101.865 3.223 0.556 3.'270 264.79 67.94  ! 256.00 0.240- 101.865 3.232 0.573 3.283 266.06 67.94 l 257.00 -0.240 101.865 -32242. 0.590 3.296 267.32- 67.94 258.00 -0.240 101.865 3.253 - 0.607 3.309 268.57 67.94 259.00 0.240 101.865 3.263. 0.624 3.322 269.82 67.94 , 260.00 0.240 101.865 3.274 0.640 3.336 271.06 67.94  ; 261.00 0.240 101.865 3.285 0.656 3.350 272.30 67.94 262.00. 0.240 101.865 3.297 0.672 3.365 273.62 67.94 , 263.00 0.240 101.865 3.309 0.688 3.380 274.75 67.94 264.00 0.240 101.865 3.321 0.704 3.395 275.96 67.94 265.00 0.240 101.865 3.333 0.719 3.410 277.17 67.94  ; 266.00 0.240 101.865 3.346 0.734 3.425 278.38 67.94 267.00- 0.240 101.865 3.359 0.749 3.441 279.57 67.94 268.00 0.240 101.865 3.372 0.764 3.457 280.76 67.94 269.00- 0.240 101.865 3.385 0.778 3.473 281.95- 67.94

 '270.00                0.240               101.865     3.399         0.793                   3.490               283.13       67.94     ,

271.00- 0.240 101.865 3.413 0.807 3.507 284.30 67.94 272.00 0.240- 101.865 3.427 0.820 .3.523 285.46 67.94 273.00 0.240 101.865 3.441 0.834 3.541 286.62 67.94

 -374'.00.              0.240'             101.865      3'.456        0.847                   3.558               287.77-      67.94 275.00             -0.240               101.865      3.470-        0.860                   3.575               288.92       67.94 276.00             .0.240               101.863     '3.485        -0.873                  3.593                290.06       68.03
  '277.00'              O.240              101.851      3.501         0.878                   3.609               291.09       68.44 278.00-             0.240--             101.839      3.516         0.884                   3.625               292.12       68.84 279.00-              0.240              101.827      3.531         0.898                 -3.644                293.27       69.25 280.00              0.240               101.815      3.547         0.904                   3.661               294.30       69.65 281.00              0.240               101.802      3.563         0.919                   3.680               295.46       70.06       l
  .282.00:             0.240               101.790      3.579         0.926                   3.697               296.50       70.46-      '
  -283.00-             0-.240              101.778      3.595         0.941                   3.716               297.66'      70.87 284:.00-            0.240               101.765      3.612         0.948                   3.734               298.71       71.27       ;

285.00 0.240 101.752 3.628 0.956 3.752 299.76 71.68 l 286.00' O.240 101.744 3.645 0.972 3.772 300.93 71.96

 '287.00-              0.240-              101.744-     3.662         0.988                  3.793                302.09       71.96      !
 '288.00.              0.240               101.744      3,679         1.003                   3.814               303.25       71.96 289.00              0.240               101.744      3.697         1.018                  3.835                304.40       71.96       ;

290.00 0.240 101.747- 3.715 1.01'1 3.855 305.52 71.84  ! 291.00 0.240 1101-.760 3.733 1.044 3.876 306.62 71.43 292.00~ 0.240 101.773 3.751 1.049 3.895 307.62 71.03 l 293.00' O.240 101.785 3.769 1.059 3.916 308.70 70.62

  '294.00              0.240'              101.798      3;788         1.062                  3.934                309.67       7L22        l 295.00.             0.240               101.810      3.807         1.071                  3.954                310.72       69.81
296.00 0.000 101~.822- 3.825 1.079 3.975 311.76 69.41
 =297.00               0.000               101.834      3.844         1.080                  3.993                312.69       69.00 296.00              0.000               101.846      3.863         1.086                  4.013                313.70       68.60-299.00              0.000-              101.858      3.882         1.084                  4.030                314.61       68.19 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.
     ~H310.OUT                                                                                                          Page       8 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94)

12-19-1S98 15:19:43 Pagd SE Angle Wall t . Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 300.00- 0.000 101.865 3.901 1.092 4.051 315.63- 67.94

      -301.00     -0.'000      101.865                                              3.920      1.097     4.070    316.63          67.94
      .302.00      0.000       101.865                                        l3.939           1.102    4.090     317.63          67.94         1 303.00      0.000     -101.865,                                             3.958       1.106    4.110     318.62          67.94 304.00      0.000       101.865                                       -3.977            1.110    4.129     319.60          67.94 305.00      0.000       101.865                                             3.996-      1.114   -4.149     320.58          67.94 306.00      0.000       101.865                                             4.016       1.118    4.169     321.55          67.94 307.00      0.000       101.865                                             4.035       1.121    4.188     322.52          67.94 308.00      0.000       101.865                                            4.055        1.124    4.208     323.49          67.94 309.00      0.000     '101.865                                             4.074        1.126    4.227     324.45         67.94 310.00      0.000      101.865                                             4.094        1.128    4.247     325.41 311.00                                                                                                                    67.94 0.000      101.865                                          '4.114          1.130    4.266     326.36         67.94 312.00      0.000      101.865                                            4.133         1.132    4.285     327.31         67.94
 .~313.00-        0.000      -101.865                                            4.153         1.133    4.305     328.26         67.94 314.00     0.000      -101.865                                            4.173         1.134    4.324     329.20         67.94 315.00     0.000       101.861                                            4.192         1.127    4.341     330.04         68.09 316.00     0.000       101.849                                           4.212          1.127    4.360     330.99         68.50 317.00     0.000       101.837                                           4.231          1.121    4.377     331.84         68.90 318.00     0.000       101.825                                              . 251       1.122    4.397     332.79         69.31 319.00     0.000       101.813                                           4.270          1.116 320.00 4.414     333.65         69.71' 0.000       101.801                                           4.290          1.118    4.433     334.60         70.12
     -321.00      0.000-      101.788                                          4.309           1.112    4.451     335.47         70.52 322.00      0.000       101.776                                          4.329          1.107     4.468    336.34          70.93 323.00      0.000       101.763                                          4.348          1.109     4.487    337.31          71.33 324.00      0.000-      101.751                                          4.367          1.104     4.505    338.19          71.74
     ^325.00      0.000       101.738                                          4.386          1.108    4.524     339.17          72.14 326.00      0.000       101.725                                                  .406-  1.103    4.542     340.05          72.55 327 00      0.000       101.712                                          4.425          1.107    4.561     341.04          72.95
     '328.00      0.000'      101.699                                         4.444           1.103    4.579     341.93          73.36 329.00      0.240      101.688                                          4.463           1.105    4.598     342.91          73.69 330.00     .0.240:     101.688                                          4.482           1.101    4.616     343.80          73.69
    -331.00      0.240       101.688                                          4.502           1.096    4.633     344.68          73.69 332.00     0.240       101.688                                         4.521-           1.090    4.650     345.56          73.69
333.00 0.240' 101.688 4.539 1.085 4.667 346.44 73.69 334.00 .0.240 101.688 4.558 1.079 4.684 347.31 73.69 335.00 0.240 101~.688 4.577 1.072 4.701 348.19 73 69 336.00- 0.240- 101.688 4.595 1.066 4.717 349.06 73.69 337.00 0.240 101.688 4.614 1.059 4.734 349.92 73.69
    ~338.00'     O.240       101.688                                         4.632            1.051    4.750     350.79         73.69 339.00     0.240       101.688                                        4.650             1.044    4.766     351.65         73.69
   ~ 340.00      0.240       101.688                                        4.668             1.036    4.782     352.51         73.69 341.00. 0.240-      101.688.                                       4.686             1.028    4.798     353.37         73.69
   '342.00       0.240      '101~.688                                       4.704             1.019    4.813     354.22         73.69 343.00-     0.240       101.688                                       4.722              1.010    4.828     355.08 1344.00;                                                                                                                      73.69 0.240       101.688                                       4.739              1.001    4.844     355.93         73.69 345.00      0.240~      101.688-                                      4.756              0.992    4.859     356.78         73.69 346.00      0.000       101.688                                       4.773              0.982    4.873     357.62         73.69
 .347.00         0.000'     .101.688                                       4.790              0.972    4.888     358.47         73.69 348.00'     O.000       101.688                                       4.807              0.961    4.902     359.31         73.69 l349.00        -0.000'      101.688                                       4.824             ~0.951    4.916        0.15        73.69 h StructralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

L _

p H310.OUT' Page 9

      ' Arbitrary NetTSection Collapse ANSC 2.0 -(4/26/94) 12-19-1998-      15:19:44-
Paga 9-Angle Wall:t- ' Delta .Pb,x' ?b,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension l 350.00 0.000- 101.688 4.840 , 0.940 4.930 0.99 73.69
      ~351.00:     0.000    101.688-   4.856        0.929   14.944.       1.83         73.69 1352'.00     0.000,. 101.'688   4.872        0.917:   4.958        2.66         73.69
353.00 0.000~ 101'.688 4.888 0.905 4.971 .3.49 73.69-354.00 0.000 101.688- 4.904 0.893 4.984- '4.32 73.69-
      -355.00'    :0.000    101.688    4.919'       O.881    4.997        5.15         73.69 356.00'     O.000    101.688    4.934        0.868    5.010        5.98         73.69-
      '357.00      0.000-   101.688    4.949        0.856    5.022        6.81        '73.69 358.00      0.000'   101.688. 14.964       -0.842    5.035        7.63         73.69
      '359.00. 0.000    101.688    4.978        0.829    5.047        8.45         73.69 MINIMUM STRESSE(Pb,x')           =    3.079     AT  226.00 DEGREES l        . MINIMUM TOTAL STRESS (Pb, max)  =    3.079     AT  226.05 DEGREES l

l L 1 4 h StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

-H410.OUT Page 1 Arbitrary Net Section Collape.e ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 02-05-1999 07:48:37 Paga 1 DESCRIPTION: Peach Bottom, Unit 3 Reinspection Study Weld H4 -- 10 Years of Crack Growth Crack assumed to take compression across face RADIUS (IN) = 102.5625 WALL THICKNESS (IN) = 2 TENSION STRESS = 0.360 KSI MATERIAL FLOW STRESS = 50.700 KSI ANGLE FOR MOMENT ITERATION = 1 FLAWS DEFINED = 31 (AS FOLLOWS) 1 ANGLES: 0.0000 TO 14.1700 (DTHETA = 14.170) DEPTH N (I.) = 2.000 2 ANGLES: 14.1700 TO 20.9700 (DTHETA = 6.800) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 3 ANGLES: 20.9700 70 31.5300 (DTHETA = 10.560) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 4 ANGLES: 31.5300 TO 33.7900 (DTHETA = 2.260) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 5 ANGLES: 33.7900 TO 75.4100 (DTHETA = 41.620) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 6 ANGLES: 75.4100 TO 81.4700 (DTHETA = 6.060) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 7 ANGLES: 81.4700 TO 87.0500 (DTHETA = 5.580) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 8 ANGLES: 87.0500 TO 94.2900 (DTHETA = 7.240) DEPTH N (I.) = 1.760 9 ANGLES: 94.2900 TO 101.5500 (DTHETA = 7.260) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 10 ANGLES: 101.5500 TO 111.0300 (DTHETA = 9.480) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 11 ANGLES: 111.0300 TO 116.4900 (DTHETA = 5.460) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 12 ANGLES: 116.4900 TO 122.1100 (DTHETA = 5.620) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 13 ANGLES: 122.1100 TO 127.6900 (DTHETA = 5.580) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 14 ANGLES: 127.6900 TO 132.6300 (DTHETA = 4.940) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 15 ANGLES: 132.6300 TO 153.0900 (DTHETA = 20.460) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 16 ANGLES: 153.0900 TO 167.7900 (DTHETA = 14.700) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 17 ANGLES: 167.7900 TO 191.6300 (DTHETA = 23.840) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 18 ANGLES: 191.6300 TO 198.7900 (DTHETA = 7.160) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 19 ANGLES: 198.7900 TO 221.0500 (DTHETA = 22.260) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 20 ANGLES: 221.0500 TO 228.1700 (DTHETA = 7.120) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

I' l

  'H410.OUT-                     '

Page 2 i Arbitrary ^ Net Section Collapse ANSC.2.v (4/26/94) 02-05-1999 07:48:39 5 i Page 2' 21' ANGLES: 228'.1700 TO 237.6100 (DTHETA = 9.440) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 j 22 ANGLES: 237.6100 TO 242.6100 (DTHETA =, 5.000) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 23 ANGLES: 242.'6100 TO '249.3100 '(DTHETA = 6.700). DEPTH (IN) = 2.000

24 : ANGLES : '249.3100 TG .261.4700- .DTHETA ( = 12.160) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760  !
       '25' ANGLES:            261'.4700.TO '267.6100' (DTHETA =              0.140) DEPTH (IN)                      =   2.000 26 ANGLES:             267.6100 TO 287.7300 (DTHETA --               20.120) DEPTH (IN)                      =   1.760 27 ANGLES:             287.7300 TO 310.9900 '(DTHETA =               23.260) DEPTH (IN)                      =   2.000  i
      '28' ANGLES:             310.9900 TO       315'.5500 '(DTHETA =~       .4.560)' DEPTH (IN)                     =   1.760 29 ANGLES: :315.5500 TO                                                                                                 !

344.7100' (DTHETA =


29.160) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 30' ANGLES: 344.7100 TO' 347.5900 (DTHETA.= 2.880) DEPTH (IN) = 1.760 31 ANGLES: 347.5900 TO 360.0000 (DTHETA = 12.410) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000'

   . TOTAL AREA (IN2)                                       =- 1288.838 REMAINING DEGRADED SECTION AREA (IN2) = 49.878 (APPROX, DEGRADED METAL AREA = ~49.87787 )

Program Output: Angle =; Angle that tension-to-compression axis x' is rotated t Thickness in wall at position corresponding to angle

        . delta = Distance from center to tension-to-compression axis Pb,x' = Bending stress due to-moment about tension-to-compression axis Pb,y' = Bending stress due to moment perpendicular to tens./ comp. axis Pb, max = Maximum bending stress due to total limit moment                                                               )

Anglemax =-Angle for total limit moment relative to original Y axis.  ! Atension =' Area of metal in tension for Case 2 i l [ { StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc. w a __ . , . . - . . ,

l H410.OUT Page '3 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) j 02-05-1999 07:49:36 Page 3 l

    . Angle- Wall t
                                   ' Delta       'Pb,x'              Pb,y'        Pb, max AngleMax A tension 0.00     ~0.000:            102.058                                                                                          {

2 =. 4 61 -0.255 2.474 354.08 49.88 1.00 0.000- 102.058 2.457 -0.242 2.469 355.37 49.88 i 2.00 0.000 102.058 2.453 -0.229 2.463 356.66 49.88 3.00 0.000 102.058 2.449 -0.^216 2.458- 357.96 49.88 4.00 0.000 102.058 2.445 -0.203 2.453 359.25 49.88  ! 5.00 0.000- 102.058 :2.441. -0.190 2.449 0.56 49.88 t 6.00 0.000 102.058 2.438 -0.176 2.445 1.86 49.85 7.00 0.000 102.068- 2.435 -0.163 2.441 3.16 49.45 8.00 0.000 102.078 2.432 -0.146 2.437 4.57 49.04 9.00 0.000 102.088 2.430 -0.134 2.434 5.85 48.64 10.00 0.000 102.097 2.428 -0.117 2.431 7.25 48.23  : 11.00 0.000 102.107 2.426 -0.106 2.428- 8.50 47.83  ! 12.00_ 0.000. 102.117 '2.424 -0.090 2.426 9.87 47.42 13.00' O.000 102.126 2.422 -0.075 2.424 11.22 47.02 14.00 0.000 102.131 2.421 -0.066 2.422 12.45 46.80 15.00 0.240 l 102.131 2.420 -0.056 2.421 13.67 46.80 16.00 i 0.240 102.131 2.419 -0.047 2 420 14.89 46.80 l 17.00 0.240 102.130 2.418 -0.037 2.419 16.12 46.85 I 18.00 0.240 102.121 2.418 -0.027 2.418 17.36 47.25  ;

  -19.00       0.240             102.111        2.417.          -0.010            2.417       18.76                     47.66     ,
20.00 0.240 102.102 2.417 0.001 2.417 20.03 48.06 i 21.00 0.000' 102.092' 2.417- 0.019 2.417- 21.45 48.47 22.00 0.000 102.082- 2.418 0.032 2.418 22.75 48.87  :

23.00 0.000- 102.072 2.418 0.045 2.419 24.06 49.28 , 24.001 0.000 102.062. 2.419 0.064 2.420 25.52- 49.68 l 25.00 0.000 102.058 2.421 0.081 2.422 26.92 49.88 26.00- 0.000 102.058 2.422 0.095 2.424 28.24 49.88 27.00 0.000 102.058 2.424 0.108 2.426 29.56 49.88 28.00, 0.000- 102.058 2.426 0.122 .2.429 30.87 49.88 29.00 0.000 102.058 2.428 0.135 '2.432 32.19 49.88 30.00 0.000 102.058 2,430 0.149 '2.435 33.50 49.88

  -31.00.      0.000            102.058         2.433            0.162            2.438       34.81                     49.88 32.00       0.240             102.058        2.436            0.175            2.442'      36.12                     49.88 33 00       0.240-
      .                          102.058        2.439            0.189            2.446       37.42                     49.88 34.00       0.000             102.058        2.442            0.202            2.450       38.73                     49.88 35.00       0.000-            102.058        2.446            0.215            2.455       40.03                     49.88 36.00      '0.000            102.064         2.449            0.228            2.460       41.32                     49.62-    ,
  -37.00       0.000             102.074        2.453            0.246            2.466       42.72                     49.21     l 38.00'      O.000            102.084         2.458            0.258            2.471       43.99                     48.81 39.00       0.000            102.093-        2.462-           0.274            2.478       45.36                     48.40     !

40.00 0.000 102.103 2.467 0.285 2.484 46.58 48.00 41.00' O.000 '102.113 2..472 0.300 2.490 47.92 47.59 42.00 _0.000 102.122 2.478 0.309 2.497 49.11 47.19 j 43.00 0.000 102.130 2.483 0.323 2.504 50.41 46.82 l 44.00' O.000 ~102.130 2.489. 0.331 2.511 51.58 46.82 i 45.00 0.000 102.130 2.495 0.339 2.517 52.75 46.82 I 46.00' O.000 102.130. 2.500 0.347 2.524 53.91 46.82

  -47.00L      0.000            102.124         2.507            0.359            2.532       55.16                     47.10 48.00.     .0.000           '102.115         2.513            0.369            2.540       56.34                     47.50     )

49.00 0.000 '102.105~ 2.519 0.378 2.547 57.53 47.91 { StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

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  'H410.OUT                                                              Page          4 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 1(4/26/94) 02-05-1999       07:49:36 Paga. 4 Angle    Wall t1     Delta    Pb,x'    Pb,y'     Pb, max AngleMax A tension 50.00     0.000     102.096   2.526    0.394      2.557       58.36           48.31 51.00      0.000     102.086   2.533    0.404      2.565       60.06          48.72 52.00      0.000     102.076   2.540    0.421      2.575       61.41          49.12 53.00      0.000     102.076   2.547    0.438      2.585       62.75          49.14 54.00      0.000     102.078   2.555    0.453      2.595       64.06          49.04 55.00      0.000~    102.088   2.563    0.463      2.605       65.24          48.63 56.00~     0.000     102.098   2.571    0.477      2.615       66.52 57.00                                                                         48.23 0.000    102.107   2.580     0.486      2.625      67.66 58.00~                                                                        47.82 0.000     102.109   2.588    0.499      2.636       68.91           47.73 59.00     0.000     102.109   2.597 60.00 0.506-     2.646       70.03           47.73.

0.000. 102.109 2.606- 0.514 2.656 71.15 47.73 151.00 0.000 102.109 2.615 0.521 2.666 72.27 47.73 62.00' O.000 102.109 2.624 0.528 2.676 73.38 47.73 G3.00 0.000 102.109 2.633 0.535 2.687 74.49 o 47.73' 64.00 0.000 102.101 2.642 0.543 2.698 75.61 48.08 65.00 0.000 102.101 2.652 0.557 2.710 76.85 48.08 66.00 0.000 102.101 2.662 0.570 2.722 78.09 48.08 67.00 0.000 102.101 2.672 0.583 2.735 79.31 48.08 68.00- 0.000 102.101 2.682 0.596 69.00

                                                       '2.747       80.53           48.08 0.000     102.110   2.692    0.608      2.760       81.73           47.70 70.00      0.000     102.120   2.703    0.614      2.772       82.80           47.29 71.00      0.000     102,129   2.714    0.624      2.785 72,00                                                          83.95           46.89 0.000     102.138   2.725    0.628      2.796       84.98           46.48 73.00      0.000. 102.147   2.736    0.636      2.809       86.09           46.08 74.00      0.000     102.156   2.747    0.639      2,820       87.09          45.67 75.00      0.000     102.160   2.758    0.649      2.833       88.24          45.51 76.00    'O.240      102.160   2.769    0.657      2.846       89.34          45.51 77.00     0.240      102.154  2.781     0.659 78.00 2.858       90.32          45.76 0.240     102.145   2.792    0.666      2.871       91.42 79.03                                                                         46.17 0.240     102.136   2.804    0.669      2.883        92.42          46.57 80.00     0.240     102.127   2.816    0.678      2.896       93.54           46.98 81.00     0.240     102.117   2.827    0.681      2.908         4.55          47.38 82.00     0.000     102.108   2.839    0.691      2.922 83.00                                                         95.67           47.79 0.000     102.106   2.851    0.695      2.935       96.69

4'.87 7 84.00 0.000 102.106 2.864 0.704 2.949 97 82 47.87 85.00 0.000 102.106 2.876 0.714 2.963 98.94 86.00 47.87 0.000 102.106 2.889 0.723 2.978 100.05

   '87.00'                                                                         47.87 O.000     102.107   2.901    0.732      2.992      101.15
   -88.00                                                                          47.82 0.240     102.117   2.914    0.739      3.006      102.23           47.41 89.00     0.240     102.126   2.927    0.745      3.020      103.28           47.01
    '90.00     0.240     102.135   2.940    0.746      3.033      104.23           46.60 91.00      0.240     102.145   2.953    0.750      3.047      105.26           46.20 92.00'     O.240     102.154   2.966    0.749      3.059      106.18           45.79 93.00      0.240     102.160   2.979    0.754      3.073      107.20           45.51 94.00      0.240'    102.160   2.992    0.756      3.087      108.21           45.51 95.00      0.000     102.160   3.005    0.761      3.100      109.21           45.51 96.00      0.000     102.160'  3.019    0.765      3.114      110.21           45.51 97.00     0.000      102.160   3.032    0.768      3.128      111.21           45.51 98.00     0.000      102.160   3.045    0.770      3.141      112.20           45.51 99.00     0.000      102.160   3.059    0.773      3.155      113.18           45.51 l

f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

H410.OUT Page 5 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 02-05-1999 07:49:36 Page 5 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 100.00 0.000 102.160 3.072 0.775 3.168 114.16 45.51 101.00 0.000 102.160 3.086 0.777 3.182 115.14 45.51 102.00 0.240 102.160 3.099 0.779 3.196 116.11 45.51 103.00 0.240 102.157 3.113 0.781 3.209 117.08 45.66 104.00 0.240 102.148 3.126 0.777 3.221 117.96 46.06 105.00 0.240 102.139 3.140 0.774 3.234 118.85 46.47 106.00 0.240 102.129 3.153 0.777 3.247 119,84 46.87 107.00 0.240 102.120 3.167 0.774 3.260 120.73 47.28 108.00 0.240 102.110 3.180 0.777 3.274 121.74 47.68 109.00 0.240 102.101 3.194 0.775 2.287 122.65 48.09 110.00 0.240 102.091 3.207 0.780 3.301 123.66 48.49 111.00 0.240 102.082 3.221 0.778 3.313 124.59 48.90 112.00 0.000 102.072 3.234 0.777 3.326 125.51 49.30 1 113.00 0.000 102.062 3.248 0.783 3.341 126.55 49.71  ; 114.00 0 000 102.058 3.262 0.784 3.355 127.52 49.88  ! 115.00 0.000 102.058 3.275 0.783 3.367 128.45 49.88 i 116.00 0.000 102.058 3.289 0.782 3.380 129.37 49.88  ! 117.00 0.240 102.058 3.302 0.780 3.393 130.29 49.88 118.00 0.240 102.038 3.316 0.778 3.406 131.21 49.88 119.00 0.240 102.058 3.329 0.776 3.418 132.12 49.88 I 120.00 0.240 102.058 3.343 0.774 3.431 133.03 49.88 l 121.00 0.240 102.058 3.356 0.771 3.443 133.94 49.88  ; 322.00 0.240 102.058 3.369 0.768 3.456 134.84 49.88 123.00 0.000 102.058 3.383 0.765 3.468 135.74 49.88 124.00 0.000 102.058 3.396 0.762 3.480 136.64 49.88 l 125.00 0.000 102.058 3.409 0.758 3.492 137.54 49.88 126.00 0.000 102.065 3.422 0.754 3.504 138.43 49.60 127.00 0.000 102.074 3.435 0.755 3.517 139.40 49.19 128.00 0.240 102.084 3.448 0.750 3.529 140.26- 48.78 129.00 0.240 102.094 3.461 0.749 3.541 141.20 48.38 130.00 0.240 102.104 3.474 0.742 3.553 142.05 47.97 131.00 0.240 102.105 3.487 0.734 3.564 142.89 47.92 132.00 0.240 102.105 3.500 0.726 3.575 143.72 47.92 133.00 0.000 102.105 3.513 0.718 3.585 144.56 47.92 134.00 0.000 102.105 3.525 0.710 3.596 145.39 47.92 135.00 0.000 102.105 3.537 0.701 3.606 146.22 47.92 135.00 0.000 102.105 3.550 0.693 3.616 147.04 47.92 137.00 0.000 102.099 3.562 0.687 3.627 147.92 48.16 138.00 0.000 102.090 3.573 0.679 3.637 148.76 48.57 139.00 0.000 102.080 3.585 0.678 3.649 149.70 48.97 140.00 0.000 102.070 3.597 0.670 3.659 150.55 49.38 141.00 0.000 102.060 3.609 0.669 3.670 151.51 49.78 142.00 0.000 102.058 3.620 0.664 3.681 152.39 49.88 143.00 0.000 102.058 3.632 0.656 3.690 153.24 49.88 144.00 0.000 102.058 3.643 0.649 3.700 154.10 49.88 145.00 0.000 102.058 3.654 0.641 3.710 154.95 49.88 146.00 0.000 102.058 3.665 0.633 3.719 155.80 49.88 147.00 0.000 102.058 3.676 0.625 3.729 156.64 49.88 148.00 0.000 102.058 3.687 0.616 3.738 157.49 49.88 149.00 0.000 102.058 3.697 0.608 3.747 158.33 49.88 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

H410.OUT Page 6 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 02-05-1999 07:49:36 Page 6 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax 150.00 A tension 0.000 102.058 3.708 0.599 3.756 159.17 49.88 151.00 0.000 102.058 3.718 0.590 3.765 160.01 49.88 152.00 0.000 102.058 3.728 0.581 3.773 160.85 49.88 153.00 0.000 102.058 3.738 0.571 3.782 161.69 154.00 49.88 0.240 102.058 3.748 0.562 3.790 162.52 49.88 155.00 0.240 102.058 3.758 0.552 3.798 163.36 49.88 156.00 0.240 102.058 3.767 0.542 3.806 164.19 49.88 157.00 0.240 102.058 3.776 0.532 3.814 165.02 49.88 158.00 0.240 102.058 3.785 0.522 3.821 165.85 49.88 159.00 0.240 102.058 3.794 0.512 3.829 166.68 49.88 160.00 0.240 102.067 3.803 0.501 3.836 167.51 49.48 161.00 0.240 102.077 3.812 0.495 3.844 168.40 49.08 162.00 0.240 102.087 3.820 0.483 3.851 169.21 48.67 163.00 0.240 102.088 3.829 0.470 3.857 170.00 48.64 l 164.00 0.240 102.088 3.837 0.458 3.864 170.80 48.64 165.00 0.240 102.088 3.845 0.445 3.870 171.60 48.64 166.00 0.240 102.088 3.852 0.432 3.876 172.39 48.64 167.00 0.240 102.088 3.860 0.419 3.882 173.19 48.64 168.00 0.000 102.088 3.867 0.405 3.888 173.98 48.64 163.00 0.000 102.088 3.874 0.392 3.894 174.78 48.64 170.00 0.000 102.088 3.880 0.378 3.899 175.57 48.64 171.00 0.000 102.080 3.887 0.369 3.904 176.43 48.95 172.00 0.000 102.070 3.893 0.357 3.910 177.24 49.36 173.00 0.000 102.060 3.899 0.351 3.915 178.14 49.77 174.00 0.000 102.058 3.905 0.340 3.920 178.98 49.88 175.00 0.000 102.058- 3.911 0.328 3.925 179.79 49.88 176.00 0.000 102.058 3.917 0.316 3.929- 180.61 49.88 177.00 0.000 102.058 3.922 0.303 3.934 181.42 49.88 , 178.00 0.000 102.058 3.927 0.290 3.938 182.23 49.88 179.00 0.000 102.058 3.932 0.278 3.942 183.04 49.88 180.00 0.000 102.058 3.937 0.265 3.945 183.85 49.88 181.00 0.000 102.058 3.941 0.252 3.949 184.66 49.88 182.00 0.000 102.058 3.945 0.239 3.952 185.46 49.88 183.00 0.000 102.058 3.949 0.226 3.956 186.27 49.88 184.00 0.000 102.058 3.953 0.213 3.959 187.08 49.88 185.00 0.000 102.058 3.956 0.199 3.961 187.89 49.88 186.00 0.000 102.058 3.960 0.186 3.964 188.69 49.80 187.00 0.000 102.058 3.963 0.173 3.966 189.50 49.88 188.00 0.000 102.058 3.966 0.160 3.969 1S0.30 49.88 189.00 0.000 102.063 3.968 0.146 3.971 191.11 49.67 190.00 0.000 102.073 3.971 0.132 3.973 191.91 49.26 191.00 0.000 102.083 3.973 0.123 3.975 192.77 48.86 192.00 0.240 102.092 3.975 0.113 3.976 193.63 48.45 193.00 0.240 102.102 3.977 0.097 3.978 194.40 48.05 194.00 0.240 102.111 3.978 0.086 3.979 195.24 47.64 195.00 0.240 102.121 3.979 0.069 3.980 196.00 47.24 196.00 0.240 102.127 3.980 0.057 3.981 196.82 46.96 197.00 0.240 102.127 3.981 0.039 3.981 197.57 46.96 198.00 0.240 102.127 3.982 0 022 3.982 198.31 46.96 199.00 0.000 102.7.27 3.982 0.004 3.982 199.06 46.96 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

H410.OUT Page 7 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 02-05-1999 07:49:36 Pag 3 7 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 200.00 0.000 102.122 3.982 -0.016 3.982 199.77 47.18 201.00 0.000 102.113 3.981 -0.027 3.981 200.61 47.58 202.00 0.000 102.103 3.981 -0.043 3.981 201.38 47.99 203.00- 0.000 102.094 3.980 -0.052 3.980 202.24 48.40 204.00 0.000 102.084 3.979 -0.067 3.979 203.03 48.80 205.00 0.000 102.074 3.977 -0.076 3.978 203.91 49.21 206.00 0.000 102.065 3.976 -0.089 3.977 204.71 49.57 207.00 0.000 102.069 3.974 -0.099 3.975 205.57 49.41 208.00 0.000 102.079 3.972 -0.108 3.974 206.44 49.00 209.00 0.000 102.081 3.970 -0.123 3.972 207.23 48.91 210.00 0.000 102.081 3.968 -0.137 3.970 208.02 48.91 211.00 0.000 102.081 3.965 -0.152 3.968 208.80 48.91 212.00 0.000 102.081 3.963 -0.167 3.966 209.59 48.91 213.00 0.000 102.081 3.959 -0.181 3.964 210.38 48.91 214.00 0.000 102.081 3.956 -0.196 3.961 211.16 48.91 215.00 0.000 102.081 3.952 -0.210 3.958 211.95 48.91 216.00 0.000 102.081 3.949 -0.225 3.955 212.74 48.91 217.00 0.000 102.081 3.945 -0.239 3.952 213.53 48.91 l 218.00 0.000 102.072 3.940 -0.254 3.948 214.31 49.28 l 219.00 0.000 102.062 3.936 -0.261 3.944 215.21 49.68 l 220.00 0.000 102.058 3.931 -0.270 3.940 216.07 221.00 49.88 ) 0.000 102.058 3.926 -0.283 3.936 216.88 49.88 222.00 0.240 ) 102.058 3.921 -0.296 3.932 217.69 49.88 l 223.00 0.240 102.058 3.916 -0.308 3.928 218.50 49.88 l 224.00 0.240 102.058 3.910 -0.321 3.923 219.31 49.88 225.00 0.240 102.058 3.904 -0.333 3.918 220.12 49.88 226.00 0.240 102.058- 3.898 -0.345 3.914 220.94 49.88 227.00 0.240 102.058 3.892 -0.357 3.908 221.75 49.88 228.00 0.240 102.058 3.886 -0.369 3.903 222.57 49.88 229.00 0.000 102.058 3.879 -0.381 3.898 223.38 49.88 230.00 0.000 102.0b8 3.872 -0.393 3.892 224.20 49.88 231.00 0.000 102.058 3.865 -0.405 3.886 225.02 49.88 232.00 0.000 102.058 3.858 -0.416 3.880 225.84 49.88 233.00 0.000 102.058 3.850 -0.428 3.874 226.66 49.88 234.00 0.000 102.058 3.843 -0.439 3.868 227.48 49.88 235.00 0.000 102.058 3.835 -0.450 3.861 228.30 49.88 236.00 0.000 102.058 3.827 -0.461 3.855 229.12 49.88 237.00 0.000 102.058 3.819 -0.472 3.848 229.95 49.88 238.00 0.240 102.058 3.810 -0.483 3.841 230.77 49.88 239.00 0.240 102.058 3.802 -0.494 3.833 231.60 49.88 240.00 0.240 102.058 3.793 -0.504 3.826 232.43 49.88 241.00 0.240 102.058 3.784 -0.514 3.819 233.26 40.88 242.00 0.240 102.058 3.775 -0.524 3.811 234.09 49.88 243.00 0.000 102.058 3.76S -0.534 3.803 234.92 49.88 244.00 0.000 102.058 3.756 -0.544 3.795 235.75 49.88 245.00 0.000 102.058 3.746 -0.554 3.787 236.59 49.88 246.00 0.000 102.058 3.736 -0.563 3.779 237.43 49.88 247.00 0.000 102.058 3.726 -0.573 3.770 238.26 49.88 248.00 0.000 102.058 3.716 -0.582 3.761 239.10 49.88 249.00 0.000 102.058 3.706 -0.591 3.753 239.94 49.88 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

   ,y    .       _ _ _ , . . - . _ . .           _ _ _ . - _ _ _ . . _ _ . . _             _ _        .      . _ _ _ _            . . - _ . . _

L H410.OUT. . Page 8 l-

      ; Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0L (4/26/94)

02-05-1999 07i49:36.  ! l LPaga' 8

         ' Angle. Wall.t                 'Deltal               Pb,x'              Pb,y'  Pb, max AngleMax              A tension I      .250.00     l0.240'              102.060              3.695               -0.599  -3.744          240.79             49.77                  )

251.00 0.240: l102:070 3.685 -0.608 3.735 '241.62 49.36 252.00 0.240 ~102.080' --3.674 -0.612 3.725 242.54 48.95 , 253.00 0.240 102.090 -3.663 -0.622 -3.716 243.36 48.55 l 254.00: 0.240' ~102.100 3.652 -0.627 3.706 244.26 '48.14  ! 255.00 0.240- 102.109 3.641 -0.632 3.696 245.15 47.74 .! 256.00: 0.240 - .102.119 3.630- -0.643 3.687 245.96 47.33 ' 257.00< 0.240 102.120' 3.619! -0.654 3.677 246.76 47.27 258.00 0.240 102'.120 3.607 -0.665 ~3.668 247.56' 47.27J i

      ~259.00      0.240               102.120              3.596               -0.675. 3.658         248.36'             47.27                   l 260.00     'O.240-             :102.120              3.5841             .-0.686   3.649         249.17              47.27                .l 261.00-     0.240               102.117             3.572                -0.695   3.639         249.99             '47.38                   {

262.00- 0.000 102.111 3.559 -0.698 3.627 250.91 47.65 263.00- 0.000 102.111 3.547 -0.701 3.616 251.82 47.65 264.00 0.000 l 102.111' 3.535 -0.703 3.604 252.74 47.65  ; 265.00- 0.000 ~102.111- 3.522 -0.706 3.592 253.67 47.65 l 266.00 0.000 102.111 3.510 -0.708 3.581 254.59 47.65 j 267.00 0.000 102.113 3.498 -0.711 3.569 255.51 47.59  ; 269.00- -0.240 102.122 3.485 -0.719 3.559 256.33 47.19  ; 269.00 'O.240 102.131 3.472 -0.723 3.547 257.24 46.78 i 270.00 0.240 102.132 3.460 -0.732 3.536' 258.05- 46.77

271.00 0.240 102.132 3.447 'O.741 3.526 258.87 46.77 o '272.00 0.240 102.132 3.434 -0.749 3.515 259.69 46.77
      -273.00      0.240               102.125             3.421                -0.753   3.503        260.58               47.05 274.00      0.240               102.116             3.407                -0.760   3.491        261.42               47.46 275.00      0.240               102.106             3.394                -0.766   3.479        262.28               47.86 276.00      0.240               102.097             3.381                -0.766   3.466        263.24               48.27 277.00      0.240               102.096-            3.367                -0.764   3.453        264.21               48.30 278;00      0.240-              102.096             3.354                -0.763- 3.439         265.18               48.30 279.00      0.240               102.096             3.340                -0.761   3.426        266.16               48.30 280.00      0.240               102.098             3.327                -0.761  3.413         267.12              48.20 281.00      0.240               102.108             2.314                -0.760  3.400         268.08               47.80 282.00      0.240               102.117             3.300                -0.765  3.388         268.95               47.39 283.00. 0.240               102.127             3.287                -0.765  3.375         269.89               46.99 l       284.00      0.240             '102.136              3.274                -0.771  3.363         270.75               46.58

! 285.00- 0.240 102.145 3.260 -0.772 3.350 271.68 46.17

      .286.00    -0.240                102.153             3.246                -0.778  3.338         272.52               45.81 287.00      0.240.              102.150             3.233                -0.783  3.326         273.39               45.94 l       288.00      0.000               102.141             3.219                -0.782  3.313         274.34               46.34 L '289.00           0.000               102.132             3.205               -0.787   3.300         275.21               46.15 290.00      0.000               102.123             3.192               -0.790   3.288         276.09              47.16                    l 291.00. 10.000~               102.113             3.178               -0.787   3.274         277.09              47.56                   j
      -292.00    -0.000                102.112             3.164               -0.783   3.260         278.09              47.61                 -I 293.00      0.000               102.112             3.150               -0.779   3.245         279.10              47.61 294.00      0.000               102.112             3.137               -0.775   3.231         280.12              47.61 295.00'     0~.000              102.112'            3.123                -0.771  3.217         281.13              47.61                   ;

296.00- 'O.000 102.112- 3.110 -0.766 3.223 282.16 47.61

      '297.00      0.000--             102.116-            3.096               -0.765   3.1:39        283.12              47.46 298.00    -0.000'               102.116             3.083~              -0.766   3.177         284.04              47.46                    ,
      -299.00      0.000               102.116             3.069               -0.767   3.164         284.96              47.46                   i j

f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

r 1 h [H410.OUT Page 9 l i , l' I ! Arbitrary Net'Section' Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) )

    '02-05-1999              07:49:37 Page       9 l
       . Angle' Wall t.             : Delta       Pb,x'      Pb,y'         Pb, max AngleMax      A tension 300.00          0.000         102.116       3.056     -0.768         3.151      285.88           47.46        ;
  '301.00            0.000         102.116       3.042     -0.769         3.138     286.81-           47.46        I j.302.00              0.000^        102.114       3.029     -0 769-        3.125     287.76           47.53         i E303.00               0'.000

102.111 3.016 -0.762 3.110 288.81 47.65 lL304.00 ;0.000 .102.111 3.002 -0.756 3.096 289.87 47.65 l 305.00- .0.000 102.111 2.989 -0.749. 3.081 290.93 47.G5 l~306.00 0.000 102.111 2.976 -0.742 3.067 292.00 47.65 l i 307.00. 'O.000 102.111 2.963' -0.735 3.053 293.07 47.65  ! l'308.00 ~0.000 102.109 2.950 -0.730 3.039 294.10 47.76  ! l l3 09. 0 0. 0.000 -102.109 2.937 -0.729 3.026 295.07 47.76 j li310.00- 0.000 102 109 2.925 -0.727 3.014 296.04 47.76 lL311000 0.240 102.109 -2.912 -0.725 3.001 297.02 47.76 ' i !312.'00 :0.240 102.109 2.899 -0.723 2.988 298.00 47.76

f311.00 .

0.240 102.109 2.886 -0.720 - 2.975 2.98,99 47.76

                    ,0.240                                                                                         i E314.00                            102.100       2.874     -0.717          2.962     299.98           48.13         1 315.00          0.240        102.090       2.861     -0.713          2.949     303.00           48.53

!'316.002 0.000 102.081 2.849 -0.702- 2.934 302.15 48.94' l ! L317. 00, 0.000 102.071 2.837 -0.697 .2.921 303.20 49.34  ! l318;00 0.000 102.061 2.825 -0.684 2.906 304.39 49.75 t 319.00 0.000 -102.058 2.813 -0.675 2.893 305.50 49.88 l

 . 3 2 0 .' 0 0      0.000       =102.058       2.801     -0.668          2.880     306.58           49.88         l E 3 2 1 . 0 0 --      0.000        102.058       2.789     -0.661          2.867     307.66           49.88         !

! 322.00- 0.000 102.058 2.77G -0.654 2.854 308.75 49.88 l 323.00 l 0.000 102.058 2.766 -0.647 2.841 309.84 49.88 ,-324.00 0.000 102.058 2.755 -0.639 2.828 310.94 { 49.88  : !325,00: 0.000 102.058 2.744 -0.631 2.815 312.05 49.88 1 '326.00

                   .0.000         102.058       2.733     -0.623-         2.803     313.15          49.88 l 327.00-             0.000.       102~.058      2.722     -0.615          2.790     314.27           49.88
 -328.00--         10.000         102.064       2.711     -0.606          2.778     315.39          49.64

!329.00 'O.000= 102.073 2.701 --0.593 2.765 316.61 49.23 L330.00- 0.000 102.083 2.690 -0.585 '2.753 317.72 48.83 !331.00 10.000 102.093 2.680 -0.573 2.741 318.93 48.42

332.00' .0.000 102.103 2.670_ -0.566- 2.729 320.03 48.01
333.00 -0.000_ -102.112_. 2.660 -0;554_ 2.717 321.23 47.61

~334.00 0.000 102.122- 2.651 -0.548 2.707 322.32 47.20

 '335.00           '0.000.        102.131       2.641     -0.537          2.695     323.50          46.80 g336'.00           -0.000          102.140       2.632.    -0.532          2.685     324.57          46.39 337.00        ~ 0. 000.       102.149       2.622     -0.522          2.674. 325.74          45.99 338.00          0.000         102.158       2.613     -0.512          2;663     326.91          45.58
 '339.00            0.000-        102.160       2.604     -0.503          2.653     328.06          45.51 340.00          0.000-        102.160       2.596     -0.493          2.642     329.25          45.51           1 341.00. 'O.000                102.160       2.587     -0.482          2.632     330.44          45.51 342.00        .0.000          102.160       2.579     -0.471          2.621     331.64          d5.51 r 3 4 3 ~. 0 0-    _0.000.         102.157       2.571     -0.460          2.611     332.84          45.63 l344.00;             0.000;        102.148:      2.563     -0.454-         2.602     333.94          46.04 L345.00            -0.240-        -102.139'      2.555     -0.448          2.594     335.06          46.44 l346.00              0.240-      1102.330:       2.547   -
                                                          -0.a35         2.584      336.31          46.85 3347;00            LO~240-         102.121      ~2.539     -0.427          2.575     337.46 47.25 L348.00            'O.000          102;111-      2.532   .-0.412          2.565      338.75          47.66 L

L 349.00: 0.000' '102.102: 2.525; -0.403 2.557 339.94 48.06

  'T f StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

u- .

                           ,               . -            --       , - .                  ~_        - - - -
                                                         .                . - - ~ - - , . - . -                   . . ~ . . - - . - - . , . . .

H410.OUTi Page 10

 ? Arbitrary Net-Section-Collapse ANSC 2.0- (4/26/94)~

, ;02-05-1999 07:49:37~

 -Page. 10
    <fAngle- Wall t-                Delta-      Pb,x'                 Pb,y'                     Pb. max AngleMax A tension 350.00-     0.000             '102.092     .2.518               -0.387                       2.547     341.27-                       48.47 351.00      0;000~             102.082'     2.511               -0.376                       2.539     342.49                        48.87 352.00 E0.000                  102.072      2.505               -0.364                       2.531     343.72                        49.28   >

1353.00- 0.000 102.062: -2.498. -0.346 2.522. 345.11 49.68

 -354.00     10.000             : 102.058      2.492               -0.331-                      2.514     346.44                        49.88 355.00      0'000
                .                 102.058      2.487               -0.318                       2.507     347.70                      149.88 356.00-     0.000-             102.058      2.481               -0 306                       2.500    .348.97                        49.88'
 -357.00-     -0 000              102.058      2.476-              -0.293                       2.493. 350.24                        49.88 358.00      0.000             -102.058     -2.471-              -0.281.                      2.487'    351.52                        49.88 359.00      0.000'             102.058     '2.466               -0.268'                      2.480     352.80                        49.88 MINIMUM STRESS-(Pb,x')                     =            2.417      AT                      20.00 DEGREES MINIMUM TOTAL STRESS - (Pb, max)           =            2.417      AT                      20.03 DEGREES 9

D { StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

- . . . . . - - . . . . . . - . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . _ . ~ - . - - . . - . _ - -.- - . - .-. i APPENDIX D New Initiation Study Using l Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Techniques i l i i

                                                                                                                                                         'j 1


 ' SlR-98-125/ RAM-98-142                                               D-1                                         StrycluralIntegrity Associates, Inc.
7. . .

For the new initiation study, welds H3 and H4 will be evaluated using linear elastic fracture mechanics techniques, and three cycles of operation for crack growth. The methodology to be utilized is as follows: Those areas which have partial through-wall flaws will be evaluated using the methodology of Tada [10]. Those areas which are postulated to have through-wall flaws will be evaluated considering flaw tip interaction and curvature correction, using the methods of Rooke [8]. Stresses to be considered will be those delineated in Table 1. However, these will be increased by the ratio of the total cross-sectional area (assuming no cracking)

divided by the remaining material in the postulated cracked condition. The remaining material in the postulated cracked condition does not include the area of the flaws being evaluated.

Partial Through-Wall Flaw Evaluation For evaluation of apartial through-wall flaw of depth equal to 1.% inches (six years of crack growth at 2.2 x 10' inches / hour), the stress intensity factor can be calculated using the methods of Tada [10]: K = ogna F(a/b) where the term F(a/b) accounts for_ the crack depth (a) as a function of plate depth (b). However, this calculation for "K" must be modified to account for the presence of through-wall cracking. To do this, the stress can be increased by a " stress incrcase factor." This " stress increase factor"

          -(A) can be calculated as follows:

A = Ar / (Ar-(2-1.%) X) where: Ar = the total cross-sectional area at the weld, without cracks (Appendix E) X = the length of material flawed through-wall (Appendix E) Therefore, for weld H3: X = 176.02'= 315 inches A = 1288.84 / (1288.84 -(0.94)(315)) = 1.30 and for weld H4:

                    . X = 214.28" = 384 inches A = 1288.84 / (l288.84 -(0.94)(384)) = _l.39 S1R-98-125/ RAM-98-142                                                               D-2             StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.
                          =       _ _ - .
                                                                                                                             - - - - - - - - - - - - = -

From Tada, page 2.11: 0.752 + 2.02(a / b)+ 0.371-sin F(a/b)=.k tan2bE e ' = 3.1 Vm cosE 2b K = (1.13)(1.30)(3.1)](n)(1.06) = 8 ksidnTfor weld H3 (faulted condition)

                       ; K = (0.72)(1.39)(3.1)](x)(1.06) = 6 ksi[ for weld H4 (upset conditions)

However, this value of stress intensity only accounts for applied ' stresses. The effect of residual stresses must also be taken into account. From the austenitic stainless steel crack growth report

         - [11], the stress intensity factor due to weld residual stresses is negative for flaws' deeper than about 45% through-wall. Even considering the industry's latest position on this subject [14], the applied stress intensity factor for a flaw 53% through-wall is under 18 ksi6. If this is added to the above values, the applied stress intensity factor is still well within any allowable value.

Through-Wall Flaw Evaluation For evaluation of the postulated through-wall flaws in welds H3 and H4, methods similar_ to those used in Appendix B will be utilized. However, for evaluation, it will be assumed that the e shroud is only 0.94 inches thick (2.0- 1.06). The classical equation for applied stress intensity factor in an infinite through-wall flawed sheet is given by: K = a6 where: .o =-

                                   ~ applied remote stress, which is conservatively taken as the sum of pressure differential and bending moment stresses from Table 1 aL     =       half the flaw length -
        . However, the value of "K" must be increased to account for curvature correction (G.), the increase in remote stress due to the presence of other flaws not considered as well as the
         " thinned" shell being evaluated, and the effect of adjacent flaws.

In order to determine the effect of adjacent flaws, a less conservative approach than that presented in' the evaluation guidelines [3] is used. For three unequal length collinear flaws in an infinite sheet under a uniform tensile stress, the interaction effect, Ks/Ko, can be determined using the methods presented by Rooke [8]. Figure B-1 presents a graph of Ku/Ko based upon Lvarious flaw configurations. The results are presented in Table D-1, { L

       - S1R-98-125/ RAM-98-142 '                                                       D-3 .               { StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

_ _ _ = _ .

F jk

     - using the methods presented by Rooke [8]. Figure B-1 presents a graph of Ks/Ko based upon various flaw configurations. The results are presented in Table D-1.
'In order to account for the modelling of the actual cracked condition (which has several flaws) as a problem with only three flaws, the stress will be modified by a stress factor, A. The factor A is dependent upon the amount of material flawed and the amount of material flawed in the three crack problem. The use of a three crack model to simulate the actual cracked configuration is justified since LEFM failure is localized and cracks separated by significant distance do not interact. The factor A compensates for the presence of several flaws. The value used (A) is shown in Table D-2.

For curvature correction, Om, Figure 4-3 of the evaluation guidelines [3] is utilized. For weld H3, with ai /(Rt)'" equal to 3.02, G = 1.70. For weld H4, .with ai (Rt)'"

                                                                       /      equal to 2.49, Gm = 1.56.

The applied stress intensity factor for welds H3 (faulted condition) and H4 (upset condition) can then be calculated from the following: K = (Ks/Ko)(A)(Gm)(c)]na i 4 K uf= (1.25)(2.57)(1.70)(1.13)](n)(43.26) = 72 ksid 4 K n, = (1.15)(3.77)(1.56)(0.72) d(n)(35.66) = 52 ksid 1 i 1 4 SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 D-4 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

 -       . - , . - . -        . . . . . ~ . . . .        - . . . .    . .  - . - .     . - . . .. .-. . .       . .    - - - . . . - .

i Table D-1 Flaw Interaction Effects' Weld I Designation 2a2 b ai/bi a2/bi Ks/Ko l H3 48.33" 33.12* 34.99* 0.69 0.47 1.25 H4 39.84*- 8.78* 23.96* 0.83 0.18 1.15  ! Note: 1. See Appendix E for flaw data. 1 l i SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 D-5 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

 ,            -    - . . - -                       =.         -      .          -     .       . . .---       - -        -    ..  -

Table D-2

                                                   - Stress Increase Factors Weld                       al gr ss-       Area of Flaws tal           Total              Stress
 &signion -                   8'CI' ""I                                Remaining         Unflawed          Increase Evaluated
                               - Area                                     Area            Area2          Factor (A)                 '

H3 605.75 in.2 192.78 in.2 412.97 in.2. 309.57 in.2 2.57 H4 605.75 in.2 96.58 in.2 509.17 in.2 245.20 in.2 3.77 Notes: 1. Equals the area of a 0.94 inch thick cylinder.  !

2. Equals the area of material not flawed through-wall. The total circumferential  ;

length of this area, from Appendix E,is 183.98* for weld H3, and 145.72 for 4 weld H4. -

3. Equals the following: 3
   "                                tTotal Cross-sectional Area)
     ,[ Total Cross -sectional Aren}-[ Difference Between Evaluated and Unnawed Areas),

l A = [605.75/(605.75 - 412.97 + 309.57)] (2.0) / (0.94) for weld H3 l A = [605.75/(605.75 - 509.17 + 245.20)] (2.0) / (0.94) for weld H4 SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 D-6 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

l 1 1 i APPENDIX E Welds H3 and H4 Limit Load Evaluation for use in LEFM New Initiation Study Basis for Analyses: I

1. All reported indications are increased in length at each end by three cycles of crack  !

5 growth (2.4 inches), using a crack growth rate of 5 x 10 inches / hour, and by the UT i length sizing uncertainty shown in Table 4 and 5, as appropriate.

2. All unflawed areas are assumed instantaneously flawed after the last inspection, and ,

increased in depth by three cycles of crack growth (1.06 inches), using a crack growth I rate of 2.2 x 10 5 inches / hour. 1

3. All areas not examined, or reported with flaws, are assumed to be flawed through-wall,  !

and increased in length as stated above. l l

4. Flaws increased in length per Note I will be combined if closer than 4 inches (twice the shroud thickness) apart [3].

l SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 E-1 h StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

H36.OUT Page 1 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-24-1998 10:52:05 Pags 1 DESCRIPTION: P;ach Bottom, Unit 3 Reinspection Study Weld H3 -- 6 Years of Crack Growth Crack assumed to take compression across face RADIUS (IN) = 102.5625 WALL THICKNESS (I;) N = 2 TENSION STRESS = 0.790 KSI MATERIAL FLOW STRESS = 50.700 KSI ANGLE FOR MOMENT ITERATION = 1 FLAWS DEFINED = 15 (AS FOLLOWS) 1 ANGLES: 0.0000 TO 17.44.00 (DTHETA = 17.440) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 2 ANGLES: 17.4400 TO 52.3600 (DTHETA = 34.920) DEPTH (IN) = 1.060 3 ANGLES: 52.3600 TO 64.2900 (DTHETA = 11.930) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 4 ANGLES: 64.2900 TO 103.3600 (DTHETA = 39.070) DEPTH (I:N) = 1.060  ! 5 ANGLES: 103.3600 TO 112.0400 (DTHETA = 8.680) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 6 ANGLES: 112.0400 TO 142.2100 (DTHETA = 30.170) DEPTH (IN) = 1.060 1 7 ANGLES: 142.2100 TO 190.5400 (DTHETA = 48.330) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 8 ANGLES: 190.5400 TO 201.3700 (DTHETA = 10.830) DEPTH (IN) = 1.060 9 ANGLES: 201.3700 TO 234.4900 (DTHETA = 33.120) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 10 ANGLES: 234.4900 TO 239.0800 (DTHETA = 4.590) DEPTH (IN) = 1.060 11 ANGLES: 239.0800 TO 252.1600 (DTHETA = 13.080) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 l 12 ANGLES: 252.1600 TO 296.8400 (DTHETA = 44.680) DEPTH (IN) = 1.060 i 13 ANGLES: 296.8400 TO 327.1600 (DTHETA = 30.320) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 l 14 ANGLES: 327.1600 TO 346.8800 (DTHETA = 19.720) DEPTH' (IN) = 1.060 15 ANGLES: 346.8800 TO 360.0000 (DTHETA = 13.120) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 TOTAL AREA (IN2) = 1288.838 REMAINING DEGRADED SECTION AREA (IN2) = 309.574 (APPROX. DEGRADED METAL AREA = 309.5727 ) Program Output: Angle = Angle that tension-to-compression axis x' is rotated t - Thickness in wall at position corresponding to angle delta = Distance from center to tension-to-compression axis Pb,x' = Bending stress due to moment about tension-to-compression axis Pb,y' = Bending stress due to moment perpendicular to tens./ comp. axis Pb, max = Maximum bending stress due to total limit moment Anglemax = Angle for total limit moment relative to original Y axis Atension = Area of metal in tension for Case 2 l f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

H36.OUT. Page 2
 -- Arbitrary Net' Section Collapse ANSC 2.0_ (4/26/94)                                                      j 1

12-24-1998 10:54:55 l Paga- 2  ! Angle Wall t Delta . lPb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension

     ,0.00    0.000      80.966     24.228      3.536      24.484            8.30         291.22 1.00.  .0.000      80.946    '24.289      3.477'     24.536            9.15         291.35 2.00    0.000      80.946     24.348      3.398      24.584            9.94         291.35
     .3.00    0.000      80.946     24.406      3.319      24.631         10.74           291.35 4.00    0.000'     80.946     24.463      3.238      24.676         11.54           291.35 5.00    0.000      80.946     24.518      3.156      24.720         12.34           291.35 6.00    0.000      80.946     24.572      3.074'    -24.763         13.13           291.35
     .7.00    0.000      80.946     24.624      2.991      24.805         13.92           291.35 8.00    0.000      80.946     24.675      2.906      24.846         14.72           291.35 9.00    0'.000'    80.946     24.725      2.821      24.885         15.51           291.35 10.00. 0.000'     80.946     24.773      2.735    -24.923          16.30           291.35 R11.00     0.000      80.946     24.819      2.648      24.960         17.09           291.35 12.00    0.000       80.946     24.864      2.561      24.996         17.88           291.35 13,.00   0.000       80.946     24.908      2.472      25.030         18.67           291.35-14.00    0.000       80.946     24.949      2.383      25.063         19.46           291.35 15.00    0.000-      80.946     24.990      2.293      25.095         20.24           291.35              ;

16.00- 0.000 80.946 25.028 '2.203 25.125 21.03 291.35 17.00 0.000 81.029 25.066 2.111 25.154 21.81 290.81 18.00 0.940 81.237 25.102 2.087 25.189 22.75 289.45 19.00' O.940 81.445 25.138 2.060 25.222 23.69 288.09 20.00 -0.940 81.651 25.174 2.031 25 255 24.61 286.72

   -21.00    0.940       81.857     25.209      2.000     25.288          25.54           285.36 22.00     0.940-      82.062     25.243      1.966      25.319         26.45-          284.00 23.00     0.940       82.118     25.276      1.862     25.345          27.21           283.63 24.00-    0.940       82.117     25.308      1.759     25.369          27.97           283.63' 25.00. 0.940:      82.117     25.338      1.654     25.392          28.74           283.63 26.00     0.940       82.117     25.366      1.549     25.413          29.49           283.63 127.00     0.940       82.117     25.392      1.444-    25.433          30.25           283.63 28.00     0.940       82.117     25.416      1.338     25.451          31.01           283.63 29.00     0.940       82.118     25.438      1.231     25.468         .31.77           283.63             i 30.00-    0.940       82.118     25.459      1.125     25.484          32.53.          283.63             i 31.00     0.940       82.118    -25.477      1.018   -25.498           33.29           283.63 32.00    'O.940      .82.118     25.494      0.911     25.510          34.05           283.63 33.00     0.940       82.118     25.509l     0.803     25.522          34.80           283.63 34.00    :0.940'      82.118     25.522-     0.695     25.532          35.56           283.63             i 35.00     0.940.      82.118     25.533      0.587     25.540          36.32           283.63 36.00     0.940       82~.250    25.543      0.546     25.548          37.22           282.75 37.00    'O.940       82.453     25.551      0.503     25.556-         38.13           281.38 38.00-    0.940       82.655     25.559      0.424     25.563          38.95           280.02 39.00. 0.940       82.856     25.566      0.377     25.569         39.85            278.66             ;

40.00 'O.940 83.056 25.572 -0.329 25.574 40.74 277.29 ' 41.00 0.940 ,83.256 25.577 0.278 '25.579 41.62 275.93 42'.00 0.940 83.454. 25.581 0.225 25.582 42.50 274.57 43.00- 0.940 83.652 25.585 0.171 25.585 43.38 273.21 44.00 0.940 83.848' 25.587- 0.114 25.587 44.26 271.84

.145.00      0.'940      84.044     25.588      0.056     25.588         45.13            270.48
  .46.00-   -0.940       84.128     25.588      0.049     25.588         46.11            269.90
  ~47.00     0.940       84.128     25.589      0.076     25.589         47.17            269.90 4'

48.00. 0.940 84;128 25.590' O.103 25.590 48.23 269.90 49.00 0.940 .84.128 25.591 0.130 25.592 49.29 269.90 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc. u

               .     . _   ..        .-   -  ~ . .      .     .        .. .          . . . - ..           -.

H36.OUT- Page 3 i Arbitrary Net Section Collapse'ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) .

 '12-24-1998       10:54:55                                                                                     -
 .Paga. =3-                                                                                                     '
    -Angle Wall t'       Delts     Pb,x'-       .Pb,y.'     Pb, max AngleMax
   .50.'00                                                                                        A tension 0.940      84.128   25.593        0.157        25.594             50.35               269.90     1 51.00     0.940     -84.128   25.596-       0.184       ,25.597             51.41 52.00                                                                                           269.90 0.940      84.128   25.599        0.211        25.600             52.47               269.90-53.00    0.000.      84.128   25.602        0.238        25.603             53.53               269.90 54.00.  -0.000       84.128   25.606        0.265-       25.608             54.59              '269.90 55.00'  10.000       84.128   25.611        0.291        25.612             55.65               269.90
  ~56.00     0.000                                                                                              l 84.128   25.615.       0.318        25.617             56.71               269.90      ,
  '57.00     0.000       84.272   25.620        0.266-       25.622             57.59                           I 268.89 58.00    0.000       84;465- .25.624-       0.203        25.625             58.45                           '

267.53 159.00 0.000' 84.658 25.627 0.138 25.627 59.31 266.16 ' o60.00 0.000. 84.850 25,628 0.071 25.628 60.16 264.80 ,

61.00 0.000 85.041 25.628 0.002 25.628 61.01 263.44 62.00. 0.000 85.231 25.627 -0.068 .25.627 61.85 262.08 6 3.00; 0.000 85.420 25.625 -0.172 25.625 62.62 260.71 64.00' O.000 85.608 25.621 -0.246 25.622 63.45 259.35 i 65.00 0.940 85.795 25.616 -0.321- 25.618 64.28 257.99  !

66.00 0.940 85.981 25.610 -0.399 25.613 65.11 256.62 67.00' O.940 86.167 25.602 -0.478 25.606 65.93 255.26  ; 68.00 0.940 86.351 25.592 -0.560 25.598 66.75 253.90 69.00 {

            'O.940      86.534    25.582      -0.642         25.590             67.56               252.54      ;

70.00( 0.940 86.717 25.569 -0.727 25.580 68.37 251.17 71.00- 0.940 86.'898 25.555 -0.813 25.568 69.18 249.81 l 72.00~ 0.940 87.078 25.540 -0.901 25.556 69.98 248.45-

  .73.00     0.940      87.258    25 523      -1.020         25.543-            70.71 7

247.09 74.00 0.940 87.436 25.504 -1.111 25.529- 71.50 245.73 75.00 0.940- 87.614 25.484 -1.204 25.513 72.29 244.36 76.00 0.940 87.790 25.462 -1.298 25.495 73.08 243.00 77.00 0.940 87.966 25.439 -1.394 25.477 73.86 241.64 78.00 0.940 88.141 25.413 -1.491 25.457 74.64 240.28 79.00 0.940 88.314 25.386 -1.590 25.436 75.42 238.91 i 80.00 0.940 88.487 25.357 -1.690 25.413 76.19 237.55 - 81.00 0.940' 88.659 25.326 -1.791 25.390 76.95 236.19 82.00 0.940 88.829 25.294 -1.894 25.365 '77.72 234.83 *

  -83.00-    0.940      88.999    25.259      -2.027         25.340             78.41               233.47      !

84.00~ 0.940 89.168 25.223- -2.132 25.313 79.17 232.10 ' 85.00 0.940 89.182 25.185 -2.147 25.277 80.13 231.99 i 86;00 0.940 89.182 25.147' -2.177 25.241 81.05 231.99 87.00 0.940. 89.182 25.108 -2.207 25.205 81.98 231.99 88.00 0.940 89.055~ 25.069 -2.317 25.176 82.72 233.02 89.00 0.940 88.888 25.027 -2.425 25.145 83.46 234.36 90.00 0.940 88.884 24.984 -2.570 25.115 84.13 234.39

  .91.00     0.940      88.884   24.937       -2.724         25.086             84.76               234.39 92.00     0.940      88.884-  24.888       -2.878        25.054              85.40               234.39 93.00     0.940      88.884   24.836       -3.031        25.021              186.04              234.39 94.00     0.940      88.884   24.782       -3.183        24.986              86.68               234.39 95.00     0.940      88.884   24.725       -3.334        24.949              87.32               234.39 96.00     0.940 ~    88.884   24.665       -3.484        24.910              87.96               234.39 97.00'    O.940      88.884'  24.603       -3.633        24.870              68.60               234.39 98.00    0.940       88.884   24.538       -3.780        24.828              89.24               234.39 99.00-   0.940       88.884   24.471       -3.927        24.784              89.88               234.39

{ StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

H36.OUT Page 4 l Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-24-1998 10:54:55 Paga 4 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 100.00 0.940 88.884 24.401 -4.072 24.738 90.52 234.39 101.00 0.940 88.884 24.328 -4.217 24.691 91.17 234.39 102.00 0.940 88.884 24.254 -4.359 24.642 91.81 234.39 103.00 0.940 88.729 24.176 -4.472 24.587 92.52 235.63 104.00 0.000 88.558 24.098 -4.518 24.518 93.38 236.99 105.00 0.000 88.385 24.018 -4.603 24.'455 94.15 238.35 106.00 0.000 88.212 23.936 -4.684 24.391 94.93 239.72 107.00 0.000 88.038 23.854 -4.762 24.325 95.71 241.08 108.00 0.000 87.862 23.770 -4.837 24.257 96.50 242.44 109.00 0.000 87.686 23.685 -4.908 24.188 97.29 243.81 110.00 0.000 87.509 23.598 -4.976 24.117 98.09 245.17 111.00 0.000 87.331 23.511 -5.041 24.045 98.90 246.53 112.00 0.000 87.152 23.422 -5.102 23.972 99.71 247.89 113.00 0.940 86.972 23.333 -5.160 23.897 100.53 249.26 114.00 0.940 86.791 23.243 -5.171 23.811 101.46 250.62 115.00 0.940 86.644 23.152 -5.221 23.733 102.29 251.72 116.00 0.940 86.644 23.061 -5.182 23.636 103.34 251.72 117.00 0.940 86.644 22.971 -5.140 23.539 104.39 251.72 118.00 0.940 86.644 22.881 -5.097 23.442 105.44 251.72 119.00 0.940 86.644 22.792 -5.053 23.346 106.50 251.72 120.00 0.940 86.644 22.704 -5.006 23.250 107.56 251.72 121.00 0.940 86.644 22.617 -4.959 23.155 108.63 251.72 122.00 0.940 86.644 22.531 -4.910 23.060 109.71 251.72 123.00 0.940 86.644 22.446 -4,859 22.966 110.78 251.72 124.00 0.940 86.644 22.361 -4.807 22.872 111.87 251.72 125.00 0.940 86.644 22.277 -4.754 22.779 112.95 251.72 126.00 0.940 86.644 22.195 -4.698 22.687 114.05 251.72 127.00 0.940 86.644 22.113 -4.642 22.595 115.14 251.72 l 128.00 0.940 86.644 22.032 -4.584 22.504 116.25 251.72 129.00 0.940 86.644 21.953 -4.525 22.414 117.35 251.72 130.00 0.940 86.644 21.874 -4.464 22.325 118.46 251.72 131.00 0.940 86.644 21.797 -4.402 22.237 119.58 251.72 132.00 0.940 86.644 21.720 -4.339 22.149 120.70 251.72 133.00 0.940 86.644 21.645 -4.274 22.063 121.83 251.72 134.00 0.940 86.644 21,571 -4.208 21.977 122.96 251.72 { 135.00 0.940 86.558 21.498 -4.185 21.901 123.98 252.36 136.00 0.940 86.375 21.424 -4.203 21.833 124.90 253.72 137.00 0.940 86.190 21.351 -4.218 21.764 125.82 255.09 138.00 0.940 86.005 21.277 -4.230 21.694 126.75 256.45 139.00 0.940 85.819 21.204 -4.239 21.623 127.69 257.81 140.00 0.940~ 85.632 21.130 -4.200 21.543 128.76 259.17 141.00 0.940 85.444 21.056 -4.202 21.471 129.71 260.54 142.00 0.940 85.255 20.983 -4.201 21.399 130.68 261.90 143.00 0.000 85.066 20.909 -4.198 21.326 131.65 263.26

144.00 0.000 84,875 20.836 -4.191 21.253 132.63 264.63 145.00 0.000 84.683 20.762 -4.181 21.179 133.61 265.99 I 146.00 0.000 84.490 20.689 -4.168 21.105 134.61 267.35 '

147.00 0.000 84.297 20.617 -4.152 21.031 135.61 268.71 148.00 0.000 84.102 20.545 -4.133 20.956 136.62 270.08 ! 149.00 0.000 83.907 20.473 -4.111 20.882 137.64 271.44 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

L H36 ;OUT, Page 5 Arbitrarr Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94)

     '12-24-1995         10iS4:55 Pega 4  5
        . Angle    Wall t       Delta.         .Pb,x' 150.00 Pb,y'      Pb, max AngleMax A tension 0.000       83.710.       20.402              -4.038   .20.798          138.80       272.80 151.00       0.000       83.513-       20.331 s-     152.00
                                                                 -4.010     20.723        139.84        2"4  '6 0.000       83.315       ~20.261              -3.978     20.648        140.89        275.53 153.00       0.000       83.188        20.191' 154.00
                                                                 -3.952     20.574        141.93        276.39 0.000       83.188        20.122              -3.974     20.510        142.83        276.39 155.00       0.000       83.189        20.051              -3.995     20.446        143.73        276.39 156.00       0.00C       83.189        19.981              -4.015    20.380         344.64
    .157.00                                                                                            276.39 0.000       83.189        19.910            ' -4.034    20.315         145.55       276.39 158.00       0.000       83.189 159.00 19.839-             -4.051    20.248         146.46       276.39 0.000       83.189        19.768              -4.067    20.182         147.37       276.39 160.00       0.000       83.189
                                            '19.696             -4.082     20.115         148.29       276.39 0.000       83.188-      19.624              -4.096     20.047         149.21       276.39 162.00.     '0.000-      83.259       19.552              -4.108     19.979         150.13 163.00                                                                                           275.91 0.000       83.458       19.481              -4.055     19.898        151.24        274.55 164.00      10.000       83.655        19.410              -4.002     19.818        152.35 15;.00       0.000.                                                                               273.18 83.852        19.340              -3.950'    19.740        153.45
166.00 0.000 84.049 19.272 271.82 167.00
                                                                -3.d99     19.662        154.56        270.46 0.000       84.242        19.204              -3.848     19.585        155.67        269.09 168:.00      0.000       84.436        19.136              -3.798     19.510 169.00                                                                              156.77        267.73 0.000       84.629        19.070              -3.749     19.435        157.88        266.37 170.00       0.000       84:821        19.004              -3.732     19.367        158.89        265.01 171.00L      0.000       85.012        18.940              -3.684     19.295 172.00                                                                              159.99        263.64 0.000       85.202        18.876              -3.637     19.223        161.09        262.28 173.00       0.000       85.391        18.812              -3.591     19.152                      260,92 174.00-                                                                             162.19 0.000       85.580        18.750              -3.545     19.082        163.29        259.56 175.00       0 J00       85.767        18.688              -3.500     19.013 176.00.                                                                             164.39        258.19
                    .000      85.953        18.627              -3.456     18.945        165.49        256.83 177.00       J.000       86.139       18.567               -3.413     18.878 178.00                                                                              166.58       255.47 0.000       86.323        18.507              -3.371    18.812         167.68       254.11 179.00       0.000        86.506       18.448              -3.329     18.746 180.00-                                                                              168.77       252.74 0.000        86.607       18.390              -3.236 181-.00      0.000 18.676         169.96       252.00 86.607       18.334              -3.133     18.600         171.30       252.00            \

182.00 0.000 86.607 18.280 -3.009 18.526 172.65 252.00 183.00 0.000 ~86.607 18.228 -2.884 18.455 184.00. 174.01 252.00 0.000 86.607 18.178 -2.758 18.386 175.37 252.00 185.00' O.000 86.607 18.131 -2.631 18.321 176.74 186-.00 0.000 252.00 86.607 10.086 -2.504 18.258 178.32 252.00 187.00 0.000 86.607 18.043 -2.376 18.198 179.50 252.00

   '188.00       0.000       86.607        10.002              -2.246     18.141       180.89         252.00 189.00       0.000-      86.607        17.963              -2.117     18.088       182.28         252.00 l

190.00 'O.000 86.607 17.927 -1.986 18.037 191.00 183.68 252.00

                .0.940       86.607        17.893              -1.855     17.989       185.08         252.00 1S2.00      LO.940       86.607       :17.861              -1.724     17.944
   ~193 90:                                                                            186.49         252.00 0.940      .86.607-      J17.833              -1.592     17.903 194.JO                                                                             187.90         252.00 0.940      .86.607        17.805              -1.459     17.864       189.31         252.00 195.00       0.940-      86.607-       17.780              -1.326     17.829       190.73         251.99 196.00       0.940       86.607        17.758              -1.193     17.798 197100                                                                             192.16         251.99 0.940.      86.607        17.737              -1.059     17.769       193.58
   .198.00       0.940                                                                                251.99
                            ~ 86'.607      17.720              -0.925     17.744       195.01
   '199.00:      0.940                                                                                251.99           .-

86.607 '17.704 -0.790 17.722 196.44 251.99 h StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc,

H36.OUT Page 6 l L Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94)  ! 12-24-1998 10:54:55 ' Pags 6 Angle Wall t- Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AnaleMax A tension 200.00 0.940 86.740 17.691 -0.728 17.706 197.64 251.00 201.00' O.940 86.765 17.678 -0.736 17.693 198.61 250.81 202.00 0.000 86.765 17.665 -0.744 17.681 199.59 250.81 l 203.00 0.000 86.765 17.652 -0.752 17.668 20. 56 250.81 1 204.00 0.000 86.76S 17.639 -0.760 17.655 201.53 '50.82 205.00 0.000 86.764 17.625 -0.767 17.642 202.51 250.82 206.00 0.000 86.764 17.612 -0.774 17.629 203.48 250.82 207.00 0.000 86.764 17.598 -0.781 17.615 204.46 250.82 208.00 0.000 86.765 17.584 -0.788 17.602 205.43 250.82 209.00 0.000 86.765 17.570 -0.794 17.588 206.41 250.82  ! 210.00 0.000 86.765 17.556 -0.800 17.574 207.39 250.82 I 211.00 0.000 86.765 17.542 -0.806 17.560 208.37 250.81  ! 212.00 0.000 86.765 17.528 -0.812 17.546 209.35 250.81 213.00 0.000 86.934 17.514 -0.758 17.530 210.52 249.54 214.00' O.000 87.114 17.501 -0.706 17.515 211.69 248.18 215-.00 0.000 87.293 17.488 -0.655 17.501 212.85 246.82 216.00 0.000 87.472 17.477 -0.607 17.488 214.01 245.45 1 217.00 0.000 87.649 17.466 -0.560 17.475 215.16 244.09 I 218.00 0.000 87.826 17.457 -0.515 17.464 216,31 242.73 { 219.00 0.000 88.001 17.448 -0.500 17.455 217.36 241.37  ! 220.00 0.000 88.175 17.439 -0.458 17.445 218.49 240.00 221.00 0.000 88.349 17.431 -0.418 17.436 219.62 238.64 222.00 0.000 88.521 17.424 -0.380 17.428 220.75 237.28 223,00 0.000 88.693 17.418 -0.344 17.421 221.87 235.92 l 224.00 0.000 88.864 17.412 -0.309 17.415 222.98 234.55 225.00 f l0 89.033 17.406 -0.277 17.409 224.09 233.19


226.00 4 89.202 17.402 -0.246 17.403 225.19 231.83 227.00- , 89.344 l',.397 -0.237 17.399 226.22 230.67 228.00 m .+, 89.344 17.394 -0.134 17.395 227.56 230.67 229.00 0.000 89.344 17.393 -0.031 17.393 228.90 230.67 2 4' 0 . 0 0 0.000 89.344 :7.393- 0.072 17.393 230.24 230.67 231.00 0.000 89.344 17.396 0.175 17.397 231.58 230.67 l 232.00 0.000 89.344 17.400 0.278 17.402 232.92 230.67 l 233.00 0.000 89.344 17.406 0.381 17.410 234.25 230.67 234.00 0.000 89.344 17.413 0.484 17.420 235.59 230.67 235.00 0.940 89.344 17.423 0.587 17.433 236.93 230.67 236.00 0.940 89.344 17.434 0.689 17.448 238.26 230.67 237.00 l 0.940 89.544 17.447 0.791 17.465 239.60 230.67 1 238.00 0.940 89.344 17.462 0.893 17.485 240.93 230.67 239.00 0.940 89.344 17.479 0.995 17.507 242.26 230.67 240.00 0.000 89.344 17.497 1.097 17.531 243.b9 230.67 241.00 0.00 89.344 17.517 1.198 17.558 244.91 230.67

 -242.00       0.00s           89.344  17.539    1.25;   17.587     246.23        230.67 243.00       0.000           09.344  17.563    1.399   17.618     247.55        230.67 244.00       0.000           89.344  17.588    1.499   17.652     248.87        230.67 245.00       0.000           39.344  17.615    1.598   17.688     250.18        230.67 246.00       0.000           8i.344  17.644    1.697   17.726     251.49        230.67 247.00       0.000           89.344  17.675    1.796   17.766     252.80        230.67 248.00       0.000-          89.344  17.707    1.893   17.808     254.10        230.67           4 249.00       0.000           89.344  17.741    1.991   17.853     255.40        230.67 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

l H36.OUT Page 7 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-24-1998 10:54:55 Pcg3 7

Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 250.00 0.000 89.344 17.777 2.087 17.899 256.70 230.67 251.00 0.000 89.344 17.815 2.183 17.948 257.99 230.67 252.00 0.000 89.344 17.854 2.279 17.999 259.27 230.67 253.00 0.940 89.344 17.894 2.374 18.051 260.56 230.67 254.00 0.940 89.336 17.937 2.468 18.106 261.83 230.74 255.00 0.940 89.168 17.990 2.480 18.150 262.85 232.10 256.00 0.940 88.999 18.024 2.495 18.196 263.88 233.47 257.'00 0.940 88.829 18.068 2.551 18.247 265.04 234.83 258.00 0.940 88.659 18.112 2.568 18.293 266.07 236.19 0.940 88.487 18.157 2.585 18.340 267.10 237.55 260.00 0.940 88.314 18.202 2.604 18.387 268.14 238.92 261.00 0.940 88.140 18.247 2.624 18.435 269.18 240.28 262.00 0.940 88.098 18.293 2.729 18.496 270.48 240.61 263.00 0.940 88.098 18.341 2.833 18.559 271.78 240.61 264.00 0.940 88.245 18.291 2.851 18.610 272.81 239.46 265.00 0.940 88.418 18.440 2.873 18.663 273.86 238.10 266.00 0.940 88.590 18.490 2.892 18.715 274.89 236.74 267.00 0.940 88.761 18.541 2.908 18.768 275.92 235.37 268.00 0.940 88.931 18.r?T 2.922 18.820 276.93 234.01 269.00 0.940 89.101 18. 4" 2.933 18.871 277.94 232.65 270.00 0.940 89.269 16.bss 2.941 18.923 278.94 231.28 271.00 0.940 89.436 18.744 2.918 18.969 279.65 229.92 272.00 0.940 89.602 18.794 2.920 19.020 280.83 228.56 273.00 0.940' 89.768 18.845 2.920 19.070 281.81 227 20 274.00 0.940 89.797 18.897 2.993 19.132 283.00 226.95 275.00 0.940 89.797 18.949 3.063 19.195 284.18 226.95
 '276.00     0.940     89.797   19.003    3.132    19.259      285.36           226.95 277.00     0.940     89.797   19.057    3.200    19.324      286.53           226.95 278.00     0.940     89.797   19.114    3.267    19.391      287.70           226.95 279.00     0.940     89.797   19.171    3.333    19.458      288.86           226.95 280.00     0.940     89.797   19.229    3.398    19.527      290.02           226.95 281.00     0.940     89.797   19.289    3.462    19.597      291.18           226.95 282.00     0.940     89.797   19.349    3.525    19.668      292.32           226.95 283.00     0.940     89.797   19.411    3.587    19.739      293.47           226.95 284.00     0.940     89.797   19.473    3.648    19.812      294.61           226.95 285.00     0.940     89.797   19.537    3.707    19.896      295.74           226.95 286.00     0.940     89.797   19.602    3.766    19.961      296.87          226.95 287.00     0.940     89.797   19.668   3.823     20.036      298.00          226.95 288.00     0.940     89.797   19.735   3.879     20.112      299.12           226.95 2a9.00     0.940     89.797   19.802   3.935     20.190      300.24           226.95 290.00     0.940     89.797   19.871    3.988    20.268      301.35           226.95 291.00     0.940     89.797   19.941   4.041     20.346      302.46          226.95 292.00     0.940     89.797   20.011   4.093     20.426      303.56           226.95 293,00     0.940     89.797   20.083   4.143     20.506      304.66           226.95 294.00     0.940     89.685   20.155   4.112     20.570      305.53           227.88 295.00     0.940     89.519   20.226   4.082     20.634      306.41           229.24 296.00     0.940     89.353   20.298   4.053     20.698      307.29           230.60 297.00     0.000     89.185   20.368   4.065     20.770      308.29           231.97 298.00     0. 00     89.016   20.439   4.037     20.834      309.17           233.33 299.00     0..s0     88.847   20.509   4.010     20.897      310.06           234.69 biTUCluralIntegrity Associates, Inc.
g. .- . - . . - -. - .. ~. _ . -. .- - . . - - . . . . . - - -_

H36.OUT, Page 8 l l l LArb'itrary Net.Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 '(4/26/94)

       .12-24-19.08          10:54':55                                                                                             l j

Page 8- 1 I i

          -Angle LWall:t-            -Delta               Pb,x'          Pb,y'     Pb, max AngleMax               A tension 300.00        0.000-      '88.676            20.578-          3.983      20.960            310.95           236.05 301.00        0.000        88.504            20.647'          3.957      21.023            311.85           237.42 302.00        0.000)       88.332            20.716           3.932. 21.086            312.75           238.78
        .303.00        0.000      '88.158             20.784'          3.907-     21.148            313.65           240.14

! 304.00 0.000 87.984 20.852 3.884 21.211 314.55 ' 241.50 305.00. 0.000 87,808 -20.920 3.860 21.273 315.46 242.86 306.00. 0.000 87.632 20.987 3.838 21.335 316.36 244.23 307.00 0.000 87.454- 21.054 3.859 21'.405 317.39 245.59 308.00 0.000' 87.276 21.121 3.838 21.467 318.30

       .309;00' .0.000                                                                                               246.95 87.096            21.187           3.818      21.529           319.22            248.31 310.00        0.000        86.916            21.254           3.799      21.590           320.13            249.68 311.00        0.000        86.735            21.320-          3.780      21.652           321.05            251.04 312.00         0.000        86.552            21.385             .763     21.714           321.98            252.40 313.00         0.000'       86.369            21.451           3.744      21.775           322.90            253.76 i 214.00'               O.000        86.185'           21.516           3.728      21.836           323.83           255.13 315.00.        0.000        86.000            21.581'          3.712      21.898           324.76           .256.49 L

316.00 0.000 ~85.814 21.646 3.696 21.959 325.69 257.85' 317.00 '0.000: 85.683 21.710 3.692 22.022 326.65 258.81 318.00 0.000 '85.683' 21.774 3.622 22.073 327.44 258.81 i 319.00L 0,000 85.683' 21.836 3.551 22.123 328.24 258.81 !~320.00 0.000' 85.683 21.897 3.479 22.172 329.03 258.81

       .321.00         0.000.       85.683            21.957           3.406      22.220           329.82           258.81 322.00         0.000        85.683            22.016           3.332      22.267           330.61-          258.81
      '323.00          0.000        85.d83            22.073           3.257      22.312           331.39           258.81 L 324.00                0.000        85.683            22.129           3.181      22.357         -332.18            258.81         !

325.00 0.000 85.683 22.184 3.104 22.400 332.96 258.81  ! ! 326.00 0.000 85.567 22.237 3.062 22.447 333.84 259.65 l 327.00 0.000 85.378 22 290 l 3.040 22.497 334.77 261.01 l 328.00 0.940 85.189 22.343 3.018 22.546 335.69 262.38 i 329.00 0.940- 84.999 22.396. 2.998 22.595 336.62 263.74 330.00 0.940 84.808 22.448 -2.978 22.644


337.56 265.10 331.00- 0.940 84.616 22.500 2.959 22.693 338.49 266.46

     -332.00        10.940         84.423             22.551        '2.941        22.742           339.43           267.83 333.00:       0.940        84.229             22.603          2.971       22 797           340.49           269.19         ;
       '334.00         0.940       84.034'            22.654          2.955       22.846           341.43           270.55         l 335.00        0.940        83 839             22.705          2.940       22.895           342.38           271.91         ;

336.~00- 0.940 83.778- 22.757 2.973 22.950 343.44 272.34 l 337.00 0.940 831778 22.809 3.053 '23.013 344.62- 272.34 j

338.00 0.940 83.778' 22.863 3.133. 23.077 345.80 272.33 339.00 0.940 83.778 '22.918 3.211 23.142 346.97 272.33 340.00' O.940 83.778 22.975 3.288 23.209 348.14 272.33  ;
341.00 0.940 83.778 23 033
                                                         .            3.364       23.278           349.31           272.33         i 342.00        0.940       '83.778

23.093_ 3.439 23.347 350.47 272'.34

     -343.00'         O.940       .83.778             23'.153         3.514       23.418           351.63           272.34         i
,344.00 0.940 83,778 '23.215' 3.587 23.491 352.78 272.34

' 3 345.00: 0.940 83.778' 23.279 3.659 23.564 '353.93 -272.34 l

; 346.00              0.940        83.777             23.343        -3.729.       23.639           355.08           272.34 s'347.00           'O 000       .83.608-            23.408          3.752       23.707           356.11           273.51
  ) 348.00            0.000        83;410             23.473          3.728       23.767           357.02           274.87
:349.00' 0.000 83.212' 23.538_ 3.704 23.827 357.94 276.23 i

f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

g.,----- H36.OUT Page 9 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-24-1998 10:54.55 Page 9 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 350.00 0.000 83.012 23.602 3.681 23.887 358.86 277.60 351.00 0.000 82.812 23.666 3.659 23.947 359.79 278.96 352.00 0.000 82.610 23.729 3.637 24.006 0.71 280.32 353.00 0.000 82.408 23.792 3.616 24.066 1.64 281.68 354.00 0.000 82.204 23,855 3.595 24.125 2.57 283.05 355.00 0.000 82.000 23.918 3.575 24.184 3.50 284.41 356.00 0.000 81.795 23.981 3.556 24.243 4.43 285.77 357.00 0.000 81.589 24.043 3.587 2 4 .'3 0 9 5.49 287.14 358.00 0.000 81.382 24.105 3.570 24.368 ' 42 288.50 359.00 0.000 81.175 24.166 3.553 24.426 .36 289.86 MINIMUM STRESS (Pb,x') = 17.393 AT 229.00 DEGREES MINIMUM TOTAL STRESS (Pb, max) = 17.393 AT 228.90 DEGREES l l l 4 u { StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc. m

H46.OUT Page 1 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 ('/26/94) 12-21-1998 06:09:23 Page 1 DESCRIPTION: Peach Bottom, Unit 3 Reinspection Study We'.d H4 -- 6 Years of Crack Growth < Crack assumed to take compression across face RADIUS (IN) = 102.5625 WALL THICKNESS (IN) = 2 TENSION STRESS = 0.360 KSI MATERIAL FLOW STRESS = 50.700 KSI 1 ANGLE FOR MCMENT ITERATION = 1 FLAWS DEFINED = 33 (AS FOLLOWS)  ! 1 ANGLES: 0.0000 TO 13.2800 (DTHETA = 13.280) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000  ! 2 ANGLES: 13.2800 TO 21.8600 (DTHETA = 8.580) DEPTH (IN) = 1.060  ; 3 ANGLES: 21.8600 TO 30.6400 (DTHETA = 8.780) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 l 4 ANGLES: 30.6400 TO 34.6800 (DTHETA = 4.040) DEPTH (IN) = 1.060 { 5 ANGLES: 34.6800 TO 74.5200 (DTHETA = 39.840) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 6 ANGLES: 74.5200 TO 82.3600 (DTHETA = 7.840) DEPTH (IN) = 1.060 7 ANGLES: 82.3600 TO 86.1600 (DTHETA = 3.800) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000

   '8 ANGLES:     86.1600  TO     95.1800  (DTHETA =     9.020) DEPTH (IN)      =   1.060 9 ANGLES:     95.1800  TO   100.6600   (DTHETA =     5.480) DEPTH (IN)      =   2.000 10 ANGLES:

100.6600 TO 111.9200 (DTHETA = 11.260) DEPTH (IN) = 1.060 l 11 ANGLES: 111.9200 TO 115.6000 (DTHETA = 3.680) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 l 12 ANGLES: 115.6000 TO 123.0000 (DTHETA = 7.400) DEPTH (TN) = 1.060 i 13 ANGLES: 123.0000 TO 126.8000 (DTHETA = 3.800) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000  ! 14 ANGLES: 126.8000 TO 133.5200 (DTHETA = 6.720) DEPTH (IN) = 1.060 15 ANGLES: 133.5200 TO 152.2000 (DTHETA = 18.680) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 16 ANGLES: 152.2000 TO 168.6800 (DTHETA = 16.480) DEPTH (IN) = 1.060 17 NNGLES: 168.6800 TO 190.7400 (DTHETA = 22.060) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 18 ANGLES: 190.7400 TO 199.6800 (DTHETA = 8.940) DEPTH (IN) = 1.060  ; 19 ANGLES: 199.6800 TO 206.7200 (DTHETA = 7.040) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 20 ANGLES: 206,7200 TO 209.6400 (DTHETA = 2.920) DEPTH (IN) = 1.060 h StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

m.--- H46.OUT Page 2 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-21-1998~ 06:09:24 Page 2 21 ANGLES: 209.6400 TO 220.1600 (DTHETA = 10.520) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 22 ANGLES: 220.1600 TO 229.0600 (DTHETA = 8.900) DEPTH (IN) = 1.060 23 ANGLES: 229.0600 TO 236.7200 (DTHETA = 7.660) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 24 ANGLES: 236.7200 TO 243.5000 (DTHETA = 6.780) DEPTH (IN) = 1.060

25 ANGLES: 243.5000 TO 248.4200 (DTHETA = 4.o20) DEPTH (IN) = 2.000 26 ANGLES: 248.4200 TO 262.3600 (DTHETA = 13.940) DEPTH (IN)  := 1.060
       '27 ANGLES:    262.3600 TO '266.7200    (DTHETA =    4.360) DEPTH (IN)      =    2.000 28 ANGLES:    266.7200  TO 288.6200    (DTHETA =  21.900) DEPTH (IN)       =-   1.060 29 ANGLES:    288.6200  TO 310.1000    (DTHETA =  21.480) DEPTH (IN)       =    2.000 30 ANGLES:    310.1000  TO 316.4400    (DTHETA =    6.340) DEPTH (IN)      =    1.060 31 ANGLES:    316.4400  TO 343.8200    (DTHETA =  27.380) DEPTH (IN)       =    2.000 32 ANGLES:    343.8200  TO 348.4800    (DTHETA =    4.660) DEPTH (IN)      =    1.060 33 ANGLES:    348.4800 TO  360.0000    (DTHETA =  11.520) DEPTH (IF)       =    2.000 TOTAL AREA (IN2)                       =   1288.638 REMAINING DEGRADED SECTION AREA (IN2) = 245.1955 (APPROX. DEGRADED METAL AREA = 245.192 )

Program Output: Angle = Angle that tension-to-compression axis x' is rotated t = Thickness in wall at position corresponding to angle delta = Distance from center to tension-to-compression axis Pb,x' = Bending stress due to moment about tension-to-compression axis Pb,y' = Bending stress due to moment perpendicular to tens./ comp. axis Pb, max = Maximum bending stress due to total limit moment i Anglemax = Angle for total limit moment relative to original Y axis Atension = Area of metal in tension for Case 2 I I l l f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

H46.OUT Page 3 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-21-1998 06:11:59 Page 3 Angle Wnll t Delta Pb.x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 0.00 0.000 91.320 14.374 -1.298 14.433 354.84 203.04 1.00 0.000 91.320 14.352 -1.172 14.400 356.33 203.03 2.00 0.000 91.321 14.333 -1.045 14.371 357.83 203.03 3.00 C,.000 91.253 14.315 -0.956 14.347 359.18 203.63 4.00 0.000 91.097 14.299 -0.902 14.327 0.39 204.99 5.00 0.000 90.939 14.283 -0.846 14.308 1.61 206.36 6.00 0.000 90.781 14.269 -0.788 14.291 2.84 207.72 7.00 0.000 90.622 14.256 -0.727 14.274 4.08 209.08 8.00 0.000 90.462 14.244 -0.665 14.259 5.33 210.44 9.00 0.000 90.301 14.233 -0.600 14.246 6.58 211.81 l 10.00 0.000 90.139 14.223 -0.494 14.232 8.01 213.17 11.00 0.000 89.976 14.215 -0.425 14.221 9.29 214.53 12.00 0.000 89.913 14.208 -0.315 14.211 10.73 215.08 13.00 0.000 89.911 14.204 -0.164 14.205 12.34 215.08 14.03 0.940 89.911 14.202 -0.014 14.202 13.94 215.08 l

15.00 0.940 89.911 14.203 0.137 14.203 15.55 215.08 16.00 0.940 89.911 14.206 0.287 14.209 17.16 215.08 17.00 0.940 89.911 14.212 0.438 14.219 18.76 215.08  ; 18.00 0.940 90.003 14.221 0.549 14.231 20.21 214.31 l 19.00 0.940 90.166 14.231 0.623 14.245 21.51 212.95 20.0C 0.940 90.327 14.242 0.696 14.259 22.80 211.59 21 00 0.940 90.482 14.254 0.766 14 275 24.08 210.27 22.00 0.000 90.484 14.268 0.783 14.289 25.14 210.26 23.00 0.000 90.484 14.281 0.799 14.303 26.20 210.26 24.00 0.000 90.484 14.295 0.815 14.318 27.26 210.26 l 25.00 0.000 90.484 14.309 0.830 14.333 28.32 210.26 1 26.00 0.000 90.484 14.323 0.846 14.348 29.38 210.26 27.00 0.000 90.484 14.337 0.861 14.363 30.44 210.26 28.00 0.000 90.484 14.352 0.876 14.379 31.49 210.26 29 00 0.000 90.543 14.367 0.890 14.395 32.55 209.76 l 30.00 0.000 90.702 14.383 0.956 14.415 33.80 208.40 31.00 0.940 90.861 14.400 1.019 14.436 35.05 207.04 32.00 0.940 91.018 14.418 1.080 14.459 36.28 205.68 l 33.00 0.940 91.175 14.438 1.139 14.482 37.51 204.31 ! 34.00 0.940 91.330 14.458 1.195 14.537 38.73 202.95

35.00 0.000 91.485 14.479 1.249 14.532 39.93 201.59 i 36.00 0.000 91.638 14.501 1.301 14.559 41.13 200.23 37.00 0.000 91.790 14.523 1.350 14.586 '42.31 198.86
38.00 0.000 91.675 14.547 1.364 14.610 43.36 199.90 39.00 0.000 91.521 14.571 1.408 14.639 44.52 201.26 40.00 0.000 91.367 14.596 1.453 14.668 45.69 202.62 41.00 0,000 91.212 14.622 1.500 14.698 46.86 203.99 42.00 0.000 91.185 14.649 1.624 14.739 44.33 204.23 43.00 0.000 91.185 14.678 1.747 14.782 49.79 204.23 44.00 0.000 91.185 14.710 1 870 14.828 51.24 204.23 45.00 0.000 91.185 14.743 1.992 14.877 52.69 204.23 46.00 0.000 91.185 14.779 2.113 14.929 54.14 204.23 47.00 0.000 91.196 14.817 2.232 14.984 55.56 204.12 48.00. 0.000 91.352 14.856 2.281 15.030 56.73 202.76 49.00 0.000 91.506 14.896 2.327 15.077 57.88 201.40 f StructuralIntegrityAss0ciates,Inc.


i H46.OUT Page 4 Arbitrary Net.Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-21-1998 06:11:59 Page 4 Angle Wall t. Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax 50.00 0.000 A tension i 91.660 14.937 2.371 15.124 59.02 200.03 51.00 0.000 91.812 52.00 14 ~. 9 7 8 2.412 15.171 60.15 198.67 0.000 91.963 15.020 2.451 15.219 61.27 197.31 53.00 0.000 92.089 15.063 2.471 54.00 15.265 62.32 196.17 0.000 92.089 15.107 2.572 15.325 63.66 55.00 196.17 0.000 92.089 15.153 2.673 15.387 65.00 56.00 196.17 0.000 92.125 15.201 2.778 15.453 66.36 195.84 57.00 0.000 92.178 15.249 2.760 15.497 67.26 195.36 1 58.00 0.000 92.178 15.297 2.740 15.541 68.16 195.36 59.00 0.000 92.178 15.345 2.720 15.584 69.05 195.36 60.00 0.000 92.178 15.392 2.699 15.627 69.94 195.36 61.00 0.000 92.221 15.439 2.701 15.673 70.92 194.97 ) 62.00 0.000 92.370 15.486 2.726 15.724 71.98 193.60 63.00 0.000 92.517 15.533 2.,748 15.775 73.03 192.24 64.00 0.000 92.664 15.581 2.767 15.825 74.07 190.88 65.00 0.000 92.809 15.629 2.783 15.875 75.10 189.52 66.00 0.000 92.852 15.678 2.821 15.930 76.20 189.12 67.00 0.000 92.852 15.728 2.899 15.993 77.44 189.12 68.00 0.000 92.852 15.779 2.976 16.057 78.68 189.12 69.00 0.000 92.852 10.832 3.052 16.123 79.91 189.12 70.00 0.000 92.852 15.886 3.127 16.190 81.13 189.12 71.00 0 000 92.852 15.941 3.201 16.259 82.35 189.12 ' 72.00 0.000 92.852 15.997 3.274 16.329 83.57 189.12 73.00 0.000 92.852 16.055 3.346 16.400 84.77 189.12 I 74.00 0.000 92.852 16.114 3.417 16.472 85.97 189.12 75.00 0.940 92.968 16.174 3.451 16.538 87.04 188.02 76.00 0.940 93.111 16.234 3.452 16.597 88.00 186.66 77.00 0.940 93.254 16.294 3.450 16.655 88.96 185.29 l 78.00 0.940 93.395 16.353 3.422 16.708 89.82 183.93 i 79.00 0.940 93.535 16.413 3.415 16.764 90.75 182.57 80.00 0.940 93.674 16.472 3.404 16.820 91.68 181.21 81.00 0.940 93.761 16.532 3.398 16.877 92.61 180.35 82.00 0.940 93.761 16.591 3.444 16.945 93.73 180.35 83.00 0.000 93.761 16.652 3.490 17.014 94.84 180.35 84.00 0.000 93.761 16.714 3.534 17.083 95.94 180.35 85.00 0.000 93.721 16.776 3.578 17.153 97.04 180.74 86.00 0.000 93.583 16.838 3.554 17.209 97.92 182.10 87.00 0.940 93.443 16.899 3.532 17.265 98.81 183.47 88.00 0.940 93.302 16.961 3.511 17.320 99.69 184.83 89,00 0.940 93 295 17.022 3.459 17.370 100.49 184.89 90.00 0.940 93.295 17.081 3.396 17.416 101.24 184.89 91.00 0.940 93.295 17.140 3.331 17.461 102.00 184.89 92.00 0.940 93.296 17.197 3.265 17.504 102.75 184.89 93.00 0.940 93.289 17.253 3.199 17.547 103.50 184.95 94.00 0.940 93.148 17.309 3.171 17.597 104.';8 186.30 95.00 0.940 93.005 17.364 3.147 17.647 105.27 187.66 96.00 0.000 92.861 17.419 3.124 17.697 106.17 189.03 97.00 0.000 92.716 17.473 3.101 17.746 107.06 190.39 98.00 0.000 92.570 17.527 3.080 17.796 107.97 191.75 99.00 0.000 92'423

                         .    .17.581       3.096   17.852     108.99         193.11 h Structural lstegrityAssociates,Inc.


 'H46.OUT                                                            Page       5 l

Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-21-1998 06:11: 59 Page 5

     ' Angle Wall t       Delta   Pb,x'    Pb,y'     Pb, max AngleMax      A tension 100.00   0.000      92.275  17.635    3.077    17.901      109.90         194.47 101.00   0.940      92.125  17.688    3.059     17.950     110.81         195.84        1 102.00   0.940      91.975  17.741  '

3.042 18.000 111.73 197.20 I 103.00 0.940 91.824 17.794 3.026 18.049 112.65 198.56 104.00 0.940 91.741- 17.8.46 3.048 18.105 113.69 199.30 105.00 0.940 91.741 17.900 3.106 18.167 114.84 199.30 106.00 0.940 91.741 17.954 3.164 18.231 115.99 199.30 107.00 0.940 91.741 18.010 3.220 18.296 117.14 199.30 108.00 0.940 91.741 18.066 3.275 18.361 118.28 199.30 109.00 0.940 91.754 18.124 3.325 18.426 119.40 199.19 110.00 0.940 91.906 18.182 3.309 18.480 120.31 197.83 111.00 0.940 91.922 18.239 3.241 18.524 121.08 197.68 112.00 0.000 91;922 l 18.295 3.172 18.568 121.84 197.68 113.00 0,.000 91.922 18.349 3.102 18.610 122.60 197.68  ! 114.00 0.000 91.778 18.403 3.062 18.656 123.45 198.97 115.00 0.000 91.626 18.456 3.037 18.705 124.34 200.33 116.00 0.940 91.472 18.509 3.050 18.759 125.36 201.70 117.00 0.940 91.318 18.562 3.028 18.807 126.26 203.06 118.00 0.940 91.162 18.614 3.006 18.856 127.17 204.42 119.00 0.940 91.006 18.666 2.985 18.904 128.09 205.78  ! 120.00 0.940 90.848 18.718 2.966 18.952 129.00 207.15 j 121.00 0.940 90.689 18.770 2.947 19.000 129.92 208.51 122.00 0.940 90.530 18.821 2.929 19.048 130.85 209.87 123.00 0.470 90.369 18.872 2.913 19.095 131.77 211.23 124.00 0.000 90.208 18.923 2.897 19.143 132.70 212.60 125.00 0.000 90.045 18.973 2.882 19.191 133.64 213.96 126.00 0.000 89.882 19.024 2.909 19.245 134.69 215.32 127.00 0.940 89.717 19.074 2.896 19.293 135.63 216.68 128.00 0.940 89.551 19.124 2.885 19.341 136.58 238.05 129.00 0.940 89.385 19.174 2.875 19.389 137.53 219.41 130.00 0.940 89.217 19.224 2.866 19.437 138.48 220.77 131.00 0.94U 89.049 19.274 2.858 19.485 139.43 222.13 132.00 0.940 88.880 19.324 2.850 19.533 140.39 223.50 133.00 0.940 88.709 19.773 2.844 39.581 141.35 224.86 134.00 0.000 88.609 19.423 2.881 19.636 142.44 225.65 l 135.00 0.000 88.609 19.474 2.958 19.697 143.64 225.65 136.00 0.000 88.609 19.526 3.035 19.761 144.83 225.65 l 137.00 0.000 88.609 19.580 3.111 19.826 146.03 225.65 l 138.00 0.000 88.609 19.635 3.186 19.892 147.22 225.65 l 139.00 0.000 88.482 19.691 3.218 19.952 148.28 226.66 l 140.00- 0.000 88.479 19.746 3.162 19.997 149.10 226.68 141.00 0.000 88.479 19.800 3.101 20.042 149.90 226.68 142.00 0.000 88.479 19.853 3.040 20.085 150.71 226.68 143.00 0.000 88.479 19.905 2.978 20.127 151.51 226.68 144.00 0.000 88.479 19.957 2.915 20.168 152.31 226.69 145.00 0.000 -88.479 20.006 2.852 20.209 153.11 226.69 146.00 0.000 88.479 20.055 2.787 20.248 153.91 226.69 147.00 0.000 83.479 20.103 2.721 20.286 154.71 226.69 148.00 0.000 88,.479 20.149 2.655 20.324 155.51 226.69 149.00 0.000 88.479 20.195 2.588 20.360 156.30 226.68 , f StructuralIntegrity Associates,Inc.

{ 1 H46.OUT Page ( 1


Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) ' 12-21-1998 06:11:59 I Page 6 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 150.00 0.000 88.479 20.239 2.520 20.395 157.10 226.69 151.00 0.000 88.479 20.282 2.451 20.430 157.89 226.69 152.00 0.000 88.479 20.324 2.382 20.463 158.68 226.69 153.00 0.940 88.479 20.364 2.311 20.495 159.48 226.68 154.00 0.940 88.479 20.404 2.241 20.526 160.27 226.68 155,00 0.940 88.479 20.442 2.169 20.556 161.06 226.68 156.00 0.940 88.479 20.478 2.097 20.585 161.85 226.68 1 157.00 0.940 88.479 20.514 2.024 20.614 162.63 226.68 158.00 0.940 88.479 20.548 1.951 ?0.641 163.42 226.68 159.00 0.940 88.479 20.581 1.877 10.667 164.21 226.68 160.00 0.940 88.479 20.613 1.802 20.692 165.00 226.68 161.00 0.940 88.389 20.643 1.752 20.718 165.85 227.39 162.00 0.940 88.216 20.674 1.729 20.746 166.78 228.75 163.00 0.940 88.127 20.703 1.749 20.777 167 83 219.45 i 164,00 0.940 88.127 20.734 1.811 20.813 168.99 229.45 l 165.00 0.940 88.127 20.766 1.872 20.850 170.15 229.45 166.00 0.940 88.127 20.799 1.933 20.889 171.31 229.45 167.00 0.940 88.127 20.833 1.993 20.928 172.47 229.45 168.00 0.940 88 265 20.868 1.978 20.961 173.42 228.37 169.00 0.000 88.438 20.902 1.957 20.993 174.35 227.01 170.00 0.000 88.610 20.936 1.933 21.025 175.28 225.65 l 171.00 0.000 88.781 20.969 1.907 21.056 176.20 224.29 ., 172.00 0.000 88.947 21.002 1.878 21.086 177.11 222.96 173.00 0.000 88.952 21.034 1.792 21.110 177.87 222.92 , 174.00 0.000 88.952 21.064 1 705 21.133 178.63 222.92 l 175.70 0.000 88.952 21.093 1.617 21.155 179.38 222.92 176.00 0.000 88.952 21.120 1.529 21.175 180.14 222.92 l 177.00 0.000 88.952 21.146 1.441 21.195 180.90 222.92 178.00 0.000 88.952 21.170 1.352 21.213 181.65 222.92 179.00 U.000 88.952 21.192 1.263 21.230 182.41 222.92 180.00 0.700 88.952 21.213 1.173 21.246 183.17 222.92 181.00 0.000 88.988 21.233 1.083 21.260 183.92 222.63 182.00 0.00L 89.157 21.251 1.048 21.277 184.62 221.26 183.00 0.000 89.325 21.269 1.010 21.293 185.72 219.90 184.00 0.000 89.492 21.286 0.969 21.308 186.61 218 54 185.00 0.000 99.657 21.302 0.927 21.323 187.49 217.17 186.00 0.000 83.785 21.318 0.855 21.335 188.30 216.12 187.00 0.000 85.785 21.332 0.755 21.345 189.03 216.12 188.00 0.000 8 9 . ~e 9 5 21.344 0.655 21.354 189.76 216.12 189.00 0.000 89.78C 21.355 0.555 21.362 190.49 216.12 190.00 0.000 89.785 21.364 0.454 21.368 191.22 216.12 191.00 0.940 89.785 21.371 0.354 21.373 191.95 216.12 192.00 0.940 89.785 21.376 0.253 '.377 192.68 216.12 193 00 0.940 89.740 21.379 0.175 21.380 193.47 216.49 194.00 0.940 89.575 21.362 0.124 21.382 194.33 217.86 195.00 0.940 89.408 21.383 0.074 21.384 195.20 219.22 196.00 0.940 8; il 21.380 0.027 21.384 196.07 220.58 197.00 0.940 89.073 21.334 -0.019 21.384 196.95 221.94 198.00 0.940 88.903 21.384 -0.063 21.384 197.83 223.30 199.00 0.940 88.822 21.382 -0.120 21.383 198.68 223.96 { StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

H46.OUT Page 7 i l  ! Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) l 12-21-1998 06:11:59 , Page 7 ' l Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension  ! 200.00 0.000 88.822 21.380 -0.211 21.381 199.43 223.96 201.00 0.000 88.822 21 375 -0.302 21.377 200.19 223.96 102.00 0.000 88.822 21.369 -0.394 21.373 200.94 223.96 201.00 9.000 } 88.822 21.361 -0.485 21.367 201.70 223.96 204.00 0.000 l 88.822 21.352 -0.576 21.360 202.45 223.96 i 205.00 0.000 88.822 21.341 -0.667 21.352 203.21 223.96 206.00 0.000 88.822 21.329 -0.758 21.342 203.96 223.96 207.00 0.940 88.822 21.315 -0.848 21.332 204.72 223.96 208.00 0.940 88.822 21.299 -0.938 21.320 205.48 223.96 209.00 0.940 88.822 21.282 -1.028 21.307 206.23 223.96 210.00 0.000 88.822 21.263 -1.118 21.293 206.99 223.96 j 211.00 0.000 88.822 21.243 -1.207 21.277 207.75 223.96  ! 212.00 0.000 88.822 21.221 -1.296 21.261 208.50 223.96 l 213.00 0.000 88.822 21.198 -1.385 21.243 209.26 223.96 j 214.00 0.000 88.822 21.173 -1.473 21.224 210.02 223.96 ' 215.00 0.000 88.822 21.146 -1.560 21.204 210.78 223.96 216.00 0.000 88.822 21.118 -1.648 21.182 211.54 223.96 217.00 0.000 88.822 21.089 -1.734 21.160 212.30 223.96 218.00 0.000 88.822 21.058 -1.820 21.136 213.06 223.96 l 219.00 0.000 88.822 21.025 -1.906 21.111 213.82 223.96 l 220.00 0.000 88.822 20.991 -1.991 21.085 214.58 223.96 l 221.00 0.940 88.822 20.956 -2.075 21.058 215.34 223.96 l

 '222.00    0.940      88.822   20.919    -2.159    21.030     216.11         223.96        .

223.00 0.940 88.822 20.880 -2.242 21.000 216.87 223.96 224 00 0.940 88.699 20.841 -2.283 20.965 217.75 224.94 225.00 0.940 88.644 20.801 -2.230 20.920 218.88 225.38 226.00 0.940 88.644 20.762 -2.177 20.876 220.01 225.38 227.00 0.940 88.644 20.724 -2.122 20.832 221.15 225.38 l 228.00 0.940 88.644 20.687 -2.067 20.790 222.29 225.38 229.00 0.940 88.644 20.651 -2.011 20.749 223.44 225.38 230.00 0 000 88.644 20.616 -1.955 20.708 224.58 225.38 231.00 0.000 88.644 20.582 -1.898 20.669 225.73 225.38 232.00 0.000 88.644 20.549 -1.640 20.631 226.88 225.38 233.90 0.000 88.665 20.516 -1.907 20.604 227.69 225.20 234.00 0.000 88.665 20.481 -1.982 20.577 228.47 225.21 235.00 0.000 88.665 20.446 -2.056 20.549 2 ) . ;2 6 225.20 236.00 0.000 88.671 20.409 -2.129 20.520 230.04 225.16 237.00 G.940 88.839 20.371 -2.146 20.484 230.98 223.82 238.00 0.940 89.008 20.333 -2.165 20.448 231.92 222.46 239.00 0.940 89.177 20.295 -2.213 20.415 232.78 221.10 240.00 0.940 89.345 20.256 -2.234 20.379 233.71 219.74 241.00 0.940 89.352 20.217 -2.198 20.336 234.79 219.68 242.00 0.940 89.352 20.180 -2.144 20.293 235.93 219.68 243.00 0.940 09.352 20.143 -2.090 20.251 237.08 219.68 244.00 0,000 89.352 20.107 -2.034 20.210 238.22 219.68 245.00 0.000 89.505 20.072 -2.031 20.174 239.22 218.43 246.00 0.000 89.671 20,036 -2.052 20.141 240.15 217.06 247.00 0.000 89.700 19.999 -2.128 20.112 240.93 216.82 248.00 0.000 89.700 19.962 -2.203 20.083 241 70 216.82 249.00 0.940 39.700 19.922 -2.278 20.052 242.47 216.83 f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

y H46.OUT Page 8 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-21-1998 06:11:59 Page 8 Angle Nall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 250.00 0.940 89.700 19.882 -2.353 20.021 243.25 216.83 251.00 0.940 89.700 19.840 -2.426 19.988 244.03 216.83 252.00 0.940 89.757 19.797 -2.472 19.951 244.88 216.36 253.00 0.940 89.921 19.754 -2.491 19.910 245.81 214.99 254.00 0.940 90.084 19.710 -2.511 19.869 246.74 213.63 255.00 0.940 90.247 19.666 -2.533 19.828 247.66 212.27 256.00 0.940 90.408 19.621 -2.555 19.787 248.58 210.91

   .57.00    0.940     90.568   19.576   -2.579     19.745     249.49         209.54 258.00    0.940     90.728   19.530   -2.605     19.703     250.40         208.18 259.00    0.940     90.886   19.484   -2.657     19.664     251.23         206.82 260.00    0.940     91.043   19.437   -2.684     19.622     252.14         205.46 261.00    0.940     91.200   19.390    2.713     19.579     253.03         204.09 262.00    0.940     91.355   19.342   -2.743     19.536'    253.93         202.73 263.00    0.000     91.509   19.294   -2.774. 19.492     254.82         201.37 264.00    0.000     91.663   19.245   -2.806     19.448     255.70         200.01 265.00    0.000     91.815   19.196   -2.839     19.404     256.58         198.64 266.00    0.000     91.900   19.145   -2.898     19.363     257.39         197.88 267.00    0.940     91.900   19.094   -2.962     19.325     258.12         197.88 268.00    0.940     91.900   19.041   -3.065     19.286     258.85         197.88 269.00    0.940     91.900   18.986   -3.146     19.245     259.59         197.88 270.00    0.940     92.014   18.931   -3.203     19.200     260.40         196,85 271.00    0.940     92.164   18.874   -3.235     19.150     261.27         195.48 272.00    0.940     92.313   18.818   -3.269     19.099     262.14         194.12 273.00    0.940     92.461   18.760   -3.303     19.049     263.01         192.76 274.00    0.940     92.608   18.702   -3.338     18.997     263.68         191.40 275.00    0.940     92 754
                         .      18.643   -3.375     18.946     264.74         190.03          )

276.00 0.940 92.899 18.584 -3.412 18.894 265.59 188.67 277.00 0.940 93.043 18.523 -3.451 18.842 266.45 187.31 278.00 0.940 93.185 18.462 -3.490 18.789 257.29 185.95 279.00 0.940 93.240 18.401 -3.577 18.745 268.00 185.43 280.00 0.940 93.117 18.338 -3.611 18.690 268.86 186.60 281.00 0.940 92.974 18.274 -3.652 18.635 269.70 187.96 282.00 0.940 92.874 18.210 -3.689 18.580 270.55 188.91 283.00 0.940 92.874 18.146 -3.655 18.510 271.61 188.91 284.00 0.940 92.874 18.082 -3.620 18.441 272,68 188.91 285.00 0.940 92.874 18.020 -3.584 18.373 273.75 188.91 286.00 0.940 92.874 17.958 -3.546 18.304 274.83 188.91 287.00 0.940 92.874 17.896 -3.508 18.237 275.91 188.91 288.00 0.940 92.951 17.835 -3.494 18.174 276.91 188.18 289.00 0.000 93.042 17.774 -3.520 18.119 277.80 187.31 290.00 0.000 93.042 17.712 -3.593 18.072 278.53 187.31 291.00 0.000 93.041 17.648 -3.664 1A.024 279.27 187.32 292.00 0.000 92.905 17.583 -3.699 17.968 280.12 188.62 293.00 0.000 92.760 17.519 -3.723 17.910 281.00 189.98 294.00 0.000 92.614 17.453 -3.745 17.850 281.89 191.34 295.00 0.000 92.467 17.388 -3.763 17.790 282.79 192.70

  .296.00    0.000     92.319   17.322   -3.778     17.729     283.69         194.07 297.00    0.000     92.170   17.256   -3.791     17.667     284.61         195.43
  .298.00    0.000     92.020   17.190   -3.800     17.605     285.53         196.79 299.00    0.000'    91.869   17.124   -3.769     17.533     286.59         198.15 f StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.


  ,H46.OUT Page        9 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-21-1998      06:12:00 Page 9 Angle  Wall t       Delta    Pb,x'   Pb,y'     Pb, max AngleMax 500.00 A tension 0.000       91.717  17.057  -3.772    17.469      287.53         199.52 301.00     0.000       91.564 16.991   -3.771    17.405      288.48         200.88 302.00    0.000       91.411 16.925   -3.768    17.339      289.45         202.24 303.00    0.000       91.382 16.859   -3.811    17.284      290.26         202.49 304.00    0.000       91.382 16.792   -3.848    17.228      291.09         202.49 305.00     0.000       91.382 16.725   -3.885    17.170      291.92         202.49 306.00    0.000       91.506 16.657   -3.870    17.101      292.92         201.40 307.00     0.000       91.659 16.589   -3.856    17.031      293.91         200.03 308.00     0.000       91.700 16.522   -3.817    16.957      294.99         199.67 309.00     0.000       91.700 16.456   -3.734    16.875      296.21         199.67 310.00     0.000       91.700 16.392   -3.65n    16.793      297.45         199.67 311.00     0.940       91.700 16.329   -3.564    16.714      298.69         199.67 i 312.00          0.940       91.700 16.268   -3 478    16.635      299.93         199.67 313.00     0.940       91.700 16.208   -3.390    16.559      301.18         199.67 314.00     0.940       91.700 16.150   -3 302    16.484      302.44         199.67 315.00     0.940       91.700 16.093   -3.212    16.411      303.71         199.67 316.00     0.940       91.700 16.038   -3.122    16.339      304.98         199.67 317.00     0.000       91.700 15.985   -3.030    16.269      306.26         199.67 318.00     0.000       91.700 15.933   -2.938    16.201     -307.55         199.67 319.00     0.000       91.772 15.882   -2.865    16.138      308.77         199.03 320.00     0.000       91.924 15.832   -2.841    16.085      309.83         197.66 321.00     0.000       92.074 15.783   -2.818    16.032      320.88         196.30 322.00     0.000       92.167 15.734   -2.786    15.978      311.96         195.46 323.00     0.000      92.116  15.686   -2.697    15.916      313.24         195.92 324.00     0.000      91.966  15.639   -2.678    15.866      314.28         197.28

! 325.00 0.000 91.815 15.592 -2.656 15.816 315.33 198.64 326.00 0.000 91.663 15.545 -2.631 15.767 316.39 200.01 .i 317.00 0.000 91.509 15.500 -2.604 15.717 317.46 201.37 328.00 0.000 91.355 15.454 -2.574 15.667 318.54 202.73 329.00 0.000 91.200 15.410 -2.541 .5.618 319.63 204.09

,     330.00     0.000      91.043  15.366   -2.506    15.569      320.74         205.46 331.00     0.000      90.962  15.323   -2.478    15.522      321.81         206.16 332.00     0.'000     50.962  15.279   -2.485    15.480      322.76         206.16 333.00     0.000      90.963  15.236   -2.491    15.438      323.71         206.16 334.00     0.000      90.963  15.192   -2.497    15.396      324.67         206.16 335.00     0.000      90.e54  15.149   -2.465    15.348      325.75         207.09

)-336.00 0.000 90.696 15.106 -2.421 15.299 326.85 208.45

) 337.00         0.000      90.536  15.064   -2.374    15.250      328.04         209.82          {

338.00 0.000 90.376 15.023 -2.324 15.202 329.20 211.18 I 339.00 0.0C0 90.214 14.983 -2.272 15.154 330.38 212.54 l 340.00 0.000 90.052 14.944 -2.178 15.102 331.71 211.90 341.00 0.000 89.888 14.906 -2.120 15.056 332.90 215.27 342.00 0.000 89.756 14.869 -2.060 15.011 334.11 216.36 343.00 0.000 89.845 14.835 -1.953 14.963 335.50 215.62 344.00 0.940 -90.009 14.801 -1.88f 14.921 336.74 214.26 345.00 0.940 90.172 14 768 -1.821 14.880 337.97 212.90 346.00 0.940 .90.334- 14.737 -1.758 14.841 339.20 211.53 347.00 0.940 90.495 14.706 -1.696 14.804 340.42 210.17 j 348.00 0.940 90.654 14.677 -1.635 14.768 341.64 208.81 l 349.00 0.000 90.813 14.648 -1.576 14.733 342.86 207.45 f StructuralIntegrity Associates. Inc. i

H46.OUT Page 10 Arbitrary Net Section Collapse ANSC 2.0 (4/26/94) 12-21-1998 06:12:00 Page 10 Angle Wall t Delta Pb,x' Pb,y' Pb, max AngleMax A tension 350.00 0.000 90.971 14.621 -1.545 14.702 343.97 206.08 351.00 0.000 91.128 14.594 -1.488 14.670 345.18 204.72 352.00 0.000 91.284 14.569 -1.434 14.639 346.38 ' 203.36 353.00 0.000 91.390 14.544 -1.381 14.610 347.58 202.42 354.00 0.000 91.390 14.520 -1.378 14.585 348.58 202.42 355.00 0.000 91.390 14.495 -1.376 14.560 349.58 202.42 356.00 0.000 91.390 14.471 -1.373 14.536 350.58 202.42 357.00 0.000 91.390 14.446 -1.370 14.511 351.58 202.42 i 358.00 0.000 91.390 14.422 -1.366 14.487 352.59 202.42 359.00 0.000 91.390 14.398 -1.362 14.462 353.60 202.42 MINIMUM STRESS (Pb,x') = 14.202 AT 14.00 DEGREES MINIMUM TOTAL STRESS (Pb, max) = 14.202 AT 13.94 DEGREES I f StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

l 1 l j l l APPENDIX F


Crack Growth Evaluation i i l i l 2 S1R-98-125/ RAM-98-142 F-1 h StructuralIntegrityAssociates,Inc.

                                                         . . . -   - - .        =.         .      -               .-



This data evaluation is designed to determine the crack growth rate of Type 304 stainless steel in the BWR core shroud as a function of fluence for Peach Bottom, Unit 3 (PB-3). Radiation can exacerbate specific aspects of cracking susceptibility via its effect on the material's microstructure (e.g., radiation induced segregation), water chemistry (e.g., radiolysis), and stress (e.g., radiation induced creep and hardening). Crack growth data obtained from field measurements, in-reactor small specimen studies, and crack growth modeling will be discussed. The crack growth rates were either calculated (e.g., from field data and constant extension rate ' tests [CERTJ), or measured in real time (:.g., electrical potential monitoring) as discussed below. j 2.0 FIELD DATA There are limited outage UT inspection, data available from operating BWRs to allow crack growth rate evaluations. Three BWRs that have made successive cycle UT data available for analysis are Brunswick, Unit 1 Chinshan, Unit 2 and Muehleberg (KKM) [F.1]. The latter two BWRs are operating with normal water chemistry (NWC), while Brunswick is ope' iting with hydrogen water chemistry (HWC). Before any crack growth analysis is performed : ed on field data, it must be clearly recognized that:

1. Any UT estimates of crack depth have uncertainty.
2. There is a finite detection limit of UT for shallow, newly initiated crack indications.
3. For irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC), cracking can be highly branched and there can be parallel segments of cracking.

These features complicate the ability to directly compare the entire UT information from one cycle to a subsequent cycle. The best approach for comparison is to assess crack growth in the regions that had UT reported depths in both the initial and subsequent inspection. Since only KKM of the three BWRs had fluence evaluations. only KKM data could be utilized in this evaluation. Crack growth data was derived fron two subsequent UT inspections from the cracked H4 weld. This weld was inspected and re-inspected in 1994 and 1995. respectively. With all the caveats and provisos discussed above, the calculated crack growth rates for KKM's irradiated Type 304 stainless steel shroud are presented in Table F-l. SIR-98-125/ RAM-98-142 F-2 StructuralIntegrlly Associates, Inc.

                                                  .    . - . .     . - .     ~        -     ~ . - - . - - -

Table F-1 KKM Type 304 Stainless Steel Shroud Crack Growth Rates [F.1) Calculated Crack Shroud Location - Environment- Fluence, n/cm 2 Growth Rate, in/h H4 Indication I' 200 mV(SHE),0.1 pS/cm (NWC) 3 x 10" 2.49 x 10* H4 Indications 2/3 200 mV(SHE),0.1 pS/cm (NWC) 3 x 10" < l .00 x 10*

  • H4 Indication 4 200 mV(SHE),0.1 pS/cm (NWC) 9 x 10" 2.20 x 10 4 E

H4 IndicaHon 5 - 200 mV(SHE). 0.1 pS/cm (NWC) 7 x 10" < l .00 x 10*

  • H4 Indication 6 200 mV:SHE),0.1 pS/cm (NWC) 9 x 10" 1.13 x 10 4
  • No crack growth 3.0 IN REACTOR CERTSTUDIES
    ' A series of week-long (168 hour) CERTs were performed on U-notched Type 304 and 316 stainless steel and Alloy 800 cylindrical specimens that were irradiated in the Barsebuck Unit I (B-1) BWR to fast neutron fluences ranging from 3 x 10 to 5 x 102 ' n/cm2 (E> 1 MeV) [F.2].

2 Tests were performed in a test loop using reactor water at a high flow rate in both the NWC and HWC environments.

    . Although the CERT test is an IGSCC initiation test and not designed for crack growth                             l evaluations, it is often used to inexpensively obtain pseudo crack growth rates for comparison purposes, i.e., ranking of various materials' IGSCC resistance, ranking of the effects of ionic impurities in the environment on IGSCC, etc.

1 Due to the nature and design of the test (the constant straining and subsequent rupture of the passive film on the specimen surface), CERT calculated crack growth rates, simply obtained by dividing the depth of the deepest crack by the test time, are extremely high. The proper technique for measuring (not calculating) crack growth involves pre-cracked fracture mechanics specimens ) using the very accurate, real time, electrical potential monitoring (EPM) technique [F.3]. Direct , one-to-one comparisons between calculated CERT and measured EPM crack growth rates have j sometimes revealed two orders of magnitude higher crack growth rates calculated from CERT '

[F.4]. Measured EPM crack growth rate values have also been confirmed by metallography.  ;

With this caveat 'in mind, the CERT crack growth rate results obtained from the B-1 study are presented in Table F-2 for both NWC and HWC test conditions. The last column of Table F-2 presents crack growth rates in inches per year instead of inches per hour to clearly demonstrate 1 the unrealistic crack growth rate values that are obtained from CERT,i.e., up to nearly two i 4 inches per year,'as compared to that obtained'using 2.2 x 10 in/h. However, more importantly,  ! despite the aggressive ' nature of the CERT test, there was no crack growth calculated in the HWC environment at B-1, i.e., ductile behavior.

   . SlR-98-125/ RAM 98142                             F-3                       StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

p 1 l l Table F-2 Barsebuck, Unit i Type 304 Stainless Steel CERT Crack Growth Rates [F.2] I CERT Calculated CERT Calculated I Environment Fluence, n/cm 2 Crack Growth Rate, Crack Growth Rate, i in/h in/v I 200 mV(SHE). 0.2 pS/cm (NWC) 1.00 x 10" 7.09 x 10 4

                                                                                                  'O2                   )

200 mV(SHE),0.2 pS/cm (NWC) 1.25 x 10" 1.13 x 10" 0.99 200 mV(SHE),0.2 pS/cm (NWC) 2.25 x 10" 2.13 x 10" 1.86  ! 200 mV(SHE). 0.2 pS/cm (NWC) 2.80 x 10" 2.13 x 10" 1.86 l

 -500 mV(SHE). 0.2 pS/cm (HWC)             1.25 x 10"             < l .00 x 10*
  • 0.00 l
 -500 mV(SHE),0.2 S/cm (HWC)               2.50 x 10"             < l .00 x 10*
  • 0.00
 -500 mV(SHE). 0.2 pS/cm (HWC)             2.90 x 10"             < l .00 x 10*
  • 0.00
 -500 mV(SHE). 0.2 S/cm (HWC)              3.00 x 10"             < l .00 x 10*
  • 0.00 l
 -500 mV SHE),0.2 pS/cm (HWC)              3.25 x 10"       l     < l .00 x 10"'
  • 0.00
  • No crack growth 4.0 IRRADIATION CRACK GROWTH RATE MODEUNG STUDIES Numerous publications have discussed the modeling of the effects of radiation on environmental cracking in BWR environments based on a "first principle" model of crack advance known as the film rupture / slip oxidation model PLEDGE [F.5, F.6, F.7]. A modeling of crack growth predictions has been based on a Nine Mile Point, Unit I (NMP-1) in-core double cantilever beam (DCB) crack growth specimen using a relationship between crack growth rate and equivalent degree of sensitization as measured by electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation (EPR) values

[F.6] using: EPR y o,, = (e'" "/[2 + e"])3 " ( I) 2 where r) is the normalized fluence,i.e., fluence in n/cm divide by 5 x 102 ". A fluence of 102 ' 2 n/cm results in an EPR of 10 C/cm2 The second modeling evaluation was based on a calculation of PB-3's shroud crack growth rate [F.8], where: EPR = EPRo + 3.36 x 10*(fluence)' " (2) The results of these modeling evaluations are summarized in Table F-3. Using crack growth modeling. the relationships among crack growth rate, EPR values and corrosion potential were developed for NMP-1 [F.6]. The rather high predicted crack growth rate is a result of the aggressive environmental and stress conditions chosen for this analysis, i.e.,300 mV(SHE) corrosion potential. 0.3 pS/cm conductivity and 25 ksiVin stress intensity. SIR-98-1251 RAM 142 F-4 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

L The more relevant modeling study directly involves o,s i m3 shroud [F.8]. Unbranched crack growth rate calculations were conducted as a function of fluence assuming an initial stress intensity of 20 ksiVin that decreases as a result of irradiation-induced creep, an initial degree of 2 sensitization EPRo of 15 C/cm that increases with fluence as described in Equation 2 presented above, a constant conductivity of 0.1 pS/cm, and a constant corrosion potential of 200 mV(SHE). The results of this modeling evaluation are presented in Table F-3 and illustrated in Figure F-1 (wirb ill the other irradiated crack growth data of this study except NWC CERT). The results indicate that the modeled crack growth rate initially increases with fluence but subsequently decreases as a result of a significant reduction in stress intensity due to the irradiation stress 4 relaxation of residual stress. The crack growth peaks at 4.50 x 10 in/h at a fluence of 1.00 x 102 2 n/cm . It should be noted that the PLEDGE model predictions are typically conservative, i.e., over predict crack growth rates. Table F-3 Type 304 Stainless Steel Crack Growth Rates Modeling Results [F.6, F.8) Modeled Crack Test Environment Fluence, Growth Rate, Location n/cm 2 in/h NMP-1 4 300 mV(SHE),0.3 pS/cm (NWC) 1.00 x 10" 8.50 x 10 PB-3 4 200 mV(SHE). 0.1 pS/cm (NWC) 1.40 x 10" 2.40 x 10 PB-3 4 200 mV(SHE),0.1 pS/cm (NWC) 1.00 x 10" 4.50 x 10 PB-3 4 200 mV(SHE),0.1 pS/cm (NWC) 3.00 x 10" 2.75 x 10 PB-3 4 200 mV(SHE),0.1 pS/cm (NWC) 5.00 x 10" 1.80 x 10 PB-3 4 200 mV(SHE),0.1 pS/cm (NWC) 8.00 x 10" 1.70 x 10 PB-3 4 200 mV(SHE). 0.1 S/cm (NWC) 1.00 x 10" 1.65 x 10 5.0 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Susceptibility to IASCC in annealed austenitic stainless ste ls becomes pronounced at a fluence of 2 2 approximately 5 x 10 "n/cm n a BWR environment [F.9]. Conversely, a higher fluence (~2 x 102 ' 2 n/cm ) is required for cracking in low corrosion potential environments, e.g., pressurized-water reactors (PWRs) or BWRs with " good" hydrogen water chemistry. This IASCC " threshold" fluence range is where many irradiation-induced variables change dramatically, so it has been difficult to isolate individual contributions to the cracking process. Other recent measurements performed at KKM at fluence values of 8 x 102 " n/cm2 and 2 2 approximately I x 10 ' n/cm (E>l MeV) indicate that little or no crack growth has occurred during the operating period [F.10]. These data suggest that the effects of irradiation on IGSCC growth are limited as illustrated by the modeling and test results described above. In addition, it is believed that any irradiation-induced sensitization would be bonnded by thermally sensitized data. SIR-98-l 25/ RAM J 42 F-5 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

L t I 1 , :The crack growth data plotted in Figure F-1 suggest that with the exception of the PLEDGE ' modeled NMP-1 furnace' sensitized in-core DCB' specimen at 25 ksiVin exposed to very high

      - conductivity water at a high corrosion potential, the crack growth rate for irradiated Type 304 4

U stainless steel is less than2 2.22 x 10 in/h in the nominal NWC BWR environment when the

      . fluence exceeds 5 x 10 n/cm .

In the specific case of PB-3 operating with low HWC (0.3 ppm hydrogen), the crack growth rates

would be lower even if the amount of hydrogen injected does not completely protect the shroud
    ~                                                                                                                        j j        by achieving the target protection corrosion potential ofless than -230 mV(SHE). Also, the B-1

' )

      . HWC CERT results confirm low crack growth despite the aggressive nature of the CERT technique.

I i

_ In an attempt to quantify the benefit of PB-3's low hydrogen injection, the results of a

{ BWRVIP/GE/Harwell model can be used [F.!1). Generic plots of the corrosion potential of ten  ! j BWRs (including PB-3) as a function of length of core for ten m.odeled regions have been I l - evaluated. The generic results indicate that the core bypass region containing the inside surfaces

      - of welds H3, H4 and H5 would be characterized by a conservative corrosion potential of                                ;

4 approximately 75 mV(SHE) at a hydrogen injection concentration of 0.3 ppm. It should be noted l , that the corrosion potential could be below 0 mV(SHE) as the hydrogen concentration , approaches 0.4 ppm.

      - Figure F-2 presents Type 30 $ stainless crack growth rates as a function of stress intensity using the NRC disposition curves for furnace and weld sensitized material [F.12], and PLEDGE model                          i 2

calculations for weld sensitized material (EPR = 15 C/cm ) in the NWC environment (200 mV[SHE]) and the low HWC environment (75 mV[SHE]) of the PB-3 shroud with a conductivity _of 0.1 S/cm. A number of features should be noted in Figure F-2: l

1. The NRC disposition line and PLEDGE model line for weld sensitized material nearly overlap each other, i.e., the PLEDGE model calculation is consistent with the NRC evaluation.

2, .As expected, the NRC disposition line for furnace sensitized material is significantly higher than the NRC weld sensitized disposition line.

3. As expected, the PLEDGE model line for the low HWC PB-3 weld sensitized shroud location is lowe- than both the NRC and PLEDGE NWC lines.
4. 'A factor of improvement (FOI) dashed line for low HWC PB-3 has been developed based on the FOI ratio between the PLEDGE NWC and 75 mV(SHE) lines. This FOI was applied to the worst case limiting NRC line for furnace sensitized material to
                      - create the PB-3 FOI line based only on the PB-3 shroud lower corrosion potential with low HWC, i.e.,it was assumed that the PB-3 shroud was furnace sensitized.
    ' SIR-981125/R AM-98il42 -                                F-6                 -

Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.

i l I i l Although no effect of irradiation is considered in these PLEDGE evaluations, i.e., the increase in EPR and the decrease in stress intensity were not considered, the PLEDGE FOI result is very I effective for demonstrating the beneficial effect of low H'WC. The comparison of this bounding furnace sensitized NRC disposition crack growth line and the PLEDGE analysis line of Figure F-2 indicates a significant FOI,i.e., reduction, in crack growth rate. This comparison would suggest that the crack growth rate model curve where irradiation was evaluated for PB-3, Figure F-1, would be the bounding curve for PB-3 and that PB-3's low HWC operation would shift this curve to lower crack growth rates. l Based on the available in-reactor shroud measurements, in-reactor and laboratory crack growth evaluations, and PLEDGE modeling, it appears that the limiting crack growth rate in the depth I 4 direction for the PB-3 shroud is less than 2.2 x 10 in/h for stress intensities at or below 30 l ksiVin. Finally, it is considered prudent to reiterate some of the assumptions utilized in this analysis that will result in a conservative evaluation:

1. The degree of sensitization due to irradiation,i.e., chromium depletion at the grain l boundaries, is less severe than thermal sensitization. The PB-3 FOI evaluation was based on a I worst-case furnace sensitized material. l l
2. The corrosion potential for the inside of the PB-3 shroud was assumed to be at the upper bound value of 75 mV(SHE). Arguments can be made for using values as low as O mV(SHE). This would have resulted in an even lower predicted crack growth rate and greater FOI in Figure F-2.
3. The modeled NMP-1 crack. growth rate data was based on a furnace sensitized DCB specimen at a very high corrosion potential of 300 mV(SHE) in an environment characterized l by an extremely high conductivity of 0.3 pS/cm. The BWR fleet average conductivity is approximately 0.1 S/cm.
4. The strong possibility of crack branching that results in a decrease in stress intensity and.

subsequently, crack growth rate was ignored. For example, significant crack branching was observed in the KKM shroud.

5. No credit was taken for irradiation-induced stress relaxation in the Figure F-2 PLEDGE r analysis.
6. PLEDGE model crack growth rate predictions are typically conservative by a factor of two.


F.1 BWR Vessel and Internals Project," Evaluation of Crack Growth in BWR Stainless Steel RPV Internals (BWRVIP-14)," EPRI Report TR-10273, March 1996. S1R-98-125/ RAM-98-142 F-7 StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

F.2 A. Jenssen, L. G. Ljungberg and J. Elkert, " Irradiation Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking, a Life Limiting Factor for Internal Parts. Research and Experience," Paper presented at

     " Plant Life Extension," Zurich, Switzerland, November 30,1993.

F.3 R. P. Gangloff," Electrical Potential hionitoring of Fatigue Crack Formation and Growth From Surface Defects," ASTM Symposium on Fatigue Crack Growth Measurement and Data Analysis, Pittsburgh, PA, October 20-30,1979. J F.4 B. hl. Gordon, unpublished data. F.5 P. L. Andresen, et al.," State of Knowledge of Radiation Effects on Environmental Cracking in Light Water Reactor Core Materials," paper presented at the Fourth international Symposium of Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems-Water Reactors, Jekyll Island, GA, August 1989, published in proceedings of ) same, NACE, Houston, TX,1990. ] F.6 P. L. Andresen and F. c. Ford,"Modeling of Irradiation Effects on Stress Corrosion Crack Growth Rates," paper 497 presented at Corrosion 89, NACE, New Orleans, LA, April l 1989. l F.7 I', L. Andresen and F. P. Ford," Irradiation Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking: From Modeling and Prediction of Laboratory and in-core Response to Component Life l Predictic i," paper 419 presented at Corrosion 95, NACE, Orlando, FL, March 1995. I F.8 GE Nuclear Energy," Evaluation and Screening Criteria for the Peach Bottom Unit-3 Shroud Indications," Report No. GENE-523-141-1093, Revision 1, December 3,1993, SI l File No. PECO-09Q-202. F.9 S. M. Bruemmer, et al.," Critical Issues Reviews for the Understanding and Evaluation of l Irradiation Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking " EPRI Report TR-107159, November 1996. l l F.10 BWR Vessel and Internals Project," Technical Basis for Inspection Relief for BWR Internal f Components with Hydrogen Injection (BWRVIP-62)," EPRI Report TR-108705, December l 1998. F.11 BWR Vessel and Internals Project. "Modeling Hydrogen Water Chemistry for BWR Applications - New Results (BWRVIP-13)" EPRI Report TR-106068. December 1995. F.12 W. S. Hazelton and W. H. Koo. " Technical Report on Material Selection and Processing Guidelines for BWR Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping," NUREG-0313. Revision 2 U.S. NRC, January 1988. SIR-98-125/R AM-98-l42 F-8 gg,yggy,,, ,,,,,,,,, pgggg,g,gg, ,gg.

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Figure F-2. EITect of Stress Intensity on Type 304 Stainless Steel IGSCC Growth Rate NRC Disposition Lines and PLEDGE Model

  • 1.00E-03 -- - -
                                                                -.-o -NRC Fumace Sensitized (F S) NUREG-0313 Disposition Line (NWC)
                                                                -t-- FOI Fumace Sensitized (FS) PB-3 Low FfWC                                                                                                                      !
                                                               + NRC Weld Sensitized (WS) NUREG4313 Disposition Lme (NWC)                                                                                                          !

PLEDGE Weld Sensitized (WS) NWC (200 mV[SHE]) 4-c _ PLEDGE Weld Sensitized (WS) Low HWC 75 mV(SHE)  ;

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lPB4 5 - a > 3 2.00E-05

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                                                                                                                                                                                                ~~.-                              !

71 .00E-05 < 4 FOI jiw _ _~ _ HWC 4 PB-3 _ g .,_ 6 1 WS NUREG-0313 i i WS PLEDGE NWC WS PLEDGE Low HWC


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E SIR-98-125/R AM-98-142 F-10 9 e_.____--_.-_-___ __. __-_:___-..__.__-_____-_. _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ . . .. .. .- .... ...- - _ _ _ - _ _ _ . . _ . -}}