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Informs That NRC 860623 License Condition Re Reduced Feedwater Temp Acceptable.Analysis of Feedwater Temp,W/Power Level in Plant Safety Analysis Design Rept Will Be Incorporated in Next FSAR Amend.Proposed Tech Specs Encl
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 07/07/1986
From: Corbin McNeil
Public Service Enterprise Group
To: Adensam E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20199K216 List:
NLR-N86077, NUDOCS 8607090081
Download: ML20199K212 (2)


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Pubhc Service Electric and Gas Company Ctrbin A. McNeill, Jr. Public Service Electoc and Gas Company P.O. Box 236 Hancocks Bndge, NJ C3038 609339-4800

%ce President -

Nuclear July 7, 1986 NLR-N86077 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, MD 20814 Attention: Ms. Elinor Adensam, Director Project Directorate #3 Division of BWR Licensing

Dear Ms. Adensam:

PARTIAL FEEDWATER HEATING HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION DOCKET NO. 50-354 In your letter to Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G) dated June 23, 1986, the following revised license condition concerning feedwater temperature was proposed.

"The facility shall not be operated with reduced feedwater temperature for the purpose of extending the normal fuel cycle.

After the first operating cycle, steady state operation with reduced feedwater temperature (relative to the PSAR analysis value) during the normal f uel cycle shall be prohibited until plant specific analyses justifying such operation are provided by the licensee and approved by the staff."

Also, changes to the Technical Spec'ifications incorporating the following would be required if the above license condition was added into the Hope Creek full power license.

"The Hope Creek Technical Specification operating limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) is increased by 0.03 for a feedwater temperature between 400*F and 320*F and by 0.06 for a feedwater temperature between 3 20* F and 250*F."

PSE&G understands that the range of temperatures described above refer to reduced feedwater temperatures relative to the temperature predicted by analysis at a given power level. For example, a feedwater temperature of 386*F is projected for a 70%

operating power level. This would not constitute reduced feedwater temperature even though it is in the 400 to 320*F

- [00' 1I 8607090081 860707 PDR ADOCK 05000354 I ,' (


Ms. Elinor Adensam range. However, if the feedwater temperature fell to 381*F while the plant was operating at the 70% power level, the MCPR penalty of 0.03 would be added since this constitutes operation with reduced feedwater temperature. The Technical Specifications in the attachment reflect this principle.

PSE&G also understands that the analyses referred to in the license condition are only required if PSE&G decides to pursue the required staff approval for this mode of operation.

As has been discussed with the staff, the variation of feedwater temperature with power level / steam flow analysis is contained in the " Hope Creek Generating Station Safety Analysis Design Report," Volume I, Figure 1.2-3. This will be incorporated into the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) in the next amendment to support the phrase "FSAR analysis value" in the license condition.

The license condition described in your June 23, 1986 letter is acceptable with the above clarifications. The proposed Technical Specification changes are enclosed in the attachment.

If you have any further questions in regard to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely, i Attachment C Mr. D. H. Wagner Licensing Project Manager Mr. R. W. Borchardt Senior Resident Inspector

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