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Draft Summary Rept for Regional Evaluation of Texas Utils Electric Co,Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak, 05000000
Issue date: 04/16/1985
Shared Package
ML20147G863 List:
FOIA-87-847 NUDOCS 8803080363
Download: ML20147H010 (14)


__ ____ ____

l-f G (' d f."."ARY EEF;RT FCR RE61;%A. E'v AaATICN CF TEIAS UilLli!ES ELEC'.RIC C;.FAv CC'AN HE FEAT i.E,5, D0DET !0-445 fGETA59 Bf U, S. NUCLEAR FE9'JLATCRY Cta.lsilch R!b!h IV A vil 16, 1955 8803080363 880304 PDR FOIA CONNOR87-847 PDR T>lrt w' ~


1. Chroneletical Sroject Milestones The applicatter. for construction preits for Cceancte 5 eat Steae Electric Station (CPSES), Units 1 and 2 mere dockete: on July 20, 1973.

Ground treaking cccurred en October 8,1974, and an tua nas granted to the applicant on October 17,1974. The constructici :ereits (Nos. CFFR 126 and CffR !:7) sere issued on Cecenter 19. 1974.

There teen no change in principle contractors. 1 has ccepleted preo;erational testing, freccre het functicaal test 15; began en February 20,1933, and was ccepleted on hre 1-), 1963. Tre thereal espansicn testing sat started in No<etter 1934 anc cesplete:

turirg the first week of January 1955. ine acclicar.t's ; projectedfaellessdateisttefirstcuarteroflii!.

temas utilities Electric Ces:any ITLEC) nas granted a 1:cetse to receive ar.d stcre fuel ($\'l-1912) on A;ril 26,1950, and te;at receivie; fael en Pay 4, 19il, ite firal f'.el Sr.:sse t ens recei,e:

onsite J4 Nary 17, 1954.

2. Princicle Ccntracters Gibbs & Hill, Inc. (6LH) is tte architect-engirser, ans Ircen 6 Root, Inc. is the constructor. Construction sanagement is teing perfereed by Texas Utilities Services, Inc., a stelly coned '

subsidiary of the emner, feras Utilities. The nuclear stene sutply systen vender is bestinghouse Electric Corperation.


9. QUAL!iY ASSURANCE ORSAh!!ATION STAUCTURE The applicant's present GA crganization is sheen in Exhibit 1. The '

present structure has not appreciably changed from that sheen in the FSAR. The applicant has recently coepleted revies of the GA progran pursuantto10CFR50.55(c). Ito changes in the GA progras sere identified.

C. SALP REVIEW Four SALP reviens have teen conducted to evaluate TU!C's :erfereance. fr.e

!AtP periods mere: '

o August 1,1979-hly 31,193') (Fe;crt 50 ta5/iM5 4.: !!-446th :!

i 4


3 o J.l. ;,1960 June 30,1931 (pe;;rt 50 441'9120 ana $>446/6120) o Oct::e* 1, 1961 Septester 30, 1932 p t::rt 50-445/92 24 and

$0.a a:.32 12) o C:t::er 1, 1982 October 31,'1953 (Re; rt !0 445193 49 and 10ta::3323)

1. .r: ; tne peri:d of a;;ast 1,1979, thr::;h Jult 31,1930,the a::h: ant was evaluated in the foll:ste; functienal areas:

F. :t:: al Area Increase he Chan:e te:rease Assuaan:e, 94 a;eaent and Trainteg I htst'.:ture & F:;'.!ations c:a;lete

: e:e 1 Line* thntainser.t L Otters) c: ;1e:e Safet.-Eelated itrettures 1 Fittt; & Hangers (Feact:r CC:' ant 6 Otters)

. I

!afat.-RelatedCea;crents (Vessel, Internals & PVACI I Ele:tt::al Equipent i Ele:tratal (fray & uire) I last*.sentataco I Fire ;*:tection 1 Preservice Inspecti:n  !

Repo*t;rg i The bcard detereined that an increase in inscettien a
tivities ans not e4* ranted as a result of the assesseent.
8. Durin; the period of July 1,1980, throu;h Jare 30,1981,the applicant was evaluated in the follcuing functional areas Functi nal Areas Catetery Scils and Foundations un

, Contaissent and Otter Safety 4 elated Structures ha Pipits Systees and Supports 1 Safety-itelated Cce;cnents 1 htt:r* httees 2 Electracal Power Sw: ply an! Distratution 1

!*st'.tentati:n and Centrol Systess  :

L:te sp; A:tivities 2 i



1'e : card cerclu:es that 41thc ;h the overall applicant prfereance oss It'egory 1, the it.ssectica level of the construction activities stc.13 not be changed due to recent prc;rassatic changes which e"e:ttvely rehte construction inspecticos. +

3. Cw'; ; the period of Octeter 1,1991, through September 30,1982, J 3

t*e a:elicant was evaluated in the folleuing functional areas PerforeanteCate;ory Tu atticnal Area 1992 i A. Plant C;eratiris - Fre:peratienal 3 Testin;

i. C:nstru:ttenActivities-icils and Foun$ation het evaluated Conta!reest i Otter Safety-Felated 2 Structures Picir.g Systees led h;ccrts (tecludes i selcir.g, h;!, ard preservice ins;ectica) 2 ,

$afety-Felate! Coop 39eitstincludes vessel, it,ternals, h e;s, etc.) 1 >

SucpertSystees(includesHVAC, {

rad aste, fire prctactien! Net evaluate:

ElectricalPteerSupplyand i Distribution 1 i j

1 Instrueent and Centrol Systees 1 .

I i

1 VendorFrecurteentCycleContrels 3 ,

LicensingActivities 1 The teard fcund that tre applicant's anna;eent centrols were strong

, et effectivt with exception of the areas of vendor teatrols and 2

cre::erational testing.

a.  :.': ; the seriod Octeter 1, 1962-Octeter 31,1953, the a;plicant i sai t.aluates in tre follteir; fe:ticna'4 areas l

I 1

i 1


5-5erforsante Cate;;rv F.*:*..:ral area 10/1/92 to 10/31/93 ,

Pre::e'ational testing 2

[6e';eity f reparedt.tss 2 Raf.::: git 41 Con, 01s la: nation Prctection 2

  • 'trant:ry mencresents 1 Fa:saste Systees, Ef ficent Treatsent, 2
eleases, and Monitoring
    • t sportation $: lid R4:easte i Er.;'anaental Survet1146te  !

Se:.*ity and Safeguar:s 2 Sc:'.i and F:ur.datics N/E C .:1. nent and Safety-related 2 i *.:tures Fi:. ; Systest and 5 .;corts 2 t; :!uns selding, h:E. and ,

preurvice ins;ection) j it't!.-relates C:a;; rents 2 h*:ludes vessel, internals.

.a:s, valves,etc.) ,
Sa;;;'t systens bothies 3 k a*. radenste. fire protettien. '

f.e! st: rage, etc.)

fle:trical Peeer Sutch ar.d 2 httribution Inst *usentation and Controls i fra:?ing 2 ,

ksien and Cesign Ctange Controls 2 hality Assurante Preoperational 2 testing hality Assurance - Construction 2 Vendor Procurement Controls and 2 Ine:heetat Managesent Centrols l

Involvesent 2 Licensing Activities 2 Note: Tre notation NIE indicates that the fue:tional area nas not  !


i The ::tal W. taspection ef fort daring this Sa.F evaluati n period i tcts.sted at 78 ins;ettiens repcrted in 46 htC instettien re prts in:hi*g a tetal of 6,499 t:urs ensite by h:: :ns:e:t:'s and

! s.t:: 'att:rs.

i I

l l

1 i



!se ::ard tenclu ed that the level of acclicant in.cleteer.t ano

e;*se _cf c:ntrol over site activities mas accentitle.
5. 16e :.' rent SALP assetteett is for the period hovester 1,1983, tr.r:.; Cecenter 31,1984

?. (!CA'. Aft; br05 CEMENT HISTCU

1. lese:; ate Action letter At :ssediate Actica Letter nas assaed on Sectes:er 7, 1977, c:t'.' sing a licensee decasten not to plate c:r. crete in the sall to d:en t'ansition area of the Unit 2 centaineent tulldirg 6tt:1sucn tise as a pre;er engir,terte; evaluaticn ccule te aa:e ci the esiss::n and sutsequent afsiticn in arotter location cf a ;t:a cf reind:'cing steel shear ties.
2. C ,:i teralt<

A :..1 genalty (CA-23-64) for s40,000 mas ;'::cte: 4;atrit the at:R:tSt fcr alle;ed viclation of 10 CFR 50. A;cerdi ),

C*ite* ion I. This nas tased :n the it:retary of La ct Final Cecilica .

i ate ~':er in Atchis:n vs. frcen & Rect, Inc. 90 Ett 1; ,

J.te 3. 1953. '

A ::.:1 penalty (EA-231321 fer 140,0% .as pre;:ses a;ainst the apl:: ant for alleged violation of 10 CFR 50, Aspendia B, ,

Crite' ion 1. This civil cesalty proposal mas tased on an it. estigatien initiated as a result of allegations made to hRC Office cf Investigation by paint GC inspectors espleted by Texas Utilities Generatirg Ceepany (TU6CO). The fandings of the investigation sere discussed eith 106C0 sana;esent daring an Enfor:eaent Conference held in the Region IV office on Decenter 12,


E. thDEPts!!bi DES 164 HIS10H The applicant has contracted with Cygna Corporation to revies the Coeanche Peak design. The revieu is being done in fe,ur phases.

PP.ase 115 :caclete and in revlee. Ite revies consisted et a design aaalysis ed interf ace cct' trol evaluation of the spent feel c:eling systen.

J Phast .. 'I also cosplete and in revies. It c:tsiste: cf a tt:tti:al t

rene. :' e residaal test res: val systes.

F4ase 1:: :s in prt;tess and is a result cf the :e:en:er Oi, iii;, ralia;

f tra ti.' . This rente cctsists of a tite ard case 5;:::rt revite cf 1

the sav steae and cce;0nent ecolin; mater systes. It also consists of a revite :8 Ogality Assurance and cGrrective a:tten seajures.

Prast .. :s undermar and coepletion desteds en the ARB findings of Phase

!!!. It : nststs of an Independent Design verificaticn Prc;rae !!DVP) regardt*; the cceconent cooling sater systes.

. 400 It!!:In:ENT PEAS'$EritTS INSP!CT!;W IPenF: :I*f aretj an indepestant eensafetents inspectica at the Cceanche Pena s;;e a;ril 25-Pay 6,1993. The re;;rt en the results of the erasitat : are centainea in hAC Inscettien Report 44US315 and 446/E M :. Teo violatiens sere identified curing this ins:ection.

3. 6 Dis:C *::stSFCN!!N:E TUEC tas sitatlisted precetares providtr; s:ectite nr.structica.s t: the nuclea* : : ject supt:rt grego perscanal ers are rest:nsttle fer and revies of !! Circula's, h!! tins ars ;eretic letters.

In en:' :lle. 4 TUEC acocinted cocrdinat:r is ;1ven res::ssteility fcr assi;nir; t'.e co;ni: ant res;oasible cers:n to *me. att track all acti:rs t : pre,ite d:cceeritatten. khan re;gires, the t :rdatat:r stall draf t a * t0 the h(C etich mill te revie=ed by the plant eara;er -

% clear, .::ersta; er;treering su;erviscr - tu: lear, and greject support sana;er - naclear. Ite res;cest shall te si;ned by the vice presisent -

nuclea' ::erati:ns anc shall in:!ste an af f attelt. A perennent recer: cf actices taken is saintained. Tre applicant's response to NEC has been satisfact:ry.

4. LICENSEE 440 CC%TRACTCR INlilATED STCP u0st aCilC4 There have been a total of 47 stop serk creers issued by ite a;plicant and his ccetractors sicce 1975. See E:hitit 2 for a stesary of the stco work orde's.

!. CONSTRUCTlDe CEFICIEN V REFCATS (10 CFR 50.55teh The applicaat has reported 45 significant construction deficiencies. See Exhibit 3 for a suesary of these reperts.

. PALI 21 CIFICAllDh5 Of the 17 Fart 21 re;crts received tr htC,5 resalted free 10 CR !;.55(e) itees an2 are tein; tra:le: b the a;;li: ant. Itey are it.:1> . : : P Exhibit 3 of this rep;rt. A fellte.: e s:e: tion mas ccrt.:te' :. the Res: den: Reacter Insge:::r t: di:sture ;re stat;s Of tre retar:a; 12 Fart 21 re: orts. All of tra regrts sere clcsed eacept f:r tre *::l:=in; i

1 I

i 1

i h



1. i*:. h<tra Electric, fr.c. resort of hne 16,1991. re;ard;ng cet*:.* rent relay drop cut greblees. This itse is being tratnes n a n:llcant r. cec nforeance repcrt (NCR).
8. St *tscrt of Jult !!,1931, regarding tcrando venting, tracked by se t al engineering d:castats.
3. T*a saatrica tetaval, ite:rt: rates (101) rep:rts of
t* 29,1982. ieptester 21,1983, and March 20,1984, re;arste;
    • .tes with the energency diesel generators ((D6s). The generic
..:atict.s cf tre 101 prchleet has resulted in hRC ccncern re;i :ing the tellatility of the ED$s. An ceners greco detailt: a c:::*ttersive teard:en ard inscection plan. Its teard:en and

. t:t::1:e of the bit 1 (!!s tas teen ccs;letts. Its results of t*e s.alaatico tait tien cco:leted by the enters grc;;. Ite fisal a:: : ance tr the a;;11 cant of the testir.; tas nct tien ccapittst at t'.I iles.

r. NEC N*i"lM 8till!T![i i
1. C:*i;*.:ti:n Ir.s:e:ti:n t*e . tire PC 2!!! 2rs:t:tten ;regras is a:;raientely 971 cce:lett

':* . it* 1 and C:ss:nt h: ever, an au;stnted pregras tas been

:. net ted to ccrresp:nd t applicant final ces;tetten ins:ects:n.

in;s a.;aented cr:; ras to the 4:tivities cf ccteleti:n and a;;. :e ongelfig until firal c:rstructi:n and ins;ecticn ccepletion.

2. C:*t *;ttien Accraisal Tese
4. *teConstructiciApstatsalTeae(CAT);erfereedanins;ecticn
f CPSES en Jawary 24 Fetruary 4.1963. Fcur enforcement -


  • ndings mere identified regarding precedures fcr equiteent astallatien, enintecante of itees st: red cutd ors, draming
mtrol, and control of ventilation syntes f atrication.

Ietails of the inspe:tica are ccatained in NRC !.nspection te;;rt445/8312 446/6312. The enforcement findings sert transeitted to the applicant or. May 31,1993.

t. *- kee 27-Se tester 16,1963, a fellevcp its;ectica to CAT ,

as;ectjon was perfersed by the Regica IV staff, h: nes  :

eitlaticas c' ce<taticns etre identified, tetails of this

.*scettien are centatted in hf C Irspectics Report 445/83-:5,


m /i3 14. 6 s

0.  !:t:.t: iri:e: ties
a. ht:lal ins;ect: s to evahate the 4:plicant's ten:ver/actess l
ntrel ;re:ess .ere cen:scted in (cur 4*tas. Its areas ed I

, *ttults are discusst teles.

i l



t ite irspection of the fuel tuilding mas conhtted on May 23 het 10.1%3. Too violations mere identified tet:e'atngcondatti cable tray, and pi;e su;; orts and piping suay strut jas r.uts. The details of the inspection are centained in M C Ins;ecticn Report 445/9 N 3.

Cl The inspettien of t'te table spread rcce was conducted en March 13 - A;'il 11,1984. The areas ernelsed included elettricalracematandracesarsupports,cablerouting, table tereleations, electrical se;&raticas. HVAC, and fire

tien/ detection. Novietationsmereidentified. Ite details of the irs;e: tics are centained in MC !sspecticn Re:crt 445/24 10.

31 The it.ste: tion of the tor.tair.sent taildin; mas ccnda:ted on far 14 - hr.e 20, 19!4 Areas etasi'.e3 during the it.sce:ticr. included piping and gi;e superts, contatnsent genetratiers, HVAC d. cts and snprts, ele:trical racentys s'id ssports, sa'etv-related epipeent 'as outlt' ct:; ras, QC instectcr atj melder qualif: cati:ns and fell: .; en tre urresched ites frca tre s;e:tal ins;e:tien of the fcel tuilding.

Too violatices mere identtiled concerning grc:er it.stettice of title tray hangers ard dest;n :::,,se.9t tectrol. ibe details of the iespection are contained in

%C hspection Res:rt 445/9416.

41 ite insp; tion cf the safeguards / auxiliary tutidirgs sas corducted en kly 16-Se; tester 7, !H4. it.e areas e:teited incltded pipleg and pipe su;;crts. HVAC ducts and supperts,electricalracewaysandsasprts,installatten 2

ofpriseestors(electricactorsandstetsturbine)and puaps, and 'as built' progras. Pertions of four safety-related systees sere enasined daring the inspection, theseinclededtheAuxiliaryFredsater Systee, Containment Spray Systes, Component Cooling Water Systes, anc Chemical and Volume Control Systen. In addition, elettrical separatico ens erasine: threw;h cut the balldings.

Tao violatices mere identified con:erning QC inspection of ele:ti:4! se:arati:n ard p:;er tespecti: cf ca:le tru ra.;ers, tre details cf the l'.s;e:titi are ccntaiced in MCIrsce:tt:*.Regert445/il-h.

L t

e 10-i 9

  • hly 1,1954, the NGC Technical Revies fete (IRI) te;&n
itensive onsite efferts to tes;lete 4 ;crtion cf the reviens i
  • e:essary for the staff to reach a decisito regarding the
censing of CPSES Unit 1. The ensite effcrt coveret a nuster
1 areas, inciviing allegatient of ascro;er construction
rattates at the facility. On Septeshr 19,1964 the hRC net
  • th il,EC reyesentat;ves to present a nueter of te:hnttal
ss'es in tre electrical.'instrueer.tati:n. Civ11/stru:tural, at:

test pr:;rne areas having potential safety implicattent. On 4:vesber 29. 1914, the mRC provided a second set cf technica!

isats fcr ILEC response. On knuary B 1935, the NLC
  • svice: a third set of te:hnical issats fer TLEC restense.


['e::t'ati nal TestirQ and C:eratic'al Freta'edness K *!O is directe$ t:sard ins;ett::n :f 4;tivities inettvet in

re::s'at;;*,al testir.g ace c;eraticial pre;4te:ress. ftete its:a:tien 4:tivities are tussarized as felless:
  • t Ceeplete
  • Pro::s'atieral inst Frctehre Paview IM Fre::i'atteral fest Wittesting 100 Fre::i'ati: Sal Test Resalts Evaluati:n 100 <

Oce'at;:s Staf f arg 9) hal:tv Assarante 1@

, Operating Staff Training 100 Tettt;;al Specif atation Reeles 100 (F:*al Draft) '

C; era:acnal Frecehre Review (arcluding S$ .sillarte Frece hres) 100 I Raciation Frotectica -

75 i

Pafsaste E',vireristetal Mciit: ring 75 Eserycy Flanning 100 Secur:tr 15 3

As of April 10.1985, only three inspection procedures reeain open.

They a'ei 70 :: Fre:;eratien Test Results Evaluatica

erificatien(Licensee) i a

{ hr. 0:tratic*al Staif Ins:e:t:en a

l 4:ah Mairterar:ePrctettresIns:e:tien

5. ?ta". *estis
e:t: .:1 a:tidt:es estati: stet in ': !!4 :sfine t*e l's:ection 4

i':;*ia *cr tre startu; testir; stase. 51tte tras :r:y as ;estral!<


1 i

starti est fuel leastr;. the :r: gras, except for proteture revnes, has >

not tep*. The prcgras inclufes: ,


*echnical icettf acatien Ferles (cce;lete fcr Final Draf t)
  • StartupProcedureRevies(requiredtobestartedprisrtoOL) r Initial Fuel Load (revies retaires to be conclete crict to OL)

Frecriti:al Checks

  1. ceer Attensics festing '

lnitialCriticality/LesF:.trfesting DataReview I

6. f*! ::si itees 4

d P:st :f the TRI lessens lenrred issues sere spettfically actressed c.rt*; tre F3AF reale. an: n: tar in 'fre Safety Enluatics Fes:rt,'

NS!N737 and its su;glesents. Itest itees are being tra:Les at:

t iertf:ed during pre:perational testtrg inste:tiet attivities l

l iP! !!!3). The Indiviewal steet mill te it;scettes ard clete: cut in i a:t: : ante eith the tes;;rary instructien.

7. A!! e: e
  • ier.s Tre's are a tuter of alleinti ts ease regar$ing C:er.tte feal n*1:5 a's :elng gursatt tv the staf f. Its a:re si;niittant of ttest a'.l tit:1:ns involve Islyes ttat arcse tef:re the A!Ll. These 31lejat10ns are generally C1 Wife 3 Int 0 the foll:ulng arealt c htisidation of E Cerstract1:n Inspectcrs e fractate It.civing ,

trilling threuth Fetar i o f alsificatten of GC Re:crds and Foor G!i Fractices e a:'ner Firing and Cc a:rler Disceura;esent o :e:rc;er Dotasettaticn o C:nstruction Practa:es eith GA!GC tefigiencies c :e;re;er helding of S:clet Cennecticns o M/GC Docusertation cf Feretrations '

c Itdependente of Cf6NA i

8. WR C:sfireatery itees (fc te verified by Regier. IV) 1 S(t Se: tion lettriationofites 1 1  ?

!.!. .*/ Fruttre t:a;tness 5.3.2/5.!.:

.i preperties of 2 l Featt:r vessel enterials(!!ERt! l!.3.1.3.

5.3.2. ar.c !.3.T, I (Disetsted in Siik ee) i .



f 37 9.1.4 Ha'.dling cf tenvy l

lenes in conferesa.te  ;

siththeguidelinesof I trJ4[6 0612 5

($3EM 61 1.1.41 .

(toeslete estept fir

'Controlofteavy laats - Fhase !!)

!!.!.a.2 centaineentisolati:n seger.satility ,

3.9.: fe>i:dit lean testing [

of pressure isolationvalves 3.! hestentitlenCf 4;;litant's t;ttattents Cr. fare protection O. #.. tit &*.dir; Ite95 ir,tladir.) eif;rttient and ur.reltl'ie* ltets sill te t';.;;td in a sLtsegeent rescrt.

l j ' . . CONSitC:*t $f AT'.'$

Rest a:t;ie systees are suf ficiently c:eslete to c %:t gree:erati:aal tests. F :e supp0rt desi;n and installat1Dn retain as enj:t patirg effort at this tase. Also, there is a tensiderable ef t rt in tre area cf ,

I attaiaan; se;araticn in the electrical area. '

g There is a torsiderable ef fort directee t: engireering cell;n revies cf

.; sitetha';es. In conjuncticn eith this ef f:rt, site GA is verif yttg ttat

the than;ts have teen inspttec and that preper dettaettatice is available. I 1

I l i

t l i


!! l

'h l 1


Q. Fl(0FEFAfl0W. itit 5(kes

%e applicant's startup grcup us determined that the plant at:1 te rusy.

fer fuel lead eben the fellcuing testeen taie. teen Frereauttitel pre:perational tested. het all trsteel are re vired to te gree;eraticnal testes per ilA Regulatory hace 1.t!, Levitten 2. De sertent tcealete l refers to the centu:t es results a::*csal caly. >

l Fre:;eraticia!

h!,tn testristies 11C:stlete 01 125 V CC Class !E Fceer listeel 1H '

02 6.9 kV/4i0v Class I! AC 100 Distribution Sistees s

03 Startup Feuer Systeis 100 l 04 Service Water Syste 1M tt Fire Frcte:ti: atete: tion Systeal 100

! 07 tontr:1 A:ca - Hv;; instes 100 0! lattery b:es - HJ: lystes 100 i

11 Cesc:nent C: lle; eater Sisten 100 C:es sitatics 5, stat l j 12 IM 22 Sincling$ rites 1%

j 24 Fritary Flet ve*.tv.atter. Systee 100

9 hetel Sererater a*
a.uliaries 10 l Syntes 3

31 SafetyChillenterinstet 1M .

I 32 hiiliary P.tletn; FVA: 1M l4 Pain Steae Systes !M i *! Safe;uards hilit*; kVAC Systen 1H

, 37 Auiiliary Fetteater 1,stes 100  :

]  : hese! Seerator .AC Systes IM 1

40 Fuel Hanslig a*: testel 100 ,

ServicingSystest .

i 41 Liquid haste Frcteising Syste 100  !

4: Fuel haltig - bu: Systes 1M I 44 Steae Guerator ll:.t:aa Systes 100  !

45 Containeent Ventilation Systes IM l 46 Containeer.t Hydrogen Furge Systes 100  ;

47 F6el Fool Cccling a?! Cleeup 1M l j- Systes 1 4' Per.taineent5;rav!.ites 1M

)I 41 Cr.eeical an: V:hes ::ntr:1 ivstes 1M

!! Featter Coelant $sitte !M j  ! icret Fet):le :; net 1M i

1 i l

a 4


. . ~

'l 4

. 14- [

k 17 lafety injectica Systes 90

!8 Restdaal Heat les: val Systee 100 i

60 Solid Waste Prccellart Systes- 100 61 64secas Waste Process;9; Systes 100 64 Festter Frctectica 5.stes 9)

  • 65 Centaineett Ate:s:te'e a.:nat:'in; 1N Systes 66 Nu: lear lastrueentat;:n $rstes 1G 67 Hydr: gen Fettetirer instee 100

, 69 F:sCentrolfrstes 100 70 Rad:atice.9;natoringSystes IM i 73 Frote:tice and $sr e;;! IM Pa:lige (N 16)  !

74 P.crable Ir::re and F;.4 M4:;tn; iM i Systes '

4 75 Strs:tural Ir.tegrity ate Leat 10<,.

Rate festirg

) fiF Cca;.ter (!F;is i,stea  ;

73 !M '

i 50 leissit ?:nitcrin; i, nee !M  ;

il and Mctst
82 Pete: role;t:al P.: tat:';o; Systes !M 1

91;t:rt';Systea 1N

fra test!'; trale tf the t'e
;trati: al testir; cr:graa :n t::alete, ist '
paragra;h t.4 fer tre remaining c e* 2513 e
ales. '

a The pre:gerati:nal test progras is 4::rovientelv 951 ::e:ltte (f a:terie.g  !

, in retest;n;).

1 T. C00t1310% '

Fredicti:n cf the fuel 1:ad :ste tr legion IV, tased solely en physa:a!

ocrk ar.d testan; to te 10te an! tre ;ist ptcgress rate scald n:t yield a realistic date totause cther attAvit;es such as the ASL), Iki, an:

corrective actions are sore controlling. When schedules for these  !

activities are available, readiness far fuel ! cat can be credicted.

i l


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1 i

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't t is 7

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