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Summary of 860221 Onsite Meeting W/Util,Inel,D Benedetto Assoc,S&W,Tenera,Ned & NPD Re Equipment Qualification Program & Steam Line Rupture Detection & Isolation Sys
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/12/1986
From: Heitner K
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Lynch O
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC-42527, NUDOCS 8603190260
Download: ML20142A044 (5)


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%,.....f March 12, 1986 Docket No. 50-267 MEMORANDUM FOR: Oliver D. T. Lynch, Jr., Section Leader Standardization & Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B FROM:

Kenneth Heitner, Project Manager Standardization & Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B




(PSC) TO DISCUSS THE EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION (EQ) PROGRAM AT FORT ST. VRAIN (FSV), FEBRUARY 21, 1986 The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the status of the EQ program at Fort St. Vrain. These discussions also included the Steam Line Rupture Detection and Isolation System (SLRDIS) and the need for the operators to take manual actions in potentially harsh environments following a high energy line break.

Prior to this meeting, members of the NRC staff had reviewed 10 draft EQ files that had been prepared by PSC. The staff also had made an extensive walkdown of FSV, with emphasis on EQ-and SLRDIS-related items. Attendees at this meeting are listed in Enclosure 1.

Equipment Qualification The staff stated that their review of 10 draft EQ files indicated that the licensee's approach to preparing these files was generally satisfactory.

Specific problem areas noted included:

- Identification of certain installed cabling, and Adequacy of maintenance records for certain equipment items.

PSC and the staff agreed to hold further discussions on these problem areas.

PSC stated that it had revised the schedule for implementation of the EQ program.

They would continue to operate FSV under the current 35 percent power authorization through May 31, 1986.

They would perform those EQ modifications possible at power during this period. After May 31, 1986, they would perform the balance of the EQ modifications. The modifications are estimated to take 1 or 2 months. At the completion of these modifications, the plant would be ready for operation following appropriate NRC approval.

0603190260 060312 PDR ADOCK 05000267 P




+ SLRDIS The staff stated the initial review of the SLRDIS had resulted in further information being needed. This information concerned:

- SLRDIS response time,

- Bypass-of SLRDIS channels,

- Aging of SLRDIS sensors,

- Potential cable breakage, and

- Consideration of the worst case break scenarios.

PSC and the staff agreed to further discussions on these issues.

The staff also noted that information to support the calculations of the post-accident temperature profiles had not been submitted.

Furthermore, in informal discussions with PSC, it was evident that certain aspects of SLRDIS design were being modified by PSC. Thus, the current design information, and the proposed SLRDIS technical specification (TS) need to be updated. PSC acknowledged these concerns and stated that this information would be submitted in about a week's time.

Operator Actions The staff requested clarification on the med fcr the operators to take manual actions outside of the control room following high energy line breaks.

In particular, the staff was concerned about the need for operators to take actions in potentially harsh environments, where protective equipment would be required. The staff indicated that they were interested in two cases.

The first case was operator action to isolate a high energy line break.

The second case was the automatic activation of SLRDIS.

PSC stated that the operators would not be required to take any manual actions outside of the control room following operator isolation of a high energy line break. However, operator action outside of the control room following automatic activation of SLRDIS would be required.

PSC also I

stated it was concerned about this situation, but required further time to correct this potential problem.

The staff stated that PSC should fully review and evaluate the need for l

operators to take actions in a harsh environment following a high energy line break. This evaluation should be comparable to the PSC evaluation for 35 percent power operation.

Kenneth Heftner, Project Manager Standardization & Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B


As stated cc w/ enclosures:

See next page

March 12, 1986 SO R SLRDIS The staff stated the initial review of the SLRDIS had resulted in further information being needed. This information concerned:

- SLROIS response time,

- Bypass of SLRDIS channels,

- Aging of SLRDIS sensors,

- Potential cable breakage, and

- Consideration of the worst case break scenarios.

PSC and the staff agreed to further discussions on these issues.

The staff also noted that information to support the calculations of the post-accident temperature profiles had not been submitted.

Furthermore, in informal discussions with PSC, it was evident that certain aspects of SLRDIS design were being modified by PSC.

Thus, the current design information, and the proposed SLRDIS technical specification (TS) need to be updated. PSC acknowledged these concerns and stated that this information would be submitted in about a week's time.

Operator Actions The staff requested clarification on the need for the operators to take manual actions outside of the control room following high energy line breaks.

In particular, the staff was concerned about the need for operators to take actions in potentially harsh environments, where protective equipment would be required. The staff indicated that they were interested in two cases.

The first case was operator action to isolate a high energy line break.

The second case was the automatic activation of SLRDIS.

PSC stated that the operators would not be required to take any manual actions outside of the control room following operator isolation of a high energy line break. However, operator action outside of the control room following automatic activation of SLRDIS would be required. PSC also stated it was concerned about this situation, but required further time to correct this potential problem.

The staff stated that PSC should fully review and evaluate the need for operators to take actions in a harsh environment following a high energy line break. This evaluation should be comparable to the PSC evaluation for 35 percent power operation.

original signed by Charles S. Hinson for Kenneth Heitner, Project Manager Standardization & Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B



As stated Docket File HBerkow OELD NRC PDR PNoonan EJordan cc w/ enclosures:

Local PDR Olynch BGrimes See next page SSPD Reading KHeitner ACRS (10)

NRC Participants

, Licensee and Plang Service Lisp

,SPD cc:


0-KHeitner:ac Olync F 3/$/86 02//4 /86 02// t/86

d Mr. R. F. Walker Public Service Company of Colorado Fort St. Vrain cc:

Mr. D. W. Warembourg, Manager Albert J. Hazle, Director Nuclear Engineering Division Radiation Control Division Public Service Company Department of Health of Colorado 4210 East lith Avenue P. O. Box 840 Denver, Colorado 80220 Denver, Colorado 80201 Mr. David Alberstein, 14/159A Mr. J. W. Gahm, Manager GA Technologies, Inc.

Nuclear Production Division Post Office Box 85608 Public Service Company of Colorado San Diego, California 92138 16805 Weld County Road 19-1/2 Platteville, Colorado 80651 Mr. H. L. Brey, Manager Nuclear Licensing and Fuel Division Mr. L. W. Singleton, Manager Public Service Company of Colorado Quality Assurance Division P. O. Box 840 Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Station Denver, Colorado 80201 16805 Weld County Road 19-1/2 Platteville, Colorado 80651 Senior Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P. 0. Box 640 Platteville, Colorado 80651 Kelley, Stansfield & 0'Donnell Public Service Company Building Room 900 550 15th Street Denver, Colorado 80202 Regional Administrator, Region IV U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Executive Director for Operations 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011 Chairman, Board of County Commissioners of Weld County, Colorado Greeley, Colorado 80631 Regional Representative Radiation Programs Environmental Protection Agency 1800 Lincoln Street Denver, Colorado 80203 i


ATTENDEES AT MEETING NRC-PSC February 21, 1986 Name Organization Ken Heitner USNRC Charles Hinson USNRC Don Warembourg PSCO Mak Nuc. Evur Mike Niehoff PSCO Nuc. Design Mgr.

R. L. Craun PSCO Nuc. Site Eng. Mgr M. H. Holmes PSCO Nuclear Licensing Mgr.

R. E. Farrell USNRC, SRI R. E. Ireland USNRC, RIV N. H. Wagner USNRC, DPWRL-B J. M. Fehringer INEL Paul Shemanski USNRC/NRR Max Yost ISIL Charles L. Nalezny INEL Bill Shields NRC/ ELD Jim O'Connor PSC Results Curtis Crowe PSC Results Bradley Barta PSC NED-Site 4

Doran Meade PSC Results Neal Linkon PSC Public Affairs R. H. Lane SWEC Proj. Mgr.

Tim Prenger PSC QA Services Mgr.

George Redmond PSC QC Supervisor William Schwartz D. Benedetto Associates Robert Capp PSC NED-Site Tom Orlin PSC QA D. J. Brown PSC L. W. Singleton PSC Mgr. QA J. W. Grahm PSC Mgr. NPD M. J. Ferris QA Operations Mgr.

F. J. Novachek Tech /Adm Sycs Mgr., NPD F. J. Borst Support Services Mgr, NPD M. W. Cappello Stone & Webster Engineering Mary J. Fisher NED J. R. Resey PSC Sam Marquez PSC Jack Southers PSC Sam Chesnutt PSC Consultant - Licensing Ron Collins PSC Consultant - Licensing R. Burg Tenera Duake Rodgers PSC Operations Dan Mangan PSC Consultant' G. S. Bates PSC - NED F. W. Tilson PSC - NED K. Dvoral PSC - NED K. Owens PSC Licensing l

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