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Summary of 880304 Meeting W/Util to Discuss 880122 Submittal Re Helium Circulator Failure & Recovery.Attendee List & Viewgraphs Encl
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/09/1988
From: Heitner K
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Calvo J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC-65992, NUDOCS 8803210188
Download: ML20153A855 (12)



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&MD g E WASHING TON, D. C. 20$$5 March 9,1988 k.....

Docket No. 50-267 MEMORANDUM FOR: Jose A. Calvo, Director Project Directorate - IV Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Kenneth L. Heitner, Project Manager Project Directorate - IV Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V and Special Projects Office of nuclear Reactor Regulation




This 1988 meeting (P-88019 .w)as conducted to discuss the PSC's submittal dated January 22,This s damage to circulator Serial No. C-2101. PSC's plans for the upconing circula-tor refurbishment outage were also discus"2d at this meeting. The attendees at this meeting are listed in Enclosure 1.

Circulator Refurbishment Outage PSC intends to conduct the circulator outage in accordance with the senedule shown in Enclosure 2. The overall plan is to refurbish the first three circulators in place. When the inlet and outlet steam and water piping is removed, the secondary side of the machine is accessible. The current plan is to disassemble the secondary side of each of the three machines in place.

Each component removed would be inspected. Bolting would be replaced as described in PSC's submittal. The trajor bolting circle (Nos. 46 and 52 bolts) would be replaced one at a time. Then the machine would he reassembled in place and the inlet and outlet piping reinstalled.

The procedure would then be repeated for the other machines. If signs of more serious problems were found, then a full circulator replacement could be made.

The C-2101 circulator will be completely refurbished and available to replace any circulator which'is removed. The current plan is to replace the 'C' circulator.

Refurbishment and Inspection Details During the refurbishment, all secondary side bolting material will be replaced.

The new bolting material reflects the naterial selections described in the January 22, 1988 submittal.

8803210188 880309 PDR ADOCK 05000267 [


The bolt holes will be cleaned to remove foreign material. If broken bolts are encountered, remaining pieces will be removed with "Eazy Out" tools.

The replacement bolts will be torqued to proper preloads with certain exceptions.

The highly loaded No. 46 and 52 bolts will be preloaded by measurement of actual bolt extension. This will be done with ultrasonic techniques used to measure the bolt extension. Preload data has been provided in the PSC stimittal.

Each secondary side circulator component renoved during the refurbishment will be inspected in accordance with PSC's submittal. The work will actually be perfomed in the confined space of tho circulator penetration. PSC is preparing special tooling and work platforms to support this activity.

During this activity, the reactor will be in a refueling configuration, with reduced reactor pressure. PSC states that there is very little radioactivity in the work area. Worker exposure will not be a problem, however, the work platform will provide ventilaticn ard cooling to the confined work area.

Inspection PSC's irspection activities ccver several phases of this program. First, a final inspection report will be provided on C-2101. This report will nominally reflect the ISI progran results of SRS.?.18 as applicable to this circulator.

Second, PSC stated that the results of the refurbishnent and replacement activities during the outage would be documented. These results would be submitted to the NRC following the outage. The staff also requested that PSC cenduct an evaluation of the removed bolting material. PSC agreed that this material would be examined.

Future Inspections Extensive discussion of ft.ture inspection rcruirements was mutually deferred until the circelator refurbishment outage was co"1pleted. However, certain points cercarning further inspections were generally agreed to by PSC and the staff. These included continuine evaluation of removed bolting materials. PSC also agreed to provide a summary of how their current inspection proposal compared to previous ISI done as per SRS.2.18. (The last inspection done was in 1979.)

Secondary System Contamination The staff noted that PSC had not provided a specific program to address potential damage to other secondary coolant system cenponents exposed to caustic (sodium) contarination. PSC agreed to provide a summary of their program. This sumary would contain an overview of the components which were potentially contaminated.

It was also described the inspection or evaluation methods to be used and provide a schedule for the overall program.

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~t Overall The staff stated that it would prepare a sumary safety evaluation of PSC's proposed outage activities. At-this time, the staff agreed with PSC's prcposals for the circulator refurbishment outage.

l Kenneth L. Heitner, Project Manager Project Directorate - IV Division of Peactor Projects - III, IV, V and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated cc w/ enclosures:

See next page QI RIBUTION

% ocket File NRC PDR Local PDR PD4 Reading J. Calvo K. Heitner 0GC-Rockville E. Jordan J. Partlow D. Norman F. Litton P. Michaud ACRS (10)

PD4/PM KHeitner:sr 03/ F/88

1 l Mr. R. O. Williant, Jr.

Public Service Company of Colorado Fort St. Vrain cc:

Mr. D. W. Warembourg, Manager Albert J. Hazle, Director Nuclear Engineering Division Rediation Control Division Public Service Company Department of Health of Colorado 4210 East lith Avenue P. O. Box 840 Denver, Colorado P0220 Denver, Colorado 80201-0840 Mr. David Alberstein, 14/159A Mr. R. O. Williams, Jr., Acting Manager GA Technologies Inc. Nuclear Production Division Post Office Box 85608 Public Service Company of Colorado San Diego, California 92138 16805 Weld County Road 19-1/?

Platteville, Colorado 80651 Mr. H. L. Brey, Manager Nuclear Licensing and Fuel Division Mr. P. F. Tomlinson, Manager Public Service Company of Colorado Quality Assurance Division P. O. Box 840 Public Service Company of Colorado Denver, Colorado 80201-0840 16805 Weld County Road 19-1/2 Platteville, Colorado 80651 Senior Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. R. F. Walker P. O. Box 640 Public Service Company of Colorado Platteville, Colorado 80651 Post Office Box 840 Denver, Colorado 80201-0840 Kelley, Stansfield & 0'Donnell Public Service Company Building Conmitment Control Program Room 900 Coordinator 500 15th Street Public Service Compar.y of Colorado Denver, Colcrado 80202 2420 W. 26th Ave. Suite 100-D Denver, Colorado 80211 Recicnal Administrator, Pegion IV U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

! 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011 Chairman, Board of County Commissioners of Veld County, Colorado Greeley, Colorado 80631 Regional Representative Radiation Programs Environmental Protection Agency -

1 Denver Place 999 18th Street, Suite 1300 Denver, Colorado 80202-2413 l

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Enclosure 1 PSC/NRC Meeting on Circulator Failure and Recovery March 4, 1988 Name Organization Xen Heitner NRC/NRR/PD-IV Del Norman NRC/DRS/RIV Felix Litton NRC/NRR/FMTB Art Knng PSC Licensing Engineering M. H. Holmes PSC Licensing Don Warembourg PSC Nuclear Engineering George Redrond PSC Circulator Program Manager Rick Hollner QA Paul Michaud NRC Resident Inspector l Jim Gore PSC Nuclear Engineering Dan Johnson PSC Nuclear Engineering l

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. ,. m -

l APRL MAY JuhE JLA.Y AUGUST 30 2 9 1823306 132027 4 111825 1 18 j CIRC REFURE k DONE 5/2 ,

A CIRC y 5/4-5/21 B CIRC 5/21-6/10 %

l LOOP 1 DOWN > 6/20-6/8

! D CIRC 6/11-6/30 Q C CIRC 7-1/-7/2-  ?


! E i 2 l 4



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$ $ W ASHINGTON, D. C. 20S55 March 9,1988


Docket No. 50-267 MEMORANDUM FOR: Jose A. Calvo, Director Project Directorate - IV Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Kenneth L. Heitner, Project Manager Project Directorate - IV Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation




This meeting w)as conducted to discuss the PSC's submittal dated January 22,This s 1988(P-88019.

danage to circulator Serial No. C-2101. PSC's plans for the upconing circula-tor refurbishment outage were also discussed at this meeting. The attendees at this meeting are listed in Enclosure 1.

Circulator Refurbishment Cutage PSC intends to conduct the circulator outage in accordance with the schedule shown ja Enclosure 2. The overall plan is to refurbish the first three circulators in place. When the inlet and outlet steam and water piping is removed, the secondary side of the machine is accessible. The current plan is to disassemble the secondary side of each of the three machines in place.

Each component removed would be inspected. Bolting would be replaced as described in PSC's submittal. The major bolting circle (Nos. 46 and 52 bolts) would be replaced one at a time. Then the machine would be reassembled in place and the inlet and outlet piping reinstalled.

The procedure would then be repeated for the other machines. If signs of more serious problems were found, then a full circulator replacement could be made.

The C-2101 circulator will be completely refurbished and available to replace any circulator which'is removed. The current plan is to replace the 'C' circulator.

Refurbishment and Inspection Details During the refurbishment, all secondary side bolting materitl will be replaced.

The new bolting material reflects the naterial selections described in the l January 22, 1988 submittal.



s The bolt holes will be cleaned to remove foreign material. If broken bolts are encountered, remaining pieces will be removed with "Eazy Out" tools.

The replacement belts will be torqued to proper preloads with certain exceptions.

The highly loaded No. 46 and 52 bolts will be preloaded by measurerent of actual bolt extension. This will be done with ultrasonic techniques used to measure the bolt extension. Preload data has been provided in the PSC submittal.

Each secondary side circulator component rer.oved during the refurbishment will be inspected in accordance with PSC's submittal. The work will actually be perfomed in the confined space of the circulator penetration. PSC is preparing special tooling and work platforms to support this activity.

During this activity, the reactor will be in a refueling configuration, with reduced reactor pressure. PSC states that there is very little radioactivity in the work area. Worker exposure will not be a problem, however, the work platform will provide ventilation and cooling to the confined work area.

Inspection PSC's inspection activities ccver several phases of this program. First, a final inspection report will be provided on C-2101. This report will nominally reflect the ISI progran results of SR5.2.18 as applicable to this circulator.

Second, PSC stated that the results of the refurbishment and replacement activities during the outage would be documented. These results would be subnitted to the NPC following the outage. The staff also requested that PSC ccnduct an evaluation of the removed bolting material. PSC agreed that this material would be examined.

Future Inspections Extensive discussion of future inspection rcquirements was mutually deferred until the circulator refurbishment outage was completed. However, certain points corcerning further inspections were generally agreed to by PSC and the staff. These included continuing evaluation of removed bolting materials. PSC also agreed to provide a surritary of how their current inspection proposal compared to previous ISI done as per SR5.2.18. (The last inspection done was in 1979.)

Secondary System Contamination The staff noted that PSC had not provided a specific program to address potential damage to other secondary coolant system cenponents exposed to caustic (sodium) contarination. PSC agreed to provide a summary of their program. This sumary would contain an overview of the components which were potentially contarinated.

It was also described the inspection or evaluation metheds to be used and provide a schedule for the overall program.


' .t. -

1 Overall The staff stated that it would prepare a sunmary safety evaluation of PSC's proposed outage activities. At this time, the staff agreed with PSC's proposals for the circulator refurbishment outage, e , k Kenneth L. Heitner, Project Manager Project Directorate - IV Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, Y and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated cc w/ enclosures:

See next page


i Mr. R. O. Williams, Jr.

Public Service Company of Colorado Fort St. Vrain cc:

Mr. D. W. Warembourg, Manager Albert J. Hazle, Director Nuclear Engineering Division Radiation Control Division Public Service Company Department of Health of Colorado 4210 East lith Avenue P. O. Box 840 Denver, Colorado 80220 Denver, Colorado 80201-0840 Mr. David Alberstein, 14/159A Mr. R. O. Williams , Jr. , Acting Manager GA Technologies Inc. Nuclear Production Division Post Office Box 85608 Public Service Company of Colorado San Diego, California 92138 16805 Weld County Road 19-1/2 Platteville, Colorado 80651 Mr. H. L. Brey, Manager Nuclear Licensing and Fuel Division Mr. P. F. Tomlinson, Manager Public Service Company of Colorado Quality Assurance Division P. O. Box 840 Public Service Company of Colorado Denver, Colorado 80201-0840 16805 Weld County Road 19-1/2 Platteville, Colorado 80651 Senior Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Mr. R. F. Walker P. O. Box 640 Public Service Cenpany of Colorado Platteville, Colorado 80651 Post Office Box 840 Kelley, Stansfield & 0'Donnell Public Service Comoany Building Comitment Control Program Room 900 Coordinator 550 15th Street Public Service Company of Colorado Denver, Colorado 80202 2420 W. 26th Ave. Suite 100-D Denver, Colorado 80211 ,

Recicnal Administrator, Pegion IV U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011 Chairman, Board of County Comissioners of Weld County, Colorado Greeley, Colorado 80631 Regional Representative Radiation Programs -

Environmental Protection Agency 1 Denver Place 999 18th Street, Suite 1300 Denver, Colorado 80202-2413


Enclosure 1 PSC/NRC Meeting on Circulator Failure and Recovery March 4, 1988 Name Organiza_ tion Ken Heitner NRC/NRR/PD-IV Del Monnan NRC/DRS/RIV Felix Litton NRC/NRR/EMTB Art Kong PSC Licensing Engineering M. H. Holmes PSC Licensing Don Warembourg PSC Nuclear Engineering George Redrond PSC Circulator Program Manager Rick Hollner QA Paul Michaud NRC Resident Inspector Jim Gore PSC Nuclear Engineering Dan Johnson PSC Nuclear Engineering


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.APRL MAY JUIE JLA.Y AUGUST l so a e is 23 30 s is to 27 4 11 is 251 1s l



i A CIRC -- 5/4-5/21 B CIRC 5/21-6/10 LOOP 1 DOWN 7- 5/20-6/8 l

D CIRC 6111-6/30 Q l C CIRC 7-1/-7/2



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