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Trip Rept of 860625-27 Site Visit to Review QA Program, Observe Equipment Qualification Mods & Obtain Unescorted Access Status
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/18/1986
From: Hinson C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Lynch O
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8607240088
Download: ML20207H121 (5)


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July 18, 1986 Docket No. 50-267 MEMORANDUM FOR:

0. D. T. Lynch, Jr., Section Leader Standardization and Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B FROM:

Charles S. Hinson, Project Manager Standardization and Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B y






,l QUALIFICATION (EQ) MODIFICATIONS, AND 3) OBTAIN UNESCORTED ACCESS STATUS TO PLANT I visited the Fort St. Vrain plant on June 25-27, 1986, during the week that several Region IV personnel (R. Ireland, J. Boardman, D. Norman, and R.

j' Mullikin) were on-site conducting an inspection of FSV's QA Program. Region IV's inspection was prompted by the fact that FSV's QA Program was the sub-Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP) pment of the current FSV System ject of considerable concern in the develo report. The staff wanted to ensure


that PSC had an effective QA Program in place to oversee the EQ work being performed during the current outage. The purpose of my visit was threefold:


1) to observe Region IV's audit of PSC's QA Program, 2) to observe some of the EQ work being performed during the current outage, and 3) to take the training required to obtain unescorted access status at FSV in accordance with current l

NRR management directives.

l QA Program John Boardman from Region IV reviewed FSV's biannual QA audits for the years 1981-1986. He found that over this time period, there was a definite movement away from the establishment, by the QA Division, of

" Corrective Action Requests" (CARS) (which require corrective action to close out) during audits, and the issuance of " Observations" (which require no formal licensee response) instead. The first (198D audit identified many more issues and CARS, and was performed with more in-depth analysis, than any subsequent audits. The licensee did not establish firm close-out dates for the resolution of CARS, therefore many CARS were deferred for years without being closed.

Findings from a 1982 audit indicated that more than one half of the open items were more than two years old. The 1986 audit identified many CARS from 1981 which were still open.

In resolving problems, PSC tended to correct the specific problem, but neglected to explore the overall issue to determine if there were other related problem areas.

In some cases, PSC changed their 8607240088 860718 PDR ADOCK 05000267 P


July 18, 1986

. procedures and setpoints to make symptoms disappear, instead of finding and eliminating the problem itself.

Because the Region IV inspection trip was inftfated only two weeks prior to the site visit, there was inadequate preparation time for the Region IV inspectors to perform a full-scale comprehensive QA inspection of PSC's QA Program during this visit. However, this inspection has revealed that FSV's QA Program has deteriorated over the last six years and is in urgent need of major improvement.

It appears that PSC has placed so little importance on corrective action that a large backlog of outstanding reports has been created. This apparent lack of concern on PSC's part with respect to their QA Program, coupled with the large number of remaining unresolved CARS, is cause for concern over the quality of previous QA work done at FSV.

EQ Outage Work The licensee appears to have done a relatively good job in scheduling /

planning the current outage, although it appears that the outage completion date has already slipped by two weeks. EBASCO, the contractor, has a major role in the outage planning and will be performing a large part of the scheduled EQ work.

(However, this is a self-QA Program whereby EBASCO performs QA on its own work, rather than independently.)

The Region IV office is satisfied with EBASCO's QA Program. We observed some of the EQ modifications being performed by EBASCO, and noticed that there was always an EBASCO QA person observing the work being done. We did not observe any EQ work being performed by PSC.

Unescorted Access Training Public Service Company of Colorado made special arrangements for me to take General Employee Training during my visit so that I could get badged and obtain unescorted access to the plant.

I passed the examination and was badged into the plant.

i As a result of observations made during this plant visit, it appears that PSC's QA Program is not satisfactory and has deteriorated over the last six years. There is a large number of unresolved items,and audits continually reveal recurring deficiencies. The licensee should take the proper steps to reestablish a strong and effective QA Program. A strong QA Program is especially needed to oversee the EQ work being performed during the current outage.

A more detailed account of the findings of the Region IV QA audit will be contained in the Region IV inspection report for this visit.

Original signed by Charles S. Hinson, Project Manager Standardization and Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B cc: See next page DP kSPD DPWRh PD DfWRL-B:SSPD DPWL,MPD o nan CHinson:cw Oijnnh HB rko' 07/(4/86 07/fr/86 07/f{/86 07/ F/86 l

procedures and setpoints to make symptoms disappear, instead of finding and eliminating the problem itself.

Becauie the Region IV inspection trip was initiated only two weeks prior to the site visit, there was inadequate preparation time for the Region IV inspectors to perform a full-scale comprehensive QA inspection of PSC's QA Program during this visit. However, this inspection has revealed that FSV's QA Program has deteriorated over the last six years and urgent need of major improvement.

It appears that PSC has placed so little importance on corrective action that a large backlog of outstanding reports has been created. This apparent lack of concern on PSC's part with respect to their QA Program, coupled with the large number of remaining unresolved CARS, is cause for concern over the quality of previous QA work done at FSV.

EQ Outage Work The licensee appears to have done a relatively good job in scheduling /

planning the current outage, although it appears that the outage completion date has already slipped by two weeks.

EBASCO, the contractor, has a major role in the outage planning and will be performing a large part of the scheduled EQ work.

(However, this is a self-QA Program whereby EBASCO performs QA on its own work, rather than independently.)

The' Region IV office is satisfied with EBASCO's QA Program. We observed some of the EQ modifications being performed by EBASCO, and noticed that there was always an EBASCO QA person observing the work being done. We did not observe any EQ work being performed by PSC.

Unescorted Access Training Public Service Company of Colorado made special arrangements for me to i

take General Employee Training during my visit so that I could get badged and obtain unescorted access to the plant.

I passed the examination and was badged into the plant.

As a result of observations made during this plant visit, it appears that PSC's QA Program is not satisfactory and has deteriorated over the last six years. There is a large number of unresolved items,and audits continually reveal recurring deficiencies. The licensee should take the proper steps to i

reestablish a strong and effective QA Program. A strong QA Program is especially needed to oversee the EQ work being performed during the current outage.

A more detailed account of the findings of the Region IV QA audit will be 4

l contained in the Region IV inspection report for this visit.

W Charles S. Hinson, Project Manager Standardization and Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B cc: See next page

Mr. R. O. Williams Public Service Company of Colorado Fort St. Vrain cc:

Mr. D. W. Warembourg, Manager Albert J. Hazle, Director Nuclear Engineering Division Radiation Control Division Public Service Company Department of Health of Colorado 4210 East lith Avenue P. O. Box 840 Denver, Colorado 80220 Denver, Colorado 80201 l

Mr. David Alberstein, 14/159A Mr. J. W. Gahm, Manager GA Technologies, Inc.

Nuclear Production Division Post Office Box 85608 Public Service Company of Colorado San Diego, California 92138 16805 Weld County Road 19-1/2 Platteville, Colorado 80651 Mr. H. L. Brey, Manager Nuclear Licensing and Fuel Division Mr. L. W. Singleton, Manager Public Service Company of Colorado Quality Assurance Division P. O. Box 840 Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Station Denver, Colorado 80201 16805 Weld County Road 19-1/2 Platteville, Colorado 80651 Senior Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P. 0. Box 640 i

Platteville, Colorado 80651 Kelley, Stansfield & 0'Donnell Public Service Company Building Room 900 550 15th Street Denver, Colorado 80202 Regional Administrator, Region IV U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 76bl A 11 gton ea Chairman, Board of County Commissioners of Weld County, Colorado Greeley, Colorado 80631 Regional Representative Radiation Programs Environmental Protection Agency 1800 Lincoln Street Denver, Colorado 80203 T





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