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Provides Addl Info Re Item 3.2.2 of Generic Ltr 83-28, Required Actions Based on Generic Implications of Salem ATWS Events, Per 851111 Request.Util Confident That Vendor & Industry Supplied Info Reviewed & Modified If Necessary
Person / Time
Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 12/04/1985
From: Nauman D
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
GL-83-28, NUDOCS 8512090220
Download: ML20137U161 (2)


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. cNy South Carouna Electric & Gas Company Dan A. Nauman P.O. Box 764 Mce President

.7' * ~ Columbia, SC 29218 Nuclear Operations (803) 748-3513 N! ICE &G

. ananam December . 4, 1985 f

'Mr. Harop;R. Denton, Director

-Of fice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nucleue Regulatory Commission Washingth, DC 20555.


Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station Docket No. 50/395 Operating License No. NPF-12 Generic Iatter 83-28 Additional Information

Dear Mr. Denton:

-In letters, dated November 4,1983, February 29,1984, April 30,1984 and September 28, 1984 South Carolina Electric and Gas Company (SCE&G) responded to Generic Letter 83-28, " Required Actions Baced on Generic Implications of Salem ATWS Ever.ts." On November 11, 1985, SCE&G received a letter from your Staf f it i nding the Safety Evaluation for item: 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2.1, 4.1 and 4.5.1 and a requeret for additional information on item 3.2' 2. This letter. is being

- provided in response ' to that request.

As d' escribed specifically in the September 28, 1984 submittal, SCE&G has instituted procedures and programs te review vendor and other technical information.- These programs help to ensure that information pertaining to the safety related equipment at the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station is reviewed for applicability and that any resulting necesuary changes ~in plant operation or procedures are initiated. Many of the programs were initiated during the construction and eirly operational stages of the plant and have therefore been in existence for several years prior to the issuance of Generic Letter 83-28.

Other programs, such as the one which re dews vendor supplied information on a formal basis, have been proceduralized as a result of the Salem incident. In the case of the vendor Information program, a portion of the program has entailed a review of Westinghouse supplied Technical Bulletins issued since 1973 on .both safety and non-safety related equipment. These reviews and their results have been documented in accordance with the established program procedures. Therefore, with the existence of these programs, SCE&G is confident that appropriate vendor and industry supplied information on safety related equipment at the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station has been reviewed and that corrective measures, if necessary, have and will continue to be identified and rectified.

M' f gDR512090220 851204 L 8

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-p ADOCK 05000395 PDR


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s  : Mr. Harold R. Denton -:


EDecemberi4, 1985:-

Page 2 '

If;jou - l should have any' further, questions, please advise.

1 i AMM: DAN.: tdh '.

c: V. C. Suunner (0. W. Dixon, Jr./T.~C. Nichols,'Jr.

E . H . Cre_ws ,- Jr .

E. C. Roberts-W.?A. Williams,- Jr.. ,

' J. Nelson Grace -

~ Group Managers:

0. S. Bradham iC. A. Price C; 1..-Ligon-(NSRC)
K. E...Nodland-

' R .' A . S t ou gh

'G. Percival

'R. L..Prevatte

J._B. Knotts,-Jr.

'NPCF File t'

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