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Rev 11 to Procedure 05-1-02-I-6, Station Blackout
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf, 05000000
Issue date: 04/14/1984
Shared Package
ML19263A614 List:
FOIA-84-459, REF-GTECI-A-44, REF-GTECI-EL, TASK-A-44, TASK-OR 05-1-02-I-6, 5-1-2-I-6, NUDOCS 8404260481
Download: ML20127B530 (7)


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Volume 05 05-1-02-1-6 Section 02 Revision: 11 Date:


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f Prepared: (t4 d /

Reviewed: / N d /C. M O~. X,I Independent Review Technical Review Approved:

Operations Superintendent

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List of Effective Pages: -

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Station Blackout No.: 05-1-02-1-6 Revision: 11 Pace: 1 1.0 PURPOSE / DISCUSSION 1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance to the operators in the event all onsite and offsite AC powers are lost, and the estimated time available to restore AC power is 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />.

1.2 This proc.edure will interface with ONEP 05-1-02-I-1 Reactor Scrarn, ONEP 05-1-02-I-4 Loss of Offsite Power, Emergency Procedures, and the Emergency Plan.


.a This procedure assumes loss of all three(3) Emergency Diesel Generators,

concurrent with the loss of all offsite power. -=*

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1.4 -

It l's assumed that all station and non-divisional batteries are availableffy b' in a fully charged status.

1.5 This procedure gives direction for establishing backup Emercency Power I via the Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) system.

j 2.0 SYMPTOMS 3 ~

2.1 Loss of AC Power to all operating equipment E

2.2 Loss of all normal plant

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2.3 Reactor Scram k n? z

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2.4 Turbine trip j'"^ ; "$ '] ":f [- [ ., } f, ' :[

v. .s .. . e v: t6 a 2.5 MSIV's close on loss of Toliiioid Power j 2.6 Givision I, II & III Emergency Diesel Generators fail to start 3.0 AUTOMATIC ACTIONS 3.1 Main turbine trip upon Main Generator load reject 3.2 Reactor Scram 3.3 MSIV's close (due to loss of solenoid power) 3.4 Safety / Relief valves operate to control reactor pressure 3.5 RCIC initiates on low level in Reactor Vessel 5k . Ni2N d?'ki:;:-::.'952 u_i M' L

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'v Stcticn Birckout No.:

%:. EiCNT FRCCE0WE 05-1-02-I-6 Rcvision:

11 e)agn 2 I 4.0 i


. 4.1 Carry out actions of ONEP 05-1-02-I-1 Reactor am.

Ser 4.2 Carry out actions of 05-S-01-EP-1 Level Control 4.3 .

respective batteries). Verify that plant DC electrical busses rem v ce (power from their 4.4 Perform Section 5.10 concurrent with 5.0 SUBSEQUENT ACTION procedure. remainder of l


.- Supervisor / Shift Superintendent.e Proceed y the Shiftto implemen '

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?+' P the relief valve setpoint and ato suppression pool. n a distribute n pressere belew heat ormly arcund the

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Operate the 12 relief. f,valves 'first," tfien oTe'ra'te 'th 5.2.1 ,, (" C L./ : " , 5. eEDSvalves. J During operation-6f The ielief valve have Control R observe active fuel. all level indications andoommaintain Ocerator eos cf level 5.2.2 Monitor temperatures and pressures in con n and Drywell if

a. n a ment Centrel.

Drywell pressure +1.73 psig b.

Drywell temperature above 135'F c.

Suppression pool temperature above 95'F d.

Containment temperature above 90*F 5.3 Maintain vessel. maximum RCIC flow to maximize steam dr (approximately two (2) hours) return ofRCIC +35 inches. flow tUpon 5.4 tank to maintain normal Reactor Vessel ,

o the condenscte level stora;e e:

Inform maintenance section to install Nitrogen bottl air receivers prior to six (6) hours). to sustain Safety / Relief Valve es to the operation AOS syste , (

must be es plete 5.5 Monitor Suppression pool level arx1 Leniperatura .

5.5.I thrionily d.m Me '

it r.v.v mnry. v: :t . .a a 2. i . . .e ,: p , it in t 'e u.n.pi ... : p-: .



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04. U4/1J 1..DU ." J C ^bMHND buLP NULLEHM r t .- - CRE 1

GLLF MJCLEAR STATION OPT 80lMAL CVENT PROCEDURE Titles 5tation pieckout no.: p-1-02-1-6 mvielen: 11 regen J EAli 5.5.2 If there le no activated fuel in the opent fuel pool, Open RHR and LPCI test lines from the opent fuel pool to the suppression pool if necessary.

S.S.3 If the upper containment pool hea been dumped to the suppreseine peel and enticipettee of needing more water etart Diesei driven fire pumps and add water to the suppression pool from the fire water storage tank.

(see 30104-5-01-764-1).

5.6 Prior to esptying the OST l 61/2 hours), shift RCIC suction to the suppreselon pool meantsinang nesieum RCIC and Reactor Vessel level by routing water becu to tne suppression pool wie thru bypees line.

5.7 Ensure the respective OC emergen:y bearing oil seg supplies lubricating oil to the eelm tuttine end Reactor Feoo furbines 4 and 9 during roll-down to zero speed.

5.8 Reduce DC loads to minteam.

S.S.' Secure t9e emergercy oil pump wnen L9e turbine generator sto:e rotetsng.

$.8.2 5ecure w2 su: ply. vomt the generator hydrogen, and secure the seal oil eacwuo pumo onen pressure is bled off.

s 5.8.) Secure L9e RTP emergency lube 311e suppe wnen tne RF8e etcp rotetanq- i l

5.9 upon resteretten :f 4.C. power, croceed to 101 03-1 ')1-3 Plent Shutdown.


%E If STS) D/C 11 and 0/G 12 failee to etert ans e:eept its sesociated etvistonal loace, serform steo 5.10 concurrent

.ith the reesinder of this procedure. l-5.*0 Energize t9e sele:ted E$r Sue (creferstly Bus 16a8) t$st is deemer-ized I due to ' salute to etert and load from its roepective STSV 0/3 was t9e Gas furtiae Generator (GTG) system, by taking the following act&one: )

I S.1c.1 Notify tne on-ousy OfG ooeroting crew at Phone =2109 or recto Lae t STBY Di~. 'I enc 12 move fetten to start and tne ".fC is reawsted for emergency comer.

5.10.2 Esten11en coetinous coms%nicatio9e wit" the ".T0 crew en: "ontrol Rooe.

g S.10.3 Disaste* en operator to rockcut breewer 152-1901

' ~


04. U4/1J 1,;30 *

.JO M U M H N tl 1g u L P NUCLEMM t' l I.

  • fUI M

RAW EAJ WCL, EAR STATION OFFJduWthL tWNT PROCEDtalC utle == &en Eleekout, he.: UD.1-gg-I.s Nov&stens 11 rege: 4

. DRAF" aus 1648 wuld be the preferred bue if NH4 8 and S$W 8 ore eveile61o.

5.10.4 Reckout Breakers 152-1501 and 1521511 if D/G 11 failed to etert and Bue 15AA le to be energized wie the CTG system.

S.10.5 Rechout greekers 152-1411 end 152-1614 if Stby O/G 12 failed to I etert end Sue '646 le to be energized via the GTC system. ,

l (s) To prevent R*NI DJ4pe auto etert, plass rocosctive "RMR I Logic Power Aveileele Norme1/Teet" emitch tu test. I For R*4 A it is MS-M6444 ($444) on 1H13-0629 k for RMp 8 it is H5-MS448 ($448) on 1H13-P618



(b) Turn of locally the t S$ panel (1H22J331 or 1H224332) for tne 6ue to be energized wie GTG systee by piecing the ,

ESr DC Ney entteh to off. i 1

S.10.6 (152-1904)

Stetton operator with control hoy et the leched open tie breaker '.

close breaker.ene direct soetetor to unlock brecher in properation to


s S.10.7 when CTC systom is ready to Iced, close 152-1906 lacelly.

N0tt 5.10.7 will energiae peser circuit to breeker 152-1314 for tus 1SAA, or 1521601 for Bus 16ee.

S.10.8 With tre respective Syne. owiten in the Orr position, elooe the resoective 1648i. offette treeker (152-1514 or III4.1521601 for tus 5.*0.9 dith newer om t%e Bus from the CTG system close in the following loess manually to apcly statt11ainq lood to the 37G systee. 8 CAUTION

  • Only (1) CTG eey be powered up et this time 00 N0' attempt to close in the RNR pump l


55n pww. Instrument ear compressor, or, err **11 challere, etil oli three GtG's are synchronised, feeding tme ESr bue and are lead balented and ready to accept thre larger leade.

Limit lead to 3.6 set with 2 GTC's runnlag and 3.4 sur with 3 GMe running. }



c 4. U4/1J 1.;3U TJf *Ugggy yygp gygtggn ritt ent

.mme 31J WCLEAR STATION FF-NGMAL OtNT PRotEDWC utzes m atten stessout we.: U N -c M -e novsesen 11 rego: 3 1

(a) Centrol Asem Eastgency ren (b) Settery thesters (e) sa pump c/A ren (d) saw Cooling Tenor rene (e) RP5 Alternete (r) ECcs Pump Rose Caeler (g) Sefe Guard Seitehgoer and Bettery Rose rene 5.10.10 Verify with the GTC ersw that suffleient lead le en the CF be to syne. the other two GTG's to the b e.

5.10.11 Howe the CTG erew eensonce syneirq and lead baleneirg on the remaining CTC's in preparation fbt large setor starting.

5.10.12 when all three GTGe are syneed and ready, eloos the 59f pump breaker and establish flow path as needed.

5.10.13 Allow GTGe to be stabill ed end be releed balanced.

5.10.1 A Wnen CTCe are ready, elees RNR pump and establish flew path es needed.

5.10.15 Allow GTGe to be etabilized end be releed beloneed.

5.10.16 Apply additional leeds as necessary to establish shutdeun cooling er suppression peel eseling. These lease soy be, but are not limited to the following:

(e) Instrument alt esepresser 2313tw 1

I (b) ECCS Pues rose oesler Siw (c) EF electrieel rose eseler fan 12kw (d) Centrol fees A/C and fan iltniw (e) fuel Pos! Cooling and Recite pug 124kw (f) Bettery shorsers 110kw (g) MOYe se needed 5.10.17 To espeditievely establish eeeling of reeeter, drywell and contatteent smell EF leads (selenoide, Move) er the other CF divisional bue ser be desired.

5.10.18 The lead ehed esquence penel suet be shutdown and the sesseleted SSW and ICCS puepe reelsed out to prevent overleedine the CTCe. (If t e r <,, b . is e ,e on..



c4, U4/iu i;;gy rge xuMMMu uuLP NUGLEMM ft 1 EDI WNO SAJ 183 CLEAR STATION F F-JOINAL EVENT PRIX 2DUltt Titles station B eckout No.: ID=1-02-I-6 .Nev&olen 11 Pages 4

] 7f 1 4


3.10.19 After Step 5.10.18 cleos the feeder (15 11 It,8 52-1601

, for 16AS) for the escond ESF bus.

5.10.20 Apply only onell loads (solenoid poser, RPS, Novo, etc.)

carefully monitoring GTG systes leading via tte GTG crew.

5.11 Rostoration of offsite to the ESF Bue pouered by the GTG System.

i IdOTE Roetore offeite power to the redundant CSF bus before  !

treneferring from the GTC to offsite.

5.11.1 Piece the sync switch for the offeito feeder from either ESF 12 or ESF 21 to be closed into the ESF bus being powered by the GTG system to on. I 5.11.2 Through communication between control roon operator and the GTG crew. adjust the GTGs to obteln elew counter clockwise rotation (20-30 seconde per full scope cycle)'on the control Room Syne Scope by changing governor settinee et CTGo. Adjust voltese et CTC to within +50 volte of offeite voltage.

5.11.3 When syne conditione are established, close tne offeite feeder on

' the E5F bus when the scope is just before 12 o' cloak. This will simultanocuely oute trip the offsite feeder from Esf 11 that the GTG system is feeding the bus through.

5.11.4 Notify the GTG crew to open their sein CXT brookers for each GTG:

GT81. GTB2 and GTB).

5.11.5 Open and lock treeker 152-1906.

5.11.6 hetify GTG crew to shutdown the GTG system.

5.11.7 Recicae 152-1901 if desired.