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Public Version of Rev 33 to Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedure CMIP-1, Recovery Manager & Immediate Staff & Rev 24 to CMIP-2, News Group Plan.
Person / Time
Site: Oconee, Mcguire, Catawba, McGuire, 05000000
Issue date: 01/18/1990
Shared Package
ML16152A910 List:
PROC-900118-01, NUDOCS 9002060249
Download: ML20006C057 (273)


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                                            ' DUKE POWER COMPANY i-                                            CRISIS MANAGEMENT                    i i

IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES s i i l-l- January 15, 1990 1 1. 9002060249 900118 PDR ADOCK 05000269 F PDC I i "4'

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t i TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 1 Tab Procedure Description CMIP-1 Recovery Manager & Immediate Staff Implementing Procedure (Rev. 33) CMIP-2 McGuire/ Catawba /Oconee News Group Procedure (Rev. 24) CMIP-3 Reserved for future use' CMIP-4 Administration & Logistics Support Group Implementing Procedure (Rev. 29) CMIP-5 Emergency Communications Group Implementing Procedure (Rev. 33)

              .CMIP-6 Plant Assessment Group Implementing Procedure (Rev. 38)

CMIP-7 Radiological Assessment Group Implementing Procedure (Rev. 37) f ( l January 15, 1990 l


                       ' DISTRIBUTION LIST I?

Copy No. Name l

1 R. E.' Harris 2 K. S. Canady 3 R. F. Smith 4 & 19 R. B. Bowman 5 G. W. Hallman
            '6              Open 7              J. A. Effinger o             8              T. B. Owen 9              W. A. Haller 10               J. R. Leonard 11               C. C. Jennings                             -

l 12 R. E. Harris (Oconee) i 13 Open 14 J. J. Honeycutt'(CMC Managers Area) - 15 S. H. Friday  ! i 16' D. P. Simpson (TSC) - 17 D. P. Simpson 18 J. J. Honeycutt 20 NRC Document Control Desk (via Kay. Crane) i 21-22' NRC Regional Administrator (via Kay-  ! Crane) l 23 NRC Resident Inspector - Catawba-(via Kay Crane) j 24 Dayne Brown January 15, 1990 i

    ^ = -

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Copy No. Name 25' J.;W. Hampton a 26- Open

                '27       W. B. McRee 28       R. B. Bowman 29       open                              '

30 Mark-Up Copy 31- NRC Resident Inspector - McGuire - (via Kay Crano) 32 NRC Resident Inspector - Oconee (via Kay Crane) a 1


January 15, 1990

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                                                       'CMIP-1 RECOVERY MANAGER & IMMEDIATE STAFF-Rev. 33 Jan. 15. 1990
                                       -Approved By
                                                                              ./  / TO Date
                                                                                       'I t-el, '-

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CMIP-1 Page 1zef 3-i CRISIS MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE o* RECOVERY-MANAGER AND IMMEDIATE STAFF 1.0 SYMPTOMS 1.1 The Recovery Manager has been notified of an emergency at one of the nuclear stations. 2.0. IMMEDIATE ACTIONS BY THE RECOVERY MANAGER 2.1 Obtain information from the duty engineer and decide regarding CMC activation. Keep the duty engineer on the phone for the following: 2.1.1 Use Enclosure 4.1 to write down the information provided by the duty engineer.- , 2.1.2 Use Enclosure 4.2 to decide whether the CMC will be activated. If not, no further action is required. 2.1. 3 - Instruct the duty engineer regarding whether the CMC.will be activated and which facility to use. The duty engineer will use the Duty Engineer Call List (Enclosure 4.3) to' begin notification of CMC personnel. 2.2 Use Enclosure 4.4 to notify the Emergency Planner and the Senior-Company Officer. (If no Senior Company Officer is available the Recovery Manager will appoint someone to fill this position.) Provide them the information written down on Enclosure 4.1. 2.3 Travel to the CMC. Use Enclosures 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7 for directions. {

            .2.4   Upon arriving at the CMC, notify the Emergency Coordinator at-the TSC of your arrival. Refer to CMIP-8 (0conee) or CMIP-9 (Catawba.

and McGuire) for emergency telephone numbers. (Controlled copies are available at the CMC.) 2.5 Use Enclosure 4.8 to determine whether the CMC is ready for activation. ' 2.6 Use Enclosure 4.9 to receive turnover from the Emergency Coordinator at the TSC. 2.7 Announce to all CMC personnel the time of CMC activation. (Use the public address system, if available, or instruct each CMC group manager to announce it to his/her group.) See Enclosure 4.10 for a - sample announcement of CMC activation. s 2.8 Ensure that the state (s), counties, NRC, and the TSC are notified of CMC activation. 4 Rev. 33 Jan. 15, 1990


CMIP-2' Page.2 of 3

          -3.0    SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS BY THC RECOVERY MANAGER 3.1 Periodically discuss plant status.with the Emergency Coordinator at the TSC. . A speaker phone may be used to allow others in the manager's area to monitor the conversation.

3.2 Provide frequent.(about every 30 minutes) status updates to CMC personnel. 3.' 3 After the North Carolina' State Emergency. Response Team (SERT) or the South Carolina State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) is esta- ' b11shed,. contact the state periodically to discuss overall emergency status, explain the basis for protective action recommendations, Key contacts are as follows: etc. i North Carolina: Joe Myers - SERT Leader i David Crisp - Alternate SERT Leader-James Munn - Operations Officer l South Carolina:  ! Paul Lunsford - Director, Emergency Preparedness Division George Schneider - Operations Officer , 3.4 Use.the following procedures, as necessary, to determine the appro-priate emergency classification (Copies of these procedures are available at the CMC.): Catawba j CMIP-1C , McGuire i CMIP-11 'I Oconee CMIP-12 I Whenever a change is made to the emergency class, states and i counties must be notified within 15 minutes. The Recovery Manager should make a clear announcement of the time of the emergency class change. This is necessary to ensure that state / county notifications, news releases and status boards will agree on the time of the emergency class change. 3.5 Use Enclosure 4.11 to determine appropriate protective action recom-mendations. These recommendations will be officially communicated to states and counties by the State / County Communicator of the Emergency Communications Group; however, the Recovery Manager should discuss the bases for the recommendations with the states or counties. , Rev. 33 Jan. 15, 1990


k CMIP-2 , t Page 3 of Decisions to notify and recommend protective actions to states and counties may not be delecated. ' 3.6 Whenever time allows, decide who will be the backup Recovery Manager and establish a shift rotation. '(See Enclosure 4.4.for phone ' f numbers.) l 3.7' Refer to Section-M of the Crisis Management Plan for guidelines re- , garding de-escalation, recovery and re-entry planning, and post-acci-dent operations. .Any decision to de-escalate from a General Emer-gency condition must'be discussed with the senior NRC and state 4 representatives.

3. 8' If the emergency cla: 4 is reduced or terminated, instruct the Emergency. communications Manager to provide a verbal summary and provide a written summary of the event within 8 hours to the-states and counties, a

4.0 ENCLOSURES-4.1 CMC Emergency Activation Message 4.2 Guidance for CMC Activation Decisions 4.3 Duty Engineer Crisis Management Call L&- 4.4 Call Tree 4.5 McGuire/ Catawba CMC Location 4.6- Oconee CMC General Location 4.7 Oconee CMC General Layout 4.8 CMC Activation Checklist ' 4.9 Recovery Manager Turnover Checklist 4.10 Sample Announcement of CMC' Activation 4.11 Guidance for Off-site Protective Action Decisions 4.12 CMC Group Managers 4.13 . Recovery Manager Position Description 4.14 Emergency Planner Position Description ' 4.35 Senior Company Officer Position Description 4.16- Administrative Assistant Position Description 4.17 Emergency Planner Assistant Position Description l l (

   'l l

r Rev. 33 i Jan. 15, 1990

h; CMTP-1 Enclosure 4.3

  -q.                                             Figure 1 CRISIS MANAGEMENT CENTER (CMC)


         'If the CMC is to be activated, the Duty Engineer uses this form to contact at least one person from each Crisis Management Center group.       Each group in the CMC uses.this format to alert its members according to the group's Crisis
        -Management Implementing Plan.


1. This is (caller's name).
2. I am notifying you of a drill / actual emergency at Nuclear Station.
3. The class of emergency is: Alert; Site Area Emergency; General Emergency.
4. Do you consider yourself fit for duty?
5. You should use the procedure for your CMC group to notify your portion of the Crisis Management Center Organization and report to:

the Catawba /McGuire CMC (Power Building) the Oconee CMC

6. Specific Instructions (if any)

Revision 32 Jan. 2, 1990


                                                                      ; Enclosure 4.2
   =1. If an Unucual Event has been declared, the CMC may be activated but it is                I not required.
2. .If a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency has been declared, the CMC must be activated.
3. If an Alert has been declared, CMC activation is optional. The following factors should be considered in making the decision:

(a) Is there a reasonable chance that the situation might degrade to a Site Area Emergency or a General Emergency? (Are fission product barriers being challenged or degraded?) (b) Are CMC resources needed quickly to support the station? (c) Consider the estimated length of time required to activate the CMC. If activation would take a relatively long time, consider early activation. (e.g. Oconee) y (d) Would-activating the CMC be justified for public relations or political reasons? (e) Consider disruption of normal activities. (f) Generally, if an Alert condition is expected to continue for more l than approximately one hour, the CMC should be activated, espe-cially if there is significant uncertainty about the duration of , the Alert. For any CMC activation, all CMC groups should be activated. 4 r The lecovery Manager may choose to discuss this with the Emergency Cooi iinator at the TSC. If so, the Emergency Coordinator can be reached by calling one of the following numbers: Catawba TSC (803) 831-5870 McGuire TSC (704) 875-4950  ; Oconee TSC (803) 885-3001 1 Rev. 32 Jan. 2, 1990


CM3P-1 Enclosure 4.3 I Page 1 of 3 i II DUTY ENGINEER CRIS15 MANAGEMLNT CALL LIST. I L To staff the CMC, the Duty Engineer will call a Fecovery Manager, CMC security  ! personnel, and one person from each CMC group. Calls should be made in the sequence listed below. After being contacted, these persons are responsible  ! for notifying Procedures, Implementing the rest of their groups per their respective Crisis Management 9 h _ Recovery Manaaer Beeper No. Work No. Home No. (Group Call) '; M. S. Tuckman 373-3851 i$ J. W. Hampton 1561 (Team) 373-2542 ' K. S. Canady 2177 (Team) 373-4712 ' E. M. Geddie, Jr. 2178 (Team) E0069 373-8365 T. L. McConnell (excluding McGuire) 2179 (Team) 6 875-4212 T. B. Owen (excluding Catawba) 831-3200 - L H If Recovery Managers are not reached, call one of the following emergency planners: R. E. Harris f' 704/373-8669 W. B. McRee J. R. Leonard (excluding McGuire) i 704/373-514 704/875-4689 - D. P. Simpson (excluding Catawba) 803/831-3234 - C. C4 Jennings (excluding Oconee) 803/885-3294 - J Note: If the CMC is being activated and the Recovery Manager or his f alternates are not available, contact each group and tell them to report to the CMC to support the station until the Recovery Manager is available. They will not take overall responsibility from the TSC o without a Recovery Manager. If the Recovery Manager needs to be U contacted at the CMC, he can be reached at: H MNS/CNS CMC 382-0760 ONS CMC 382-8212 I CMC Security: t A. For emergencies at Catawba or McGuire Corporate Security should be l-I notified to unlock and set up access control at the CMC in the Power Building. Corporate Security - Power Building (Catawba or McGuire only) 373-5950 g B. For emergencies at Oconee, call one of the following and tell them to c unlock the Ocorae CMC and establish security checkpoints: i< 1 Ted Roach 803/885-4073 Bill Evans Danny Powell 803/885-4065 M 803/885-5156 , Rev. 33 1 Jan. 15, 1990 '

 .,,-n~ .... ..                . -.                                                                 - . ... .         .       . - _ - - _ _ _ - - -             _ _ _ _ _ - _ _

i CMIP-3 . Enclosure 4.3 Page 2 of 3 l

  • If no answer, call one of the following persons (Clemson District, Customer Services Dept.) and ask them to unlock the Oconee CMC. Continue attempts to reach the security personnel above:

Joe Price 803/653-3500 Richard Hicks 803/646-3155 John Geer 803/654-9176 t News Group Work No. Home No. Roberta Bowman 704/373-3208 Mary Boyd 704/373-2328 Phil Carter 704/373-2849 , 24 Hour answering service ---- Administration & Loaistics R. F. Smith (P) 704/373-4470 Steve Kessler 704/373-7123 Ed Morton 704/373-4893 G. L. Allen 704/373-4691 _ Radiological Assessment W. A Haller (P) 704/373-8506 R. C. Futrell 704/373-8485 R. T. Simril 704/373-5166 J. E. Cole 704/373-4121 M. L. Birch 704/373-4504 I Plant Assessment K. S. Canady (P) 704/373-4712 P. M. Abraham 704/373-4520 R. H. Clark 704/373-5823 l R. G. Snipes 704/373-8704 J. W. Simmons l 704/373-5781 J. A. Reavis 704/373-7567 l Emeraency Communications E. M. Geddie (P) 704/373-8365 G. W. Hallman 704/373-2345 R. J. Wilkinson 704/373-2513 D. C. Kesler 704/373-7433 l l l H Rev. 33 Jan. 15, 1990 b i

 , , . . . , - . . . . ~ .   -    .              -  .-           -                --

CMIP-1 Enclosure 4.3 ' Page 3 of 3 I The following should be notified although they are not a part of the CMC: INPO Duty Officer (24-hour numbers) - Corporate Security should be notified to unlock and set up access control at ' the CMC in the Power Building. t Westinchouse (McGuire) Work No. Home No. - John Roth (P) 704/875-4525 Westinchouse (Catawba) Dick Puryear (P) 803/831-3181 803/831-3182 Beeper 219 i t Westinghouse (HeadauarterM (Notify only when the local representative cannot ' be reached) Bill Johnson (Director, ER Team) 412/374-4868 , Home Hot Line >

Ron Lehr (Deputy Director, ER Team) 412/722-5867 l

Home Hot Line George Dillon (Area Mgr.) 412/374-3340 l Home Hot Line l Frank Modrak (Project Engr. ) 412/374-3333 , Babcock & Wilcox (0conee only) 1 i L. H. Williams (P) 803/885-3090,-3091 , J. G. Brown 604/847-3301 l Desian Enaineerina (Call all that apply) , Ted McHeekin 704/373-4400 l B. L. Peele (ONS only) 704/373-4185 l D. W. Murdock (MNS only) 704/373-4033 l 0. L. Rehn (CNS only) 704/373-4685 i i l l 1 . f Rev. 33 i Jan. 15, 1990

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                                                                                                                                                               'CM3P-1                          N Enclosure 4.4.                $
                                                                           -CALL TREE.

( Recovery Panager 4 i; F l~ Emergency Planner l 1[ 1 Senior Company - 1 Officer

                                   --Emergency Planner Asst.
                     . Administrative Asst.


                                                                                                                                                                                                  .l h

Beeper No.

  • t Recovery Manager Home Work (Group Call)

M. S. Tuckman S - 9 704/373-3851 J. W. Hampton-1561(Team) L

                                                                             ,                                              '.1704/373-2542                         2177 (Team)                  U K. S. Canady                                          ' -
. ~ r 1.> 704/373-4712 E. M. Geddie, Jr. ~' 2178 (Team) .
                                                                                , .  ' 1-                            C . '704/373-8365                              2179(Team).                  J
                    -T.~'t. McConnell (excl.'McGuire)                            2
                                                                                                  ' ' ~
                                                                                                                             .-704/875-4212                         0069 p

T. B. Owen (excl. Catawba) .f1 ' le - 803-831-3200 - H 1.- 4 e  ;: Emergency Planner .

                                                                                                     . 1.i ;[ .

[. R. E. Harris (Primary)  ?'~,. ~ s V. -704/373-8669 1560 W. B' McRee .i ~ b r

                                                                                                  ~1,4 . .r i 704/373-5149.                                                                   .p J.'  .

R. Leonard (excl. McGuire) [" 1 : i.704/875-4689 1 D. P. Simpson (excl. Catawba) C- - .- ' '803/831-3234

                   .C. C. Jennings (excl. Oconee)                       k ?. ' ;
  • f .; [ , 803/885-3294 ,?
                                                                            .y . t             . .,                      .;

Senior Company Officer 3 f .i ., j .; [

                                                                       ;  ;. i. '

b -d : i W. H. Owen (Primary) '

                                                                          ^'.:                                                   704/373-4120

' R.-B. Priory R. L. Dick T.".'"1 T' . A 1.wWT 4U .6 W '704/373-5959 p

                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,i A. Coley

y[ h ' yVq

{: l Q704/373-4515 /(U 704/373-4881 }0 Administrative Asst.  ? *;
                                                                                    ..... ; .-;,(;;J[ f' i o

N. McKown (Primary) 4 -Q , 704/373-3855 L. Kessier i ;4 ; 704/373-7203 3 Emergency Planner Asst. 704/373-7705 J. J. Honeycutt ' ~ ~"" D. . ' b: L ' *To .mcess the beepers, dial 1-800-777-DUKE (or-382-1309 in the Charlotte area; After the short tone, enter the beeper number. Then, after the ringing and a short tone, speak your message (up to 15 sec.). If you are paged but do not hear the message, call the Duty Engineer at (704) 373-5491 or beeper number 0625. ,' l Rev. 33 Jan. 15, 1990


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l i, 1 l' -' CMIP .g gg ggy -Enclosure 4.5' GENERAL OFFICE MESPONSE FACILITIES ? i. 1.. . b, McGUlRE/CATAWSA CMC i L

                                                                                                                                             -r GENERAL OPPICE BUWWG LAYOUT . cMAntofft, N. C.

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                                                                                                                                                                      -1 i
             ,                                                                                                                         ;CMIP-l'                          i OCONEE CMC                                       Enclosure 4.6                 :l
                                                                               'OENERAL LOCATION

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                                                                                                         #9 GREENvtLE SpamvaNeum0 assom

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         'Jan. 15, 1990 NOTE: NOT TO SCALE i

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7.., i,;' f 5 CMIP-1

       ,t Enclosure 4.7 l3         -


  • 33 Jan. 15, 1990

e CMIP-2

            -#                                                                          Enclosure 4.8 l 1

l . CRISIS MANAGEMENT CENTER '4 r ACTIVATION CHECKLIST If all positions in:the organization are not yet staffed, the Recovery Manager may activate' the CMC if, in his judgement -the essential functions listed J below can be performed. Ready?

1. Emerooney Communications Group:

Has adequate staff to keep states and counties informed and to 1 obtain plant data for the CMC, and A State / County Communicator has verified the ability to I communicate with the appropriate states and counties. (Note: ' Per- CMIP-13, the CMC will not take _ responsibility for state / county communications until after the CMC is activated.)

2. plant Assessment Group:

Has adequate staff to assess plant conditions and advise the . Recovery. Manager regarding emergency classifications and public protective actions, and

3. Radioloaical Assessment Group:

Has adequate staff to perform off-site dose projections, to coordinate off-site monitoring, to advise the Recovery Manager regarding emergency classifications and public protective actions, and to keep NRC informed via the Health Physics Network (or the - TSC Emergency Coordinator has agreed to retain responsibility for the Health Physics Network).

4. Administration and Loaistics Group:

Has adequate staff to support the essential functions listed above, and Access control for the CMC has been established.

5. News Groups:

Has adequate staff to keep the news media informed. l 6. Recovery Manaaer: Has received turnover from the TSC Emergency Coordinator per L Enclosure 4.9, Recovery Manager Turnover Checklist. 1

CMC activated at hours on (date).

l Rev. 33 Jan. 15, 1990 L

CMIP-2 Enclosuro 4.9 )  ! k i RECOVERY MANAGER TURNOVER CHECKLIST s Before activating the CMC, the Recovery Manager must receive a turnover from the Emergency Coordinator. Time: Date: Plant & Unit Affected , t Status of Other Units Emergency Class List the problems ongoing at this time: p r

1. l L  ;
2. i ti i 3.

Status of off-site and on-site power and supplies (including diesels): On-site and off-site radiological status is as follows: f Has.the station conducted a site assembly and/or evacuation?  ! Are field monitoring teams deployed? If yes, how many? Protective Action Recommendations provided to states / counties: l Summary of messages transmitted to states / counties: Rev. 33 Jan. 15, 1990

1 e. l' CMIP-2  ; Enclosure 4.30 ,  ; SAMPLE ANNDUNCEMENT OF CMC ACTIVATION i Recovery Manager: "May I have your attention please. The CMC is being activated as of I. (name) , am the Recovery Manager and I have taken over em,ergency hours. management responsibilities from the Emergency Coordinator at the Technical Support Center. Each CMC group manager should make sure everyone in his or her group is made aware of this. I would like to provide you a brief status update at this time ...." i i Rev. 33 Jan. 15, 1990

I CMIP-1 Enclosure 4.11 l GUIDANCE FOR OFF-8ITE PROTECTIVE ACTIONS "*8' 2 ' [ C 8" ) WWut NO R WA O DEMENLY > DEMBCf W M10EM E!!ON lEOL5G f Omam Omam M M ' T T  ; arrmsm. *Crim1E ses WPum MLigt AS EEL ML M PURE 10 FOR M S af luoNL MOWOR EEE FOR F15 met QBflDRE ASE3 heft. 88111WC1DIL' , I (. NN J  ; f@ su= = ut age DAME N PMNE55 NO OFF-5ft 005E5 Olt PflQEE. (N0ft !) OR LOS$ ' r E y pyygg, a Pfl0EM CfDN QUEE37 70 pmtalpyy (810ft 6) 4 5 y IEC0 WEND P110EM C!l045 N ACC0ENCE Emi M P110EM ACfl0N REEL , (N0fE31-4) l QMI8dE LARGEF1530N IEtolteG EWCUATION OF 2 Altt (A) CONTAftOff NO NO EE Reus & 5 EIS DouN-HOLAE, OR ( ) GIEATUt 1WN se Ps. OR (C wa0 GEN PRODUCT NOfWf GLEAM M GAP CW N EBC A@ ECOIAOC M-PUE 5:l DEUUt FOR 20lE3 ICT gg yngg EWCUAND. (110!E51 - 2) ,

                           .                                     ,.                                                                            1 E0 lese EWCUAll0N OF 5                                                          .



l NOT EWCUAE. (NOTES 1-2) > l T  ; EWCUA110N OF 2 EE IMONS & 5 EIS Douw-500 AND IEC0lASC h-PLACE g' 9EUUt FOR ZONE 5 NOT  ; r EWCUAE. CONSCGt N-PLME ' DEUUt FOR 2M51ET CaleIOT E EWCUAE IEF0llE PLUlf #UML (NOTES 1 - 4) Rev. 33 Jan. 15, 1990 a- _ _ _ _ ___-


1. Whenever possible, consult the CMC meteorologist to determine the potentially affected areas. Otherwise, " downwind" should be assumed 90 degrees wide, except assume all directions to be downwind if wind speed '

is less than 5 mph. For Oconee after 4:00 p.m. and before 10:00 a.m., assume all directions to be downwind. ,

2. Promptly relocate the population affected by any ground contamination after plume passage.
3. See the Crisis Management Plan, Section J.8 for evacuation time
  • estimates.
4. If in place shelter is indicated and a release is expected to continue more than 2 hours, evacuation may result in lower doses. Increasing the distance from the plant and reducing the time of exposure would be more effective than in place shelter.
5. " Substantial core damage" is defined as release of 20% of the gap activity from the core.
6. Determine from dose projections and/or off-site monitoring data. See page 3 for protective action guides.
7. Fission product inventory inside containment is greater than gap activity if the containment radiation level exceeds the levels in the table below:

For McGuire or Catawba: TIME AFTER SHUTDOWN (HOURS) CONTAINMENT MONITOR READING (R/HR) 0 2,340 0- 2 864 2- 4 624 4- 8 450

                               >8                           265 For Oconee:

TIME AFTER CONTAINMENT MONITOR READING (R/HR) SHUTDOWN (HOURS) 1RIA-57 3RIA-57.2RIA-58 1RIA-58.2RIA-57.3RIA-58 0 13,000 9,900 3,900 0 - 2 4,800 3,600 1,800 2 - 4 3,600 2,800 1,400 4 - 8 2,000 2,100 990 j -

                             >8          1,400         1,100                      540 l

[ Rev. 33 Jan. 15, 1990 l e-

CMIP-1 Enclosure 4.21 Page 3 of 3 J f PROTECTIVE ACTION GUIDES Recommended protective actions to avoid whole body and thyroid dose from exposure to a gaseous plume. Projected Dose (Rem) to the Population Recommended Actions Comments ,

  • No protective action required. Previously recommended Whole body <1
  • State may issue an advisory to protective actions may 4-seek shelter and await be reconsidered or Thyroid <5 further instructions or to terminated.

voluntarily evacuate.

  • Monitor environmental radiation levels.
  • Seek shelter and await for Refer to Notes 1-5 on '

Whole body 1 to <5 further instructions. page 2.

  • Consider evacuation particu-larly for children and pregnant women.

Thyroid 5 to <25

  • Monitor environmental radiation levels. '
  • Conduct mandatory evacuation of Seeking shelter would Whole body 5 and above populations in the affected be alternative if zones and recommend in place evacuation were not im-shelter for the zones not mediately possible, evacuated. Refer to Notes 1-5 on
  • Monitor environmental radia- page 2.

tion levels and adjust area for mandatory evacuation based Thyroid 25 and above on these levels. Rev. 33 Jan. 15, 1990

CMIP-2  ; Enclosure 4.12 ,

      .,                                     CMC GRDUP MANAGERS Radiologica1' Assessment Manager:        W. A. Haller R. C. Futrell R. T. Simril Plant Assessment Manager:                 K. S. Canady i

P. M. Abraham l R. H. Clark R. G. Snipes Emergency Communications Manager: E. M. Geddie, Jr. G. W. Hallman R. J. Wilkinson News Director: Roberta B. Bowman Mary Boyd < Phillip F. Carter Administration and Logistics Manager: Robert F. Smith Steve Kessler i 'x l l l l

Rev. 33 Jan. 15, 1990


L 1 CMIP-2  ; Enclosure 4.13  : i . RECOVERY MANAGER POSITION DESCRIPTION 2 i Reports to: N.A.  ! Supervises: Immediate Staff and All Group Managers Basic Function: Supervises the overall management and recovery of nuclear station emergency situations requiring activation of the Crisis Maagement Center (CMC). Primary Responsibilities:

1. Provide management direction and control of Duke Power's emergency response activities.
2. Make recommendations to off-site agencies for public protective actions.
3. Direct the CMC Group Managers in carrying out CMC activities. -
4. Establish a direct line of communications with the Emergency Coordinator in the Technical Support Center (TSC) to provide input and assistance to the station and to monitor the plant status.
5. Provide a Duke Power Company management link for coordination with i the NRC and other federal agencies. '

Principal Workino Relationships:

1. TSC Emergency coordinator for status updates, system operation, and other necessary information.
2. CMC Group Managers for direction and control of CMC activities.
3. NRC and other federal agencies for consultation and recommendations.
4. State and local officials for making public protective action recommendations. <

i Rev. 33 Jan. 15, 1990

i CMIP-1

i. Enclosure 4.24 i
                                                                                ) !

D-EMERGENCY PLANNER POSITION DESCRIPTION Reports to: Recovery Manager Basic Functions: Advise the Recovery Manager on the Crisis Management Plan and Station Emergency Plan relationship to the emergency situation. , Primary Responsibilities:

2. Assist the Recovery Manager in classification of emergency conditions, recommendations to off-site authorities, and in consultations with NRC and other federal agencies.
2. Ensure that the Recovery Manager is made aware of any requirements l in the Crisis Management Plan that apply to the situation.

Principal Werkino Relationships:

1. Recovery Manager for Emergency Plan considerations
2. Emergency Planner Assistant and Administrative Assistant for work tasks
3. NRC for Emergency Plan considerations l

3 Rev. 33 Jan. 15, 1990

CM3P-2 Enclosure 4.15 l. \ SENIOR COMPANY OFFICER POSITION DESCRIPTION Reports to: Duke Power Company president, Board of Directors Supervises: .N/A Basic Function: ' This position serves as the senior management contact with the Crisis Management Center and as the focal point for questions from the Governors of North and South Carolina, other senior level management, and the Board of Directors. I Primary Responsibilities:

1. This position will make an initial " courtesy call" to the Governor (s) making himself/herself available for follow-up calls on an as-needed, informal basis. ',

The Governor will be kept up-to-date on the specifics of the situation by his/her staff. North Carolina Governor's office: (Catawba and McGuire only) , Tim Pittman /733-5612(W) preferred H) Governor's Mansion South Carolina Governor's office: (CatawbaandOconeeonly) ' Lt. Ronald Sims 803/734-0428(W) preferred

2. This position will serve as the focal point for questions from other senior level management. -
3. This position will serve as the focal point for questions from the Board of Directors.
4. This position receives information on the status of the plant from '

the Company Officer Communicator of the Emergency Communications ' Group. l Company Officer Communicator Can Be Reached At: 704/382-0719 McGuire/ Catawba CMC; 704/382-8210 Oconee CMC

5. This position will receive initial notification from the Recovery l Manager.

Rev. 33 g Jan. 15, 1990 g bl i!

   .                                                                               ..                                                O


 '-                                                                 CMIP-1 Encicsure 4.16-I                                                                                      :

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT POSITION DESCRIPTION Reports to: Recovery Manager Supervises: N.A. Basic Function: Assist the Recovery Manager by performing administrative duties as assigned. - Primary Responsibilities:

1. Assist the Recovery Manager as assigned. *
2. Maintain a log of decisions and activities. '

Principal Workino Relationships: .

1. Recovery Manager for work tasks
2. CMC Group Managers and Emergency Planner for resolution of tasks F

P i 1 Rev. 33 Jan. 15, 1990 ' o

CMIP-1 Enclosure 4.27 EMERGENCY PLANNING A$$1STANT POSITION DESCRIPTION I , Reports to: Emergency Planner Basic Function: This position was established to utilize the capabilities of ' the Office Assistant whose normal job involves helping to maintain the CMC facilities in 6 state of readiness. His familiarity with CMC facilities may be valuable to the Emergency Planner. During an emergency, this position will be staffed during initial activation. Later, it would be staffed-on an as-needed basis. Primary Responsib111 ties: ^

1. Perform administrative tasks as assigned by the Emergency Planner.
2. Notify the Administration and Logistics Group of your availability to answer questions or assist with problems related to the CMC facilities.

Principal Workina Relationships:

1. Emergency Planner for assigned tasks.
2. Administration and Logistics personnel regarding facility-related questions.

4 Rev. 33 Jan. 15, 1990

m]v+4 gN;3pyw f


NEWS GROUP PLAN Catawba Nuclear Station McGuire Nuclear Station

  '-                          Oconee Nuclear Station M#                   KIT 1               MR System Emergency Planner              Dirfetor, Plant Community u          Relations
           .                                                                         \

l 1 i i Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 y

s. .,
                                               ~McGuire/ Catawba                                                                                                  j News Group Plan Table of Contents                                                                                                  I i

D I Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 i News Group Position Summaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 i Job Descriptions / Call Lists News Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Public Spokesperson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

             .Atsistant News Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                           .    .               . .                                    12 State and County Li ai son P10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                          .    .                  . .                                15  -

Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 . Technical Support Center Liaison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 20 . Media Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Catawba Owners Liaison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Internal Communications Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 i Investor Communications Coordinator . . . . ........... 28 Governments Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 l

             . State Government Contact. . . .         .................                                                                                      32  .

Federal Government Contact. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Technical Briefer Section Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Technical Briefer - Media Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Technical Briefer - News Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40  ;

              . Technical Briefer - Media Monitoring. . . . . . .                     . .  .  .   .    .                 .                  .                 41 Technical Briefer - State / County EOC. . . . . . .                     .  .  . .     .    .                   .                  .             42  3 Technical Briefer - Community Relations . . . . .                       . .  .  .    .    .                   .                   .             43
             ' Technical Briefer - Media Notification. . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                                              45 Media Registration Coordinator.           .................                                                                                     46- t Audiovisual Coordinator      .  . .  .   .  .      .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                               48 Media Monitor . . . . .     . .  .  .   .  .      .  . .    ...........                                                                        50 Set-up Coordinator. . .     .  .  . .   .  .      .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                               52 Support Coordinator . .     .  .  . .   .  .      .   . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                              55 Secretarial Team  ........................                                                                                                     58  -

Procedures News Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 '

             . News Conferences. . . . . . . . . .                .  . . . .  . . . . . . . . . .                                                             62
              -Rumor Control . . . . . . . . . . .               .  .  . . .       .........                                                                  64 Media Registration. . . . . . . . .               .  .  . . .  .    .  . .  .  .     .    .                   .                   .            65 Media Monitoring. . . . . . . . . .               .  .  . . .  .    .  . .  .  .     .    .                   .                   .            66 External Notification Procedure . .                .  . . . .  .    .  .  .  . .     .      .                   .                   .          67 Telephone Directories . . . . . . . . .                 .  . . . .  .    .  .  .  . .     .      .                   .                   .          68 Sample News Release . . . . . . . . . .                 .  . . . .  .    .  .  .  .  .     .      .                   .                   .        116 News Release Approva1 Log. . . . . . . .                .  . . . .  .    .  .  .  . .     .    .                  .                   .            118 Emergency Message Form.     .......................                                                                                                119 Facility Layouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                                              320 State and County Emergency Operations Centers . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                                              123 e       Telephone / Key Contact Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                                            124 Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 w     . ;              -     -          -.                  - .__                    .                  _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _

MCGUIRE AND CATAWBA NEWS GRDUP PLAN OVERVIEW NOTE: Because of the distance between the Oconee Nuclear Station and the General Office, a different news group organization is required. See the section of the plan - Oconee News Group Plan. INTRODUCTION Duke Power employees work hard to design, build, and operate the safest and most economical power plants in the nation. The performance of our three nuclear stations speaks for itself, and we're proud of the good operating record we've established over the years. While the possibility of an accident happening at one of our nuclear plants is very low, we must plan for the unexpected. Duke's Crisis Management Plan


describes in detail the Company's plan for responding to a nuclear plant emergency. This response effort would include company personnel at the affected station, as well as from the General Office. Because of the potential consequences of a nuclear accident on the health and safety of the public, representatives of local government, and state and federal agencies also have extensive emergency plans. All of these emergency plans are regularly tested and refined in drills and full participation exercises. DPC'S RESPONSIBILITIES IN AN EMERGENCY In a nuclear plant emergency, Duke Power is responsible for actions and decisions required to restore the plant to a safe, stable condition. These actions include assessing the accident's severity, supporting the plant's operations, managing the emergency response effort, providing information to state and i m 1 officials and recommending any public protective action, ki in all emerce.iev conditions. decisions about oublic orotective actions are the exclusive resoonsibility of local and state officials. DUKE'S EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION Duke carries out its emergency response activities in three key locations. At the affected station, plant personnel in the technical support center are responsible for all activities on site. These actions include plant In operations, equipment repair and maintenance, and radiological monitoring. addition to plant personnel, representatives from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are also located in the TSC. Activities at the TSC are directed by the Emergency Coordinator, who is generally the station manager. The Crisis Management Center is the off-site emergency organization. Once established, it relieves the TSC of overall emergency management responsibility so that plant staff can concentrate on returning the station to a stable condition. The Crisis Management Center is directed by the Recover,y Manager, who has the following duties:

1. Overall control of emergency response activities. *
2. Provides input and assistance to the Emergency Coordinator in the TSC.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 1

c l

       ~3 . Directs ^other group managers in the Crisis Management Center.                                                  i
      '4. Makes recommendations for public protective actions.                                                              l I

The Recovery Manager's staff largely parallels the Emergency Coordinator's staff in the TSC. The emergency titles of these staff members and their 1 responsibilities are outlined below:

  • Plant Assessment Manager - Advises on emergency classifications and the need
     , for public protective action; assist.s the TSC with accident assessment and                                          :
      , mitigation strategy.
  • Radiological Assessment Manager - Provides support concerning on-site and off-site radiological conditions.

Off-site Dose Assessment Director - Coordinates radiological and , environmental assessments and makes recommendations concerning public I l protection.

  • Emergency Communications Manager - Coordinates the communications group to update government, management and industry officials; maintaint displays in the Crisis Management Center.
  • Administration and Logistics Manager - Provides administrative, logistic, '

communications and related personnel for the recovery operation.

  • Duty Engineer - When contacted by the plant shift supervisor, relays information to recovery manager, senior level Duke management, and Corporate  :

Communications. This position is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. l

  • Corporate Headquarters Representative - A senior company officer, designated to contact the governor or the governor's designee, as well as senior level management and Duke's Board of Directors. This officer also provides input on corporate policy.
  • Emergency Planner - Provides direct support by advising on the crisis management plan and the station emergency plan.
  • Advisory Support Group - Provided by senior representatives of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, vendors and other knowledgeable groups.
  • News Director - Collects, verifies and disseminates Information to the l public through the news media; coordinates the release of that information with local, state and federal public information officials.

A complete description of the Crisis Management Organization is included in l the Crisis Management Implementation plan and Procedures. THE NEWS GROUP The News Group, which ultimately reports to the News Director, is part of the j Recovery Manager's staff. The News Group is staffed and organized to promptly provide information about plant conditions and Duke's response efforts to a variety of publics. These publics include the news media, for dissemination to the public at large; local, state and federal public information officers; Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 2

1 I and other audiences with specialized interest such as regulators, elected


officials and members of the financial community. I News group participants, operating from the news center and related facilities (Electric Center, EC2-30) communicate with the following audiences: A. Media f In a nuclear plant emergency, Duke relies on the news media to provide prompt, ' 1 accurate information to local residents and the public at large. To provide I ready access to current information on plant status, a media center is  ! promptly established in the 0. J. Miller Auditorium of the Electric Center.  ! The news plan specifies that the only DPC representative empowered to announce I new information about plant status is the public spokesperson. This " single i I spokesmen" concept ensures that the news media - and thus the public - receives consistent information throughout the emergency. j B. Plant Neighbors and the General Public News group members staff telephones in the news center and at the affected 1 plant to respond to questions or concerns from residents around the plant or i from the general public. In the news center, news group representatives are l co-located with counterparts from the state to better respond to the public's - questions. C. Employees Employees of OpC are informed of an emergency via Contact - a communique that is generated from the news center and distributed system wide. Many employees also receive training in rumor control procedures and are instructed to refer any questions to the news center. D. Elected Officials News group members initiate contact with local, state and federal officials to provide information on plant status. Elected officials are provided a contact within the news group should these officials - or any of their constituents - have questions on plant status. E. Catawba Owners Group j Because of the co-ownership agreement with other area utilities affecting Catawba and McGuire, representatives of the Catawba Owners Group are updated i on plant conditions. l F. Industry Groups ! The news plan relies on major industry groups to distribute emergency J information on plant status to other utilities. G. Regulators I Pathways of communications with federal and state regulators are also included in the news plan. Public information officers from FEMA and the NRC work out Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 3 t - -_


     -of the news center,' and the NRC has -technical staff in the TSC and in the CMO.

Members of the North Carolina Utilities Commission and the South Carolina Public Service Commission are also updsted on plant status. i STATES AND COUNTIES Because the states and local counties have responsibility for public protective actions, an effective emergency response depends on close interaction among Duke Power and the state and county officials. To provide timely information to the state and county, their information representatives are co-located in the news center. The states and counties issue their own news releases on emergency activities in their community, and participate in press conferences. Additionally, if requested, a news group member is sent to each of the state and county emergency operation centers to serve as a technical resource on plant conditions. Summary information of the various roles and responsibilities of all news group members is included on the following pages. i l 1 Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 4

CATAWBA /MCGUIRE News Group Position Summaries News Director (ND) - Overall responsibility for the News Group and coordinates the release of all public information about the emergency. Public Spokesperson (PS) - Duke's official representative at press conferences; he is the only person authorized to announce new information on plant conditions. Assistant News Director (AND) - Responsible for the smooth and effective operation of the News Center. State and County Liaison PIO (S/CL PIO) - Serves as the conduit for informe. tion between the News Group and state and county public information representatives. Monitor (M) - Serves as primary technical resource for the News Director. Technical Support Center Liaison (TSCL) - News Group representative at the plant emergency center. Media Coordinator @C) - Ensures smooth operation of the Media Center. , Liaison (COL) - Keeps Catawba owners informed of plant Catawba Owners conditicos for emergencies at etther Catawba or McGuire. Int + Net Communications Coordinator (ICC) - The point of contact for all eyfan information about the emergency and the response effort. ina;f.or Communications Coordinator (IvCC) - Responsible for communications with the financial community. Governments Coordinator (GC) - Responsible for communications with the elected

 .t      officials in the EPZ.

State Government Contact (SGC) - Responsible for all communications with members of the state legislative delegation. Federal Government Contact (FGC) - Responsible for all communications with members of the federal legislative delegation, Technical Briefer Section Head (TB5H) - Coordinates the activities of Technical Briefers, and assists the AND in expediting accurate and timely communications with special audiences. Technical Briefer (TB) - Media Center - Works with the media and industry / agency officials in explaining information about the plant status. Technical Briefer (TB) - Rumor Control - Responds to telephone inquiries from plant neighbors and the public at large. Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 5 W, . , , , - . - _ _ _ . . __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l i l 1 Technicar Briefer -(TB) - Media Menitoring - Assists in the review of media reports for technical accuracy. 1 Technical Briefer (TB) - State /Ceunty EOC - Serves as the News Group represantative in the State / County EOC. j Technical briefer (TB) - Community Relations - Serves as the on-site News f Group representative. l Technical Briefer (TB) - Media Notification - Notifies the medi) of the plant condition and activation of the News Center. Media Registration Coordinator (MRC) - Greets and registers media representatives upon their arrival to the Media Center. Audiovisual Coordinator (AVC) - Responsible for media monitoring and the videotaping of all news conferences. Media Monitor (MM) - Records radio and television news programs and EDS messages and reviews for accuracy. Set-Up Coordinator (SUC) - Responsible for the set-up and logistics supporting all News Center facilities. Support Coordinator (SC) - Responsible for administrative support of the News Center. Secretarial Team (ST) - Provides clerical and administrative support for the News Group. Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 6

EENERAL INFDRMATION f News group members should record information given in their initial notification on the emergency vessage form on page 119. This information should be used in making additional internal notification calls. Sample < messages to be used in making external notifications can be found on page 67 as a part of the external notification procedure. Notification calls should be made prior to reporting to the emergency work location. The erimarv news center for a McGuire or Catawba drill or emergency is located in the Electric Center EC2-30, 500 South Church Street, Charlotte, NC. The , media center is located in the O. J. Miller Auditorium, Electric Center, 500 - South Church Street, Charlotte, NC; and the recovery manamer's office is , located in the Power Building, 400 South Church Street, Charlotte, NC. When reporting to the emergency work location, news group members should bring . their news group plan and their crisis management ids. Crisis management ids are necessary to gain access to all CMC locations. News group members should park in their regular parking areas. Rumor control forms are available at each news group location and should be used to log all outside calls following the rumor control procedure. Key contact / decision making logs are found in the back of the news plan. These locs must be used to document key contacts. either by telechene or in eerson. and decisions made bv news aroue members. These logs should be given to the set-up coordinator at the conclusion of the event. News group members should remain aware of the potential for excessive noise in crisis management facilities and strive to minimize that noise. If the primary news group members for a position are not available, the news director determines who will fill that position. Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 7

t t NEWS DIRECTOR ffQJ WHO CONTACTS YOU: Duty Engineer YDVR WORK LOCATION: Crisis Management Center, Power Building WHO YOU REPORT TO: Recovery Manager PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Public Spokesperson, Assistant News Director, State / County Liaison PIO, Monitor, Recovery Manager, Emergency Communications Manager and Staff. i BASIC FUNCTION: The ND has overall responsibility for the News Group and coordinates the release of all public information about the emergency. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the duty engineer on the emergency message form.
2. Determines degree of activation of the news center.
3. Notifies the persons on the ND call list using the emergency message form.
4. Based on information from the duty engineer or the TSC, if activated, drafts the first news release. This initial release does not require additional approval prior to distribution.
5. Reports to the emergency work loce. tion, and throughout the emergency maintains contact with the assistant news director to keep the news staff informed about the situation.
6. Based on information obtained from the AND, the ND keeps the recovery manager's staff aware of the news center activities, key public information decisions by state and county officials, media and community response and rumors about the emergency.
7. Coordinates the preparation and distribution of news releases following the news release procedure.
8. Coordinates news conferences following the news conference procedure.
9. Reviews information released by the Emergency Communications Manager in the CMC for consistency with news releases and other public statements,
10. As needed, resolves any rumors using information or personnel in the j

recovery manager's office. ' 11. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms. l Rev. 24 l January 2, 1990 Page 8 i

yr;.  ; i (: i

                                          ' NEWS DIRECTDR                       j Mary Boyd                       j
,                                          Roberta Bowman Phil Carter                      i j

EALL LIST: , L MiBLIC SPOKESPERSON (call one) page 68 - Hal Tucker  ; Jim Hampton  : Tony McConnell Mike Tuckman ASSISTANT NEWS DIRECTOR (call one) page 68 Phillip Carter  ! Andy Thompson , Roberta Bowman TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER LIAISON (call one) page 72 McGuire: Susie Adams Bryant Kinney  ; Catawba:  ; Glenn Bell - Todd Kaish MONITOR (call one) page 68


L. R. Davison

  --                                                           Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 9 p

PUBLit SPDKEspER50N (psi WHO CONTACTS YOU: News Director YOUR WORK LOCATION: Crisis Management Center, Power Building WHO YOU REPORT TO:- News Director News Director, Recover,y Manager and Staff, PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Monitor, State and County PIO's. BASIC FUNCTION: The PS is Duke's official representative at press-conferences; he is the only person authorized to announce new information on plan conditions. PROCEDURES: i

1. Records available information on the emergency message form.
2. Reports to the Crisis Management Center.

f i

3. Monitors plant status and other information in the Crisis Management Center.
4. With the news director, coordinates the timing for news conferences, held in the media center at O. J. Miller Auditorium.
5. With the news director, meets with state, county and agency P10 representatives before each news conference to review statements.
6. Coordinates with the news director and media coordinator on any special visual aids for the news conference.
7. Represents Duke Power at news conferences.
8. Participates in one-on-one media interviews, as time permits.
9. As determined by the news director, responds to/ addresses significant

, rumors about plant status and addresses any misinformation or # miscommunication revealed by review of the transcripts during news conferences.

10. Documents decision making, phone calls and key contacts using the appropriate forms.

i Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 10

i f i PUBLIC SPDKESPERSDN l . Hal Tucker Jim Hampton Tony McConnell , Mike Tuckman NO CALLS 10 MAKE  ; 9 4

- Rev. 24 l January 2, 1990 Page 11

ASSISTANT WEWS DIRECTOR (AND) WHO CONTACTS YOU: News Director t YOUR WORK LOCATION: News Center C2-30 Electric Center WHO YOU REPORT TO: News Director PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: News Director, State / County Liaison PIO, Internal Communications Coordinator, Media Coordinator, Technical Briefer ' Section Head, TSC Liaison BASIC FUNCTION: The AND is responsible for the smooth and effective operation of the News Center. PROCEDURES:

1. When notified by the news director, completes the emergency message form.
2. Notifies the news group representatives on the AND call list, using the emergency message form.
3. Also notifies the federal agency representative on the AND call list, and informs him that the news center is being set up.
4. Reports to, and ensures the proper setup of, the News Center.
5. Based on information provided by the ND, ensures briefings for news group ~

members on plant status and emergency response.

6. Reviews for accuracy and oversees the distribution of Duke news releases, according to the news release procedure.
7. Ensures that status boards are maintained. ,
8. Produces and distributes a news release if there is a significant status change while the news director is involved in a press conference.
9. Maintains contact with the NRC public information officers in the news center. Informs them of all news conferences and ensures distribution of all NRC news releases to news group members.
10. With the S/CL PIO, monitors news releases and other public information released by the state and county PIO's. Ensures the distribution of these news releases to all news group members.
11. Coordinates with the ND in timing of the news conferences.
12. Maintains regular contact with the S/CL PIO; informs the S/CL PIO of the news director's plans for press conferences.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 12

13. Approves all Contact releases, and other news group statements or communications.
14. With the S/CL PIO, reviews for accuracy EBS tapes and transcripts identified by TB-media monitoring; ensures the distribution of these transcripts to appropriate news group members.
15. Ensures tapes of newscasts and news conference transcripts are promptly and carefully reviewed by the technical briefer / media monitoring.
16. With the S/CL PIO, investigates and resolves rumors using news group ,

contacts. Communicates the resolution of significant rumors to the r.ews director.

17. May request from the TBSH a TB to assist with technical interpretations.
18. Documents decision making, phone calls, and key contacts using the e

appropriate forms. I l l  % i l. Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 1 Page 13


   .                                              Phillip Carter Roberta Bowman
  • Andy Thompson l

CALL LIST: , Vice President of. Corporate Communications p.74 l Ken Clark  ! None l WRC Public Information - Region 2 - p.115 ' l Ken Clark ' Set-up Coordinator (call one) p.74 Diane Savage George Dorsey .l State / County Liaison PIO (call one) p.68 3 Mary Boyd > Guynn Savage Media Coordinator (call one) p.68 3 Mike Dembeck , 0 Anne Sheffield

  • Investor Communications Coordinator (call one) p. 69  !

Jeff Johnson ' Sharon Wooten

  • Mark Bottrill Internal Communications ' Coordinator (call one) p.69 Beth Parsons 1
          ' Governments Coordinator (call one) p. 69 Lucinda Trew Rick Deese
  • Catawba Owners Liaison (call one) p. 69  ;

Bob Carpenter Al Neely - Ken Workman

j ;.
           *In a drill, this person is contacted, but the position is not activated.

4 Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 14 ,

     + .                       . . . _ -    .._       -              . - . -.             ..    . - - _


         ' Technical Briefer Section Head and Rumor Control Staff, Technical Briefer State / County EOC, State and County PIO's.

BASIC FUNCTION: The S/CL PIO serves as the conduit for information between the news group and state and county public information representatives. PROCEDURES:

1. Completes emergency message form.
2. Notifies the TBSH to have his staff begin calling the media. Determine which media DPC will notify, when, and what will be said.
    !      3. Notifies persens on the S/CL PIO call list for the affected plant.

Informs them that the news center is being activated, briefs them on Duke Power's media call list, and obtains telephone numbers where state and county calls should be referred prior to full activation of the news center.

4. Reports to the news center, and ensures that equipment and staff are available to support state and county PIO activities.

s 5. Based on ,r' ormation provided by the AND, regularly briefs state and county PIL's and news center staff on plant and DPC activities. Provides 1 other information or assistance as requested.

6. With the AND, reviews all state and county news releases and other public statements for consistency with DPC communications prior to their release.
7. Obtains copies of all state and county news releases and ensures distribution to news group members according to the news release procedure.
8. Ensures distribution of Duke Power news releases and green sheets to state and county PIO's.
9. Coordinates state and county news conference activities following the news conference procedure.
     #      10. Prior to news conferences, ensures assembly of the state and county PI0's, the news director and public spokesperson in the news center conference Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 15

k room; attends 'all of these pre press conference briefings. Notifies media coordinator when spokespersons depart for the media center. '

11. Supervises the ~ news group members at the joint rumor control desk.

Updates them on plant conditions and Duke's emergency response efforts and assists in tracking and resolving rumors according to the rumor control procedure.

12. Reviews all rumor control reports, and promptly reports trends to the AND.
13. With the AND, reviews significant news tapes or transcripts of. EBS >

messages as identified by the TB-media monitoring. Ensures distribution - of EBS transcripts to news group members according to the news release procedure.

14. Serves as the news center contact for those news group members assigner. to the state or county EOC's; updates these tbs on information of interest.

Also serves as news center contact with the North Carolina EOC in Raleigh,

15. May request from the TBSH a TB to assist with technical interpretations for state snd county PI0s.
16. Documents 'ecision d making, phone calls, and key contacts using the appropriate forms.

1 Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 16


                      'i                                       Mary Boyd                                 )
                                                            'Suynn Savage.
                         . CALL- LIST:                                                                   [

TECHNICAL BRIEFER'SECTION HEAD (call one) p.70 Andy Thompson Joe Maher


t Sondra Wise , MCGUIRE AND CATAWBA - page p.76. , NC Department of Crime Control and Public Safety i' Primary: Graham Wilson

                              . Alternate: NC Highway Patrol Communications                              t s

MCGUIRE Only p.75 iMecklenburg County Wayne Broome ,


l Gaston' County L Bob Phillips u Lincoln County  ; Bob Willis Iredell County Larry.Dickerson. L'  ; ! Catawba. County David-Yount

CATAWBA Only: p.76 State of SC -- Governor's Office  ;

Edith caudie State of SC-- EPD Paul Lunsford Mecklenburg County 1 Wayne Broome Gaston County Bob Phillips , i- York County Cotton Howell Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 17


         . WHO CONTACTS YOU: News Director YOUR WORK LOCATION:      Crisis Management Center, Power Building WHO YOU REPORT TO: News Director PRINCIPAL WORKING        RELATIONSHIPS:   News    Director,  Public      Spokesperson, Assistant News Director, Recovery Manager and Staff.                                       .

BASIC FUNCTION - The M serves as primary technical resource for the news director. PROCEDURES:

1. Completes the emergency message form.
2. Reports to the Crisis Management Center.
3. Serves as the news director's and public spokesperson's primary technical resource by gathering information from other groups in the' CMC and providing technical expertise for news releases and public statements.
4. Tracks all activities in the recovery manager's office, particularly in the absence of the ND and PS.
5. During news conferences, serves as the news group contact in the recovery manager's office.
6. Contacts the AND to notify the ND if plant status changes significantly while the press conference is in progress. Coordinates these notifications with the emergency communications manager.
7. Briefs the ND and PS on activities at the plant and in the recovery manager's of fice during their absence. ,
8. Calls AND with information to update status boards.
9. Receives copies c Duke Power and state and county news releases, EBS messages, and press conference transcripts, and ensures distribution according to the news release procedure.
10. Assists the ND in tracking or resolving rumors concerning Duke's response to problems at the plant.
11. Documents decision making, phone calls, and key contacts using the appropriate forms.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 18 a .

t , - f . ,. p L c

                                         . MONITOR                        .
 '                                     L. R. Davison i i

NO CALLS.TO MAKE. t i (. t i g ' t F 1 ^. l t l-l (.

i. t li i -P 1

1. l Rev. 24 l January 2,1990 i Page 19

 . u                                                                                                                       .

l i

                             ' TECHNICAL SlippDRT CENTER LIAISON (TSCL1 l

l WHO CONTACTS YOU: News Director l YOUR WORK LOCATION: Technical Support Center (TSC) at the station (CNS) Service Butiding L (MNS)ServiceBuilding,-rooms 911, 912, 913, 914 offices L south of and adjacent to the control room. I WHO YOU REPORT TO: News Director / Assistant News Director < PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: News Director, Assistant News Director, , Emergency Coordinator. BASIC FUNCTIONS: The TSCL is the news group representative at the plant L emergency center. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the ND on the emergency message form.

If TSCL initial notification is received from the plant, calls ND before reporting to the TSC. ,

2. Reports to emergency location and notifies emergency coordinator that he/she is the news group representative.
3. Gathers information about the emergency activities at the station -

Prior to CMC activation, the TSCL relays information directly to the ND. The TSCL may be asked to obtain emergency coordinator approval of initial , news releases. After CMC activation, the TSCL reports to the AND and provides supplementary information.

4. Keeps station management and on-site NRC representatives aware of news group activities. This includes distribution of news releases and other communications by Duke Power and the states and counties.
5. Serves as the on-site news group contact to investigate and resolve rumors about plant conditions using the rumor control procedure.
6. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 20

c 2

                                .\ s                                                           ;

l 1; '

          ,~     '

4- , 1

                 ,                                                                          'j z
                                       '7 TECHNICAL' SUPPORT CENTER LIAISON 4

s: i L' ' MCGUIE Susie Adams-Bryant Kinney g CATAWBA 5 Glenn Bell Todd Kaish NO CALLS TO MAKE j b 4 l t 1 I i A r 1 Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 21


MEDI A CODRDINATOR (MC) t i WHO CONTACTS YOU: Assistant News Director YOUR WORK LOCATION: Media Center-O. J. Miller Auditorium Electric Center WHO YOU REPORT TO: Assistant News Director PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Assistant News Director, Technical Briefer Section Head, Media Registration Coordinator, State / County Liaison PIO. BASIC. FUNCTION: The MC ensures smooth operation of the media center, f i PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the AND on the emergency message form.


2. Notifies the persons on the MC call list using the emergency message form.
3. Supervises the activ'ities of the media registration and audiovisual groups.
4. Coordinates with the media registration coordinator and technical briefer section head to insure that media and industry / agency representatives-arriving at the media center are familiar with facilities in the media center and are briefed on the current situation.
     -5. Makes recommendations to the AND about the needs of the media and/or industry / agency representatives. This might include plant tours or additional news conferences.
6. Facilitates news conference:. according to the news conference procedure.
7. Ensures that news rele:ses are distributed in the media center according to the news releast procedure.
8. Serves as the rumor control liaison in the media center to investigate and resolve media center rumors about plant conditions using the rumor control procedure.
9. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 page 22

y e

     ?                                                                                       5 Mike Dombeck -

Anne Sheffield- 1,

                      ' CALL LIST MEDIA REGISTRATION COORDINATOR (call one) p.69                        :

1 Sara Epperson-. . Dock Kornegay Jan Kelly ,

                      - AUDIOVISUAL. COORDINATOR-(call;one) p.72
                           ' Pat Payne



n m 5 l-1

                                                                                           'd 1;

l: l


Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 l- Page 23

                                ^ "TATAWBA DWNERS 11 A150N f CDL)
  • WO CONTACTS;YOU: Assistant News Director l
       ' YOUR WORK LOCATION:    News Center                                                                                              j L                                C2-30                                                                                                      i Electric Center                                                                                            j WO YOU REPORT TO: ' Assistant News Director                                                                                    -l PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS:     Assistant News Director, Technical Briefers BASIC FUNCTION - The COL keeps Catawba Owners informed of plant conditions for emergencies at either Catawba or McGuire.


     ,   1. Completes the emergency message form.
2. Notifies owner's group representatives on the COL' call list and informs the representatives that you.are their contact and will provide them with regular updates. Supplies owner's group representatives with the COL news centar telephone number.
3. Reports to the news center.
4. Periodically updates owner's group representatives on plant conditions.
5. Ensures response to any questions or calls about plant status received by owners representatives.
6. Keeps the AND informed of the response from, or activities planned by, owners representatives.
7. }!andles special requests by owners, as appropriate.
8. Documents decision making, phone calls and key contacts using the ,

appropriate forms. 1

          *In drills this person is contacted, but the position is not activated.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 24

n: p , '. - iL fi *

                                                     . CATAWBA OWNERS.LIAISDN w :v :

v p; ca - g y, Bob Carpenter-Ken Workman

                        ~ CALL'LisTL- page 77' SE             North Carolina Municipal Power _ Agency Number 1
                            .D. Cameron-
                            .A. L. Hubert n  North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation
                             'J. F. Brown D. Leary                                                             j o

Saluda River Electric Cooperative, Inc. 1 J. Mulholland j C. Guerry  ; Piedmont Municipal' Power Agency i J. Bauer 1 i L i I 4 lr L i, I f 4 ll l .: L lR Rev. 24 l January 2, 1990 Page 25 1' P O

                               ' 1NTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS CDORDINATOR (1001-                       ?

WHO CONTACTS YOU: Assistant News Director YOUR WORK LOCATION:. News Center C2-30 Electric Center' WHO YOU REPORT TO: Assistant News Director ,

          ~ PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Assistant News Director, Secretarial Team BASIC FUNCTION:      The ICC is the point of contact for all employee information about the emergency and the response effort.

PROCEDURES: q I. Records available information from the AND on the emergency message form.

2. Notifies the persons on the ICC call list using the emergency message form. The .ICC support may assist in making. these calls. After ~ the initial calls are, made the ICC support remains in the general office to respond to inquiries there.

These calls include calls to the division operations vice presidents, hydro station managers, steam station managers, and station support managers in the area. These calls are to inform the managers of the event-and prepare them for customer inquiries. Division vice presidents should be asked to implement their call trees.

3. Reports to the emergency work location and, after receiving the l appropriate approval from the AND, issues the first CONTACT bulletin to employees. ]

The I

4. Issues CONTACT bulletins in a time frame similar to news releases.
        -       CONTACT bulletins will be transmitted through the PROFS computer system.           l l-CONTACTS are approved by the AND before distribution.                              ,

l i 1 5. Updates South Boulevard and Charlotte Division Customer service on a l 1 l regular basis. 1 ( I ,= 6. Serves as the rumor control liaison for employee rumors and is responsible l L for investigatinn and resolving employee rumors using the rumor control I procedure.

7. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate l form.

1 i- ! l l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 I l l Page 26  ! 4 _. .

                                                                                ^          '

ya ; r 7 ,

                                                                                      ' 3~

g'_ u , s ,

     ,. w.

Nk[. ,14 .. f

      ,.                                            INTERNAL CDMMUNICATIONS C00RDINATOR                             j
   .                                                                  'Beth Parsons.                                t
                          - CALL LIST:


    .n Paul Viggiano
                            ' Notifications 'outside of          the news. group are listed  in the   internal V                              comunications coordinator: telephone list beginning on page 78.              ,       ,

e 5 k l.

                                                                                                                 'j L:
                                       <                                                                       .j

l I l:- E l. 11 Rev. 24 lI January 2, 1990 Page 27 y Y' s ,- ~ . l2 n _

1 1

  • WHO LCVTACTS YOU: Assistant News Director ,

1 YOUR WORK LDCATION: News Center l C2-30 Electric Center R l WHO YOU REPORT TO: . Assistant News Director PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIDNSHIPS:' Assistant News Director BASIC FUNCTION:' The.IvCC is responsible for communications with the financial ~ connunity. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the AND on the emergency message form.
2. Notifies .the persons .on . the IvCC call list using the emergency message form.
23. Reports to the emergency work location. ,
         '4. Keeps the treasurer's department and the Investor Relations Department briefed on the emergency situation.
5. Answers calls from the financial media and any other members of the
              -financial' community who call for information.
6. Responsible for investigating and resolving rumors within the financial community using the rumor control procedure.
7. Gives updates on investor reactions to the AND.
8. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.
          *In drills this person is contacted, but the position is not activated.

l-l- l l-Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 28 4 j

 . ,,  s      ,     ,               _ , _ . _ . ~      . _ _ _ . _   _ _ _ _ _ _    _ . . . _ .    .. __.          ,
                                                                                                                  -h 1

( :, '- < I L

        ,                                                                                                         q
                                                   'Jeff' Johnson Sharon Wooten Mark Bottrill                                                 .

call List office gag ,


I Rich Osborne 704/373-5159- i t Sue Becht' 704/373-8695  ; s 4



                                                                                                                 .L s

f l


i 1

                                                                                                                  ~1 l

i f Rev. 24


January 2,1990 Page 29 1 .. ! :- .


  • WHO CONTACTS YOU: Assistant News Director YOUR WORK LOCATION: News Center C2-30 Electric Center WHO YOU REPORT TO: Assistant News Director PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Assistant News Director, State Government Contact, Federal Government Contact, State / County Liaison PIO.

BASIC FUNCTION: . The GC is responsible for communications with the elected officials in the EP2. / PROCEDURES: l 1. Records available information from the AND on the emergency message form. l 2. Notifies the persons on the GC call list using the emergency message form. These calls include calls to local officials. In an ' emergency, the GC informs the officials that he/she is the Duke contact for plant information and makes available the appropriate names and phone. numbers forstateandcountyofficialsastheyappearonpage81.[ The GC also contacts Steve Griffith or a senior legal staff member so that he may designate a contact for the North Carolina Utilities Commission and , the South Carolina Public Service Commission. The GC continues to update L the contact so that he/she may provide information to these agencies, the l Public Staff and the Consumer Advocate. Notifies the Executive Vice President of Engineering, Construction and Production or another senior company officer, who is serving as the Duke Power liaison in providing information to the governor of the af fected state (s), of any news conferences or significant news group activities.

3. Reports to the emergency work location and throughout the emergency continue to update local officials on plant status.*
4. Supervises the activities of the state government and the federal
government contacts.
5. Serves as the contact to investigate and resolve rumors about plant status that surface among government contacts using the rumor control procedure, l

l 6. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate l forms. l

     *In drills this person is contacted, but the position is not activated.

( Rev. 24 l January 2, 1990  : l Page 30


              . -4 ',

Lucinda Trew Rick Deese

                                 , TALL LIST p.69

Don Hatley

                                          . Barbara Simpson-                                                              ^

Judy Sands

  • STATE GOVERNMENT CONTACT (call one) i Roy Wall Bill Rixon-Billie Henderson Betty Jean Hudson +

(call one) p.8I

                                           . Warren Owen-
                                           . Rick Priory Jim Grogan-John Holland
                                     . SENIOR VICE' PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL

[ ' Steve Griffith ,

                                                                                                                       .3 Local. government of ficial s to be called are listed in the governments coordinator's' telephone directory on page 81.
                                     '*In drills these persons are contacted, but the positions are not activated.
                                       **The news group does not make initial calls to this person, but does call to update him on news group activities.

l, I Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 31 _____________m__.__


              . L.
                                      ~5 TATE GOVERNMENT CONTACT fSGC) *
  .4 r

L WHO CONTACTS YOU: Governments Coordinator YDUR WORK LDCATION:' News Center C2-30 l Electric Center WHO YOU REPORT TO: Governments Coordinator PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Governments Coordinator, Federal Government ' Contact, State / County Liaison PIO. BASIC FUNCTION: The SGC is responsible for all communications with members of the state legislative delegation. PROCEDURES: ,

1. Records available information from the GC on the emergency message form.
2. Notifies the persons on the SGC call list using the emergency message ,

form. The SGC siso informs the. state officials that he/she will be their Duke contact for information about the plant. The SGC should also_ make sure that -the officials are aware of the government agencies to contact regarding-protective action recommendations as they appear on page 115,

3. Reports to the emergency work location and continues to update ' state officials on plant status throughout the emergency.
4. Informs the GC of any rumors developing within the state government using the rumor control procedure.
5. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.
  • In drills this person is contacted, but the po'sition is not activated.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 32

  • s  ;


          -).  .                                                                                                          .

Roy Wall Bill Rixon-Billie Henderson Betty Jean Hudson .

  . p; .

State government officials and their telephone numbers are found in the state

                             . government contact's telephone list en page 85.

i 1 M i s

                                                                                                 .                        t, F                                                                                           t 2

b t 4

    - ,j .
1. ' '

L. Rev. 24 l '- January 2, 1990 Page 33 D , ,


  • WHO CONTACTS YOU: Governments Coordins. tor YOUR WORK LOCATION: News Center -

C2-30 Electric Center , WHO YOU REPORT TO: Governments Coordinator PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Governments Coordinator, State Government Contact, State / County Liaison PIO. , BASIC FUNCTION: The FGC is responsible for all communications with members of the federal legislative delegation. J. PROCEDURES: I. Records available information from the GC on the emergency message form.

2. Notifies the persons on the FGC call list using the emergency message form.

The FGC also informs the federal officials that he/she will be their Duke contact for information about the plant. The FGC should also make sure that the officials are aware of the government agencies to ' contact regarding protective action recommendations as they appear on page 115.

3. Reports to the emergency work location and continues to update federal officials on plant status throughout the emergency.
4. Informs the GC of any rumors developing within the federal government using the rumor control procedure.
5. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate L forms.
          *In drills this person is contacted, but the position is not activated.

i I Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 page 34 l l .

,- .  ?
         ^tt $ ^                                                                                                   j
                 -!i e


             'k,                                                                                                   t Don Hatley
                                                         . Barbara Simpson-                                        ,

ni'- Judy Sands 5 Federal. government officials and their telephone numbers are listed in the' i federal government contact's telephone list on page 91.  ! 4+ , , I i i

                                                                                  .                               o t



4 1 i


l (l% , L-i


l l j' 4 Rev. 24 I January 2, 1990 l Page 35 i i


0. J. Miller Auditorium I Electric Center 1
     - WO YDU REPORT TO:' Assistant News Director                                             I PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS:       Assistant News Director, Technical Briefers, Media Coordinator, State / County Liaison PIO.         ,

BASIC FUNCTION: The TBSH coordinates the activities of all technical briefers, and assists the AND in expediting accurate and timely communications with special audiences. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the S/CL PIO on the emergency message form. The TBSH determines the timing and message for media notification.

calls and informs the S/CL PIO which media will be notified.

2. Notifies technical briefers listed in the TBSH call list using the emergency message form. The TB5H may ask the,second shift TBSH to assist in making the notification calls to second shift technical briefers.

Directs technical briefers to report to the following places and perform the following duties:

            + Five technical briefers to report to the news center to assist with news center calls. These technical briefers will then report to the

! S/CL PIO. One of these tbs functions as the lead TB in the news i l center.

            + One technical oriefer to report to the state EOC in South Carolina              <

(Catawba only) and to each of the affected county EOCs to assist with technical interpretation. This technical briefer then reports to the state / county liaison PIO. The S/CL PIO will be responsible for communicating with the North Carolina EOC in Raleigh.

            + One technical briefer to report to the news center to assist with media monitoring and news conference transcript review. This TB also makes I                  notes of internal briefings and press conferences highlights for l                  distribution to the TB staff.
            + One technical briefer to report to the affected plant to assume community relations functions at the plant and answer phones.
            + Second shift technical briefers will be instructed to begin making media and industry / agency notification calls using the emergency message form.*

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 36

               + - All additional ' technical briefers will report to the ~ media center to work with the media and industry / agency groups. One of these functions as the lead TB in the media center.
        ' 3. _ Reports to the emergency work location.
4. Briefs the AND on response to notification contacts.
5. Works closely with the media coordinator to ensure that media are -

receiving the assistance they need.

6. Maintains close contact with the TB at - the plant and in the media monitoring area to track their activities.
7. Maintains close contact with tbs in the media center to obtain feedback on their interactions with the media.
         '8. Conveys feedback from the tbs to the AND.
9. Provides. information about rumors in the media center to the media coordinator using the rumor control procedure.
10. May. be' asked to provide the AND and/or S/CL PIO with additional TB support.
11. If plant employees are transported to the hospital, sends a TB to the hospital to assist'with inquiries. Directions to hospitals are given on page122l
12. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms. l
  • In a drill the AND will notify the IvCC, COL and GC, but tbs will make the investor communications, Catawba owners, local, state and federal government notificatior.s. j J

l l l l i I i 1

   +                                                                                          l l

l Rev. 24 l l January 2, 1990 l Page 37


~^ TECHNICAL BRIEFER SECTION HEAD Andy Thompson Joe Maher-Sondra Wise
     . CALL LIST p.70
     -TECHNICAL BRIEFERS Ronnie Nix                                JeffJohnson(investors)

Mike Presnell Al Neely (Catawba owners) Harvey Deal , Bob Carpenter (Catawba owners) Michael Lail Ken Workman (Catawba owners) Steven Broer Rick Deese , Jesse Swords Sandra Magee David Violette John Byrd Keith Quillen Mike Mullen Pam McAnuity Rick Harris Todd Kaish- Cynthia Lipski Christine Worley Kathleen Mullen - Guynn Savage Tom Bliger Don Hatley. Bill Taylor Mary Kathryn Scarborough Glenn Bell - John McAlister ' Anne Sheffield , Lucinda Trew ' Bryant- Kinney Additional Technical Briefer Support: John Wylie John Hefner Mark Moore Mike Broome Nally Osburn Pam Simpson TB call lists: Industry / Agency, page 95

  • State Government., page 85
  • Media, page 96
  • Federal Goverr unt. 9 age 91
  • Catawba Owners, page 77 l
  • Local Government, page 81
       *For drill notifications Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 38

1 ~ _ [ j I 1 IECHNICAL BRIUER (TBi - Media Center L < WHO CONTACTS YOU: Technical Briefer Section Head n YOUR WORK LDCATION: Media Center l ! 0. J. Miller Auditorium L Electric Center WHO YOU REPORT TO: Technical Briefer Section Head l PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Technical' Briefer Section Head, Media Coordinator and Staff, Industry / Agency Coordinator. BASIC FUNCTION: The tbs - Media Center work with the media and industry / agency officials in explaining information about the plant status. , 1 PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the TBSH on the emergency message form. ,


2. Reports to the emergency work location.
3. . Assists media and industry / agency representatives who report to the media-center. Functions include:
            -    explaining contents of press kits
            -    updating representatives upon their arrival at the media center
            -    making tapes / transcripts of news conferences available upon request
            -    clarifying terms and information contained in news conferences and news releases
             -   following up on requests made by the media / industry representatives
4. Informs TBSH of the type of questions being asked by the media and of any additional needs they might have.
5. Informs MC of potential rumors using the rumor control procedures.
6. Lead media center TB assists the TBSH in coordination of all of these activities.
7. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.

4-Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 39

t 4 p TECHNICAL BRIEFER (TB) - News Center WO' CONTACTS YOU: Technical-Briefer Section Head YOUR WORK LOCATION: News Center C2 - 30 Electric Center WHO YOU REPORT TO: State / County Liaison'PIO PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: State / County Liaison PIO, State News Center Staff, County PIDs i BASIC FUNCTION: The tbs - News Center respond to telephone inquiries from plant neighbors and the public at large. PROCEDURES: I. Records available information from the TBSH on the emergency message form.

2. Reports to the news center. tbs - news center report to the S/CL PIO after arriving at the news center.
3. Begins responding to calls following the rumor control' procedure.
4. Keeps S/CL PIO informed of the number of calls being received and the general nature of the calls.
         -5. The lead information center TB assists the S/CL PIO in coordination of all of these activities.
6. Assists S/CL PIO with communications with North Carolina Raleigh.
7. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.

l I Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 40

                                  -TECHNICAL BRIEFER (TB) - Media Monitorina WHO CONTACTS YOU: Technical Briefer Section Head WORK LOCATION: News Center
                              . C2 - 30 Electric Center
            'WHO YOU REPORT TO: Technical Briefer Section Head PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS:         Technical Briefer Section Head, Media Monitors, Assistant News Director, State / County - Liaison PIO, Audiovisual Coordinator, Media Coordinator                                                  i BASIC FUNCTION:     The tbs - Media Monitoring assists in the review of media reports for technical accuracy.


1. Records available information from the TBSH on the emergency message form.
2. Reports to the emergency work location.
3. Notifies the AVC that he/she is the technical briefer for media monitoring
   .i             and will be reviewing tapes of news and EBS broadcasts.
4. Takes notes on efficial internal briefings and distributes hard copy to tbs in the news and media centers.
5. ' Takes notes during press conferences and disputes hard copy to tbs in the news and media centers.
6. Reviews tapes of radio /TV news programs and EBS messages for accuracy and  ;

identifies significant tapes for review by the AND and S/CL PIO. t l 7. Coordinates with support coordinator to ensure that appropriate broadcasts are transcribed and hard copy distributed. 3

8. Reviews news conference transcripts for accuracy.
9. Serves as technical resource for other media monitors. l L 10. Follows media monitoring procedure in addressing inaccurate reports.

l 11. Documents decision making, pho". M 1s, etc. using the appropriate form. Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 41 l

l TECHN1tAL BRIEFER (TBY - State /tounty EOCs d l WHO CONTACTS YOU: Technical Briefer Section Head State / County Emergency Operations Center l WORK LOCATION: +

 "   WHO YOU REPORT TO: State / County Liaison PIO                                            ,

f PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: . State / County Liaison PIO, State / County PIDs, l Technical Briefer Section Head i BASIC FUNCTION: The tbs - State / County EOC serves as the Duke Power j representative in the state / county EOCs. l PROCEDURES-I. Records available information from the TBSH on the emergency message form. v

2. Reports to a state or county EOC as directed by the.TBSH and notifies the EOC director that he/she will be the Duke Power representative' in the EOC.*
3. Provides technical interpretation of plant conditions / emergency actions
         -for state / county officials in the EOC.                                          ,
4. Keeps EOC updated about news center activities.
5. Assists with rumor control calls to the EOC.
6. Keeps S/CL PIO informed of EOC activities.
7. Serves as the EOC news group- contact to investigate and ' resolve rumors about plant conditions using the rumor control procedure.
8. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.
  • The State and County emergency operation centers for Catawba and McGuire are listed on page 123.l i

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 42


i i TECHWitAL BRIEFER f TB) - Community Relattent WO CONTACTS YOU: Technical Briefer Section Head YOUR WORK 1.0 CAT!DN: On-site Community Relations Office  ; (CNS) National Academy for Nuclear Training (MNS) Energy Explorium WO YOU REPORT TO: Technical Briefer Section Head PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Technical Briefer Section Head, Technical Support Center Liaison BASIC FUNCTION: The TB - Community Relations serves as the on-site news representative. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the TBSH on the emergency message form.
2. Reports to the em6tgency work location.
3. Notifies technical briefer section head, technical support center liaison, station security and station switchboard when in place in the community relations office.
4. Responds to any rumors using the rumor control procedure.
5. Conducts plant tours as directed by the AND.
6. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms, l .

l-l l Rev. 24 l

January 2, 1990 Page 43

_ _ _. _ _ . . . -. . . . . _ .. ~ ..

                                                                                                                             't l
                                ~ TECHNICAL BRIEFER - En-mity Relations f


           $$1&it.t                                                                                                          .

Susie Adams ) Bryant Kinney Iaiaatta (call one) sienn sell Todd Katsh  ; t

           - Station Switchbeard Station Security                                                                                                f
      .                                                                                                                ,     e 4

t L , i


l l l' . i { l t 6 Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 L Page 44 l

1 TECHNICAL BRIEFER fTB) - Media Wetification A

     'WHO CONTACTS YOU: Tectmical Briefer Section Head YOUR WORK LOCATION: Office t,r Home WHO YOU REPORT TD: Technical Briefer Section Head PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Technical Briefer Section Head BASIC FUNCTION: The tbs - Media Notification notify the medit and industry /
        . agency representatives of the plant condition and activation of the news center.


1. Records available information from the technical briefer section head on '

the emergency message form.

2. Makes the initial industry / agency and media notification calls using a message developed by the TBSH and S/CL PIO.* ,
3. Documents these calls using the appropriate form and notifies the TBSH when they have been completed.
  • During a drill these external notifications are made by following the drill notification procedure on page 67. These tbs will also be making initial notifications to investor groups, federal, state, and local govetnment officials, and Catawba owners during drills. (See sample messages on page 67.)

I J 1 l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 ' Page 45

1 j MEDIA REGISTRATION CODRDINATOR (MRC) j 4 WO CONTACTS YOU: Media Coordinator J YOUR WRK LOCATION: Media Center, O. J. Miller Auditorium, Electric Center ) WO YOU REPORT TO: Media Coordinator I PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Media Coordinator, Technical Briefers - Media Center, Support Group, Set-up Coordinator  ; BASIC FUNCTION: The MRC greets and registers media representatives upon their arrival to the media center. PROCEDURES:

1. Completes the emergency message form.
2. Notifies support group members on the MRC call list.
3. Assigns one member of the support group to report to the news center to ,

maintain a log of people entering the news center and assist security in verifying identification. Members of the media are. net allowed access to the news center.

4. Reports to the media center and with the SUC, ensures its proper setup.

Media center supplies are kept in the supply closet in the news center.

5. Registers media representatives and others according to the media registration procedure. Provides a copy of the press kit, and escorts medta and industry / agency representatives to the media coordinator. (See i the media registration procedure on page 65.) ,
6. Maintains a complete record of media, I/A representatives and others l .

covering the emergency from the media center.

7. Assists the MC in setting up for news conferences, according to the news conference procedure.

i Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 46

5 i MEDIA REGISTRATIDW CDORDINATOR Sara Lee Epperson  ! Jan Kelly Dock Kernegay  ; CALL LIST p 69 . MEDIA REGISTRATION C00RDINAbn 10PPORT (call three) , Jeremy Dreier ' Tracy Yandle ' Jan Kelly - Mark McSwain Kenn Compton Kay Saville Sherri Brown Jamie Ramere Joel Groves , i L t t .. i Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 47


 ;                                  AUDIOVISUAL CODRDINATOR ( AVC)

WHO CONTACTS YOU: Media Coordinator YOUR WORK LOCATION: 0.J. Miller Auditorium Electric Center WHO YOU REPORT TO: Media Coordinator PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Media Coordinator, State / County Liaison, PIO, Technical Briefers Audiovisual Team, Media Monitors, Support Cocrdinator BASIC FUNCTION: The AVC is responsible for media monitoring and the videotaping of all news conferences. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the MC on the emergency message form. .
2. Notifies the persons on the AVC call list using the emergency message form.
         -   Assigns a team member to wor.k with the media monitors in taping radio and television programs.
         -   Assigns a team me,mber to set up the monitoring area in the news center,
         -   Directs the remaining team members to report to the media center.


3. Reports to the emergency work location and coordinates set-up activities

' in the media center, news center and media monitoring area.

4. Videotapes all news conferences and provides tapes to the MC for additional distribution to the media, if requested.
5. Coordinates with the support coordinator to have all broadcasts transcribed.

I 6. Supervises the audiovisual and media monitoring teams, i

7. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriat,c forms.

l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 48

i i

                                                                                           'I P

k AUDIOVISUAL CODROINATOR  ! Pat Payne , a-EALL LIST p.73 l i AUDIOVISUAL COORDINATOR SUPPORT f Six of the following per shift i Pearl McBride Bret Murphree . Mickie Stevens Tony Barnes Buddy Bradshaw i MEDIA MONITORS p.73 , Three of the following per shift Kenn Compton Tom Grantham , Pam Taylor i Carol Barrett Sam Kennedy i Wanda Sinclair , Kathy Merlo 9 4 L f Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 49

     . ::.                                 .                               .. .  = - . .

MEDI A MDNITOR (MM) F WHO CDNTACTS YOU: Audiovisual Coordinator YOUR WORK LOCATION: Audiovisual Studio 4th Floor Charlotte Supply Bldg. WHO YOU REPORT TO: Audiovisual Coordinator PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Audiovisual Coordinator and Team Technical Briefer - Media Monitoring BASIC FUNCTION: The MM records radio and television news programs and EBS messages and reviews for accuracy. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the AVC on the emergency message form.
2. Reports to the emergency work location. ,
3. Records and monitors news programs and EBS messages on the following stations:

Radio Stations Television Stations WBCY - 107.9 FM radio WBTV - Ch. 3 TV WBT - 1110 AM radio WSOC - Ch. 9 TV . WSOC - 103.7 FM radio WPCQ - Ch. 36 TV WRHI - 1340 AM radio (Catawba only)

4. The media monitor forwards all reports to tiie TB/ media monitoring i following the media monitoring procedure for review for technical accuracy.
5. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 50

i MEDIA MONITOR l i j Tom Grantham Pam Taylor l Carol Barrett i Sam Kennedy l Wanda sinclair j Kathy Merlo 1 Kenn Compton j i NO CALLS.TO MAKE l i l t, l L l i., . Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 51

F l' SET-LIP CDDRDINATOR f$Uti WO CONTACTS YOU: Assistant News Director WORK LOCATION: News Center C2 - 30 Electric Center WO YOU REPORT TO: Assistant News Director PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Assistant News Director, Support Coordinator, Secretarial Team,- Technical Briefers, Administration / Logistics Group BASIC FUNCTION: The SUC is responsible for the set-up and logistics supporting all news center facilities. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the AND on the emergency message form.
2. Notifies the persons on the SVC call list using the emergency message
    .       form:

to begin setting up 0.J. Miller Auditorium

            -   to provide telecopiers and copiers to the news center
            -   to send court reporters to the media center to report to the media coordinator
3. Reports to the emergency work location to begin setting up 0.J. Miller Auditorium and provide telecopiers and copiers to the news center.
4. Sets up or supervises the set-up of the media center and the news center.

NEWS CENTER telephones, computers, telecopiers, copiers are in place and operational.

             -  workstations are set-up with supplies, name tents.
             -  appropriate charts and schematics are displayed.                           l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 52


           -    media registration materials are set up.
           - media telephones are set up.
            -   appropriate charts and schematics are displayed.
           -    stage area is set-up for news conferences.
5. Supplies materials, equipment and additional personnel as needed.
6. Coordinates with the AND and SC in making arrangements and notifications for shift change.
7. Coordinates with Manager of Administration and Logistics for refreshments and meals for news group members throughout the event.
8. Documents decision making, phone calls and key contacts using the appropriate forms.

s Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 53

SET-UP C00RDINATOR Diane Savage George Dorsey CALL LIST p.68 5UPPORT COORDINATOR (call one) i- Barbara Brown

                        -Alltson Plyler Other support personnel notified are listed in the set-up coordinator's call list on page 109.

l l I Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 l Page 54 l t



                                    ~$UPpDRT C00RDINATD3 WHO CONTACTS YOU: Set-Up Coordinator WORK LOCATION: News Center

, C2 - 30 Electric Center WO YOU REPORT TO: Assistant News Director  ; PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Assistant News Director, State / County Liaison PIO, Secretarial Team BA51C FUNCTION: The SC is responsible for administrative support of the news center. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information on the emergency message form.
2. Notifies the persons on the SC call list using the emergency message form.

4 This includes notifying: Corporate Communications switchboard, the G.O. switchboard and South - Boulevard operations center to notify them of the situation and request that they direct all emergency related calls to the rumor control number (382-0644). .

3. Reports to the emergency work location and assists set-up coordinator with room set-up.

4 Ensures that all news group positions are staffed and records staffing on the organizational chart in the news center.

5. Supervises the secretarial team. Ensures that ' news releases and news conference trans'cripts are being prepared and distributed according to the news release procedure.
6. Ensures distribution of the " green sheet" according to the Emergency Notification Form Distribution Procedure.
7. Assigns one secretarial team member to assist AND, type news releases and distribute news releases to executive _ staff via PROFS computer system following the news release procedure.
8. Assigns secretarial team members to distribute and telecopy news releases and news conference transcripts.
9. Assigns a secretarial team member to provide assistance to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission PIDs, state and county PI0s as needed. Coordinates this with S/CL PIO and the CMC Administration Logistics group if neces sa ry.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 55

10. Assigns a secrztarial team member to report to the recovery manager's .

office and assist the ND. . ,

   'll. Ensures that plant data sheets are brought from the recovery manager's .         l office for review by AND.                                                       l
12. Coordinates with $UC to supply materials and equipment for the news group. .
13. Coordinates with the AND and SUC to detemine if a shift change is needed 7.nd the time the change will occur. The $UC and secretarial support  ;

notify second shift team members when and where to report.

14. Maintains a chronological file of all news releases, status sheets, contacts and press conference transcripts for the permanent file.
15. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.

1 Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 56

 ~                                                                                   -,.

9.. ,

       ;                                     SUPPDRT CDORDINATOR Ba*bara Brown.

Alltson Plyler CALL LIST p.74 SECRETARIAL TEAM Four of the following par shift Ann Blinn Mary Fortanbary. Beverly Gordon Anita Haynes Tricia 11111 Wilma Kinard Sylvia Lineberger LaDonna Michael. Myra Davis Other support personnel notified are listed in the support coordinator's-telephone list on page 108. The Secretarial Team telecopy list begins ein page 110. i I l . l1 1 Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 57


                           - SECRETARI AL TEAM f ST) -- McGU1RE/ CATAWBA WHO CONTACTS YOU: Support Coordinator YOUR WORK LOCATION: News Center, C2-30. Electric Center WHO YOU REPORT TO: Support Coordinator PRINCIPAL WORKING        RELATIONSHIPS:           Support   Coordinator,         Assistant News Director, Secretarial Team.

BASIC FUNCTION: The ST provides clerical and administrative support for the news group. PROCEDURES:

1. Completes the emergency message form.
2. Types, hand delivers, posts and telecopies news releases and press conference transcripts. (See pages 112-113).

Hand delivers news releases and press conference transcripts to: o News CenttI '

 .             All personnel I copy to post l

o Media Center -- 0. J. Miller Auditorium. Electric Center Lobbv Media coordinator Copy to post o Recoverv Manacers's Office -- CMC Monitor Copy to post I o Charlotte Sueolv Buildino 3rd floor switchboard operator 3rd floor and 4th floor news group members

3. Types and distributes CONTACT as deemed appropriate by the ICC.

[0uring drills, 9.nly the first news release will be sent to the executive . staff via the PROFS computer system.]

4. Assists the states, counties, NRC and FEMA as directed by the SC.


5. Provides administrtive support to the AND and his work group.
6. Maintains a log of key news center activities.
7. Maintains a chronological file of all news releases, status sheets, Contacts, and transcripts for the AND.
8. Handles other assignments as directed by the SC.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page SB

   ~______-._____                     _ _ _ _ -



4 Six of the following per shift Beverly Gordon {' Mary Fortanbary

                                                                                                  .r Wilma Kinard                                                                               i Ann 311nn .

Sylvia Lineberger  : t LaDonna Michael Tricia Hill  ; Anita Haynes Myra Davis ,

        .The Secretarial Team telecopy list begins on page 110.                                    i NO CALLS TO MAKE i


  • l k

l 1 Rev. 24

  • L January 2, 1990 l.

' Page 59

      .  +          _           . __        -_     . - . _ . . . . . .          , _ . . _


     -*     The decision to prepare a news nlesse is made by the news director.                           -

He/she may consult with other team members before making the decision. i

  • News relsases are prepared on a routine basis as informational updates on '

plant conditions. News releases are also prepared anytime plant status  ! changes and to reflect plant occurrences which are of potential public > interest. Rumor control / media monitoring events may guide the decision to make a news release.

  • News releases may or may not be timed to coincide with news conferences.  ;

APPROVAL PROCEDURES- (The news group member responsible for the tetivity is listed in parenthesis.) i

1. News release drafted. (ND)
2. Emergency Communi:ations Manager review and approval of release using appropriate documentation. (ND)
3. Dose assessment manager approval of any radiation dose information. (ND) 1
4. Recovery manager review and approval of release. (ND)
 !    5. NRC representative review of releases. (ND)
          '801E:     If NRC is not represented in the CMC, we will attempt to contact their P10 or telecopy release to Base Team Manager. After confirming receipt of the news releases, NRC will be allowed 15 minutes to review and comment on the news release prior to its distribution.
6. News release delivered via runner or dictated to secrettrial team section head. (ND)
7. News release typed: (STSH)
8. Review of typed release and approval for distribution. (AND)


1. Copies of the news release are made and distributed to: (FC) media coordinator (med center) (40 copies) news group members (new. center) (35 copies) media monitors (4th floce, Char. Supply) (5 copies) '

i posted in news center (5 copies) l state / county PIDs (news center) (35 copies) l l monitor (recovery manager's office) (20 copies) copy to file Rev. 24 l January 2, 1990 l' L Page 60

i-  ! L  ; i Distribution made in media center to: (MC) technical briefers and other news group members media representatives industry / agency representatives posted in media center Distributitm made in recovery manager's office to: (M) news director public spokesperson ' recovery manager-emergency communications manager NRC representative posted in recovery manager's office

2. Telecopy of news releases to: (SC)

(telecopy numbers listed in secretarial team call list on page 113) Plant TSC for distribution to: (TSCL)

                 - emergency coordinator
                 - NRC representative in the TSC
                 - posting State / County EOCs to the attention of the technical briefer /EOC or the EOC director if there is no news group member stationed in the EOC                  I
            - Plant community relations office to the attention of the technical briefer / community relations Industry / agency groups Governors office of affected state (s)

Associated Press and United Press International

3. PROFS to the executive staff (PROFS ids are in the secretarial team call list) (STSH)

If the situation warrants production of a news release while a press conference is in progress, the AND produces the news release with input from the monitor. , Secretarial team members who are working for state, county and/or NRC P10s

           . follow the same distribution for news releases they are producing unless requested otherwise.                                                                     j News conference transcripts are distributed in the same manner as news

, releases, but are only telecopied to state / county EOCs and the plant I community relations office. (See Sample News Releases p. 116 and 117) l l Rev. 24 i January 2, 1990 Page 61 l



  • News conferences are held whenever the situation changes either on-site or '


  • If the situation is not changing, news conferences are held in a timely ,

fashion to provide review and update of the situktion.

  • News conferences are held in conjunction with the involved states and counties, NRC and FEMA. l PRDCEDURES NEWS CONFERENCE INITIATED BY DPC: (The news group member responsible for the activity is listed in parenthesis.)
1. Assistant news director notified of proposed news conference time,  ;

preconference briefing time and DPC visual aid needs. (ND)

2. State / county liaison PIO, and NRC, notified of proposed conference times.

(AND) -

3. State (s), counties and FEMA notified of proposed news conference times and  ;

surveyed for their visual aid needs. (5/CLPIO) >

4. State (s) and county visual aid needs communicated to AND. (S/CLPIO)
5. Media coordinator notified of news conference times and visual aid needs.


6. Audiovisual team, court reporters, technical briefer section head notified '

of news conference time. (MC)

7. Media representatives notified of news conference time. (MC/TBSH)
8. Industry / agency representatives notified of news conference time. (TB)
9. Executive vice president -- EC&O notified of news conference. (AND)
10. Governrar of affected state notified of news conference. (Executive vice preside.t-EC&O)
11. Pre-br*.t 4 ng review of speaking order and statement content. (ND)
12. Notification of media that spokespersons are on the way to the press conference (MC).
13. Moderation of news conference (called to order, introduction of speakers, question and answer session, adjournment). (ND)

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 62

          - ~.         __      -


1. SC/L PID notified of proposed conference time, pre-briefing time and state and county visual aid needs. (State Lead PIO)
2. AND notified of proposed news conference times and visual aid needs.


3. ND notified of proposed news conference times and surveyed for Duke visual aid needs.- (AND)


  • If the situation changes while a news conference is in progress, it is the responsibility of the monitor to call the AND with this change. The AND goes to the media center and briefs the ND of the change.

It is under the discretion of the ND and the AND as to how this status change is communicated. i

  • If an important change in plant status occurs and the states / counties are !

currently unprepared to make statements, it is up to the discretion of the i' ND as to when Duke Power will make a statement. Duke Power may begin the news conference while the states and counties complete their preparations. PROCEDURES FOR ON-SITE MEDIA REQUESTS

          "    When the news plan is activated, media will be encouraged to come to the media center in Charlotte.        The   News  Group will    evaluate media  ,

opportunities and select those that enhance understanding of technical  ! information and -perspective of the situation. Depending on the classification and seriousness of the problem, recommendations will be . 1 made to the Emergency Coordinator (plant) or Recovery Manager (CMC) so appropriate media opportunities may be coordinated, o a l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 63


1. News center telephones are to be answered: " News Ce nte r,-----------

speaking. May I help you?" .] i' 2. All calls received from the outside are to be logged on a rumor control i form.

3. If the rumor / question is resolved during the initial conversation, resolution should be indicated'on the form and final-distribution made by J the secretarial team.
4. If follow-up is needed, it is coordinated with the appropriate news group j contact (assistant news director, TSCL, state / county liaison PIO, news  ;

director, media coordinator). Ultimate resolution of rumor is the recovery manager's office.

5. Af ter the resolution, final distribution of the forms is made by the secretarial team to the AND, S/CL PIO, News Center tbs. The secretarial team distributes additional copies as indicated by the AND.


6. Remote location notifications of rumors are made via the telephone by members of the secretarial team.
7. Calls taken at remote locations and resolved at that point are recorded on i a rumor control form. If follow-up is needed a rumor control form is completed by the appropriate news group contact (AND, TSCL, ND, S/CL PIO, MC) for news group use.
8. The procedure for documenting and resolving rumors communicated by means other than the telephone (for example, from a member of the media at the media center) is the same.
9. The secretarial team section head retains copies of the resolved rumors for file.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 64

i i t MEDIA REGISTRATION PROCEDURE To be completed by the Media Registration Coordinator or a designated member of the support group. Outside representatives will be given access only to the media center.' .

1. Assist the security officer by identifying media and other represtatatives .

(i.e., industry and agency personnel) arriving at the media center.

2. Verify identification of all media /other representatives before allowing i entrance into the media center. Representatives may be asked to furnish a photo ID and/or phone number to verify identification.
3. Issue a badge to the representative for the duration of the emergency.
4. Outside representatives must wear their badge at all times and may be asked to reverify their identification if they leave the news center at any time.
5. Maintain a complete record of all representatives entering and exiting the media center, s
          *During emergency drills, participants may be designated as " mock" media representatives for exercise purposes. These players should be regis'.ared according to the procedure and given a green media identification badge.               ,

However, if it's an employee, they should be asked to display their driver's license and not their Duke Power employee I. D card to avoid confusion at security checkpoints where media access is restricted. Media representatives arenn1allowedaccessintonewscenter(EC2-30). \ Rev. 24

                                                        -                 January 2, 1990 Page 65


1. Media monitors log all news programs and EBS messages about the emergency indicating time and-the station.  ;
2. If a media monitor questions the accuracy of a broadcast he/she completes  :

a media monitoring form.

3. The audiovisual team member in the audiovisual studio makes copies of all  :

broadcasts. .

4. The videotapes and the media monitoring forms are 'taken to the technical briefer / media monitoring in the news center.
5. The technical briefer / media monitoring reviews the tape. If there is an inaccuracy, the media monitoring form is forwarded to the assistant news director, the media coordinator and the state / county liaison PIO. .
6. The MC, AND and S/CL PIO coordinate the resolution of the error.

6 l


Rev. 24 l

                                                                                         ' January 2, 1990 Page 66


  • This procedure is to be used for drill or emergency notifications outside the company only.
  • Using the sample messages below, fill in the blanks with the appropriate information as directed by the person who notifies you. Use these messages notify the persons on your call list:
1. This is (name) with Duke Power Company.

We are beginning an emergency preparedness exercise in cooperation with > state and county officials. The exercise will continue through As part of that exercise we are verifying our notification list. (VeMfy thenamesonyourlist.) The exercise is being held in conjunction with the r Nuclear Station. [Aspartoftheexercise,theemergencybroadcastsystem ' will/will not be tested (give time of test).] No action will be required on the part of the public. If I can provide further information, you may contact me at ( Thanks very much for your help. < 1

2. This is (name) with Duke Power Company. As part of our commitment to keep l

I community leaders informed, I wanted to make sure you knew about the l status of (McGuire/ Catawba) nuclear plant. At am/pm, we declared an (alert / site area emergency / general emergency). (Provide other plant L status information, if available) l Your county's emergency preparedness team has been notified .and is in place at its Emergency Operations Center. You can call them for more I l information.* If I can be of further assistance, you may contact me at

            *(TheMcGuire/CatawbaEOClistisonpage123.                  The Oconee EOC list is on f

page232.)l , 4 l l 1 1 1 Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 67 i I l L t _ _I

                                                                                                                                             .y MCGUIRE/ CATAWBA NEWS GROUP NE!WERS Regular Home Phone         Work Phone-            CMC               CMC Phone Position                    Haag                         ,

Number Number 1.scation Number News Director Roberta Bowman 704/373-3208 P9-1237 704/382-0758 Mary Boyd 704/373-2328 Phillip Carter 704/373-2849 EC2-30 - 704/382-0610 Assistant Phillip Carter 704/373-2849 EC2-30 704/382-0610 News Director Andy Thompson 8-831-3600 Roberta Bowman 704/373-3208 Public Spokesperson Hal Tucker 704/373-4531 P9-1237 704/382-0758 Jim Hampton, or 704/373-2542 Tony McConnell, or 704/875-1357 (x.4212) Mike Tuckman 803/882-5363 (x.2211) Monitor L. R. Davison 704/373-5469 P9-1237 704/382-D782 l Media Coordinator Mike Dembeck 704/373-4672 0.J. Miller 704/382-1639 Anne Sheffield 704/373-5054 Support Coordinator Barbara Brown 704/373-2821 EC2-30 704/382-0622 Allison Plyler 704/373-3289 State / County Llafson PIO Mary Boyd 704/373-2328 EC2-30 704/382-0603 Guynn Savage 704/373-4530 Internal Communications Beth Parsons 704/373-8194 EC2-30 704/382-0613' Coordinator Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 68 - = _ _- __ -_- . - - - -. - _ .

                                                                                     - -        ~~       -          -            -

Regular Home Phone Work Phone CMC DE Phone l Wr,zber h tfog Nedper jlma 88==har Position . Internal Ceseunications Paul Viggiano + . .. C., '% ' 704/373-2590 EC2-30 1 _] Coordinator Support ,- .

                                                                                                                   .. J                     704/373-7065           EC2-30         704/382-0616 Catawba Owners Liaison      Bob Carpenter                            f .

Al Neely .~- se, t 373-4857 e1 ' ' d ,- 373-5777

                                    }KenWorkman                                                        '


                                                                               ;                                                            704/373-4740           EC2-30 Governments Coordinator     Rick Deese                                                                                  :

373-8551 Lucinda Trew 7 7 y  ;. /

                                                                    '                                         ~.#                   '2 919/968-2331           EC2-30          919/968-2331 State Government Contact Roy Wall                                                                                                                      EC2-30          704/373-4843 BfIlie Henderson           U<                                                                       704/373-4843
                                                                                                                                        .;; 803/573-1214           EC2-30          803/573-1214 Betty Jean Hudson          ;-                      .

Dan Jones  : . i 803/573-1213

                                                                                                       ,-..             . .C                                                       704/373-8548
                                                                                                                             '@ 704/373-8548                       EC2-30 Don Hatley                              ' . ' .' '

Federal Government ..

. ' 704/373-7243 EC2-30 704/373-7243 Contact Barbara Simpson (prim.t ,-c
                                                                                       .s-                                    .g
f. .

N 704/373-7517 EC2-30 704/373-7517 Judy Sands (alter.) 1 EC2-30 704/373-4098 M. : y " J7 EC2-30 704/382-0615 Investor Communications Jeff Johnson f..h 4: Q: 704/373-5087 1 373-4448 Sharon Wooten 3 n, Coordinator Mark Bottri11 f,~  ; ~. "..:: 373-7914 Sara Lee Epperson /

  • I: ~ M 704/373-4804 0.J. Miller 704/373-5997 Media Registration  : . *
  • 373-7039 Coordinator Dock Kornegay Jan Kelly i
                                                                              ~ Q'*L*I[~~#                                                   704/373-7931 4 -
                                                                                             .,           S
                                                                                               ':-- (.            @q.+ g              .1 Media Registratten Mark,McSwain                  :


                                                                                                          ' b .f                                 373-3080          0. J. Miller    704/373-5997 Coordinator Support                                                .,.

Tracy Yandle


4 j~ - 4 ' ~ ri. . 373-3176

                                                                            ;J Kenn Compton
                                                                                                                                    .            373-2555 Kay Saville Jeremy         Dreier
                                                                                          . [' t$ ,.g                         . "'. [d 373-7974 373-3037 7

Joel Groves =

  • 373-6122 l

yf .x y '#' Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 69 n.._,_.

                                                                                                                                - -=- .


i. ' Regular Home Phone Werk Phone CMC CMC Phone Posit 1on Name Number haber Location Mr _ Technical Briefer Andy Thompson 8-831-3600 0.J. Miller 704/382-1639 i (section head) or sondra Wise 704/373-8537 EC2-30 704/382-0544 l (Rumor Control)  ; (section head) j Joe Maher 373-8323  ; l (section head) John McAlister 373-8182  ; t Anne Sheffield 373-5054 l Al Neely 373-4857 l l

Rick,Deese 373-4740 (Catawba Plan Only) {

l Mike Presnell 373-5400 l l Harvey Deal 706/875-5512 i ! Jesse Swords 704/373-8056 NOTE: The above locations  ! I Lucinda Trew 704/373-8551 and phone numbers apply.  ; to all Technical Briefers. t Cynthia Lipskt 8-875-5604 Guynn Savage 373-4530 David Violette B-828-0225 i r 704/827-7257 Michael Lail 8-875-3526 i Christine Worley 8-875-3551 l l Tom 811ger 8-875-3515 l J Kathleen Mullen - 8-875-3548 Todd Kaish 8-831-3619  ; l Pamela McAnuity 8-828-0264 l j l or 704/827-7257 I 1 i i l  ! l [ i l l 1 i Rev. 24 1 January 2, 1990  ! i Page 70 i

                                                                 - __ =_ =      r__    :. : t w ,== : : :-           = = - -         .= . .- .      - - .'

pg; 7,p1 ikj7 Mig ,

                                                                                            ._.       fg g .;w, gcy:q;~

$ ~ i" q s :_;C:44 ' ' Regulae a *

                                                .1 :

Home Phone Work Phone DC: CMC: Phone Position Name Number **r - Lmcattos sQdser_ Ronnte Nix '704/373-5205 Steven Broer 8-828-0224 or 704/827-7257 Keith Quillen 8-828-0258


or 704/827-7257 Mary K. Scarborough. :373-3107 Glenn Bell 8-831-3613 John Byrd 704/373-7304 Sandra Magee 8-831-3617 Mike Mullen: ~704/373-2812 Rick Harris  ;;704/373-7134-Bryant Kinney- - 8-875-5605 Bf11' Taylor- 704/373-5938 . Additional'Techt' il_ Briefer Suooort: John Wylie 8-875-5001 John Hefner ~

                  . Mark Moore Mike Broome Nally Osborn Pam Simpson' Rev. 24 January 2, 1990
                                                                                         -           Page                                                                                                   ._.       -. - ,            ..
                                                                                                                                                                                          ,, ~ . , .

Regular 1 -

                                                                                                                                                             .Heene Phone    Work Phone                          GIC              CMC Phone -        L' Position                                                            Hang                                            Number      " " er-Location               "- M . -

Technical Seppoft .Glenn Bell 8-831-3613 CNS-Service- !8-831-5888-

                                              ' tenter Liaison
  • Building- '

Catawba Todd Ratsh 831-1843 , = . Technical Support $usie Adams 8-875-5606 IWIS-Service- 8-873-4453-tenter Liaison - Building , 90cGuire Rooms 911, 912 l 913, 914 1 Mary kathryn scarborong 373-3107 i Bryant Kinney- 8-875-5605 ..


torporate tenaudications 704/373-4900 . CMS-302-B. 704/373-4900  : Switchboard .; Audiovisual I Pat Payne '704/373-4708 0.J. Miller '704/386-1639: Coordinator i a j J Rev. 24 January 2. 1990 Page 72

-- m _ _ m                                                ______m_.___

_ _ __ _ . -,- . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . , _ _ _ . _ m _ _ __

~, .~ ;g s Regular.- .

                                                          .Home Phone         Work, Phone              DC                  CMC Phone     'y fosition                     Hamt      ,

Number N -8=r Location Number-- 1 -

  • ~
   - Audiovisual                 Pearl McBride'-                             704/373-7932           0.J.' Miller        704/382-1639L i coordtnator                  Bret Murphree                               704/373-8578           0.J. Mtlier         704/382-1639?

Support Mickie Stevens' 8-873-3544- 0.J. Miller 704/382-1639 ., or 704/875-5000 .j 4 Tony Barnes~ .8-873-3507 0.J. Miller '704/382-1639 ,; or 704/875-5000 Buddy Bradshaw 8-873-3567 0.J. Miller 704/382-1639 : .; or.704/875-5000 ' j Radio and Television Tom Grantham 704/373-7675 AV Studio- '704/373-4055 Monitor CHS-4: i

Pam Taylor. 704/373-5468- AV Studio 704/373-4055 CHS-4 ..

] Carol Barrett 7'04/373-2864 -AV Studio 704/373-4055 , I CHS-4 i Sam Kennedy .704/373-5062 AV Studio 704/373-4055 l CHS-4.. Kathy Merlo -704/373-8400 AV Studio- 704/373-4055 i i CHS j AV Studio 704/373-4055 . ; Wanda sinclair 704/373-5014 i ' CHS-4 j Kenn C g ton 704/373-2555 CHS-4 CHS-4  ; i n

                                                                                                            "Rev.' 24-      .

January 2, 1990 Page 73.


_g.__ . - -

                                                                                                                         = _ _ _         _;

7..- llegular - . Work Phone  ? Cpt . CMC Please . . . Home Phone Number Mr Location Needser - f)

           ' Position                    Ha!!!n 704/373-2877'          EC2            '704/382-0611 Secretarial Teen            Beverly Gordon
Wilma-Kinard 704/373-3140.

EC2-30 704/382-0617.- George Dersey.. 704/373-7303-LaDonna Michael . 8-831-3612 Sylvia Lineberger 704/373-6155 Ann Blinn: _

                                                                                                      -704/373-8202 Tricia Hill                                                    704/373-5710                                                    ;

Anita Haynes 704/382-0584 Mary Fortanbary 704/875-5601

                                                                                                       ~704/373-7306          EC2-30               704/382-0617- 1 Set-Up Coordtnator          0tane Savage                                                                         EC2-30               704/382-0617-George Dorsey                                                  704/373-7303 Carol-Higgins                                                  704/373-7760 Myra Davis                                                     704/373-4707 Additional Support Other CNC Support           Murray Craven                                                  704/373-7305 Ken Clark                                                     704/373-7302 Vice President of Corporate Communications EC2-30               704/382-0627-News Group Telecopy                                                                                                                   704/382-0668 Nisabers                                                                                                                              704/382-0669.

EC2-30 704/382-0667 State / County Telecopy Number Rev. 24-January 2, 1990-Page 74

                                                              - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . .         . _ _ . _              ._ ._ , i  , _ _ _ _ _ _                __

1- - e


1. MCGUIRE ONLY Regular Work tMC Time  :

Phone No. Phone No. Called ' Mecklenbero County

           . Wayne Broome              704/336-2412         704/336-3333               -

or Jerry Wilson "

                                      ~704/366-4204 (telecopy)

Gaston County Bob Phillips 704/866-3243 704/866-3300 or Martin Chriscoe 704/866-3265 704/866-4150 (telecopy) Lincoln County Bob Willis 704/732-3361 x268 704/735-8202 or Kathy Adcock 704/732-9000 704/735-0273 (telecopy) ,


or 704/732-6505 Iredell County Larry Dickerson 704/878-3038- 704/878-3039 704/878-3032 (telecopy) Catawba County David Yount 704/465-8230 704/464-3112 Charles Doty 704/464-7880 704/465-1220 (telecopy) Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 75 4


   ;     State /tnunty Liaisen PID' Telenhone Directerv (cont'd.)

I 2. CATAWBA DNLY . Regular Work CMC Time Phone No. Phone No. Called J charlotte /Mecklenburo Co. Wayne Broome 704/336-2412 704/336-3333 or Jerry Wilson 704/336-4204 (telecopy) Gaston County Bob Phillips 704/866-3243 704/866-3300. er Martin Chriscoe 704/866-3265 i 704/886-3355(telecopy) l York County Cotton Howell 803/329-7270 803/329-1116 or Ann Connolly. 803/329-7270 803/329-1116 803/324-7420(telecopy) South Carolina State

  • Edith Caudie 803/734-0425 803/782-4882 Russ " Chip" McKinney 803/734-0428 803/734-8020 (Governor's P ess 803/734-0486 (telecopy)

Secretary) Paul Lunsford 803/734-8020 803/787-8032

3. Catawba and McGuire .

L North Carolina State (GrahamWilson 919/733-5027 704/372-9788

              \or Jim Sughrue              919/733-2520          919/733-3867 919/733-2096 (telecopy) p l-               NC Hiahwav Patrol          919/733-3861 Communications 1   1 1

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 76 1

I CATAWBA' DWNERS LI AISDN (COL) TELEPHONE DIRECTORY j Office Home Time Draan12ation/ Individual Telenhone 'Telenhone Called . I

1. North Carolina Municipal Power Anency Number 1 Primary: D. N. Cameron 803/831-3403 Alternate: A. L. Hubert 919/832-9924
2. North Carolina Electric -g Membershio Coro.

Primary: J. F. Brown 803/831-3668-Alternate: Doug Leary 919/872-0800 e

3. Saluda River Electric Coonerative. Inc.

Primary: Joe Mulholland 803/682-3169 , Alternate: Charles Guerry 803/682-3169

4. Piedmont Municipal Power Aaenev Primary: Jim Bauer 803/877-9632 Alternate: Joe Lanford 803/329-7012 803/329-7007(telecopy) t i

i Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 77 l i h

t. -

1 i i



1. Request vice presidents in affected plant area ask them to continue l calling as designated on " telephone tree p. 79 - McGuire and p. 80 - .j Catawba.



Bob Neel 704/373-8091

4. CATAWBA ONLY Office Home Time Wv11e Hvdro Telechone .
                                                                                     .                       Called J. A. Sistare                           8-366-0215                 6.44.                gr . ,                          ,

803/366-4212 ^. M @;c p" Allen Steam Station - M .. . " Primary: John Calhoun 8-825-0210 _ i M ,.1 - :.[1 . , i

                                                                         '                                                 l 8-825-0211                           .-

704/825-2022' i. 4 -$ ~ ~ * /

   . Alternate: Eddie Wilson                 8-825-0213                 P s:;.
  • y ' I 704/825-2022 .. , ,
5. MCGUIRE ONLY ~ gA.. . . . . . . :i.7, .

Cowans Ford Hvdro ' V' E Primary: Carl E. Robinson 872-0200 4 y if; 4 Alternate: Jan McCall 872-0200 f .c c; m.$r . A f r.- 8 .,;.~..~ Mountain Island Hydro ';(. ' ,.((:h , y Primary: C. A. Wright' 704/827-2311 ..,/ .;lg g 3 g.g. 3-7494 i- - J~ j:D.: A Alternate: Carl E. Robinson 704/827-5141 Ifp: 'Q dyja.c d.4i; Riverbend Steam Station "C $'d ^ Primary: Bob Carpenter 704/827-4931 .y * ,,', Alternate: W. B. Kensey 704/827-4931 T [ fi;

                                                             =. cp.sgv. { y E!.'L i f Marshall Steam Station                                  u 6 1;;g"y .;..d p             .

Primary: Buddy E. Davis 704/478-2121 *6 + . . &W 8-478-0215  :' T?;X ?.i. $.2../ Jg$!;q.Y". Alternate: Peggy Lutz 704/478-2121  : C . 8-478-0214  : ib .G L A Allen Steam Station $~: WIPse.# jj Primary: John Calhoun 8-825-0210  % fg$'k.N Alternate: Eddie Wilson 8-825-0213 1[ y.f$$ Construction & Maintenance Deet. - North ' i Primary: Ray Hollins Alternate: Heward W 11 ace 704/875-5159 704/875-5138 1 , j,

                                                                                     ,1 , . ;

Rev. 24 l January 2, 1990 Page 78 = ~

lf 2 tutessel Cesassisstless Coorillaster IICC)

        @Y                                                                                                                                     .

tasmal Comenenloseene Osonanoner j l -

                                                                                                                                                 't I                                                I vlee pieelsent Chstees Dowseon                                       i vise Noenleed Cental Dorsuon                                                                                       ;

JohnMenend p. g, weet, Jr, 7Dv373 4481 elke 7tW373 7sce ones M home WEleananas home .

                                                                                                                                                      ,I I                             I Wenecer / Mooreovele                        !

MmegeriGasona Datet Manager /IQmnapote Tim Homemen 8,tek penanmery 1 w Han 6 064 3030 necroweve 8868 5000nusroweve 0 7as.oooo nusomove teneomes Itwe64 7711 omce 70v70s 7306 omos musIENuesomecome m nome - t I l htmager / Osvuteen ManagerILauemson Manager Iteseemer Cwy ===== Diana Sempeen . { 08enn Penser, Jr, Joe Souther 941 meroweve == 6 866-4620 me W3000 omee e ek2.EO: .!Me21,*a'e . Men / W Hoey sTroutnen Bet %nt ertenbe g .L~~ i

            ~ . .m.en     -e                  --      ti.ll G .wmen
                                                      .            m,      e                                   _._

gesic,,e AgiGAT,,e l l l I Ahomete Centeete I Conteet Anemete Omes Nome F.L West Jr. Boo Neet 70 4 73 4091 . JWe Menend Aten Fry 74W373 4208 i. , , Doug Trusadete 7tW37 H 062 1heHeesman as chneten 704ns67 sos 74 scam uncre 7tw7en-7eas pone Hart Jon sorten 7eMaas 3322 sehe Henson 7ose n tses

         . caskPerareary emm Perner.Jr.         Jerry seren            7tw373 essa Joe souver             Jon sertan              7twaas 2322                            _

em Geomm Gary thn N27 9462 Rev. 24 , asem J. Terry Meronwaimeen ~bTvesaae 7 January 2, 1990

                                                                                                        -~~ Page 79 l

Q' (

       .3-             tuternet Cosmoselcstless Secrtissier (ICC)                                                                                                            . ( a I namensi censiwniassens coeresumer 3 J l ^ I 1

                                                           =,.      oner ca   o.r n                     e
                                                                                                          . set ,.ews.e onde.n e

horne  ; I I ,

                                              / Gessne                                        / Lenomeser 7



l 4; I I

                                                                                                                                             / Fort Mig Manager / Clover -                                   Mweger / York chenee S.Piemmens                                       Suer        n Broech                                                                                                3 547. 7 emee 8     7006 meroweve                                  3 sSe3 er 8 2857004 nomousve                                          uw W

9 s l i: i

1 1'

amenisse conmete Anemste Omco Nome centest ' JennHosend Asen Fry 7DM73 42e8 Doug Trusadene 7tw3754062 aan New . Tous7> cost l P. E. west. Jr. Deve Hart Joe serzen 70*s2s asz2 l Jeek Somer Pad Morgen e 2s>7143 l c' 003/2BS4171 ' P somy aronen cherwe a pommons so n s+sese An=riousson soussesso l7 chwien s. Pwmmens An=rto e n so m stesse Rev. 24 00M472 coy January 2, 1990 M Mergen GeneJervmon Page 80

                                                                                                                                   ~ . .


1 l l GOVERNMENTS CDORDINATOR (GC) TELEPHONE DIRECTORY CALL LIST Office Home CMC Time Telechone Teleehone Teleohone Called

1. Senior Commanv Officer .
                                                                                 ..g"              ..,-y          --;

Warren Owen 704/373-4120 R - 1 M t 704/382-0719 Rick Priory 704/373-5959 - 4. ? ;: S. 704/382-0719 Jim Grogan 704/373-4881 <

                                                                                                      - ' . ~pp..i,f 704/382-0719
      ' John Holland                       704/373-4451                           $^'j.i J j 704/382-0719 y= ~.'Np.;c .%

I. Steve Griffith 704/373-4380 l NN .I -M h:,.

3. MCGUIRE Galernment_0fficials U' '


                                                                            ;c               y ;                     -
                                                                                                                           . .. e,;

Primary: Gary Wh1tener 704/245-1621 Alternate Bob Hibbitts 704/322-4171 .M-l."r~ '. ~h $. . ;j6[$

                                                                              .d ;.?.. " '3,                 . :s            t GASTON COUNTY                                                          ,

y ,; .s4 %. s

                                                                                                                              ;. .jy a,             - ,                .-           -y Primary:    David Ward             704/864-3403 S i E '                                                   "..'e Alternate:    Phillip Hinley        704/866-3102<,;* $ J.-

c:. . , .

                                                                                                            .. .               . .g
                                                                            '7'"1 !                                            T GASTONIA                                                                                   .;

l '.h 81.o 704/867-1113:.','j1' J * .: Primary: G. B. Garland - Alternate: Gary Hicks 704/866-6719 .l ~..4 ~ $ ~(

                                                                              ~ q;'J;:ifg;j[8"
                                                                             .. ;;      j ., '- Q:.,, ;p%(        -


                                                                                                    .~.                  :;

Primary: Charles Black, Jr. 704/827-2582 :. c.>.-..v..?f.' ' Alternate: Faye Little 704/827-4022 f.; ", Aid ?r ex : xt STANLEY l k.. ' i #/W 9' y pI Se.,

                                                                                                            ? .s s'-s
                                                                                      ?]$l.           4 Primary:     William S. Withers 704/263-4241                                 m' e. * 'F                                   =

704/263-4777 , (Town Hall) i f 6-E d l Rev. 24 q January 2, 1990 f< Page 81 [ [

                                        . . _ . . _ - - - - - - - _ . _ .--               _ _ _                                        m ,___ _..

I nevernments coordinator Telenhone Directory (cont'd) .t Office Home Time Person /Groun Te Contact Telenhone Teleobone Called 3 MCGUIH Government Officials (cont'd) t IREDELL COUNTY 3 .; .e... , ,' Primary: R. B. Sloan 704/873-5241 e t ; .! .p.fJ.

        . Alternate: Alice Stewart      704/585-6644      i '; (.[H[.          .:, ,w b f,a LINCOLN COUNTY                                   f,.. g$gj((.;

j .. Primary: Jerry Cochrane 704/732-1151 I I Alternate: Joe Kiser 704/276-1200 a -f* .

                                                                             @@F  t, ,
                                                                                        .E C.
                                                       . . , . 7 L ' *';                  "if             ..

DENVER A". V . .v . t. y g. s;. 7 .c Primary: Jean Dellinger N , 704/827-1785nM4 $g i. i. . ..: MECKLENBURG COUNTY ' ;+. IM .Df .. C. . Primary: Gerald Fox 704/336-2472 ! , [ c<. .My . Alternate: Carla Dupuy 704/336-2472 g t

                                                                                   . . ' . ;. :9.


                                                          ..[nDAQp           ...:
                                                                                 'l '.a: .
                                                                                                      >3# " Cl.",

M ; - J .: Primary: Wendell White 704/336-2241 W g ny :. ; Alternate: Don Steger 704/336-3186 if.2 ; M %. '

         . Alternate:   Sue Myrick                                         shgh,.Q u                        4 gy CORNELIUS                     704/336-2244     , j.y.J.f. ..

g& ? y

l(4.9+ A Q Q Harold Little
                                                             %g'.9 Primary:                     .704/892-4011                                                   .

Alternate: Charlie VanHoy 704/892-6031 =

  • i.4 .)

p% 4 DAVIDSON ~: s

                                                         ;%                             'u' Primary:     Russell B. Knox   704/892-0196"                                . M M.

Alternate: Bill Brannon 704/892-7591 Jr4 y~ .* Lt ,-c.;9,9 Qi

g. ,


                                                             .3je :.... r,.             C -. 4fw l

Primary: Drew Saunders 704/596-8790Nif$@,h$N 98 Alternate: Steve Carpenter 704/875-6541 biUM ',

                                                               . %g.M                                 i i

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 82 v

                                                                                                                           -. _ m
           . . . . . _ . . - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . . _ . _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ __ _                                             _ . _ __   ~


                      ' Revernments' Coordinator Teleohone Directory (cont'd)                                                                                                '

Office Home Time Person /Groue To Contact Teleohone Telenhone Called

                        '4 ,       CATAWBA Government Officials                                                                                                              ,i J

GASTON COUNTY 1 rI Primary: C. David Ward, Jr. 704/864-3403 -) Alternate: Phillip Hinley 704/866-3100 GASTONIA Primary: G. B.' Garland 704/864-2634  ! Alternate: Gary Hicks 704/866-6719 MECKLENBURG COUNTY l Primary:- Gerald Fox 704/336-2472 Alternate: Carla Dupuy 704/336-2472 CHARLOTTE Primary: Wendell White- 704/336-2241 - Alternate: Don Steger 704/336-3186' Alternate: Sue Myrick 704/336-2244 PINEVILLE . Primary: Charles Yandell 704/889-2291 , Alternate: Jack Thrower 704/889-2231. (Pineville Police Dept., Meck. Co. Car #24) ,1 or 704/336-3333 YORK COUNTY  ;, l. Primary: Caldwell A. Barron 803/327-5622 Alternate: David Vipperman 704/329-9700 CLOVER i

t. "

Primary: Jack Westmoreland 803/222-4501 Alternate: John Bailey 803/222-3626  !: l FORT MILL ,! Primary: Charles Powers 704/889'2611 Alternate: Chief Kimbrell 803/547-2022 4 hour) Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 - Page 83



          !Revernments Coordinator Teleobone Directory (cont'd)                                                              (

Office Home Time I Parson /Greue Te Contact Teleohone Teleohone Called i 4, CATAWRA Government Officials (cont'd) [ ROCK HILL  !!

                                                                         .n        >m v .                                       [

Primary: ' Betty Jo Rhea 803/329-7011 $ ,shi,(-f :_,4 . '. L Alternate: Joe Lanford 803/329-7012 - ' . # .'.'.- Ana.

                                                                                 -                                              3 TEGA CAY                                          f :., . .(,5 ((d
                                                                 .           a             8 ,, - y                             l:

Primary: Jean Varner 803/548-3512-; .cg '.

                                                                      .;* I J-         '     AQ                                 >:

i! Alternate: - Shirley Mcdonald -803/548-3512 . or Bill Hargrove 803/548-3500 $,$,s-m

                                                                                           ~...? ;.' .::"[d                      ti
                                                                      # i  '!'2' ..lI          -

YORv Eugene L. Barnwell 803/684-2341 h:':. ,'L's .T.?..:k-&

  • f Primary: ,

803/684-4911 ~- "ly;_". A ;., Alternate: Roddey Connoly .#ff s, . .,.

                                                                                             ~;. O:.?          _.

c m. I si e h I! 1 lll I r I Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 84 a . . _ __n


1. MCGUIRE ONLY Wumbers Called -

k Catawba & Iredell Senate i Austin M. A11ran Raleigh Office: 919/733-5876 H Hickory Office: 4 2-5473

                                      -Hickory Home.           -

Howard F. Bryan Raleigh Office: 919/733-5783 i Statesville Offic - -0501 r Statesville Home: -.


W. Stine Isenhower Raleigh Office: 919/733-5903 Newton Office: 704/464-0811 Conover Home: Il Doris R. Huffman Raleigh Office: - 8


Newton Home: - - Iredell House l,; ' C. Robert Brawley Raleigh Office: 919/733-5931 Mooresville Office: 704/664-1502 Mooresville Home: 9 3:3l l: v. ^ - -

           'Lois S. Walker              Raleigh Office:-      919/733-5907 Statesville Home:

Cabarrus House Clayton Loflin Raleigh Office: 919/733-5753 _. Monroe Office: 704/289-4554 ' Monroe llome: Bobby Harold Barbee, Sr. Raleigh Office: 919/733-5908 Locust Office: 704/888-4423 Locust Home: M-Coy C. Privette Raleigh Office: 919/733-5868 Raleigh Business Kann Home: Timothy N. Tallent Raleigh Office: 919/733-5900 Charlotte Office: 3 Concord Home: s . Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 85

 ;. 9                                             --                                       _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - -

tc state Government Contact Teleohone List (cont'd) ' Phone Time ' Numbers' Called

1. MCGUIREONLY(cont'd)

Rowan Senate. , I Paul 3. Smith Raleigh Office: 919/733-5653 Salisbury Of fice: Salisbury Home. Betsy.L. Cochrane Raleigh Office: 33-7850 s Advance Home. f: Rowan House ,

             . Charlotte A. Gardner     Raleigh Office:               733-5904                                 ;[

Salisbury Home: e

                                                                                                            .i Bradford V. Ligon-        Raleigh Office:           919/733-5662 Salisbury Office:         704/279-3059 Salisbury Home:         Q<
2. MCGUIRE AND CATAWBA g eklenbura Senate ..

James C. Johnson, Jr. Raleigh Office: 919/733-5708 C Concord Office: 704/788-3142 Concord Home: James F. Richardson Raleigh Office: 919/7 -5620 .n Charlotte Home: C . T. Fountain Odum Raleigh Office: 919/733-3272 Charlotte Office: 704/372-4800 u Charlotte Home: Lawrence A. Cobb Raleigh Office: 919/733-5742

                                       . Charlotte Office:        704/375-1431 Charlotte Home:                               "                    'l L                                                                                                           i    )

hl 6 Rev. 24 , January 2, 1990 Page 86 l'


state Government contact Telenhone Directory (cont'd) lf Phone Time i Numbert Called


Mecklenbura HoRit h John B. McLaughlin ale h f ce: David Balmer Raleigh Office: 919/733-5901 Charlotte Office: 704/334-2849 , (

  • Charlotte Home: '

o Larry Diggs Raleigh Office: 919/733-5867 Mint Hill Office: v 704 847-0401 l Mint Hill Home: p Ruth M. Easterling Raleigh Office: 919 733-5601 Charlotte Home: n

         'W. Pete Cunningham          Raleigh Office:       919/733-5755                                           H Charlotte Office:     704/394-0919 Charlotte Home: ^                       -

Jo-Graham _ Foster _ Raleigh Office: 919/733-2962 ' Charlotte Home: - ,; Noward C. Barnhill Raleigh Office: 28 Charlotte Home-6.

           . Harry C. Grimmer         Raleigh Office:       919/733-5778                                          o Matthews Office:             -8823 Matthews Home.                                                              ,,

Gaston & Lincoln Senate 3: t: J. Ollie Harris' 9 I C' 4 ,. I Helen Rhyne Marvin ale Ofc , j ii Marshall A. Rauch al g 0 f ce' Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 87 I

l 4


Phone Time , Numbers [allgd

                     - Gaston & Lincoln House J. Vernon Abernethy           Raleigh Office:                                    919/733-5776                              ' ,!.

Gastonia Office: Belmont Home: Doris Lail Raleigh Office: 919/733-5855 Lincolnton Office: 57 Lincolnton Home: ' Jonathan L. Rhyne, Jr. Raleigh Office: 919/733-5609 Lincolnton Office 1423 1 Lincolnton Home: i W. W. Dickson- Raleigh Office: 919/733-5602 Gastonia Office: 704 741 Gastonia Home:


Cherokee / York Senate . Harvey S. Peeler, Jr. Columbia Office: 803 ' 8 i Columbia Home. Gaffney Office: 8 ,

                                                    =Gaffney Home:                                    q                    .

York Sonate  !

                                                                                                                    ..                                    i John C. Hayes, III            Columbia Office                                    803/734-2848 oc                  i                       oe Lancaster/ York Senate Caldwell T. Hinson            Columbia Office:                                             - 855 Lancaster Home:                                       1-Chester/Fairfield/ Cherokee / Union Senate                                                                                     i John A. Martin                Columbia Office:                                   803/734-2789 Winnsboro Office:                                  8        5-4912 Winnsboro Home:                                     -
                                                                                                             .E                                          e Rev. 24 January 2, 1990                h Page 88

[ 4;(( # I w : - , , , -

         - State Government Contact Teleohone Directory (cont'd)                                                                                         j Phone                                 Time Numbers                                called Kershaw/ Chesterfield Senate Donald'H. Holland                                                          Columbia Office:      803/734-2753                               ,
                                                                                                           ' ~

4 en oe Chester/Fairfield House Timothy C. Wilkes Columbia Office: 803/734-3044 I Winnsboro Office: 803/256-7444 Winnsboro Home: Union House-Toney L. Farr Columbia Office: 803/734-2997 i Union Office: 8 427-8065- . Union Home. - Chester/Lancaster/ York House Paul E. Short, Jr. Columbia Office: 803/734-2967 Columbia Home: 803/252-0845 est Lancaster House

               ~ William D. Bean                                                           Columbia Office:       803/734-2968-6-

Columbia Home: , Heath Sp'gs. Office: 803/273-2271 ' ' Heath Spgs. Home: James H. Hodges Columbia Office- s03/734-2969 Lancaster Office: ' Lancaster Home: .l t i


4 Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 89 1 t

m l state Government Contact Telenhone Directorv (cont'd)- ' Phone Time-Numbers Called York House , Robert Wesley Hayes, Jr. Columbia Office: 803/734-3074 Rock Hill Office- - 04 Rock Hill Home. - Herbert Kirsh Columbia Office: 3071 Columbia Home. Clover Office: 80 701-9 Clover Home: J.NQQg ;; - J. H. Nesbitt Columbia Office; 803/7 3073 Fort Mill Home: Samuel R. Foster Colum Of e:

  • Rock Hill Office: 8-2929 Rock Hill Home.

Che'sterfield/Kershaw/Lancaster House , Paul M. Burch Columbia Office: 803/734-2970 Pageland Office: 803/67 - 430 Pageland Home. P I t 4 Rev. 24 i January 2, 1990 4 Page 90 i, m,_


 ,                                                                                                                        i s


               ' 3. Senator Terry Sanford Washington Gffice:         202/224-3154                             - #

Paul Vick . Washington Home: i (Administrative: Asst.). Durham Home:-

                                                                                                                        .n Mary Alice Simmons              Raleigh Office:                         1                           'l (OfficeManager)     Raleigh Home:                                                        >!

1: n h

2. Senator Jesse Helms Washington Office: 202/224-6342 -

Clint Fuller Washington Home: E (Administrative Asst.) U e Frances Jones Raleigh Office: 630 0 (District Raleigh Home: p Office Rep.) - u

3. Senator Ernest Hollings Washington Office: 202/224-6121 l' Ashley Thrift Washington home:

h Mary Winton Huges Washingtoa Home:  ; Bernard Meng Columbia Office: 5731 _ (District Columbia Home- 1; Office Rep.) . y

             .4.         Senator Strom Thurmond     Washington Office:         202/224-5972                              ll District Office:           803/765-5496                              i (Columbia,SC)                                                        ,j Duke Short, AA             Washington Office:                224   72 Washington Home:
                        ' Warren Abernathy          Spartanburg Home:

(District Office Rep.) Columbia Office: 803/76 6


l ,. o l l l' l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 91 ,

             -       -.      .-                                                                  . - ~          , _
    ,         _      ._     .          _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ .                                          . _..                                                   _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ~ . _ . . _ _ _-
           ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             s I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -p1 H                - Federal Government Conimet Teleohone Directory (cont'd) l-Phone                                                                                                                                Time Numbers                                                                                                                               called                                                       g
5. Rep. David Price Washington Office: 202/225-1784 h Gene Conti Washington Home:

(AdministrativeAsst.) r> Joan Ewing' . Raleigh Office: 56-4611 ,~ (District Raleigh Home. OfficeRep.) g f

6. Rep. Howard Coble Washington Office: -202/225-3065 }

Ed Mcdonald Virginia Home: (Administrative Asst.) q

                                                                                                                                                                                     - 005 Chris Beaman                                Greensboro Office-                                                                                                                            -                                                   h:

(DistrictOffice Greensboro Home: l Rep.) n il

7. Rep. Cass Ba11enger Washington Office: 202/225-2576 Patrick Murphy, AA Washington Home:

Hickory Office: 4 Tommy Luckadoo 100 Hickory Home. h (DistrictOffice ' Rep.)

8. Rep. Jamie Clarke Washington Office: 202/225-6401 Washington Home:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               -                                                     'i Dennis Clark                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .

(Administrative Asst.) , 4 Asheville Office: 4-1747 0 Terry Garren (District Office Asheville Home: -


Rep.) 1\

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     '1 1

l i I l L- Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 , Page 92 r+. . .-.-m - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - - - -

i Federal Government Contatt Teleobone Directorv'(cont'd) , Phone Time Numbers called 9._ Rep. W. G. Hefner. Washington Office: 202/225-3715 Bill McEwen Washington Home: (Administrative Asst.) ,i, Virginia Jochems Concord Office: 704/933-1615 ' (District Office Rep.) or Concord Home: ,f

10. Rep. Alex McMillan Washington Office: 202/225-1976 Charlotte Home: -M-Pat Hinshaw ' Virginia Home: -
                                                                                                      . ,j Bob Morgan                   Charlotte Office-            -

L76 (District Director) Charlotte.Home: A.  ! Rep. Stephen (,Neal l

          -11.                                 Washington Office:   202/225-2071 Robert Wrigley               Washington Home:
(Administrative Asst.)

j J. W. Phillips- Winston-Salem Office: 7 '.-3125

                       .( t ict                Lexington Home:

< Office i

12. Rep. Tim Valentine Washington Office -4531
                 -Ed Nagy                      Washington Home:           .-

(Administrative Asst.) A. B. Swindell, IV Rocky Mount Offic - 4 -1147 (Oistrict Office Rep.) Nashville Home:  : i 9 m Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 , Page 93 .

        ,                                                                                                    I/

T l Federal Government Contact Telechone Directorv (cont'd) I Phone Time ' Numbers Called I!

13. Rep. Liz Patterson Washington Office: 202/225-6030 (4th District, S.C.) ([ .

Rita Hayes Washington Home- '! ij (Administrative Asst.) Rock Hill Home: 4 Theron Famer Greenville Office: 803/23 141 ' (DistrictAdmin.) Greenville Home. i

14. Rep. Butler Derrick Washington Office: 202/225-5301 b)

(3rd District, S.C.)  !! Leo Coco . Washington Home: (Administrative Asst.) Barbara Gaines Anderson Office: _ 4-7401 'fi < (District Office Rep.) Anderson Home . 9

15. Rep. John Spratt Washington Office: 202/225-5501' Il o

(5th District, S.C.)


Ellen Buchanan Washington Home:


i! (Administrative Asst.) ll 7-1114 d Robert Hopkins Rock Hill Office: . (District Office Rep.)-Rock Hill Home: . I i: i! H


h i I Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 94 3 M na ~ _

         ..e    . . . _ _ . . . . _ . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _                  _ . _ . _ _ _    _

E y TECHNICAL BRIEFER INDUSTRY / AGENCY CONTACTS TELEPHONE DIRECTORY I Office Home Time " Dreanitation/ Individual Telechone Telenhene _ Called

1. Institute of Nucleae Power Ooerations (INPO)

Primary: Angie Howard. 404/980-3216 L. Alternate: HOTLINE 404/953-0904 or 404/953-0922

2. U.S. Council for Enerav Awareness f*

Primary: Scott Peters 202/293-0770 Paul Turner 202/293-0770 Alternate: NUMARC DUTY OFFICER t

              -3. EPRI Nuclear Safety Analvsis Center (NSAC c

Primary: Milt Klein 415/855-2680 . Alternate: Dick Claeys- 415/855-2251 z

             .4.      American Nuclear Society (ANS)

L Primary: EMERGENCY 312/352-6814

                                           . MESSAGE d

(24-hour) L 5. Edison Electric Institute (EEI) i Primary:~ Gloria Quin 202/778-6659 - Alternate: Tom Kallay 202/778-6661 r

6. Westinchouse V
                                                                                                                                       'l L                      Primary:                Mimi Limbach 412/642-3341 l                      Alternate: Mike Stock                             412/642-3424                   -

h li e 6-I,


t I Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 95 ,

                                      . - . -                .                  -. .-  . . - . . - - -.           - - . - .    .      --        . .    ~ -

I Technical Briefer Media Notification tall list 1 n .. For_ an emer9ency or drill at Oconee, call numbers preceeded by dash (--) first, Y for an emergency or drill at McGuire or Catawba, call numbers without dash first. fl 1

                                                                                                  .                                      Time Called                             '.

Name'& Address Contact Phone Number 1.* CHARLOTTE DBSERVER (AM) Rich Oppel, Editor 704/379-6500 9; Charlotte, NC 28201 Doug Clifton, Mg, Ed. o 3 Rich Oppel-home o I 2. WROQ Frank Laseter, News Dir. 704/393-6397 H Charlotte, NC 28216 News Room p Frank Laseter-home or -

               .WPEG                                          Chester Williams, Gen. Mgr.                 704/786-9111                                                        l Concord, NC 28025                                        .

or 704/786-9112 - il Samantha Thompson, News Dir.  % 4."

               'GASTONIA GAZETTE ~(PM)                        Jenny Palmer, Editor                                            -

93 Gastonia, NC 28052 Jenny Palmer - home or. .I d Martha Stokes - City Editor or 4-3291 Martha Stokes - home or d Tr

5. "

SALISBURY POST (PM) Steve Bouser, Editor 704/633-8950

               ' Salisbury, NC '28144                                                                        x245                                                        c Jason Lesley                          or 704/633-8950:                                                   -)

x256 '

                                                                                                                                                                        -l Steve Bouser-home                     or Jason Lesley-home                    _o                                                                   i
                ' ENTERPRISE (PM)                              Joe Brown, Editor                          919/841-5700                                                  ,

l or 919/887-1341 High Point, NC 27261 , Ken Irons or 919/841-5700 Ken Irons-home or 919/621-6760 a 7.* l WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL (AM) Joe Goodman, Managing Editor 919/727-7277 { t Sylvia Lane or 919/727-7234 l Jim Laughrun or 919/7 Winston-Salem, NC 27102 Joe Goodman-home or l Sylvia Lane-home or  ; Jim Laughrun - home or a m AM ,

                  ** = PM                                                                                                                                               i i,

Rev. 24 ' January 2, 1990 Page 96 _ ,y .c r , s x

                             , __   -           -~e     ,            , . , ,                               -    2           -       -               _.
    ?       .
                        ._ Technical Briefer Media' Notification Call List' 1 (cont'd)

Time Name & Address. Contact _ Phone Number Called J

                   ~ 8.

WYFF-TV Lee Brown, Ng. Ed. - 300

                    . Greenville,3C 29602          Lee Brown-home                       o John Harris, News Dir.               or' 803/240-5251 Kevin Ragan-home                    .or                                                     ,.

Lee Brown-home- or

                   -- 9.             .

WSPA-TV News Room - 24 hrs / day .803/576-7777 6 Spartanburg, SC 29304 Tony Jamison or 803/576-1818 V huck Edmundson or /868-3773 i Tony Jamison - home or l Tom Crabtree or 10.* NEWS & OBSERVER (AM) Claude Sitton,. Editor 919/829-4510

                         .Raleigh, NC 27602            Hunter George                        or             9-4515     ~

o Hunter George-home or l Claude Sitton-home or

                   -- 11.                                                                                    .
WSNW J.'A. Gallimore, Manager 803/882-2388' Seneca, SC' 29679 Wayne Ga111more-home or
                   - 12 yg6g.                        George Allgood, News Dir.

Walhalla, SC- 29691 or Jerry Dyar /638-3616 ~f George Allgood-home o Jerry Dyar-home or

                   -- 13.                                                                                                                          ;

L WTLT (FM) Pete Butler, News Dir. B03/859-4401 Easley, SC 29640 Smokey Smith or 1 P

                                 -                      Pete Butler-home                    or l
                   -- 14.                                                                                                                             .

LIBERTY MONITOR David Phillips, Editor 803/843-9378 'j Liberty, SC 29657- Robert Rogers - David Phillips-home or Robert Rogers-home or I

                              . . AM                                                                                                                8
                           ** = PH Rev. 24 January 2, 3990 Page 97 1,:._ .                                                                        -                                                 ~ ~ ~

4 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _.____,___, , ,, W' y , t ( ' Technical Briefer Media Notification Call List 2 For an emergency or drill at'Oconee, call numbers preceeded by dash (--) first. For an emergency or drill at McGuire or Catawba,: call numbers without dash first.. n


Time Name & Address Contact Phone Number Called News Room . 914

                 . WBTV.                                                                                                                     e Charlotte, NC 28208                       Mamie Jo Harrell-home                        o Al Hineman-home                              or Bill Foy-home-                              or                                          (

Fred Gent-home or, 1j John Stokes-News Dir. Tony Renaud- VP/GM h t' SOC News' Room 704/335-4842 e Charlotte, NC 2B201 Mark Ramsey, News Director t i.

                  - 3.**

O Terry Plumb. Ed, 000

                  - ROCK HILL HERALD (PM).

Rock Hill, SC- 29730 Terry Plumb-home or, Sula Pettibon-home or Mang..Ed. Roger Sovde, Gen. Mgr -home or It after 5 or 1-800-86 ter five) 4.- - 8


k Hill, SC 29731 y mel / p , 5.** L DAILYINDEPENDENT(PM) Don Smith, Ed./ Managing Ed. 932-3131 Kannapolis, NC 28081 Don Smith-home or v . L Floyd Alford-home or ._, Gen. Mgr. l i 6.**. DAILY RECORD (PM) Don Smith, Managing Editor 10 i Hickory, NC 28601 James Small, Ed. home o Kenneth Millholland-home or  ! Gen. Mgr./VP j or j 1 a AM

                    *a = PM Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 98
          .E-____.-                  -_-                -_.     -       -            --- - . - - - - -                 - - - -

o , I Technical Briefer Media Notification tall List 2 (cont'd1  ! Time

              ,. Name & Address                                              tentatt              Phone Number Called       ,

y,.. , LEX 1NGTON DISPATCH (PM) Larry Lyon Editor B1 texington, NC 27292 tarry Lyon-home ._ Weill Caldwell-home o

                                                                    .Vickie Broughton-home      or 8.

WSJSNTQR Control Room 926 Winston-Salem, NC 27?O2 Bob Costner-home 7 9.*,** GREENSCORO DAILY NEWS (AM) News Room 919/373-7000 GREENSBORO RECORD (PM) Ben J. Bowers-Exec. Editor Gretnsboro, NC 27420 Ned Cline- Managing Editor  ; 10. WTVD-TV Dave Davis News Director 919/683-1111 Durham, NC 27702 or 919/687-2350 i or 688-4443 Dave Davis,-home (af ter 5) or - Stewart Kasloff, Ex. or Producer-home Bonnie Moore, Assign. Ed.- or home 6

           -- 11.*                                                                                                                 .

ANDERSON INDEPENDENT Janna Gower, Editor 803/224-4321 MAIL (AM) Anderson, SC 29621 . l

           -- 12.

WAXA-TV Joe Brezerski 803/226-9292 , Anderson, SC 29622 Cont Rm (manned at all times) 803/224-4252 .

           -- 13.                                                                                                                    i THE PICKENS SENTINEL                                 Mike Schuver, Gen. Mgr.                     53 Pickens, SC 29671                                    Mike Schuver-home           er                    -            i Cheryl O'Malley                  8   878-2453                  I
                  . = AM
                 ** = PM e

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 99

iI i Technical Briefer Media Wetification tall List 3 L For en emer9ency or drill at Oconee, call numbers preceeded by dash (--) first. 1 For an emer9ency or drill at McGuire or Catawba, call numbers without dash . li t first. ., i l Time I Name & Address Contact Phone Numbat Called i 1. WTYC Julie Durham, News Dir. 803/366-4148 0 Rock Hill, SC 29731-7024 4 2.** ., ENQUIRER-JOURNAL (PM) Nancy Stephen 704/289-1541 Monroe, NC 28110 or 704/233-5482 f

3. i

! WC$L Calvin Hastings, Gen, & l Cherryv111e, NC 28021 $ ales Mgr. 97 i l Milton Baker-home o H Calvin Hastings-home o , Bob Bigger-home or ,, Howard Black i]

4. " b
                   - RECORD AND LANDMARK (PM)                                         Jerry Josey, Editor                                               3-1451 Statesville, NC 28677                                            Jerry Josey-home                     or                                                                    ..  .

Neil Furr-home or Eileen Wilkinson-home or y David Ramse3 J J

5. p WBIG Mike Thompson, News Director 919/855-6500 Greensboro, NC 27420 News Room (manned at all hours except 12 Midnight- of 300/332-3095 5 AM Sundays) ot 9/288-3111 p' Mike Thompson-home or -

6. WFMY-TV 919/379-9369 Greensboro, NC 27420 6:30 AM - 11:30 PM & Weekends News Room or 919/379-9316 'l o /379-9319 Mike Ma.jors-home o Laura Browning-home or 7.* h, DURHAM MORNING HERALD (AM) Dick Jones, City Editor 30 Durham, NC 27702 Dick Jones-home or Tom Oliver - Assign. Editor or 919/ 87-6601

                      * = AM
                     ** = PM Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 100 4                                                                                                                                                                                                    .
      ..___-am-__-            ___..Wm        e       __-*           - - - _ - _        __--M*'Wwr*N*"*-H     -- e- a w_ _-   -

m V T- 4TT7-W"*""p-*- 4 mrr i iv p.._ %p-+%,.e e

l i t i Tathnical Briefer Media Notification tall List 3 f eent'ti) Time i Name & Addrett __ contact Phone Number Called l I

     -     8.**

DURHAM $UN (PM) Carlton Harrell, Managing I' Editor 919 6 Durham, NC 27702 Carlton Harrell-home or Bill.Stagg-City Editor or 91 687-6600 Bill 5tagg-home M-

      . 9,*                                                                                                  '

GREENVILLE NEWS (AM) News Room 803/298-4301 ' Greenville, SC 29602 Marion Elliot, City Editor or 803/298-4311 Tom Hutchinson, Managing . Edttor ' l Marion Elliot-home o Tom Hutchinson-home or

       -- 10. "                                                                           03/298-4260 GREENVILLEPIEDMONT(PM)                    Ann Clark, Managing Editor                                  '

Greenville, $C 29602 Ann Clark-home o ' Ed Dawson-home or

       ._ II,..                                                                                     11             ,

GREENWOOD INDEX JOURNAL Jim Joyce-home o (PM) Add Penfield-home or l Greenwood, SC 29646

        - 12.

WAIM, (AM), WCKH (FM) Tommy Smith, Program Dir. 1 I Tommy Smith-home or - Anderson, SC 29622

        -- 13.

WIS-TV Scott Parks, News Dir. 0 l. Columbia, SC 29201 Scott Parks-home o ': E Pete Poore-home or Darrell Huger T - (Assign. Editor)

        -- 14.
              $ENECA JOURNAL / TRIBUNE                  J. A. Gallimore                   803/882-2375 Seneca, SC 29079                          Jim Dorris                    or 803/882-6176 I
                . . AM aa = PM Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 101 c

k.f y J G

6 Technical Briefer Media Wetification Call List 4 l For an emergency or drill at Oconee, call numbers preceeded by dash (--) first. For an emergency or drill at McGuire or Catawba, call numbers without dash I first. 4 I-Time Name & Address Contact Phone Number gal,W ' I 1. WPCQ-TV Chris Faw, Assign Ed. 704/536-5321 i Charlotte, NC 28205 i Newsroom or 704/536-6397 Switchboard or 704/ 36 i Chris Faw-home or [ Karen Adams, News Otr. or 70 ,

2. l WLON Larry $ eagle, News Director 6383 Lincolnton, NC 28092 Larry Seagle-home or Jeff Nichols 704 '


3. ,

MOORESVILLE TRIBUNE Len Sullivan, Editor 704 4 i Mooresville, NC 28115 Len Sullivan-home or Lee Sullivan-home or  ! Alternate # for Sullivans or 63

4. l MECKLENBURG GAZETTE Nancy Ashburn, Ed. 4/892-8809 ,;

Davidson, NC 28036 Nancy Ashburn-home or . p

5. l OBSERVER-NEWS-ENTERPRISE Ginger Perez, Managing Newton, NC 28658 Editor 704/464-0221 h Donna Cox or 704/464-8689 ,.

6.** i DAILY STAR (PM) Tom O'Neal Editor /484-7000 , Shelby, NC 28150 Tom O'Neal-home or l Brenda Crosby-home or i

  --  7.',"                                                                                       L SPARTANBURG HERALD-JOURNAL Lou Parris, Brad Rogers            803/582-4511                   L (AM,PM)          ,.        City Ed.
      $partanburg, SC 29304        Lou Parris-home              e       . . . .

Brad Rogers-home or .--

  --  8.*,

STATE (AM) Thomas N. McLean, Ex. News l-RECORD (PM) Editor 803/771-6161 Columbia, SC 29202 (continued on next page) Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 102 _b

     ;      Technical Briefer Media Notification call List 4-(cont'd)                                                                                                                           g Time h me & Address                                                                                    tentact                Phone Number Called
  • f State:

Gordon Hirsch-home or q Sharon Kelly-home- o 0 Scott Kearns 803/771-8622 , un kichardson-home or 9. Mike Blackman, News Dir. 4 J WPTF RADIO ' Raleigh, NC 27602 Mike Blackman-home o J John Brett-home or I 10. WANS Frankie Sims or '


Anderson, SC 29622 Bob Armstrong, News Director - 424 ' Bob Armstrong-home or d

11. -

I WRAL-TV Connie Howard, News Director 800/532-5342 i Raleigh, NC 27101 News Room (manned 24 hrs / l! day) or 919/821-8600 {

12. b WCCP John Rousch, News Dir. 803/654-5400 .

Clemson, SC 29631 ,: L 13.- 3 ' MESSENGER Angela Lingerfelt /654-2451 Clemson, SC 29633 Mandi Bobo-home o , 14 .- KE0 WEE COURIER Ashton Hester, News Dir.- /638-5856 1 ' ! Walhalla, $C 29697 Jack Hunt, Publisher-home or f L f I' e = AM

            " = PM I

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 103

 ._,2            _              _ - . . _ . . . . _ _ _ . . - _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ .

F. l; i

          - Technical Briefer Media Notification tali List 5                                           g For an emergency or drill at Oconee, call numbers preceeded by dash (--) first.          i For en emergency or drt11 at McGuire or Catawba, call numbers without dash                ;

first. l Time 1 Wame & Address Contact Phone Number Ralled 1.- 1 WBT-AM/WBCY John Stokes / i Charlotte, NC 28208 News Director , Jim Barro11-home or John Stokes-home . 2. News Room 704/335-4871 WSOC-TV Charlotte, NC 28201 Dick Moore, News Director or 704/335-4735 or 7 9 Switchboard , Dick Moore-home or Wayne Houseman-home o [ I 3.** 70 55 CONCORD TRIBUNE (PM) John Kennedy, Editor

  • l Concord, NC 28025 John Kennedy-home o LuAnn Laubscher-home L

4, r Glenn Mace, President 5-5796 WGAS l' Gastonia, NC 28052 Glenn Mace-home or 0 Ed Gray-home o


NEWS TOPIC (PM) Mike Slaughter, Editor i or Lenoir, NC 28645 Mike Slaughter-home Angie Blackburn-home - i i

6.  !

WXII-TV Mark Mayhew, News Director 919/722-2939 ' Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Switchboard or 919/721-9944 I Mark Mayhew-home 5

                 ** = PM                                                                                      i Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 104 saw

9 3 Technical Briefer Media Notification Call List 5 (cont'd)  ! Time Name & Address Contact Phone Number Called ,

7. .

WGHP-TV Jim Ogle, News Director 1-8888 High Point, NC 27261 Jim Ogle-home or t 8.

        ' MESSENGER                  Brad Rochester, Managing Ed.        919/54                     '

Madison, NC 27025 Brad Rochester-home or Randy Case-home 9. WPTF-TV Karen Smith, Assign. Mgr 919/832-8311 Raleigh, NC 27602 After SPM News Room or 919 009 Karen Smith-home o Jim Vangrov-home or

     -- 10, WSPA                         Greg McKinney, News Director        803/585-9500 Spartanburg, SC 29304      News Room                     or                     566 Greg McKinney-home           o                                        >

Mark Koelbel-home or

     -- 11.

WLOS-TV Tom Glover 74 -0013 Asheville, NC Tom Glover-home o i

     -- 12.

PROGRESS Paul Cocke, News Dir. 803 355 Easley, SC 29641 -Paul Cocke-home o Jerry Vickery - , Anne McKenzie-home or Jerry Vickery-home or

      -- 13.                                                                                                   !

WESTMINISTER NEWS Jack Hunt, Owner 803/647-5404 ' 1 Westminister, SC 29693 Jack Hunt-home o4.49: 5 7.j. . i Jean Snyder-home or '-. ' . . p g- .y X A ;.

                                                                                         &[Nm.      .. .

I i i

  • AM 1
            ** = PM                                                                                               $

i i Rev. 24 , January 2, 1990 Page 105 e e  ; g

e Technical Briefer Media Notification Call List 6 For an emergency or drill at Oconee, call numbers preceeded by dash (--) first. For an emergency or drill at McGuire or Catawba, call numbers without dash


Time Name & Address Contact Phone Number Called 1. THE YORK DBSERVER Herb Frazier, Editor 24-4123 Herb Frazier-home o Rock Hill -SC _29730 Dennis Sodomka-home or 2. THE MECKLENBURG TIMES Ahsen Jilliami, Mgr. Ed. Ahsen Jilliami-home o Norris Rumselt-home or 3. Hugh Beaver, News Dir. 7 ,

       - WHIP Mooresville, NC            Hugh Beaver-home             er Glen Hamrick-home            or 4.

YORKVILLE INQUIRER or Eugene Graham, Editor 03/684-9903 CLOVER HERALD Eugene Graham-home o Clover, SC 29710 James Owen, Pub.-home o or 5. TIMES NEWS Katherine Yarbro, News Ed. -3031 Lincolnton, NC 28093-0040 Katherine Yarbro-home o . Guy Leedy, Pub.-home or 6. WIRC(AM),WXRC(FM) Dave Hardin, News Dir. 704/322-1713 Hickory, NC 28603 (manned 24-hours) (let ring until Mary Drew (WXRC) answered) 7. THE LAKE NORMAN MAGAZINE Donna Campbell, Mgr. Ed. 2 Mooresville, NC 28115 Donna Campbell-home- or Ann Wicker or 7 22-1422 , i

            * = AM                                                                                          .
           ** = PM Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 106

1 Technical Briefer Media Notification Call List 6 (cont'd)  : li Time l Name & Address Centact Phone Number Called  ; i l 9. '

IREDELL COUNTY NEWS Mason McCullough . ._ '^ ' '-- 105 4  ;)

l= Statesville, NC .28677 Mason McCullough-home or ' Don Bailey-home or 'l L 10. WSBF Anne Turner, Prog. Dir. 803/656-4010 Clemson, SC 29631 Anne Turner-home or j Don Jackson-home or

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - f;
11. -
                    . WBFM                                                Debbie Stance 11                                                             803/882-2388 Seneca, $C 29678                                           Station Mgr.                                                                                                                              !


12. '

WFEC Len Hathaway, News Dir. 71-9200 . Greenville, SC 29602 Len Hathaway-home o Jerry Massey, Chief Eng.-home or si 13. WTBI Larry Wilson, Station Mgr. - 915 Pickens, SC 29671 Larry Wilson-home or 14. James Went, Program Director 704/570-9700 p WLVK Statesville, NC Scott Miller, News Director 704/570-9700 . i 15. WFMX Rita Taggart, News Director 704/872-6348 i; Statesville, NC


e t, i; I: I t.

                            * = AM-                                                                                                                                                                                    U
                        * * = PM 9

6 i Rev. 24

                                                                                       .                                                                    January 2,1990 Page 107                                       ,
 -      .g --        . . , , - -       - _ - . ,       .-..m-m-,,w..      ,               . - , - ,        .,-..# , , _, ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . .                                            ___..,,n.-           ->

I i ( SUPPORT COORDINATOR (SC) TELEPHONE DIRECTORY l d Office Home Time Telenhone Talenhone Called ]

1. Corporate Communications switchboard 704/373-4900
                      ^2. G.O. Switchboard Karen Smith              704/373-4330
        .w                                                                                             ,

fc C t

j c



[ 4 l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 l Page 108 i:. 1 .

SET-UP C00RDINATOR (SUC) TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Office Home Time Telechene Telechene Called

1. Buildino Services Linsey Bussey. 704/373-4677 Thurmond Beafort 704/373-4296 ,
2. Teleconier Services day Huggins 704/382-0256 Steve Maynor 704/373-4814 (
3. Court Reeortino Services Barbara Miller 704/375-5133 Ann Trammell 704/375-5133 Sandra Griffin 704/375-5133 8[

l-li f a u 1 b i l l li l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 109 i.



t i k l SECRETARI AL TEAM TELECDPY LIST COMPANY J Hgg- ATTENTION OF TELECDPY NO. VERIFICATION NO. j e IED Angie Howard 404/953-7549 404/951-4732 l (8 am-5 pm) . or 404/953-9208 l automatic i E E6 Scott Peters, 202/785-4113 301/654-9260 or (8am-5pm) i Paul Turner . HSAC Milt Klein, 415/855-1080 415/855-2717 or (24 hrs.) (7:30 am-5 pm) 'l Dick Claeys automatic 6-mins. IEI Diane Smiroldo 202/778-6542 202/778-6660 or (24 hrs.) (8:30 am-5:30 pm)  : Tom Kallay automatic 6-mins. AH1 Darlene Schmidt. 312/352-0499 312/352-6611 . or (24 hrs.) (8 am-5 pm)  : Gay Easly automatic-6 mins. EC Ken Clark 404/331-4449 404/331-4508 (24 hrs.) (8 am-5 pm) automatic-6 mins. WESTINGHOUSE Mimi Limbach 412/374-5512 412/374-4930 (24_ hrs.) (8 am-5 pm) , automatic-6 mins. SC State Gov. Paul Lunsford 803/734-8062 803/734-8020  : Dilin (Catawba Only) automatic , E Public Affairs 919/733-7554 919/733-5027 E 803/252-2913 (Columbia) E 919/834-1078 (Raleigh) (Not staffed 12:30 am-6:00 pm, Sundaysonly) El 803/779-0380 (Columbia) I 1 I. Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 110

I i leeretarial Tearr Telecony (cont'd) s CDMPANY Mtig ATTENTION OF TELECOPY NO. VERIFICATION NO. 1 11PI 704/342-0659  ! (Not staffed 1:00 am-5:00 am, ) seven days a week)  ; CATAWBA DNLY Technical Support' Center Attention TSCL- 8-831-3401 or 5021 l EnergyQuest 8-831-3183 McGUIRE ONLY- , Technical Support Center , Attention TSCL 704/875-1959 manual-4 or 6 mins. Energy Explorium 8-875-5602 , EXECUTIVE STAFF PROFS ids: JBAVIS -Jiin Bavis JCLARK -Ken Clark HCRANFOR -Henry Cranford DDENTON. -Don Denton SGRIFFIT -Steve Griffith WGRIGG- -Bill-Grigg  : JHICKS -John Hicks WLEE -Bill Lee WOWEN -Warren Owen ' DHATLEY -Don Hatley  ; ,f, Additional telecopy numbers are listed on the nex', four pages , (> under CMC /EOC phone numbers.  ;


l L , Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 111 L

r 4 ji Regular . .

                                                                                                                       .            CMC /EOC   i
. Home Moone . Work Phone CMC /EOC. Phone .

[ Position Magg Number Number Location Number j Meckleninsrg Countv/ Charlotte.(WC)

           "w.     "_1 , - _ c.-     Wayne Broome                            704/336-2412               Police Dept.,       704/336-3333 ;

Director Charlotte 704/336-4204.~ (telecopy) I

                                                                                                                                              -l j           Fixed Nuclear Planner          Jerry Wilson                            704/336-2412               Police Dept.,                      .

) Charlotte l Public Infometton i Rose Cummings 704/336-2475 EC2-30 704/382-0642 1 Officer - County 704/382-0067) [ (telecopy). j l Public Infometton Bill Guerrant 704/336-2395 EC2-30 704/382-0642 j Officer - City -704/382-0667 ; , (telecopy) ! l Public Infometton Jeannine Clark 704/305-2395 EC2-30 704/382-0642l Officer - City _704/382-0667 ! l (telecepy)- ; Public Infometton P.osa11e Spaniel 704/336-2395 EC2-30 704/382-0642~1 1 Officer - City 704/382-0667 (telecopy) ' i Easton County (M/C)  ; i "w. r.wp in:;_;.t Bob Phillips 704/866-3243 Police Dept., 704/866-3300 .! Director 704/866-3355 Gastonta 704/866-3355.; (telecopy)  ! i

                                                                                                                                              'l i

1 Rev. 24 l January 2, 1990 ' Page 112 -! 2 c ;- ..~ , ::- .. .: z. - - .- . : . . . . . . =o - , A. . - . - -. =

                                                                                                                                              } '

Regular CMC /EOC. . Home Phone Work Phone CMC /EOC Phone . Pos1tton  !!an Number Number- Location Number i Assistant Director Martin Chrtscoe -704/866-3265 Police Dept., 704/866-3300 i Gastonta 704/866-3125 , J (telecopy). . t ! Public Information Cary McSwatn 704/866-3100 EC2-30 704/382-0635 . Officer 704/382-0667 I l (telecopy) s J Assistant Public Chuck Moore 7041866-3600 EC2-30 ' 704/382-0635f Information Officer 704/382-0667 l (telecopy) i Assistant Public Sonya White 704/866-3141 Infonmation Officer  ! l York County (C) Beevyency Preparedness Cotton Howell 803/329-7270 Emergency 803/329-1116 Director Center, 803/324-7420 Rock Hill (telecopy) i Ann Connolly 803/329-7270 Emergency 803/329-1116 ,!

                                ,                                   (Alternate)                                                                                      Center,          803/324-7420 !

Rock Hill (telecopy) Jf Public Informatten Thurmond Bonner 803/684-8521 CHS-215 704/372-5299 { b7 Officer 704/372-7130 l (telecopy) ( Lincoln County (M) 6 .g.ay Management Bob W1111s 704/732-3361- Courthouse, 704/735-8202 l Coordinator ext.'268 Lincolaton 704/735-0273j (telecopy)

                                                                                                                                                                                 ,or 704/732-6505 !

(telecopy) Rev. 24 1 January 2,1990 - i Page 113 i

                                                             ...__E                                    _.    . _ _ _ _

_1_ - 7 7 J_1_Z_~ _ i___ __1N__ ___._ r _ r____r --_ n r r_-_-- _1 _j

Regular CMC /EOC Work Phone CMC /EOC Phone Home Phone Number Location Number Number Position Hame 704/732-9000 Courthouse, 704/735-820. Kathy Adcock LincoInton 704/735-027 (Alternate) (telecopy) 704/732-9000 EC2-30 704/382-064 Public Infomation Greg Hoover 704/382-066 Officer (telecopy) 704/732-9000 EC2-30 704/382-064 Public Infomation David Choate 704/382-D66 Officer (telecopy) Irgsfell County (M) 704/878-3038 i.griculture 704/878-303 Esse. v.xy Management Larry Dickerson Building, 704/878-303 Coordinator Statesville (telecopy) E W County (M) 704/465-8233 (z.271) Public Safety 704/464-311 Essergency in ,_ .t David Yount Building, 704/465-122 Coon!1nator Newton (telecopy) 704/464-7880 Public Safety 704/464-311 Charles Doty 704/465-122 (Alternate) Building, Newton (telecopy) 704/464-7880 EC2-30 704/382-065 Tammy Boyles 704/382-066 (telecopy) 704/464-7880 EC2-30 704/382-h6E Sue Laney 704/382-06( ' (telecopy, Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 ' Page 114 j

                                                           -           -                ~



i 4 Regular CIC/EOC -  : Home Phone Work Phone CMC /EOC Pfun.e ! Position Name Number Number 4 cation P - - " .- Mary George 704/465-8230 EC2 704/382-0653 l ' 704/382-0667 ! 1,  ! (telecopy) - - NC Dest. of Crime Control W Public Safety - Division of Emersency T_--_ - __ _ t (M/C) I

 !            Director, Public            Grahae Wilson                                    919/733-5027                                    EC2-30                    704/382-0600 1 Affairs 704/382-0667 ,

l if-

                                                                                                                                                                      '(telecopy)                    l j     l'~      Special Assistant           Jim Sughrue                                      919/733-2520                                     EC2-30                   704/382-0629 ,

i for Pub 11c Affairs 704/382-0667 ' l (telecopy)- l Lead F1med Nuclear Elaine Wathan 919/733-3780 EC2-30 704/382-0631-! Fact 11 ties Planner 764/382-0667l i (telecopy)  ! l l l SC Office of the C..u ;;- (C)  ! Public Information Edith Caudie 803/734-0425 EC2-30 704/382-0667. - l (telecopy) l, !; 6 . r.ay T- , _ ;t Purdy McLeod 803/734-0428 National Guard 803/222-7198 - Armory, 803/222-4082 l j Clover 803/222-4847l SC Office of the Ad.ietant General - R._.av Prer_qtrydness Division (C) Program Information Paul Lunsford 803/734-8020 National Guard 803/222-7198 i Coordinator Armory, 803/222-4082-l i Clover 803/222-4847 : l Nuclear Reaulatory Consission  ! l i l Ken Clark 404/331-5503 i Rev. 24 I January 2, 1990 , Page 115 t i 4

                     - o-~e e- o        m   -m  = w      * -*

_- y _ ,e m _ _a 9e _ - ym 2 _.. p -e- w _e_ _ e 34 _,__e__ _ _ _ ;

n > l t i

                                . :5 AMPLE NEWS RELEASE                                 ]

r Bulletin # i r Date Status as of a.m./p.m. ) i MCGUIRE ONLY From: Corporate Communications Department Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28242 THIS IS A DRILL (IF NOT A DRILL -- DO NDT INCLUDE) McGuire Nuclear Station -- Duke Power Company reported an (alert / site emergency / general emergency) at its McGuire Nuclear Station located near

 ~Cornelius, N.C. at (time) on (date).                                                l The alert was declared due to a steam generator tube leak.      Here is what happened:
  +     11:37 a.m.       Steam generator tube leak occurred, e     11.45'a.m.       An alert is declared at McGuire unit li
  +     11:46 a.m.       Operators safely shut the unit down.

e 11:58 a.m. Notification of county, state and federal authorities began.

  +       3:00 p.m.       Plant personnel begin processing water ecliected inside the plant systems from steam generator tube leak.           ,

THIS IS A DRILL (IF NOT A DRILL -- DO NOT INCLUDE) For further information, call the news center in Charlotte at 1-800-777-0005. . Plant neighbors should stay tuned (tune) to their radios or TVs for further information. State and county officials would use the Emergency Broadcast System for any protective action recommendations. HDII: A News Center is being activiated (has been established) at the 0. J. Miller Auditorium in the Electric Center in Charlotte. 1 Facilities will be made (are) available at the center for media representatives. i Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 116 l 4

                                                                                   'l i'
                             . SAMptE NEWS RELEASE Bulletin #

Date , Status as of a.m./p.m.


CATAWBA DNLY FROM: Corporate Communications Department Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte. North Carolina 28242 3 i THIS IS A DRILL (IF NOT A DRILL -- DO NOT INCLUDE) , Catawba Nuclear Station -- Duke Power Company reported an (alert / site emergency / general emergency) at its Catawba Nuclear Station located near York, ' S. C. at (time) on (date). s The alert was declared due to a steam generator tube leak. Here is what happened: l e 11:37 a.m. Steam generator tube leak occurred. e 11.45 a.m. ' An alert is declared at McGuire unit 1. l e 11:46 a.m. Operators safely shut the unit down. e 11:58 a.m. Notification of county, state and federal authorities began, e 3:00 p.m. Plant personnel begin processing water collected inside the plant systems from steam generator tube leak. THIS IS A DRILL (IF NOT A DRILL -- 00 NOT INCLUDE) For further information, call the news center in Charlotte at 1-800-777-0005. Plant neighbors should stay tuned /(tune) to their radios or TVs for further information. State and county officials would use the Emergency Broadcast System for any protective action recommendations. HQIE: A News Center is being activiated (has been established) at the

0. J. Miller Auditorium in the Electric Center in Charlotte.

Facilities will be made/(are) available at the center for media representatives. Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 117


                                                                                             .j el i


     - For classifications: Alert, $1te Area Emergency, General Emergency i

Station:~ Release # Time: tl IF EMt 15 NDT FULLY ACTIVATEDt h H Time sent: Time Okd: [ i e Emergency Coordinator of n affected station q

                                                                                             .i ONS:  via TSCL telecopy:         803/885-3000 ext. 2869                                   h 8-885-2869                                    ,l t1 CNS:  via TSCL telecopy:         803/831-5888                                   g U

MNS: via TSCL telecopy: 704/875-4453 [ 4 1 a NRC 0 Ken Clark Office: 404/331-5503 _ h telecopy: 44 -4449

  • Home. ,)

If Ken Clark can not be reached: Base Team Manager:  !! telecopy: 404/331-3924 .i Confirm Receipt: 404/331-5088 h

           -NRC will be allowed 15. minutes to review / comment on release prior to distribution.                                                                   ,

i IF CMC 15 FULLY ACTIVATED: [ Approved by: Time: e ' Emergency Communications Manager h e Dose Assessment Manager (radiological data only) p e Recovery Manager e NRC Representative h U Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 118

L EMERGENCY MESSAGE FORM This sheet is to be used by persons when notified of an emergency or drill and for making notifications to other members of the News Group. . Name Tine contacted AM/PM i Person who contacted you Your group _ _ _ MESSAGE

1. This is (caller's name)
2. I am notifying you of a drill / actual emergency at Nuclear Station, unit no. .
3. At this time, the class of emergency is:

Alert Site Area Emergency

                 ~ General Emergency                                                                                    ,
4. Do you consider yourself fit for duty?
5. You are to activate your portion of the News Group and report to your emergency work location.
6. Specific instructions (if any):
7. Notification calls completed (time)

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 119

l i

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ,      l o   o$//            $                                        CR j                                                                            +4g          g I

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                                                                                                                                                                                  @                  PHONE

CC COMPUTER CONNECTION Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 120

storago Copier > w - 9 = relecopy Radio /TV atate Monitor staff Rumor Control rt.u i ass.s Rumor Control Staff County FIOs 1 . State ten **


l r a..A state NRC NRC DPC DPC '

  • i DPC staff -

DPC 1 Telecopy

 ~                                           .               .                                                                                                         .

Conference Room Copier storage Rev.24 ' January 2, 1990 NEWS CENTgg gc2 30 Page 121 1. i ,.___.. . _ _ . . _ . . . . _ . - _ - . _ _ _ . _ - _ . - - - . _ _ . - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -

DIRECTIDNS TO OFF-SITE MEDICAL FACILITIES (from the news center) Charlotte Memorial Hospital (McGuire and back-up Catawba) Go south on Mint Street to Stortwall Street. Go left on Stonewall to Kenilworth Avenue. Go Straight on Kenilworth, follow signs to hospital. c Parking is available at Emergency Room. Piedmont Medical Center (Catawba) Take 775 to Highway 161. Go west (right) on 161 to India Hook Road. Go south Cross (lef t) on India Hook Road. India Hook Road becomes Herlong Road. , Ebenezer Road and Piedmont Medical' Center is approximately 1/4 mile ahead on the right. 6 l L l l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 ! Page 122 p


FZ STATE AND COUNTY. EMERGENCY DPERATION CENTERS Emergency Optration Centers (EOCs) established for use by local, state, and

federal agencies are located as follows:
                                 .Laga.1                                         State Catawba:           York County                                National Guard Armory Rock Hill City Hall                        Clover, S. C.

Rock Hill, S. C. (S. C. Forward Emergency


Cotton Howell Operations Center) (803) 329-1116


Josh Moore (803) 222-7198 Mecklenburg County County Police Dept. N..C. SERT Headquarters lith and College St. Raleigh, N. C. Charlotte, N. C.


Joe Myers


Wayne Broeme (919)733-3867 (704) 336-3333 Gaston County County Police Bldg. Highland and Davidson St. Gastonia, N. C.


Bob Phillips (704)866-3300 McGuire: Mecklenburg County N. C. SERT Headquarters County Police Dept. Raleigh, N. C. lith and College St.


Joe Myers Charlotte, N. C. (919) 733-3867


Wayne Broome

                     .       (704) 336-3333 Gaston County .

County Police Bldg. Highland and Davidson St. Gastonia, N. C.


Bob Phillips (704)866-3300 Lincoln County County Courthouse Basement , Lincolnton, N. C.  !


Bob Willis (704)735-8202 Catawba County County Justice Center Newton, N. C.


David Yount i l (704)464-3112 Iredell County l County Agriculture Bldg. Statesville, N. C.


Larry Dickerson (704) 878-3039 Rev. 24 January 2,1990 Page 123 i

  .a_.__   :_-____-___________

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i Octn;e News Group Plan Table of Contents PJuit Overview. .............................. 125 i News Group Position Summaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 i General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 ] Job Descriptions / Call Lists 1 News Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Public Spokesperson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 i Assistant News Director . .................... 136 I General Office News Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 l State and County Liaison PIO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Monitor . . ........................... 144 Technical Support Center Liai son. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Media Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Internal Communications Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 ' Investor Communications Coordinator . .............. 152 Governments Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 State Government Contact. .................... 156 Federal Government Contact. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Technical Briefer Section Head. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Technical Briefer - Media Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Technical Briefer - News Center . . ............... 164 Technical Briefer - Media Monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 , Technical Briefer - State / County EOC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Technical Briefer - General Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Technical Briefer - Community Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169w' l Technical Briefer - Media Notification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Media Registration Coordinator. ................. 170 Audiovisual Coordinator . . . . ................. 172 Media Monitor . . . ....................... 174 Set-up Coordinator. ....................... 176 Support Coordinator . ...................... 178 , Secretarial Team. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 ' General Office Secretarial Team . ................ 182 Procedures News Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 News Conferences. . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 187 l-Rumor Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Media Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Media Monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 External Notification Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Emergency Notification Form Distribution. ............ 193 Telephone Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Directions to News Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23) State and County Emergency Operation Centers ............ 232 i Drawings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Sample News Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 News Release Approval tog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238

  .      Emergency Message Form. .......................                                 239 Telephone / Key Contact Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         240 Rev. 24 January 2, 1990
  • I

OCONEE NEWS GROUP ptAN DVERVIEW NOTE: Because of the distance between the Oconee Nuclear Station and the General Office, a different news group organization is required for McGuire and Catawba. See the section of the plan - McGuire and Catawba News Group Plan. INTRODUCTION Duke Power employees work hard to design, build, and operate the safest and most economical power plants in the nation. The performance of our three nuclear stations speaks for itself, and we're proud of the good operating record we've established over the years. While the possibility of an accident happening at one of our nuclear plants is very low, we must plan for the unexpected. Duke's Crisis Management Plan describes in detail the Company's plan for responding to a nuclear plant emergency. This respense effort would include company personnel at the affected station, as well as from the General Office. Because of the potential consequences of a nuclear accident on the health and safety of the public, representatives of local government, and state and federal agencies also have extensive emergency plans. All of these emergency plans are regularly tested and refined in drills and full-participation exercises. DPC'S RESPONSIBILITIES IN AN EMERGENCY In a nuclear plant emergency, Duke Power is responsible for actions and decisions required to restore the plant to a safe, stable condition. These actions include assessing the accident's severity, supporting the plant's operations, managing the emergency response effort, providing information to state and local officials and recommending any public protective action. A1 in all emercency conditions. decisions about oublic erotective actions are the exclusive resoonsibility of local and state officials.  ; DUKE'S EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION Duke carries out its emergency respo'nse activities in three key locations. At the affected station, plant personnel in the technical support center are responsible for all activities on site. These actions include plant . operations, equipment repair and maintenance, and radiological monitoring. In addition to plant personnel, representatives from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are also located in the TSC. Activities at the TSC are directed by the Emergency Coordinator, who is generally the station manager. The Crisis Management Center is the off-site emergency organization. Once established, it relieves the TSC of overall emergency management responsibility so that plant staff can concentrate on returning the station to a stable condition, The Crisis Management Center is directed by the Recovery Manager, who has the following duties:

1. Overall control of emergency response activities.
2. Provides input and assistance to the Emergency Coordinator in the TSC.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 125

t L Directs other group managers in the Crisis Management Center.

                      ' 4.           Makes recommendations for public protective actions.

The Recovery Manager's staff largely parallels the Emergency Coordinator's

                        ' staff in the TSC. The emergency titles of these staff members and their responsibilities are outlined below:
  • Plant Assessment Manager - Advises on emergenef classifications and the need for public ' protective action; assists the TSC with accident assessment and mitigation strategy.
  • Radiological Assessment Manager - Provides support concerning on-site and off-site radiological conditions.
  • Off-site Dose Assessment Director -

Coordinates radiological and

                          - environmental                   assessments and makes                 recommendations   concerning    public protection.
  • Emergency Comdrations Manager - Coordinates the communications group to l update government, management and industry officials; maintains displays in the Crisis Management Center.
                            -* Administration and Logistics Manager - Provides administrative, logistic, communications and related personnel for the recovery operation.
  • Duty Engineer - When con %c'ted by the plant shift supervisor, relays information to recovery manager, senior level Duke management, and Corporate Communications. This position is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Corporate Headquarters Representative - A senior company officer, designated to contact the governor or the governor's designee, as well as senior level management and Duke's Board of Directors. This officer also provides input on corporate policy.
  • Emergency Planner - Provides direct support by advising on the crisis management plan and the station emergency plan. ,
  • Advisory Support Group - Provided by senior representatives of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, vendors and other knowledgeable groups. .
  • News Director - Collects, verifies and disseminates information to the public through the news media; coordinates the release of that information with' local, state and federal public information officials.

A complete description of the Crisis Management Organization is included in

                                 'the Crisis Management Implementation Plan and Procedures.

THE NEWS GROUP The News Group, which ultimately reports tv the News Director, is part of the Recovery Manager's staff. The News Group is staffed and organized to promptly provide information aoout plant conditions and Duke's response efforts to a

             .,                    variety of publics.                    Thase publics include the news media, for dissemination to the public at large; local, state and federal public information of ficers; Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 126

V and other audiences with specialized . interest such as regulators, elected officials and members of the financial community. The news-and media centers are located at the Oconee Crisis Management Center , and in the adjacent Clemson Operations Center, respectively. Because of the distance to Oconee and the importance of timely communication, some news group , members operate out of the general office under the direction of the general ' office new director. News group participants, operating from the news. center and related facilities communicate with the following audiences: A. Msdia . In a nuclear plant emergency, Duke relies on the news media to provide prompt, accurate information to local residents and the public at large. To provide ready access to current information on plant status, a media center is promptly established in the assembly room at the Clemson Operations Center. The news plan specifies that the only DPC representative empowered to , announce new information about plant status is the public spokesperson. This

       " single spokesmen" concept ensures that the news media - and thus the public -       i receives consistent information throughout the emergency.

l l B. Plant Neighbors and the General Public News group :nembers staff telephones in the ' news center and at the affected plant to respond to questions or concerns from residents around the plant or from the general public. In the news center, news group representatives are co-located with counterparts from the state to better respond to the public's questions. C. Employees . Employees of DPC are informed of an emergency via Contact - a communique that is generated from the _ news center and distributed system-wide. Many employees also receive training in rumor control procedures and are instructed to refer ' any questions to the news center. ! D. Elected Officials l - News group members initiate contact with local, state and federal officials to provide information on plant status. Elected officials are provided a contact within the news group should these officials - or any of their constituents - have questions on plant status. E. Industry Groups The . news plan relies on major industry groups to distribute emergency information on plant status to other utilities. F. Regulators' Pathways of communications with federal and .; tate regulators are also included in the news plan, public information officers from FEMA and the NRC work out Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 127

of the news center, and the NRC has technical staff in the TSC and in the CMC. Members of the North Carolina Utilities Commission and the South Carolina Public. Service Commission are also updated on plant status. 3iATES AND COUNTIES . Because the states and . local counties have responsibility for public protective actions, an effective emergency response depends on close interaction among Duke Power and the state and county officials. To provide timely information to the state and county, their information representatives are co-located in the news center. The states and counties issue. their own news releases on emergency activities in their community, and participate in press conferences. Additionally, a news group member is sent to each _of the state and county emergency operation centers to serve as Duke's technical resource on plant conditions. Summary information of the various roles and responsibilities of all news ' ) group members is included on the following pages.

                             .                                                            +

f l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 128

OCDNEE News Group Position Summaries News Director (ND) - Overall responsibility for the News Group and coordinates the release of all public information about the emergency. Public- Spokesperson (PS) - Duke's official representative at press conferences; he is the only person authorized to announce new information on plant conditiont. Assistant News Director (AND) - Responsible for the smooth and effective operation of the News Center. State and County Liaison PIO (S/CL PIO) - Serves as the conduit for information between the News Group and state and county public information representatives. General Office News Director (GOND) - Manages the general office news cehter. Monitor (H) - Serves as primary technical resource for the News Director. Technical Support - Center Liaison (TSCL) - News Group representative at the plant emergency-center. Media Coordinator (MC) - Ensures smooth operation of the Media Center. Internal Communications Coordinator (ICC) - The point of contact for all employee information about the emergency and the response effort. Investor Communications Coordinator (IvCC) - Responsible for communications

       .with the financial community.

Governments Coordinator (GC) - Responsible for communications with the elected officials in the EPZ. State Government Contact (SGC) - Responsible for all communications with members of the state legislative delegation. Federal: Government Contact (FGC) - Responsible for all communications with members of the federal legislative delegation. Technical Briefer Section Head (TBSH) - Coordinates the activities of Technical Briefers. Technical Briefer (TB) - Media Center - Works with the media and industry / agency officials in explaining information about the plant status. Technical Briefer (TB) - Community Relations - Serves as the on-site News Group representative. Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 129

 = -  _ _ _ _ - - -                _ _           _ _ _ _ _ _ _       _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _           _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


i. Technical Briefer (TB).- Rumor Control - Responds to telephone inquiries from plant neighbors and the public at large.

Technical Briefer (TB) - Media Monitoring - Assists in the review of media reports for technical accuracy, t L ~ Technical Briefer (TB) - State / County EOC - Serves as the News Group l representative in the State / County EOC. Technical Briefer (TB) - Media Notification - Notifies the media of the plant , condition and activation of the News Center. Technical Briefer (TB) - General Office - Provides technical support for the general office news staff. Media Registration Coordinator (MRC) - Greets- and registers media representatives upon their arrival to the Media Center. Audiovisual Coordinator (AVC) - Responsible for media monitoring and the videotaping of all news conferences. Media Monitor (MM) - Records radio and television news programs and EBS messages and reviews for accuracy. Set-Up Coordinator (SVC) - Responsible for the set-up and logistics supporting all News Center facilities. Support Coordinator (SC) - Responsible for administrative support of the News


Center. Secretarial Team (ST) - Provides clerical and administrative support for the News Group. General Office Secretarial Team (GOST) - Provides clerical and administrative support for News Group members working in the General Office News Center. l i l I 1 l l 1 Rev. 24 l January 2, 1990 l Page 130 I I i

GENERAL'INFDRMATION 1 News- group members should record information given in their initial notification on the emergency message form on page 239. Sample messages to be L. L used in making external notifications can be found on page 192 as a part of the external notification procedure. This information should be used in making additional internal notification calls. Notification calls should be , made prior to reporting to the emergency work location. The crimarv news center for Oconee is located in the Oconee CMC. The media center is located in the Clemson Operations Center Assembly Room. News group members should remain aware of the potential for excessive noise in - crists management facilities and strive to minimize that noise. If the primary news group members for a position are not available, the news director decides who will fill that position. When reporting to the emergency work location, news group inembers should bring L their news group plan, their crisis management ids and their SLED ID. Crisis management ids are necessary to gain access to all CMC locations and the SLED ID will minimize any delay if access control is enforced in route to the CMC. Parking for news group members will be available at the Oconee CMC. Rumor control forms are available at each news group location and should be used to log all outside calls following the rumor control procedure. Key contact / decision making logs are found in the back of the news plan.

           -These logs should be used to document key contacts, either by telephone or in person, and decisions made by news group members. These logs should be given to the set-up coordinator at the conclusion of the event.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 131


     ,     WHO CONTACTS YOU: Duty Engineer YOUR WORK LOCATION:- Oconee Crisis Management Center Manager's Area Clemson, SC WHO YOU REPORT TO:                       Recovery Manager PRINCIPAL     WORKING                     RELATIONSHIPS:               Public      Spokesperson, Assistant   News Director, State / County- Liaison pIO, Monitor, Recovery Manager and Staff, General Office News Director BASIC FUNCTION:                         The ND has overall responsibility for the News Group and coordinates the release of all public information about the emergency.


1. Records available information from the duty engineer on the emergency message form.
2. Determines degree of activation of the news center.
 .          3. Notifies the persons on the ND call list using the emergency message form.
4. Based on information from, the duty engineer or the TSC, if activated, drafts the first news release. The News Director will exercise judgement on appropriate approval of this release in light of the need for timely distribution.
5. Reports to the emergency work location, and throughout the emergency maintains contact with the assistant news director to keep the news staff informed about the situation.
6. Based on information obtained from the assistant news director, the ND keeps the recovery -manager's staff aware of the news center activities, key public information decisions by state and county officials, media and community response and rumors about the emergency.
7. Coordinates the preparation and distribution of news releases following the news release procedure.
8. Coordinates news conferences following the news conference procedure.
9. Reviews information released by the Emergency Communications Manager in the CMC for consistency with news releases and other public statements.
10. As needed, resolves any rumors using information or personnel in the recovery manager's office.
11. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate

< forms. Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 132

   ~ - - _                 __ - _ _ _-____ _______               ____ - ____ - __        ____

m , l 8+ NEWS DIRECTOR 3 a Roberta Bowman

                                                                 . Mary Boyd L

Phil Carter

              .                 CALL LIST-PUBLIC $POKESPERSON-(call one) p.193
,--                                    Hal Tucker-
;                                    ' Jim Hampton.
                                      . Tony McConnelli             ,

Mike Tuckman ASSISTANT NEWS DIRECTOR (call one) p.193-PatLKusek Phillip Carter l GENERAL OFFICELNEWS DIRECTOR (call one) p.193

                                       ' Andy Thompson:

John McAlister Sondra Wise , MONITOR (call one) p.193-L. R. Davison i

       !l '

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 133

PUBLit'5Po m pa s0N fps) WO CONTACTS' YOU: News Director YOUR WORK LOCATION: Oconee Crisis Management Center Manager's Area Clemson, SC WO YOU REPORT TO: News Director PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIP 5: News Director, Recovery Manager and Staff, Monitor, State and County PIO's. BASIC FUNCTION: The PS is Duke's official representative at- press conferences; he is the only person authorized to announce new information on plan conditions. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information on the emergency message form.
2. Reports to the Crisis Management Center.
3. Monitors plant status and other information in the Crisis Management Center.
4. With'the News Director, coordinates the timing for news conferences, held in the media center at the Clemson Operations Center Assembly Room.
5. With the News Director, meets with state, county and agency PIO representatives before each news conference to review statements.
6. Coordinates with the News Director and Media Coordinator on any special visual aids for the news conference.
7. Represents Duke Power at news conferences.

8." Participates in one-on-one media interviews, as time permits.

9. As determined by the News Director, responds to/ addresses significant about plant status and addresses any misinformation or rumors miscommunication revealed by review of the transcripts during news conferences.
10. Documents decision making, phone calls and key contacts using the appropriate forms, Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 134
                                                                               - - - . . .   , , , ,,,.,,,_,my


       ;R                          ,
     .       )

PUBLIC 3PDKESPER50N Y Y i', ! -, e 4 1 Hal:-. Tucker Jim Hampton- - Tony McConnell _ Mike Tuckman-

                                . NOCA(LS,TOMAKE        _

l F-t L t J. Rev. 24 January 2, 1990

            .                                                                                                                                                           Page 135
                ?        t L - - _-- _ - - - - ______--- - __-_ --__--_--____-____.____-_ ___-__ - -._____ _.--_____ _.-____._.-- -___. - _ - _ - - - -                   a


 ~WHO CONTACTS YOU: News Direct.or YOUR WURK LOCATION: News Grcup Area Oconee Crisis Management Center, Clemson, SC WHO YOU REPORT TO: News Director PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS:       News Director, State / County Liaison PIO, Media Coordinator, Technical Briefer Section Head, TSC Liaison, General Of fice News Director BASIC FUNCTION:    The AND is responsible for the smooth and effective operation of the News Center..

PROCEDURES: I. When notified by the News Director, completes the emergency message form. j

2. Notifies the News Group representatives on the AND call list, using the  ;

emergency message form, i i

3. Reports to, and ensures the proper setup of, the News Center.* (See next  :

page) -j i

4. Reviews for accuracy and oversees the distribution of Duke news releases, l according to the news release procedure. ,
5. Produces and distributes a news release if there is a significant status change while the news director is involved-in a press conference.  ;
6. Ensures that status boards are maintained.
7. Maintains contact with the NRC public information officers in the News .

Center. Informs them of all news conferences and ensures distribution of  ! all NRC news releases to news group members. '

8. With the S/CL .PIO, monitors news releases and other public information l released by the state and county PIO's. Ensures the distribution of these news releases to all news group members.
9. Coordinates with the ND in timing of the news conferences.  ;
10. . Maintains regular contact with the S/CL PIO; informs the S/CL PIO of the
      . news director's plans for press conferences.
11. Approves all news group statements or communications (except news releases).

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 136

o - . h

  • o - 12. With the .5/CL PID, teviews EBS tapes and transcripts for accuracy; ensures  :

the distribution of these transcripts to appropriate news-group metbers.

           '13. Ensures tapes of newscasts and ' news conference transcripts are promptly-

and carefully reviewed by the technical' briefer / media monitoring, ,

14. With the S/CL. PID, investigates and resolves rumors using news group contacts. - Communicates the resolution of significant rumors to the news director.
15. Documents decision making, phone calls, and key contacts -using the appropriate forms. .

ALTERNATE PROCEDURE I If the~ TSC is = activated and only- one World of Energy staff member is available, that staff member will handle rumor control calls. The staff

            . member will also contact the Compliance Section at Oconee for the name of a designated TSC . liaison.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 137

sm , i -lt ' + A5515 TANT NEWS DIRECTOR -(AND)

                                                                                      ' Pat Rusek"

! Phillip Carter Call LIST;

                                 'Vice President of Corporate Communications Ken Clark 704/373-7302 i                                                                                                      \

Technical: Support' Center Liaison (call one) p.198 L


Set-up; Coordinator (call one) p.200 L Barbara Barker-Diane _ Savage

                                   ' State /Ceunty Liaison PIO (call one) p.195                 ,

Mary Boyd Guynn-Savage

                                   . Media Coordinator (call one) p.195
                                                  -Mike Dembeck.

Anne Sheffield~

i i

Rev. 24  : January 2, 1990 Page 138


      ~YOUP. WORK LOCATION: General Office News Center -- ECI-230 Electric Center WHO YOU REPORT TO: Assistant News Director PRINCIPAL ~ WORKING RELATIONSHIPS:        Technical Support Center Liai son, News Director,_ Assistant        News   Director,  Governments   Coordinator,    Internal Communications Coordinator. Investor Communications Coordinator BASIC FUNCTION:      The GOND manages the general office news center.                 ,
1. When notified by the news director, etmpletes the emergency message form.
2. Notifies the news group representatives on the GOND call list, using the emergency _ message form.
      '3. Also notifies the federal agency representative and the State Emergency Operations Center on the GOND call list, and informs them that the general office news center and the near-site news center are bring set up.
4. When the news center is not .available, the GONO assists TSCL with production of news releases based on information available from the TSCL at the plant.
5. After emergency coordinator at TSC approves release and NRC reviews, GOND issues it following the news release procedure.
6. Supervises the general office news staff and coordinates all L

communications provided by the group. 1

7. Approves CONTACT bulletins for release.
8. . Provides general office support to the near-site news center throughout the~ event. Coordinates this support with the AND.
9. Documents decision makir.g, phone calls and key contacts using the appropriate forms.

l l l l l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 139 l l


                                          - '            : GENERAL- 0FFICE NEWS DIRECTOR. (GOND)

Andy' Thompson.

                                                                       - Sondra Wise John McAlister NRC Public Information - Region 2'
                               . Ken Clark     p. 202      i i
  • Governments Coordinator (call' one) p.195 L
i. Rick Deese-Lucinda Trew Internal Communications. Coordinator (call one) p.195 c bc. 'Beth Parsons 1 i
                           'Investo'r-Communications Coordinator (call one)-p.196               l Jeff Johnson Sharon Wooten Mark 1Bottrill       .                                                                ;


                           *This' person is contacted in a drill, but the position is not activated,              ;

e 3-

                       >                                                                                               i Rev. 24
         'n January 2, 1990 Page 140

_=____--___ 2. . . .


             '                                         -STATE AND COUNTY LIAISON PIO (5/CL pIO1 WHO CONTACTS YOU: AND                                                                                       ,

YOUR WORK LOCATION: News Group Area Oconee Crisis Management Center, Clemson, SC WHO YOU REPORT TO: AND PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Assistant News Director, News Director, Technical Briefer Section Head and Rumor Control Staff, Technical Briefer

               . State / County EOC, State and County PIO's, General 0f fice News Director BASIC FUNCTION:               The S/CL PIO serves as the conduit for information between the news group and state and county public information representatives.


1. Completes emergency message form.
2. Notifies the TBSH to have his staff begin calling the media. Determine which media DPC will notify, when, and what will be said.
3. Notifies persons on the S/CL PIO call list for the affected plant.
                      . Informs them that the news center is being activated, pives them general office news center contacts                             for information prior- to news      center activation, briefs them on Duke Power's media call list, and obtains telephone. numbers where state and county calls should be referred prior to full activation 'of the news center (gives these telephone numbers to the GOND).
4. Reports to the news center, and ensures that equipment and staff are available to support state and county PIO activities.

5.. Based on information provided by the AND, regularly briefs state and county P10's and news center staff on plant and DPC activities. Provides other~information or assistance as requested.

6. With the AND, reviews all state and county news releases and other public statements for consistency with DPC communications prior to their release.
7. Obtains copies of all state and county news releases and ensures distribution to news group members according to the news release
                       .- procedure .
8. Ensures distribution of Duke Power news releases to state and county P10's.
9. Coordinates state and county news conference activities following the news 2

conference procedure. Rev. 24 - January 2, 1990 Page 141

k, 10.. Prior to news conferences, ensures assembly of the state and county PIO's,

s. the news director- and public spokesperson in the news center conference room;- attends all of these pre-press conference briefings. Notifies media coordinator when spokespersons depart for the media center.

11.' Supervises the news group members at the joint rumor control desk. Updates them on plant conditions and Duke's emergency response efforts and assists in tracking- and resolving rumors according to the rumor control procedure. ,

12. Reviews all rumor control reports, and promptly reports trends to the AND..


13. With the AND, reviews significant news tapes or ' transcripts of EBS messages as identified by the TB-media monitoring. Ensures distribution of EBS transcripts to news group memebers according to the news release procedure.
14. If requested by the states and/or counties, works with the TBSH to assign a staff - person to each state / county EOC. Serves as the news center ',

contact for those news' group members assigned to the state or county EOC's.

15. May request from the TBSH a TB to assist with technical interpretations for state and county PIDs.
16. Documents decision ma king , phone calls, and key- contacts using the appropriate forms.

, d i l 1 I Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 142 w J

                                              .J.3 TATE / COUNTY LIAISON PID-to Mary Boyd
                                                                 .Guynn Savage CILL LIST' TECHBRIEFERSECTIONHEAD(callone)'p.197I-Andy Thomp5on Jee Maher L0coneeCounty(callone)p.201\

Walter Purcell Larry Brandt'.< PickensCounty(callone)'p.201I Don.Evett Tim Morgan StateefSC(call-one)p.'201-202k Edith Caudie Paul Lunsford

          ;:4 i

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 143

                .*b. t

MONITOR (m M10 CONTACTS YOU: P;*s Girector YOUR WRK LOCATION: Oconee Crisis Management Center Manager's Area Clemson, SC

         - Mio YOU REPORT TO: News Director PRINCIPAL         WORKING                      RELATIONSHIPS:  News             Director, Public                                        Spokesperson, Assistant News Director, Recovery Manager and Staff BASIC. FUNCTION - The M serves as primary technical resource for the news director.


1. Completes the emergency message form.
2. Reports to the Crisis Management Center.
3. Serves as the news director's,and public spokesperson's primary technical resource by gathering information from other groups in the CMC and providing technical expertise for , news releases and public statements.

4.- Tracks all activities in the recovery manager's area, particularly in the absence of the news director and public spokesman.

5. During news conferences, serves as the news group contact in the recovery manager's area.
6. Contacts the assistant news director to notify the news director if plant status changes significantly while the press conference is in progress.

Coordinates these notifications with the emergency communications manager.

7. Br.iefs. the news director and public spokesperson on activities at the plant and in the recovery manager's area during their absence.
8. Calls AND with information to update status boards.
9. Receives copies of Duke Power and state and county news releases, EBS messages,. and press conference transcripts, and ensures distribution according to the news release procedure.
10. Assists the news director in tracking or resolving rumors concerning Duke's response to problems at the plant.
11. Documents decision making, phone calls, and key contacts using the appropriate forms.

Rev. 24 January 2,1990 Page 144

_i $ ' q h

                               *f .


                .e                                                                                      .

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 145

11 TECHNICAL Supp0RT CENTER LIAISDN (TSCL) WHO CONTACTS YOU: News Director 'l YOUR WORK LOCATION: Technical Support Center (TSC) at the station Auxiliary Building, work area adjacent to Unit I and 2

                                                                                                  'l control. room                                                        j WHO YOU REPORT TO: News Director / Assistant News Director PRINCIPAL. WDRKING RELATIONSHIPS:     News Director, Assistant News Director, Emergency Coordinator, General Office News Director BASIC FUNCTIONS:    The TSCL is the news group ' representative at the plant emergency center and the primary plant information link prior to CMC activation..


1. Records available information from the AND on the emergency message form.

If initial TSCL notification is received from the plant, calls ND before reporting to the'TSC.

2. Reports to emergency location and notifies emergency coordinator that he/she is the news group representative, y
3. Gathers information about the emergency activities at the station.

L Prior .to CMC activation, the TSCL assists GOND in production of news releases. The TSCL will obtain emergency coordinator approval of news releases prepared in the time prior to CMC activation. After CMC activation, the TSCL reports to the AND and provides supplementary information.

4. Keeps station management and on-site NRC representatives aware of _ news l group activities. This includes distribution of news releases and other l communications by Duke Power and the states and counties.
5. Serves as the on-site News Group contact to investigate and resolve rumors about plant conditions using the rumor control procedure.
6. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 l page 146

          '; *                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                }
                          , , ,,x v                                                                            TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER LIAISON Jamin Ramere OCONEE'                                                                                                                                                                   .

p' , Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 147 n.

   ._A_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _  _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ .

S I- p MEDI A C00RDINATOR (MC1 WHO CONTACTS YOU: Assistant News Director YOUR WORK LOCATION: Media Center Clemson Operations Center Assembly Room  ; WHO YOU REPORT TO: Assistant News Director , PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: - Assistant News Director, Technical Briefer

' Section Head, Media Registration' Coordinator, State / County Liaison PIO, Industry / Agency Coordinator, General Office News Director- -
      . BASIC FUNCTION: The MC insures smooth operation of-the media center.


1. Records available information from the AND on the emergency message form.


2. Notifies the persons on the MC call list using the emergency message form.
3. Supervises the activities of the media registration and audiovisual ,


4. Coordinates with the media registration coordinator and technical briefer section head to insure that media and industry / agency representatives arriving at .the medis center are familiar with facilities' in the media ,

center and are briefed on the current situation, t

5. Makes recommendations to the AND about the needs of the media and/or industry / agency representatives. This might include plant tours cr additional news conferences.

Facilitates news conferences according to the news conference procedure.



7. Ensures that news releases' are distributed in the media center according to the news release procedure.
8. Serves as the rumor control liaison in the media center to investigate and resolve media center rumors about plant conditions using the rumor control procedure.
9. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 148

                     ,y  .

g 1 t 11 -' i ';,k ' : i;: ; ' MEDIAC00RDINATOR Mike Dembeck jp$p: Anne Sheffield 1:  ;; Io > CALL LIST-l I s ,. MEDIA REGISTRATION COORDINATOR (call one) p.196

                                        . Sara Lee Epperson Jan Kelly 1 AUDIOVISUAL COORDINATOR'(call one) p.198 ,

f,? iPat Payne j I, - I g-- r i:

                                                                                                             .j i

3 t 1

       $      /


 ;y l

m Rev. 24 'l January 2, 1990 Page 149 2 .  : a w'


                                   - YOUR WORK LOCATION: General Office News Center -- ECI-230 Electric Center-WHO YOU REPORT TO: General Office News Director
                                   ' PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: General Office News Director,             Internal i

Communication Coordinator Support BASIC FUNCTION:' The_ICC is the point of contact for all employee information about the emergency and the response effort. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the GOND on the emergency message form.
2. Notifies the persons on the ICC call list using the emergency message form.- The ICC support may assist in making these calls.

These calls include calls .to the division operations vice presidents, hydro. station managers, steam station managers, and station support managers in the area. These calls are to inform the managers of the event and prepare them for customer inquiries. Division vice presidents should be asked to implement their call trees.

3. Reports to the emergency work location and, after receiving- the appropriate approval from the GOND/AND,_ issues the first CONTACT bulletin to employees.
4. Issues CONTACT bulletins in a time frame similar to news releases. The-CONTACT bulletins will be transmitted through the PROFS computer system.

CQNTACTS are approved by the GOND and the AND before distribution.

5. Serves as the rumor control liaison for employee rumors and is responsible for investigating and resolving employee rumors using the rumor control procedure.
6. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate form.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 150

ma k , h tr r; F ' w INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR ' a- Beth Parsons 4

                                                                                                               -v INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR SUPPORT Paul-Viggiano.

Notifications outside' of.- the-. news group _are ' listed .in the internal 6 - communications coordinator telephone list on page 203-204.l . e

                                                                                                              -j l
1 i

a' i c I

                                                                                                               -i 1

L, o i l 1 1 i t l5_ p. .


l. 1 l l Rev. 24 H January 2, 1990 Page 151 l l s i., i

[ tr: p L



             -WHO CONTACTS YOU: General: Office News Director YOUR WORK LOCATION: General Office News Center -- ECI-230 Electric Center.

WHO YOU REPORT TO: . General Office News Director PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS:- General Office News Director o BASIC FUNCTION: The IvCC is responsible for communications with the financial. community. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the GOND on the emergency message form.
             '2. Notifies the~ persons on the IvCC call list using the emergency message form.
3. Reports to the emergency work location.

Keeps the treasurer's department and the Investor Relatior.s Department


4. briefed on the' emergency situation.

5. Answers calls from' the financial media and any other members of the financial community who call for information.

!, 6. Responsible for Investigating and resolving rumors within the financial b community using the rumor control procedure. 1

7. Gives updates on investor reactions to the GOND, B. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.


  • This person is contacted in a drill, but the position is not activated.

p a i L  ; Rev. 24 January 2, 1990  ; Page 152 l 1-


Jeff Johnson j Sharon Wooten ' Mark Bottrill

                                                                                                                   -1, Call List                      Office                                         Hamt                     !

Rich Osborne 704/373-5159 j Sherry Love 704/373-8525 j

     .          Sue Becht                   704/373-8695 Y


l. $

L. s s i I L l. L 1 t p , l t L , ! 4: l; . ll tt - i l' I l { Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 153 [

                                                                                                                   .i L


  • WHD CONTACTS YOU: Generai Office Ness Director YOUR WORK LOCATION: General Office News Center -- ECI-230 Electric Center '

WHO YOU REPORT TO: General Office News Director  !

 ;'        PRINCIPAL WORKING      RELATIONSHIPS:    General   Office   News  Director,    State Government Contact, Federal Government Contact, State / County Liaison PIO.           ,

BASIC FUNCTION: The GC is responsi e for communications with the elected officials in the EPZ. PROCEDURES: 1 I. Records available information from the GOND on the emergency message form.

2. Notifies the persons on the GC call list using the emergency message form.

These calls include calls to local officials. In an emergency, the GC i informs the officials that he/she is the Duke contact for plant ' information and makes available the appropriate names and phone numbers forstateandcountyofficialsastheyappearbeginningonpage205.l The GC al e contacts Steve Griffith or a senior legal staff member so that i he may designate a contact for the North Carolina Utilities Commission and the South Carolina public Service Commission. The GC continues to update the contact so that he/she may provide information to these agencies, the Public Staff and the Consumer Advocate.' , Notifies the Executive Vice Presiden. -- Power Group or another senior company officer, who is serving as the Duke Power liaison in providing information to the governor of the affected state (s), of any news conferences or significant news group activities.

3. Reports to the energency work location and throughout the emergency continue to update local officials on plant status.* .
4. Supervises the activities of the state government and the federal government contacts.
5. Serves as the contret to investigate and resolve rumors about plant status that surface among government contacts using the rumor control procedure.
6. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.
           *This person is contacted in a drill, but the position is not activated.

l , L Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 154 l l- -

o . i .i  !

              .                                                                                  1
                -t GOVERNMENT 3 COORDINATOR W                                                                                             1 Lucinda Trew y                                                  Rick Deese                                   l cAtt List                                                                       I
 -               FEDERALGOVERNMENTCONTACT(callone)*p.195l                           .

Don Hatley  ; Barbara Simpson-  ! Judy Sands i STATEGOVERNMENTCONTACT(callone)*p.195l Roy Wall Dan Jones Billie Henderson i Betty Jean Hudson EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT -- POWER GROUP  ; (call. one)" p.205 } , Warren Owen Rick Prioryi Jim Grogan Bill Coley , SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL p.204 Steve Griffith  ; Local government officials to be called are listed in the governments coordinator'stelephonedirectorybeginningonpage205.l

                  *- This person is contacted in a drill but the position is not activated..
                  **  The news group does not make initial calls to this person, but does call to update him on news group activities.

L Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 ! Page 155 l

lQ,, f y. STATE GOVERNWENT CONTACT f SGCP WHO CONTACTS YOU: Governments Coordinator  ! YOUR WORK 1.DCAT3DN: General Of fice News Center -- ECI-230 Electric Center er Spartanburg WHO YOU REPORT TO: Governments Coordinator PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Governments Coordinator, Federal Government  ; Contact, State / County Liaison PIO. , BASIC FUNCTION: The SGC is responsible for all communications with members of the state legislative delegation. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the GC on the emerg'.cey message form.
2. Notifies the persons on the SGC call list using the emergency message form. ,

The SGC also inforns the sta'te officials that he/she will be their Duke contact for informat'!cn about the plant. The SGC should also make sure that the officials are aware of the government agencies to contact regarding protective action recommendations as they appear on pages 200-201. ,

3. Reports to the emergency work location and continues to update state officials on plant status throughout the emergency.
4. , Informs the GC of any rumors developing within the state government using
              .       the rumor control procedure.
5. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.
                 'This person is contacted in a drill, but the position is not activated.

L Rev. 24 January 2,1990 . Page 156

      .*i                            ..               _--      -         .           . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _

3 l i

 #                                   $ TATE GOVERNMENT CDNTAtT                                               ;

Roy Wall , Bill Rixon ' i B1111e Henderson  ; Betty Jean Hudson l State govert. ment officials and their telephone numbers are found in the state [ government conttet's telephone beginning on page 207.  ! i l r i Rev 24 o- January 2, 1990 , Page 157

                                                                                                          .L 8                                        -     .          - - - - . . ..-.s .        , , , . . - - >
       .i                                                                                   t

( TEDERAL GOVERNWENT CONTACT (FGC)* i WO CDWTACTS YOU: Governments Cocrdinator YOUR WORK LOCATION: General office Newt Center -- EC1-230 Electric Center WHO YOU REPORT TO: Governments Coordinator PRINCIPAL WDRKING RELATIONSHIPS: Governments Coordinator, $ tate Government ; Contact, State / County Liaison PIO. BASIC FUNCTION: The FGC is responsible for all communications with members of the federal legislative delegation. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the GC on the emergency message form. r
2. Notifies the persons on the FGC call list using the emergency message form.

The FGC also informs the federal officials that he/she will be their Duke contact for information about the plant. The FGC should also make sure that the officials are aware of the government agencies to contact regarding protective action recommendations as they appear on pages 200-201.

          .3. Reports to the emergency work location and continues to update federai      ,

L. officials on plant status throughout the emergency.* <

4. Informs the GC of any < rumors developing, within the federal government using the rumor control procedure.
5. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate
  • forms.
            'This, person is called in a drill, but the position is not activated.

1 L J i l l l l l l Rev. 24 l January 2, 1990  ! Page 158 1 l-l- _ .

 .t FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CONTAtT Don Hatley Barbara Simpson Judy Sands                                           .

Federal government officials and their telephone numbers are listed -in the federal government contact's telephone list begir.ning on page 209.l c e i l. l l l l Rev. 24 i January 2, 1990 Page 159 i s . . . . _ . . ., ._. - _ - __ - ____ _ _ __ _.._. _ b

TECHN1tAL PRIEFER SECTION HEAD fTBSH) WHO CONTACTS YOU: S/CL PIO YOUR WORK LOCATION: Media Center Clemson Operations Center Assembly Room WHO YOU REPORT TO: Assistant News Director PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: /.ssistant News Director, Technical Briefers, f Media Coordinator, State / County Liaison PIO, General Office News Director BASIC FUNCTION: The TBSH coordinates the activities of all technical 1 briefers. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the S/CL PIO on the emergency message ,

form. The TBSH determines the timing and message for media notification calls and informs the S/CL PIO which media will be notified. l

2. Notifies technical briefers listed in the TBSH call list using the emergency message form. The TBSH may ask the second shift TBSH to assist in making the notification calls to second snift technical briefers.

Directs technical briefers to report to the following places and perform the following duties:  ;

             -  Four technical briefers to report to the DNS news center to assist with rumor contt'o1 calls. Technical briefers will then report to the S/CL P!O. One of these tbs functions as the lead TB in the news center.           '

One technical briefer to report te the ONS news center to assist with media monitoring and news conference transcript review. This TB also makes notes of internal briefings and press conferences highlights for distribution to the TB staff. One technical briefer to report to the state EOC and to each of affected county EOCs to assist with technical interpretation. This technical briefer then reports to the state / county liaison PIO. One technical briefer to the World of Energy to handle inquiries received at the visitor center and to serve as on-site representative. Two technical briefers report to the General Of fice News Center to assist with phone inquiries and provide technical interpretation. Second shift technical briefers will be instructed to begin making media and industry / agency notification calls using the emergency message form." Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 160

      .c                    .            -   -

i f-I

       *'   In a drill tbs may also make investor communications, local, state and federal government notifications using the procedure on page 191.
           -    All additional technical briefers will report to the media center to work with the media and industry / agency groups. One of these functions as the lead TB in the news center.
3. Reports to the emergency work location.
4. Works closely with the media coordinator to insure that media are receiving the assistance they need.
5. Maintains close contact with the tbs in the gen 9tal office and to track their activities.
6. Maintains close contact with tbs in the media center to obtain feedback on their interactions with the media.
7. Maintains close _ contact with the TB-Community Relations to keep that person informed and track activities.
8. Conveys feedback from the tbs to the ACND.
9. Provides information about rumors in the media center to the media ,

coordinator using the rumor control procedure.

10. May . be asked to provide the AND and/or $/CL PIO with additional TB support.
11. If plant employees are transperted to local hospitals, send a TB to the hospital to assist with inquiries. Directions to the hospital are found onpage231.I
12. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms. ,

i 1 i l 1 (. Rev. 24 j January 2, 1990 ' Page 161

                                                                                              .I 4

TECHNICAL BRIEFER $ECTION HEAD f Andy Thompson [ Joe Maher i i I i

         ; CALL LIST p.296-197                                                                  :

TECHNICAL BRIEFER $ .; Ronnie Nix. John McAlister  ! Mike Presnell- Anne Sheffield i Harvey Deal Rhem Wooten Michael Lail Rick Deese Steven Broer- John Byrd Jesse Swords Sandra Magee  ;

              ' Carl Leonard                           Bryant Kinney                           i David Violette                         Jeff Johnson (investors) s              Keith Quillen-                         Mike Mullen                           ..

Pam McAnulty Cynthia Lipski ' Todd Kaish Jim Byko } Christine Worley Kathleen Mullen

       .        Guynn Savage                           Tom Bilger Jamie Ramere                       -

Tim Pettit  ; Mary Kathryn Scarborough Ed Falco , Glenn Bell Maria Greene e Additional Technical Briefer Support:  ; John Wylie Les Stallings. Charlotte' Burton ' Lori' Austin , Looyd Laffitte j

         'Everett Orr Dave Llenwellyn                                                                     i Nick Manely

< + TB call itsts: . industry / agency page 213 media page 214 , 7-local government

  • page 205 l state government
  • page 207 '

o federal government

  • page 209 1,

If calls are not made by the local, state, federal , l government coordinators. l :p Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 1 l' Page 162

I r-  ! j

                                 ~ TECHN10AL BRIEFER fTB1 - Media Center                          !

WHO CONTA;TS YOU: Technical Briefer Section Head  ! YOUR WORK LOCATION: Media Center l Clemson Operations Center Assembly Room t WHO YOU REPORT TO: Technical Briefer Section Head  ; PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Technical Briefer Section Head, Media , Coordinator and Staff, Industry / Agency Coordinator. , BASIC FUNCTION: The tbs - Media Center work with the media- and industry / agency officials in explaining information about the plant status.

1. Records available information from the TBSH on the emergency message form. *
2. Reports to the emergency work location.
3. Assists media and industry / agency representatives who report to the medik .

center. Functions include: explaining contents of press kits  ; updating representatives upon their arrival at the media center making tapes / transcripts of news conferences available upon request clarifying terms and information contained in news conferences and news releases

                 'following up on requests made by the media / industry representatives           ,
4. Informs TBSH of the type of questions being asked by the media and of any additional needs they might have.

! S. ' Informs media coordinator of potential rumors using the rumor control procedures-1

6. Lead media center TB assists the TBSH in coordination of all of these activities.
7. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.

6 Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 163

r , 1 i [ i 1 TECHNital BRIEFER fTB) - News Center

       .                                                                                         I WHO CONTACTS YOU: Technical Briefer Section Head                                       j YOUR WORK LOCATION: News Group Area                                                    j Oconee Crisis Management Center, Clemson, SC                   :

WHO YOU REPORT TO: State / County Liaison PIO  ! PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: State / County Liaison PIO, State News Center i Staff, County PIDs BASIC FUNCTION: The tbs - News Center respond to telephone inquiries from l' plant neighbors and the public at large. PROCEDURES:  :

1. Records available information from the TBSH on the emergency message form,
2. Reports to the , news center. tbs - news center report to the S/CL PIO after arriving at the news center.
3. Begins responding to calls following the rumor control procedure.
4. Keeps S/CL PIO informed of the number of calls being received and the general nature of the calls. l
5. The lead information center TB assists the S/CL PIO in coordination of all e of these activities.
6. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate i forms, 9

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 164

i [ I i I 1 l l TECHNICAL BRIEFER (TB) - Media Menitorine . l WO CONTACTS YOV: Technical Briefer Section Head WORK LOCATION: News Group Area Oconee Crisis Management Center, Clemson, SC , , -WO YOU REPORT TO: Technical Briefer Section Head PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Technical Briefer Section Head, Media Monitors, Assistant News Director, State / County Liaison PIO. Audiovisual Coordinator, Media Coordinator BASIC FUNCTION: The tbs - Media Monitoring assists in the review of media reports for technical accuracy. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the TBSH on the emergency message form.
2. Reports to the emergency work location. ,

3, Notifies the AVC that he/ the technical briefer for media monitoring and will be reviewing tapes of news and EBS broadcasts.

4. Takes notes on official internal briefings ad distributes hard copy to tbs in the news and media centers.
 ?    5. Takes notes during press conferences and distributes hard copy to tbs in the news and media centers.
6. Reviews tapes of radio /TV news programs and EBS messages for accuracy.

Identifies significant tapes for review by the AND and S/CL PIO.

7. Coordinates with support coordinator to ensure that broadcasts are -

transcribed and hard copy distributed. B. Reviews news conference transcripts for accuracy.

9. Serves as technical resource for other media monitors.
10. Follows media monitoring procedure in addressing inaccurate reports.
11. Documents decision making, phone calls, etc. using the appropriate form.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 165

TECHNICAL BRIEFER (TB) - State / County EOCs , WHO CONTACTS YOU: Technical Briefer Section Head i WORK LOCATION: State / County Emergency Operations Center  : WHO YOU REPORT TO: State / County Liaison PIO PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: State / County Liaison PIO, State / County PI0s, Technical Briefer Section Head BASIC FUNCTION: The tbs - State / County EOC serves as the Duke Power representative in the state / county EOCs. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the TBSH on the emergency message form.
2. Reports to a state or county EOC as directed by the TBSH and notifies the EOC director that he/she will be the Duke Power representative in the EOC.

The state and county emergency operations centers for Oconee are listed on page 231. .

3. Provides technical interpretation of plant conditions / emergency actions-for state / county officials in the EOC, i

4 Keeps EOC updated about news center activities. ! 5. Assists with rumor control calls to the EOC.

6. Keeps S/CL PIO informed of EOC activities.  :
7. Serves as the EOC news group contact to investigate and resolve rumors about plant conditions using the rumor control procedure.
 . 8. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.

i ( I Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 166

t J j TECHNICAL BRIEFER (TB) - General Office WHO CONTACTS YOU: Technical Briefer Section Head YOUR WORK LOCATION: General Office News Center -- ECI-230 Electric Center , WHO YDU REPORT TO: General Office News Director PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Technical Briefer Section Head, General Office News Staff BASIC FUNCTION: The TB - General Office provides technical support for the General Office news staff.  :


PROCEDURES: I. Records available information from the TBSH on the emergency message form.

2. Reports to the emergency work location. ,
3. Provides technical interpretation and explanation to the general office .

news staff. [

4. Responds to any rumors using the rumor control procedure.
5. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.

l l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 167

r t

                       . TECHNICAL BRIEFER (TB) - Community Relations WHO CONTACTS YOU: Technical Briefer Section Head i

YOUR WORK LOCATION: World of Energy Oconee Nuclear Station WHO YOU REPORT TO: Technical Briefer Section Head - PRINCIPAL- WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Technical Briefer Section Head, Technical Support Center Liaison BASIC FUNCTION: The TB - Community Relations serves as the on-site news representative. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the TBSH on the emergency message form.
2. Reports to the emergency work location.
3. Notifies the TBSH, TSCL, station security and station switchbo rd when in place.
4. Responds to any calls or rumors using the rumor control procedure.

l 5. Conducts plant tours as directed.

6. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.

I l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 168

l TECHN1tAL BRIEFER fTB) - Media (qtification , WHO CONTACTS YOU: Technical Briefer Section Head YOUR WORK LOCATION: Office or Home i WHO YDU REPORT TO: Technical Briefer Section Head PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Technical Briefer Section Head BASIC FUNCTION: The tbs - Media Notification notify the media and industry / agency representatives of the plant condition and activation of the news center. PROCEDURES: l

1. Records available information from the technical briefer section head on the emergency message form.
2. Makes the initial media notification calls based on using a message developed by the TBSH and S/CL PIO.*
3. Documents these calls using the appropriate form and notifies the TBSH when they have been completed. ,
  • Ouring a drill 'these external notifications are made by following the drill notification procedure on page 192.1 tbs will also be making initial notifications to investor groups, federal, state and local government .

officials during drills. i Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 169

   -p' l

MEDIA REGISTRATIDN CODRDINATOR (MRC) WO CONTACTS YOU: Media Coordinator YOUR WORK LOCATION: Media Center Clemson Operations Center Assembly Room , WO YOU REPORT TO: Media Coordinator PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Media Coordinator, Technical Briefers - Media Center, Support Group, Set-up Coordinator BASIC FUNCTION: The MRC greets and registers media representatives upon their arrival to the media center. PROCEDURES:

1. Completes the emergency message form.
2. Notifies support group members on the MRC call list.
3. Assigns one member of the support group to report to the news center to maintain a log of people entering the news center and assist security in verifying identification.
4. Reports to the media center and with the SUC, ensures its proper setup.
5. Registers media representatives and others according to the media registration procedure. provides a copy of the. press kit, and escorts media and industry / agency representatives to the media coordinator. (See '


6. Maintains a complete record of media, I/A representatives and others covering the emergency from the media center.
7. Assists the media coordinator in setting up for news conferences, according to the news conference procedure.
8. Distributes and posts news releases according to the news release procedure.

I 1. 1 l l

 .                                                                       Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 170

i I MEDIA REGISTRATION C00RDINATOR i Sara Lee Epperson Jan Kelly j !' i CALLLISTp.196I MEDIA REGISTRATION CDORDINATOR SUPPORT (call three) Tracy Yandle Mark McSwain i Kenn Compton Kay Saville 3 Jeremy Dreier Sherri Brown I Dock Kornega'y i i I 4 i t i f t b 7-1 Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 171

AUD10V150AL CDORDINATDR ( AVC) WHO CDNTACTS YOU: Media Coordinator YOUR WORK LOCATION: Media Center Clemson Operations Center Assembly' Room WHO YOU REPORT TO: Media Coordinator PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Media Coordinator, State / County Liaison, PIO Technical Briefers, Audiovisual Team, Media Monitors, General Office News Director BASIC FUNCTION: The AVC is responsible for media monitoring and the videotaping of all news conferences. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the MC on the emergency message form, b
2. Notifies the persons on the AVC call list using the emergency message -


   -    Assigns a team member to work with the media monitors in radio and television programs.
   -    Assigns a team member to set up the monitoring area in the news center.
   -    Directs the remaining team members to report to the media center.               ;
3. Reports to the emergency work location and coordinates set-up activities in the media center, news center and media monitoring area.
4. Videotapes all news conferences and provides tapes to the media coordinator for additional distribution to the media, if requested.
5. Coordinates with the support coordinator to have all broadcasts transcribed.
6. Assists the media coordinator in ensuring audio connection to the general office for all press conferences.
7. Supervises the audiovisual and media monitoring teams.
8. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 172


                                             )PatPayne i


          . TALL L11T p. 199 l                                                  l AUDIOVISUAL.C00RDINATOR SUPPDRT f

L Six of the following per shift Pearl McBride Bret Murphree Mickie Stevens Tony Barnes Buddy Bradshaw M1DIA MONITOR $ Three of the following per shift r Pam Shiflet l~ Robert Metz l Debbie Patton Carol Barrett Drew Jones t l l l-i l l Rev. 24 1 January 2, 1990 Page 173 L

i i i i 1 MEDI A NONITOR (MM) i WHO CONTACTS YOU: Audiovisual Coordinator YOUR WORK LOCATION: Audiovisual Room i Oconee Crisis Management Center, Clemson, SC l WHO YOU REPORT TO: Audiovisual Coordinator PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Audiovisual Coordinator and Team, Technical Briefer - Media Monitoring , BASIC FUNCTION: The MM records radio and television news programs and EBS messages and reviews for accuracy. . PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the AVC on the emergency message form.
2. Reports to the emergency work location.
3. Records and monitors news programs and EBS messages on the .following '

stations: Radio Stations Television Stations WFBC - 93.7 FM radio WYFF - Ch. 4 TV WANS - 107.3 AM radio WSPA - Ch. 7 TV WESC - 92.5 FM radio WLOS - Ch. 13.TV 4 The media monitor forwards all reports to the technical briefer / media monitoring following the media monitoring procedure to review for technical accuracy. ,

5. Doc 0ments decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate forms.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 . Page 174


l D j i

                                      -MEDIA MONITOR Mike Wo111nger Pam Shiflet Robert Metz Debbie Patton k         Carol terrett                                                                         i Drew Jones                                                                             ;

i t NO CALLS TO MAKE , f I i [ t-t l i. I d. 4 Rev. 24  ! Janucry 2, 1990 L- Page 175 t

                            . . _ - -      .      _ _ - , - __ _.____.____u.______________.1

l l l e SET-UP EDDRDINATOR , WHO CONTACTS YOU: Assistant News Director  ! L YOUR WORK LOCATION: News Group Area 5 Oconee Crisis Management Center, Clemson, SC WHO YOU REPORT TO: Assistant News Director i PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Assistant News Director, Support Coordinator, Secretarial Team, Technical Briefers, Administration / Logistics Group . BASIC FUNCTION: The SUC is responsible for the set-up and logistics supporting all news center facilities. PROCEDURES:

1. Records available information from the AND on the emergency message form.
2. Notifies the persons on the SUC call list tsing the emergency message form.
3. Reports to the emergency work location.
4. Sets up or supervises the set-up of the media center and the news center.

NEWS CENTER Ensures that: telephones, computers, telecopters, copiers are in place and l operational. ' workstations are set up with supplies, name tents. appropriate charts and schematics are displayed. MEDIA CENTER. Ensures that: media registration materials are set up. media telephones are set up. appropriate charts and schematics are displayed. The Operations Center Assembly Room is set up for news conferences.

5. Supplies materials, equipment and additional personnel as needed and assists AND and SC in shift change logistics.
6. Documents decision making, phone calls and key contacts using the appropriate forms.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 176

i i

 ,,                                                                                                  j 5ET-UP CDORDINATOR                                             l Barbara Barker                                             I Otane Savage                                               q r

CALL List p.195 , J f SUPPORT COORDINATOR. . . Allison Plyler . Barbara Brown Other support- personnel notified are listed in the set-up coordinator's call  : listonpage226.{ lt 6 1 t t l ' l i o I. 1 p Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 l  ! Page 177 l'

   =                                                                                --

t i

                                         $Upp0RT C00RDINATOR WHO CONTACTS YOU:      Set Up Coordinator WORK LOCATION: News Group Area
  • Oconee Crisis Management Center, Clemson, SC i WHO YOU REPORT TO: Assistant News Director PRINCIPAL WORKING' RELATIONSHIPS: Assistant News Director, State / County Liaison PIO, Secretarial Team j BASIC FUNCTION: The SC is responsible for administrative support of the news center. ,


1. Records available information on the emergency message form, t
2. Notifies the persons on the Support Coordinator call list using the emergency message form. ,

These notifications include: [ Corporate Communications switchboard, the G.O. switchboard and South Boulevard operations center to notify them of the situation and request that they direct all emergency related calls to the rumor control numbers. ,

3. Reports to the emergency work location and assists set-up coordinator with room set-up.

f 4 Ensures that all news group positions are staffed and records staffing on ' the organizational chart in the news center. .

5. Supervises the secretarial team. Ensures that news releases and news conference transcripts are being prepared and distributed according to the news release procedure.
6. Assigns secretarial team members to distribute and telecopy news releases and news conference transcripts.
7. Assigns a secretarial team member to provide assistance to the Nuclear Regulatory. Commission PIDs, state and county FIDS as needed. Coordinates this with State / County Liaison PIO and the CMC Administration Logistics group if necessary,
8. Assigns a secretarial team member to report to the recovery manager's area and assist the ND. .
9. Coordinates with set-up coordinator to supply materials and equipment for the news group.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 178




10. Coordinates with the AND and SUC to determine if a shift change is needed- .

and the time the , change will occur. The support coordinator, $UC and i secetarial support notify second shift team members when and where to ( report.

11. Maintains a chronological file of all news releases, CONTACTS and press ,

conference transcripts for the permanent file. l

12. Documents decision making, phone calls, key contacts using the appropriate i forms.

8 r v .5: P l 4 Rev. 24 (c January 2, 1990 l-Page 179


        .. ,~

l- A111 son Plyler Barbara Brown , t l CALL List p. 200 l SECRETARIAL TEAM Four_of the following per shift i Beverly'Gordon e LaDonna Michael - Ann Blinn Sylvia Lineberger Tricia Hill i Anita Haynes General Office Secretarial Team Mary Fortanbary Wilma Kinard George Dorsey , Myra Davis Other support personnel notified . are listed in the support coordinator's ' telephonelistenpage227.l . TheSecretarialTeam'sOconeeCMCtelecopylistisonpage226.l

  • L b

L.- L , Rev. 24 l January 2, 1990 L. Page 180 L 3

 ..w                                                                                        ,

i l i SECRETARI AL TEAM f ST) - DCONEE I i WO CONTACTS YOU: Support Coordinator WORK LOCATION: News Group Area Oconee Crisis Management Center, Clemson, SC j WO YOU REPORT TO: Support Coordinator PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: Support Coordinator, Assistant News Director . 1 BASIC FUNCTION: The ST provides clerical and administrative support for the . news group. PROCEDURES: l

1. Completes the emergency message form.
2. Types, hand delivers, posts ano teleco news releases and press conference transcripts. (See page 228.) l pies Hand delivers news releases and press conference transcripts to: .

o News Groue Area. Oconee CMC News center staff, states and counties, NRC and FEMA representatives 1 to post , o Media Center. Clemson Ooerations Center Media coordinator Technical briefer section head 1 post in Assembly Room Media monitors o Oconee CMC Manneer's Area Copies to monitor (for recovery manager, news director, public spokesperson, monitor, NRC representatives, FEMA representatives, and a copy to post). ! 3. Assists the states, counties, NRC and FEMA as directed by the SC.

4. Provides administrative support to the AND and his work group.

l 5. Maintains a leg of key news center activities.

6. Maintains a chronological file of all news releases, status sheets, CONTACT and transcripts for the AND.
7. Distributes emergency notification form (" green sheet") copies according 1 to the procedure on p. 193.
8. Handles other assignments as directed by the SC.

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 181

                                  .                  .                                    ~ . -


,; WORK LOCATION: _ General Office News Center -- ECI-230 Electric Center WHO YDU REPORT TO: General Office News Director
                    - PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: General Office News Director, P                      Internal Communications Coordinator i
                    ' BASIC FUNCTION: The 30ST provides clerical and administrative support for the
                     - news group in general, and the General Office News Director in particular, PROCEDURES:-

I.. Completes the emergency message form.

                     . 2.. Types, hand delivers, ~ posts and telecopies news releases and press conference transcripts. .(Seepage 229.))
3. Types and distributes CONTACT as deemed appropriate by the ICC.

[During drills, 2nlY the first news release will be sent to the executive staffviathePROFScomputersystem.] 1

4. Provides administrative support to the GOND and his work group.
5. Maintsias a log of key news center activities.
6. Maintains a chronological file of all news releases, status sheets, CONTACT and transcripts for the GOND.
7. Handles other assignments as directed by the GOND.
    .v C

e Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 page 182

           /.n. .
              ;-                                                  ;4_y .


., h, ' ,
 ;y'.                     -
,rL+ ,
                                                   ;!c, 1

s i;t # GENERAL OFFICE SECRETARIAL TEAM (GOST) w - i.ju NO CALLS TO MAKE c GEneralOfficeSecretarialTeam A , v . Mary Fortanbary-Wilma Kinard j 4 . George Dorsey '- Myra Davis 9; ] County:telecopy.numbersareonpage228.-k i B



     +                                                                                                                                          -
q. ,

1 t 3 y 1 t h

 ;y i


     .' k . ?

4 ( Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 L Page 183 t r

                    .._ .:i : ,                                             _


                 .m                                                                     s a


  • The . decision to prepare a . news release is made by the News Director.

He/she may. consult with other-team members before making the decision. A fg .samplenewsreleaseis-or.page237.{ i

                          *   .If .the      news-' group   or   CMC  is not fully activated, the on-call             !

representative of media-services, or GDND will be responsible for drafting i

.and securing approval of the initial news release.  ;


  • News releases are prepared on a routine basis as informational updates on e

plant conditions. News releases are also prepared any time plant status i L changes and to reflect plant occurrences which .are of potential 'publ i c - i I: , ~ 1nterest. Rumor control / media monitoring events may guide the. decision to L .make a news release.

  • News releases may or may not be timed to coincide with news conferences.

If the situation warrants production of a news release while a news

                                                                                                                   -l conference-is in progress, the AND produces the news release with input from the monitor.

l u

                      , APPROVAL PROCEDURES-           An approval process ' log is included on page 237. The .


                         . news group member responsible for the activity is listed in parenthesis.

1; News release drafted. (ND) l l

                        -2. Emergency Communication Manager review and approval.* (ND)                         j
                         -3. Dose Assessment Manager approval of any radiation dose information.* (ND) 1
4. Recovery Manager approval.* (ND)  ;
5. NRC representative reviewa (ND)

RQIE: If NRC is not represented in the CMC, we will attempt te contact i their ' PIO or telecopy release to Base Team Manager. After confirming  ; receipt of the news release, NRC will be allowed 15 minuter to review and I comment on the news release prior to its distribution.  ;

                         - 6. News' release delivered via runner or dictated to secretarial team member.


7. News release typed. (ST)
8. Review of typed release and approval for distribution. (AND)
  • If the CMC is not fully activated, the initial news release may be approved by the emergency coordinator via the TSCL.

I q 'h Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 , Page 184

m diI' _s F. e j h lp 1 c; y , DISTRIBUTION' PROCEDURES: v, Copies of.the news-release are made and distributed to:- (SC)


N 1. media coordinator (media center) .40 copies " news group members (news center) 35 copies-media monitors (audiovisual room - news' center) 5 copies a posted in news' center 5 copies n istate/ county PI0s'(news center) 25 copies monitor (Manager's Area) 10 copies j copy to file. p I F- Distribution made in media center to: (MC) SNNY technical briefers, and other news group members

       '                                  media representatives                                                            ,

_.K industry / agency representatives posted in media center a L Distribution made':in Manager's Area to: (M) l news director b > public spokesperson . recovery manager NRC: representative . i

                                        ' emergency communications manager posted in recovery manager's: area posted in emergency communications' work area                                  ;
                          - 2.      Telecopy news releases to:               (SC)

(telecopy numbers listed in secretarial team call list on pages 227 and 228-229)' Plant TSC for distribution to: (TSCL)

                                     --      emergency coordinator ir                                    --      NRC representative       -
                                     --      posting WOE to TB-4


                                     --      State / county EOCs to the attention of the TB/EOC or the EOC director if there is no news group member at the E00.

q General Office for distribution to: (GOST)

                                     --       G.O. News group staff (GOND; tbs /G0; ICC; IvCC; GC; SGC; FGC)

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 185

      -g; f

General office for telecopy by GOST:

          --    Industry / agency groups Governors office of affected state (s)


3. PROF 5' to the executive staf f (PRDF5' ids are in the secretarial team call list) (ST)

Note: Secretarial team members who are working for state, county and/or NRC PIOS follow the same distribution for news releases they are. producing unless requested otherwise. Note: News conference transcripts are distributed in the sarie manner as news , releases, but are only telecopied to state / county EOCs, the plant community-relations office and the G.O. news center. x l i l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 l Page 186

w.g y ,

           - 3;


  • News conferences are held whenever the situation changes either on-site or off-site.
                   '     'If 'the situa' tion is not changing, news conferences are held in a timely
                         ' fashion to provide review and update of the situation.
  • News-. conferences are held in ' conjunction with the involved states and counties, NRC and FEMA.

PROCEDURES NEWS CONFERENCE INITIATED BY DPC: (The news group member responsible for'the activity is listed in parenthesis.)

1. Assistant news- director notified of proposed news conference time, I preconference briefing time and DPC visual aid needs. (ND) t
2. State /cotet> liaison PIO, and NRC, notified of proposed conference times.


3. State (s), counties and FEMA notified of proposed news conference times and .1 surveyed for.their visual aid needs. (S/CLPIO)  ;
4. State (s) and county visual aid needs communicated to AND. (S'/CLPIO)
5. Media' coordinator. notified of news conference times and visual aid needs, p (AND). l
6. Audiovisual team, court reporters, technical briefer section head notified  :

i of news conference time. (MC) 7.-Media representatives notified of news conference time. (MC/TBSH) 1 L 8. Industry / agency representatives notified of news conference time. (TB) l

9. Executive vice president -- Power Group notified of news conference.

L (AND) l' 10. Governor of affected state notified of news conference. (Executive vice , president -- Power Group)- l

11. Pre-briefing review of speaking order and statement content. (ND)
12. Notification of media that spokespersons are on the way to the press conference. (MC) l
13. Moderation of news conference (called to order, introduction of speakers, g question and answer session, adjournment). (ND)

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 187 m


               'i. _SC/L- PIO notified of proposed conference time, pre-briefing time and state  .

e and county. visual aid needs. (State Lead PIO)

2. AND' notified of proposed ' news conference- times and visual ' aid needs.


3. ND notified'of proposed news conference times and surveyed for Duke visual


  • if.the situation changes while a news conference is in progress, it is the responsibility of the monitor to call-the AND with this change. -The AND. ,

goes to the media center and briefs the ND of the change. It is under the discretion of the ND and the AND as to how this status. change is communicated.

  • If an important change in plant status occurs and the states / counties are L

currently unprepared to make statements, it is up to the discretion of the !: ND as to when Duke Power will make a statement. Duke Power may begin the news conference while the states and counties complete their preparations. I PROCEDURES FOR ON-SITE MEDIA REQUESTS , i [

                **   When the news plan is activated, media will be encouraged to come to- the media center in the Duke Power Operating Center on Isaqueena - Trail in Clemson, S.C. The News Group will evaluate media-opportunities and select those that enhance understanding of technical .information and perspective i                    . of the situation. Depending on the classification and seriousness of the   i l                      problem, recommendations will be made to the Emergency Coordinator (plant) or Recovery Manager (CMC) so appropriate media opportunities may be coordinated.

s 1 1: L l ' Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 page 188 y

       ,                                                                                                -)


1. News center telephones are. to be answered: " News Cente r ,-----------

spea ki ng.- May I help you?"

2. All calls received from the outside are to be logged on a rumor control form.

n> . 3. If the rumor / question 1s resolved during the initial conversation, I resolution should-be indicated on the form and final distribution made by the secretarial team. Ultimate resolution of- rumor is the recovery if manager's office.

4. If follow-up is'needed, it~1s coordinated with the appropriate news group contact (assistant , news director, TSCL, state / county liaison PIO, news
                 ' director, media coordinator,. general office news director).
- 5. Af ter the resolution, final distribution - of the forms is made by the secretarial team to the AND, S/CL PIO, Information Center staff. The secretarial team distributes additional copies as. indicated by the AND.

1: L 6. Remote. location notifications of rumors are made via the telephone by 7 members of the secretarial team.

7. Calls.taken at remote locations and resolved at that point are recorded on >

l a rumor . control . form. If follow-up is needed a rumor control form is l ! completed by the' appropriate news group contact (AND, GOND, TSCL,-ND,.S/CL PIO, MC)-for news group use. j (. ! 8. . The - procedure' for documenting and resolving rumors communicated by means other than the telephone (for example, from a member of.the media at the L media center) is the same. l The support coordinator retains copies of the resolved rumors for file.

   ,         9.

L L i L L 1: lt l \ l 1 i= Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 189

         .                                                                                              ~l
                              . MEDIA REGISTRATION PROCEDURE-t
     - To be completed by.the . Media Registration Coordinator or. a designated member         i Outside representatives will be. given access only to
     . of the support group.

the media center. *

1. Assist the security officer by identifying media.and other representatives i (i=.e., industry and agency personnel) arr.iving at the media center.
2. Verify identification of' all media /other' representatives before allowing
   ,        entrance'into the media cer.ter. Representatives may be asked to furnish a-photo ID and/or phone number to verify identification.
      -3.: Issue a badge to the representative for the duration of the emergency.              :


4. Outside representatives must wei.r their badge at all times and may. be asked to reverify their identification if they leave the news. center at i any time.


5. Maintain a complete record of all representatives entering and exiting the  !

media center.

  • During emergency drills, participants may be designated as " mock" media representatives for exercise purposes. .These players should be registered according to the' procedure and given a green media identification badge.

However, if it's - an employee, they should be asked to display their  ; driver's license and not their Duke Power employee- 1.D. card to avoid confusion at- security checkpoints where media access is restricted. Media

           . representatives are n21 allowed access into the news center.

L . 1 1 ! H l l I L Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 190

                                                                                                        't p              ,


                                                                                                          '1 1.. Media mon'itors log all news programs and EB5 nessages about the emergency indicating time.and the station,                                                 g vm                            _.
 'P             2. If a' media monitor questions the accuracy of a-broadcast he/she completes a media monitoring form,-
3. The audiovisual team member in the audiovisual studio makes copies of all broadcasts.
4. The videotapes and the media monitoring forms are .taken to the ' technical i I

briefer / media monitoring in the news center,- i

5. The technica'l briefer / media- monitoring reviews the tape. If'there is an  !

inaccuracy, the media monitoring form is forwarded to the assistant news  ; director, the media coordinator and the state / county liaison PIO. '! L 6. .The MC, AND, GOND and S/CL PIO coordinate the resolution of the error.


q t l 1

                                                                                                     '1 l
  .                                                                                                   .i
                                                                                                        -i I

i l I { I L o l L 1' I L Rev. 24 E January 2, 1990 Page 191

        . k j      l
  <m              ;                           ..,,


 ..p                                                                                                                     ,


                        *'- This procedure is to be' used for drill or emergency notifications outside the company only.                                                                         .
                        * - Usingl the sample messages below, fill in the blanks with the appropriate              'f
                ,             information as directed by:. the. person who notifies you.             Use these' messages to notify the per3 ens on your call list:

I. This is (Name) with Duke Power Company. l 1 iWe 'are beginning an Emergency Preparedness Exercise in cooperaticin with- - State and County officials. The exercise will continue through As part of that exercise we are verifying our notification list. (Verify the- names on your list.) , The exercise is being held in conjunction with the Oconee Nuclear Station. [ [As part of .the exercise, the emergency. broadcast system will be tested

                                                     ]                                                                 :

No. action will be required on the .part of the public. If I can provide- c i further information, you may contact , Thanks very much for your help. n 2. This is (name) with Duke Power Company. As part of our commitment to keep , community leaders informed, I wanted to make sure you knew about the status of Oconee nuclear plant. At am/pm, we declared an (alert / site L4 area emergency /geneal emergency). (Provide other plant status information,if,available) ' w i -Your county's emergency preparedness team has been notified -and is' in - place at its- Emergency Operations Center. You can call them for more information.* If I can be of further assistance, you may contact me at L

  • TheOconeeEOClistisonpage232.l I

p l l L l' , i 1 1 t i. Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 192

    -      +          -
                                                 ,.                                                              l
                                                                                                             -l s                               4 EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION FORM,.
 @                                                     DISTRIBUTION PROCEDURE F

g 7 ,! The Emergency Notification form -- also dalled the " green sheet" -- is used to make.the initial the states and counties. It is also used to keep state and county EOCs informed of the ongoing status of an emergency. Please use the following distribution. procedure so that information on. the i form can be shared within the news center-

                        *  . Immediately     Aft.t.t the Emergency Communications Group completes transmission of the " green sheet" to all involved state and county EOCs, a ul                   copy of the form will be provided to the News Director for distribution in "..   ,

the news center. ,

  • Copies should be distributed specifically to the Assistent News Director, Technical Briefer Section Head, State / County PIO Liaison and to state and '

county PIDs. Other copies should be available upon request by other members of the' news group.

  • The Secretarial Support Group has the responsibility for making copies and delivering the " green sheets'.' to the news center, s

t i L. l' l L l-l f -. e l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 l~ 1 Page 193

_- ~ .

, .. - . .+_ _ ,-
                                                                                                                                                                        , ;.y


Home Phone' Work Phone CMC CMC Phone Number ' Location _ Number
                 -Position              Name Roberta Bowman                                              704/373-3208. Recovery Mgr. Area.         803/885-4808 News Director                                                                   --

Inte 3056 Mary Boyd . ^704/373-2328 Oconee CMC Phillip Carter ~704/373-2849. News Group' Area . Int: 3123  ; 1 Oconee CMC

                                       ' Pat Kusek                                                        8-885-4602  News Group Area             .704/382-8204             Q Assistant                                                                                                                 or           382-8205-News Director                                                                       803/885-4600    Oconee CMC Phillip Carter                                               704/373-2849    News Group Area              Int: 3123 Oconee CMC                                               ;

ECI-230 704/382-06'10 -) General Office Andy Thompson 803/831-3600' . News Director Sondra Wise 704/373-8537 l , John McAlister 704/373-8182 704/373-4531 Manager's Area 803/885-4808 ! I- Pubite Spokesperson .Hal Tucker Int: 3056

                                                                                                                        - Oconee CMC l M Jim Hampton, or                                                704/373-2542
     *M        .

i . . eg .t r Tony McConnell, or 704/875-1357 M1ke Tuckman 803/885-3001 . D, . :.$ ,4%m%

     . ~ rm,;.                                                                                                          Manager's Area              803/885-4806~

N Mi #._; Monitor - Oconee CMC: Int: 3054 o

   $(V                                    L. R. Davison

,~ OT

; q f

Rev. 24' January 2,.1990 Page 194

                                  ~.     ..~"n-e.w   ~                         , _ , , __ , ,

e , .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .a Regu?ar Home Phone                            Work Phone                          CMC               CMC Phone Position                                     fl3_og                                                         Number                                Nurber                         Location               Number Media Coordinator                             Mike Dembeck                                                                                     704/373-4672                Clemson Operations Ctr. Assembly Room Anne Sheffield                                                                                   704/373-5054 Support Coordinator                          Allison Plyler                                                                                   704/373-3289                News Group Area           803/231-0778 Int. 3103 Barbara Brown                                                                                    704/373-2821                Oconee CMC                704/372-8217 (Telecopier)

State / County Mary Boyd - 704/373-2328 News Group Area 803/231-0773 1.iaison PIO Guynn Savage 704/373-4530 Ocouee CMC Int. 3099 Internal Ceemunica- Beth Parsons 704/373-8194 ECI-230 704/382-0613 tions Coordinator , Internal Ceamunica- Paul Viggiano 704/373-2590 ECI-230 704/382-0614 tions Coordinator Support i Governments Rick Deese 704/373-4740 ECI-230 704/382-0623 Coordinator Lucinda Trew 704/373-8551 State Government i Betty Jean Hudson 803/594-5414 Spartanburg 803/573-1214 l Contact Billie Henderson 704/373-4843 or ECI-230

                                                                  ,Roy Wall                                                                                          919/968-2331 Federal Govermeent                          Don Hatley (Prl.)                                                                                 704/373-8548                                          704/382-0616 Contact                                      Barbara Simpson (Pri.                                                                            704/373-7243 l

Judy Sands ( Alt. ) 704/373-7517 l l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 195


_ _ - _ - . _ _ _ -__ __ _ __ ____ ___ _~_ __:_~ ._ ~T~~ ~ ~ ~ _~__~_~__~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~ ~'~ ~: ^ ~ ~ ~             '~
                                                              - z .-                                                <s_               m   --    .

w= 1, _a m> .= 0 , ,  ;[e

                                                                                                                                             +-;        y.      .                  L            :+~7         ..
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Jc - y .y .'

                                                                                                                         , Regular-

Home Phone ~ Work: Phone CMC' CMC ~ Phone ;4 Position Name :j- nr - Number- ' Location ~ s ,,,_ l!ymber - e.

                   ' Investor Communica- ~'Jeff Johnson-704/373-5087-              'ECI-230                                  704/382-96155
                    -tions Coordinator-                     Sharon Wooten                                                .      ~. 373--4448
                                                           . Mark Bottrill                                                       373-7914 Media Registration:                   -Sara Lee Epperson                                             704/373-4804-                 Clemson Operation Ctr.

Coordinator Jan Kelly 704/373-7931 Assembly Room Media Registration. Kay..Saville- :704/373-7974 Clemson Operations Cte. *


Assembly' Room. .;g Coordinator Support .Kenn Compton: 704/373-2555 Mark McSwain '704/373-3080 p4.s. - Tracey Yandle. 704/373-3170

        .a ft                                                           Sherri Brown                                              1704/373-5709-j{                                                            Dock Kornegay                                                 704/373-7309-bl

.,;c . 20

;MW .

RW ny up. L Rev. 24

                                                                                                                                                                                    -January 2, 1990 Page_196                          -

- - - - _ - - _ _ - J. ,____ m . __ __ _ . ,, __ . 3_ ..

                                                                                                                                                           ,j               ,         ,      ,


i Regular Home Phone Work Phone CMC CMC Phone Position Number Number Location Number Hast Technical Briefer Andy Thompson 704/373-8138 Assembly Room 803/654-1069 (section head) Clemson Operations Ctr. Int. 3079 Joe Maher 704/373-8323 (section head Assembly Room 803/591-1291 Mike Presnell 704/373-5400 Harvey Deal 704/892-7214 Clemson Operations Ctr. (Rumor Jesse Swords 704/373-8056 or Control) Oconee CMC Guynn Savage 704/373-4530 GO News Center or World of Energy r 803/885-4600 Jamie Ramere 8-885-4602 r 803/885-4600 Jim Byko 8-885-2050 Note: The above locations and phone David Violette 8-827-2430 numbers apply to all Technical r 704/822-7257 Briefers. Michael Lail 875-3526 Christine Worley 875-3551 Todd Kaish 8-831-3619 Pamela McAnuity 8-828-0264 r 704/827-7257 Anne Sheffield 704/373-5054 Lucinda Trew 704/373-8551 Rick Deese 704/373-4740 Bryant Kinney 8-875-5605 Mike Mullen 373-2812 Mary K. Scarborough 704/373-3107 Rick Harris 373-7134 Cynthia Lipski 8-875-5604 Tom B11ger 8-875-3515 Tim Pettit 803/885-4600 Ed Falco 803/885-4600 Maria Greene 803/885-4600 i Rev. 24 oanuary 2, 1990 Page 197

71 2 __. s s - _ ~

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h ' Regular 1

                                                                                               - Work Phone                         . CMC

CMC Phone

                                                                                                                                                                                          ~                  -

Home Phone- Number " _ O Ma=8= r ' -Number ' Location w Posttion- Name 803/885-4000


Everett Orr . Lorf Austin 803/885-4000: Charlotte Burton .- 803/885-4000- -


Dave Llenellyn ~803/885-40001

3. Mick Manley i~ 803/885-4000 '
     ~T                                                                                        803/885-4000 Lloyd Laffitte-
     'i Steven Broer                                         . ~8-828-0224-or 704/827-7257:
    +         _                         Keith Quillen L8-828-0258 f                                                                              or 704/827-7257:.

Gary Hedrick-- 704/373-5899 Ronnie Nix '373-5205'- John Byrd 704/373-7304. Sandra Magee 8-831-3617 Kathleen Mullen 8-875-3548-Additional Technical Briefer Sucoort: _ Les Stallings 8-885-3306 John Wylie 8-873-5001

                                                                                         -r .704/875-5000 Don Hatley                                             -704/373-8548 i
                                                                                               - 803/385-4600            Auxiliary Bldg.,                                882-2728)

Technical Support Jamie Ramere' work areas ajacent to g% Center Liaison Unit 1, 2 control room / 7 gl. Oconee Auxiliary 81dg.,- 8-882-2728-pgg.'; .

                                                                                                                      -work areas ajacent to
.;gjfp *(^ '                                                                                                             Unit-1, 2 control room /
 ;yggg;                                                                                                                  Oconee
   ,pov . '                                                                                    -704/373-4708             A/V Room                                       704/382-8201 Pat Payne                                                                                                                      803/231-0771:l NQO+ Audiovisual                                                                                                      Oconee CMC                                                                  -

803/654-1913 Yh[ Coortfinator - Int. - 30% W, - Rev.-24

                                                                                                                                                       . January 2, 1990-Page 198-
                                                                       "      N   W& 88    h h e                   i
                                                                                                                                 ,          . . .      . .             .                . - . = .                                    c,                 ,
                                                   . ((
                                                                                                                                              *        'N-E 4
                                                                                                                                                                             *'*(                   -].e='#    ;j. O   'y     }.,    "
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -W.   '.


                                                                                                                                                                                              ;;~7     .':..
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ;                         . t
     .=                                                                                     . .

Rege1ar" .. . -


Home Phone.  ? Work Phone - (E -  : CMC Phone  : 3 -

                ' Position                      ]! ant                                 Number                    Number                               locattan-                                            Number'
     .5                                                                            j x                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    '
                                             - Pearl McBride                                            :704/373-7932;                    'A/V Room.                                              . 803/654-1013' Audiovisual                                                                                                                                                                     " Int. 3096:'

Coordinator Support - . . .

                                                                                                                                         'Oconee CMC-i                                                Bret Murphree-                                            704/373-8578                              'or.                                                                                                   t
                                                                                                                                         .' Assembly *oon                                                                                               .;
'        ~

Mickie Stevens 8-873-3544 ;Clemson4 H ration Center , Tony Barnes 8-873-3507-r-704/875-5000.. 8-873-3567' ~ Buddy Bradshaw:

                                                                   -                                r:704/875-5000                     .



Drew Jones- 8-239-6505' A/V Room: . .803/654-10133 Medta Monitor l Pam Shiflet 803/224-6363' Oconee, CMC- Int.'l 3073' (x.232) j

                                               -Robert Metz                                              '803/224-6363
                                                                                                            ~- (x . 320)
                                               . Debbie Patton                                             803/268-2550 Carol Barrett                                              704/373-2864
                                                                                                   - ~ ~

4 L ~

e. t

_, l Rev. 24.

                                                                                                                                                                                   . January 2, 1990                                                       6
                                                                                                                                                                                   - Page 199                                                              ;
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                             ;                p                ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ~                          ~

n _ 3

                                                                                                                                             =                                                  <          .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,. , +



Regular - -


(MC: . CMC Phone Home Phone -

Work Phone .


                                                                                                                      - >= hor -                            Laentiam        __-                                      ,

Name Number-Position , 8-831-3612. News Group Area .903/231-0775 -

         . 5ecretarial Team-            LaDonna Michael                                                                                             Oconee CMC                              Int.-3100.
            --Oconee Int. 3101 704/373-8202                                                                   Int. : 3102 -'
                                        . Ann Blinn .                                                        704/373-6155 Sylvia:Lineberger                                                   704/373-2877-                                                          - l803/231-0776-Beverly Gordon.                                                                                                                                     803/231-0777~

704/373-5710 D Tricia Hill 704/382-0611' dl% Wilma Kinard .704/373-3140 ECI-230

764/382-0617z ji Secretarial Team 704/373-7303 George Dorsey.
 % < c.v - General Office                Mary Fortanbary-                                                    704/875-5601
 $lf9                                    Myra Davis                                                           704/373-4707 gy w ;.           ..-                                                                                                                                  News Group Area                      . 903/231-0774 8-885-4602 l Set-Up Coordinator         Barbara Barker'                                                    -803/885-4600-g                                                                                                                                                                                   -Int.' 3099 1.704/373-7306                            Oconee CMC

Diane Sayage 13 am _.. - CHS-302-8 704/373-4900 Sy9.fC 704/373-4900. ggf Corporate Communica- Anita Haynes 704/382-0584 f tions Switchboard . W Murray Craven '704/373-7305-Other NC Support Rev. 24 ' January 2,.1990


e _- e l

y _4 Regular Home Phone Work Phone CMC CMC Phone Naqq Number Number Location Number E Position Oconee County Walter Purcell 803/638-4200 Law Enforcement Ctr., 803/638-3097 Emergency Prepared- 803/638-7046 ness Director Walhalla 803/638-4242 Law Enforcement Ctr., 803/638-3097 (Alternate) Norman Crane Walhalla 803/638-7046 l (telecopier) 803/638-5406 News Group Area 803/271-1473 Public Information Larry Brandt Oconee CMC or Officer 803/271-1E17 Int. 3027 803/882-2747 News Group Area 803/382-8217 Assistant PIO Jim Williams (telecopier) Bill Derrick 803/882-2747 Oconee CMC Pickens County 803/878-7808 Don Evett 803/878-7808 Bowen Bldg., Pickens Emergency Prepared-ness Director 803/878-7800 News Grcup A m 805/271-1853 Peblic Information Tom Ponder or Oconee CMC Officer 803/271-2093 Int. 3030 803/878-2421 News Group Area 704/382-8218 Tim Morgan (Telecopter) Oconee CMC 803/878-7816 News Group Area Assistant PIO Carol House Oconee CMC South Carolina Office of the Governor 803/734-0425 News Group Area 803/271-2168 Public Information Edith Caudle or 803/271-2616 Oconee CMC l 1 ' Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 201

               - ~ ~ -                                                                                        -

_ ~ -__:_-_'-____________:_______~____________-___________ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ~_ _ __ _ ____:_ 1 _ _ __r__:____~_______~_ _-

                                                                                                                                             , .           =            , ,.
                                                                                   ~                                                                                         '
                                                                                                    ~:f          _
                                                                                       ' Regular:

Home Phone Work Phone CMC- CMC Phone Position Name. Number Number Location Number

             - . , - . _ ,            ~Purdy McLeod                              :803/734-0428           National Guard Amory,           ~803/734-8020L Management                                                            .

Clemson .803/734-0434 (telecopier)~ 803/734-0442 (telecopier)' SC Office of the Adjutant-General 'A . ,;;;y Presaredness Division I Paul Lunsford ~803/734-8020 ' National Guard Amory, '803/654-9363

           ; Director                                                                                      Clemson                         803/654-9367 803/654-9371 Nuclear Regulatory
Commission L

Public Informattes C'.cs. .404/331-5503 Oconee CMC 803/591-1693 telecopy: -

                                                                                                                                          ' Int. 3021-
                                                                                  .404/331-4449 Base Team Manager                                                     404/331-5088 telecopy:

404/331-3924 i News. Group Area 803/591-1301-FDR Oconee CMC . Int. 3009.- LRev. 24-

                                                                                                                                 ._ January 2, 1990--

Page 202

    .___1_=.-_                 __       - ._       -. ... - -         .       -.          . - a _ s_--     _____=-a...
                                                                                                              -               ~.     -

____-_____.e .


Oraanization/ Individual Telenhone Telenhone ,

1.. Call;vice presidents in affected plant area and ask them to continue '" telephone-tree"onpage205.[

            . 2. Area-Superintendent Jocassee: Keowee
                                                                                                     ~f Rick Miller
                    ' Primary:                             803/944-1464-or 3-8259 or 3-6219 Alternate: C. E..McSwain              803/944-1464                      _..

or 3-8259 or 3-6219' Bad Creek. Pr.imary: Cary York 803/844-0702 _ . Alternate: Tom Smith 803/944-0702h

                     -Primary:    Lane Freeze               8-885-4001 803/885-4000 Alternate: Terry Chappell              8/885-4060 8-885-0250 803/883-4000
                                                                                                         -t t

i I I Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 ,

                                          . .:p N.{gdo                             Page 203 g:

Intemal Communications Coordinator (ICC) (i Coonee Nueiset Station 1stophone Tree M Ic l . I I

                                                                                                    %es Presteent Western Dwmaon

s wnes Presseenti Grosswihe Dwinson Ves Pressment Soumern Dmeen I~ t Kinsold,

                   .u2i     -o Jr.                            - -Lames J.ohn        -                          .AlJen. kin.s                  ~

801742 5111 emco h .

                                                            --                                                  322.7376 rr,e             o.fwe                         ,

00.&T.d2he,ne 8111 emco . I a"'"'#dM

             ." M.=e. ~ P                      -                                                                                (* = ,, r,            '                s 704444 4471 home l

hT 270 Dutret Manager / Anderson Dsect Mono 0er / Cosmoon John W. Geer, Jr. m - Bill Fouet m3722 macroweve M 2112 m e C O003 - 13 ofFa Sisi$st,ll"e .BBi's ta 1 ManageriWrthemsen Det Mgr.1Ctenson IPendlemn John W. Geer, Jr. Jack T. Lowe - 64552112 meroueve

        '.                                                         8-260 0000 microweve 301547 7351 othoe                                              80&65&ds11omoe 6 home                                                        Mheme                           ,

Mene9er / Uberty George Acker

                                                                                                               -                  64512185 trueroweve                 '

8034419266 ofhoe 00347D4006 home Menager / Pic6ene

                                                  .                                                                                George Achier                      7
                                                                                                                -                  8-653 2154 meroweve Manager IWahane Wueen J.owen                       ,

4-653 2153 microwave Ahemote Contacte Offlee Home Centact Ahemste  ! John Lamax Ray Chandler 003742 5111 AlJeniene Don Mas 704023 2910 John IQnomd. Jr. Men Momeon 003/242 5111 W Feast Bob Has 0 360 3719 i 00ST24 0201 slefvt M. Oset. Jr. Joe M Pnos 803464 4511 Whoon J. Owen Lkide Campene 003430 2321 MT.Lasre Dorothy >WI 803447 7351

  • 4' trende Ginn 303447 7351 George Acker Dele Abercrombie 80344S 9266 Seae Meer Ronced Hunt 30M454296 Hany Trommet Jwn Maer SL&434 9013 Rev. 24 esorge t.Turm . stocy Dermd 7044 ass 2ss g, ,

January 2, 1990

                     'yc .
                                                                       ,    q   T        'g:g y   >

Page 204 3

 .s.,   .    . _.-      __ . .-   _     _.                                        _

N 1 e. GOVERNMENTS C00RDINATOR (GC) TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Office Home Time l Oraanization/ Individual Teleohone Teleohone Called ! 1. Senior Comoany Officer l Warren Owen 704/373-4120 Rick Priory i 704/373-5959

Jim Grogan [ 704/373-4881 Bill Coley 704/373-4451 i 2. Steve Griffith 704/373-4380
3. Government Officia~t CENTRAL b

Primary: Alton B. Cumbie 803/639-2411 ' or 803/639-6381 t Alternate: Herbert Thompson 803/639-6381 CLEMSON Primary: Larry W. Abernathy 803/654-6185 or 803/653-2030 Alternate: l I C. F. Helsel, Jr. 803/653-2030 LIBERTY l Primary: Marvin Kelly 803/843-9417 ( Alternate: Carl Sargent 803/843-9292  ! NORRIS j l Primary: Furman Rowland 803/639-2033 r ( l SALEM Primary: Thomas E. Powell 803/944-2819 r Alternate: Amos Chandler 803/944-0605 I  !


l Rev. 24 f' January 2, 1990

  • Page 205

,. . , . . , . . . . . ~ - - . . _ - .. Governments Coordinator Call List (cont'd) Office Home CMC Dreanization/ Individual Telechone Telenhone Telechone SENECA , Primary: Frances Holleman 803/882-2542 (acting) Alternate: Devoe Blackston 803/882-4736 , SIX MILE Prima ry: Bob Guerreri 803/653-2124 l Alternate: Eleanor McGuire 803/868-2653 l (T & Th) WALHALLA Primary: Mayor Gladys Pepper 803/638-4343 Alternate: Linda Kelley 803/638-4343 WEST UNION Primary: Bill Tucker 803/638-9839 Alternate: John Neville 803/638-2531 OCONEE COUNTY Primary: Norman Crain 803/638-4242 Alternate: Mrs. Ooal Green 303/63B-4244 PICKENS COUNTY Primary: Dr. Robert Nash 803/639-2453 Alternate: Tom Hendricks 803/878-7800 h Rev. 24 ' January 2, 1990 ' Page 206 i

                         -r  .,         . . . . . _ .      ..        .        _.   . _ _ _        _._ __               _.          .

1 'k'

                                                                                                                                       .n 0
                                                                                                                                   . M b  1 STATE GOVERNMENT CONTACT (SGC) TELEPHONE DIRECTORY                                       ;;
 '                                                                                                                                       lb g;

Phone Time

                            -Draanization/ Individual                    Numbers                                            Called       b r
                    ^                                                                                                                        -

1,= SC State District No. 1-(Oconee/Pickens/ Anderson) x Alexander S. Macaulay Columbia Office: 803/734-2893 i Walhalla Office: 803/638-9507 Walhalla Home: District No. 2 (Pickens) Nell W. Smith Columbia Office: 803/734-2893 , Easley Home: q 6-District No. 3'(Anderson) y L l Michael F. Mullinax Columbia Office: 803/734-2896 . ' Anderson Home. .d Anderson Office: 44 District No. 4 (Abbev111e/ Anderson 1 1 Billy O' Dell Columbia Office: 803/734-2875 Ware Shoals Office: 8 22 Ware Shoals Home:

2. SC House of Reoresentatives District No. 1 (Oconee/ Anderson) f e

Thomas C. Alexander Columbia Office: 803/734-2829 Walhalla Office: -2988-  !

                                                                                                                                 '          +

Walhalla Home-District No. 2 (Oconee/ Anderson) Robert-Neil McLellan Columbia Office: 803/734-3144 Seneca Office: -2302.  ! Seneca Home. L District No. 3 (Pickens) l Edward W. Simpson, Jr. Columbia Office: 803/734-3237 Clemson Home: L c 2, . . ,., , Rev. 24 fpmpf!/,4 ;r January.2, 1990

           ,e .


                                      '           i g..;b@y;3 erp m            .,

Page 207


,y. , ,, _                    , _

f >:n :l I-e


StateGovernment'ContactTelecheneDirectorv(cont'd) .;j

                                                                                                                  -Il Phone                                 Time                             -

Orannization/ Individual Numbers Lilltd f:! 15

2. SC House of Reoresentatives.(cont'd)

District No. 4-(Pickens)

                   -Larry A. Martin-             Columbia Of fice:   803/734-3036                                             .

r k s e District No. 5 (Pickens) ,[ p' . B. L. Hendricks Jr. Columbia Office: 803/734-3035 E lef


s i

t ,

d ti I

                                                                                                                      'l s
   ,p; l}


                                                                                                                      ,t i

I! h h 77 A 1 li L Rev.,24 G* A January 2, 1990 ppage.208;

                    ,       ; ,; f.g g;..j                                                                              p
    ,     e,           , , - .         . , ,       .       ---         .    --          --       -       --      . - -        -        - -

A Y y b

      \        %

l 'J{ p: 4 l t

                                                        . FEDERAL GDVERNMENT CONTACT.(JGC) TELEPHONE DIRECTORY                               o t

u~ li Phone Time I; Numbers Called l l

1. Senator Terry Sanford Washington Office: 202/224-3154 Paul Vick' Washington Home:- 46-4723 (Administrative Asst.)- Durham Home:
Les Roark Raleigh Office: 919/ -41 5
                                                     .(District                Raleigh Home:                                    ,_

p i Office Rep.) ,

2. Senator Jesse Helms Washington Office: 202/224-5342-Clint Fuller Washington Home: ' L
                                             '(Administrative Asst.)                                                                        [y Frances Jones                          Raleigh Office:                       30-                     1 (District                Raleigh Home-

Office Rep.)

                                  - 3. Senator Ernest He'1 hgs                 Washington Off;ce:   202/224-6121                              ;

Ashley t Washington Home: c Bernard Meng Columbia Office: 8 -71 (District Columbia Home. Office Rep.)- F Washington Office: 202/224-5972 I

4. Senator Strom Thurmond District Office: 803/765-5496 (Columbia,SC) v Kerk.Spong Washington Office: 202/224-5972 (Legislative Dir.) Washington Home:

L Warren Abernathy Spartanburg Office: 903/582-1120 (District Office Rep.) Columbia Office: 803/765-5496 ,m Rev. 24 Janua'ry 2,.1990

n '
                                                                                                               , i yPage,2}9);[' .
m. -___ -

a .. Federal Government Contact Telenhene Directerv (cont'd) Phone Time , h'umbe r s talled ,

5. Rep. David Price . Washington Office: 202/225-1784 Gene Conti Washington Home: Q-(Administrative Asst.)

Je4n Ewing Raleigh Office: /856-4611 (District Raleigh Home. I OfficeRep.)

           "6. Rep. Howard Coble            Washington Office:- 202/225-3065.. .

ecutive Asst.) Chris Adams Greensboro Office: 919/333-5005 (District Office Greensboro Home: Rep.)

7. Rep. Cass Ba11enger Washington Office: 202/225-2576 Patrick Murphy Washington Home:

(Legislative Dir.) Hickory Office: Tommy Luckadoo 7-6100 (DistrictOffice Hickory Home-Rep.)  ;

8. Rep. Jamie Clarke Washington Office: 202/225-6401 Dennis Clark Washington Home:

(Administrative Asst.) Terry Garren Asheville Office: 704/254-1747 ' rict Office Asheville Wome: 1 a

                                            ;c    ,                                     Rev. 24 y ,&,f -         4
                              ,   cv?
                                       ^                  '

January 2,1990 i,t 4.:# y .. :. a; :cydQgQ4E,. .pj ; m ., , , ,~Page;210; j

        &                                                                                                                                                8 k

Federal Goverment Crmtaet Telechene Directory (cont'd) - i Phone Time f HWmbtn Called h l'

9. Rep. W. G. Hefner Washington Office: 202/225-3715 9 i.

Bill"McEwen Washington Home: 9, (Administrative Asst.) i Virginia Jochems Concord Office: 704/933 1615  ; (District Office Rep.) or r Concord Home:

   ,        .!0. Rep. Alex McMillan                             Washington Offic                                   76                                     t Charlotte Home:                                                                       ,

Vincent Dennis Virginia Home: __ - ll t-(NuclearIssues) 1. Kris Ketsler Charlotte Office: - 976 p ! -(DistrictDirector)CharlotteHome: 'i p e l A shington Office:

11. Rep. Stephen L. Neal 202/225-2071 Robert Wrigley Washington Hon,e:

1, (Administrative Asst.)  :, J. W. Phillips Winston-Salem Office:9 9 3125 ' (District Office Lexington Home. Rep.) 0 h

12. Rep. Tim Valentine . Washington Office -

31 - Ed Nagy Washington Home: , (Administrative Asst.) c l: A. B. Swindell, IV Rocky Mount Office: '


(DistrictOfficeRep.) Oxford Home:  ; l 'l Rev. 24,


January'2, 1990 Page 211: ~

    . Q ...       2       ,,
                               ?>:3ll                    n                      4

k.. f N t Ii Federal Govertment Contact Telechene Diretterv (cont'd) Phone Time

                                      ,                  Wumbers                                             called 1
13. Rep. Liz Patterson Washington Office: 202/225-6030 I (4thDistrict,S.C.) J Rita Hayes Washington Home:

(Administrative Asst.) Rock Hill Home Ron Romine Spartanburg Office: 803/582-6422 _ Y s (DistrictOffice Greenville Office: 803/ 2-1141 - Rep.) Spartanburg Home: j

14. Rep. Butler Derrick Washington Office: 202/225-5301 (3rdDistrict,S.C.) ,

L Leo Coco- Washington Home: _ y (Administrative Asst.)- d Barbara Gaines Anderson Office: 4-7401 _ (District Office Rep.) Ander;on Home. ,,

15. Rep John Spratt Washington Office: 202/225-5501 (5thDistrict,S.C.) ji' Ellen Buchanan Washington Home: "

(Administrative Asst.) r Robert Hopkins Rock Hill Office: 803/327-1114 (DistrictOfficeRep.)RockHillHome:~ - h n i

p li E

O 61 b,

          %                                                                                                                                             l
  • Rev. 24 j/s, .,

January 2, 1990

              ' l   #                                                                                       Page 212'                                  l;

q S, TECHNICAL BRIEFER TELEPHDNE DIRECTORY INDUSTRY / AGENCY CONTACL$ . Office Home Time , Dreanization/ Individual Teleobone Telechene Called t & 1. Institute of Nuclear Pawer Doerations (INPO) Primary: Angie Howard 404/980-3216 Alternate: HOTLINE 404/953-0904 or 404/953-0922 2.. U.S. Council for Enerav Awareness Primary: Scott Peters 202/293-0770 Paul Turner 202/293-0770 Alternate: NUMARC DUTY OFFICER

3. EPRI Nuclear Safety Analysis Center (H5AC Primary: Milt Klein 415/855-2680 Alternate: Dick Claeys 415/855-2251
4. American Nuclear Society (ANS)

Primary: EMERGENCY 312/352-6814 , MESSAGE (24 hour) 5, Edison Electric Ins 1112tt (EEI) Primary: Tom kallay 202/778-6661 , Alternate: Diane Smiroldo 202/778-6660

6. Babcock Wilcox Primary: Richard Gentile 804/385-2310 -

Alternate: Ron Hite 804/522-5937 Southern Railway i

7. i Primary: Dick Lutz 803/255-4333 Alterrate: 5. E. Hawkins 803/255-4333 J. E. Campbell 803/255-4333 _.

i Rev. 24 1 January 2, 1990 r

                               #       Q "7                                                               ,
                              , ip jg.f. 4 ,,                                      Page 213 x
    -4 :;p " !        4                                                                                   .:

u , w

e t y  ; , e' !~ N, l l

                                                                                                                                                   $                       j L           Technical Briefer Media Notification tall List 1                                                                                             '

i For en energency or drill at Oconee, call numbers preceeded by dash (--) first. #  ! For an eurgency or drill at McGuire or Catawba, call numbers without dash first. , l Time 1 ' l Name & Address Contact Phone Number Called $  ; ,/ 1,* IL CHARLOTTEOBSERVER(AM) Rich Oppel, Editor 704/379-6500 + 1 Charlotte, NC 28201 Mark Ethridge, Mg. Ed. o 3 Rich Oppel-home or Mark Ethridge-home or 2. l WROQ Frank Laseter, News. Dir. 704/393-6397 Charlotte, NC 28216 News Room or Dwayne Wald L Frank Laseter-home or h

3. L WPEG Nancy Cooper, Gen. Mgr. 704/570-9898 h Concord, NC 28025 or 7 4 786-9112
                       .                         Nancy Cooper-home                                        or                                                             [.

, 4, " - GASTONIAGAZETTE(PM) Jenny Palmer, Editor 3293 p I Gastonia, NC 28052 Jenny Palmer-home or a Martha Stokes-City Editor or 7 91 Martha Stokes, home , h 5.** SALISBURY POST (PM) Steve Bouser Editor 704/633-8950 Salisbury, NC 28144 x245 Jason Lesley or 704/633-8950 . _ . _ _ I, ;

6. "

s::!:H:;:k::: M h ENTERPRISE (PM) Joe Brown, Editor 919/841-5700 ' High Point, NC 27261 or 919/887-1341 Ken Irons or 919 - 0 Ken Irons-home o 7.* WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL (AM) Joe Goodman, Managing Editor 919/727-7277 p Sylvia Lane or 919/727-7234 Jim Laughrun /727-7287 Winston-Salem, NC 27102 Joe Goodman-home L Sylvia Lane-home o Jim Laughrun-home or

            * = AM                                                                                                     ,
           .. ,pg Rev. 24:

ac Mi , .: January 2,:1990 J Page 214 j

g-- [::,1;- Technical Briefer hdia Notification Call List 1 (cent'd) Time Name & Addrett Centact Phone Number Called

         . .. g ,

WFF-TV Lee Brown, Ng. Ed. 00 .< L. Greenville, SC 29602 Lee Brown-home o David Graves, News Dir. or Kevin Regan-home o Lee Brown-home o

          - 9.

WSPA-TV . News Room - 24 hrs / day 803/576-7777 Spartanburg, $C 29304 Chuck Edmundson or 803/587-4462 Harvey Cox, News Dir, or 803/587-4460 c 10.* NEWS & OBSERVER (AM) Claude Sitton, Editor 919/829-4510 Raleigh, NC 27602 Hunter George or ' Hunter George-home Claude $1tton-home o

           -- 11.
              'WSNW                      J. A. Ga111more, Manager          803/882-2388 Seneca, SC 29679         Bill Moore                        803/882-6366 L           -- 12.

Dick Mangrum, News Dir. WGOG ,: Walhalla, SC 29691 or Marvin Hill, St. Mgr. , 'l Dick Mangrum-home Marvin Hill-home o _

           -- 13.       .

i l WTLT (FM) Pete Butler, News Dir. 803/859-4401 _ l Easley, SC 29640 Smokey Smith or - Pete Butler-home or

           -- 14.                                                                                             l LIBERTY MONITOR          David Phillips, Editor             803/843-9378 f

Liberty, SC 29657 Robert Rogers h David Phillips-home o . Robert Rogers-home or. ,l e = AM

                ** = PM
                                       .l    .:c  . .,                       5.Rev. 24      .


                                       " + 4, . .    .H' ~;,c y
                                                                             " January 2,*;1990 Page'215"      9-1,

i i i Technical Briefer h dia Wetification Call List 2 l For an emergency or drill at Oconee, call numbers preceeded by dash (--) first. For an emergency or drill at McGuire or Catawba, call numbers without dash i first. Time / Name & Address Centact Phone Number Called  ; 1. t r WBTV News Room - Charlotte, NC 28208 Mamie Jo Harrell-home o . or Al Hineman-home ' Bill Foy-home or Fred Gent-home or i o  ! ( 2. l' WSOC News Room 704/335-4842 r Charlotte, NC 28201 Ed $ pencer, News Director

3. " a
       . ROCK HILL HERALD (PM)                 Terry Plumb, Ed.
         ' Rock Hill, SC 29730                 Terry Plumb-home o

c Sula Pettibon-home or

. Mang. Ed. i

! Roger Sovde, Gen. Mgr.-home or

  • After 5 ter five) ',

l 4. L WRHI . Rock Hill, SC 29731 Manny Kimmel 803/327-1426 Bill Rice or 803/324-1340 s,an U DAILY INDEPENDENT (FM) Don Smith, Ed./ Managing Ed. 704/932-3131 Kannapolis, NC 28081 Don Smith-home Floyd Alford-home o Gen. Mgr. g 6.**  ?' DAILY RECORD (PM) Tim Evans, Managing Editor 7 10 ll Hickory, NC 28601 James Small, Ed. home ,? Kenneth Millholland-home 4 Gen. Mgr./VP

            * = AM                               ..


          * * = PM i             .

f+ s .  : % Rev. 24 L 4 ;c l January 2, 1990 L


0- .- AMk,j$d[l'.T;Ml g.: *

                                                                                          ;Page 216: '         --f;
 . =           . . - - - . - - .                    __--____--_ _ - ---- - --

o  ! g , a l Technical Briefer Media Wotification Call List 2 fcont'd) t Time e Name & Address Contact Phene Number failed l

7. "
  • LEXINGTONDISPATCH(PM) Larry Lyon Editor 704/249-3981

Lexington, NC 27292 Larry Lyon-home or i Neill Caldwell-home or ' Vickie Broughton-home o 8. WSJSNTQR Control Room 7-3926 Winston-Salem, NC 27102 Bob Costner-home o 9.*,** GREENSBORO DAILY News (AM) Bill Hancock 919/373-7008 l GREENSBORD RECORD (PM) News Room 919/373-7001 Mike Massotlia, City / or 919/373-7070 [, 5 tate Ed. ' Stan Swofford 919/373-7003 Greensboro, NC 27420 Copy Desk or 919/373-7032 i 10. WTVD-TV . Dave Davis, News Director 919/683-1111 . Durham, NC 27702 or 919/687-2350 o -4443 j! l Dave Davis, (after 5)-home Stewart Kasloff, Ex. ~ Producer-home ,: ' Bonnie Moore, Assign. Ed.- home 11.* ANDERSON INDEPENDENT John Gouch, Managing Editor 803/224-4321 , ' John Gouch-home o MAIL (AM) Anderson, SC 29621 Bob Cochnan-home 12. WAXA-TV Joe Brezenski 803/226-9292

  • Anderson, SC 29622 Cont. Rm (manned at all times) 803/224-4252 1
                                                                                                              ,l 13.

l THE PICKENS SENTINEL Don Hunt Gen. Mgr. 803/878-2453 I Pickens, SC 29671 Cheryl OI Malley, Editor l.i l Cheryl O'Malley-home

              * = AM
             ** = PM                                                                                                ,


                                                                                                                'l l
          'N.4                                                                           Rev. 24              IlI 4.- af  b;-

yss a, u ,

                                                                                        . January 2, 1990 Page 217 i'



(:  !) o Technical triefer Media Wetifiestion Call List 3  ;) for en emergency or drill at Dconee, call numbers proceeded by dash (~) first. a L ! For an emergency or drill at McGuire or Catawba, call numbers without dash , first. ) L .1 L Time-blanne & Address Contact Phone Wi=her Called y el

                      ' ).-              .

O WTYC Julie Durham, News Dir. 803/366-4148 .J Rock Hill, SC 29731-7024 . I 2." i ENQUIRER" JOURNAL- (PM) Nancy Stephen 704/289-1541 J Monroe, NC 28110 or 7D4/733-5482 ,, l .j! !; 3 .- U Calvin Hastings, Gen. & o WC5L Cherryville, NC 28021 Sales Mgr. 297  ; Milton Baker-home o 4 Calvin Hastings-home or d Bob Bigger-home or if Howard Black 704/435 9

4. "

RECORD AND LANDMARK (PM) Jerry Joscy, Editor 70 ,; b statesville, NC 28677 Jerry Josey-home or Neil Furr-home or o Eileen Wilkinson-home o l David Ramsey 704/8 31 ,!


I! W5!G . Mike Thompson, News Director .919/855-6500 Greensboro, NC 27420 News Room (manned at all '; hours except 12 Midnight- or 800/332-3095 5AMSundays) o 11  :: Mike Thompson-home or  ;!

6. 3:

S19/379-9369 WFMY-TV _ hi Greensboro, NC 27420 6:30 AM - 21:30 PM & We61 ends News Room or 919/379-9316 or 319 Mile Majors-home o , Laura Browning-home or '!

                   ': 7.*                                                                                                          !.

DURHAM MORNING HERALD (AM) Dick Jones, City Editor 9 7-6630 i;

            ;          .Durhas,- NC 27702             Dick Jones-home              o Tom Oliver-Assign. Editor . or         /687-6601;.

v; 4 Y%g-

          .        ,     .. . pg       ,


, ., ~Rev.-24'
      ;hYhkll&                       ,     u , lO         ,
                                                            <          <a              .
  • l g?' W

f I

         .        Technical Briefer Media Notification Call List 3 (cont'd)

Time i I Name & Address Contact Phone Number Called 3,** . Carlton Harrell, Managing  :


Durham, NC 27702 Editor /687-6626 , Carlton Harrell-home o  ! Bill Stagg, City Editor or i Bill Stagg-home l I

           . 9,e
  • GREENVILLE NEWS ( AM) News Room 803/298-4301
  • Greenville, SC 29602 Marion Elliot, City Editor or 803/298-4314 ,

Tom Hutchinson, Managing Editor i ! Marion Elliot-home o , Tom Hutchinson-home or .

           -- 10. "                                                                                                                                                   ;

GREENVILLE PIEDMONT (PM) Ann Clark, Managing Editor -

  • Greenville, SC 29602 Ann Clark-home o t- Wayne Roper _

Wayne Roper-home ,

           .      33,e*                                                                                                                      803/

GREENWOOD INDEX JOURNAL Jim Joyce-home o , (PM) Add Penfield-home or # Greenwood, SC 29646 _;

           -- 22.                                                                                                                                                    !'

WAIM (AM), WCKN (FM) Lee Rogers, Dir. 11 Anderson, SC 29622 Lee Rogers-home o

           ~ 33.                                                                                                                                                      ,

WIS-TV Scott Parks, News Dir. Columbia, SC 29201 Scott Parks-home or Pete Poore-home o L_ Darrell Huger (Assign Ed.) 803/731/5585 u L -- 14. l'; Steve Edwards 803/882-2375 ( $ENECA JOURNAL / TRIBUNE or 803/882-6176 [ Seneca, SC 29079 Jim Dorris

                                                                                                                                                                   .i i:                                                                                                                                                                     :

L . l

  • s AM
                   "=PM a

Rev. 24

                                                             #r.J.,                 2     ,
                                                                                               .                                               January 2, 1990 g~

os w .J > Page 219 k d_.

                                      ,;f          7   ' QMNjjy"jjj w;                                                                     /



x l l 3  ;

c.  !;

Technical 9tiefer.fledia Notification Call Lisi 4 .n l' For an emergency or drill at Oconee, call numbers preceeded by dash (--) first. For an emergency or drill at McGuire or Catawba, call numbers witi.out dash J first. l Time Name & Address Contact Phone Number Called , p 1. WPCQ-TV Chris Faw, Assign Ed. 704/536-5321 Charlotte, NC 28205 Newsroom or 704/536-6397. h Switchboard Chris Faw-home or 704 or

                                                                                                   - 636 f

Karen Adams, News Dir. or 704/563-6397

2. .

WLON Larry Seagle, News Director 383 , l Lincolnton, NC 28092 Larry Seagle-home or - Jeff Nichols or 70 35-5805 F.

3. h l MOORESVILLE TRIBUNE Len Sullivan, Editor 54 L Meeresville, NC 28115 Len Sullivan-home or -

li Lee Sullivan-home or 4 Alternate # for Sullivans or 704/663-7063 [ l 4. L 'MECKLENBURG GAZETTE Nancy Ashburn, Ed. - 09 , Davidson, NC 28036 Nancy Ashburn-home or - 5. i OBSERVER-NEWS-ENTERPRISE Ginger Perez, Managing Newton, NC 28658- Editor 704/464-0221 Donna Cox or 704/464-8689 , 6.** p DAILY STAR (PM) Tom O'Neal, Editor -7000-1 Shelby, NC 28150 Tom O'Neal-home o ' Brenda Crosby-home or  ;


SPARTANBURG HERALD-JOURNAL Lou Parris, Brad Rogers, (AM,PM) City Ed. _ 582-4511 .

                          .Spartanburg, SC 29304       Lou Parris-home                                           -

Brad Rogers-home o ' 8.*,** { STATE (AM) Thomas N. McLean, Ex. News Editor 803/771-8451

                             >s                        Robert Hill 111, Managing
                             /A ;. 7                    Editor                          803/771-8508
             %@- Columbia, SC 29202 (continued on next page)
                'l m                ,   s U       2 Rev. s.24'                 ;
        !%h,3MID              Q 1
                                                                         ,                  January.2, 1990            '
        ${hgN@ s                              ,
                                                                                           , Pag'el220; .             q!

e m e


Ji g { e  !

    ,           Technical Eriefer Media Wetification Call list 4 (cont d)   8                                     ;

i Time  ! Wame & Address Contact Phone Number Called , State: ' Gordon Hirsch-office Gordon Hirsch-home or g Scott Kearns 80  ; 9.

w WPTF RADIO Mike Blackman, News Dir. /878-1724 l Raleigh, NC 27602 Mike Blackman-home o .-

John Brett-home or __. l i

             . 10.

WANS Bill McCowen, Prog. Director 803/458-9267 i Anderson, SC 29622 Connie Harris 803/458-9267 . 1L-TV Connie Howard, News Director 800/532-5343 Raleigh, NC 27101 , News Room (manned 24 hrs / day) or 919/821-8600 _

             -- 12.                                                                                              ;

WCCP George Clement ' 803 4-5400 Clemson, SC 29631 George Clement-home - 'l l

             -- 13.

MESSENGER Mandi Bobo 803/ 51 Clemson, SC 29633 Mandi Bobo-home Dave Hennigan . s 375


Dave Hennigan-home o -- 14. " i KE0 WEE COURIER Ashton Hester, News Dir. . -5856 Walhalla, SC 29697 Jack Hunt, Publisher-home o 4 u 1: l 1' e

                   * = AM
                  ** = PM l

Rev. 24 January 2, 1990

                                 '!               s           ,a,                    Page 221,                 >

l %pg.. i ",j , ,, v g ,-- g , y; q,g. , p

L Technical Briefer Media Wotification call List 5 i For an emergency or drill at Oconee, call numbers preceeded by dash (--) first. For an emergency or drill at McGuire or Catawba, call numbers without dash first. ) Time . Name & Addrest Contact Phone Number Called 1. WBT-AM/WBCY John Stokes, Charlotte, NC 28208 News Director 3 John Stokes-home o _._ Jim Barro11-home or 9 2. WSOC-TV News Room 704/335-4871 Charlotte, NC 28201 Dick Moore, News Director or 704/335-4735 , Switchboard o 99 g Dick Moore-home o . Wayne Houseman-home or 3.**

         . CONCORO TRIBUNE (PM)          John Kennedy, Editor            7             5                          l Concord, NC 28025            John Kennedy-home           o LuAnn Laubscher-home        or                                .

4. WGAS Glenn Mace, President 5796 l Gastonia, NC 28052 Glenn Mace-home o l Ed Gray-home or 5.**

  • NEWSTOPIC(PM) Mike Slaughter, Editor 704/7 7381 Lenoir, NC 28645 Mike Slaughter-home Angie Blackburn-home or i
6. I WXII-TV Mark Mayhew, News. Director 919/722-2939 Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Switchboard or 919/721-9944 l

or Mark Mayhew-home _. l' L L

             * = AM

(: ** = PM L I Rev. 24

                                                                           . January 2, 1990
                         ~                             "
                                    -   K    +

Page 222 ' fh ' h [ M Q)h l(((f h 5 ,< 3 j; h Q:' ,1

                                                                                        -; "             y spji:
                  ,-       . - - - . . . - . . .    . - . - . . . . + . , , _ _ ,


                                                                                                                                                           ,1 I

Technical Briefer Media Notification Call List 5 (cont'd) j 1 Time il

                         'Wame 1 Addrett                                                            Centact               Phone Number Called              i]
7. V WGHP-TV Jim Ogle, News DirectAr .
                                                                                                                                    -    8               ,

High Point, NC 27261 Jim Ogle-home or q g,. ' MESSENGER Brad Rochester, Managing Ed. 9 7 Madison, NC 27025 Brad Rochester-home o ,! Randy Case-home or p l i.

9. .

WPTF-TV Karen Smith, Assign. Mgr 919/832-8311 i! Raleigh, NC 27602 After SPM News Room or 009  ;[ Karen Smith-home or il Jim Vangrov-home or F t:

             ' -- 10.
                 .WSPA                                                                   Greg McKinney, News Director. 803/585-9500.                  ,:

Spartanburg, SC 29304 News Room o -8566 ,

                                                                  .                      Greg McKinney-home          or                                  6 Bill Alexander                   803/585-8566
              -- II.                                                                                                                                     ,.

WLOS-TV Tom Glover 4/ 55-0013 Asheville, NC Tom Glover-home or -'

              -- 12.                                                                                                                                '
          ,         PROGRESS-                                                            Norman Cannada, News Otr.

Easley,'SC 29641 Norman Cannada-home o ,, , Jerry Vickery .' j Jerry Vickery-home or

                                                                                                                                                       'I f               -- 13.                                                                                        -

WESTMINISTER NEWS Jack Hunt, Owner 404 j: Westminister, SC 29693 ' Jack Hunt-home or < or Jean Snyder-home I; l: t 1 . 63

                      ..a                                                                                                                             l.
                     .. . pH i

Rev. 24 i.(' January 2, 1990

        .- , J. 4                                                                  W g, 6;.                                   ,<Page 223).


       % y. j . . }ncs;g.%o s..     -
                                                                               .f!gv; e      -
                                                                                                                                   ;;;   y,                  '

l Technical Briefer Media Wotification Call List 6 For an' emergency or drill at Oconee, call numbers preceeded by dash (--) first. o , For an emergency or drill at McGuire or Catawba, call numbers without dash .) T first. g Time q o Name & Address Contact f.hant,, Numbe r Called p 1. THE YORK OBSERVER Herb Frazier, Editor 4-4223 Rock Hill, SC 29730 Herb Frazier-home - Dennis Sodomka-home or .

                                                                                                                                                                      ,7 2.

THE MECKLENBURG TIMES- Ahsen Jilliami, Mgr. Ed. 7 /377-6221  ; Ahsen Jilliami-home o j Norris Rumselt-home or e e

                                                                                                                                                                          '5 3.

WHIP Hugh Beaver, News Dir. -9447 4 Mooresville, NC Hugh Beaver-home o Glen Hamrick-home or _ .. 4. YORKVILLE INQUIRER or Eugene Graham, Editor 3 CLOVER HERALD Eugene Graham-home o , Clover, SC 29710 James Owen, Pub.-home o oP g 5. TIMES NEWS Katherine Yarbro, News Ed. 7 31 .: Lincolnton, NC 28093-0040 Katherine Yarbro-home o  ;, Guy Leedy, Pub.-home or ,, 6. WIRC(AM),WXRC(FM) Dave Hardin, News Dir. 704/322-1713 [: Hickory,.NC 28603 (manned 24-hours) (let ring until Mary Drew (WXRC) answered) p

7. p THE LAKE NORMAN MAGAZINE Donna Campbell, Mgr. Ed. 252 y
                    .Mooresville, NC 28115                               Donna Campbell-home         or Ann' Wicker                 or 7           -1422
8. "

IREDELL COUNTY NEWS Mason McCullough 054 Statesville, NC 28677 Mason McCullough-home o - Don Bailey-home or l:

                                                                        .A  .

a . . Ag

                     * * = PM                                            j                                                                                                ,

Rev. 24

                                      ,                                   ?

f 1: ' XM@ ,

                                                                                                             =Jan_uary 2,'1990 a:l ~ p y;kh{&lff.f.hv-
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r 1

                \                                                                                                                                                         l i

E ' Technical Briefer Media Notification Call List 6 (cont'd)  ! L Time Name'& Address Contact Phone Number Called . I 1

                                                                                                                                                                       ,i L                     --9.                                                                                                                                                ;

p WSBF Robert Holling, Prog. Dir. 803/656-2279 ' l Clemson, SC 29631 John Sanders-Asst. Dir. /656-2279 Robert Helling-home -(' John Sanders-home

                      -- 20.

1 Wayne Ga111more,

                         . WBFM l

! Seneca, SC 29678- Station Mgr.-home or fj L -- 11. WFBC' Len Hathaway, News Dir. > Len Hathaway-home W Greenytile, SC '29602 Jerry Massey, o '

                                                                    -Chief Eng.-home                                 or                                               *t i
12. 1915
                           .WTBI                                 Larry Wilson, Station Mgr.                                                          e                /,

Pickens, SC 29671 Larry Wilson-home o u ce 13. .



                                                                . James Went, Program Dir.                                                                            .;

Scott Miller, News Director 704/570-9700 " . Statesville' NC 14. WFMX Rita Taggart, News Director 704/872-6348 V , J ii 1:

                              * = AM h
                             " = PM                                                                                                                                   ;;

y 4 .

                  * '                                                                .E ',                                        Rev. 24
              -          ~u W:         '          .         ' gs              ;ti # git                                          Jai.uary 2, 1990
      'N                                                                                      ffh, fg                                               O hk
                                           .hE ' ';3f p
                                                                                                                       . g_ r:t,

1 I i SET-UP CDORDINATOR TELEPHONE DIRECTORY l l CAtt LIST I Time I Office .Home Talenhone Talenhone called

1. Deensition Carol Ford 803/235-3518 Martha Spence 803/235-3518 i
             - Sandta Eppley                803/235-3518                                               '

t I Rev. 24

                                             *      : ., ,to ..               January 2, 1990 C :;3.                                              Page 226-ff.y m' :,g;[Mswid Q
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          -                      $UPPORT COORDINATOR (SC) TELEPHONE DIRECTORY                   f

CALL LIST Office Home Time Telechone Telechene Galltd

1. Corporate Communications
                     $witchboard 704/373-4900                                      ,

2, G.O. Switchboard , Karen Smith 704/373-4330

3. South Boulevard Operations Center (Divisions Emerennev Center)

Shift Supervisor 704/373-2970 or 704/373-4232  ; (unlisted) P 1 I l. ~ { L E Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 227

            ;c                              ,


1. Telecopy news releases and press conference transcripts to the following:

Teletonv No.  ; General Office New Center: 704/373-7307 (Automatic) Technical Support Center (2 copies) 803/885-3000, ext. 2869 Attn: 1. TSCL Liaison 8/885-2869(Microwave)

2. NRC Resident Inspector  ;

i Verification - 8-885-2728 or 803/885-3000, ext. 2796 Oconee County EOC 803/638-7046 Attn: Walter.Purcell , l Pickens County EOC 803/878-7846 L Attn: Don Evett

           .SC State EOC                              803/734-0434 Attn:    Paul Lunsford i

Word Processing at 704/373-5222 Oconee Nuclear Station for posting at station i l i I 4 l' L Rev. 24 L: January 2, 1990 Page 228 0 <

[I ' $ { p l

                                                                                                                                             .I OCONEE EMERGENCY OR DRILL                                                                ;
                                                $ECRETARIAL TEAM - GENERAL OFFICE Office                          Home                            'i Seeretarial Team                                       Telenhene                       lahah0at E

Wilma Kinard 704/373-3140 - 704/373-2879-  ; George Dorsey 704/373-7303: ' 704/875-5601 ,i { Myra Mary Fortanbary Davis 704/373-4707


CALL LIST f Telecopy all news releases to appropriate agencies listed below, i: (NewsReleases) l I COMPANY (INFORMATION ONLYF

  .                   jWiE            . ATTENTION OF                         TELECODY NO.                    VERIFICATION NO.

1EP_Q Angie Howard 404/953-7549 404/951-4732 i (8am-5pm) or 404/953-9208 . automatic ,' lliCE6 Scott Peters, 202/785-4113 202/293-0770  : or (8 am-5 pm) Paul Turner 282/785-4019 ,

                      !L%C            . Milt Klein,                          415/885-1080                     415/855-2717                    :

or (24 hrs.) (7:30 am-5 pm) Dick Claeys automatic 6-mins. , EE1 Diane Smiroldo ~ 202/778-6542 202/778-6660 or' (24 hrs.) (8:30 am-5:30 pm) Tom Kallay automatic-6 mins.


6: ss Rev. 24  !

                                                                                                                    ' January 2, 1990      

Page 229 i;


n secretarial Team - General Office Call List (cont'd) 3

          - TELECOPY (News Releases)

COMPANY-M&Mg ATTENTION OF. TELECOPY WD. VERIFICATION NO, , 36H1 Darlene Schmidt, 312/352-0499 312/352-6611 or (24 hrs.) (8 am-5 pm) Gay Easly automatic-6 mins. -

 <                                                                                        t 1EG            Ken Clark          404/331-4449         404/331-4508 (24 hrs.)            (8am-5pm) automatic-6 mins.                            ,
          ' Babcock &      Richard Gentile    804/385-3663         804/385-2742 Wilcox           or               automatic-6 mins,      or Ron Hite           (8am-5pm)            804/385-3711            ,

AE 803/799-5510(Columbia) l AE' 800/662-7075 (Raleigh)  ; (Not staffed 12:30 am-6:00 pm, Sundaysonly) MEI 803/779-0380 (Columbia)

           .UEl                               800/662-7408(Raleigh)                       >

(Not staffed 1:00 am-5:00 am, seven days a week) 1 i-t. 1 Rev. 24 L January 2, 1990 Page 230

i 1 l DCONEE NEWS CENTER The crimarv news center for an emergericy or drill at Oconee is the Oconee Crisis Management Center on Isequeena Trail in Clemson, S.C. The manager's area is also located inside the Oconee CMC. The media center is located in the assemly room of the Clemson Operations Center, beside the Oconee CMC.  : Each person is responsible for transportation to the CMC news center. Here are the directions: . From Charlotte: Take I-85 south to Greenville, S.C.; exit on Highway 153 and

 '    head north; exit on Highway 123 and west approximately 30 miles to Clemson;       '

exit on Isaqueena Trail and head north approximately one-half mile. The CMC is on the right. From Oconee: From plant entrance, take Highway 130-183 toward Seneca; turn lef t on Highway 123 toward Clemson; exit on Isaqueena Trail and head north approximately one-half mile to the CMC. DIRECTIONS TO OFF-SITE MEDICAL FACILITIES , knnen Memorial Hosettal from the CMC: Take Highway (Give 123 east and exit onto directions for getting Highway 178. Take Highway 178 north to Pickens. to Pendleton St. and the hospital.) Geonee Memorial Hoseital from the CMC: From Isaqueena Trail, take a right onto Highway 123 toward Seneca. Stay on Highway 123 in Seneca through two stoplights. The hospital entrance is a few tenths of a mile on the right across from McDonalds, l l 1 Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 231 l


q s  ! oi  ; 1 'l. s . STATE AND. COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATION CENTERS i Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs) established for use by local, state, and federal agencies are located as follows: 19&A.1 itat.t Oconee: Oconee County National Guard Armory , Law Enforcement Ctr. 1 Clemson, SC Walhalla, SC


Paul Lunsford ;


Walter Purcell  !(803) 222-7198 (803)638-3097 Pickens County 2nd Floor Bowen Bldg. Pickens, SC


Don Evett (803) 878-7808


L Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 232

n i -' DUKE POWER COMPANY EMERGENCY RESPONSE FACiUTIES ' 1 L emeums wcLamm stacw I mese rm , i  ! t

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l l- Rev. 24 f- January 2,1990 l Page 233 gn -

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1 h , OCONEE CMC GENERAL LAYOUT  ! k l h d 4 i d I p i.

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1 1. l l Rev. 24 L January 2, 1990 Page 236,.____.___..-....._._

i SAMPLE NEWS RELEASE Bulletin # Date ..___ ' Status as of , ,,,,a . m . / p . m . , OCONEE ONLY Corporate Communications Department j From: ' Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28242 i THIS IS A DRILL (IF NOT A DRILL -- DO NOT INCLUDE) ,! , I I Oconee Nuclear Station -- Duke Power Company' reported an (alert / site emergency / general emergency) at its Oconee Nuclear Station locat.ed near l Walhalla, S. C. at (time) on (date). l The alert was declared due to a steam generator tube leak. Here is what I happened: e 11:37 a.m. Steam generator tube leak occurred. 1 c

          +      11:45 a.m.         An alert is declared at Oconee unit 1.                                          l
          +      11:46 a.m.         Operators safely shut the unit down.                                            1
          +      11:58 a.m.         Notification of county, state and federal authorities                           I began,                                                                         i
          +       3:00 p.m.          Plant personnel begin processing water collected inside the plant systems from-steam generator tube leak.               -

I THIS IS A DRILL (IF NOT A DRILL -- DO NOT INCLUDE) l For further information, call Corporate Communications in Charlotte at J

         '704/373-5054, 373-8323 or 373-8138.

Plant neighbors should stay tuned to their radios or TVs for further

         -information. State and county officials would use the Emergency Br:adcast i           System for any protective action recommendations.

liDIE: A media center is being activated (has been established) at the , Clemson Operations Center in Clemson, S.C. Facilities will be made available at the center for media representatives. The News Center phone number is 803/591-1291. (Clemson Operations: Take Route 123 to Issaqueena Trail. Exit going north. Operations center is on right.) l 7 l l Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 237

         #. ~ .                   w,                 q,p.
                                                                                 ,                                   j 4                                                                                                                .


                    ' For classifications:' Alert,. Site Area Emergency, General Emergency                        .

Station: .. Release # Time:  ; 4 . n< ,

                    'IF CMC IS NOT FULLY ACTIVATED:

Time Sent:- Time Okd: ,. e Emergency' Coordinator'of fE 'affected >tation


ONS: via TSCL telecopy: 803/885-3000


ext. 2869 -

          -                                                       8-885-2869 CNS: via TSCL telecopy:               803/831-5888                                   4 o

MNS: via TSCL telecopy: 704/875-4453 l Le :.NRC: ( n .. I li Ken Clark .0ffice: 404/331-5503 .

                                            ' telecopy:         404       - 449-                                    -

Home. If. Ken Clark can not be-reached: 6 t ):- Base Team Manager: I telecepy: 404/331-3924 , i. h . Confirm Receipt:- 404/331-50BB , L NRC will be' allowed 15 minutes to review / comment on release prior to , distribution. l t, l' 1. IE.. CMC IS FUI.LY ACTIVATED: Approved by: Time: 1

1. t l e Emergency Communications Manager l + Dose-Assessment Manager (radiological data only)
                      + Recovery Manager                                                                         ,

e NRC Representative Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 238 ' l

                          .      ~             .                         -.       --  -          ..        ~   ,

3 i F EMERGENCY MESSAGE FORM  ; 2  ! This sheet is to be used by. persons when notified of an emergency w drill and for makit;g. notifications to other members of the News Group.

                .Name                                                       Time contacted          AM/PM i

Person who contacted you Your group  ; MESSAGE

1. -This is (caller'sname) m.- 2. I- am notifying you of a drill / actual emergency at L

Nuclear Station, unit no. . j' '

3. ~ At this time, the class ~ of emergency is:

Alert Site Area Emergency a General Emergency

4. Do you consider yourself fit for duty?

5.- You are to activate your portion of the News Group and report to your emergency work location.

6. Specific instructions (if any):

U 7. Notification calls completed (time) 1 i Rev. 24 January 2, 1990 Page 239

                                                                   - - - . .i.. -----.ii.   . i i
                        .,4   -


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