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Training Lesson Plan to Rev 0 to NL-LP-11201-00-C, Emergency DG General Overview
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Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/11/1989
From: Craig T
Shared Package
ML20092F288 List: ... further results
CON-IIT05-020C-90, CON-IIT05-193-000A-90, CON-IIT5-193-A-90, CON-IIT5-20C-90, RTR-NUREG-1410 NL-LP-11201-, NL-LP-11201-00, NUDOCS 9202200296
Download: ML20092G696 (25)


{{#Wiki_filter:. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 0 i~ J D C -9 O GCulglill'OtVef L(a VOGiLE Et CCilllC GEllEllAlltiG PLAlli llWillin llSSitt N N1 EMERGENCY DIESEL GENERATOR 1 I11 E ggg,gg[g g NL-LR-11201-00-C GENERAL Ovtavitu giggj]g, OUTSIDE AREA OPERATOR REVI S 1011: o Ajj j {lUp G.D. STONE l)A1E 1o/26/87 73 % 4, AliisluivEll: 11 ale: r////// Illslittr.lfft f,Illifl.llf.Si 1. LESSON FORMAT A. Lecture with Visual Aids !!. MATERIALS A. Transparencies and Overhead Projector B. Dry Erase Board and Markers EVALUATION A. Written or Oral Exae in conjunction with other Lesson Plans IV. REMARKS A. Perforeance-based instructional unita (!Us) are attached to the lesson plan as student handouts. Af ter the lecture instruction should be provided for the attached instructional units. The instructor should be available to answer questions that eay aris's concerning the IU eatorial. After instruction on the IU, the student will perfore, steulate, observe or discuss (as identified on the cluster signuf f criteria list) the task covered in the instructional unit in the presence of an evaluator. FORIHEORgAMONOW M AS,.._ mm 9202200296 920116 l. DR ADOCK 0500 4

= NL-LP-11201-00-C l. PURPOSE STATEMENT: UPON COMPLET!DN OF THIS Lp50N, THE STUDENTT WILL HAVE THOSE KNOWLEDGE 8 SYSTEMATICALLY REQUIRED FOR TviE PERFORMANCE OF EMERGENCY DIESEL GENERATOR 1ASVS II. LIST OF OBJECTIVES: 1. State the purpose of the emergency diesel generators. 2. Draw a simple one-line diagram of ESF bus 1AA02 (or 1BA03) indicating normal and alternate supplies. 3. List the four cycles of a four-cycle diesel engine, and state what occurs on each. 4. Given drawings of a basic diesel engine, identify the following internal components a. Cylinders b. Pistons and pins c. Crankshaft d. Caeshaft e. Valves 5. For the eseegency diesel engine, states Number of cylinders and arrangement a. .b. RPM c. Horsepower rating d. Number of engines per unit 6. Given drawings of a DSRV-16 diesel engine, identify the following componentsi a. Generator b. Generator bearing pillow block c. Exciter (brushes) d. Flywheel e. JW standpipe f. Turbochargerer g. Combustion air coolers h. Intake air inlet 1. Exhaust outlet J. Jacket water cooler k. NSCW inlet / exit connections on JW cooler 1. Crankcase vacuum fan

NL-LP-!!201-00-C 11. LIST OF OBJECTIVES 7. State the purposes of the f ollowing emergency diesel generator auxiliary,4ystems a. Fuel o!! systen b. Air start system c. Lube oil system d. Jacket water system e. Combustion air supply and exhaust system f. Crankcase ventilation system g. Diesel engine control system h. Generator control system 8. For the emergency diesel generator, states a. Voltage rating b. KVA rat g c. Continuous rating in kilowatts d. Overload rating in kilowatts per time e. Hertz rating f. Number of poles g. RPM 9. State the functions of the safety sequencer as related to the emergency diesel generators. 10. State the location from which the generator can be paralleled. !!. List the personal protedtive equipment necessary f or monitoring a running diesel generator. O l. 3



NL-LP-11801-00-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES 1. INTRODUCTION A. This lesson describes the reasons for having emergency diesel generators at Plant Vogtle along with inf ormation about the engine, and an introduction to the diesel aukillary system B. Review the objectives NL-TP-11201-001 !!. PRESENTATION A. Purpose and design basis Commitment FSAR 0430.1 1. Purpose The emergency diosal generators provide standby Objective 1 ansite power required by the class 1E AC power systems in the event of a loss of preferred power sources for powering the essential loads necessary to safely shutdown the reactor under any operating and accident conditions a. Diesel generator - System 2403 1) Diesel engine NOTE: " Standby Power System", 2) Generator Syst 1921, is supplied 4160V by

3) Fuel systems Syst 2403 4)

Engine auxiliary systems b. The internal combustion diesel engine provides the motive f orce to drive the generator 2. 4160V Class 1E Bus supplies 4160V switchgear 1AA02 (Control Bldg) a. Train A

1) Normal (preferred) supply from RATS step dawn "Y" winding of Reserve Aux Transf ormer 230 kV from offsite INXRA, Breaker Closed sources to 13.8 KV (X winding) and 2)

Alternate supply available froe "Y" 4.16 KV (Y winding) winding of Reserve Aux Transf ormer 1NXRB. No breaker in cubicle. Would Show use normal breaker, moved froe cubicle NL-TP-11201-002 5, but only under acninistrative Objective-2 controls

3) Standby (onvite) supply Emergency diesel generator unit 1, Train A, b

NL-LP-11801-00-C 4 111. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES through breaker in Cubicle 19 b. 4160V switchgear 1BA03 (Control Building) Train B

1) Normal (pref erred) supply from "Y" winding of Reserve Auw Transformer, INXRB, breaker closed 2)

Alternate supply available from "Y" winding of Reserve Aux Transformer INXRA, no breaker in cubicle under administrative controls 3) Standby (onsite) supply: Emergency diesel generator Unit 1, Train B. Breaker racked in, open 3. Safety Design Bases Commitments FSARG 430.1 a. The diesel generator systems shall be include design designed to supply power to operate the basis in training saf ety-related equipment to ef f ect a saf e shutdown of the reactor in the event Read to class of f site power supply is unavailable b. Each diesel generator shall be stred to meet the power requirements of one train of safety related equipment. Each diesel generator shall have its own independent lubricating, air intake and exhaust, cooling water, air start, fuel oil day tank and storage tank systems Each fuel oil storage tank shall be stred c. f or seven days' operation to meet the engineered saf ety f eature load plus an additional amount for periodic testing of the diesel generator (ANSI N195) d. Two full capacity transfer pumps shall be provided on each fuel oil storage tank for redundancy. Each pump's capacity shall be sized to a sinimum of _ three times the maximum diesel engine consumption e. The diesel generator systems shall be capable of accomplishing its function in the event of a single f at ture of any active component f. The diesel generator and f uel oil storage f acilities shall be provided with fire, missile, seismic and tornado protection 7

NL-LP-11801-00-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES B. General Overview NL-TP-11201-003 1. Basic Internal Components Objective 4 (identi f y) a. Cylinder Chamber for the moving piston of an engine 1) Our engine has 16 cylinders Bore 17", stroke 21" b. Pi ston Moved back and forth in cylinder to increase and decrease volume of cylinder c. Pin Transmits forces between piston and rod d. Crankshaft Turns the up-and-down motion of the piston to rotary motion

1) Flywheel attached to crankshaft 2)

Flywheel (and crankshaft) i Rotate clockwise when you face the flywheel s. Camshaft Driven by a crankshaft via gears 1) Lobos (eccentrics) cause up-and-down motion of tappets or pushrods 2) Open intake and exhaust valves 3) Operates fuel injection pumps f. Valves 1) Two intake valves / cylinder 2) Two exhaust valves / cylinder 3) Closed by springs 4) Opened by pushrod and rockers 2. Basis Four-stroke cycle Diesel Engine Objective 3 NL-TP-11201-004-0

NL-LP-11201-00-C 111 LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES a. Intake Strcke 1) Intake valve open Preread SLK for Qual Book 2) Piston moves down, drawing air.into Chapter 11004 cylinder 3) Intake valve shuts near bottom of stroke b. Compression stroke

1) Cylinder sealed, air compressed as piston rises
2) Air temperature increases under compressir,n
3) Fuel injected near top of stroke.

Fuel ignites from high temperature c. Power stroke

1) Heat of combustion expands gases, forcing piston downward
2) Exhaust valve opens near bottom of power stroke d.

Exhaust stroke 1) Piston moves upward, pushing gases from cylinder through exhaust valve 2) Air intake valve opens near end of exhaust stroke to aid in purging gases

3) Sas removal and air supply aided by End Objective 3 turbocharger 3.

Emergency Diesel Generators at VEGP a. Engine

1) V-16 cylinder arrangement Objective 5 2) 450 rps 3) 9694 horsepower 4)

Two engines per nuclear unit 5) Turbocharged 9 I

tJL-LP-i l 201-00-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES 6) Af tercooled 7) Fuel injected directly into cylinder 8) Air started b. Generator 1) 4160 volts AC, 3 phase Objective B 2) 1214.4 amperes 3) 7000 kW continuous 4) 7700 kW for two hours out of 24, overload 5) 8750 kVA 6) 60 HZ 7) Driven direct by engine, 450 rps B) 16 poles C. Component Description Overview Components described in data!! 1. Basic Aux 111ary System Purposes in later lesson plans a. Fuel 011 System Objective 7 begins 1) Provides onsite storage and delivery NL-1P-11201-005 of fuel oil for approximately seven days operation of the saf ety-related loads as required under accident conditions, assuming a loss of a!! offsite power b. Air Start System l l !) Provides a means of starting the engine quickly after receipt of a start signal by injecting stored compressed air into the cylinders c. Lube Oil System 1) Provides lubricating and cooling of engine bearings and other components during engine operation 2) Provides tube oil f or prelubrication and warning of engine bearings and to

NL-LP-11201-00-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES other components wb-engine is in standby d. Jacket Water System

1) Provides enough cooling to allow continuous operation at maximum load
2) Provides engine warming when engine is shutdown, to promete starting e.

Ccmbustion air supply and exhaust il Provides filtered, compressed air for combustion

2) Provides means f or removal of exhaust products f.

Crankcase Ventilation System

1) Removes fumes and vapors from the crankcase, and provides partial vacuum g.

Diesel Engine Control System 1) Provides means f or starting,' loading, running and stopping the diesel engine, and allow for local operations for maintenancs purposes h. Generator and Breaker Control 1) Provides means for controlling the electrical output of the generator, and protection for the generator End Dbjective 7 2) General functions of skid components Objectivs 6 a) Generator Students identify components from (1) Power to 4160V Class 1E when three drawingel connected b) Generator bearing pillow hlock NL-TP-11201-006, (1) Supports generator shaft NL-TP-11201-007, bearing (2) Other end of generator shaft NL-TP-11201-008 (3) Bolted to flywheel 11

NL-LP-11201-00-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES (4) Has oil reservoir c) Exciter - provides current for the rotating DC field of the generator d) Flywheel - keeps crankshaft turning between power pulses e) JW standpipe - holds supply of water for the engine cooling system f) Turbochargers - driven by exhaust gases. Compressed air being supplied f or combustion - one each bank g) Combustion air coolers - remove some heat of compression from turbocharged air. Air density increased hl Intake air inlet (1) One for each bank (2) Silences air sounds (35 Intake air filter " upstairs" supplies air to inlets (4) Supplies air to turbocharger () Exhaust outist (t) One for each bank (2) Pipes exhaust to exhaust silencer (3)' Exhaust is from turbocharger outlet j) Jacket water cooler (1) Removes engine heat (heat exchanger) (2) NSCW removes heat from JW k) NSCW inlet / exit connections on JW Cooler (1) JW on shell side 12 i 1

NL-LP-il301-00-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES (2) NSCW on tube side 1) Crankcase vacuum fan (1) Two fans (2) At flywheel end End Objective 6 (3) Vacuum on crankcase keeps oil seepage minimited 3) Basic interrelationships a) Lube oil system cooled by Jacket water system b) Jacket water system cooled by N5CW system (1) The EDG will be inoperable if Commitment -NSCW to the JW cooler is not available c) The Jacket water system removes heat front (1) Combustion air supply, at the aftercoolers (2) Engine Jackets (3) Exhaust manifold Jackets (4) Governor (5) Turbocharger internals d) Deelneralized water (1) Nakeup to Jacket Water Cooling Systes el Can transf er fuel oil to the Aux Better FOST (in unusual circumstances) f) Starting air systems (1) Provides supply for engine pneumatic controls (2) Two redunda*t systems. Can start en one' 13

NL-LP-11801-00-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES g) Diesel Bu!) ding HVAC (1) Ventilation and temperature control h) Diesel Room Fire Protection and Detection il 4160V Class 1E (1) Provided power from diesel generator when D.G. output breaker is closed j) 400V AC i (1) Fuel oil transfer pumps (2) (2) Air compressors and af ter-cooler fans (2 each) (3) Jacket Water KW pump and heater (4) Lube oil KW pump and heater (5) Generator space heater k) 125V DC System, Class 1E (1) DG field flashing (2) DG control purpose 4) Basic Tech Spec Considerations a) Fuel 011 Day Tank minimum volume b) Fuel 011 Storage Tank minimum volume c) Fuel 011 Transf er Pump Nore in later lesson d) Minimum starting air pressure e) Many other circumstances can make a diesel generator inoperable - examples (1) NSCW i.ot available (2) Control switches misaligned (3) Certain routine operations Barring, rolling 14

NL-LP-11801-00-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES (4) Alarms indicate unusual circumstances e (5) Fuel Oil or Starting Air isolated f) L.D. must be notified immediately if you suspect problems affecting operability D. Instrumentation and Control (Overview) Covered in detail in later lessons 1. Control Room - controls - DEAB a. Unit / Parallel Presentation required by 1) Unit positions normal - configures FSARQ430.1 governor and generator voltage commitment regulator to supply the 4160V Class IE bus alone 2s Parallelt configures governor and regulator to supply the 4160V Class 1E bas PARALLEL to the RAT b. Start P.B. 1) Starts engine 2) Flashes generator field

3) Local / remote sw in REMOTE c.

Stop P.B. 1) Stops diesel engine 21 Trips DG breaker 3) Shuts down generator 4) Local / remote sw in REMOTE d. Speed Control 1) Raise P.B., lower P.B. 2) If not paralleled, SPEED (and frequency) would be changed 3) If paralleled, LOAD would be changed e. Voltage control 15 3 I

NL-LP-11301-00-C- ~ lli. LESSON OUTLINE: ~ NOTES

1) Raise P.B., 1cuer P.B.

2) If not paralle' led, voltage would change 3) If paralleled, KVARs would change f. Emergency Stop

1) 2/2 pushbuttons


1) Allows; alarm to occur if DG circuit breaker becomes inoperable h.

4160V breaker controls 1) Normal supply 2) Alternate (no breaker) 3) DSLGEN breaker 4) Each has sync switch key 1. Synchronization instr. and controls None locally 1) Synch mode sol. sw. (MAN /AUTC) 2) Synchroscope, with two sync lights 1 J.. Meters 1) DG ammeters - Phase A, B, C 2) DG voltmeter 3) Frequency meter (Hz) 4) Power 51 Kvars k. Ammeters, voltmeters frequency meters f or paralleling norrial source 1. Annunciator alarms Same as local m. Diesel fuel oil storage tank level n. Diesel day tank level 16

NL-LP-11201-00-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES ] o. Diesel fuel oil pun controlc None'on diesel panel 2. Parallelino (syn 5 Pro.41ng) a. Only dor.e from control roos Ob[ective10 b. No provisions locally for synchronization c.- To parallel DG

1) Diesel engine running 2)

DG syne mode selector sw in AUTO 3) Breaker sync switch ON

4) Unit parallei switch to PARALLEL 51 Voltage adjusted
6) Speed adjusted - sync scope slowly in

" Fast" direction 7) AUTO SYt4C PERMISSIVE pressed at 11 o' clock 8) Breaker closes at 12 o' clock E. Local Controls (Overview) Presented as-1. Local Panels FSAR 0 4301 Commitment a. DG1A Generator Panal PDG-1 b. DGIA Engine Control Panalt PDG-2 c. DG1B Senerator Panel PDG-3 More detail in later lesson d. DG1B Engine Control Panelt PDG-4 2. Pneuentic Control Circuits Air froe starting air system e b. Regulated to 60 psig 3. Electric Control Circuits a. 125VDC b. "A" Circuit - white light "B" Circuit - white light c. 17 i

NL-LP-11201-00-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES d. "C" Circuit - white light 4. Major PDG 1/PDG 3 Controls a. Generator Control Panels b. Transfer Switch (LOCAL /REMOTF) 1) REMOTE - DG control at Control RootA Normal condition


- DG control at DG room panels - not normal - DG inoperable - can not auto start c. Voltage Regulator controls

1) Local voltage control switch (AUTC) 2)

Local voltage control switch (MANUAL)

3) AUT0/ MANUAL pushbuttons d.

UNIT / PARALLEL switch e. Engine gov. speed RAISE / LOWER 1) Speed control available in LOCAL mode f. EXCITER Controls

1) Exciter shutdown P.B.

2) Field flaah P.D. 5 3) Exciter enable.P.B. 5. Major PDG-2/PDG-4 Controls More details in later lesson a. Start P.B. 1) LOCAL / REMOTE sw in LOCAL b. Stop P.B.

1) LOCAL / REMOTE sw in LOCAL 18

l NL-LP-11201-00-C 4 111. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES c. Emergency Start-I) Breakglass 2) Backs up Auto Emergency Start (SIAS) d. Emergency Stop 11 Breakglass, pushbutton 2) DG will not restart unless EMERG TRIP RESET pushed e. RESET LOCA 1) Makes all trips available

2) Allows normal stop F.

Automatic Fe.atures (Overview) 1. DG Start Signals a. Manual 1) Remoto (Control Room)

2) Local (DG Room) b.

Emergency - Manual il Breakgihas 2) DG starts 3) Running in case needed to power 4160V Class 1E bus 4) Majority of DG trips deactivated c. Emergency - Auto 1) Saf ety injection signal 2) DG start

3) Running in case needed to power 4160V Class 1E bus 4)

Majority of DG trips deactivated 5) Local / Remote switen in REMOTE d. Loss of Offsite Power 19


1) Local / Remote switch in REMOTE 2) aads shed, DG starts 3)

DG breaker closen 4) Loads sequence back to bus 5) DG alone then supplying bus e. Testing

1) Provision mode for testing - starting the diesel generator 2)

Simulated LOPS, simulated SIAS, or LOPS with SIAS 2. Diesel Start - breaker closure sequence a. Start signals 1) Safety injection signal - both DGs start 2) Loss of voltage on associated bus, DG starts / loads 2/4 detectors (P.T.s) < 70% for 3/4 second 3) Degraded voltage DG starts / loads 2/4 detectors (pts) < 88.5% voltage f or 20 seconds 4) Testing b. Output breaker closure permissives: Commitment SDER 83.006 1) Bus undervoltage (3 '4 detector)

2) RAT feeder breaker OPEN 3)

Diesel at rated speed / voltage 4) No bus faults 5) Breaker handswitch in AUTO c. Situations which would prevent Auto DG breaker closure when required 1) Engine did not start (no red " running" light) 20

NL-LP-11201-00-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES 2) Speed and voltage low (no blue " Ready to Load" light)

3) Breaker from RAT did not opon 4)

Breaker handswitches in MAN 5) Transfer control switches not in control room position 6) Generator lockouts d. Response of Operations to lockouts

1) Lockouts and relay (to right of generator controls) 2)

86A trip - Trips breaker AND shuts down DG any time - Caused by dif ferential relay (Phans to phase faults) 3) 86B trip - Trips breaker and shuts down DG (except SI cond.) - Caused by: Overcurrent on any phase Overcurrnet on neutral transfore Loss of generator field 4) 86C trip - Trips DG breaker only if DG operating parallel with RAT - Engine continues to run - Caused by: Reverse power End SOER 83.006 Phase imbalance G. Sequencer and Paralleling Operations (Overview) FSAR Q.430.1 1. Sequencing Commitnant 21 \\. ^ ^ ^ ^

+ NL-LP-11301-00-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES a. Sequencer in Control Building b. Blackout (loss of of f site power) Objective 9 1) Start DG 2) Shed loads.(also lockout preferred source) i 3) Connect standby power source to IE bus 4) Sequence loads on in a preprogrammed sequence to prevent overloading DG c. Safety Injection

1) Power from RAT 2)

Diesel starts, runs unloadad 3) SI sequencer loads required equipment d. Blackout, then SI, prior to 30.5 sec.

1) Blackout sequence stopped DG continues to run
2) SI loads shed 3)

Sequencer resets 4) SI sequence begins Blackout - SI occurring after 30.5 sec. e.

1) Si loads sequence on as required FSAR Q.430.1 commitment
2) Using steulator, demonstrate to students:

a) DG response to SI b) DG response to LOSS OF OFFSITE POWER c) Starting from C.R. d) Synchronizing and paralleling e) Leading f) Unloading g) Shutting down D.G. 22


3) Discuss what weald be occurring End F'SAR Q 430.1 locally (indications) during the above H.

Preview of 'i Operations 1. Procedure f or diesel generators: 131VJ-1 2. Procedure for DG fuel oil Transfert 13146-1 3. Observe no-smoking areas 4. Investigate strong fuel oil smells in roca 5. Make it a habit to check fire protection (water) and detection before doing anything in room 6. Note if ventilation appears normal ESF f ans start and downstairs louvers open a. when engine runs 7. NSCW - note when in rooms Flow indications - west side, nLa t to sw a. cooler - slightly above mid-scale b. NSCW pressure - on NSCW to JW cooler c. Feel pipe for flow B. Personal protective gears reminder Objective 11 a. Hardhat b. Correct shoes c. Loose sleeves dangerous d. Hearing protection

1) Sound powered phones

- When at control panel - Communicating with Control Room

2) Earplugs or muffs

- When checking DG away from panel Loose Jewelry, rings can cause finger e. amputations 23

L -l tiL-LP-ii301-00-C 4 111. LESSON OUTLINE: ~ NOTES Industr'y Significant Operating Experience Report - Begin 80ER 83.001 1. Industry Events Plant Hatch EDG engine bearing damage due Examples'of LERs a. to inadequate pre-lubrication associated with' DGs b. Dresden 3 EDG start failure due'to worn cylinder and dirt in the Air Start System 2. Review of Reported Failure Data 40% failed / degraded mechanical components a.

1) Motsture/ corrosion in the-Air Start System
2) Pre-lubrication
3) Lube oil quality b.

42% Failed / degraded electrical /!bC i) Contacts 2) Relays 3) Cabinats - seals c. 10% Personnel 60% of which is operator error 1) Testing conditions a) Frequency b) Leading c) Duration

2) Of f-normal operating characteristics
3) Changing parameters 3.

VESP Remedies a. Operating procedures b. Air Drying System incorporated in design Frequent inspection of mech and electrical c. components d. Frequent sampling and analysis of lube oil 24

NL-LP-11201-00-C 111. LESSON. OUTLINE: NOTES Knowledgeable personnel present during e. testing 4. Significance - operability of EDG unitu is important for saf e plant shutdown following a loss of off-site power s d 25

r Georgia Power a s u c, 3a Poetse 44an444lacm pshttes4mt VOGTLE ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT h TRAINii6 LESSON RM TITLE: EMERGENCY DIESEL GENERATOR aux!LIARIES NUMBER: . NL-LP-11203-02-C PfiOGRAM: OUTSIDE AREA OPERATOR REVISION: 2 AUTHOR: G.D. STONE DATE: 12/19/se APPROVED: tj/g DATE: f 2 - Ao -pg lilSTRUCTtR GUlILIES: 1. LEESON FORMAT FORINF==ORrAi ATIONOFb e 4 A. Lecture with visual aids II. MATERIALS-A. Lesson Plan B. Slides and Slide Projector C. Transparencies and Overhead Projector-D. Student Handouts E. Dry Erase Board and Markers III. REMARKS Performance-based instructional units (IUs) are attached to the lesson plan as student handouts. After the lecture instruction should be provided for the attached instructional units. The instructor should be available to-answer questions that may arise concerning the IU material. After instruction on the IU, the student will perform, simulate, observe or discuss tas identifind 'on'tWe cluster signoff criteria list) the task covered in the instructional unit in the presence of an evaluator, t MAS ~ R COPY %.umme

I NL-LP-11203-03-C 1. PURPOSE-STATEMENT: UPON COMPLETION OF THIS LESSON, THE STUDENT WILL HAVE AN UNDERSlANDING OF THE FUNCTIONS AND OPERATIONS OF THE FOLLOWING EMERGENCY DIESEL ENGINE AUXILIARY SYSTEMS: AIR START, LU.BE DIL, JACKET WATER COOLING, COMBUSTION AIR SUPPLY AND EXHAUST, AND CRANKCASE VENTILATION II. LIST OF OBJECTIVES: 1. List the functions of the Air Start System. 2. Make a drawing of one train of the air start system, including the following components as a minimum, and stating the function of each a. Compressor b. Aftercooler c. Air dryer d. Air receiver e. Barring device supply f. Air supply to engine control panel g. Air start solenoid vc1ves (admission valves) 2 n. Air start distributor 1. Air supply manifolds (on enginet J. Air start valves (at cylinder heads) 3. Explain the theoretical principle behind the operation of the air dryers. 4. List the power supplies for that-a. Air compressors-b. Air dryers c. Air start solenoid valves-5. State the start /stop permissives of the air concressor and aftercooler fens. 6. List the diesel engine permissives associated with the Starting Air System, to include how depletion of the Air Start System is prevented during multiple-start sequences. 7. List the locations in the diesel building where Starting Air System pressures can be read. 2

+' NL-LP-11203-07-C 11. LIST OF OBJECTIVES 8. Describe the resp 1se of the Starting Air System on receipt of a DG start signal (emergency or normal). 9. Lisf the points of the Starting Air System which can be " blown down" to check f or or remove moisture. 10. State the condition indicated by a hot rtarting air pipe to a cylinder. 11. State the pump supplying lube oil when the emergency ciesn't engine ist a. Running b. In standby 12. State the functions of the Diesel Lube Oil System, including major engine components which are lubricated. 13. Draw a sketch of the lube oil keep warm circuit, including as a minimum the f ollowing components: a. Lube oil sump tank b. Keep warm heater c. Keep warm suction isolation valve d. Keep warm pump e. Keep warm filter f. Keep warm strainer 14. Draw a sketch of the engine lube oil pump circuit, including as a minimum the following components: a. Pump suction foot valve b. Engine L.O. pump c. L.O. cooler d. Duplex oil filter e. Lube oil strainers f. Pressure regulators 15. State the type and power supplies for the following lube oil components: ^ c a. Main oil pump b. Keep ware circulating oil pump c. Lube oil keep wara heater 16. For the lube oil cooler, states a. How cooled b. Type of liquid on tube side c. Type of liquid on shell side 3

NL-LP-11203-02-C 11. LIST OF OBJECTIVES 17. For the lube oil sump, states a. Number of tanks b. Capacity 18. List the start /stop permissives of the tube oil keep warm pump. 19. State how lube oil temperature is controlled when the diesel generator is in standby, and when running. 20. List the diesel generator trips associated with the Lube Oil System, including the setpoints. 21. List the various methods by which lube oil sump level can be measured. 22. List the pressure (and delta P) instruments for the Diesel Lube Oil System which can be read in the diesel generator building. State what possible problems an abnormal (HI/ LOW) reading indicates. 23. State the reason that the turbochargers are prelubricated before a planned engine run. t 24. State how and haere lube oil is added. 25. State how the diesel engine would respond tot a. Failure of engine-driven main oil pump b. Inoperable lube oil keep warm pump c. Inoperable lube oil keep warm heater 26. State the function of the crankcase ventilation system. 27. State the causes and effects of high crankcase pressure. 28. Give the start /stop permissives of the crankcase f an. 29. State the diesel generator trip associated with the crankcase ventilation system. 30. State which type of instrument is on the engine control panel for the crankcase ventilat.on system, and how it is correctly read. 31. State the functions of the Jacket Water Cooling System. 4

NL-LP-11203-02-C 11. LIST OF OBJECTIVES 32. MrNe a drawing of the flow paths of the Jacket cooling water, including as~a minimud the following major components, and stating the function of each a. Jacket water pump b. Jacket water cooler c. Thermostatic control valve d. Jacket water standpipe e. Lube oil cooler f. Jacket water keep warm pump g. Jacket water keep warm heater 33. List the power supplies for the followings a. Jacket water keep warm pump b. Jacket water keep warm heater 34. Litt the start /etop permissives for the Jacket water keep warm pump and heater. 35. List the diesel generator trips associated with the Jacket Wate.- System. 36. List the temperature, pressure, and-level instrumentation of the Jacket Water System,which can be read in the diesel _ generator roce. State what an abnormal (HI/ LOW) reading indicates. 37. Describe how Jacket water temperature is maintained during standby and diesel engine running operations. 38. Describe the purpose for which the following systems interf ace with-the emergency diesel generator systems a. Domineralized water b. NSCW 39. State the functions of the combustion air supply and exhaust systems. 40. State the principle of operation of a turbocharger. 41. Maks a simp 1h drawing of the combustion air supply and exhaust system, including as a minimum a. Cycoil air intake filtse b. Air intake silencers c.- Turbochargers (air supply blades)= d. Combustion air coolers e, Combustion air supply damoers f. Air intake manifolds g. Exhaust outlet manifolds h. Turbochargers (exhaust blaces 1. Exhaust muffler 5

t NL-LP-11203-02-C 11. LIST OF OBJECTIVES 42. State the response df the combustion air supply dampers to a diesel engine trip. 43. State t'he maximum cylinder temperature and the reason f or that limit. 44. State the consequence's of water in the intake manifolds, and how it can be detected. 45. State the principles of operation of the cycoil air intake filter, and indicate the importance of proper filter oil leval. e t k 6



1. Plant Vogtle Procedures 13145 " Diesel Eenerator" (Rey 8) 13146 " Diesel Generator Fuel 011 Transfer System" (Rev 1) 14980 " Diesel Generator Operability Test" ^13427 "4160 VAC 1E Electrical Distribution System"-

17035, Annunciator Response Procedures (Rev 3)
17038, Annunciator Response Procedures (Rev 3) 2.

Technical Specifications: 3.0.1 Electrical Power Systems, AC so'.rces 3. " Emergency Diesel Generator" Vogtle Training Text Chapter 16C 4. Plant Manual Chapter 23 (Rev 0) 5. FLIDs, Logics and Other Drawings Piping and Instrument Diagrams 1X4DB170-1 (Rev 21) 1X4DD170-2 (Rev 21) Vendor Drawings AX4AK01-27 (Lube 011) AX4AK01-26 (Jacket Water) AX4AK01-29 (Starting Air) AX4AK01-28 (Fuel 011) Control Logic Diagrams: 1X5DN107-1 (DG Fuel 011 System) (Rev 6) 1X5DN107-2 (DG Unit Engine) (Rev 3). 1X5DN107-3 (Generator) (Rev 2) Elementary Diagrams 1X3D-BH-603C (Rev 2) 1X3D-BH-603D (Rev 1) 1X3D-BH-603E (Rev - ) 2 1X3D-BH-603F (Rev 2) 1X3D-BH-603G (Rev 1) 1X3D-BH-603H (Rev 3) 1X3D-BH-6031 (Rev 2) 1X3D-BH-G03J (Rev 3) One Line Diagrams 1X3D-AA-A01A (Rev 12) 1X3D-AA-K01A (Rev 7) 7



.. g 6. Vendor Manuals f AX4AK01-509 (Rev 0) [ AX4AK01-510 (Rev 2) AX4AK01-563 (Rev 6) 7. FSAR 8.3, 9.5.4, 9.5.5, 9.5.6, 9.5.7,'9.5.8 f B. CAP Commitments: SOER 33.006 " Unavailability of eniergency power caused by diesel and breaker unavailability" SOER 93.001 " Diesel generator failures" SER 84.042 " System interdependency oversights results in loss of redundant s>ieguards functions" IEN 85.028 " Partial loss of AC power and diesel generator degradation" IEN 84.069 " Operation of emergency diesel generators" OMR 297 " Grid high voltage-and undervoltage trip relays contribute to EDG output breaker lockout" NUREG 1216.000 " Safety evaluation report-related to operability and reliability of emergency diesel generators manufactured by Transamerica DeLaval Inc." (Not an OAP action item, but a training commitment) 9. INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS: NL-10-11203-C-001 Respond to Emergency Diesel Generator Lube Oil System Alarms NL-1U-11203-C-002 Respond to Emergency Diesel Generator Jacket Water System Alarms 10. TRANSPARENCIES: NL-TP-11203-C-001 Starting Air System NL-TP-11203-C-002 Starting Air System, One Circuit NL-TP-11203-C-003 Air Compressor, Cutaway Front View NL-TP-11203-C-004 Air Compressor, Cutaway Side View NL-TP-11203-C-005 Air Dryer, Basic Flow Paths NL-TP-11203-C-006 'A' Train DSL GEN Air Start Solenoid Valves NL-TP-11703-C-007 Starting Air Valve NL-TP-11203-C-000 Air Start Distributor Layout NL-TP-11203-C-009 Diesel Alarms Assoc. with Star ting Air NL-TP-11203-C-010 Lube Oil Keepware Syst. Basic Flowpath NL-TP-11203-C-011 Engine-Driven L.D. Syst. Basic Flowpath NL-TP-11203-C-012 Outline of Aux Skid Base NL-TP-11203-C-013 Alarms Associated with Lube Oil System NL-TP-11203-C-014 Major Flowpaths. Jacket Water Syst. NL-TP-11203-C-015 Alarms Associated with Jacket Wtr. Cooling Syst. 8



~ 11. Student Handouts NL-HO-11203-C-001 Emergency Diesel Generator Auxiliaries 12. 0ther n DCP 88,049 Jacket Water O w 4 9

NL-LP-11203-02-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES I. INTRODUCTION This lesson describes the operation of the engine-related auxiliary systems of the diesel generator. Auxiliary systems to be presented include: Air Start System ~ Lube Oil System Crankcase Ventilation Jacket Water Cooling System Combustion Air Supply and Exhaust System The fuel oil system, which includes fuel oil transfer, is covered separately as one control of the engine and generator 11. PRESENTATION A. Air Start System 1. Purpose Have students refer to 1X4DB170-1, Provide means for quick starting of the diesel Rev 21 upon receipt of a start signal, by injecting high pressure air into the cylinders 2. Functions Objective 1 a. Starting Air Supply - 2 circuits b. Supply engine pneumatic control air NL-TP-11203-C-001 (60 psi) to operate logic for engine-protective circuits c. Air for barring device d. Air for rolling engine e e. Air for governor booster servomotor Governor oil pressure-low 3. Components and Flowpaths initially NL-TP-11203-C-002 a. Compressors (2 per engine) Students must be able to draw 1) Two stage, reciprocating, three cylinder, with intercoo3 er between low and high prtssure stages. Lubricated by constant-temp splash NL-TP-11203-C-003 system. Compressors are air-cooled, and intercooler is forced-air cooled by shaft mounted fan NL-TP-11203-C-004 76 scfm, 250 osig 10


  • NOTES 2) 400V Electric motor and belt drive INBI (Train A), INBC (Train B)

Objective 4a i l 3) Function Provide a method of re-Objective 2a filling the starting air receiver, = and sized to refill its receiver from l minimum cranking pressure to 250 psig l within 30 minutes b. Af tercooler (2 per engine) 1 1) Air-to-air heat exchanger 2) 480V electric motor drives fanblade 3) Functiont Removes heat of compression Objective 2b from high-pressure air being discharged from the compressor c. Air dryer (2 per engine) NL-TP-11203-C-005 1) Mechanical, refrigeration, 200 scfm, powered from 120V/240V DIST PN INY11 (Tr. A) INYO1 (Tr. B) Objective 4b Similar to house l air conditioner 2) Runs continuously, independent of air compressor

3) Function: Remove moisture from Objective 2c-compressed air discharged from compressor d.

Air r eceivers (2) 1) Vertical, cylindrical, rated for 275 psig 2) Function: Allow at least five Objective 2d starting attempts consecutively ( without compressor assistance 3) On normal starts, each attempt is five seconds maximum l 4) On emergency starts, starting air is supplied until engine runs, or (150 psig in receivers 5) Engine can still be started down to about 90 psig (normal start) 11 ~ __

NL-LP-11203-02-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES e. Barring device supply 1) Pneumatic device, used to turn the engine by engaging into flywheel holes and extending 2) Function of air supply: To cause the Objective 2e shaf t of the barring device to move, in response to the positioning of a-3-way air control. valve y

3) Air supply is filtered, supplied from only one receiver, and normally isolated f.

Air supply to engine control panel (control air) 1) Supplied from both receivers through a shuttle val /e 2) Air pressure supplied at 250 psig, regulated to 60 psig

3) Function of control air supply Objective 2f Provides medium to operate the engine's pneumatic control system g.

Air start solenoid valves (admission valves) 1) Four per enging,-two per bank, NL-TP-11203-C-006 each bank having an 'A' control power and 'B' control power solenoid 2) When open, supply air to the-air start manifold 3) Function Open on an engine start or Objective 2g engine roll signal to provide starting air to the air manifold f or each bank, and close, when required, to conserve air pressure h. Air start valves Objective 23 1) 16 total, one per cylinder

2) Open from piloting air' (from air NL-TP-11203-C-007 distributors) 12 i


3) Spring pressure (plus firing pressure) to close
4) Function Open to supply starting air to cylinders, from the two starting air supply manifolds 1.

Air start distributors (2) Objective 2h

1) One per bank, camshaft-driven-NL-TP-11203-C-000
2) Lubricated by " oil spitter"
3) Air supplied La distributor from starting air manifolds (one per bank) when manifold is pressurized 4)

Air distributed [tg3 distributors for piloting open the starting air valves for each cylinder in the correct sequence J. Air start supply manifold 1) One per engine bank

2) Located at engine heads, in front of injector pumps
3) Functions Distribute starting air Objective 21 to the air start valve f or each bank cylinder, and to the air start distributor for that bank, when the air start admission valve is open 4)

If a cylinder's air start valve sticks Objective 10 open, air start manifold gets very hot - paint burning off and pbping may turn red. If feeling manifold to check for stuck-open air start valve do not grasp with hand 4. Instrumentation, controls and permissives a. Air compressors 1) Auto start at 225 psig, decreasing Objective 5 receiver pressure 2) Auto stop at 250 psig,- increasing receiver pressure l 13

NL-LP-ti203-02-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: ~ NOTES 3) Trip on low oil level in crankcase 4i Not powered in situation while INBl (or INBO) are de-energized b. Af tercooler f ans 1) Auto start and stop when compressor starts and stops 2) Not powered in SI situation while INB1 (or INBO) de-energized c. Air dryers 1) Run continuously 2) Crankcase heater must be energized at least 24 hours prior to anticipated start, so refrigerant will not condense in crankcase 3) Not powered during SI situ,ation while INBil (or INB01) are de-energized d. Receivers 1) Pressure indicator on each receiver e. Air start solenoid valves 1) Normal start signals All four open Objective 9, 6 until engine reaches 200 rpm (" engine running" signal) but not f or more than 5 seconds 2) Emergency start signal A,11 four open Objective 8, 6 until engine reaches 200. rpm, but if no start occurred, will continue to supply air until air pressure is 150 psig. Operator must determine reason for f ailure to start, and correct it 3) Can supply air again, below 150 psig, using normal starting 4) With loss of "A" control power at engine control panel, both engine banks still get supply of starting air. Some with loss of "B" power 14 i

NL-LP-11203-02-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES f. Pressure instruments and alarms

1) Receiver pressure, each receiver, Objective 7 gauge at the receiver 4_

2) Starting air pressure - left bank (eng. control panel) 3) Starting air pressure - right bank (eng. control panel)

4) Control air pressure (engine control Directly related panel) 5)

DG " LOW PRESS CONTROL AIR" NL-TP-11203-C-009 annunciator, 55 psig decr. 6) DG " DISABLED, LOW PP*SS STARTING AIR", either header prest e less than 215 psig

7) DG "HIGH PRESS STARTING AIR" annunciator, either header 260 psi or greater
8) DG " FAILED TO START" annunciator, engine did not reach 200 rpm within 5 seconds of start signal 9)

DG " SWITCH NOT IN AUTO" annunciator air compressor or aftercooler switch Plus several other not in AUTO DG switches 5. Operations a. Checks made on rounds

1) Control and starting air Wink pressure

- control air, 58 - 62 psig - starting air. 225 - 250 psig 2) Air compressor general inspection

5) Air compressor power on-4)

Air receivers and dryers - blowdown Note - May require until moisture free indiv. verification from Proc. 11882-1, Rev 1 b. DG Operability test 15

NL-LP-li203-02-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES 1) 31 day test, can be more often Also a 184-day test 2) Depending on what month it is, an air receiver is isolated for test start of Certain months, 1 DG, then reopened neither Leolated 3) During the new DG run (or aftefwards), Pr oc. 14900-1 each compressor is checked for auto-starting, and checked for amount of-time required to recove" frci 150 to 250 psig. Must be 1/2 hour or less c. Air dryers principle of operation 1) Moist, compressed air, saturated with water vapor, enters dryer

2) Precooled by outgoing refrigerated air l
3) Further cooled at air-to-refrigerant Objective 3 I

heat exchanger, Vapor in the cooled Principle of opera-air condensing to water droplets by tion Chilling to chilling condense moisture for removal 4) At separator, water droplets separate to a drain trap 5) Cooled dry air travels to air-to-air heat exchanger where it takes heat from incoming air d. Blowing down to remove moisture i Individual verifi- ) 1) Places nossibles cation possibly required. See Receiver drains P&ID-170-1 1 Aftte cooler drain traps. Objective 9 Dryer blowdown - 2 Capped drain valves Capped strainer drain e. Abnormal conditions 1) " Hot" starting air manifold after Objective 10 start a) Indicates stuck or leaking air start valve for one or more ' cylinders b) Can get het enough to burn paint from pipe 16


2) Loss of control air (previously discussed) a)

Engine can not be shut down using normal methods if already running 3) Low air pressure a) If there is no supply of air from at least one receiver, at 210 psig or greater, the diesel generator is " inoperable" b) Must have the gryjipyra and the path must not be isolated B. Lube Oil System 1. Purposes Provide oil for lubricating and cooling of a. engine and turbocharger bearings and other components during engine operation b. Provide oil for prelubricating and warming of engine bearings and other components when engine is in standby a 2. Functions t a. Engine running 1) Lubricate Prevent metal-to-metal contact of bearings, geare, and turbocharger Objective 12 bearings, by lube oil pumped from a NOTE: Explain that reservoir to the component)- some components, generator's such as

2) Cool the bearing, and Woodward governor-Remove heat, and t. ansfer it to the-actuator, have their Jacket water system when the engine own oil system *, not is operating associated with the engine's lube ca system
3) Clean Remove contaminants from engine oil b.

Engine in standby l 17

NL-LP-11203-02-C lll. LESSON OUTLitJE: NOTES

1) Prelubricate The main lube header is pressurized Objective 12 somewhat by an electric motor-driven pump.

Bearings are prelubricated. Turbocharger bearings are not pre-lubricated while in standby, bGt a " drip" flow is supplied. ( .35 gal /hr) NO rocker lube is provided while in standby.- Possibility of hydraulic lock of a cylinder if oil leaked inside it 2) Warm The oil is warmed by an electric immersion heater z Prevents extreme viscosities on start, and allows quick starts b Clean Keep-warm oil system has a filter and strainer 3. Components and Flowpaths NL-TP-11203-C-010 Students must be a. Keep-warm circuit flowpath able to sketch for Objective 13 1) Lube oil sump tanks - 2 interconr.ected reservoirs 2) Keep-warm heater - electric immersion heater heats lube oil. Thermostatically controlled - Powered from MCC INB0 (INBI for B Objectivt 15c Train)

3) Keep-warm suction isolation valve
4) Keep-warm pump

- runs when engine is in styAdby - stops when engine starts 18

NL-LP-li203-02-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES 4 - supplies tube oil for prelubrication i when engine is in standby Objective tia - Powered from 480V MCC INB0/INBI Objective 15b 5) Keep-warm filter (one/ engine) 6) heep-warm strainer (one/ engine! NL-TP-11203-C-011 b. Flowpath when engine to *unntn3 Objective 14 Students sketch

1) Sump tank main flowpath

- 2 interconnected, 350 gal tanks / Objective 17a, t engines 2) Pump suction foot valva - Buction pressurized by keep-warm system when in standby - 70 psig relief, protects suction piping between pump and foot valve during engine " rock back", be reversing, Just when engine comes to stop 3) Engine-driven main tube oil pump - 500 gpm - positive disblacement, retary gear - driven by engine gearset Objective 15a 4) Pressure regulators - 2 in parallel - regulate oil pressure to 55 peig - sensing line from main oil header - regulators receive part 'of pump discharge, divert it to sump to maintain pressure (on main header) NL-TP-11203-C-012

5) Lube oil cooler (1 per engine)

- lube oil on shall side, 500 gpa Objective 16c being cooled - Jacket water on tube side, as Objective 16b cooling medium 19 J

NL-LP-11203-02-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE


- tube oil coo *.ed by Jacket water at Objective 16a tube oil cooler. The Jacket water is in turn cooled by NSCW at the Jacket water cooler = 6) Duplex oil filter tone illttr of the duplex) - full-flow, duplex, cartridge typo' - 500 gem rating,150 psig, 200 F rating - 10 micron particle retention - can be swapped to standby filter of duplex with engine running - continuous vent to tube' oil sump

7) Lube oil strainer (one of a pair)

- basket-type, stainless steel screen, 80 micron particle retention - helps prevent passire; of particles should a filter cartridge deteriorate 4. Instrumentation, Con 6rols, Permissives a. Lube oil keep-warm pump

1) Auto starts when engine is stopped Objective 10 (part)
2) Auto stops when engine is started.

Not powered in BI situation while INB! tor INBO) are de-energized

3) Pressure indicator at engine front gauge panel normally reads discharge pressure. Can be aligned to show suction pressure b.

Keep-warm heater 1) Thermostat set for 150 F

2) Heater de-energized when keep-warm Objective 18 (part) pump stops, energites by thermostat if keep-warm ouco tu running

-l ______ _ _ _ J


3) NO low sump tank level cutout for heater c.

Lube oil keep warm filtsr 1) Diff press gauge at engine fro,nt gauge panel d. Lube oil keep-warm strainers 1) Df'f press gauge at engine front gauge panel Turbocharger drip sightglasses e. 2 1) Should show very small steady oil stream, or drips, while in standby 4. Engine driven lube oil pressure gauge

1) At engine front gauge panel 2)

Possible to realign it to show suction pressure g. Lube oil cooler 1) Jacket water temperatures to and from tube o!! coole. s (local, at cooler) 2) Lube oil tempertture to and from tube oil cooler (local, at cooler) h. Lube oil filter (duplex main) 1) "H1 DIFF PRESS LUBE DIL FILTER" alarm NL-TP-11203-C-013 (20 PSI) e 2) Diff pressure gauge on engine control panel 3) Diff pressure gauge at engine front gauge panel 4) Pointer on linked 3-way valves indicates which filter of the duplex is in service 1. Lube oil strainers (main) 1) Diff pressure gauge on engine front gauge panel 21

NL-LP-11203-02-C lli. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES J. Turbo:hargers

1) 011 pressure indicating gauges on engine control panel.

Dual neeale - red (right). - black (lef t) 2) "DG LOW PRESS TURBO DIL - LEFT." 20 psig 3) "DG LOW PRESS TURBO O!L - RIGHi" 20 psig 4) "DG 1 RIP LOW PRESS TURBO O!L" Trips engine at 15 psig turbocharger oil pressure (except after emergency start) k. 011 temperature alarms and engine trips

1) LOW !EMP LUBE O!L - IN (140 F)
2) LOW TEMP LUBE OIL - DUT (140 F) 3)


4) HI TEMP LUBE DIL - OUT (190 F) 5)

DG TRIP HIGH TEMP LUBE OIL (200 F) 1. Sump tank level e 1) " LOW LEVEL LUBE OlL" alarm (26" above tank bottom) QEAB and PDG 2/PDG 4 Objective 21 2) " PUSH TO READ" level indicator Not particularly " Bubbler" tv9e, using supply of accurate control air, and reading fis back-pressure Located on engine control panel (PDG 2, PDG 4)

3) Dipstick (markings shown)


NL-LP-11203-02-C lli. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES Dipstick located at top of right-hand tank (tank nearest the tube oil duplen (right-hand, as it1ters) facing the engine from the flywheel end) 5. Operations (Lube 011) a. Oil temperature control 1) In standby, temperature is controlled Objective 19 by theroostat setting of keep-warm heater

2) When engine is running, temperature JW - Jacket water controlled by Jacket water temperature which is, in turn, controlled by JW temperature control valve Some have already b.

DG Trips been mentioner. Listed together 1) 2/3 low lube oil pressure on main tube here. oil header, 30 psig Objective 20 Trips DG regardless of how started " LOW OIL PRESS SENSOR NALFL'NCTION" alarm if 1/3 sensors neve malfunctioned. A second sensor mal-function can cause trip 2) " TRIP, HIGH TEMP LUBE DIL" (200 F) 0 3) " TRIP, LOW PRESS TURBO O!L" (15 psig) 4) " Trig,)HIGHTEMPENGINEBEARING" (228 F $ 8A related trip - After a low pressure turbo oil trip, or high temperature trig, the engine is prevented from normal restart for 90 seconds. Engine will att11 emergency start - The high engine bearing trip can not be reset until maintenance personnel The fusible replace some f usible metal rods melt at 220, rods F which are part of the detection system of the main bearings. The D6 will still emergency start - After low lube oil pressure trip, ENERGENCY TRIP RESET pushbutton must be pressed to allow a restart attempt 23

NL-LP-11803-02-C lilo LESSON OUTLINE 2 NOTES c. Checks made on rounds for tube oil system From Proc 11002-1 !) Lube oil temp - IN pov. 19 on thermocouple readout. 140 - 165 F Note Proc ;3145-1 r t (temperature to engine) calgt fon 142-170 F 2) Lubeoiltemo-OUTpos.f0on'thermo-couple readout, 140 - 165 F (temperature from engine)' 3) DG lube oil sump level high or low l 4) Lube et t keep-warm pump pressure 30 to 50 psi 5) Lube oil keep-warm strainer 0 - 20 psid

6) Lube oli keep-warm filter 0 - 20 psid t

d. Adding oil to sump Objective 24

1) Added to sump in accordance with procedure 13145-1 2)

Can be added while running or shut-down 3) Level should increase 1" for each 55 gal. 4) Added to dipstick connectiori on top of sump 5) Using electric or hand-driven pump e. Prelubricating turbocharger NL-TP-11203-C-014 g 1) Turbocharger prelubricated prior to planned run 2) One to tw*a minutes before engina start, turbocharger orifice bypass valve is opened. providing flow of tube o!! to turbocharger bearings 3) Bypasses the drip orifices 4) Bypass valve closed shortly af ter engine start 24

NL-LP-11303-03-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: ~ NOTES 5) Drip lubrication lubricates turbo Objective 23 bearings using oil supplied by ti.e keep-warm circuit, at a rate low enough not to leak past seals into Thrust bearing has the turbine section high delta P feross it initially at Drip bypass supplies pressurized lube start oil from the keep-warm circuit to suoment drip lubrication to the turbocharger bearings for planned start by providing tube oil at a higher rate I

6) Number of non prelubricated starts are tracked f.

Ainormal operations 1) Failure of engine-driven main oil pump Objective 25a Rege FSAR 9.U.7 - Engine trips on low lube oil t abl e 9. 5. 7-2 presgureorhighbearingtemperature (220 F) - Engine inoperable

2) Failure of cooling system - how lube oil is affected

- Engine temperatures rise, and rate of rise depends on load - Engine will trip, on a Jacket water trip, or possibly tube oil temperature high 3) Inoperable keep-warm pump Objective 25b - detected by low lube oil temperature alarms .4 - DG declared inoperable, and From 17035-1, MAINTENANCE NODE selected until pump 13145-1 can be restored 4) Inoperable tube oil keep-tA*n heater Objective 25c !Jgubeoiltemperaturedropsbelow 120 F, the DG ts starged to maintain temperature above 120 F i 25 (

NL-LP-il2O3-02-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE: ~~ NOTES 5) Tube leaks in tube oil heat exchanger - Engine L.O. pressure higher than Jacket water pressure - Fossibly discovered by increasing. JW standpipe level, along with decreasing tube oil sump level

6) From tube oil pressure on gnalag Objective 22 control canal cauae (engine running)

- Approx. 55 psig normal Lag pressure alarm at 40 psig - Lube oil filter clogged - Luos oil strainer clogged - Lubo oil pressure regulator is failed open - Engine driven pump malfunction - Low lube oil level in sump - High oil temperature

7) Low turbocharger oil pressure on dual Objective 22 gauge at engine control panel (lef t or right) Lgg pressuret

- Lube oil filter clogged - Lube oil strainer clogged - Lube oil pressure regula, tors f ail open - Engine-driven tube oil pump mal-function - Low lube oil sump-level - Turbocharger prelube valve open - High oil temperatures B) High differential pressure on the Objective 22 lube oil filter diff pressure gauge, IX4DB170-1 engine control panel 26

tL-LP-11203-02-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES - in service lube (titer clogged Alarms at 20 paid 91 PD! at engine front gauge panel tube Objective I2 oil filter diff pressure high reading - in service lube filter clogged Same as above

10) H1 differential pressure across lube Objective 22 o!! keep-warm strainer or filter (keep-warm pump running)

- clogged filter or strainer 11) High differential pressure across tube Objective 22 strainer One in service, one in standby In-service strainer clogged 12) Pump discharge pressure main oil pump Objective 22 - Some general causes as low header pressure (6) above

13) Keep-warm pump discharge pressure Objective 22 1X4DB170-1 Lows possible pump failure, or hot oil Hight strainer er filter blocking-C.

Crankcase Ventilation System 1. Purpose Removes fumes and vapors from the crankcase 2. Functions Objective 26 ~ Remove vapors and fumes with 3 electrically a. driven fans b. Maintain negrtive crankcase pressure to reduce oil seepa;e c. Relieve gases in event of a crankcase explosion 3. Components and Flowpaths i 27 _-----a--

NL-LP-11203-02-C lli. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES a. Two motor driven blowers pulling air and vapors from the crankcase, when the engine is running to expel vapors 1) Electrical supply 120 VAC distribution panels (INY11 and,INYO2) supplied from 480V MCC INB1 (and INBO) panels b. Blowers discharge through an oil separator c. Separated oil returns to crankcase d. Crankcase air and fumes discharge to outside the DG building e. Relief doors 1) Relieve gases and pressure uhould a crankcase explosion occur'inside the engine 2) Relieves to DG room

3) Relief doors have flame traps to help On left side of keep fikmes from escaping the engine engine only, retteve towards wall, ra',her 4)

Relief doors open at about 1 1/2 psig than towards MCC's and reclose quickly to prevent entry control panels, or of fresh oxygen to the engine crank-personnel paths case 5) If not for the relief doors, the engine side covers might blow off ir a crantcase explosion, spreading fire 4 Instrumentation Controls and Permtssives a. Manometer on engine control panel a 1) Right eide of manometer U-tube Objective 30 connected to engine vacuum 2) Read the top of the right and left columns. Difference in inches is the reading b. Alarm on Annur.ciator Panel 1) "DG 1 RIP H1 CRANhCASE PRESS" ~9 y

NL-LP-11203-02-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES a) 3 psig crankcase pressure Objective 29 b) DG can be restarted in 90 seconds (normal start) L c) DG can be emergency started immediately

2) Crankcase fan permissives a)

Start when DG starts Objective 20 b) Stop when DG stops c) Do not run when INBI (or INBO) are not powered 3) Increasing crankcase pressure, causes/ effects 5. Operations Causes of off-no mal manometer readings, Objective 27 a. and effects on manometer or operations

1) Normal readings, engine running, JCC Actual leaded and fans :sn unloaded manometers vary from engine to

- unloaded slight negative, about engine -2.0 to -2.5" H2O - loaded less negative, about -1.5" Reft Test logs in to 2.0" H2O due to more blowby AX4AkO1-509:_ Sect. E - long term decrease in crankcase vacuum Ring and cylind;r wear of engine increased inlea'4)3e of air from leaks of air into the crankcase 21 Engine running CC fans off - Blight positive pressure, approx. + 1/2" to +1" - Effects possibir leakage of oil from engine covers, if not snug - Loose valve covers or side covers. cause vacuum to be lower than normal i i I

NL-LP-11203-02-C 111. LESSON OUTi.INE: NOTES

3) Crankcase explosion Cause crankcase relief doors to open, relieving pressure, at approx. i 1/2 psig Cause of crankcase explosion: Hot spot, such as a hot bee. ring or other internal components igniting vapors Engine trips at 3 psig crankcase pressure If the engine had tripped due to the high crankcase pressure sensor, and you are not sure if it was real or spurious, if the liquid was b!cwn out of the manometer, it was real D.

Jacket Water Cooling System 1. Purpose The Jacket water system provides enough a. engine cooling to allow continuous engine operational maxicom load b. When the engine is shutdown, the Jacket water system provides engine warming to promote engine starting 2. Functions Engine running, provides cooling water fur a. Objective 31 NL-TP-11203-C-010 in Lube oil, at lube oil cooler a 2) Combustion air at 2 combustion air c coolers 3) Governor oil, at governor cooler 4) Turbochargers (2)

5) Exhaust Jackets 6)

Engine, through internal passages 7) Standpipe supports b. Engine its standby, orovides heating of the sbove 30

NL-LP-il2O3-02-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES 3. Components and flowpaths NL 1P-11203-C-014 a. Jacket water pump Students to be able to draw for Objec-

1) Single stage, centrifugal tive 32 shd give functions 2)

Driven by engine, through gearset 3) 1000 gal / min, 117 ft head, 1470 rom 4) Function to circulate water through Objective 32a the coolant loop of the dies'el vnerator during periods of engine .tration to remove heat from the engine b. Thermostatic valve Objective 32c 1) Function Provide capability to bypass the Jacket water around the Jacket water cooler, for temperature control

2) Full bypass at 152 F or less
3) Full flow at 170 F for greater 4)

Inlet of valve receives 750 gpm of Travel stop attach-JW pump ed to TCV 19096 to c. Jacket water cooler limit travel __to con trol max flow 1) Function Provides a means of Objective 32b removing heat from the engine when the engine is operating, transf tvring heat to NSCW 2) Jacket water on shell side; 3) NSCW on tube side, flows continually d. Jacket water standpipe Objective 32d 11 Functionsi - Allow f or volumetric changes due to temperature variations - Provide makeup water - Absorb pump pressure variations i f 31 t t

NL-LP-11203-02-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: ~ NOTES - Provide positive suction head to the jacket water and keep-warm pumps 2) 600 gallons e. Lube oil cooler Objective 32e 1) Purposes Pro <tde means of removing heat from engine tube oil

2) Jacket water through tube side, at 900 gpm 3)

Lube oil through shell side f. Jacket water keep-warm pump Objective 32f 1) Functions - Circulate heated water from the standpipe through the tube oil cooler and engine components, while the engine is in standby, to promote engine starting

2) Horizontal, centrif ugal pump
3) 50 gal / min, 50 ft head 4)

Powered from 480 VAC NCC INB1/1NB0 Object ve 33a g. Jacket water keep-warm heater Objective 32g il 75 kW immersion heater 2) Function Heats the water which thu' keep-were pump circulates 3) Thermostatically controlled 4) 490VAC MCC INB1/1NB0 Objective 33b 4. Instrumentation, controls, permissives a. Jacket water keep-warm pump permissives Dbjective 34 1) Stops when engine starts 2) Starts when engine stops 32

f NL-LP-11203-02-C t 111. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES 2 ~ Power to INBl/INB0 not available in 61 conditions b. Jacket water keep warm heater permissives 1) Starts if keep-warm AND thermostat (150, pump is running F) demandt start 2) De-energized when pump stops c. Diesel generator trips associated with JW Objective 35 system 1) 2/3 high Jacket water temperature sensors - 200*F water temperature editing engine - trips DG, regardless of how started - shutdown signal terminated after about 90 seconds, and engine can be restarted if problem was corrected 2) Jacket water pressure low trip - 6 psig or less JW pressure - Trips DG after normal start Alarms only if d. Annunciator alarms emergency start 1) D3 LOW TEMP JACKET WATER - IN 140"F 2) DG LOW TEMP JACKET WATER - DUT 140"F 3) DG Hi TEMP JACKET WMER

  • 1N 175'F 0

4) DG HI TEMP JACKET WATER - OUT 190 p 5) DG TRIP HI 1EMP JACKET WATER 2/3 0utlet header temp. detectors 200,F 6) DG LOW FRESS JACKET WATER < 8 pst water pressure being supplied i:o engine 7) DG TRIP LOW FRESS JACKET hMER ( 6 psi 33


  • NOTES B) DG LOW LEVEL JACKET WATER Stand" lovel 4" below centerline of J 4 return header 91 DG HI JACKET WATER TEMP SENSOR MALF 1/3 JW trip sensors f aileo Second sensor failure can cause e.

Local indications and interpretations of. trip abnorinal readings

1) JW pressure, engine pump IN or DUT

- At engine's f ront gauge panel (auxiliary skid) - Dual function, suct. press or ditch press. normally aligned to show disch pressure - Low discharge pressure indicated: 1 Ptmi failure 3 Pump not running a \\ Low standpipe level Dow introam break - High discharge pressure indicated Blocked discharge flowpath 2) JW keep-warm pressure, pump IN or DUT - At engine's front panel (Auxiliary skid) - Dual function, suction or discharge pressure, normally aligned to show disch pressure - Low discharge pressure indicated Pump failure Pump not running Low stSndpipe level -Downstreen break Buttion isolation valve closed - High discha-;e pressure indicatedt Possible blocked discharge flowpath 34 1


3) Jacket water pressure gauge on engine control panel

- Reads JW pressure downstream of lube oil cooler, being supplied to engine - Low Pressure Engine driven JW pump malfunction' Leak in JW system Low level in JW standpipe

4) JW IN, JH OUT thermocouple digital readouts

- At engine control panel - At nortaal range 142 F to 170*F - Low reading can tridicates keep-warm pump heater or thermostat malfunction - High reading can indicates Three-way temperature control valve stuck in bypass Engine driven JW pump malfunction Loss of or insuf ficient NSCW flow Engine overload Biofouling of NSCW side of Jacket water cooler

5) Wide range level instrumentetton,and narrow level instrumentation

- Low level indicated Loss of water (leak or drain valve open) Water temperature low ~' - High level indicated: Temperature increase Leak into system (NSCW or tube o111 5. Operations Engine normally in standby a. c 1) JW temperature being maintained by-Objective 37 cycling on/off of JW kW hrater, (Partial) controlled by thermostat set for 150 F U Water being ett'culated by JW keep-warm t 35

NL-LP-11203-02-C lil.TESSON OUTLINE: NOTES pump, running cortinuounty (while in standby) 2) Checked on rounds, every 0 hours - JW IN (thermocouple readout) - JW OUT (thermocouple readout 1 - Jacket water keep-warm pump pressure (engine front panel)

3) NBCW flowing through JW cooler.. engine running or in standby.

NSCW provides Objective 30 cooling water f or the diesel generators Engine can run leaded only about 3 minutes without NSCW flow 4) Domineralized water - Providos makeup of water to the Objective 30 standpipe - Manual makeup through normally isolated valves - Chemistry Dept. treats jacket cooling water by adding chemicals to control PH, copper corrosion and ferrous corrosion b. Engine running

1) Checks mode, and readings taken on including JW checks DG coerating log (11885-C)
2) JW temperature is being maintatoed Objective 37 by thermostatic control va'1ve, by-(Partial) passing some flow around, and allowing some flow through the JW cooler, to maintain JW temperature

- 152'F and below, valve tu fully by-pasging 170 F and above, full flow through cooler E. Combustion Air Supply and Exhaust 1. Purpose i 36 I \\

4L-LP-11203-02-C Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES Provide filtered, compressed air for combustion, and a means for removal of exhaust products 2. Functions of system Objective 39 Filter air being supplied to engine, a. b. Silence air being supplied to engine, and exhaust from engine, to minimite noise levels in DG building Increase engine ef ficiency by compressing c. the air being supplied for combustion, then cooling it through coolers d. Isolate when required on an engine trip, by shutting off the combustion air damper for each bank 3. Components and Flowpaths NL-lP-li203-C-016 Objective 41 a. Intake air filter Students draw system flowpath 1) Removes dust and grit from air before NL-TP-11203-C-017 it enters engine

2) 011 bath type ("Cycoll" brand) 3)

109 gal of oil in reservoir 4) 25,100 scim rated flow 5) 1.ocated on 2nd level of building b. Intake silencers 1) Minimize DG room noises 4 2) 2 Tubular duct silencers per unit c. Turbochargers

1) Combination exhaust driven turbine /

centrifugal blower on common shaft 2) Two, one for each bank 3) Exhaust turbine cause blower to turn 37

NL-LP-it203-02-L Ill. LESSON OUTLINE: ~ NOTES 41 Blower functions to pressurire the fresh, filtered combustion air 5) Water cooled by Jacket Water system

6) 011 lubricated bearings d.

Cembustion air coolers (intercoolers) i) One for each bank 21 Jacket water cooling medium

3) Removes heat of comp'ression from turbocharged air 41 900 gpm Jacket water flow e.

Combustion air supply dampers 0 Two, one per cylinder bank 2) Close on engine trips to trelate combustion air supply (smother) 31 Actuated by cylinder-type pneumatic actuators Air supplied to extend actuators, closing the dampers Spring pressure opens dampers when air is vented from actuator f. Air intake mantis 1d 1) Distribute combustion air supply to each cylinder 2) Runs beneath " catwalks", each bank g. Exhaust outlet manifolds 1) Exhaust gasses from each cylinder 2) Collect in common pipe and discharge to turbocharger h. Turbochargers 1) Turbine blades driven by gasses exhausting from engine cylinders i g i s

NL-LP-11203-02-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES 1. Exhaust silencer (muffler)

1) Upstairs in DG building 2)

Conducts heat and exhaust products out of building, plus minimizes DG building noise 4. Instrumentation, Controls, Permissives a. No active controls (Start /Stop switches) b. On engine trip, combustion air dampers close, strangling air supply to engine c. Shut rapidly tiens than about 1.5 sec.) on overspeed of engine Overspeed trip occurs at 517.5 rpm d. Shut slowly on other trips due to the path that the control air must take NOTE: Dampers shutting more quickly on over-From IEN 86.007 speed is due to an engine-damaging ever-speed incident at Grand Gulf. Slow response of overspeed tripping devices, plus improper recovery from governor maintenance allowed the engine to overspeed on a test start. Modification at VEGP added a second overspeed vent valve to ensure dampers close rapidly on an over-speed' trip e. Associated DG trips and alarms 1) LOW PRESS TURBO DIL - RIGHT Already covered with lube oil information 2) LOW PRESS TURBO DIL - LEFT a 3) TRIP, LOW PRESS TURBO DIL 4) Vibration trip - vibration sensor on each turbocharger, plus two engine vibration sensors 5) Turbncharger associated trips will not trip the DG if DG had been emergency started (SIS, or manual) f. Local engine panel

1) Combustion air pressure

NL-LP-il2O3-02-C lilo LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES - Intake manifold pressure being supplied by turbochargers - LEFT-1EST-RIGHT selector, one gauge - Proportional to load (approx) - Dif f erence in bank pressures can indicate turbocharger problems 2) Thermocouple digital readouts - Thermocouples 1-0, left bank cyl. - Thermocouples 9-16, right bank cyl. - Thermocouples 17, 10 - turbocharger stock exhaust temperatures 5. Operations Principle of operation of turbocharger a. 1) Turbine receives exhaust, and spins Objective 40

2) An exhaust-driven turbine spins, so does its bearing-supported shaft
3) At other end of shaft, blower wheel pulls fresh air in, pressurizut, it, and discharges to an intercoolee
4) Turbocharger pressurizes intake manifold
5) Amount of air being pulled in depends on flow of exhec*t being discharged, so turbocharger spe=d wilt vary with load due to heat increase with load
6) Scavenges exhaust from cylinder af ter exhaust stroke
7) Fills cylinder with air charge of high density on intake stroke 8)

Turbocharger bearings " Drip" lobe from lube oil keep-warm system, while engine is in standby 4 t) J

NL-LP-11203-02-C ill. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES "Prelubrication" Just prior to planned engine start (1-2 minutes) untti after engine started, bypasses drip orifices, f rom lube at t keep-warm system - Normal lube - provided by engine's main oil pumps, upon start 9) Turbocharger cooling l - Jacket water system b. Temperature monitoring Objective 43

1) Turbochgrgerinlettemperaturelimited l

to 1200 F Manufacturer's war-ranty - 1200 F man to turbine

2) Not directly read, so we use a cyligder exhaust temperature limit of 1050 F maximum 3)

Cylinders cool slightly between strokes, and cylinder thermcouples will read average temperatures, so cylinder temperature readinos will be loss than the temperature'of the exhausts from the cylinders combined 4) May approach 1050"F at 1107. (overland) testing 5) Each cylinder should be within o i 50 F of average of all cylinders c. Air intake filter operation Objective 45 1) 011 bath air cleaner - Air flows into filter through bug screen, and up through a venturi-type liquid lift tube which forces the o!! through an outlet at top to engine- - Air mixes with oil droplets at holes in distribution plate - 011, dust, grit filtered by self-cleaning pad, and drain back to reservoir i l 41 l l l - - - - ~

NL-LP-11203-02-C 111. LESSON OUTLINE: NOTES - Nist eliminator pad further removes oil mist I 2) Importance of proper oil level s t - Level too high, could be from Water is reservoir Dust displacing oil level - Low or no oil level Dust enters engine cylinders and can cause premature wear - Slight sludge buildup in bottom of reservoir a part of normal operation d. Water in intake manifolds 1) Can damage engine head or cylinder, Water is if water also enters a cylinder, incompressible causing cracks, leaks Objective 44 2) Detected by 1/4" bleed line at bottom of each intake manifold 3) 4 lines total, "one at each engine corner" 4) Provide tell-tale,-in case there is water intake manifold 5) Provide small but continual blowdown with engine running 6) Water leaks possible from,turbocha.rger or intercooler 111.


A. Review Dbjective B. Answer Questions 42 i

2.. -

3 J%g NUCLEAR OPERATIONS 19100-C ..........e.....a 'oei. p,,,,, 4 g Unit. COMMON Georgia Power a.q~p 3 0 5 - l \\ 'l'D EMERGENCY OPERATING PRCCEDURE ECA-0.0 LOSS OF ALL AC POWER MANUA SET N o. Il I PURPOSE

  • df This procedure provides actions to respond to a loss of all AC power.

M SYMPTOMS / ENTRY CONDITIONS f:C". The symptoms are: CCD M = Both emergency AC buses are de-energized. { o The entry conditions are: 19000-C, E-0 REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION, Step 3. e w. 2,w 3' b { O~' J-A

vous ty100-c l 4 2 of 24 0 ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED IMMEDIATE OPERATOR ACTIONS NOTE CSFSTs should be monitored for information only. Function restoration procedures should NOT be implemented. 1. Verify Reactor Trip: 1. Manually trip reactor, Reactor trip and bypass e breakers - OPEN. e Neutron flux - LOWERING. 2. Verify Turbine Trip 2 Manually trip turbine. All turbine stop e valves - SHUT. l t t I

  • )e45

vuva Esau-c-l 6 3 of 24 ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED i 3. Check If RCS Is Isolated:

a. PRZli PORVs - SHUT.
a. IF PR2R pressure is less tTian 2315 psis,

.THEN manually shut PORVs. t

b. Letdown orifice isolation valves - SHUT.
b. Manually shut valves, e

HV-8149A e HV-81495 e HV-8149C

c. Letdown isolation valves - SHUT:
c. Manually shut valves.

e LV-0459 e LV-0460

d. Excess letdown isolation valves - SHUT.
d. Manually shut valves.

e HV-8153 e HV-8154

e. Reactor vessel head vent isolation valves - SHUT:
e. Manually shut valves.

l e HV-8095A e HV-80958 e HV-8096A e HV-80968

f. RCS sample valves -


f. Manually shut valves.

e HV-3548 I e HV-3502 e HV-3513 e HV-3514 e HV-3507 e HV-3508 i N$ " " - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

05Ur 19600-C l 4 4 of 34 ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE _ RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 4. Verify AFW Flow - GREATER 4 Perform the following: THAN 570 GPM.

a. Ensure TDAFW pump is running:

e HV-5106 - OPEN. e HV-3009 - OPEN. -OR-HV-3019 - OPEN.

b. Ensure AFW throttle valves - OPEN.

SUBSEQUENT OPERATOR ACTIONS = NOTE e 91001, EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION AND IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE should be implemented at this time. e If LOP sequencer has initiated, it may be necessary to reset sequencer by placing sequencer power switch to 0FF before normal incoming feeder breaker can be closed. 5. Try To Restore Power To Any AC Emergency Bus:

a. Start diesel generator.
a. Dispatch operator to emergency start diesel generator using the l

emergency start break l glass station at the DG panel by initiating 13145, DIESEL GENERATORS. m..s l.. -rw--

vuur svv-J m l 4 5 of 24 $D

  • u}


b. Verify AC emergency
b. Manually energize AC

[$ij bus.of started DG f automatically emergency bus. e energized: IF bus cr.r. NOT be DG output breaker - energized, o CLOSED. THEN manually trip diesel generator. ) Initiate 12427, L160V AC ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM to energize at least one AC emergency bus using any available power supply. Either RAT via Normal e Incoming Feeder Breaker if off site power available. c Either diesel generator. e Either RAT via Emergency Incoming Feeder Breaker if offsite power available.

c. Check AC emergency busses - AT LEAST ONE
c. Go to Step 6.


d. Return to procedure and step in effect, t

w as \\ ~ ) L.

l 4 6 of 24 j ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED CAUTION e When power is restored to any AC emergency bus, recovery actions should continue starting with Step 24. e If an SI signal exists or, it' an SI signal is actuated during this procedure, it should be reset to permit manual loading of. equipment on an AC emergency bus, o Two NSCW pumps should be available to automatically load on its AC emergency bus to provide diesel generator cooling. 6.

  • Place The Following Equipment Switches In The

= PULL-TO-LOCK Position: e CCPs RHR pumps e SI pumps e e Containment spray pumps CCW pumps e ACCW pumps e MDAFW pumps e Containment fan coolers e 7 Check AC Emergency Eusses Status:

a. At least one. AC emergency bus -
a. Dispatch operator to ENERGIZEU.

locally restore AC emergency busses. WHEN one AC emergency bus Is~inergized. THEN go to Step 24. Continue with Step 8.

b. Go to Step 24

'3 445

V2GP 19100-C 4 7 of 24 +- ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 8. Dispatch Operator To Locally Shut Valves To Isolate RCP Seals: PCP seal injection e isolation valves outside containment: e HV-8103A e HV-8103B e HV-8103C e HV-8103D e RCP.aal re turn isolation valve outside containment: e HV-8100 ACCW rertrn isolation e valve outside containment: o HV-1975 9 Verify If CST Is Isolated From Hotwell: Dispatch operator to verify hotwell level valve positions:

a. COND MAKEUP I.V-4415B -


a. Shut COND MAKEUP LV-4415B INLET ISO 1305-U4-044,
b. COND DUMP LV-4415A -


b. Shut COND DUMP LV-4415A OUTLET ISO 1305-U4-043.

10. Check SG Status: 10 Manually shut valves.

a. MSIVs and their IF valves can NOT be valves - SHUT.

iii'inually shut,

b. MFIVs and BFIVs - SHUT.

THEN locally shut valves,

c. Blowdown isolatic,n valves - SHUT.
d. SG sample isolation valves - SHUT.


iesve 4v199-C l 4 __._ _ - - - - ~ [ 8 of 24 ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED CAUTION A faulted or ruptured SG that is isolated should remain isolated. Steam supply to the TDAFW pump must be maintained from at least one SG. ( NOTE To preserve battery life, operate only one valve at a time. 11. Check SGs Secondary Pressure Boundaries: Check pressures in all e Isolate faulted SGs: e SGs: e Shut the TDAW e NO SG PRESSURE LOWERING IN AN throttle valves on UNCONTROLLED MANNER, affected SG(s). HV-5122 (SG 1) NO SG COMPLETELY o e HV-5125 (SG 2) e DEPRESSURIZED. HV-5127 (SG 3) e HV-5120 (SG 4) e e' Shut TDAW pump steam supply valve from affected SC: HV-3009 (SG 1) e -OR-o HV-3019 (SG 2) Verify SG ARV shut. e IF SG ARY NOT shut, TREN manuaITy shut, e Locally shut the MDAW throttle valves on affected SG(s): e HV-5139 (SG 1) t HV-5132 (SG 2) e HV-5134 (SG 3) e HV-5137 (SG 4) mas

l vee t y;&gg.g-

-{ -- -

4 9'of 24 ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 12. Check If SG Tubes are 12. Try to identify ruptured Intact _ SGs. Main steamline radiation o monitors - NORMAL. WHEN ruptured SGs identified, THEN isolate ruptured SGs: Condenser air ejector o Isolate AFW flow by e radiation - NORMAL. shutting the TDAFW SG sample radiation - throttle valves.on e NORMAL. affected SG(s): HV-5122 (SG 1)- e SG blowdown radiation - e e HV-5125 (SG 2) NORMAL. RV-5127 (SG 3) e HV-5120 (SG 4) e Shut TDAFW steam supply e valve.from affected SG o HV-3009 (SG 1) -OR-e -NV-3019_(SG 2) WHEN SG pressure -is less e than 1160 psig,. THEN verify SG'ARV shut. IF-SG ARV NOT shut, -TREM manuaTTy;_ shut.

o Locally shut the MDAFW throttle -valves on

.affected SG(s): e HV-5139 (SG 1)' e HV-5132 (SG 2) e-HV-5134 (SG 3) e HV-5137 (SG 4) 1J i b ~

,ees -tvive-L' ~]~~' 4 l 10 o1 24 ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 13. Check Intact-SG Levels:

a. Narrow range level -
a. Maintain maximum AFW flow GREATER TEAN 5%

(27% FOR ADVERS? until narrow range level CNMT). GREATER THAN SI (27% FOR ADVERSE CNMT) in at least one SG. 1

b. Control AFW flow to maintain narrow range
b. IF narrow range level in level between 5%

any SG continues to rise (27% FOR ADVERSE in an uncontrolled manner, CNMT) and 50%. THEN isolate ruptured SG: -~~~ Isolate AFW flow by e shutting the TDAFW throttle valves on affected SG(s): e HV-5122 (SG 1) e HV-5125 (SG 2) e HV-5127 (SG 3) e HV-5120 (SG 4) Shut TDAFW pump steam e supply valve from affected SG: e HV-3009 (SG-1) -OR-e HV-3019 (SG 2) l-WHEN SG pressure less e than 1160 psig, THEN verify SG ARV

shut, a

IF SG ARV NOT shut, @ manuaTTf shut. e Locally shut the MDAFW throttle valves on affected SG(s): e HV-5139 (SG 1) e HV-5132 (SG 2) e HV-5134 (SG 3) e HV-5137 (SG 4) ddh

W 19100-C 4 11 of 24 ACTION /EXPLCTED RESPONSE RESPONSE 'pT OBTAINED 14. Check DC Bus Loads:

a. As time permits and at the discretion of the Unit Shift Supervisor, shed all unnecessary battery loads using Attachment A.
b. Monitor all battery voltages.

15. Check CST Level - GREATER 15. Switch to alternate CST. THAN 151. Locally open HV-5113. e s e S k sf 'C34 41 ~

v c,w m ye ggy g-6 gg ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RFg10NSE NOT OBTAINED CAUTION e To prevent injection of accumulator nitrogen into the RCS, SG pressure should not be lowered to less than 165 psig. e SG NARROW range level should be maintained GREATER TRAN 5 [27% FOR ADVERSE CNMT) in at least one intact SG. If level cannot be maintained, SG depressurization should be stopped until level is restored in at least one SG. M e The SGs should be depressurized at a rapid rate (within the capacit RCS inventory loss y of fne TDAFW pump) to minimize e PRZR level may be lose and reactor vessel upper head voiding may occur due to depressurization of the SGs. Depressurization should not be stopped to prevent these occurrences. 4 16. Depressurize Intact SGs To 265 PSIG: Check SG narrow range

a. Perform the following:

a. levels - GREATER THAN SI [27% FOR ADVERSE CNMT) in at least one

1) Maintain maximum TDAFW SG.

flow until' narrow range leve.1 GREATER'THAN 51 [27%-FOR ADVERSE CNMT] in-at least one SG.

2) WHEN narrow range level M KTER'THAN 5% [27I FOR ADVERSE CNMT] in at least one1SG, THEN do Steps 16b, c, d, and e.

Continue with Step 17.

b. Dispatch operator to locally dump steam using SG ARVs.



c. Check RCS cold leg temperatures - GREATER
c. Perform the follow'.ngs TRAN 280*F [290*F FOR
1) Control SG stop ADVERSE CNNT].

'SG depressurizat.'on.

2) Continue with Step 17.
d. Check SG pressure -


d. WHEN SG pressures lowered-to less than 265

_THEN do Step 16e.psig~, Continue.with Step 17.

e. Locally control SG ARVs to maintain SG pressures at 265 psig.

17. Check Reactor Subcritical: 17. Control SG ARVs to stop SG Intermediate range depressusization and allow

  • e channels - ZERO OR RCS to heat up.


F- ~- 7EGP -19100-C -4 16 of 24 ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED NOTE Depressurization of SGs will result in SI actuation. SI should be reset to permit manual loading of equipment on AC emergency bus. 18. Check SI Signal Status

a. WHEN SI actuated, TRTN do Step 18b,-19 and YUT~

Go'to Step 21.

b. Reset SI.

19. Verify Containment

19. ' Manually actuate Phase A. -

Isolation Phase A -


IF valves do not shut, CI-A MLB indicators - THEN manually or locally CORRECT FOR SI. shut at least one valve at each penetration. Locally shut any open valve as time permits. 20. Verify containment Ventilation Isolation: Dampers and valves - SHUT: Manually shut dampers and valves. e MLB indicators - CORRECT.FOR.SI. IF d w ers can NOT be Eanually shut, THEN locally-shut dampers. i 21. Check Containment '21. Manually shut; containment Radiation - LESS THAN 100 R/RR. isolation valves as necessary. IF valves can:NOT be manually


-_THEN-locally shut valves. ?C344$ s '$1

vees A s o e v -G -_ j '4 15 of 24 ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED-22. Check If AC Emergency Power Is Restored: i Check AC emergency s Continue to contral RCS e busses - AT LEAST ONE ENERGIZED, conditions and monitor plant status:

1) Check status of local actions:

e AC power restoration. RCP seal isolation. e DC power supply, e

2) Check status of-auxiliary boration system:

e-BAST terperature greater than 78'F. IF temperature less tHan setpoint, THEN dispatch personnel to reduce BAST horon concentration.

3) Check status of spent fuel cooling:

Spent fuel pool low e level annunciator - NOT ACTUATED, IF-actuated, T!!EN dispatch 'sersonnel to init: tate mais.up to th_e spent-fuel pool-

4) Return to Step 11.

1 nus a

vgor 1919u-0 l 4 16 of 24 ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 23. Restore any DC loado shed I in previous actions. Align de-energized in/9rters per 13431, 120V AC IC VITAL INSTRUMENTS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, prior to closing DC Feeder Breakers. 24. Stabilize SG Pressures: 1 e Manually control SG Locally control SG ARVs. e ARVs. t '03445

VGG& liluu-c l-4- 17 of 24 + ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED CAUTION The loads placed on the energized AC emergency bus should not exceed the capacity of the power source. 25. Verify Following Ecuipment 25. Manually or locally _ load Loaded On Energizec AC Emergency Bus: equipment as necessary using { the appropriate electrical procedures, 480V AC switchgear: e UNIT 1 _ TRAIN A TRAIN B LAB 04 1BB06 1AB0$ 1BB07 t 1AB15 1BB16 INB01 INB10 UNIT 2 TRAINJ TRAIN-B 2AB04 23B06 2AB05 2BB07 2AB15 2BB16 2NB01 2NB10 Essential 480V.AC loadst e Battery chargers, e Instrumentation and e. control. Emergency lighting.- e e Communica tions. e Battery roca fans. .:ws

, v ue 69699-c l 4 18 of 24 ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 26. Varify NSCW Operation:

a. Verify valve alignment OPEN.
a. Manually align valves as necessary.

TRAIN A TRAIN B HV-1806 HV-1807 HV-1808 HV-1809 HV-1822 HV-1823 HV-1830 HV-1831

b. Verify at least two NSCW pumps - RUNNING.
b. Manually start pumps.

27. Select Recovery Procedure:

a. Check RCS subcooling
a. Go to 19102-C, ECA-0.2 monitor indication -


b. Check PRZR level -


b. Go to 19102=C, ECA-0.2



END OF PROCEDURE TEXT wn _ _,,. _ _ _ - _ - - - + - - - - " -

v e,w L M 00-C ] 4 19 o f." Sheet 1 of 6 ATTACHMENT A DC Loado Which May Be Shed ~ During Loss Of All AC Breaker JAected Loads l_AD,1 1AD1-04 Miscellaneous Radiation Monitors,

SSMP, SG ARVs, DOP Actuations, Sequencer

_1 AD11, LAD 11 -01 4160 SWGR Control Power 1AD11-02 480 SWGR Instrument Power 1AD11-03 480 SWGR Instr' ment Power 1AD11-04 480 SWGR Instrument Power 1AD11-05 SG /RV 1AD11-07 SG ARV 1AD11-08 Miscellaneous Sample i CNMT Isolation Valves 1A011-09 RX Trip SWGR 1ADil-10 HVAC Panel 1ADil-12 SSPS ~ 1AD11-13 13.8 SWGR Control Power IAD11-14 13.8 SWGR Control Power IAD11-15' 13.8 SWGR Control Power lADll-17 Accumulator N2 Isolation LAD 11-20 13.8 SWGR Control Power \\ i l

Shoot 2 of 6 ATTACHMENT A (CONT'D) DC Loads Which May Be Shed During Loss Of All AC Breaker Affected Loads LAD 12 1AD12-04 RCDT Vent & Pump Discharge Valves, Letdown Isolation, Instrument Air CNMT Isolation, NSCW Tower Blowdown Isolation LAD 12-05 Accumulator Test CNMT Isolation LAD 12-07 PSDA Control Power LAD 12-08 MSIVs, WIVs, BFIVs LAD 12-10 Isolation Devices LAD 12-14 SG Blowdown Isolation, MSIVs, NSCW Acid Pump,. SI Actuation Control Power lADll-16 Letdown Isolation, Isolation Devices 1AD12-18 Isolation Devices mus I

ewF SU&@@-@ J 4 21 of-M Shset 3 of 6 ATTACl0(ENT A (CONT'D) DC Loads Whict. May Be Shed D" ring Loss of All AC Breiker Affected Loads 1BD1 -1BD1-04 hiscellaneous Radiation Monitors, SSMP, BOP Actuations, Sequencer 1BDil 1BD11-01 4160 SWGR Control Power 1BD11-02 480 SWGR Instrument Power 1BDil-03 480 SWGR Instrument Power 1BD11-04 480 SWGR Instrument Power 1BD11-07 SG ARV 4 1BDil-08 3 Miscellaneous-Sample & CNMT Isolation Valves IBD11-09 RX Trip SWGR 1BDll-10 HVAC ?anel Control Power 1BDil-13 13.8 SWGR Control Power 1BD11-14 SG ARV 13.8 SWGR Control Power i 1BD11-15 IBDil-17 Accumulator N2 Isolation IBD11-19 13.8 SWGR Control Power 1BDil-20 13.8 SWGR-Control-Power-4 nos ..... - -___--i-------------- -- ~

Shsot 4 of 6 ATTACFMENT A (CONT'D) DC Loads Which May Be Shed During Loss Of All AC Breaker Affected Loads 1BD12 1BD12-02 Boric Acid to Charging Valve from PSDB 1BD12-04 Instrument Air CNMT Isolation, NSCW Tower Blowdown Isolation 1BD12-05 SSPS IBD12-06 ACCUMULATOR Test Isolation, SI Test Isolation, Letdown Isolation, Excess Letdown Isolation IBD12-07 PSDB Control Power 1BD12-08 MSIVs, FWIVs, VFIVs, PRT Vent Isolation, PRT Primary Water Isolation 1BD12-10 Isolation Devices 1BD12-14 Isolation Devices 1BD12-16 Isolation Devices 1BD12-17 Boric Acid To Charging Valve From QMCB 1BD12-20 { SG Blowdown Isolation, AFW Pump B Discharge Valves, RER Ex Out Position Indication, DG ESF Supply Fan, MFRV, BFRV, NSCW Acid Pump Isolation % 45 \\

L. VBEF SWE@@-@: 4-1 23 of 24 Sheet 5 of 6 ATTACHMENT A (CONT'D) DC LoadsfWhich May Be Shed During Loss Of All AC NOTE The "C" battery should be carefully conserved to maintain power for Train C AFW control. -Breaker Affected Loads ICD 1 1CD1-08 RHR HL Suction Isolation ICDl-09 Vital Instrumentation powered from-120V AC Panel ICYlA: SG 1 NR' Level LI-518-SG 2 NR Level LI-528 SG 3 NR Level -LI 138 SG 4-NR Level LI-S48 SG 3 WR Level LI-503* SG 2 Pressure-PI-526A SG 3 Prr.tsure PI-536A RCS Loop 3 Tavg TI-432*- PRZR Lovel LI-461 PRZR Pressure PI-457 RWST Level-LI-992A Power Range NI NI-438

  • All instrumentation--listed above except-1SG 3 WR level and RCS Loop 3 Tavg have redundant indications powered from-lAYlA or 1BYlB.

These parameters for Loop 3 can'be monitored -using equivalent instrumentation powered from 1AYlA or 1BYlB. 'SG 2 level can becobtained from NR instruments and RCS Loop 3 s temperature can-be obtained from-WR-TC and/or-WR W. - t '1CD11 1CD11-10 DC SWGR Space ' Heaters-ICD 11-14 HVAC - Paneli ICD 11-15 Isolation Devices-ICD 11-18 Isolation: Devices 1CD11-21 13.8-SWGR Control Power ?C3445 i

( _u& ADA@@-@ l 4 24 of 24 Shsst 6 of 6 /.TTACKMENT A (CONT'D) DC Loads Which May Be Shed During Loss Of All AC NOTE All loads on "D" batterv may be shed. "D" battery may be held in reserve to maintain the capability of providing selected vital instrumentation powered from 120V AC Panel 1DYlB if "A" or "B" batteries degrade. Breaker Affected Loads IDD1 1DD1-04 DC SWGR Space Heaters, Isolation Devices, 13.8 SWGR Control Power 1DD1-08 RHR HL Suction Isolation 1DDl-09 Vital Instrumentat'on Powered From 120V AC Pnl IDYlB; SG 1 NR Level LI-517 SG 2 NR Level LI-527 SG 3 NR Level LI-537 SG 4 NR Level LI-547 SG 4 WR Level LI-504* SG 1 Pressure PI-516A SG 4 Pressure PI-546A RCS Loop 4 Tavg TI-442* PRZR Pressure PI-458 Power Range NI NI-44B Source Range SUR NI-31D* Intermediate Range SUR NI-35D*

  • All instrumentation listed above except SUR, SG 4 WR level and RCS Loop 4 Tavg have redundant indications powered from 1AYlA or IBYlB.

These carameters for Loop 4 can be monitored usin'g equivalent inscrumentation powered from 1AYlA or IBY1B. SG 4 level can he obtained from NR instruments and RCS Loop 4 temperature can be obtained from WR TC and/or WR TH. Source Range instrumentation powered from 1AYlA and IBYlB is available. Ob _ _ _ -. _ - _ - - - _. - - - -}}