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Rev 3 to Engineering Assurance Dept Procedure EAD-4, Reporting of Design Process Review/Technical Assessment Results
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 06/15/1983
Shared Package
ML20087N434 List:
EAD-4, NUDOCS 8404030482
Download: ML20087N462 (6)


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. .aoc no ] swasse, EAD-4 I Reportino of Desian Process Review / Technical Assessment Results

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Training Required yes no 0 Original issuance ,/

1 Reflects approval responsibility of fianager, Engineering /

Assurance Department


2 Changes procedure for incorporating checklists 3 Changes " design process technical audit" to " design /

process review"

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,,vte eact or Engineering Assurance Department Procedure 1 5 SUSJl ct OATE'BlutD Reporting of 6MM Design Process Review /Techni ;l Assessment Results 0"'1"*f-20-83 l R3 1.0 Purpose This procedure establishes the method for preparation, review and approval, and reporting of design process review / technical assessment results. lR3 2.0 Scope This procedure applies to all design process reviews and technical assessments lR3 performed by the Engineering Assurance Department.

3.0 References 3.1 Engineering Assurance Department Procedure EAD-5, Control of Design Pro- R3 cess Review and Assessment Records 3.2 Engineering Assurance Department Procedure EAD-7, Reporting and Disposi-tion of Action Items 4.0 Definitions None 5.0 Responsibilities 5.1 Manager, Engineering Assurance Department Reviews and approves the design process review / technical assessment lR3 i

report and forwards the report to the Vice President, Nuclear Engineering

& Construction 5.2 Vice President, Nuclear Engineering & Construction Reviews and approves the design process review / technical assessment lR3 report

! 5.3 Engineering Assurance Department engineer l Prepares the design process review / technical assessment report in accor- lR3 l dance with this procedure 6.0 Procedure 6.1 Preparation of review / assessment report Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the review / assessment, a R3 draft review / assessment report shall be prepared by the responsible Engi-neering Assurance Department engineer (s), according to the following l


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,n. e cl or Engineering Assurance Department Procedure 2 5 Suest C, CaitillutD Reporting of 616M Design Process Review / Technical Assessment Results Dat' t"'f,'E0-83 6.1.1 Review / assessment report cover sheet Each review / assessment report shall have a cover sheet (Attachment R3 7.1) that gives the title and dates of the review / assessment and provides for formal sign-offs.

6.1.2 Purpose and scope This section shall provide a description of the objectives and the extent of the review / assessment performed. It shall also specify q3 any special concerns being addressed in this review / assessment.

6.1.3 Identification of participants and reviewers This section shall list the name of the organization being reviewed / assessed and the names of the participants and reviewers.l R3 6.1.4 List of documents reviewed This section shall contain the title and the accompanying numeri-cal designation review and revision number of the documents used for the l R3

/ assessment.

6.1.5 Sumary of findings This section shall contain a sumary of review / assessment results lR3 and refer to pertinent sections for detailed observations and findings (e.g., Sections 6.1.6,6.1.9).

6.1.6 Methods used for review / assessment and observations lR3 This section shall contain the description of the method used for the review / assessment and detailed findings. lR3 6.1.7 Preventive / corrective action and conclusions This section shall sumarize the areas of concern requiring preventive / corrective action. The section shall also sumarize

! areas where the design has been found adequate.

6.1.8 Need for further review / assessment lR3 ,

If a final conclusion cannot be reached based on the documents i reviewed, or if this review / assessment points out the need for R3 l further review / assessment, this section shall contain a listing of I

those areas requiring further investigation.

6.1.9 Appendices The appendices shall contain the following documents:


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NUCLEAR ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES MANUAL EAD-4 3 T8TLE PAGE OF Engineering Assurance Department Procedure 3 5 SUSJE CT DATEIllutD Reporting of 6 14 M Design Process Review / Technical Assessment Results on't""g,a20-83 lR3 Copy of alternate calculations, if used Any other pertinent documents The completed checklists and questionnaire shall be filed in the Engineering Assurance Department files as well as in the South TexasProjectRecordsManagementSystem(STPRMS)butneednotbe a part of the report.

6.2 Review, approval, and distribution of review / assessment report. lR3 The Manager, Engineering Assurance Department, shall review the draft review / assessment report and provide his coments to the responsible lR3 Engineering Assurance Department engineer within two (2) weeks. After incorporating these coments, the responsible Engineering Assurance Department engineer shall sign the cover sheet and submit the report to the Manager, Engineering Assurance Department, who shall indicate his approval by signing the cover sheet. The Manager, Engineering Assurance Department, shall submit the report to the Vice President, Nuclear Engi-neering & Construction, for his approval. After the review / assessment l P.3 report has been approved by the Vice President, Nuclear Engineering &

Construction, the responsible Engineering Assurance Department engineer shall prepare the associated action item forms as required by Engineering Assurance Department Procedure EAD-7, Reporting and Disposition of Action Items, and shall forward the review / assessment report together with the l R3 action item forms to South Texas Project Engineering, the Quality Assur-ance Department, and other organizations in accordance with Engineering Assurance Department Procedures EAD-5 and EAD-7.

7.0 Attachments 7.1 Review / assessment report cover sheet lR3 i

( 7.2 Procedure flow chart l

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NUCLEAR ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES MANUAL EAD-4 3 9'Tkt eaGE OF Engineering Assurance Department Procedure 4 5 SWSJE CT caig ellutD Reporting of 6-1r_p, 3

Design Process Review / Technical Assessment Results l R3 oste Effe fi}0-83 Attachment 7.1 Review / Assessment Report Cover Sheet lR3 Document NW$er Review / assessment subject: l R3 l D3 Date(s)ofreview/ assessment:

Prepared by: Date:

Prepared by: Date:

Approved by: Date:

Manager, Engineering Assurance Department Approved by: Date:

Vice President.

Nuclear Engineering & Constructiori 1

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nat' t"*edla-20-83 Attachment 7.2 Procedure Flow Chart Eng'g Assurance Dept engineer prepares _

review /a ssessment report lR3 comunefits ii

!, Managar.

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- report comuments yes

't Vice Presiderit.

  • no b c Engig & Const, reviews and approves report f'

in n assors= e De,t prepares action items.

distributes action itees and report

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