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Responds to Requests for Addl Info Re Fire Protection Program.Discusses Hydraulic Calculations Re Sprinkler Sys & Prelaid Hose
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/29/1979
From: Lundvall A
To: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7908310396
Download: ML20062H311 (7)



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v.c. n. .... . . Sagust 29, 1979 som, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Co::: mission  :

Washington, D. C. 20555 -

7 Attention: Mr. Robert W. Reid, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #4 Division of Operating Reactors


Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant O u=1* no 1 & 2. ooexe* no 5o-317 5 5o-318 Fire Protection Program, NRC Review


File: 013-261-0, L-037-F


(1) Draft Safety Evaluation Report by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (2) Staff / Licensee Discussions held July 11, 24 & 31, 1979 (3) BG&E letter dated August 6, 1979 from .

Lundvall to Reid (4) BG&E letter dated August 17, 1979 from Gore to Reid Gentlemen:

The enclosures supplement infor=ation and data previously

{ ', furnished with reference (1) above. The referenced letter was !!

response to a request for Anfor=ation and data relative to stafi positions identified in Section 3.3 of the Draft Safety Evaluation Report (DSER).

This letter responds to a telephone request for additional information.

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' kur. 'vall, Jr.

1 cc: J. A. Bidd! son, Esquire G. F. Troweridge, Esquire Messrs. E. L. Conner, Jr. - NRC 2 J. W. Brothers, Bechtel , ,

I l .

1 79088MW6 [

. 3.3 5 Hydraulic calculation of the sprinkler system identified in the "Rasponse" to Item 3.3 5 shows a flow of 700 gpm at fire pump discharge '

pressure. Therefore, the =axi=um flow requirement is 1700 gpm (sprinkler and hose stream requirements conbined). A one hundred and twenty (120) minute duration corresponds to a total demand of 20k,000 gallons versus 300,000 ganons reserved for fire protection in each of two 500,000 ganon tanks.

3 3.10 Hydraulic calculation of the sprinkler system identified in the

" Response" to Item 3.3.10 shows a flow of 700 gym at the discharge header of the two 2500 gpm at 125 psi rated capacity centrifugal fire pumps. The Pump capacity and pressure are more than adequate to meet both sprinkler and hose stream requirements of 1700 gym. .

The 2 " hose from hydrant No. 5 laid to the exterior of 1

3312 Diesel Generator Rocc No. 21 would be 250 feet in length. Pressure drop in 250 feet of 2\" lined hose to supply a 1-1/8 inch smooth bore nozzle delivering 250 gym would be approximately 37 psi. Nozzle inlet pressures, '

therefore, would be greater than eighty-eight (88) psi. Hose Station No.- ,

h5-10 located immediately adjacent to the overhead ron up door in the '

() west vall of Room k19 which can be isolated from the vest loop is also available within 150 feet of the Diesel Generator Room No. 21. This hose a station is equipped with 2-2 " U/L Approved angle hose valves. Hydrants j No. 5 and No. 8 and Hose Station h5-10 are available to supply effective i

hose streams for fire centrol purposes should Hydrant Nos. 6 and 7 be impaired by an underground break. A similar analysis has been performed for all fixed fire suppression systems in safety related areas to verify that back up hose stream protection is ,always available. -

3.3.24 Anothersketchhasbeenpreparedtoshowbyaonelinediagrahn of the valves and piping that only one ECCS Pump Room for Unit No.1, Room 118 (Pump 12) and for Unit No. 2, Room 102 (Pump 22) can receive drainage from containment. Two normany shut (N.S.) MOV,'s are installed in series to prevent flow from the containment.

3.3.26 ' Please revise our August 6, 1979 " Response" to this item to read:

) "BG&E vin provide communications equipment to facilitate communi-cations between the Control Room and allareas of the plant includ-

'ing the interior of containment which vill be operable during any


fire emergency." Please revise our August 6, 1979 " Response" to this item to read:

1 "BG&E will perform a fire hazards analysis for the six cable chases identified and modifications will be provided as necessary."

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