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Expresses Concern Over Const of Facility
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/02/1979
From: Carothers J, Mccarthy K
Shared Package
ML19259C385 List:
NUDOCS 7906180333
Download: ML20062H223 (2)



To: Fedaral !!uclear Fagu la to ry Cani ss ion, Aitf cuch I am not a residont af California, I feei com.,e ! I si to e:: press my dire concerns invalving the operation of the Ciablo

,- {:Janyon nuclear Power ?iant in San Lui s Cb i spo.

D lt is evident that if the Fosgri fcult had been detected prior to the construction of the clant the reacto rs wculd have never been buil t. i!ow, the Fosgri fault is well documented as a large, active earthcuake f aul t and does pose an undue risk to the pubile, being only 24 miles of f shore f rom the two nuclear reacto rs .

in the past you have taken a very resconsible stand on the 1 p rol i feration of nucl ear technology. I sincerely urge you to use your executive powers in the intervention of Diablo Canyon, if it is granted an operating license. The peopl e of Cal i fornia, speci 2 fically the 50,000 residents living within 12 miles of the nuclear reacto r s, have a lo t mo re to lo se - i.n b'r nn iffe,.If there is an earthquake on the Fosgri fault, than does Pacific Gas and Electric Co., by not being allowed to operate the plant.

'Once again, we in our technologically secred society, are faced with the decision of choosing the safety of people or the ri sks and profi ts of a large private corporation such as, - Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Unfortunately the answer to this question is not as obvious as a humanist might hcoe. Elease chose LIFE --

IMTERVEME AT DIACLO CAMYOM and maintain e Jr faith in you end our gove rnment o f the peopl e -- fo r the oeop l e -- fo r the peccl e.

Sincerely in Feace.m -

't! r i t e : Fede ra l Regu l ato ry Commi ss ion

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&l 1990 Mo rth Cal i fo rn ia Blvd. Suite 202 g j gt

.!a i nu t treek, wali fornia 9be [

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wernosa dy g cyatt.,3, 7.


... ( Although I am not a resident of California, I feel com,elled e, e:: press my dire concerns involving the operation of the Diabio Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in San Luis Obispo.

' ' t- .

.it is evident that if the Fosgri fault had been detected prior to the construction of the plant the reactors .:nuld have never been buil t. Now, the Posgri fault is well documented as a' large. active earthquake faul t and does pose an undue ris'< to the public, being only 24 miles offshore from the two nuclear reac to rs .

In the past you have taken a very responsible stand on the 1 p rol i feration of nuclear technology. I sincereiy urge you to use you r executive powers in the intervention of Diablo Canyon, if it is granted an operating license. The people of California, speci-fically the 50,000 residents living within 12 miles of the nuclear ree tors, have a lo t mo re to lo se -- jl1 h'imn n life, if there is an earthqu~ake on the Hosgri fault, than does Pacific Gas and Electric Co.,

by not being allowed to operate the plant.

Once again, we in our technologically secred society, are faced with the decision of choosing the safety of people or the risks and profits of a large private corporation such as, Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Unfortunately the answer to this question i s not as obvious as a humanist might hope. Elease chose LIFE --

IMTEP.VEllE AT DI AOLO CAMYOM and maintain c ar faith in you and our government of the peopl e -- fo r the peopl e -- fo r the peop l e.

Sincerely in Peace, n

9 Write: Federa l Regu lato ry Commi ss ion *g i \f 9' 'I ' '

t 1990 Morth California Blvd. Suite 202 Walnut Creek, Cal ifornia 94596 .



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