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Presents Schedule for Briefing Ucs Exceptions to ASLB 811214 Partial Initial Decision.Ucs Would Hand Deliver Brief on 820414 to Cutchin & Baxter.All Other Dates in 820324 Order Would Remain Same.Granted by Aslab on 820330
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/26/1982
From: Weiss E
To: Edles G
NUDOCS 8204010258
Download: ML20050A399 (1)



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WA s ti t N G'rON . D. C. 2000(. acal e23 'sO70 wiL L e AM 5. .> O 5d D A N . a s s L C C L . o r.; w o *' 08 COUNGLL DI A re f: CURRAF.

  • L .1 H O M AS G A L L QW Af Lf N N C DC AN AD CI LUCI A S. OR f w March 26, 1982
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G ar y J . Edles, Chairman ~6D Dr. John H. Buck Dr . Reginald L. Gotchy 2 4l'8 ggg Y j 1 #

Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Bo ard E/ K g U.S. N.R.C. p Washing ton , D.C. 20555 g lioar Members of t he Board, ' 4 P ur s uan t to our discussions yesterday, I have bee n authorized O y COunse l lor i he r.I4C 8 t a f i and the 1, i ce n se e to prescrit for your approval a schedule for briefing the llCS except Iont to the TM I - 1 Restart decision. This schedule h as tv en agreed t o by t hese par t ies . It would require UCS t.o h on d -d el i ver to stes s r s . Cutchin and Baxter by 5 p .m . o n ,Apr i l 1_4 the co rnpl e ted t'C s B ri e i on 1:.scept iens . All other d ates in your order of

arch 24, 1982 would remain at, stated therein.

This 1. at t er is o f particular i mpo r t ance to the Licensee so t hat the process of reviewing the appeals can continue.

Thank you very much.

Very truly yours , -

Ellyn R. Weiss ERW:cla D sol cc: TMI-l Service List jg GRANTED .

For the Appeal Board G h h M s-so- w Secfbtary to the Appeal Board 8204010258 820326 PDR ADOCK 05000289 0 PDR