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Advises That Agency Members Are Invited to Participate in NRC Site Tour & Question Response Session Re Environ Impact of Facilities Scheduled for 820119
Person / Time
Site: River Bend  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/08/1982
From: Schwencer A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Watson M
NUDOCS 8201210383
Download: ML20040A668 (3)


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k JAN 8 1982 I

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Docket flos: 50-458/459 N ?b I

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ftr. fiadrice B. Watson

-A P",-

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l Environnental Section Coordinator k

(9 i

Louisiana Departnent of Wildlife and Fisheries

- Q' 7 g ;

j' Post Office Box 14526 i

Southeast Station


Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70898 1


Dear !!r. Watson:

The Gulf States Utilities Conpany has applied to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory j

Connission (f4RC) for an operating license for its River Bend Nucleae Power i

Plant, Stations 1 and 2, currently under construction and located at a site


in West Feliciana Parish, 2 miles east of the Mississippi River and approxi i

mately 24 miles north-northwest of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The NRC is preparing an Environnental Statement as part of its operating license review i

procedures, and will be considering environnental areas such as the impact of the plant on terrestrial and aquatic resources (both State and federal),

as well as site hydrologic and geotechnic features such as rail / road i

enbankments, the ttississippi River bankline and nakeup water intake enbaynent, water channel structures (natural and artificial) in the vicinity j

of West Creek and the Grants Bayou and Alligator Bayou areas, and other j

relevant site features.

1 l

The *1RC staff conducting this review have scheduled a visit to the plant site the week of January 18-22, 1982 for the purpose of gathering information for preparation of the Environmental Statement. On January 19, beginning j

at 9:00 AM a general tour to observe various on-site and off-sito features, such as those stated above, will be conducted by the applicant followed by a j

session during which specific environmental questiens raised by the NRC Environ-mntal Engineering and Site Analysis staff will be responded to by the applicant.

Te 2 remainder of the week (January 20-22) has been set aside to allow the neetings 1

between the NRC staff and federal, State and local agency representatives.

4 i

Confirning your telephone conversation with the tir. John J. Stefano of 1

my staff on January 6,1982, you and other nerbers of your agency are cordially invited to scrticipate in the tour and the question response session


scheduled for January 19, and are requested to be available at the plant site, 1

1 1

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0 K 05000458 l

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tir. D. Whittington i i

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j or your base of operations as appropriate, to meet with the NRC staff to discuss areas of mutual interest pertaining to the plant site environment.

j If there are any questions, or if we can be of further assistance, please i

feel free to contact Mr. Stefano directly at (301)-492-9536.

1 4

i Sincerely, i

j Griginal signed by 1

1 A. Schwencer, Chief j

Licensing Branch No. 2 i

Division of Licensing I


Mr. Clinton Scotts j

EIS Coordinator j

U. S. Environnental Protection j

Agency 1

Dallas, Texas 75270


2 1

i i

l 4



I d6cCol C11Ts' 6 45h/45?

A. Schwencer L0f2 Tiles R. Perch i

i Attorney, CCLO J. Stefano j

DLisenhut/RPurple C. Ferrell RTedesco L. Bykoski i

ASchwencer C. Billups j

J5tefano G. Gears EKyten J. Lear 14L i


R. Wescatt

0. Thompson i

S. Feld I

bec: MSIC l

TTERA nRC par i

Local I02 l

ACRS(16) 1





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