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LER 81-117/03L-0:on 811126,after Replacing LPCI Valve Motor 2E11-F015B,abnormal Phase Currents Were Traced to LPCI Inverter B (2R44-S003).Caused by Improper Operation of Gate Firing Module.Inverter Replaced
Person / Time
Site: Hatch Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/17/1981
From: Coggin C
Shared Package
ML20039C498 List:
LER-81-117-03L-01, LER-81-117-3L-1, NUDOCS 8112290415
Download: ML20039C506 (2)



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REPORT DATE 7 8 60 61 DOCKET NUMUER EVENT DESCR:PTION AND PROB ABLE CONSEQUENCES h 10,21lAfter replacing the LPCI' injection valve motor (2E11-F0158), abnormal I g o ,3 j l phase currents were traced to the "B" LPCI inverter (2R44-5003). One phasp io pi jwas fo Jnd operating at 650 volts AC making the inverter inop per T.S. I

,oisi; Procedure HilP-2-1060 checks the output voltage on a shi f t i 10 lG l l basis, but only the phase voltage that the switch is in position to moni-l l0l2}l tor is recorded. This is a non-repetitive event, and there were no effects o,a upon public health and safety due to this event. I

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42 44 47 3a CAUSE DESCRIPTION AND CCRRECTIVE ACTIONS jiio; lThe high phase voltage resulted from improper operation of the gate fir- l i, sii gi ng module on one of the legs. An inverter leg was replaced. & the inver-i 5

,,,,,ier t was returned to service. Procedure HriP-2-1060 as well as the orocedurt i, i ., j jfor Unit 1 (HflP-1-1060) will be revised to include each phase voltace I g greading to ensure that the inverters are operating properly. O I

7 8 3 STA J *. rO?. E R OTHE R STATUS SO FY DISCOVERY CESCRIPTION I Ie i l El@ l 0 l 9 l 0 jgj f1A l l C l@l Operator Observation l ACitv1TY CO TE*T PELE MED CF HELT ASE LOCATION CF PELEASE ii ie8 i9 i zi@ i agi AY"s" NT OF ACTIVITYI l ti^ I 10 44 43 60 7 11 FE E50'/.E L E X PO5vaEs NU'"' f A TYPE C r s cr.. pig on lil2l 1 0101 Ol@lz Igl flA 80 l

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68 69 80 7 8 9 to n.m ne onror.nnC. L. Conain - Supt. Plt. Ena. Serv. pgnyg. 912-367-7851 {

h E LER #: 50-366/1981-117 Licensee: Georgia Power Company Facility Name: Edwin I. Ilatch Docket #: 50-366 Narrative Report for LER 50-366/1981-117 On November 26, 1981, at 1810 EST with the unit in steady state operati on one phase of the "B" LPCI inverter (2R44-S003) was found operating at 650 volts AC. The inverter was then declared inoperable per T.S. 4. 8 . 2.1. b . The high phase voltage resulted from improper operation of the gate firing module on one of the inverter Icgs which also resulted in a '

blown capacitor on the output filter. The leg experiencing j' p robl ems with the gate firing module was replaced, and the '

inverter was returned to servie. Procedure HNP-2-1060 l' requi res the output voltage of each inverter to be recorded on a shift basis. The reading is taken on the phase that the switch is positioned to monitor. This procedure and the procedure for Unit 1 (I!NP 1060 ) will be revised to include cach phase voltage reading for each inverter to ensure that the inverters are operating properly at all times. This is a non-repetitive event, and there were no e ff ec ts upon public health and safety due to this event.

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