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Objects to Admission Into Evidence of Suppl 3 to SER for TMI-1 Restart & SER for NUREG-0737 & NUREG-0694 Items Until Ucs Has Chance to Review Info & Rept to Aslb.Rept Could Be Submitted by 810501.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/24/1981
From: Weiss E
To: Jordan W, Little L, Smith I
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
RTR-NUREG-0694, RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-694, RTR-NUREG-737 NUDOCS 8105080237
Download: ML20003H959 (5)


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!2 B April 24, 1981 -

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Ivan Smith, Esquire

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Administrative Law Judge ,

U.S. Nuclear Regula tory Commission ifg )

Washington, D.C. 20555 s g*

/ /g , g hs Dr . Walter Jordan Administrative Law Judge SE R

881 W. Outer Drive 6' Oak Ridge, Tennessee 3 7830

  • Dr. Linda Little 9 wuc 21 UW"O Adminis trative Law Judge L.W. Little Associates p AES 2 81985
  • h-1312 Annapolis Drive ome, er g,3,_,3,_ .

Raleigh, North Carolina 27608 D-a use: s s3.2:. <

q Era:e ,e RE: TMI-1 Restart, Docke t No. 50-289 4 liki

Dear Members of the Board:

On Wednesday , April 22, I received Supplement 3 to the SER for the TMI-l Restart . Supplement 3 is approxi-mately an inch thick and represents the Staff's evaluation of the status of Met Ed 's compliance with the short and long-term items contained in the Commission 's Order of Augus t 9.

This morning I received a copy of two additional docu-ments, the Staf f 's SER 's for items contained in Enclosure 1 to NUREG-073 7 and for items contained in NUREG-0694, outside of the scope of the Commission's Orders but rcquired for re-start.

My understanding had been that these documents would be off ered into evidence by a staff witness who would be a*.'alla-ble for cross-examination probably the week of May 12.

contr as t , parties wishing to cross-examine on the yet-to $7503 filed staff submission on environmental qualification wilt 3 be required to file a cross-examination plan within 5 days of receiving the submission in order to claim their right to question a staff witness. //

EPloso30 'l 7

i NARMON & WEIS3 April 24, 1981 Page 2 Mr . Brenner telephoned me yesterday and suggested that' this procedure may be changed, or that my understanding might be incorrect, but he could not specify any details. Al though I do not know whether the Board is seriously considering this (and frankly find it mos t difficult to believe), UCS would object in the strongest possible way to the introduction into evidence of these new Staff SER Supplements and SER's before we have even had a reasonable chance to review r,sem and deter-mine whether cross-examination is necessary. We need a mini-mum of one week from today, that is, until May 1, 1981, to review the documents.

There fore , if it is necessary , I request the Board to treat this as an objection to the admission into evidence of the Staf f documents identified above at leas t until UCS has been given the opportunity to review them and report to the Board . We could file such a report on May 1, 1981.

Very truly yours ,

Elly n R . Weiss ERW/dmw cc: TMI service list

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In the Matter of ) .


METROPOLITAN EDISON ) Docket No.50-289 .

COMPAliY, et al. , ) Restart.

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(Three Mile Island ) ,

4 Nuclear Station, Unit ) 9  % ,

No. 1) )  ! t,,3.g -


) . .94 . APR 2 81981, >- ~3 l

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. . 4 I hereby certify that on this 24th day of April 1981 a copy of the April 24th letter addressed to Ivan Smith, Dr. Walter Jordan , and Dr. Linda Little was mailed to the following parties:

Secretary of the Cortraission Mr. Steven C. Sholly .

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 304 South Market Street .

tiashington, D.C. 20555 Nechanicsburg, PA 17055 Attn: Chief, Docketing & Service Section James A. Tourtellotte, Esq. Jordan D. Cunningham, Esq.

Office of the Exec. Legal Director Fox, Farr r, Cunninghara U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co'mmission 2320 North Second Street Washington, D.C. 20555 Harrisburg, PA 17110 Karin W. Carter, Esquire Frieda Berryhill l

.. Assistant Attorney General Coalition for Nuclear Pouer 505 Executive House Postponement P.O. Box.2357 .'- 2610 GrendOn Drive Harrisburg, PA 17120 Ulltington, Delauare 19303 Daniel M. Pell Walter U. Cohen, Ai 32 South Seaver Street Deper: ment of attstice York, Pennsylvania 17401 Stra.% rry Square, 14th Fic;

!!arrisb trg, PA 17127 P00R ORIGINAL L_ ---- -

. =m-writitW'r:n-M.m?.~. --~'m: gm

Cert. of Service Docket No. 50-289 i Robert L. Knupp, Esquire Chaunccy Kepford Assistant Solicitor Judith H. Johnsrud County of Dauphin Environmental Coalition on P.O. Box P Nuclear Power 407 North Front Street 433 Orlando Avenuo Harrisburg, PA 17108 State College, PA 16801 ,

John A. Levin, Esquire Robert Q. Pollard Assistant Counsel Chesapeake Energy Alliance Pennsylvania Public Utility 609 Montpelier Street Commission Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Harrisburg, PA 17120 .

Theodore Adler <' Marvin I. Lewis Widoff, Reager, Selkowitz 6504 Bradford Terrace

& Adler Philadelphia, PA 19149 3552 Old Gettysburg Road Camp Hill, PA 17011

.. Ms. Marjorie Aamodt *Ivan W. Smith, Chairman RD $5 . Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Coatesville, PA 19320 -

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissic Washington, D.C. 20555 Dr. Walter H. Jordan L. W. Little Associates 881 W. Outer Drive 1312 Annapolis Drive Oak Ridge, Tennessem 37830 ,

Raleigh, North Carolina 27608 George F. Trowbridge, Esquire Ms. Jane Lee Shaw, Pittman, Potts & R.D. #3, Box 3521 Trowbridge Etters, Pennsylvania 17319 1800 M Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 Robert W. Adler Dept. of Environmental Resources

!, 505 Executive House '

P.O. Box 2357 l Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120


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