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Notifies of Portions of NRC Documents on Which Ucs Will cross-examine.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/01/1981
From: Weiss E
To: Jordan W, Little L, Smith I
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
RTR-NUREG-0680, RTR-NUREG-0694, RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-680, RTR-NUREG-694, RTR-NUREG-737 NUDOCS 8105060277
Download: ML20003H528 (4)



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oAlb M. MARMON WAsHZNOTON,D.C.2ooo6 k 1 g T

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"E ELLYN R. WERSS wlLLIAM S. JOR O AN, lli Lcc L.e:SwO. i May 1, 19 81 Ivan Smith, Esquire Adminis trative Law Judge Atomic Safety & Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission -

Was hing ton, D.C. 20555 Dr. Walter H. Jordan -

Adminis trative Law Judge Y 4 881 W. Outer Drive Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830 ff 'S Dr. Linda W. Little OE MAY -

Adminis trative Law Judge 3 off; IIS8f a N-5000 Hermitage Drive 6

N, D Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 %gf,, g RE: TMI-l Res tart , Docket No. 50-289 * @

Dear Members of the Board:

Pursuant to the agreement of the Board and the parties, this is to notify you of the portions of the most recently served NRC Staff documents on which the Union of Concerned Scientists will cross-examine. The documents in question are : N UREG-0 6 8 0, Supplement No. 3 (received April 22,* 1981),

" Safety Evaluation Reports for Items Contained in Enclosure 1 to NUREG-073 7, Outside of the Scope of the Commission's Orders of August 9, 1979 and March 6, 1980, Required by Re-start (October 1981)" (received April 24, 1981) and " Safety Evaluation Reports for Items Contained in NUREG-0694 Outside of the Content of the Commission's Orders of August 9, 19 79 and March 6, 1980 Required by' Restart ( Oc tob er-- 19 81 ) " - - -

(received April 24, 1981.) i -

For Supplement No. 3 to NUREG-0680, UCS will ask questions on the following sections :- B. Summary and Conclusions, includ-ing tabl'es; Item la. EFW Timelines and Reliability; IE Bulletin 79-05B; Opera'tional Quality Assurance Program; Item 2.1.1 Emer-gency Power Supply Requirements ; Item 2.1. 2 Performance Testing for PWR Relief and Safety Valves; Item 2.1. 3.a Direct -Indica-tion of Valve Position; Item 2.1.4 Containment Isolation; g S


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Small Break Analysis and Procedures ; Order Item 3, Additional Items 1-4; ACRS Review.

For the SER for items contained in Enclosure 1 to NUREG-073 7, UCS will have questions on the following sections :

II.B.4 - Training for Mitigating Core Damage; II.K.2.13 -

Eff ect of HPI on Vessel Integrity for SBLOCA With No Auxiliary Feedwater; II .K.2.14 - Lif t Frequency of PORV and Saf ety valves; II .K.2.16 - Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Damage ; II.K.3.1. -

Installation and Testing of Automatic PORV Isolation System; II.K.3.2 - Report on Overall Safety Effect of PORV Isolation ,

Sys tem; II.K.3.17 - Report on Cutages of ECC Systems Licensee Report and Proposed Technical Specification Changes; II.K.3.30 -

Revised SBLOCA Accident Methods to Show Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix K.

For the SER for Items contained in NUREG-0694, UCS will question on the document generally and specifically on Item 1.C.7 - NSSS Vendor Review of Procedures'and Item 1.C.8 - Pilot Monitoring of Selected Emergency Procedures for Near-Term Opera-ting License Applicants .

Very truly yours,

'l 7's 3 '

l /') i Ellyn R. Weiss ERW/dnw cc: TMI' Service List h - - -- - --

  • ~ " - - - ~ ~ - -



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In the Matter of )

) Docket No. 50-289 .


COMPANY, et al., ) .-


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(Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit )

  • No. 1)

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  • I herebf" certify that isn'this lat day of May 1981 a copy of
  • the letter dated May 1, 1981 to Ivan Smith, Esquire, Dr .

Walter H. Jordan, and Dr. Linda W..Little was mailed first class postage prepaid to the following:

Mr. Steven C. Sholly ..

Secretary of the Comission (21) 304 South Market Street .

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Washington, D.C. 20555 Attn: Chief, Docketing & Service ' .

Section 1

  • Jordan D. Cunningham, Esq.

James A. Tourtellotte, Esq.. (4) Fox, Farr & Cunningham .

Of fice of the Exec. Legal Director 2320 North Second Street.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Harrisburg, PA 17110 Washington, D.C. 20555 ,

Frieda Berryhill Karin W.. Carter, Esquire Coalition for nuclear Pow

.. Assistent Attorney General Postponement 505 Ev.acutive House 2610 Grenden Drive P.O. Box.2357 .'- .

' Wilmington, Delaaare 193 Harrisburg, PA 17120 ,

l Walter W. Cohen, Consumer Daniel' M. Pell Department of Justice 32 South Beaver Street Strawberry Square, 14th F York, Pennsylvania 1740] Ha rr.t.cb tt rg , PA 17127 l


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Cert. of Service Docket No. 50-289 Robert L. Knupp, Esquire Chauncey Kepford Assistant Solicitor Judith H. Johnsrud County of Dauphin Envir,onmental Coalition on P.O. Box P Nuclear Power 407 North Front Street 433 Orlando Avenue Harrisburg, PA 17108 State College, PA 16801 ,

John A'. Levin, Esquire Robert Q. Pollard Assistant Counsel Chesapeake Energy Alliance Pennsylvania Public Utility


609 Montpelier Street Commission haltimore, Maryland 21218 Harrisburg, PA 17120 Theodore kaler <' Marvin I. Lewis Widoff, Reager, Selkowitz 6504 Bradford Terrace

& Adler ' Philadelphia, PA 19149 3552 Old Gettysburg Road Camp Hill, PA 17011

.. Ms. Marjorie Aamodt Ivan W. Smith, Chairman RD #5 Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Coatesville, PA 19320 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissior Washington, D.C. 20555 Dr. Walter H. Jordan L. U. Little Associates l 881 W. Outer Drive 1312 Annacolis Drive 37830 27608 j Oak Ridge, Tennessee ,

Raleigh, North Carolina George F. Trowbridge, Esquire Ms. Jane Lee Shaw, Pittman, Potts & R.D. #3, Box 3521 Trowbridge Etters, Pennsylvania 17319 1800 M Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 Robert W. Adler Dept. of Environmental Resources 505 Executive House '

P.O. Box 2357 .

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania- 17120 -

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\?plyn R. Weiss e e = wwe- e

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TO: D)::=nent Control Desk, 016 Phillips FIOM: DX:keting & Service Branch, Office of the Secreta.9f SL%~F.,OT: PSJ.EST mR DISTRIBUTION SI4VICE Th.tX)C4 RS:TmRY nmmCN DISTRIBUTION f.".lSIDi (RIDS) h"JrE: The attached doceent, which relaas to a sw"ic licensing docket, is the DMC CTI'OL Id" ION COPY. It is certified by ne Office of :ne Secretary

  • as the best aw.ilable copy.

RIDS C? DES JJC *IIIES Rids Code . Descriotion DS01 Antitrust Issuances DSO2 Non-Ictit::ust Issaances Filings (Not Origira'd by NRC) 04 Antit:ast Filings (Originated try Ncn-Parties)

DS0s Non-Antitrust Filings (Origira*d by Non-Parties)

DS06 ELD Filings (Antitrust)

DS07 ELD Filings (Nca-Antitrust)

DS08 Antit:ast Filings (Not Originated by tac)


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