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Advises That Ucs Is Withdrawing Contention 9,re Safety Sys Status Panel,Contention 7,re Instrumentation to Detect Inadequate Core Cooling & Contention 13,re Class 9 Accidents in TMI-1 Restart Hearing.Action Due to Lack of Resources
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/05/1981
From: Weiss E
To: Jordan W, Little L, Smith I
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8101080396
Download: ML19353A410 (1)



WTu) coluheuxuesas H.tuxox & WEISS 1725: $7mCC'.N.W suite see TCLCPHoNC waii.M.MARMON WAS HINGTON. D. C. 20006 (zoa) e32.so70 C LLY N R. W CISS

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Januarv 5, 1981 tCc t. ors-oR -

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Ivan Smith, Esquire " ' * -

Chairman b j Dr. Walter Jordan 2= JQ . g g -

Dr. Linda Little -

>7 Atomic Safety & Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission t 3,e,y, g.;.,M4!:; y

'f Washington, D.C. 20555  % d3 4 RE: TMI-l Restart Hearings, Docket No. 50-289

Dear Members of the Board:

During the past few weeks, it has become clear that the Union of Concerned Scientists does not have the resources to continue participating in the TMI-1-Restart h~ earings at the level aand pace which has been established. Since September, 1980, Mr. Pollard and I have devoted more than full-time to this proceeding. This has, of course, included spending the bulk of the past two months in Harrisburg.

This commitment has been to the virtual exclusion of all other work of the Union of Concerned Scientists. Essen-tially all of UCS's resources in the area of nuclear safety -

the time of Mr. Pollard and myself - have been devoted to this l hearing for 4 1/2 months. UCS is simply unable to continue j a commitment at that level. It has required neglecting many I other pressing matters, including the Degraded Core Rulemaking, the wide-ranging pro.ceeding on Indian Point and numerous other

important projects.

Although we firmly believe that the issues which remain l

outstanding are inportant, and our substantive positions remain unchanged, UCS has reluctantly concluded that it has no choice but to withdraw Contention 9 (Safety System Status Panel); Contention 7 (Instrumentation to Detect Inadequate Core Ccoling) and Contention 13 (Clacs 9 Accidents). We regret the necessity to take this course of action, which is unfortunately dictated by'the gross disparity of resources between the Union of Concerned Scientists and the NRC Staff and Licensee.

Ver'4 truly yours, .


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Ellyn R. Weiss $gj cc: TMI-l service list ga#

& 8101oso39g