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Forwards Response to 810226 Request for Addl Info Re Radiological Emergency Planning.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: 07001308
Issue date: 03/18/1981
From: Dawson D
To: Cunningham R
Shared Package
ML19350C797 List:
DMD-532, NUDOCS 8104060721
Download: ML19350C802 (6)


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March 18,1981 y



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U Office of Nuclear Material Safety & Safeguards MAR 261981 p. ?


R.E. Cunningham, Director

$1 CE:e et tu sem[ 'If Division of Fuel Cycle & Material Safety p

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission En=3 Washington, D.C.

20555 4

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In his letter of February 26, 1981, Mr. L.C. Rouse requested that we provide a discussion of six subjects related to radio-logical emergency plannin'g at Morris Operation. Our response is enclosed.

Pursuant to Part 72, 572.19. the radiological emergency plan for Morris Operation fulfills

' intent of Section IV of Appendix E to Part 50 as applied to dependent spent fuel storage installation.

Please call H. Rogers (408*..

16) or C. Herrington (408*925-6385) of this office if there are qt clons regarding the enclosed response or other aspects of emergency planning at Morris Operation.

Respectfully submitted, GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Y

W D.M. Dawson, Manager Licensing & Transportation DMD:HAR:bn 8104060 %I

d RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFOR!!ATION GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY - MORRIS OPERATION EMERGENCY PLANNING DOCKET NO. 70-1308 Throughout the following responses, sections of Morris operation Radiological Dnergency Plan, NEDO-21894, are noted " REP X.X.X."

(1) Identification, by position and function to be performed, the person (s) uithin your organization uho vill be recycnsible for making offsite dose pro,fections.

(Re: Section IV. A.4).


The Senior. Engineer - Licensing & Radiological Safety is the Emergency Task Force member responsible for advising the Emergency Coordinator on radiological matters during an emergency (REP

This responsibility incit' des the assessment of offsite releases and dose projections.

(2) The use of a message authentication scheme.

(Re: IV.C)


Paragraph IV.C of 10 CFR 50, Appendix E is concerned with an emergency at a reactor requiring _the involvement of many segments.of a total emergency organization, including agencies at Federal, State and local

levelLwho might be involved in evacuation or other action within the EPI.

This is in stark contrast to the emergency spectrum at Morris Operation

_(REP 4.2) where no off-site impact has been found for any credible ac-cident or other emergency scenario. Therefore, message authentication is of. smaller scope in emergency planning at Morris than at a nuclear

-power plant.

k 3


' Appropriate message authentication techniques are in effect at Morris Operation, although not discussed in the emergency plan. The existence of provisions for authentication bill be noted in the next revision.

(3) Ihe, need to notify responsible State and local governmental agencies within 15 minutes or some other suitable period of time after declaring i

an emergency (Re: IV.D.3).


As indicated in the response for (2), above, the radiological conse-quences of any credible accident or other emergency postulated to occur at Morris Operation are limited to the area'within the boundaries of the General Eltetric tract; in reality, to 'an even smaller area. The tract boundary has been designated as the perimeter of the EPZ. There-fore, there is no urgency equivalent to the 15 minute warning require-ment established for nuclear power plants; in fact, there is little urgency for notification at all except as specifically required by regulation.

Never-the-less, General' Electric in fact has the communi-cations means available to notify governmental agencies within 15 minutes.

4 Provisions for notification are contained in documents referenced in Appendix 3 of NED0-21894 (Part III, items C. and D.).

Notification I*

.is discussed in REP 5.4.1, 6.1.2, and 6.2.1.

e (4) ~ Identification of the location of the technical support center.

I Gie: IV.E.81.


Technical support is provided to the Emergency Brigade by the Emergency i-Task Force, which consists of selected staff personnel as described in L

REP 5.2.4. - The nature of credible emergencies at a fuel-storage facility does not pose the system complexities nor the analytical complexities of a power plant. For example, in most postulated emergencies (REP 4.2 through 4.2.7), members of the Emergency Task Force can inspect the

' ~

facilities and equipment involved to develop recommendations for corrective action, as opposed to the remote analysis required of technical support centers at nuclear power plants.

For all practical purposes, the Control Room or the office of the manager or supervisor designated as Emergency Coordinator becomes the technical support center.

(5) Tne need for and icca:icn of the near-site emergency cpera:icne facility and the off-site cc r:unicaticns system and the dependability of the off -

site cc=anications system, if necessarg.


The postulated emergency situations discussed in Rep 4.2 through 4.2.8

. would have no consequences which would force evacuation of the Control Room (Emergency Control Center) or the secondary center as discussed in REP 7.1.

An alternate off-site Emergency Control Center has been provided for, using the home of an Emergency Task Force member, even though no realistic justification for such need has been identified.

If it is assumed that the Control Room and Administration Building could not be used, an Energency Control Center could be set up at the adjacent BWR Training Center or on-site in any existing building.

If an off-site or temporary on-site alternate emergency control center were required by the situation, the basic communication system would be provided by telephone, with radio communications introduced if necessary.

(6) Please affirm that cli ncn-employees who may assist in a radiological emergency participa:e-in training and drilis a: Least annually.


Non-employees who may assist in a radiological emergency can be grouped in three categories:

a..On-site personnel b.

Off-site firms providing radiological and t

meteorological services Off-site agency-personnel who may be needed on-site c.

. On-site non-employees who might assist in a radiological emergency are limited to members of the guard force. These personnel attend training sessions and are involved in the quarterly training drills discussed in REP 8.1.

l Off-site firms providag radiological and meteorological services per-

-form the services for other nuclear facilities as well as Morris. These firms perform the same -services on a routine basis that would be required during an emergency and would not normally be required to come on-site, so that there is no need for their participation in on-site drills.

Agencies that might provide on-site assistance during a radiological emergency include personnel from the Coal City Volunteer Fire Department and, possibly, Grundy County Sheriff personnel. Other, secondary support agencies are discussed in REP 5.4.

As described in REP 8.1, training is made available for off-site agencies (e.g., see letter dated 12/5/79 to Coal City-Volunteer Fire Department), including refresher training and special training as requested by the agency.

.The ambulance and fire ~ fighting personnel from the Coal City Volunteer Fire Department attend annual training at Dresden Nuclear Power Station


.-(DNPS), and participate in the DNPS annual drill. The Department has responded to one medical emergency at Morris and fire fighting personnel have visited the site'on several. occasions.

If either medical or fire fighting personnel should be required during a radiological emergency, they would be escorted on,-site by Emergency Brigade personnel and pre-

-pared for entry into contaminated areas, if required.

Because of the training conducted by DNPS,' participation in DNPS drills, and famil-iarization with Morris-0peration, participation in Morris ' drills has not been requested but the opportunity has been provioed.

Grundy County Sheriff personnel would not normally be required to enter the protected' area beyond the Administration Building in any of the


postulated emergency situations. Sheriff's personnel have responded to

. demonstrations at' the facility and are familiar with its location and arrangement. Therefore, on-site emergency drills has

not been requested.butlthe opportunity has been provided.



d NOTICE OF DISTRIBUTION to SERVICE LIST - DOCKET NO. 70-1308 In the matter of General Electric's application for rene-al of Materials License No. SNP-1265, copies of the documents discussed in the atta:hed letter have been forwarded to the law firm of Mayer, Brown and Platt, 231 South LaSalle, Chicago, IL.

60604, counsel for General Electric Company, for i

transmittal to the service list as shown below:

7 l

Andrew C. Goodhope. Esq., Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Corrission 3320 Estelle Terrace Wheaton, Maryland 20906 Washington, D.C.

20555 Dr. Linda W. Little Docketing and Service Se: tion Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Office of the Secretary 5000 Hermitage Drive U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conrission Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 Washington, D.C.

20555 Dr. Forrest J. Remick Everv.t J. Quigley Atomic Safety and Licensing Board RR1, Box 378 305 East Hani1 ton Avenue Kankakee, IL 60901 State College, Pennsylvania 16301 1

Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel

. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 l

Bridget Little Rorem i

Essex, IL 60935 Susan N. Sekuler, Esq.

George William Wolff, Esq.

Office of the Attorney General 188 West Randolph Street Suite 20'.S Chicago, IL 60601 Marjorie Ulman Rothschild, Esq.

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 List 3/28/80 A



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