IR 07200001/1987001

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Forwards Insp Repts 72-0001/87-01 & 30-29361/87-01 During Nov 1986 Through 870424 & Notice of Violation from 861006-10 Insp.Insp on 870210-13 & 18-20 Also Discussed.No Response Required Since Corrective Actions Already Taken
Person / Time
Site: 07200001, 07001308, 03029361
Issue date: 05/08/1987
From: Hind J
To: Van Hoomissen
Shared Package
ML20213F679 List:
NUDOCS 8705150414
Download: ML20213F677 (2)


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MM B GB Docket No. 72-001 Docket No. 30-29361 General Electric Company ATTN: Mr. J. E. Van Hoomissen Manager, Spent Fuel Services Operation 310 De Guigne Drive Post Office 80x 508 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Gentlemen: III of this This officerefers to the special on February inspection 10-13, and conducted 18-20, 1987, by of activities France,is Operation Morr and to the discussion of our findings with Mr. E. E. Volland and others at i the conclusion of the inspection on February 20, 1987; to the inspections l conducted by Mr. France and others f rom this of fice from November 1986 through April 1987 of spent fuel shipments authorized by NRC Special Nuclear Material License No. SNM-2500 and of activities authorized by NRC Materials License No. 12-21403-01; and to the special inspection conducted by Mr. France on j October 6-10, 1986, of activities at Morris Operatio The enclosed copy of our inspection report identifies areas examined during the February 10-13 and 18-20 1987 special inspection and the November 1986

through April 1987 spent fuei shipment inspections. Within these areas, the l inspection consisted of a selective examination of procedures and representative records, observations, and interviews with personne No violations of NRC requirements were identified during the course of the November 1986-April 1987 inspections, llowever, during the special inspection conducted on October 6-10, 1986, a violation of NRC requirements was identified concerning excessive removable contamination levels on IF-300 spent fuel casks, as described in the enclosed Notice. The violation described in the enclosed NoticewasthesubjectofanEnforcementConferenceonOctober 28, 1986, between Mr. E. Voiland and other members of your staff and Mr. J. Hind and other members of the Region III staff. As stated in the Enforcement Conference, your cask decontamination pro 0 ram exhibited a need for additional management attention i to ensure that removable contamination levels are not excessive for cask

! shipments and in ) articular to ensure that corrective actions for identified

contamination pro)lems are implemented on a timely basi In view of the limited safety significance of this matter, we have exercised our issuediscretion under at this time the 10 CFR Part enclosed Not2, ice of Violation.AppendixC(1985),andhavechosento Subsequent inspections have shown that action had been taken to correct the identified violation and to prevent recurrenc Our understanding of your corrective action is 4. G O,

\ D7C D150414 U/OD00 DH ADOCK O/001, 0 g 1l

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O General Electric Company 2 MAf 8 1307.

! described in Section 4.b. of the enclosed ins)ection report. Consequently, ' no nply to the violition is required and we lave no further questions ragarding this matter at this tim In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, a copy of this letter and the enclosures will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room.

l We will gladly discuss any questions you have concerning this inspectio

Sincerely, ' 04k$o/lbNf

  / Jack A. Illnd Ofrector Divisionofdadiation Safety and Safeguards l Enclosures:

l Notice of Violation ! Inspection Reports


No.72-001/87001(DRSS)$) N /87001(DRS cc w/ enclosures: E. E. Voiland, Manager Morris Operation DCS/RSB (RIOS) Phyllis Dunton, Attorney General's Office, Environmental Control Division Gary N. Wright Manager NuclearfacilitySafety l , l i

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