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Submits Responses to Info Request Re Fuel Flooding Sys Flow Rates.Fuel Flooding Sys Utilizes Single Reservoir Supply Lines to Containment Bldg.Lines Split Leading to Reactor Core & Canal Fuel Storage Tanks
Person / Time
Site: Vallecitos File:GEH Hitachi icon.png
Issue date: 10/27/1980
From: Darmitzel R
To: Clark R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8010290347
Download: ML19338G434 (3)







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ENGINEERING oENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, P.o. Box 460, PLEAsANToN, CALIFORNIA 94566 D1V1SION October 27, 1980 Mr. Robert A. Clark Operating Reactors Branch #3 Division of Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D.C. 20555


Responses to Infonnation Request Regarding the Puel Flooding System Flow Rates - General Electric Test Reactor (GETR) -

License TR Docket 50-70


General Electric Company, " Response to NRC Order to Show Cause dated 10/24/77", November 11, 1977.

Dear Mr. Clark:

of the referenced document is a stenary of the evaluation of the thennal-hydraulic effects of the maxinum postulated seismic event at the GETR. Case I in Attachment 3 is an evaluation of the effects of the maximten postulated seismic event on the reactor core during 50 Mht operation.

Case I shows the required makeup flows to be 0.74 gpm to the fuel storage tanks in the canal and 0.8 gpm* to the reactor core. Case II is an evalu-ation of the effects of the maximtun postulated seismic event on the reactor core and stored fuel during shutdown. Case II shows the required makeup flows to be 1.64 gpm to the fuel storage tanks in the canal and 0 gpm to I

t!" reactCr core.

The case with the highest total flow rate requirement was then assumed to be the worst case. This flow rate was established as the minimum required.

'Ihe final design of the Fuel Flooding System utilizes a single reservoir supply line (one from each of two redundant reservoir systems) to the contain-ment building. Each line then splits with one line to the core and the other to the canal fuel storage tanks. The flow split will be constant and fixed to each fuel location. Conseqtently, the required Fuel Flooding System flow through each redundant line is the highest required flow in each case, or 1.64 gpm to the canal fuel storage tanks and 0.8 gpm to the core. The mininum total flow from each redundant ' reservoir system is 2.44 gpm.

For conservatism, rIhe 0.8 gpm to the reactor core is the flow rate required if the stand-pipes discussed were added. These standpipes have been added.

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SELLER AL $ ELECTRIC Mr. Robert A. Clark October 27, 1980 plans are to establish the flow in each redundant line to the co m at 4 gpm and 3 gpm to the canal fuel storage tanks.

Very truly yours, p~

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.I R. W. Damitzel, Manager b-


Irradiation Processing,0peration

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lhe General Electric Conpany hereby submits the "Fesponses to Infomation Request Regarding the Fuel Flooding System Flow Rates - General Electric Test Reactor (GETR).

To the best of my knowledge and belief, the information contained herein is accurate.


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R. W. Darmitzel, Manager ce=rt s,

9.,. e y cea.m. e; rn rm ?, :7 t, Irradiation Processing Operation

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Submitted and sworn before me this 27th day of October,1980, f<-nw d ber-<aw

, Notary Public in and for the i

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County of Alameda, State of California.

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