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Requests Info Re Prof Misconduct Charges Against Licensing Proceeding Atty & Countercharges Against NRC Members, & Statuatory Authority Citation to Establish Hearing Panel & Allocate NRC Funds for Private Counsel
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 01/17/1978
From: Dingell J
To: Hendrie J
Shared Package
ML19331A744 List:
NUDOCS 8007210753
Download: ML19331A746 (2)


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.: s, 4 li January 17, 1978 ,, ,

r The Honorable Joseph . 'Hendrie - -

Chairman y Wuclcar Regulatory Commission ,

-: d Eachington, D. C. 2C655 . . - *

' @?

Dear Mr. chairman:


I have nc:ed recent news stories and press releases

.rclating to the establishment by the Nuclear Regulatory '

Cocoission of a spccial panel to hear chargas of " professional misconduct" against an attorney participating in a power plant

.11consing proceeding. I am'also aware that the accused attorney has filed -a complaint against two staff members of the Cor. mission.

t 5

In view of the unprecedented nature of this proceeding, I I request that I be advised of the basis of the allegations against

'all three partie,s. I also ask that the Commission supply mo .1 with a citation of its. statutory authority for establishing 8

'such a hearing panel and for independently procccding in the . .

chcsen manner. Furthermore, I request that you supply me with 1

the commission's statuto'ry authority for allocating Commission '

funds to retain a privato counsel to represent 'the accused staff '

in the proceeding. .

I am also curior.ts 5.f the fact that. the Constission is paying for the staff's counsel implies that. the.. Commission has already l-dctormined that the ' accused were actinJ within the scope of their {

t F.hority. If this is the case, and the complaint against thent -

is subsequcntly proven, would this not impute guilt to the '

Cocimission? If this is not the case and the complaint is found valid, does the Commission expect to be reimbursed by the two

-staf f ccmbers, and what is the prcsont understanding of these

-two individuals regarding this. possibility? '

h As the Commission is paying to retain the staff's counsel, J.?

is 'th'at coun'sel repre'senting the' intere'st of ther commission or tho ti two staff members?

p If the counsel's pritury loyalty is to the j.I percan pnying - the. foc, are the. ttco staff members being effectively affordett the right to counsel?- I would also like to know uho L.

sicle'cted tho staf f's councal and if this attorney and his firm L

_ ha s ever or is now representing any other parties before the '-

l CM.=.ission or any of its Boards.

1/15/13 - To ED0; P'tcpanc aepit] fo.t .11gnah.te ai: Chim.] Cat.h. due Coran - Feb. 2 l Csts t.o. Civun, Can.s, FE, CGC, OCA1 CCA !.a Ack-i L'apifated f.a EDO

  • 18-0172 . -


80_0_7_2107 h - - _ - _ ' . - . - __ . _

t she Ironorable Joneph d. Hendrie paqu 2 *

  • January 17, 1978 y-Press stories indicate that the Co: aission is presenting d the case against the individual attorney but not against the -

g two staff members. If the Commission,has evidence relating to the 15 allegation, I would like to be advised as'to why the Cec.nission Q does not have a' responsibility to affirmatively present such O

. evidence. I also would like to be informed of the basis of the .

critoria to be used by the panel in judging " professional df.

misconduct. " Finally, I would like to be advised of the qualifications of the panel, how they were selected and any l{3 possible working relationship or experienece its members car  ;

- hn'..e had with the two accused staff members.

I look forward to your early response.

. With every good wish, '

. .r . /

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Sincerely, -

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~ - John D. Ding' ell

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Chairman .

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